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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  March 30, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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come together and you get a lot of rain and cool days, you're going to see tons of flowers and this year i think we're on track for that all of these beautiful blooms just draw people in. but this is nature so naturally. there are threats. and here in california that often is snakes, like 20 mail-in found out, what is the coolest thing you've seen and you've come out here a snake >> i got dog and i say r10 >> in 2017, some california parks were crushed with superbloom seekers. the town of lake elson are banned visitors to one canyon in 2019 there are hundreds of thousands of people trudged off trails, destroying precious petals and they're quest's to take the perfect picture. >> these are fragile ecosystems. they're wild ecosystems, and they can be damaged pretty easily by being stepped on sat on, driven on, >> yet experts say respectfully, viewing a superbloom is a great way to connect with nature.
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>> you'll just see one of the most incredible things that happens in our natural world >> stephanie elam cnn so gorgeous. i'm fredricka whitfield, cnn newsroom with alts and camerota starts right now >> you are in the cnn newsroom. i'm allison camerota and new york. the biden campaign is now responding good violent image of the president that was amplified by donald trump donald trump shared this violent image of president biden, tied up in the back of a pickup truck truck on social media. a biden campaign spokesperson tells cnn, quote, trump is regularly inciting political violence and it's time people taken seriously, just ask the capital police officers, who were attacked, protecting our democracy on january 6 cnn's steve contorno joins us with more details. steve, we have seen violent
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rhetoric and images lead to real violence before. so what now? while the trump >> campaign is standing by this image, this, which was captured on thursday in long island on friday, it was posted to truth social, his trump's social media sites by the former president's. and on saturday, the campaign issuing this statement to us double doubling down saying quotes, that picture was on the back of a pickup truck that was traveling down the highway democrats and crazed lunatics have not only called for despicable violence against president trump and his family, they are actually weaponizing the justice system against him we have seen this kind of violent image become commonplace among trump supporters certainly at a, at his rallies, we've seen it online from his supporters and yes, even on the back of vehicles driven by some of trump's most ardent fans in broad daylight, it is still striking though to see it
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coming directly from the former president as he is running for the white house once again. but this has become a common feature of that third campaign for the white house, allison, and steve, as you know, donald trump is also spreading other threatening personal attacks on social media that's right this week we saw that president trump on former president trump on social media, on truth, social posting about >> key players in his upcoming trial that will determine whether or not he made illegal hush money payments to the adult-film actress stormy daniels including the judge in that case, and the judges daughter. this actually inspired a rare rebuke from a sitting federal judge, judge reggie walton, listened to what he had to tell are caitlin collins earlier this week >> i think it's important that as judges, we speak out and you know say things in reference to
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things that conceivably are going to impact on the process. because if we don't have a viable court system, that's able to function efficiently then we have tyranny and i don't think that would be good for the future of our country and the future of democracy in our country >> now, we will see if donald trump heeds that warning, although he has already on social media attacking these, these trials and his court cases against him on his truth, social, he wrote these biden trials, none of them should be allowed to take place during my campaign, allison. >> okay. steve contorno, thank you for the reporting let's turn now to nyu history professor ruth ben she wrote the book, strong men mussolini to the present ruth, it's great to have you speaking of history, we have seen this horror movie before. we've seen several times how donald trump's vicious or violent rhetoric has led to real life violence. so what about sharing images like this? violent images do know historically what impact they have?
