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tv   CNN Newsroom With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 14, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> 80087 to 4901 happening now, donald trump is back at a florida courtroom as his attorneys fight to have the charges in this >> classified documents case dismissed we're live in florida. meantime, in georgia, the fulton county judge who just dropped three charges against trump could decide whether to remove district attorney fani hey, willis from the election subversion case. and just moments ago on the us senate floor, the majority leader, chuck schumer, called for new elections and israel sharply criticizing the prime minister, benjamin ateneo. hello, i'm wolf blitzer in washington, and you're in the cnn newsroom just two days after he clinched his party's presidential nomination, donald trump is back at another familiar role today as a court defendant. the former president of the united states is attending a critical hearing in his classified documents case trump has pleaded not guilty to
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dozens of charges related to his alleged mishandling of highly classified documents and for obstructing the justice department's investigation trump and his attorneys will ask the judge to dismiss the charges or at least to delay the trial. cnn senior crime and justice reporter katelyn polantz is just outside the courthouse in fort pierce, florida for us, kaitlan, you're learning more about what's unfolding right now inside the courtroom. what can you tell us? >> right wolf this hearing has been going on for about an hour now, and the first people to stand up in argue are lawyers for donald trump. they're arguing that the records he took the end of his presidency and kept at mar-a-lago after the presidency or personal records, his to keep and the judge already has some harsh questions for donald trump's lawyer, aiml beauvais. she has been asking if trump's request here is premature, so he's come to her and said these are personal records. and because i'm telling you that you
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should be dismissing this he's on the legal grounds here. >> what >> judge cannon is asking though, is this something that is a legal question at this time that she should be looking at or is this something that is a factual dispute that perhaps could be something that would be picked up later by a jury for your that the parties could argue at a later date. and so she's questioning trump's attorneys, not making any rulings just yet on this. they also are arguing trump's team is arguing that she should be looking at what happened with joe biden and how he had records after the vice presidency that were found and articulated, memorialized have that report of special counsel, robert hur, just a few weeks ago? that is what they're trying to qanon to do. but the justice department is going to come back here. they're going to have a chance to argue and underline just how different this case is in their investigation, how these are national defense records? about very sensitive nuclear and
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military secrets of the united states and other foreign nations. and how in this situation, there is an obstruction in component that this isn't just about having documents after the presidency or choosing to keep them. it's about donald trump awarding a subpoena from a grand jury federal investigation, huge, huge developments unfolding. kaitlan. we'll get back to you. thank you very much. katelyn polantz's in fort pierce, florida for us any moment now, there could also be a seismic shift that in another criminal case against donald trump, the judge or the georgia election subversion case is decided if he will if he will disqualify the district attorney, trump and his co-defendants want fani willis removed accusing her of financially benefiting by hiring or her special prosecutor in the case disqualify fani willis would derail the trial set for august, right in the thick of the presidential campaign cnn's nick valencia is at elana for us, nic, judge scott mcafee said he would announce his decision by friday. that's
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namely tomorrow. so the clock is clearly ticking the clock is ticking wolf, will she stay or will she go? we are standing by for that monumental decision from judge mcafee with tomorrow being the deadline for the two weeks self-imposed timeline he gave himself to make a decision. he said he's gonna make this decision with the best understanding he has of the law. but what is that understanding? that's the big question it is the threshold for disqualification, an actual conflict or simply the appearance of one. this case is unprecedented and we are here because fani willis was able to secure an indictment, a stork indictment against the former president and some of his closest allies. and while the last several months it may have seen like she's the one on trial. she made it clear during those disqualifications that she wasn't in fact, she was insulted by the very essence of these claims >> highly offensive with someone lies on you and it's highly offensive when they catch implicate that you slept with somebody the first day you met with them. and i take exception to you started dating
