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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  March 21, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> with bill maher, >> saturday a day good morning. >> you were alive in the cena newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington with just days left to pay a 464 million bond, a self-proclaimed billionaire is asking his grassroots donors to help foot the bill. former president donald trump reportedly and panic mode is issuing a fundraising appeal to supporters in which he tells democrats to quote, keep your filthy hands off of trump tower. that's after the new york attorney general's suggested. he turned over his prize properties if he can't cover the judgment in his civil fraud case. now, letitia james is demanding that trump explain to the appeals scored why he can't find anyone to underwrite that bond all raising the question, why can't a man who constantly brags about as well, pony up that payment now, here's the goodness >> i'm very rich. i started off with $1,000,000 loan. i built a net worth of over 10 billion. i would say that i'm
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worth more than $5 billion. >> i'm very rich. >> hey, i'm rich. this is really taxing the rich by a very rich guy, the money you're talking about is a lot, but it's peanuts for me. i built a very big net worth. >> it's a lot of >> money, but i have fun now even trump's fundraising machine is struggling to keep up with the soaring legal bills and new filing shows that last month is leadership pac >> spent more on legal expenses, then it managed to raise cnn's kara scannell joins us now from new york. qarrah, the clock is ticking for donald trump. what options does he have at this point? >> yeah, dam so donald trump has said that he has tried to get bonds from 30 underwriters, no insurers will secure the bond for him. so he can continue to try it to see if he can find someone to step into that position. also, we can look for someone who has a deep pocket who's willing to give him some money. but he also you can talk to banks and see if he can take out a mortgage on some of his properties. but if donald trump has not been able
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to access the banking system from the largest banks in the world because most of them stopped doing business with him years ago. and another factor here is that part of the issue in this case is the question of what is the actual value of his properties? '40s, the judge found that he'd inflated the value of those properties on financial statements. these are all conditions and factors that a bank would consider in deciding whether to extend credit and they might want to take steps and do additional due diligence to understand the value of a property. of course, this is all within a really condensed timeframe. now with this being just the final and i'll four days that trump has to come up with this money unless the appeals court steps in and trump could also sell a property that though that also does take some time and he's pushing hard against that. he doesn't want to give up any of these properties, some of which his family has called their mona lisa's. so he is he's still fighting this very hard to try to get an appeals court to say the he only has to post a fraction of the 400 million
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total ban that his family owes or get the appeals court to say he doesn't have to post any money until the appeal is over, which could be one or two years from now. the attorney general's office has been pushing back on this. they are opposing it they're saying with the court they now want to officially respond in writing to trump's new claims that he can't get a bond and they want to make that argument to the core this is going to be a continuous back and forth up until we get to monday. jim absolutely are. kara scannell. thank you very much for joining us now is former federal prosecutor. we're not a mariotti. he's also the host of the podcast. it's complicated aptly titled, i've think i've said this to you before. rinaldo. it is complicated when we're talking about donald trump. i mean, we played that montage at the beginning of the show i mean, to indicate mean he has bracket think about his immense wealth. he's claimed that he's very wealthy on numerous occasions. i mean, that was sort of his brand for running for president back in 2016. and now all of a
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sudden he's saying he doesn't have the money or it doesn't want to have to sell these properties >> legally, what >> happens if he refuses to pay or doesn't pay by this monday? why >> if he doesn't pay on time collection efforts will move forward and that's what that's gonna look like is essentially the attorney general's office trying to put liens on various properties, of trying to obtain his interest in those properties. i notice i'm saying his interests in the property is not the properties them selves because of course lenders presumably have a very substantial interests. a lot of these properties that, that whole process is going to take some time. it's not like a button is pressed and suddenly a lot of his properties belong to the state of new york. what's going to happen is process. we'll start. trump's going to have to pay lawyer just to try to participate in that process. leans are going to be put on properties she's going to have to deal with lenders or concerned about their priority
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is going to be disruptive to his business. and erasers. the question if he has the money, why didn't he plan for this contingency? >> right. and if you add up all the trump new york properties, we were just showing this on screen. i guess at fire sale value, i suppose, comes to around $469 million. that's just enough to cover the bond but i guess this also raises the prospect. renato, that he faces, maybe the specter of bankruptcy and all of this. so what's your sense of it? >> well, either one of two things is the case. either he just does not have the wealth that he has put himself out there is having which you showed a moment ago. if he's worth ten or five billion as he claims, then he's not going to be facing bankruptcy. he's gotta liquidity issue but if he really doesn't have the funds, yeah, that is bankruptcies on the table. and really one of
