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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  March 31, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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in part, happy easter to all, including those many people, i completely and totally despise because they want to destroy america this of course, just a day after sharing an image of his political opponent, joe biden, tied up in bound in the back of a pickup truck, trump tonight is appearing to test limits of his gag order in the new york hush money case where he's going to face trial in two weeks. trump is also ramping up attacks against the judge in that case, john judge, juan merchan's daughter, posting a link to an article showing her picture just days after attacking her as a quote, rabid trump haider. so you're not discuss this and more as cnn senior political commentator and former senior advisor for president obama, david axelrod. so david, look, a lot of times on holidays like these, we do see contrasting messages between former president trump and others in high office. what do you make of these two very different easter messages? >> well, look, i think trump is nothing if not consistent in
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the fact that he i mean, he marked christmas in much the same way he takes these holidays and he turns them into prophecies of catastrophe ahead, unless he's elected yeah, this is this is how he rose. this is his message that the world is doomed, that the country is doomed unless he is elected and everything's going badly and he's the strong man who can change it. yeah. i mean, this is sort of baked in the cake. the thing about the judge and his daughter is something we should spend some time on though. >> he what he's clearly doing. he's got to trial coming up in late april. that trial could very well end in a conviction a felony conviction for him that carries with it significant penalties i think he's concerned about that and what he is doing is what he always does, which he is branding it. and branding it as a vendetta
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political conspiracies trying to link the judge to buy biden through his daughter's political consulting firm, and it's trying to cast doubt about the whole process so that if it does go against him that he can dismiss the whole thing as a political vendetta and he's going to keep talking that up. the danger omar, is that people listened to this and he put the judges photograph in his in his feet and these are this is very, very dangerous. i mean, we saw what happened before the midterm elections. the attack on paul pelosi intended for nancy pelosi people take his word seriously. we saw it happened on january 6, yeah. where he incited a mom. so to storm the capitol i worry about as these trials ratchet up, as the race ratchet up that we're
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going to see violence because he seems to be intent. intention intended to inside it well, and on that point, look, this is an election year. and as you mentioned, this is a lot of how trump roles. so if you're president biden and president biden's campaign, how do you counter the dark rhetoric and violent threats from a political standpoint? >> yeah. well, look, i think >> that the second part is most important i think that biden has role as president in a candidate someone once said that good government is good politics. this is the case in which it's true he and not just the president, but all those who support them and all those in positions just speak out should be speaking out about this. i mean, what it does remind people is what you're buying with donald trump. you're buying this kind of incendiary rhetoric, this dark menacing rhetoric that
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divides and insights. but it's also important as president and it states to try and calm things down and i think he should be very, very clear that we can compete and we can have competing visions. what we shouldn't be doing is inciting people to the point of violence and putting innocent people at risk. and that's what president trump, or a former president trump is doing with his rhetoric. >> yeah and look, i wanted to there is this, this fascinating or i think will be significant group of voters that we will see this year. it's those that are done with trump. but of course are not quite ready to jump onto biden i mean, a lot of nikki haley's supporters come to mind and for one former secretary, former defense secretary mark esper, was on the show last night. he said he's absolutely not voting for trump, but again, he's not quite there on voting for biden so how do you bridge that gap from a biden campaign
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standpoint to win over what we've already seen over the course of the primary process. he says to be a substantial amount of voters here >> well, i'll tell you something. trump is helping. one of the questions is, now that the races in a general election contexts and trump is getting general election coverage are people going to be reminded of three reasons why they can't vote for him and push to the point where given the choice between trump, who they can abide as a person and as a political leader. and biden with whom they may have policy differences where do they fall? i think trump could push him in that direction? i do think biden jonathan martin wrote a column in the politico on friday asking why biden wasn't contacting more of these republican leaders who have said they can't be for biden. and what he can't do is promise them that they're going to agree on every issue,
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although certainly with market jasper, they probably have more in common, a national security issues than esper ahead with trump. >> but >> but but they do agree on the fact that democracy is rest on fundamental rules and laws and norms and institutions and there's a big difference between joe biden and donald trump, who very, very recklessly would tear those down. >> yeah, yeah. >> look, while there has >> been criticisms and in regards to biden, while there have been criticisms and explorations of how much enthusiasm there actually is, there's no mistaking that, just this past fundraising haul at the event this past week with former president obama and clinton, they raised a record $26 there. that comes on top. or i should say, adding to what has been a large fundraising haul. so what does that say to you? how significant is that number to you and what does that say to you about what needs to be done over the course of this election here