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>> yes. so first we you know, why, why are we why does he do this? and authoritarianism is a system where the executive no longer has any restraints on him, any becomes untouchable by the law so. whether they're in office, we're trying to get back to office everybody who can block him from anyone who can expose him judges, prosecutors journalists, and the political opposition, which is what he's treating biden, who's a sitting president, he becomes just the political opposition because times a target. and ideally you know, he's not in power, so he doesn't have the instruments to jail people, though he insights violence through sharing images on social media. so perhaps his followers will be inspired to do it for him on his behalf. and that happened on january 6, it's been a massive way, but also pelosi
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got his skull bastion by a hammer, and it was meant for nancy pelosi. so there's an epidemic of threat going on to judges, prosecutors in 2023, trump posted a picture of himself, a baseball a bat, and a photo of manhattan da alvin bragg and so this is another example. it's just very, when you see as somebody who studies, autocracy a picture of being shared by somebody running for the presidency of the sitting president. bound as a hostage. this this kind of continuing the coup and letting his his followers know and the world know that nobody is off-limits and that biden is somebody who can be attacked, just like anybody else >> i have other examples other than the ones that you just shared where we saw donald trump's violent rhetoric lead to real-world violence. so you'll remember there was the
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horrible el paso shooting that was in i believe two yes. 2019 people were killed in this mass shooting at a walmart and the shooting suspect, echo donald trump's immigration russian rhetoric in his own manifesto, there was also caesar say, okay, who people may remember sent bombs to lawmakers and to the media. and his van was plastered with trump's words. and then as you say, of course, there was january 6, were members of the mob, let's remind people showed up in combat gear for battle. that's not for a protest that's for battle so history, you're saying does teach us that violent images. let can lead directly to violence yes. >> but it starts with the leader who from the very beginning presents himself as somebody who's above the law. and in 2016, trump debuted by saying he can stand at fifth avenue and shoot someone. so he's personally associate himself with violence and that
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he would not lose any followers. betsy would be loved for that violence. so these figures from lissa leni onward, they associate themselves, they kind of insight all of the extremists and trump kicked off his campaign at waco, texas, which is a mecca for anti-government extremists, people who would love to see president biden bound and gagged. though this is a systemic thing that happens. and once you've unleash those energies, you, it's extremely dangerous and volatile situation. >> he's also down from his also attacking a judge and his daughter this week on social media, you may have just heard the other sitting federal judge speaking out against this behavior. there have been other retired federal judges doing the same thing, basically saying that this is threatening the rule of law >> so, >> you know, i mean, it's just plays into what you're saying, but i don't. but what can be done? >> i think speaking out as judge walton did is very
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important to and those who like myself who study autocracy to show that the intent is to discredit and smear not only individual veggies and their families and make those family members targets but also to discredit an entire democratic notion of justice that says that somebody can be held accountable because the idea, the fantasy of autocrats, which are in trouble. and unfortunately becomes reality is that they are no longer touchable we're held accountable by the law >> in your research, why are so many voters attracted to autocrats are too strong menn azure say i mean, sometimes it's you know, these, these charismatic demagogues present themselves as the saviors of the nation. and they appeal to people who feel their status has been compromised, like in our country perhaps white males
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who felt that they were falling behind but also they they appeal to people with the idea that there won't be any restraints on behavior anymore, that people can do exactly what they want and they model that lack of restraint. and that's what trump has done. and every time he shares, it says violent things, calling people vermin or shares pictures the ultimate taboo, the sitting head of the united states of america, bound like a, like a hostage. this is breaking taboos and throughout history, enablers and put soldiers of fascists. and all kinds of authoritarians. they have they have risen or fell to that standard and that's, that is what has incited them to follow and do violence >> ruth ben. thank you for your expertise. great to have you still ahead. >> high level talks between
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israel and the us on military operations in rafah off our back on after israel abruptly walked away from a meeting last week plus thousands of israeli stage a major protests in tel aviv demanding their government do more about the hostages still being held by hamas. were speaking with the father of an american israeli 19 year-old who was killed in the october attacks, whose body is still being held by hamas. >> you're in >> the cnn newsroom >> united states of scandal with jake tapper marathon tomorrow at eight on cnn. >> sometimes it takes a different approach. to imagine your future differently >> as >> capela universities game changing, flux bath format, set your own deadlines and access coursework anytime any dries jack i'd go america's past for a comprehensive quality eye exam i'll call america's best
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they. ever pain who that do >> in israel tonight, protesters accused the government of misleading the public and failing the hostages who are still held inside gaza some demand that prime minister benjamin netanyahu be removed from office. cnn's melissa bell has more >> another de of violence. allison, in the gaza strip is this war nears its six month mark. all eyes very much on raffa. that southernmost point the gaza strip were one million gazans are currently seeking refuge. many of them intense the fear that the threatened israeli ground invasion would have a huge cost for the civilians that are seeking shelter in that part of the gaza strip. that of course will be at the heart of conversations that will now take place. we expect as early as monday when an israeli delegation finally makes its way to washington here, the us administrations fears about what that ground invasion would mean.