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two things are happening here. either he's totally mismanaged the situation, he now has to sell properties. that is, you put it in a fire sale or refinance many properties at a time when lenders are going to take a dim view of his veracity and loan applications or he's going to have to fake potentially a bankruptcy >> and we're not i understand you represent large real estate developers. you've seen cases like this before, maybe not quite like this, but similar to this is trump getting treated any differently than typical clients in this case. i mean, just a few moments ago, kara was talking about how there might be a bit of a back-and-forth between the new york attorney general's office in the appeals court over all of this he has been afforded so many opportunities to delay paying the piper on a variety of fronts. might he get that kind of treatment? yet again, in this particular case >> well, i certainly know my clients wouldn't it's not uncommon when you are facing a
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judgment and you've lost at the trial level, you post a bond. i mean, the alternative is simply the collection efforts go forward from the plaintiff's perspective they want at trial, and they want to get their money. if you want to delay it for years, they want to make sure the money will still be there at the end of the process in the real difference between donald trump and other people who are in this situation is that most people plan for this in advance. they sell properties advanced, they refinance. if they really have the money donald trump either doesn't have the money or he just has not played >> all right. radha mariotti to be continued. thank you very much for your time. we appreciate it. it is going to be a sprint to the finish line in washington today with less than 48 hours before a shutdown deadline tomorrow night lawmakers are working on a 1.2 trillion dollar plan and to keep the government running, chief congressional correspondent manu raju is following this story four, for mana, we knew they were going to take it right to the brink, right to the last second hour, things going on on all of this,
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are they going to get there? >> yeah. look, this is almost six months after they were supposed to take action here. remember, october 1st of last year was the deadline and wish he were to keep the government open. they had to do short-term extension interest, short-term extension. that first short-term extension led to the ouster of kevin mccarthy. so this has been an incredibly messy the process that has led to this point and they unveiled this massive 1.2 trillion dollar bill to fund major federal agencies more than 1,000 pages at length at about three in the morning this morning. and they need to pass it by 11:59 p.m. tomorrow night to avoid a government shutdown. and that is cross a lot of anger within the ranks because most members of congress have not seen this as it was cut between the leadership on both sides. the appropriations committees as well as the white house. and now the members have to try to pour over the details and vote on this. it is still expected to pass, but there's a lot of grumbling and there's lot of members, especially on the right side of speaker johnson's conference who boo
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believed that this deal was simply not insufficient, and they're also very critical of the process. let's confidence in him >> i know that we have to do better and that's what i'm trying to get us better players. and we can't run the place. i want to run. we don't have a sufficient number of members who believe in the bold act it's going to take to save the country. he didn't get. >> i should shut it down >> i do 100% >> bigger and even, even though you may get below bad for that >> yeah, but it's the right thing >> let's >> let's do something unusual in washington knew something welcome it's the right thing and not because it's politically advantageous >> so even though he's advocating for a shutdown there, that one congressman tim burchett of tennessee that is not the view of the republican leadership in the house. they're trying to avoid one, but can they actually avoid a short-term shutdown that is a big why should we do expect the house to pass this bill despite the little time here sometime
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tomorrow, then the senate, all 100 senators, need to agree to schedule a vote. one senator can drag it out as long as he or she wants. it's uncertain whether it would spill into the weekend. ultimately, jim, it will pass, but potentially it could be a shutdown could occur over the weekend. would be minimal image given that it's a weekend, but it can certainly occur >> yeah, we can shut down. so a shutdown, although it might be brief, we'll keep our fingers crossed. manu raju. thank you very much. joining us now is california democratic congressman eric swalwell. he sits on the house judiciary and house homeland security committee's congressman a good warning i'm going to start off right there with what mani was talking about that is the government going to shut down this weekend >> it's not and it's because >> democrats, once again, will deliver the votes to keep it open. and jim, this is something you've never seen in the history of congress. you've never seen in the history of any parliament across the world where the minority party continuously provides the majority votes to keep government function. and we've
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done this to pay our bills and lift the debt ceiling. we've done this every time we've come close to a shutdown and we're going to do it again tonight because we believe in governing and republicans, they believe in ruling and k yes, that comes with trying to be a ruling party rather than a governing party in congress. but i did want to ask you about something on a different front related to the house, the house speaker mike johnson, is expected to invite israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to address congress about the war in gaza what's your response to that? i can you remember the last time netanyahu did this during the obama administration, during a democratic administration and the obama white house was not happy about that. what about this time around? are there concerns among democrats about this real concerns, especially if it's not done in sync with the white house. we need to make sure that the white house, the president who's charged with carrying out our foreign policy, is on board with this because while we stand with