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>> well, look, it's very significant. i don't think money persuades people to vote. i think people made the mistake of treating the event on thursday to some kind of message event. it wasn't a good message event for buying a bunch of wealthy people at radio city music hall for some low dollar donors there as well? and a star-studded event that's not going to win him many votes, but the money that he raised a significant because what that allows you to do is build organization in these battleground states. he's down the road to doing that. i think perhaps i should have started it sooner, but they're doing it now. there was just a piece. i'm an arizona right now. there was just a piece here. this week about how the republican party and the organization of the republican party's and tatters in the state because of divisions that trump has helped propagate, but they have virtually no field hello organization here in one of the key battleground states,
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i think you'll find the same is true in michigan and several other states. trump has money problems and he has money problems because he's not raising money. a lot of the republican donors have been turned off by by his behavior and by the threat of these indictments and by their sense of what he it would be as a second in the second round of his presidency. but he's also siphoning off money to pay for his legal bills, which are enormous. i think i saw 100 million already and the bulk of it may still yet to be yet to comment some of the money that he's raising right now is going to go to pay those legal bills. so that is an advantage that the biden campaign has. it also obviously translates into the ability to run media and adds in key states, which i'm sure there'll begin to do shortly. so there are a lot of things that you can do if you have the resources to do it biden will have it. it's really an open question as to whether
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trump does >> yeah. yeah. luck. lot of a lot of factors at play that's why i'm glad we've got you here. david ox, ron, thanks so much for being with us. >> great to see you. great, happy, stirred everyone. >> happy, sir. >> all right. still ahead and new tonight, we hear from a man who was one of the last people to cross baltimore's francis scott key bridge moments before the catastrophic collapse, he tells me he's lucky to be alive and we have his story next as the work to cut and remove the first portion of the bridge package is underway plus former president trump is selling usa bibles. hearing from a pastor this easter, though, as some christians say, they're put off by this latest marketing this game, you're on the cnn newsroom. stay with us >> this situation with both blitzer weekdays it six nn right now, pet dander skin cells, mold spores, pollen, and dirt are being sucked into your air ducts, get cleaner air and system efficiency. now, with stanley steamer, your air ducts
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there with rinpoche. asked you're gastroenterologist about rin voc and learn how avy can help you save. >> this is the big dam >> kane who that do >> new tonight, lucky to be alive. i spoke with the man who says he was one of the last people to cross baltimore's francis scott key bridge moment let's before the catastrophic collapse. now, this eerie video taken from a traffic cameras shows the final vehicles crossing the bridge last tuesday morning, larry desantis tells me his pickup truck was among them. the local baker says he was commuting to his early morning shift and estimates he made it within the final few minutes before dali hit one of the bridge's key supports sending it crumbling into the river >> didn't even realize the
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bridge id collapsed, but i had gotten over the bridge and someone called me but maybe two minutes later and said, where are you at that was my other job calling us, so i just went over two bridge. they said, well, you know, to bridge just collapsed and i'm like it's really shocked i didn't have any idea of it. >> when you, watch that video and you saw your truck had been must have been one of the last, if not d last vehicle to go. there was 11 other vehicle behind me. it was a tractor that he didn't have a trailer because i actually got in front of him right as we started to go over the bridge wow that was i never saw another vehicle after that. >> what was your reaction when you actually eventually saw the video and just saw the whole bridge? >> i just couldn't believe it. i mean, they look like a toy, just min oh, falling into the water away i. still campbell i keep looking to see if it's still there and it's it's just not it's hard to believe that just that quick
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>> and still almost a week later, there is a lot that needs to be done. major developments on the ground today including the coast guard says the first section of the collapsed bridge has been removed from the water a crane is working on removing other pieces, but as you can see, there is a lot there today, maryland's governor is telling cnn, this is an intricate process that will take time officials have said they hope to create a temporary shipping channel around the wreckage. so at least the ship's can still get in and out of the very busy port cnn's gloria pazmino joins us live from the scene. now gloria you toward an area near the crash site with the coast guard. what did you see? he what did you learn >> yeah. omar, we got very close earlier today and we were able to take it all in just how massive this ship is and how complicated this operation is going to be over the next several days, we have watched the video of the collapsed. so you can see how fast it happens. but when you get up