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>> these talks will come in >> an extremely delicate time, of course, because it's also the hostage talks that are picking up again, we know that an israeli delegation is on its way to birth, qatar and cairo to continue those indirect conversations with hamas but, to see how close they can get to negotiating the release of the remaining more than 130 israeli hostages in exchange for some 700 palestinian prisoners. we understand those talks could start as early as sunday in cairo. meanwhile, in tel aviv huge emotion as at family members of the hostages gathered with many thousands of people very angry scenes that spoke really to the frustration and the fear here in israel that these hostages may not come home at all more than 130 of them still there when we're coming up. as i said, to the sixth month mark of their captivity in just two weeks time, allison melissa bell. thank you the family of idf soldier, 19 year-old, eat. i
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can only recently learned that he was killed on october 7 during the hamas attacks. his body was taken that day and has not been returned to his family for burial utah's father, ruby, joins us now. ruby, i'm so sorry that your family is in the middle of this hell. i understand that your family will not sit shiva or officially mourn your son until his remains are returned. what is the israeli government telling you about those? >> associations >> first of all, alison, thanks for having me and good evening. 176,100.76 days of this held that we all living through each day all over again we had the opportunity to meet the prime minister benjamin at ten two days ago the message is more or less the same from the israelis government perspective and there's a lot of oscillation as you see today.
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>> and we >> at the marcuse, which is legitimate to be able to have an opinion that might be a bit different than the government when it comes to the pace of the negotiation and the gap that still exists but i'm also look at the people in gaza that they shouldn't go to that elected officials. hamas, which is similar to isis and tell them, we demand that will be a ceasefire. and the way they get to a ceasefire is the least of all of the hostages. and hamas. and then so difficult and just time to talk to them and have been so stumbling and then negotiations. this has been going on for six months and i'm looking at the humanitarian crisis in gaza, which i feel four, as well. and look at the people then and ask
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them and urged them guilty elected officials go to hamas question them to get to a deal. similar to what we are doing to the israeli government yeah we will get to hamas in a second, but first i just wanted to ask you a little bit more about that meeting that you had with the prime minister, did you >> confront netanyahu directly? and what did you say to him? what did he say to you? >> the five minutes >> has >> had the same strategy for the last five months with the same components about hush on hamas and looking at it all fell office that the main item on the agenda in my opinion again, the way that prevents isabel going into offer is something that is l has been very consistent on, which is saying that the ceasefire well, not happen until all the hostages come out. and there's
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a need to put more pressure on hamas to get them to the negotiation table that will continue according to the prime minister and that's hard to be creative as possible. and sina find ways to get to, a deal done and we need that deal. i would like to also leach out to the muslim view as on the show and wanting to wish them a llama done kaleem for their celebration. >> and would like >> to approach them and ask them the way in that hamas are dealing with the deceased is this part of his to use dead bodies as bargaining chips and punisher. it's not. and i would be more than happy to hear the muslim leaders in the united states calling to hamas to have some dignity for the deceased. and maybe start
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negotiations around the deceased and let the families us families where elba 40 us citizens were killed on until the seventh to have the minimum, which is being having a place to mourn for son, a us citizen, as well as many others >> ruby, what about that? i was going to ask you about what about the white house and president biden, have they been in touch how they've been more helpful? >> yes. we have a valley healthy relationship with the white house as well as secretary of state that we met about a week ago when he visited tel aviv and we have their frustration as well and we see the cia director hopping between the different capitals in the legion, trying to get a deal done. >> and the us >> is not just a facilitator,