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israel in its right to defend itself, that doesn't mean we have to stand with netanyahu, who certainly does not share our values of seen a two-state solution. it does not share our values of getting humanitarian aid into gaza. and so this should be done in accordance with the priorities of the president. and i don't want to see a repeat of what happened back during the iran nuclear deal negotiations. >> and i do want to ask you about what took place during the >> house republican impeachment hearing yesterday, but i did want to ask you because we were talking about this top of the program with kara scannell and renato mariotti there have been some political analyst who have said that trump's financial situation could become something of a national security risky as indicated, he may have to sell his assets at fire sale prices. some have raised the question, who is going to be buying those properties? what does that mean? in for this presidential campaign? if it comes to that, what is your view on that >> this is a real national
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security risks. jim, i mean, one, it turns out he doesn't have the money. he's told us that he has, but to he has a prior history of wanting to do business deals with sketchy foreign nationals as a presidential candidate, he tried to do a the largest hotel deal he's ever done in moscow as president has daughter received 22 patents and trademarks from the chinese government his son-in-law was working on a $2,000,000,000 deal with the saudi government, right? as he exited the white house and of course, the president owned and operated a hotel just across the street from the white house where we took millions of dollars from foreign nationals who stayed at that hotel while he was president. and so he has priors. he's in acute financial state right now and then so it just makes me worry that a potential president could be so tied to a country that may not have our interests in mind. >> and getting back to the house impeachment hearing yesterday on president biden, you were there, you even declared the investigations
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time of death during the hearing. does that mean it's dead? >> or does it live on what's the >> latest rigor mortis? jim is not dead. >> it's it's >> beyond dead. and look how i know it's dead. their key witness yesterday testified from the slammer via zoom. i mean, that's how desperate they are right now to put something on a president who they've never accepted as legitimate. they don't have the evidence and because they don't have the evidence, they don't have the votes. and until i promise you, jim, we will never see a vote to impeach joe biden in this congress, which essentially is an acquittal and we need to start declaring it as such because otherwise republicans will falsely defined the narrative here. >> yeah, and >> quickly one last question congressman, you represent california's apparently the justice department will file this anti trust lawsuit against apple according to three people familiar with the matter that we've spoken with and this lawsuit comes after years of allegations by critics at apple is harmed competition with its
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app store. the terms in the fees there what, what's your response to all of that? do you think that's a healthy thing? what do you what do you think? >> well, git jim apple is one of the largest >> employers in our area. i know this issue, well, being on the judiciary committee and i actually do think a company like apple or a company like google or samsung has a right to cure rate its own app store. my fear is that if they don't have the right to decide who can be in the app store that it could be flooded with, say, chinese apps or russian apps. and it would be a flea market of sorts. and that could affect american consumers. so that's my fear of going down this road with a company like apple all right. congressman swalwell, thank you very much for your time this right. pleasure >> thanks. thank you. >> in the meantime, right there on your screen, we're just showing it a few moments ago, the dow jones there it is flirting with the milestone 40,000 the 40,000 mark for the first time, we're going to keep an eye on all those right now it's about 100.140 away from
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that. if my master's me correct at this hour i will keep an eye on all of that and get back to you if that happens, say what >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, sunday at nine on cnn, it's michael's lowest prices of the season shop now for up to 70% off store, wide and score huge deals on spring stems part in craft supplies i think custom brains plus they won't offspring floral and decor and all ether decor. and here's another way to save. >> and dr. michael strasberg and the dentist, i've been practicing for 44 years in my practice, we talked to patients about their health and nutrition. people think of the mouth as something separate from the rest. mr. your body, but the healthier you are the healthier mouth is when you're younger, your mother's say, eat your fruits and vegetables. but as you get older, that sometimes gets shoved to the side and balance of nature has been one of the best supplements to fill the void
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court to allow him to post a smaller amount or defer posting the payment until after the appeal. if no. raymond arrangement is set the new york attorney general, letitia james has said she will take steps to seize assets in this new filing, trump's lawyers also pushed back on several suggestions made by the new york attorney general on wednesday, including the trump could get several underwriters to secure bonds totalling that judgment. of course, we're going to stay on all of that as it develops. but in the meantime, some other breaking news to tell you about just happening this morning. we're following sources. they're telling us that the department of justice will file a blockbuster antitrust lawsuit against apple. this after years of allegations that apple's app store policies have given an unfair advantage and hurt its rivals, cnn's brian fung as covering those for us. brian, we all have, i mean, i shouldn't say we all have iphones. some of us don't have iphones, i suppose. >> but a >> lot of us do so. i mean, this >> is going to go into >> affect >> millions of americans. and i
