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tv   Inside Politics With Dana Bash  CNN  March 26, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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free, visit ai or download the app >> you check >> we hear nothing. >> the space shuttle accidents usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming apart? >> space shuttle columbia, the
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final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> cnn breaking news >> welcomeness that politics and manu raju infer dana and we're following breaking news national transportation safety board chairwoman is about to answer questions on the catastrophic bridge collapse in baltimore will bring that to you when it begins any minute. now, these are live pictures of what's left to the francis scott key bridge where search and rescue teams are desperately looking for survivors in the tabs go river. this video shows the moment of impact on a large container ship. hit is support column on the massive bridge plunging cars and people into frigid waters officials are describing it as a mass casualty events. the damage that you see here up close is just hard to comprehend especially for the tens of thousands of people that cross over the bridge every day. and that includes maryland governor wes moore we know the key bridge >> i've written over the key bridge countless times so many
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of us know the key bridge because it is our normal commute. this is a place that is a normal commute route for over 30,000 marylanders every single day and so to hear the words that the key bridge has collapsed it's shocking and heartbreaking cnn's gabe cohen is on the scene, gave you have been there for hours talking to officials. what are you learning >> well, manoa, we know this search and rescue operation is still unfolding just down the river from where i'm standing. i'm going to step out of the way and let you take a closer view of that massive container ship just down the way you can see, mangled pieces of steel. what's left of the key bridge laying across the front of that ship as well. hello, still on either side of the boat they're down in the water you can also see their boats, several of them still out there with divers that have been searching through the water still looking
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for six construction workers that are believed to be in the water, still missing over the past few hours, they managed to pull two people for from the water. one of them was basically unharmed. the other taken to the hospital with serious injuries and look, we are more than ten hours into this operation at this point and we are talking about freezing cold water manu i was here as you mentioned, early this morning, conditions were brutal strong winds, choppy what are things have definitely calmed down since then, but of course that has a long time for anyone to be in this water. we have heard from officials who talked about the moments before the bridge collapse, that vessel seeming to lose control may be losing power. you talk about flickering lights that we saw just before it collided with the column of that bridge. but we do know they are still very much in search and rescue operation mode. we have seen vehicles along the riverbank
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not far from from the site where this is unfolding, but bear in mind this is not a small section of river that they are searching. it is a huge part of the bridge that fell early this morning. and so we have watched a coast guard helicopters and so many more than a dozen of these rescue boats that have been combing the water, just searching for any indication of life but the reality is the clock is ticking. we have heard that from first responders, from officials who have given these press conferences, but they have said they are still going through with this search and rescue, even as the morning turns into afternoon, manu there, they are holding onto hope that they can find someone find people and say if some lives game, can you just talk about the people who are saving lives as a result of the made a call that happened just before this crash occurred?
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>> yes. we heard officials talk about that a little earlier that as the boat as this vessel seemed to be losing control and was heading toward that column. it's sent out a mayday call. we don't know the exact timeline of it, but according to officials transportation crews were given enough time that they were able to stop at least some traffic from getting onto the bridge. we don't know how many cars were talking about there, but they say as a result, the the vehicles and ended up in the water as well as the eight people who ended up in the water. they were all part of this construction crew that was up there. otherwise, it sounds like because of this made a call potential actually lives were saved and cars were kept off, at least this section of the bridge because bear in mind during rush hour, this is a highly traffic bridge. of course, this was in the early hours of the morning. but if this had happened during rush hour minute with no warning, we would be talking about dozens, if not more cars into this