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close to the dali and you see just how massive it is. it's still has hundred itself containers on top of it. some of them are bench like an accordion. you have pieces of metal that are hanging on top of the ship. they're going to have to remove all all of that and it's going to take a lot of war. they're going step by step to try and make sure they can make it happen as soon as possible. because as you said, they're trying to reopen a part of the port, a part of the waterway so that the port can get back up and running i want you to take a look at just how much we were able to see today and just to really get an idea of what's at stake here >> so you can see we have been able to >> get extremely up close to the wreckage of the dali and we're starting to really get an appreciation in a sense of just how massive this job is going to be. >> you're looking >> at >> 4,000 tons of steel and
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concrete that are sitting on top of that bow that is going to be the most complicated part of this operation. moving all of that, the bri and taking it off the shelf good so that they can begin as cleanup process. >> and then there's >> everything that's laying below the surface, the part that we can't see there is more metal for concrete, more debris in the water. and that's going to be critical because they have to be able to make that safe for the divers who was mentioned can is to get back into the water and continue searching to attempt to recover the bodies of those who were lost. but as we're sitting here now finally, being able to really see it and get up close to it. you really just get a sense of the enormous one of the job at hand >> we know that the families of those who were killed in this
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accident are waiting and hoping that the divers can get back into the water as soon as possible, they remain hopeful that they will be able to recover the remains of their loved ones we have spoken to some of the family members who have told us that that is their only hope. the one thing that they're holding onto so that they can get to have a proper goodbye after losing their loved ones. in this tragic, horrible way. so divers waiting, standing by as soon as it is dave, for them, they will go back into the water and continue to carry out that mission. and that part of it is still very much in the minds of all of the people that are working in this it's area the us army corps of engineers, the us coast guard. there are hundreds of people that are working around the clock to make sure this gets done. they're thinking of them, they're thinking of the people of baltimore that want to see this get cleaned up and hopefully have recovery sometime soon >> i'll mark yeah. >> and of course, as people remember, there are still
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families at the center of his all trying to process the loss of their loved ones. but of course, on the other side of things are really big job ahead which you did a great job highlighting the massive scale that needs to be done there. gloria pazmino, reporting tonight in baltimore appreciate it >> meanwhile, at least seven children between the ages of 12 or recovering following a mass shooting in indianapolis outside of the downtown mall, please say a large group gathered saturday night when officers on patrol nearby heard several shots fired. this is now the third weekend in a row, a mass shooting is happening the annapolis again, the definition of a mass shooting as a shooting the injured or killed four or more people, not including the shooter. i want to get right to cnn's ivan rodriguez to bring us up to date. so i've and what do you hearing and what are you learning about this latest incident here? >> omar indianapolis police says that they rushed to the scene and found a large group of children, seven one of them with gunshot wounds. luckily, they were in the area at the time when they heard the shots. now right now, all of them are recovering from their injuries and no arrest have been made so
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far, but we do want to show you this map showing the locations and the dates of all the recent mass shootings in indianapolis, all of the shootings are within 25 minutes of each other, although they're not i connected on march 16th and nightclub shooting left one person dead and five others injured. the following weekend, one person was killed and five others including an off-duty indianapolis metro police officer were injured after shooting outside of bar early sunday morning, and now last night and incident involving youth violence officials say more than 25 officers were patrolling the area saturday for police to prevent this type of activity from happening. they also say any dispute should never lead to this level of violence it starts at home that's the first place. you can look to the police. all you want to try to solve these things. and like the chief said, we have plenty of resources this is in downtown indianapolis on the weekends to deal with our issues. and yet this this occurred conflict
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should not lead to somebody pulling out a gun and trying to resolve it. the consequences are eternal. >> okay. >> we have got to learn how to talk to each other. we've got to learn how to resolve conflict in different ways >> wgu, tanya tere also says they believe multiple firearms were involved, but it's unclear what led to the shooting or how many people opened fire, although they didn't provide any information on the nature rob the gathering police have noticed in the evenings or large crowd of young people moving around the downtown area. omar i haven't glad you're >> staying on top of this mass shootings continue to be a major issue in this country really appreciate it. >> still ahead >> snl skewers donald >> trump and his push his new push to sell bibles. but some aren't laughing. we're going to talk to a pastor about how some christians say they are put off by this latest marketing ploy you're on. the cnn newsroom