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mean, it was anticipated that the doj was going to do something like this potentially but it sets up a huge fight between the government and apple yeah, gym, as he said, there were a years of allegations by critics of apple's saying that it is an illegal monopolist. basically trying to keep users within its walled garden ecosystem through a web of complex terms and conditions hi fees that are charged to, among other people, apple users. and that, that inhibits innovation, prevents new apps from entering the marketplace. prevents new forms of mobile payments, and other new technologies from entering the market. and so i think, what we're going to see here is a big swing by the vitamin ministration against one of the largest, most wealthiest companies in the world. and this of course, is the last main major tech giant to be sued by the biden administration or the us government, since companies
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including meta, google, apple, and amazon were all named in a house investigation about their alleged monopolistic behavior. and so this is really the culmination of many, many years of scrutiny of the tech giant thanks >> just to follow up on that, right. i mean, maybe it's because i am not as adept when it comes to the tech issues, but when i go on my phone, i go into the app store. i don't get every thing under the sun available to me. apple keeps some of that out. in an unfair way. is that essentially with the government is alleging debts that >> is the allegation that lots of people have level that apple that apple uses its terms to essentially control what you have access to through its app store and that it has a monopoly on what you see in the app store. >> interesting. all right, brian fung, we know that that's coming up the announcement top of the hour or right around the top of the hour. so we're going to be watching that very closely, brian. thank you very much. let's go back to our breaking news. were just talk about a few moments ago, former president donald trump calling
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the bonds suggestions from the new york attorney general impractical and unjust. let's discussed now it's cnn's alayna treene, jeff zeleny jeff, i mean, this is this is creeping up on everybody has potentially very big distraction for donald trump. i mean, it already is and this ability we're talking about this with renato mariotti at the top of the program. if trump doesn't have the ability to pay those bond, i mean, it sets up a whole slew of pretty dire circumstances for the former president look, i think first and foremost, when you sort of take a bigger look at all this because it can seem like all these court filings run together. yeah. the reason this matters more than others is being a big businessman, being a billionaire, what she's not, but being a a wealthy businessman is at the core of who he is that really brought him to the table here so this affects him personally in ways that really nothing else does accept his family,
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maybe this is something that hits to the core of that. so by monday, when they have to make a decision to declare bankruptcy or where to find a way to secure this bond. and that's why this gets to him. i think so. that's why despite the back-and-forth of this case, are that case? it's that's why this one is different because it goes to the core of who he is. yeah. but elaine, i mean, the prospect of authorities in new york padlock in buildings, seizing buildings as it sounds crazy to think about that, that could potentially happen. but we're not always saying at the beginning the program. no, no, that sort of thing could happen what is going on inside the trump campaign? how are they responding to some of this? i know we were reporting that trump was in panic mode and they pushed back on that >> well, the trunk donald trump himself, i should say, personally, is very worried about this and yes, in private, but we're also seeing him air those grievances and public. you saw him post repeatedly to to to social about at this he's very frustrated. he's very worried & look, i think this is a huge concern. we know that they're reaching out to wealthy donors to supporters trying to see what they can do to potentially make a
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difference here. and also are really hoping that the attorney general and the judge come up with some sort of option that may alleviate the situation we shouldn't for him. but at the same time, i mean, his team also is in such dire financial situations. we saw some of the financial reports last night, just of what they're raising their far behind the biden campaign and the money that they are raising. and all of these, these judgments, the trials he still has a lot of legal expenses that he needs to pay for. they are very much weighing on the campaign. they recognize that they are far behind in the money game, especially when you compare it to what biden is raising. and so this is just another component of that, that is really putting a lot of pressure on donald trump as well. >> yeah, i mean, we've i'm talking for months about the collective weight of all of these criminal prosecutions. but the financial bill that is coming to you for donald trump, i mean, this, this really could wreak a lot of havoc. jeff, let me get into this other big headline that we've seen in the last 24 hours. it donald trump is contemplating i'm putting