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river so they believe that that made a call likely saved lives in this case. >> wow, amazing. and then look absolutely desperate moments here for in the search and rescue operation. thank you. gave keep us posted and we'll turn back to you with any new information. i do want to turn now to cnn's brian todd, who is actually in a boat live along the tabs go river or brian, what are you seeing >> right monitor this is a different angle here from where gabe was transmitting from. you can see the vessel just over my left shoulder here. we'll zoom excuse me. we'll zoom in closer to where you can rescue operations are ongoing here you several smaller vessels, police vessels, and others go out and just buzzing around the main ship there that's the dalai, about 1,000 feet long, that slammed into the bridge there you can see from our angle here, we're about 1,000 yards away, maybe a little bit more. this was a fully low but did tanker ship that just slammed into this bridge with massive force, this was fully loaded because it was outgoing at the time of the accident. and you can see the entire center of
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the bridge is just gone. remnants of the bridge on to the left and to the right in the water. and as gabe mentioned from his angle, you can also see from our angle, you can see parts of that bridge kind of lying across the bow of the ship itself. on the other side there. and you can see some of the damage there as we zoom in tighter here this as we mentioned, this is an ongoing rescue operation. the only vessels that are allowed here are rescue and recovery boats. and there have been divert dive teams in the water all morning. we have mentioned the treacherous conditions for them as well. this water is extremely cold, 46 to 48 degrees fahrenheit very treacherous conditions for divers. and of course, for anyone who might have fallen in the water, you can only survive in that water for maybe one to three hours according to experts. so the condition of the water and the currents, the water is smooth right now at the surface, but the currents are also a factor here they're pretty strong currents coming in and out of here is that we're in the baltimore harbor and the tapscott river area here what we can tell you also is that this bridge is a very
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important hub for transportation up and down the east coast for hazardous material, hazardous materials not allowed into the tunnels around baltimore that were most of the vehicle traffic goes up and down the east coast, but it is allowed on this bridge going up and down the east coast. so hazard hazmat materials cannot be transported here. this is also a massive disruption because no vessels, no ships, no cargo ships, no container ships can come in or out of here. and that could take days to rectify i did speak to a gentleman here who's involved in the effort to salvage whatever is left to the bridge. he said it's going to take days just for floating cranes to get here, to be able to pull some of this wreckage out of the water. and when they get here, they're going to have to cut parts of the bridge that have collapsed into smaller pieces in order to remove it. and that could take days. so mater that gives you an idea of the disruption here >> yeah. uh, bryan todd, thank you for that. i report from the bogle again, check back in with you as well, especially in this key moment, these desperate
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moments where hopefully there's some good news in the search rescue operation. brian todd. thank you for that. >> now, the white house, it >> says that president biden is actually going to speak and address this incident in just a matter of minutes. he was briefed earlier today, the white house releasing this photo showing this briefing that occurred earlier this morning, we expect them to talk before he heads out to earn a campaign event in north carolina's afternoon later this so we'll bring that to you live when he does speak. but first i want to play some sound for you about what happened this morning. this is the emergency dispatch call to the first responders as they were on route to the scene? >> hey, advise the entire bridge entire cambridge in the harbor advisors in the entire cube roots has fallen into the harbor joining, me now, andrew mccabe is the former deputy director of the fbi and seniors, cnn, senior law enforcement analyst, and cnn's pete muntean, who is live near the scene, a peat. when you see
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the images of the collapse and you just see how quickly this entire bridge falls into the river. what is your takeaway? >> we are launched an out-of-control vessel, and this calamity happen really in slow motion all of this really was very condensed though, in about a few minutes time. and really we're hearing about a crew that was sort of outclassed by the problem here, transportation secretary of maryland, paul whelan filled tells me that a local pilot from the baltimore harbor or the port of baltimore was on board the boat and in command of this ship, 950 feet long as it careened at eight knots toward one of the center pilings of this truss bridge. i want you to look behind me. you can can still see it in the punjab sco river back there with the containers on it. this chip is about nine gross tons. so a lot of inertia and a lot of mass was headed for this piling when it hit just before that at 01:24. that's when it was cleared on the bridge that