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real >> as you know, and love bible. it's my favorite book >> it comes with >> everything you like from bible like this of easter which primarily concerned jesus, not so much the bunny. i kept waiting for the bunny to show up. he never showed so let us bow our heads. i'm not going to and say the lord's prayer, which we all know very well, may especially our father, who are in heaven hallowed, beep, beep, beep, main bing, bing bomb bing, bing, bing trespass daily please lead us into invasion at pay our automobiles >> in an echo >> the father, the son, and the easter bunny now, look, snl is playing trump's new role as a bible salesman for laughs, some christians, those say they are put off by this latest >> marketing ploy, including
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georgia senator raphael warnock, pastor at atlanta's historic ebenezer baptist church the bible does not need donald trump's endorsement and jesus in the very last week of his life >> chased the money changers out of the temple those who would take sacred things and use them as cheap relics to be sold. in the marketplace. the sad thing is that none of us are surprised by this. this is what we expect from the former president if he's not selling us stakes, he's selling us a school whose degree is not worth the paper that is written on if he's not selling us a school is selling us sneakers and now he's trying to sell the scriptures pastor doug paget, joins us with more. so pastor, you describe yourself as a progressive evangelical and i'm curious from your perspective, what do you make of donald trump and this usa bible? >> well thanks for having me
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and happy easter to you into those room. that's meaningful de, as it is to me. but look down trump's selling a bible. it has its own sort of comedic bit to it, which we seek. >> and >> the particular bible that he's choosing to sell this usa bible, this kind of patriot's bible. makes this selling of the bible particularly problematic for me as somebody cares a lot about faith and religion. and the bible, i've spent a lot of time preaching about it, encouraging people to read it, not just by it so there's a lot to be concerned about because of the particular version of bible that donald trump is selling. in addition to the fact that he and chose to have a licensing agreement to raise money for the endeavors of his life by selling the bible >> yeah. >> i mean, look, it's a usa bible as he's being marked as he's marketing. it includes a copy of the declaration of independence, the pledge of allegiance, even some works to elite greenwood song. and i know you touched on it a little bit there, but what in particular about those additions do you think just
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isn't right here? >> look, this is exactly the reason a lot of us are bothered. is that what donald trump is selling as a particular version that is, you say includes the documents from the founding of the united states of america, something that means a lot to us i worked for an organization called vote common good. we traveled the country asking faith voters to make the common good. they're voting criteria. >> we >> think a lot about what it means to be a christian in america. but what we don't want is a christian america and what donald trump is doing is acting and sell it by selling this bible is acting as if the documents of the founding of our country, the declaration of independence, the bill of rights should sit inside the same book as the scriptures of the christian religion. and the jewish religion that blending is where the problem really sets. i've actually known about this version of the bible for a few years. in fact, the number of us lead a protest against the publisher that was going to publish it in 2021. and we talked them and met with
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them and we worked hard to make sure this bible wasn't being supported hoarded by that publishing house. a publishing house that i've published my books with as an evangelical pastor, so a lot of us are bothered not only that donald trump is pitching a bible as a sales gimmick, but that he's chosen a bible that's pushing something a lot of us referred to as christian nationalism meaning he's making christianity and nationalism perspective blended together. and he's done it now officially by pitching this version of the bible. so it's the things that dad it in, not just the fact that he's selling a bible. look, i wish that'll trump has spent a lot of time reading the bible to tell you the truth. and i wish you'd spend a lot of time living out the calls that he would find there. i think it would just be better for him and better for all of us if he were to hear about the things that are in the bible and not anywhere. >> as i understand it, i mean, i use sometimes attend trump rallies to talk to some of his supporters. as we know he he has had some strong evangelical christian support up to this point, and i'm curious when you go to some of those rides, when you talk to some of his supporters? what is your message and how is it received
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>> well, this is the kind of thing that we've been aware of for a long time. i, as an evangelical leader myself and someone who has been really concerned that so many evangelicals have supported donald trump when he was the very kind of candidate that they spoke about in the past as someone they wouldn't support and now they're supporting him wholeheartedly. we've worked hard to invite those evangelical voters and other christian voters to know they have options to not vote for donald trump and to remain solidly in their faith. like a lot of us are doing so that's the work that we do. and a lot of people will tell us when we say, but what do you think about this you as a christian, do you think donald trump reflects your christian values? us, they'll say things like this. well, i don't really think he does. but his policies do or the things he supports are in line with my thinking. so these are not people who are even buying the idea that donald trump is he himself a person of deep personal faith. they don't really care. they just think they're going to accomplish what they want to accomplish. now, here here's the funny thing that'll trump