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marco rubio on his ticket. this fall. let's as you and i both know trump and ruby, you have a bit of a checkered past. >> let's play a little bit of that. >> donald trump has been perhaps the most vulgar. no, i don't think perhaps the most vulgar person ever aspire to the presidency in terms of how he's carried out his candidacy, we have a con artist as the front runner and the republican party guy, a guy who has made a career out of telling people live. we cannot allow the conservative movement to be taking over by a con artist. >> so when a little markers fuses crap about the size of my hands, which a big the size of my go i looked at him, i said marco little marco >> are the memories jeff, i didn't get sit back and watch that all day, but let's not having the soundtrack. >> but look, i mean, the reality is but since then, marco rubio, he essentially came to heal and he has been in
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on trump side ever since. so he i don't know if he apologized specifically for some of those remarks, but he basically did and he's been on trump's side for the last eight years. so look weird if the beginning phase now of a very public vetting for vice president that is going to go on that the trump campaign and the former president himself, we're going to use this as a trial balloon to try and see what the reaction is. but also to see how these candidates could potentially start sucking up and helping him with fundraising and other things. so i think it makes a lot of sense. it senator rubio would be in the mix. one problem here as you know now remember this as well is they're both from florida. so there are deep constitutional questions if both the vice president and the president could be from florida, we remember back in the 2000 campaign, of course, dick cheney had to change his texas registration to wyoming, where it was actually from. lilly was born in nebraska so he would not be in the same state. adds george w bush. and then with >> trump and rubio, i guess trump could move back to new york if the building isn't
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padlocked. i mean, i suppose that might be an issue, but i think that's unlikely >> i mean, alaina >> this does i think illustrate how dominant, i mean, how much control donald trump is over the republican party right now, his daughter-in-law is over at the rnc people like ted cruz, marco rubio >> there >> there >> now. trumpets. >> oh, absolutely. i mean, just watching that clip back again to ever think that potentially rubio could become donald trump's running mate is something that we would have never expected, would have been absurd. us back then, but luck. i have been told by many of donald trump's campaign advisers that rubio is actually real. they have acknowledged, while you're point geoff, which is very astute here, is there are constitutional problems and especially if they, if it's a close election, this rule about having two people from the same state would become more into play and his team very much recognizes that this is likely to be a very close election, but he has a very long list of people. he is considering. it's not like rubio is at the top here. he is someone he is
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seriously looking at. they say, but there's a lot of time between now and whenever donald trump is going to formerly pick a running mates, i don't want to put too much stock in this and i only names on the list tim scott, there are many other names yeah yes. >> but i will say his team says that donald trump had him speak frequently. people from rubio world say that as well. donald trump likes and because he's young, he has natural charisma. he's a good speaker. his hispanic remember a key voting bloc that donald trump really needs to the siphoned away from joe biden. so those are all factors that are coming into this. but again, not nothing is set in stone and this is still, you can't really expect with donald trump that put too much stock in these situations because he changes his mind so quickly. >> there we've come a long way from those clips in 20160, the memory? yes, ma'am >> that's right. al-anin, jeff thanks guys very much, really appreciate coming up boarding without a real ticket. a man gets on a flight by sneaking a picture of someone else's ticket that is just incredible. it's sad that that could actually happen. we'll talk about this but kaitlan collins
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getting into the baggage area and maybe into a wheel well of a plane. this method has to be one of the more crafty ones. us attorney's have charged this texas man for sneaking onboard a delta flight bound for austin and happen in salt lake city on sunday, which was st. patrick's day. court documents say 26 why cliff? flores ard was planning to fly standby on a southwest flight. that flight was overbooked. so investigators say flores ard want to the gate of this delta flight >> police were >> viewed the security footage which showed floors ard in the boarding area taking multiple photos of multiple passengers, phones and or boarding passes, while they were not looking the criminal complaint says floors are scanned. his fake ticket boarded the plane and locked himself in the plains bathroom and did not come out until after the plane had pushed back from the gate. now let's play might have worked if he did not get questioned by a flight attendant and court documents say this flores aren't indicated to the flight attendant that his seat was 21 f the flight attendant verified
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that the passenger who is in c 21 f, was the person who had purchased and had been ticketed for that seat and it was not the criminal here. flores aren't so clearly this created a lot of confusion on board flight attendants we're pretty quickly able to figure out that this man was not on their manifest so then they taxi back to the gate where the police were police say flores ard told them he got bumped farmers original flight onto a later flight and was simply trying to get home and made a mistake. but now he's facing one count of stowing away on a vessel or aircraft that's sort of an old school charge there that can carry prison time up to five years. it is not clear yet if flores art has an attorney, jim yeah, i don't think he's going to make that mistake again. yeah. but my goodness with flights these days so full, i have to think that maybe there was a situation where he came out of the laboratory and there wasn't a seat to take that's a great point. and especially during spring break when things are so busy, you're really rolling the dice on that one. so unbelievable. all right.