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there was a problem and then the lights flickered and then they flickered once again on board. so what investigators were really want to know now is what really entailed the power laws. what did that mean? and what did that mean for the controllability of this book, the ntsb will brief us here at 01:00 p.m. that will probably be a very preliminary. just the facts, ma'am, briefing, then we will get a little bit more information as the day goes on. typically around 78 09:00 p.m. is usually when they breathe, enter something like this and they will lay out the details as they're getting them at least preliminarily. but really this is something that was a crew that was really outclassed by this issue. and they were able to they were not able to stop this vote in time. we will also want to know how steerable and how controllable this ship was. after this incident happened, after the apparent loss of propulsion. you've probably been in a pleasure boat before. usually when the throttle is at idle, you can't turn the bowel left or right port or starboard as the nautical term goes >> so this may have been really, really difficult to try
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and keep this out of harm's way as this boat sort of careened with the course changing to the right and toward that big piling of the key bread and pete, the governor of maryland and sisters bridge was fully up to code, but this bridge was built in 1977. so what questions does that raise? >> 47 years old, really not let old in the grand scheme of bridges, there are plenty of older bridges here in maryland, the chesapeake bay bridge the first span of that was completed in the mid 1950s. so it bridges are aging and the american society of civil engineers issues or report card every year on the infrastructure on america. and specifically roads and bridges and america. so this was not a structurally deficient bridge according to maryland governor wes moore served about 13,000 cars a day, a few million every year. so this is pretty critical. the good news here, and maybe the only silver lining in all of them as is that this may not pose that much of a problem for traffic
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and the baltimore area because there are two other tunnels the francis scott key, sorry, the fort mchenry tunnel. and then also the baltimore harbor tunnels. so people will still be able to get around, although this is creating a little bit of a bottleneck, at least here for now, the good news and maybe one more silver lining. this did not happen at rush hour, although you can't help but think of the crew that was on top of this bridge doing that pothole repair. as this took place in the search is still on for them and andy, the governor's says the investigation suggests the collapse was an accident and there's no indication of terrorism. so what do you expect the fbi doing at this moment? and they interviewed the crew on board the ship. what questions have they posed for them? do you believe? >> well, there's really two things you're doing mining. the first is providing resources and assistance to the recovery effort. the fbi has a lot of things to be able to contribute. they're not the least of which is the underwater search and rescue
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team. they have a lot of experience using side scan sonar deployed from boats divers in the water to help find things, people, vehicles, whatever that might be on the bottom, and they need a lot of those resources right now with a crime scene this large. so i'm sure they're doing that as far as the investigation goes, they are likely helping process the review of backgrounds of the folks who for who are identified as crew members. and of course the pilot they may participate in interviews of those individuals to rule out things like terrorism or criminal activity. but all the indicators so far is that that's the direction we're headed. this seems to have been essentially a tragic industrial size accident there may in fact be recklessness or negligence underlying some of some of what took place on the boat. we don't know that yet. >> if there if there is a >> criminal charges are certainly are not impossible in
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those circumstances, but the big ticket items like terrorism intentional sabotage of the of the vessel or the bridge. >> it seems that those >> things have been ruled out at this point. >> yeah, still so many questions as investigation just beginning, but as governor said, the first mission tried to see if there's any survivors, search and rescue operation taking place pete muntean andrew mccabe. thank you for that. coming up next, we're falling another big story today. the battle over the abortion pill, and it makes its way to the supreme court at stake access to the most widely used abortion method, even in states where it's still legal space shuttle columbia, the final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> if you were moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks you stelara from the start, and move toward relief. after the first dose with injections.