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shortly thereafter, correct? a lie. that's one of your allies >> if fani willis is dismissed, this case gets handed over to the prosecutor, prosecuting attorneys council. that's a nine-member panel of solicitors general the former district attorneys, and it would be up to them to pick a new prosecutor if she stays, then this potentially could get back on track for a trial in august. but with every day that passes because by that seems less and less likely wolf, we'll watch it together with you, nick valencia, the stakes, there are enormous as well. i want to continue this conversation right now, joining us now, the former federal prosecutor and cnn senior legal analyst, elie honig, also with us. see this chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid, and cnn national correspondent, kristen holmes has been doing a lot of reporting on all of this. if the judge, elie decides to remove her from this case, what happens? >> well, it's a major setback for the case, perhaps a permanent setback for the case. so here's what happens. >> because >> fani willis is the district attorney, her entire office would be disqualified if a
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normal prosecutor, a lower level one, like i was getting disqualified, you just plug in the next person down the hall, but she's the boss. so her whole office would be disqualified, then the case goes over to this independent prosecutor counsel that nick just referenced. and what they do from then on is highly unknown, just as one point of reference, wolf, there was a point in 2022 during the investigation of this case where fani willis was disqualified, she subpoenaed somebody and then attended a fundraiser for that person's political opponent. and the judge there disqualified her from that narrow portion of the case. that portion of the case is still sitting with this independent counsel here we are nearly two years later. so if she gets disqualified, it will be an enormous blow to this case. >> paula, if she remains on the case, will the optics there'll be there and potentially could benefit the defense? namely truck. >> oh, yeah. even if she's not disqualified plenty for the defense team to work on because this is not just about the substance of these charges. this is also about optics, about trust in the justice
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system. and you can bet that trump and his attorneys would take every opportunity to remind everyone about the romantic relationship, about the hundreds of thousands of dollars nathan wade was paid no intelligent minds can disagree about if that is the market rate. but to the average american who is gobsmacked by the price of groceries right now, this has a real ick factor and that's very effective for trump as he wants to undermine credibility of the justice system and also the prosecutions against him. the >> average american could be on a jury down the road as well. so we'll be watching that. >> if i guess no matter what happens, appeals are likely. this could drag on and on and on. and we know the trump legal defense team there, their whole thrust has been to delay delay. delay. yeah. and then this will play right into that. if fani willis is disqualified, she will have the chance to appeal. her office can go to a court of appeals, say the judge, judge mcafee got it wrong, but that's a really tough argument to make on appeal. and here's why we i believe that judge mcafee ruling will be based
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heavily on his determinations about credibility i believe this witness i did not believe that witness. and those determinations are uniquely set aside under the law for the trial, judge. that's the kind of thing that courts of appeals will not reverse him on. now, if fani willis is left on the case, if she's not disqualified, the defendants, trump and mike roman and the others we'll probably get to appeal, but probably not now, they would probably have to wait until after the trial, which could be way way, way down the road. yeah. >> this is going to go on and on and it looks like christine, i know you've been doing a lot of reporting on all of this at a source is telling cnn, as you well know, the house republicans, they're convening right now off-campus, off capitol hill for this little session, they invited trump to come, but he decided not to attend this republican retreat, this congressional retreat for republicans. but instead of ten, these legal matters, what do you think? >> yeah, that's right. so first of all, donald trump isn't really go to these kind of big group grope events. that's not really his thing. he does his own rallies and then he has
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people visit him at mar-a-lago and court him at dinner. so he doesn't usually go to a big conference or convention even if he is the star of that in and out. so that's not that surprising, but when it comes to today and him being in court, we are told that he wants to participate in his defense once he won, he wants to let's see what exactly everyone is saying. you know, donald trump, he wants to have all the details. he also wants to court the judge to show that he is a willing participant in his own defense, and that's what you're going to see, not just here. we're actually going to see that in new york as well. he is hold to steve now, obviously that's different. he has to be there, but there are some procedural days. he's told assume he wants to be there for every single full day in new york because he wants to court the jury courts. the judge to show that he is a willing participant in his own defense. >> i want to get to the classified documents case, paula, what while i have you the arguments that trump's lawyers are making as president of the united states, or even as a former president united states, he could declassify documents he could take classified documents with them. it was his right. >> well, he's arguing that