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but also has equity >> and this conflicts where again, i'm reminding all the viewers there have been over 40 us citizens. i will killed and they are today eight us citizens being held hostage and us has and should continue to put as much pleasure as possible on the different players that can influence hamas to come to negotiate one table get a deal done and be able to live families, be united with what their loved ones after six months of this torture. and psychological warfare, that hamas has not even given the names of the hostages that they're holding and providing any type of medical status of these hostages, which is against any type of international law that company sign-on do you did you feel after meeting with the prime minister that he can
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change his as you said, >> priorities to getting the hostages to that being number one. and what do you think about wills talks restart this week? >> so i think, you know, the five minutes is doing what he can, but i think henry kissinger was quoted many, many years ago saying that as well has a very it has no foreign policy, it has a lot to deal with domestic policy and we don't have time and it's empty if you did go into this, but there's a lot of political pressure internal, domestic question on the five minutes that i think is motivating a lot of his actions when it comes to this negotiation process as well and we need to be creative and we need to give them negotiators israeli negotiators that in kylo, a full mandate to do everything
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possible? and when meeting the prime minister, he also referred to the escalation between the sll and united states and an end that meaning there were three us citizens in that meaning. and we plead the final minutes to to look at the united states as its biggest ally. and work together with the united states, not against united states. any started comparing himself to other israeli prime ministers that when against the request of the united states permanent five minutes such as david ben guilty on and levy sql in the wall of 67. and i'm going to have begun in 1981 when it's a wednesday and attack did i like you atomic place and i think you should look at themselves more and compared to golda man
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from the 1973 wall, that israel was also very much at a place where it was surprised by the attack of the alums. but kyi looked at the bigger picture and did whatever she could after the war happened to build the infrastructure to get is i'll to have been a place for shopping with the 1979 peace 3d with egypt. and benjamin netanyahu should put in place a plan with him stepping down at the end to get out to a better place than it is today >> or we can. thank you very much for your thoughts on all of this. and obviously we're thinking of your family and everyone in israel >> thank you >> still ahead. major developments in the massive baltimore bridge collapse crews could start moving the wreckage tonight, we are already seeing sparks from saws trying to cut through the metal there. so we're gonna go live
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>> next. you're in the cnn newsroom >> tomorrow >> the fallout from the baltimore bridge collapse, maryland governor wes moore wastes in las on easter sunday, a conversation on faith and politics with senator and reverend raphael warnock state of the union, live tomorrow morning at nih >> okay. ready to ask me one second? i got to finish my laundry. yes. >> it's girls night, one second. i use rinse. >> rinse to the company that will pick up wash, fold and olivia laundry and dry cleaning at the touch of a button. >> i do not trust other people with my >> laundry rinse guaranteed he's your satisfaction. >> i've been using it for months now with no issues okay. let's watch this weight. >> i'm going do my laundry better. hurry done. >> i'll schedule sign up for rinsing to get $20 off your first order i do fos. >> you don't make footwear we make shock absorbers fatigue fighters, mobility maximizers this is the science of active
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folk your spring cleaning today for just $19 >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn. >> close captioning brought to you by our firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelial kalisa. now complicated and dangerous. that's how officials in baltimore described the ongoing cleanup and recovery effort of the francis scott key bridge collapse, the largest crane on the east coast is in place to begin hauling away debris and maryland's governor stressing the importance of reopening this port unified command. are conducting planning and engineering assessments 24 hours a day. we have assets on the water enforcing safety zones, 24 hours a day. >> we >> have assessments on the dali being conducted 24 hours a day.