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>> all your streaming in one app with one password prime video, find your happy place zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a false 24 hours. so dave can be deliverer, dance okay. >> dave, let's be more than our allergies >> seize the >> day with czar >> tech close captioning brought to you by gilt visit today for up to 70% off designer brands has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash. designer sales at up to seven and keep sent off soap today the supreme court just finished hearing arguments in a monumental case threatening access to medication, abortion in the us, even in states where abortion remains legal, the lawsuit brought by a group of anti-abortion doctors and medical organizations alleges
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that the fda violated the law in how it regulated mifepristone cnn's paula reid is outside the supreme court, so paula, what were the key arguments in this case into the justices give any inclination on how they may rule. >> yeah, motto at this point, it appears a majority of justices are skeptical that this conservative group has standing or the right to bring this lawsuit. and that was the focus of most of the questions through throughout this hearing. now this conservative group argues that the medical professionals within it could at some point be called upon to issue medical treatment to someone who has had complications from using mifepristone and they say they object to that and that's what gives them standing but laura, for the government have said, wait a second, you have actually been harmed. there's no imminent harm and they're are already federal exemptions and protections for you if you object to something related to abortion in terms of medical treatment. so it's interesting to hear the justices across the ideological spectrum, press all the lawyers on this question of standing. now let's take a listen to what justice alito
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said about this issue >> could you provide a more specific answer to the first question, the justice thomas asked you is there anybody who could challenge in? for the lawfulness of what the fda did here in this particular case, i think the answer is no. >> well, that wasn't my question. is there anybody who can do that? but let's start with the states that intervened below >> justice alito clearly did not like that answer, but the supreme court has recognized the fact that there are cases where, you no, not necessarily in each case does someone somewhere have standing. this would be an off-ramp manu for the justices if they don't even want to get into the two of medication abortion and instead say, look, this group doesn't have standing and we also work from a lawyer, from a drug company because the stakes are incredibly high not just for people who may need access to this drug, but also for the fda and other medications that it has approved. this it is
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absolutely one of the most high-stakes cases. the justices are looking at today and hundreds hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the court today. yeah, of course. and all in the middle of a critical election year. thank you for that reporting. paw. and we're going to break this all down with my great panels. cnn is joan biskupic, who is actually inside the courtroom during the arguments and made it back here. and time. remember again, cnn's nia-malika henderson and cnn's kristen holmes. thanks for joining me. >> it's impressive. i'll quickly you got just minutes ago. >> it's so great to be able to tell you what it's like what was like. well, you can really feel the weight of the moment. just think of how important medication abortion is nationwide especially in the two years since the dobbs are willing, when the justices reversed roe v. wade, this is the most common way that women who want to end a pregnancy are able to end a pregnancy. so there's a lot of stake here and i just wanted to tell you that whenever there's a big argument like this you get lots of people coming there as a field trip and for different
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reasons. and i'll just mention a couple of people and monitor. this is just write up your straight. senator josh hawley, was there because his wife, erin holly represents the challengers here, saying that physicians who are anti-abortion are harmed by these fda provisions and they're the ones challenging. but also letitia james, the new york attorney general, because the states are very much involved on the periphery of trying to have a stake in this. so i can tell you that it was you could you could feel the energy and the room, but you can also feel if you take this at face value, just face value and i'm gonna give you a caveat and why the justices key justices, justices kavanaugh justices barrett, and the chief justice john roberts seem to have enough skepticism that these anti-abortion, physicians who do not prescribe mifepristone, but who are claiming that their emergency room work are affected by botched abortions that they have standing. but there was a
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less suspicion about that. do they really have they ever had to really participate in terminating a pregnancy? but i do the one caution i have is that sometimes justices kavanaugh and berra can send a little bit of a false signal, especially on the issue of abortion but i think as it stands, the court will probably not get to the merits of the fda's provisions that they will stop it and say, this particular group had no grounds to bring lawsuit. and again, i just want to emphasize the stakes since so much medication abortion is how most people end a pregnancy, and also to reiterate the importance of fda having its own expertise and scientific studies to talk to, right drug, drug regulations. and what is permissible in just to point out what you're saying good about the use of medication, abortions in america, just look at the increase, look at this chart from 2000 up >> until 2023 up to 63%. in
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this continuity, two-thirds all abortions where medication abortions will be just the justice do sidestep this issue and say the plaintiff i don't have standing on this. we'll see how the american public reacts. just look at the polls on how people view this right now. but the idea banning the use of medication, abortion nationwide is from the kaiser foundation poll, 32% just that's 32% supported 66% oppose it. and similarly about criminalizing mailing abortion pills for abortion is banned just 37% support it. so i guess the question is, if the justices decide to sidestep this and say they know standing, what impact does that have electorally because the biden campaign, biden and harris are down in north carolina today campaigning against what the supreme court is doing. but maybe the supreme court will keep it legal. yeah. listen, i think good for republicans if they do keep this legal, right? if all of a sudden are the supreme corpse, dead steps in here and says this very common way of having abortions is now all of a sudden illegal in the country.