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these were his personal records and that's just not true. he points to the presidential records act saying, look, these were mine to keep and we know that is not true. the presidential records act does not allow you to take classified information back home with you. we also know he's on tape acknowledging the fact that he can't declassify things once he's out of the white house and some of these documents should not have been in his possession. but the merits of the argument are secondary to the fact that even filing this even having these arguments helps to push the case back a few days, a few weeks, which is why what we're really watching today is if the judge, judge aileen cannon gets any indication of how far back she's going to push this case penciled in for may 19. she's indicated that she will push it back. she thinks july as unreasonable, so august at the earliest and look if he can get it pushed back to august. try again to get a pushback even further. that's really the crux of their strategy. >> interesting in our leas you, know cnn spoke exclusively to a central witness in the classified documents case. the witness was previously known as trump employee number five. i want you to listen to this
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exchange that he had listened to this you noticed that he had thought they were the boxes that were in the indictment, the white bankers boxes. that's what i remember loading >> and did you have any time any idea at the time that there was potentially us national security secrets in his box? >> no clue. no i had no clue >> so elie, how can this impact the case against trump right now? >> well, this individual, mr. butler's going to be a crucial prosecution witness. you can see that just in kaitlan's interview of him, this is what prosecutors want in a witness. do you want someone who's inside this man was inside mar-a-lago. he was there when boxes were being packed and moved around. he does not appear to have any credibility problem towards trump. he doesn't. in contrast, when you see michael cohen, michael cohen makes no no secret of the fact that he did spices trump. he talks about it all day long. this mr. butler's seems like he's if anything, loyal to trump and sort of bothered by the fact that he's going to be
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a witness that happens, but that makes for a more powerful witness in court. so i think mr. butler think caitlin gave us a good preview of what his testimony is going to be do you like in court? >> trump employee number five by five. i like his real name better than mr. trump, employee number five, viewed our krystyna, the hush money case in new york is, you know, you've been watching very closely as well it's been delayed. i mean, the trump lawyers wanted to delayed arguing that the supreme court is considering trump's immunity as a president of the united states, presidential immunity give us an update on that. >> i think we have to remember is that donald trump's lawyers are exhausting every single avenue that they possibly can to delay all of these cases as long as they can. i mean, the ultimate goal here was to push every single case past the november election with the hopes that donald trump would win and then get these various cases dismissed. if you are talking about new york in general, they're not banking on any kind of delay. they believe this is going to happen. they are planning his entire schedule around it happening.
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they are looking at how they are going to be on the campaign trail. and also in the courtroom, because as i've said, donald trump, even on the days he doesn't have to be there procedural day is jury selection wants to be in the courthouse. we know wednesdays and saturdays or two days that he's not going to have to be in court. likely those are the days are going to see him on the campaign trail they're planning for this trial to start at the end of the month. obviously, if something were to happen that was shocking to them, they would be thrilled if it was delayed, but that is not something that they appear to be banking on at all. >> interesting, i will see what happens on wednesdays and saturday as part of the campaign's europe, we'll watch that as well, guys. thank you very, very much. still ahead. the senate majority leader, chuck schumer, is now calling for new elections in israel. he says the prime minister benjamin of time you know, has lost his way. plus vice president kamala harris is set to make history today. no sitting vice president has ever toured an abortion provider maybe center until now. what does that tell us about the campaign that's coming up? and spacex loses its starship after
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an impressive launch why the company is still claims today was his will update you on this. stay with us. you're in the cnn newsroom the source with kaitlan collins >> tonight at nine >> sorry, parties canceled wayne on the cable internet guy. >> i had but those ties t-mobile, home makes him with now i need home in home internet t-mobile now, just 50 bucks a month >> hhs or tech allergy relief works fast and last a full 24 hours. so dave can be the deliverer. dance okay. dave, let's be more than our