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pete muntean, hopefully the airlines are gonna have to update the apps. i think a little bit those boarding passes you could do with a screenshot that's not good. rip. thanks, somebody. >> all right. coming up next, cnn confronted north carolina republican candidate whose social media post included calls to execute democrats, including president joe biden and obama will show you some of that just remal your live in the cnn newsroom space shuttle columbia, the final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on >> kinda riva support your brain health. >> mary janice, hey, eddie know, fraser, franck. franck, brad, how are you, frank add fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your >> memory, joined the new riva brain health challenge. >> i was scared when i was told age-related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. it was hard, but taking preservation was easy >> preserve vision as the example that clinically proven a reds two formula recommended by the ndi. >> i'm taking control like millions of others.
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attention last friday, cnn's kfile reported that in the past she has tweeted about wanting to see former president barack obama put in front of a firing squad including horrific details. morrow has also made suggestions about executing other prominent democrats, including then president joe biden. she has promoted q and conspiracy theories as well. and cnn says, shimon prokupecz joins be live in raleigh in north carolina. shimon, you were able to catch up with michele morrow. what did she have to say about all of these extreme posts >> well, yeah, we did a gym. we caught up with her as she was leaving the wake county here in raleigh. gop convention. she was there for several hours at asks you he was leaving. we were able to catch up with her and ask her questions about those controversial tweets. take a look >> ms maurer, how are you? how did it. go in there >> yeah, great. you >> good. who are you guys with? i'm shimon prokupecz on with
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cnn >> have you been parked in my neighborhood by any chance? >> we've been trying to talk to me, yes. >> okay. >> well, you can go through my but i have now, so why don't we talk now? >> no. why not? well >> i want to ask you, do you still stay? >> and i'm not talking too, ma'am, do you still stand by your comments about former president barack obama and he should be executed it's calling for the death of other presidents. >> do you stand by that >> we're >> do you stand by those comments? >> have a good night. do you stand by? >> what? what you've said about the public education system and that it needs to be destroyed? no. do you stand by that >> do you understand the concern that people >> have with this nomination that you now, do you vote in north carolina? that keep your eyes on your own paper? >> well, let me ask you. i i've read i've read papers. >> so here to >> keep your concerns, people have with your nomination and the things that you have set people in new york have concern over the country really
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concerned about north carolina. do you know that education is a problem in this entire country? so maybe they need to focus on what's going on in your state of new york, which by the way is where i grew up. maybe they need to focus on what's going on in california where children and are not getting the education that they need, maybe they need to focus on what they're doing in michigan because right now in north carolina, i'm focused on helping the families of north carolina for their children to get quality education for them to be safe and for us to be sure that our money is going into the classroom. rather than bureaucracies. that's what i've been focusing on. that's what i've been fighting for for the last five years, going to the general assembly and dealing with those issues. right. so that is why i'm running my and the sooner. but do have set such hurtful things to it. turns of the education to tell you about transgender. one is so done with the gotcha moment. this >> is not a gotcha. >> your own words, ma'am. who's are your own. that's not. you have education. >> the former
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>> president are my words, because you tweeted, are those not your tweets? do you deny saying that you have an opportunity now i am totally deny saying that i am. are you denying that you said that in those tweets? i am telling you you that. i'm going to do talk about the indoctrination of children by teachers >> i am telling you, have you talked about that? have you said that about student have you seen any of me going to the school board for the last five years because you will have my answer and as you see there, jim chee continues to deflect it at one point, trying to perhaps even deny >> that she said sexual hurtful and really controversial things >> in the end, if >> she was to be elected, she would oversee a school system with over 1 million students, some a students. >> there was a >> lot of concern across the state over what she has said, and certainly for parents certainly for many of the students who are facing a lot of difficulties and her issues