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this isn't around the clock operation >> cnn's gloria pazmino joins us live from the scene. so gloria, what do we know about the timeline now? >> well, alice and we're learning more about the first critical steps that authorities are going to be taking here in the next several hours, we are expecting that they're going to begin lifting every part of the north side of the bridge that still remains and that is critical because as you said, the governor is focused on trying to reopen at least a portion of the waterway so that ships and river traffic can start once again, moving around the dalley, that wreckage and that debris is going to take much longer to move. this is he said a very complicated and dangerous operation. as you can see from that incredible video and the images, there's just so
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much concrete steel pieces of mangled metal right on top of that ship. and that is going to be incredibly hard to move yeah, of course. >> and what about the divers >> who are of course, trying to find the victims? do we know are they back in the water >> yes, that's the. other critical piece of this operation. the divers are not back in the water yet because it's not safe for them to do so because of the amount of debris and just how dangerous it is navigate. so the governor made it clear today that that is there other major priority in this process? so as to be able to clear as much as possible so that divers can get back in the water and continue their recovery mission because we know that there are still four families that have not yet heard about their recovery of their loved ones. they know that they're loved ones have been lost, but they're hanging on to the hope that at least they'll be able to recover
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those bodies so that they can have a chance to say goodbye, the governor making it clear today that he remains committed to that part of the operation okay >> gloria pazmino. thank you for the reporting >> maryland's >> governor also stressing the importance of eventually rebuilding the francis scott key bridge reiterating today that the port is critical, not just a maryland economy, but to the entire country joining me now is former us transportation secretary ray lahood secretary. it's great to see you again. i. know that when you and i talked a couple of days ago, you as we're all of us wondering how something this catastrophic could happen, do you have a sense now, having some pieces starting to be put together of what happened and why only what i've been able to hear from folks like you, allison. thank you for having me on it appears that there were some series mechanical problems with the ship that
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excuse me, medical off course that was really determined by the ntsb's initial listening to the so-called black box recording of the mechanics of the ship and those that were guiding the ship, they lost control of it. that's that's apparent yes. >> i mean, i think what's stunning is that these ships are supposed to have all of these redundancies because they're so big and they're so heavy that they've built in reportedly, all of these redundancies, but none of them worked. and the fact that they had this entire systemic blackout or shut i've read things about contaminated fuel or a propulsion gauge, but it's impossible for, obviously for me to know and i just was wondering if you had any more theories today or anywhere information you know not really, allison, i do think the people that were guiding the ship had had the good sense
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>> to do the mayday call to alert those on the bridge to stop the traffic. that that was obviously a very professional thing for them to do in terms of their ability to steer the ship away from the bridge they just simply weren't able to do it. and at this point, i don't i don't i think we'll find out. i have a great deal of confidence in the ntsb. they are pros and they will take a very deliberate investigation. and i believe eventually will know what the answers are >> secretary, how long do you think it will take to reopen this port >> i. think it's going to be six months. allison. and the reason i say that is even though they're starting today to to move debris, they still have to figure out what to do with a containers that are on the ship and then how are they going to move the ship? the
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containers are 150 tonnes and i think it's going to be several months. i hope it's not six, but i think it's going to be several to figure out what to do with the containers, figure out how to move the ship recover the the the the victims and then also take care of the bridge that's sitting in the water. those are all big, huge monumental tasks that will take some time. and even though the gut governor has said everyone's 24/7, i get that. but it's going to require 24/7 on all of these different aspects. the boat, the containers, the bridge, the victims of four very important pieces in order to get that corridor reopened >> yes. i mean, we're not even talking about rebuilding the