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i think this would be a bad thing for republicans. you can tell donald trump himself has very uneasy, with where the country is in terms of abortion. he, on the one hand, wants to take credit for as he calls it killing roe v. wade. but he also now is trying to figure out something much more politically palatable. yeah, voting 15 weeks. he also likes 16 weeks, apparently because it's a nice round number. apparently. >> they >> know republicans know that this is just a political minefield for them, given where the country is. but again, this is what they wanted. and now they have been paying the political price over and over. it's been a dog who caught the car. so dobbs decision and just before you jump in, just two years, no what trump was saying as neerja to literature about where he stands on this issue the number of weeks now, people are agreeing on 15 and i'm thinking in terms of that, and it'll come out to something that's very reasonable. but people are really even
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hard-liners are agreeing seems to be 15 weeks seems to be a number that people are agreeing at, but i'll make that announcement at the appropriate time >> trump in financing this issue >> i mean, i don't know what these vanessa again, i think that a lot of people said that that gave some clarity into his stance on abortion. i don't think it did. i think when donald trump talks about abortion, he uses condoms loaded terms, he intentionally says things like, i might back this. i'm looking at this. he never says definitively that something related to abortion is good or that he's going to enact a national ban and that's all intention to tunnel. i mean, yes. is he floating this idea right now, if you talk to anyone on his campaign, do they think it's gonna happen? no, there are no plans for a rollout. >> this is >> as nea said, one of the things that's going to dogged him throughout the entire general election because he wants both sides, he wants to be able to talk about abortion like this to make sure that as conservative hardliners are inline and behind him, but he
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also wants to completely sidestep the issue and not have to deal with it. and just to your point, we spoke to a number of republicans who also hope that this just goes away because this came out and there was a ruling in june. they believe they could look at the exact same thing that happened in 2022, which was roe v. wade being over turned. then their significant loss of a quick ps on your side. the only thing i was gonna say real quick is it this is not about whether this drug would be banned. it to the availability at seven weeks versus ten weeks on drugs, just so people don't think that this could go all go down the two it's a great point of clarification that's why we have to open scuba gear. those critical analysis. all right. coming up, we're expecting president biden to speak any minute now on the bridge collapse in baltimore, where searching rescue operation is still underway a couple of months >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can ever help my dad died doing what he loved
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installation schedule, your free estimate today. >> this is the big dam it's time to >> paint that. do waiting for president biden to address this devastating baltimore bridge collapse that we have been following all morning. he's next. >> but >> talk about his briefings, what he's learned about this incident. we will bring that to you live then he heads off to north carolina for an official white house event with kamala harris. i said a campaign event earlier. this is an official white house event it's the president to talk here though at the white house before heading off with the vice president will bring that to you in a matter of minutes. now, this video shows the moment, a huge container ships slammed into a column supporting the francis scott key bridge, at least six people remain unaccounted for now, joining me to talk about this
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as a democratic congressman, dutch refers program of maryland, who represents the region. congressman. thank you for joining me right now. i understand you have been briefed about this incident what have you learned about how this ship? could, have vause power and what ultimately led to this crash >> well, the first name, we don't know a lot at this point and we have a lot of people do a lot of things in the first thing we're trying to do is to make sure that we have everyone who is still alive, that we can help it doesn't look too good. we have one person that literally jumped in the water and swam to safety and is now in maryland's world renown shock trauma and are attempting to save his life so that's kind of the status now but we have we have coast guard, we have we have a local state federal. it's all hands on board situation. now, let me get into some of the things i think you