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isn't pitching a bible because he wants people to read the bible. he is selling the bible as a money-making effort in this licensing agreement that he has with his version of the bible. and frankly, he's trying to message to christians as if he's the candidate that supports the bible now, i don't want any of our ended its out supporting the bible to be frank with you, i think our religion and our christianity for the good of both of our politics and our christianity for the good of both need to make sure they're keeping a close eye on the behavior of the other, but they shouldn't be wedded together the way that they are yeah. well >> pastor, you got a tall task ahead of you. if that's your hope in an election year but it sounds like you're already well on your way to making some progress in what you do. i really appreciate you being with us this easter i know a guy who is here to tell people you don't, donald trump shouldn't be plugging the bible i'm not going to tell them about. only go to vote calm and to know about this. but if they are interested in this kind of work and standing up and christian nationalism, we'd love to know about them over and vote come and thanks a lot. all
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right. all right, pastor, thank you so much for being with us. still ahead. the trial for doomsday author chad day, bill starts is set to start tomorrow. we're going to take a look at the gruesome capital murder case he's ahead. you're in the cnn newsroom >> united states of scandal with jake tapper marathon tonight at eight on cnn and sugar ray leonard, you everyday tasks wearing boxing gloves >> how bird? >> and now putting on his new arch fit sketcher slip-ups. you just step in and go with comfort that will knock you out to try new arch fit hands-free sketcher slip-ups meet jennifer's ten x, ten, y, and z each planning their future for the mobile app gen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from jpmorgan wealth plan. >> that's got whiskers >> ten, why is working with the banker? your budget for her birthday? >> you only turn 30 once. >> and gen z are credits go, then, hello, new apartment three jens getting a head with
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apocalyptic religious beliefs tomorrow, chad day bells, triple murder trial. we'll finally begin in boise, beginning with jury selection. now he's charged with conspiring with his wife, laurie validate bell to kill her two children and his first wife, laurie. laurie day bell, who has dubbed the doom comes day. mom was convicted last year in the same case, and was sentenced to life in prison. so i want to bring in cnn's camila bernal and camille. what can we expect to see this week >> hey omar. so first a very meticulous jury selection and then a very long trial. this could last between eight to ten weeks we followed laurie validate bells case and in her case, we heard from people who knew the couple who talked about this doomsday, very extreme religious belief and and we also heard from fbi agents and law enforcement officials who described finding the bodies. so very gruesome details that we're expecting to hear, probably bizarre and very chilling evidence in this case.
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>> state of idaho versus chad guy davao a high-stakes trial with the death penalty on the table. if convicted, prosecutors say chad day bell killed two of his step children and his first wife motivated by power, sex, money and apocalyptic religious beliefs. >> not guilty, >> murder and conspiracy charges. >> not guilty. >> all of them, the same plead. >> not guilty. >> his wife, laurie value day belt, was convicted of the same murders in may of last year sure answer? county answer. guilty. >> and on monday it's chad tables turn to be tried prosecutors say tyler, ryan, who was 16 and jj valla, who was seven. were last seen on different days in september of 2019? then in october, they alleged day bell killed his then wife, tammy, who was
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initially believed to have died in her sleep less than three weeks after her death, he married laurie value, >> the search continues for two missing children. >> the children's disappearance captured the nation's attention in late 2019 when day bell and value abruptly left idaho after police started asking questions, just tell us where your kids are. the couple was found in hawaii in january of 2020 that june a gruesome discovery the remains of thailand jj, were found on day bells property, day belts preliminary hearings have already given a preview of the evidence against him. >> eventually, we uncovered the entire body that was wrapped in this black plastic bag with a lot of duct tape and invalid doubles >> trial. prosecutors said the two believed themselves to be religious figures who had a system of rating people as light or dark and use their
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dooms day their religious beliefs to justify the killings during her sentencing, validate belt doubled down on her religious beliefs >> jesus christ knows that no one was murdered in this case. accidental deaths happen. >> you justified all of this going down a bizarre religious rabbit hole and clearly you are still down there >> she was sentenced to spend her life in prison. but now the question is whether chad tables defense, we'll also include these his beliefs or if he will turn on his wife and chad j. balls, attorney did speak out and said that his client is ready to tell his story now it's unclear if that means that he will testify in his own defense, but it will be interesting to see what strategy they decide to use in lorries case her attorneys did not put up any defense