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bridge, which of course will have to happen as well. rayleigh hood, former us transportation secretary. great to talk to you again. thank you. >> thank you, alison. thanks. >> still ahead. it's a big week for biden and beyond. say, we're running the numbers of that connection with harry enten yes, we are hairy sanity needs >> a safe space >> you've had a show. were right and left talk to each other >> cnn presents an encore presentation of aden real time with bill maher tonight at eight on cnn >> we've come from a long ladder cowboys when i see all when was at illinois ranch, as see how far our legacy can go man, i wish i had 750 doneness
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what do president biden and beyond say have in common? if you think the answer is not much, you'd be wrong. cnn senior data reporter harry enten is here to explain. i assume both great dancers they're absolutely fantastic dancers as law, as well as i'm a great dancer >> no, they both had been yes >> there we go >> i don't know. look, go i give you numbers. i don't give you dance as okay. let's let's talk about biden's big rigueur, right? he raised over a brown $26 million at a fundraiser this past week, right. and i want to give you some perspective of how much that is in sort of trump's perspective, right? you know that trump has been hawking those shoes. he's been hawking those bibles. so how many bibles and how many shoes would he need to sell in order to reach $26 million in sales while those god bless the usa, bibles c would have to sell
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433,406 or how about those trump never surrender sneakers. so though the website says they're sold out, i did just check. you need 60, 65,163. so there are sort of in different planets right now, trump hawken is bibles and his sneakers, while biden's out their fund raising, a heck of a lot of radio city music hall. and as of course, you know, allison massive traffic jam is this past week around rockefeller center. >> i wasn't there but i saw what it looked like and it was incredible. okay. but obviously donald trump is going to try and beat biden's big week of fundraising. so what is what are the top seeds going for with trump's big fundraiser? >> yeah, he thinks he can raise $33 next month. and part of the way he's going to be able to do that is by selling, get this the top seats that these fundraisers, let's fundraiser in april is at this point, they're saying $815,000. now, i want to put that in some perspective for you, some fun perspective. if you look for instance, how much is the top but taylor swift errors ticket costing you and the top resale market is about $20,000 a
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supermarket top suite seat is $125,000. how about a trip to space on virgin. that cost you about $600,000. so it will cost more for the top ticket and trump's fundraiser next month, then even to go to space, alice and that's how much it costs >> what, how. >> all right, well, we'll see if if he gets that. okay. so the other big news at the end of the week was beyond says new albums. so tell us about those numbers >> yeah. so i don't have a country hat, but i do have a gardener had that kind of looks like a country hat right here and you have it's sort of is there. i just felt like dressing up a little bit because everyone else i saw victor. victor blackwell your former co anchor. carol boy >> so >> great. >> and i'm not saying you don't. harry comma >> you do to you do to go on >> thank you. thank >> you. at apple music got this is very interesting guest who's the number one album at this particular point? it's
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beyond, it's beyond, say, not a real surprise, a little leading question. their future metro boolmin we don't trust you as number two, eternal sunshine by ariana grande day as number three. but cowboy carter, beyond say, number one, already on the top albums on apple music. i'm downloading it as we speak right now, i got to listen to what everyone else is listening to >> my are downloaded it last night. it's really interesting. i mean, there's so many different genres and she just sort of weaves them all together. she is, of course, an angelic voice. and so she broke a massive recommend not only she number one, she also broke some records >> well, this to me is most interesting. i love google searches and seeing what people are searching on google for the first time. and at least a year in the last 24 hours, she beat taylor swift she'd be taylor swift. no one ever beats taylor swift on google, but i will say beyond say is in fact second to the solar eclipse that's coming up. so beyond say bigger than taylor swift, but not bigger than the sun at this particular point. so she's reaching for
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the stars. she is beaten one star, but she hasn't beaten the ultimate star in our universe at this particular point. >> way to run with a metaphor that was excellent, well done. okay. and i'm reading here that i know nothing about what you're about to say, but i hear you have a personal update for me. what does that is? >> a personal update. of course, your new memoir, combat love this out now, and i decided to run the google numbers on this searches for combat love, allison's new book. the searches for it are up to thousand 863% on google in the last week. so you, my friend beyond say may not have reached the sun, but you are reaching for it you're making it. we're all looking out for you. we're so proud of you and i haven't read it yet, but i did read the synopsis of and i read the articles surrounding it and it really is a beautiful thing. and as somebody who has my own loving relationship with my mother, but sometimes i'm a