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might be interested. firstly, i've been representing this area, so blue-collar area used to be the home of bethlehem steel, which had over 40,000 workers at one time and i've been representing them forever 20 years in congress. and it was their county executive before that, which is them there it's a major artery and part of our primary beltway in baltimore. it's absolutely critical to commuters. there. and there are 14,000 cars a day. thanks. got that. this didn't happen during the day. and of course, commerce is one of the major shipping channels in the whole east coast. now, initial reports from the coast guard indicates that a harbor pilot than assistant were on board. and these are pilots who are specially trained. >> they live >> in baltimore to nick nab the gate, the shipping channel, and they are the best of the best they've been. they've been around for many years. now, the coast guard said the pilot reported power issues multiple alarms, and loss of propulsion
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prior to the incident and according to the national transportation safety board, and they're going to be investigating this. the eastbound lanes of the bridge were shut down due to minor maintenance filling potholes and the west bound lanes were opened to traffic now as soon as the call came in, police were notified and began clearing the bridge. and that did save some lives rough numbers are that 8.9 victims were involved but potentially upwards of 14. and we're really concerned that they those people are no longer with us. yeah. >> please are using which is set yeah. >> but we still haven't been identified them. yeah. i mean, we know there's one car with his lights on underwater are bad, five cars underwater, i believe now. and it please started using scanners and licensed place at all to get a head count? >> yeah. >> we're waiting. we're waiting to learn more about that in
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congressman can you can you also talk about just the tapscott river, it is so critical for shipping and commerce. people may not realize that so just temporarily even shutting it down or sitting down for the long term, what kind of economic impact does this have been shutting down? >> it will be a tremendous economic impact. baltimore's one of the biggest, largest ports on the east coast. every day at day and night, we have shipping coming in and out throughout the world, throughout the united states. so this this i can't even imagine how, how much we will have to deal with on the issue. another thing that we have to be concerned about is when you the bridge that is there that collapsed, it took five years to build that so who knows what we're going to do? we have two other two over parts of the area, to the water, this area of eastern baltimore county,
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again, is where bessemer steel there's a large center, really trade point, atlanta and they have tremendous amount of people and development and it's a billion-dollar cried project and that would be impact we'll work it out >> what is the incident? tell you about the vulnerability of bridges nationwide and whether local and federal officials need to do more to ensure our bridges are properly reinforced. >> well, we need a lot. >> i'm going to >> procreate and i'm concerned about some of the things that my friends on the other side of the aisle just are cutting and say we don't need this anymore. this it's amazing. we haven't had an issue. i can compare it to the our airplanes and how we've had very few incidents with, but some close calls and that's this is something amazes me that bridges and that we haven't had
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more of these issues, but this we had everyone from what i see for we had bay polyps there. we had everyone needs that we needed. we had a full ship, and then all of a sudden we lost control, right before. and that's where this occurred. and thank god it was 130 in the morning and we had maybe a minute or so before we knew what was going on and what's expected more details at the top of the hour and the national transportation safety board does. congressman, i we have to leave it there. i we appreciate your time. and your expertise and knowledge. of course, of this region, we wish the best for your community as well >> okay. thank you >> i would ways we wait for the president to come out. we're going to talk about next, donald trump, richer than he's ever been before, at least on paper the latest on what's driving trump's fortune to new heights next >> new ally in the fight?