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on that some here in the local paper have said that she's a threat today. education system here and certainly there are people who feel that way so it's going to be interesting, obviously, to see what happens. we have some time here, but there are a lot of eyes on this election here. jim >> yeah, shimon, i, mean, just to follow up, i mean, did she deny tweeting? we're posting these online messages that barack obama should be executed so, it's. interesting. she, you can see there at one point she says, well, how do you know it was me, right? so she's trying to raise perhaps that question but no, she didn't deny it she deflected, right. she tried to get me to go through her ross person and she didn't she didn't gym. she did not at all over the several times i asked her she didn't want to address it. i mean, it is a controversial thing. it is in some ways very hurtful for people people to whom who have seen her tweet, to have read
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her tweets but now she's simply tried to deflect and not answer >> well, and it's also dangerous. i mean, there are people out there who could see those kinds of posts and act on them. so kudos to use your bone and your crew for tracking or down and confronting are on what is obviously very dangerous online material. shimon prokupecz. thank you as always for all the work you do. appreciate it, and we'll be right back >> there is no media personality. >> business woman celebrity chef, like her >> the many lives of martha stewart now streaming on macs >> it's michael's lowest prices of the season shop now for up to 70%, i'll store y and score huge deals on spring stems are in craft supplies and custom phrase plus they won't offspring floral and decor i can all easter decor and here's another way to save weight, decided to put in an in-ground pool. >> i literally went on
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call now >> i'm caitlin paul lands in washington and this is cnn a bombshell in professional baseball, the los angeles dodgers say they fired the longtime interpreter or the team superstar, >> shohei ohtani after he was accused by ohtani's legal team of massive theft for reportedly tied to gambling losses. cnn's
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andy scholes joins me now with for any, i mean, this is a huge thing i i guess i have to i think perhaps it happens more often than you think, but what are they saying? well, i'm not sure this >> happens very often >> as soon as >> superstar at the level of tani. but the explanation of how this all went down it changed quickly. so say that a taney's spokesman originally told espn that ohtani sent money to cover the gambling debts of his longtime interpreter and friend e and msbu hora. but then ohtani's lawyers on wednesday said ohtani was the victim of massive theft. now this came to light because the federal investigators are looking into an illegal california gambling operation as first reported by the los angeles times. now according to espn, ohtani sent millions of dollars in wire transfers from his bank account to the judge bookmaking operation. now, ms you hora originally told me it's been an interview on tuesday that the transfers were to cover his losses. he said, ohtani, he had quote, zero involvement in the bedding and none of the bets were on baseball, but ms you
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joro also told espn he didn't know gambling was illegal in california ohtani wasn't happy about his death let's put decided to pay them off for him. well, as espn was getting ready to publish their story on wednesday. ohtani's lawyers sent out this statement saying in the course of responding to recent media and queries, we discovered that shohei has been the victim of a massive theft and we are turning the matter over to the authorities. now, on wednesday, muizzu hora also walked back much of what he had told the isbn sang ohtani had no knowledge of his gambling activities, debts, or efforts to repay them. now, cnn is attempting to contact me, zahra. we've reached out to local authorities and major league baseball is declining to comment at the moment, moos o'hara wasn't the dugout for wednesday hey, is mlb season opener against the padres and you can see he was seen smiling talking to ohtani. but ms o'hara was fired by the dodgers after this story came out. so jam, it's gonna be interesting to see where this, where this story goes. ohtani, did not speak with reporters as they dodgers wrapped up their series with the padres. there
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in south korea yeah, so it'll be interesting to see what he finally has to say about this because like i said, the story changed pretty quickly. >> yeah. i mean, when you start to mix in gambling headlines in any pro sport, i mean that is that we're heading in a rough direction depending on where it goes. are andy scholes. thank you so much. great to see you appreciate it, and we're following breaking news right now involving apple, the department of justice as just slapped the tech giant with a groundbreaking lawsuit. it's might possibly affect anybody who has an iphone out. there's will tell you about all of those details sure. that sanity needs to save space >> you have a show were right and left talk to each other cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher, saturday at eight on cnn >> this is david's look of joy. and this is his john deere z5, 30 m or the cuts with so
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