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witnesses, so we will be really really astonishing to see what this defense does. that's different from lorries case. and really, if he either turns against his wife or continues to talk about these very bizarre religious beliefs omar. >> and we'll see what the next chapter in this gruesome story holds committed burn all thank you for staying on top of it. >> thanks. still ahead. a flurry of conservative legislation in alabama has some i'm worried about lgbtq rights in the state. we're gonna go there next year in the cnn newsroom it isn't the greatest stage welcome back. lifetime reason. >> the. champions have tbs >> right now, pet dander skin cells in dirt are settling deep into your carpet fibers. stanley steamer removes the dirt you see and the dirt you don't your corporates aren't clean until their stanley
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than liebermann at the pentagon. >> and this cnn >> closed captioning brought to you by her firm
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only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now alabama has been in the spotlight recently, an anti diversity and equity and inclusion bill was just signed into law this month. now, a flurry of conservative legislation, including bills targeting the lgbtq do community is working its way through the state legislature. cnn's isabel rosales spoke with the matter with a mother who fought for lgbtq rights on a sunny spring day, an alabama mother walks past rows of tombstones never in 1 million years that i think i will pull up at home and my child lifeless. >> can mika shelby is here to visit her only son >> definitely not easy having a plan of funeral for your 15-year-old child. cooking and 22 days can make a will mark five years since nigel remembered as warm and gold
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hearted, died by suicide. for he was bullied for being gay. do you still talk to him? >> yeah yeah >> it makes it. >> it's like a comfort thing because i believe he can hear me >> last year. she said a little more than $800,000 civil lawsuit with a huntsville city board of education in the death of her son, part of the deal required several district wide policy changes to better acknowledge and protect lgbtq students including an update to its anti-discrimination policy, specifically prohibiting harassment based on a student's sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression now, she questions whether nitriles legacy is at risk. >> these bills actually go into play what was are fighting for who are these bills actually protected in montgomery series of bills are advancing that opponents worn are intended to slowly chip away at lgbtq
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rights. one determines gender as dictated by your birth certificate another, man's non-approved flags it's including pride flags from flying on public property. then there's house bill 130 dub does don't say gay by opponents. the bill intensive brought in a 2022 law to all public k through 12th grade levels and flat out bands instruction, and discussion about gender identity and sexual orientation. >> this bill just strengthened since the laudatory in place. and goes a little bit further, making sure that we keep a political agenda or social agenda out of our schools and let children be children again, hp1 30 would also prohibit teachers from displaying flags related to sexual orientation groups like the aclu of alabama, fiercely hitting back against the legislation, saying it would read alabama classrooms and students of inclusive discussions republican mac butler, who represents a town of rainbow city, authored the legislation. he argues these conversations belong at home. >> we want the school to focus on reading, writing, and arithmetic. let's always
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seeking to purify the skills just a little bit. >> the lawmaker later walking back that purifying of schools line say he misspoke. can we get argues his bill amounts who alienating and erasing students like her son is dangerous >> you're basically making it official that they don't have a safe space school is not supposed to be a place that would make a child want to end a lie >> representative, neil rafferty, alabama is only legislator who publicly identifies as gay, mourns the bill could seriously interfere with the school curriculum in unexpected ways. >> it is. i super problematic. bill. it's big so that can even talk about martha washington being married to george washington, because martha washington was a woman wife who married a man george washington. so that's a heterosexual relationships and sexual orientation. sexual orientation. now you're talking about gender identity and sexual orientation. >> any questions the motivation? and for the spills.
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>> these are not homegrown alabama issues essentially, these are solutions in search of a problem as for comitia, her pain and loss still fresh, but in niger's name, she fights on he's no longer here, but there's still a millionaire him that is here and it does affect them >> isabel rosales, thank you for that reporting. and if you or anyone, you know, is struggling, help is available at the suicide and crisis lifeline. just call 988 we'll be right back >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that could ever happen >> my dad died doing what keith magee spatial colombia, the final flight premieres next sunday at nine on cnn this is not just another e glass because it evolves with you. >> it adapts >> it is the first e glass made just for you this is not just
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1808851177. call now how solomon in new york >> cnn the powerball jackpot climbs to nearly 1 billion after there was no grand prize winner in last night's >> drawing, it is the fifth largest jackpots so far this year with an estimated cash value of 471 million. now, despite there being no powerball winner, more than 2.3 million tickets, one cash prizes on saturday the next drawing is, and you're not have to be careful with this tomorrow on april fool's day. and remember, the overall odds of winning the jackpot are 1,292.2 million, but it's also an april fool's day. so heads up there and heads up on this with all the excitement around the upcoming totals. solar eclipse, people are trying to cash in by polluting the marketplace with fake eclipse glasses. of course, looking directly at a solar eclipse without problem