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>> what about you? >> three classic tenders? >> for but a flash ramen for the guy baby are know >> always the competition. i >> am the shrimp buck >> closed captioning brought to you by mesobook her firm. only represents mesothelial of victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now president biden set to address the nation after being briefed about that tragic bridge collapse, it happened in baltimore, >> learning details about everything that happened there will hsidentn a matter of moments, he'll be springing from the roosevelt room in the white house. but as we await the president, let's turn to kevin liptak, who is outside the white house. kevin, tell us what you are here. would you expect to hear from the president here on a matter of minutes? >> yeah. and you see the podium and the roosevelt room, the president should be a walking out any moment now, and he will be speaking after convening
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briefings with top officials in the oval office to discuss this incident. we saw a photo of it. you saw maps, sort of schematics that the president was looking at. and really the message that you've been hearing from officials today is that all federal resources are available for baltimore as they conduct the search and rescue you've seen coast guard resources in the air on the water. they're looking king for potential survivors, those who are still unaccounted for the other message that you've been hearing from the white house and other federal officials is that they do not detect any signs of nefarious intent. they say this was an accident and they do want to make that clear, just how dramatic these images are. they they don't necessarily want to create any fear among the american people. so when we hear president biden speak, i wouldn't be surprised if it is a fairly short statement. you typically when we're in the very beginning stages of these events, president's we're somewhat limited in the extent
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of the details that they can provide, but prison and biden certainly wants to address the american people and ensured that they know that federal resources are available. you the transportation secretary, pete buttigieg, has been on the phone since very early this morning. speaking with officials in maryland, the mayor of baltimore, he is expected to be on the ground in baltimore later today, and certainly president biden, i think will also want to speak with officials at some point. the big question now is what kind of federal resources will be needed to reconstruct this bridge after this recovery effort is over, certainly, this is a major thoroughfare in baltimore, is 695. it's a major thoroughfare for trucking for commuters and the federal government is going to play, i think a major role in getting that bridge back up and running potentially using funds from the infrastructure bill that president biden signed into law. a couple of years ago.
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now, after president biden speaks, he is expected to head to north carolina. he's planning to speak about health care with the vice president kamala harris, there's president biden doesn't >> good afternoon >> before i >> leave for north carolina, summer doing a few minutes, i want to speak briefly about after terrible incident and action if it happened in baltimore this morning at about 01:30, container ships struck the francis scott key bridge, which i've been over many, many times commuting from the state of delaware is our trainer by car. ben and baltimore harbor many times and the bridge collapse sending several people in vehicles into the water in the river and multiple us coast guard units which are stationed very nearby. thank you. hi we're immediately deployed along with local emergency personnel and the coast guard is leading the response to the port where representatives from the federal highway administration the fbi the of transportation, and the army corps of
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engineers, as well as maryland officials in baltimore police and fire are all working together to coordinate an emergency response officials at the scene estimate eight people were unaccounted for still not still were unaccounted for that number might change to have been rescued one without injury, one in critical condition in search and rescue operation is continuing for all those remaining, as we speak, i spoke with governor more of this morning as well as the merit baltimore county executive united to both the united states senators in the congressman and my secretary of transportation is on the scene i told them we're going to send all the federal resources they need is we respond to this emergency i mean, all the federal resources we're going to rebuild that port together everything. so far indicates that this was a terrible accident at this time, we have no other indication. no other reason to believe is any integer functional act here. personnel on board the ship are able to alert the maryland department of transportation
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that they'd lost control of her vessel as you all know, report it as a result, local authorities are able to close the bridge of traffic before the bridge was struck. which undoubtedly saved lives. >> and >> our prayers are with everyone involved in this terrible accident and all the families, especially those waiting for news of their loved one right now i know every minute in that circumstance feels like a lifetime is just don't know. it's just terrible >> we're incredibly grateful for the brave >> rescuers who immediately arrested and to the people of baltimore. i want to say, we're with you. we're going to stay with you as long as it takes. like governor said, you're maryland tough, you're baltimore strong and we're going to get through this together. and i promise most were not leaving. here's what's happening now. assertion rescue operation is our top priority. ship traffic and the port of baltimore has been suspended until further notice. and we'll need to clear that channel before the ship traffic can resume the