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scathing critique of the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government, and issuing a call, a specific call for new elections in israel. let's go to cnn's chief congressional correspondent, manu raja. he's up on capitol hill. very significant developments. bano yeah, that's right. because chuck schumer, in fact, has been israel hawk for much of his career. he has actually aligned himself with a lot of the things that netanyahu has done. remember back in the barack obama era, he voted against the iran nuclear deal. that job benjamin netanyahu, netanyahu was lobbying furiously. again and so all of this though, comes as there has been growing concern, particularly within the democratic party about how this war is being waged in israel and calls for changes in the israeli government. and that's exactly what chuck schumer did on the senate floor just moments ago, calling for new elections and suggesting that benjamin neon then yeah oh, is an obstacle to peace
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>> that israelis need to take stop the situation and ask, must we change course? at this critical juncture i believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of israel at a time when so many israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government i also believe a majority of the israeli public will recognize the need for change. and i believe that holding a new election once the war starts to wind down, would give israelis and opportunity to express their vision for the post-war future >> and wolf, this has already generating a furious pushback from republicans, including the top republican mitch mcconnell, who went to the senate floor moments afterwards to blast
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senate majority leader chuck schumer's called for new elections over democratically elected leader of israel this is unprecedented. >> we should not treat fellow >> democracies this way at all >> things that upset left-wing activists are not a prime ministers policies there is israel's policies mcdonald's sake. the democratic party doesn't have an anti a baby problem. it an anti israel problem >> and of course this comes at a critical time on capitol hill as well as aid to israel is tied up in the larger foreign aid debate on capitol hill along with aid to ukraine and many democrats, either, our new conditions on that aid to israel or simply say that it
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should not be any two given to the netanyahu government. so wolf, so many things are riding on how members of the senate leadership in particular view, what's happening in israel. and when you heard from the senate majority, they're very significant with implications for israel played as well. >> yeah, very significant indeed, manu raju, up on capitol hill. thank you very much. i want to turn to the presidential race here in the united states. president biden will campaign in the key battleground state of michigan today, it's his first visit there since a protest vote in the democratic primary saw more than 100,000 people in michigan select uncommitted, largely over president biden's handling of israel's war against hamas cnn's chief national affairs correspondent, jeff zeleny is joining us now from the walkie, where the president held a campaign event yesterday, jeff, president biden faced another protests last night are they expecting more today in michigan >> well, if the president is beginning his day here in milwaukee and then making his
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way to michigan. as you said, but that speech from majority leader chuck schumer certainly is also going to resonate on the campaign trail and as well, the question is, will that be enough to assuage the concerns of some demonstrators the early answer is probably no oh, they have been calling for a ceasefire. they are calling for a complete change in us administration policy. but as the president heads to michigan today, he's going to sagen on michigan that is north of detroit, north of the dearborn area. but certainly this is it's still an issue that is playing out across key battleground states. and indeed the country as well on college campuses and elsewhere. this is a central political concern for this white house. of course, a policy challenge as well. but the president did not have his speech interrupted yesterday by protesters as he has before, it was a fairly small speech. but there were many protesters here on the ground in wisconsin wolf, it's just making clear as we are going forward toward the general election campaign.
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this is going to be it soundtrack of this campaign. this is going to be part of the campaign's something that president has to deal with. so clearly the speech by senator schumer is an attempt to distance democrats from the netanyahu government. we will see if that is enough for some democratic voters here on the campaign trail. >> at the same time, geoff, the vice president, kamala harris, is also hitting the campaign trail today and she said to make, what is widely seen as a truly historic visit. tell us about that she's traveling to minnesota today. but what's significant about this wolf is she will be visiting a planned parenthood abortion clinic that provides the board portion services. and this is just the latest in a stop that she has really made the central part of her campaign piece of this reelection campaign, uh, putting abortion rights and abortion freedom and reproductive freedom at this center of the campaign. of course, this comes in the wake of the supreme court decision to overturn roe versus wade.