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little tumultuous. i feel like i can learn a lot and a lot of us can learn a lot from your own story. >> harrak. thank you. that's so wonderful. i really appreciate this. i would not know that i wouldn't even know how to find that metric that you're using. and i really appreciate it. i'm going to keep my feet on the ground and keep reaching for the storrs as they please. continue >> to do look, i may not be that great at wearing hats. i may not be that great a dancing, but i am pretty good at the numbers and i was happy to find this number for you. >> well done friend. that is excellent, harry. thank you. really appreciate it. we'll be right back >> seven astronauts setting off on a scientific mission, columbia, houston, check. >> i didn't know anything concerning it happened there were people that did though >> the space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing, it's a series of events
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>> you follow the three what's it telling you >> it should have had that test on day one? we need to figure out what the hell happened >> in shuttle columbia final flight and mirrors sunday, april 7 at nine cnn, this thing it's what's going on inside of me it's my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. there wasn't always this column you see when everywhere i did wondering when it would pop up next was stressful doing a number on my insights but then i found out about they'll scipy a new once-daily pill, not a steroid or biologic for adults with moderate to severe uc, they'll sippy cup help calm the chaos of uc. it quickly treats flavors providing a chance for lasting steroid free remission don't take feel scpd if you've had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke, or mini stroke, heart failure in the last six months, your regular or abnormal heartbeat, they'll somebody may cause serious side effects including infections that can be fatal, slow heart rate, liver problems, increased blood pressure, macular edema,
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51177. call now >> get your viewing glasses ready. eclipse across america, april 8 did one on cnn foreign leaders are preparing for the possibility of another four years of donald trump as us president. >> among >> them, north korean >> dictator kim jong un, someone with whom trump says, he's exchanged love letters cnn's will ripley reports in pyongyang, north korea, kim jong un is preparing for a possible second >> presidency of donald trump >> it's an honor to be together. >> he went viral in 2018 gushing about the north korean leader. >> he speaks at his people, sit up and attention, i want my people to do the same former trump national security
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adviser, john bolton posted that clip along with this warning. donald trump wants americans to treat him like north koreans, treat kim jong on, get ready if trump wins in november, bolton thinks kim may invite the president to visit pyongyang, invite the close aide turn trump critic says, his old boss could very well accepted >> they will be met with fire and fury from fiery, saber-rattling to historic summit. >> good. so >> and surprise meetings. all ending in bidder failure trump's first term was a roller coaster for us north korea relations. the big question would kim actually consider a second round of trump-style diplomacy? what do you think was going through kim's mind after trump walked out? and he had actually promoted this meeting ahead of time because people, which is something north korean ever does. and do you think that kim
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is likely to forget that feeling anytime soon? >> i think coming out of the hanoi meeting, kim jong un on that long train ride, felt birth. and he had to simmer in the juices of the fact that you can't really count on donald trump at the end of the day to seal the deal that trump will walk. >> i mean, that's the lesson learned these >> days. kim's cozy up to >> president vladimir putin, supplying the russian strong man with weapons and ammo for his war in ukraine. >> he wrote me beautiful for letters. >> and the great learners >> we fell in love >> trump shared 27 of those love letters with journalists bob woodward, revealing a relationship that soured when diplomacy disintegrated in 2019, in his last known letter to trump in august of that year, kim wrote if you do not think of our relationship as a stepping stone, that only benefits you, then you would
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not make me look like an idiot that will only give without getting anything in return >> there was always this gap between the seriousness that can jugular and brought into the process versus the theatricality of it for donald trump >> some compared the whole thing to a made for tv reality show now, many wonder, could there be a second season? will ripley, cnn, taipei? >> and still ahead, donald trump shirt of violent image of president biden tied up in the back of a pickup truck on social media. how the >> secret service reactant. you're in the cnn newsroom
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