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army corps of engineers is on the spot and it's going to help lead this effort clear the channel, the port of baltimore is one of the nation's largest shipping hubs and i've been there a number of times. the senator and vice president it handles a record amount of cargo last year it's also the top port in america for both imports and exports have automobiles and light trucks around 850,000 vehicles go through that port every single we're and we're going to get it up and run it again as soon as possible. 15,000 jobs depend on that port. and we're going to do everything we can to protect those jobs and health workers the bridge is also critical to for travel, not just for baltimore, but for the northeast. carter, over 30,000 vehicles cross the francis scott key bridge and a daily basis this is virtually well, some of the most important elements for the economy and the northeast and the quality of life. i transportation secretary is there now as i
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told governor more, i'm directing my team move heaven and earth three, open the port and rebuild the bridge as soon as you, emily, possible and we're going to work hand in hand with the support of maryland to support maryland whenever they asked for. we're going to work with our partners in congress to make sure the state gets the support it needs. it's my intention that federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstruction in that bridge. i expect the congress to support my effort this is going to take some time. the people of baltimore, i can count on us to stick with them at every step of the way until the poor is reopened and the bridges rebuilt we're not leaving until this job gets done. not leaving until that so i just want to say god bless everybody. hello everyone harm this morning. and their families and may god bless the first responders who many of whom risked their lives. and i'm going to reason. i'm not going to take a lot of questions remaining. issues
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that are opened. we've got to determine what's going to happen in terms of the rescue mission thank but i'm glad to go to baltimore, sir. and if so, how quickly i do it as quickly as i can as you said, that that'll government also going to pay for the repairs. i'm just curious. this was a ship that appears to be at fault. is there any reason to believe that the company behind the ship should be held responsible and then also you mentioned a baby we're not going to wait that happened. we're going to pay for it. you get the bridge an open what did you make those decision not to attend this meeting this week >> well, i don't want to get good at running time to talk about rafah. >> you mentioned the what? >> about the poor and thinking about >> i? am making news on several fronts. one saying that the federal government would be there to rebuild this bread,
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saying they would move heaven and earth to do that. and that the federal government would pick up the tab for rebuilding that breads that's something he said that congress would have to address. he noted the economic impact 15,000 jobs are impacted here in this area as a result of it, he said, we're sending all the federal resources. we need to deal with this massive search and rescue operation that is now underway. he called this a quote, terrible accident as official seven ruled out terrorism in this incident. he did say that he would also go into baltimore, didn't give a timeframe for that, but the president addressing this major incident here and we're going to continue following the breaking news out of baltimore, stay with us sanity needs to save space >> you have a show were right and left talk to each other cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher, saturday at eight on cnn
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>> i'm lauren fox on capitol hill. and this is cnn back to our breaking news, the urgent search and rescue operation underway after a cargo ship slammed in the francis scott key bridge in baltimore >> overnight, causing it to collapse and the pitot score river below it. but officials say six people, are thought to still be in the water. and of course, a person can only survive very sadly in those conditions for so long. so for more on that, meteorologists, derek van dam joins me now, derek, what does 48 degree water due to a person >> well, frankly, my new it's dangerous. it's very dangerous to be included within that type of water temperature, right? so we can see our heart levels rise rapidly. we can start to see our breathing rise rapidly, and we can lose consciousness
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very quickly. hypothermia, cold shock sets in. it is a very dangerous water temperature to be succumb to add, which is zooming in a little bit closer. you can see we've got the chesapeake bay to my east and the protest sco river coming out of the baltimore harbor barbara here and this is right where the key bridge actually collapse earlier this morning. so we're going on over 12 hours when we talk about humans survivability within these types of water temperatures, you can see from this graph 40 to 50 degree temperatures that humans survivability limit is roughly one to three hours before those physiological effects that i talked to you about a moment ago, start to set in. now complicating the efforts, not only below the water, but also at the surface of the water and above for the search and rescue operations that are currently ongoing. >> is >> this title swing that we have right now? this is an exaggerated we have at a full moon spring tide. so we have cosine so flooded advisories dotting the chesapeake bay, the delmarva peninsula for instance, you can see this
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wording here, dangerous rip currents. and this is just compounded by the fact that the pitot sco river is flowing out of the baltimore harbor and we've got the chesapeake bay and the atlantic coastal waters flowing out of this region as we approach hello tide at 03:10 this afternoon, eastern standard time. and then we'll see that reversal in the tides as we head towards a high tide peak later this evening. so that could make conditions difficult for those search and rescue operations. the boats, particularly on the surface of the water. >> absolutely. brutal. thank you. john van dam for break you can dance down and thank you for joining inside politics. i was very busy new day news day stay with cnn for much more breaking news out of baltimore cnn news central starts right now


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