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she's been campaigning across the country beyond this. and this is something that does say a political matter has been a strength for democrats. so certainly the vice president going there to minnesota to visit that clinic. today. again, we'll another example, even though the candidates are the same in this election the issues are entirely different, or at least significantly different than 2020 there's no doubt abortion rights for women here in the united states will be a big issue in this campaign. jeff zeleny, thank you very much for that report. let's discuss this and more with cnn senior political analyst and senior editor over at the atlantic, ron brownstein and cnn political analyst and washington bureau chief for the boston globe, jackie kucinich becky kamala harris, planning, senior white house officials are planning to meet with arab and muslim leaders in chicago today. give us a sense of what's going on in chicago >> i don't even want to pretend that i am up to speed on that because it's such an important
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issue, perhaps ron knows a little bit more about that than i do. >> well, let me get ron on it because there's concern among a lot of democrats that the president's support for israel providing more weapons to israel during this war. again, hamas in gaza is undermining, politically undermining president biden's chances of getting re-elected. and so clearly there's an effort now to try to go after arab american and muslim american leaders and win their support yeah, look, it's a complex political calculus for biden more complex than the critics make out because as you know, polling still >> shows clearly that most americans support israel, even though opinion is much more divided among democrats, i think the distinction that he is increasingly making and schumer is the pilot fish year is between support for israel and support for the netanyahu government. i mean netanyahu has openly scorned almost everything. biden has asked him what to do, particularly in envisioning the post-war reality in gaza. and that seems to be part of his electoral
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strategy to show that he will stand up to the us and push back against the us. and of course, netanyahu, as i've often said, has been identified with one political party over the past 30 years, more than i think any foreign leader with either party has regularly clash with democratic presidents and work to support republican interests. to some extent, when schumer, went out i made that speech today. my first reaction was what took so long. i mean, biden's hugging netanyahu strategy clearly has not delivered on a policy basis, much less on a political basis. and i do think that this is the direction that it's going to go to try to thread this needle of maintaining continued support for israel but increasing criticism of the way the net, new netanyahu government is prosecuting this war and particularly planning for the aftermath. >> yeah, there's real tension there right now a jackie, i i'd other sensitive issue. what do you make of a kamala harris is decision to go to
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this planned parenthood clinic today, abortion rights for women clearly emerging as a huge issue i mean, kamala harris has been on this campaign for months now to making reproductive rights, really her central >> issue of this campaign. and democrats writ large believe that abortion rights are going to be in some places they're actually going to be on the ballot. but more broadly, are going to be on the ballot. i'll let in 2024 and we've seen in the midterms and in wind, abortion is on the ballot. voters have tended to vote with democrats. and when it is on the ballot, it had these initiatives have been 100% successful interesting point. ron. as you probably know earlier today, trump backtracked on some recent comments saying he quote, and i'm quoting him now would never do anything that would jeopardize or hurt social security or medicare. and quote, earlier this week, he suggested he was open to cuts
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during an interview with cnbc. so what's happening here >> well, i think the comments on cnbc were the misstep that trump from the beginning has recognized that in a republican coalition that's increasingly dependent on older white voters cutting social security and medicare as the paul ryan era republican house wanted to do, particularly voucher rising. medicare was a non-starter and he's been consistently opposed to it. but those lows that language from monday does play into an argument that biden wants to make. and as i wrote this week on, biden is facing a battle add retrospective assessment of the economy under him versus the economy under trump. more people say they were better off under trump the way he's trying to deal with that is by focusing voters on the prospective choice between the agenda of each man and biden is the economic agenda each man and biden is putting a lot of chips on a broad odd populous message of raising taxes on the
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rich. funding more subsidies and support for middle-class families, and attacking special interests, for instance, by having medicare lower negotiate negotiate lower prescription drug prices, social security fits, right in the center of that. and it is really part of i think biden's effort. if there is way to narrow trump's substantial lead now on who can better handle the economy, it's by not by avoiding the comparison, looking backward and focusing voters forward on whose agenda might help them more in the future. and trump, i think did give them a quote that is going to show up in a lot of ads this fall, whatever cleanup he's doing now social security, medicare critically important issues. and let's not forget that older americans vote and bigger percentage numbers than younger americans do. ron brownstein, jackie kucinich to both of you. thank you very much. also new this morning, spacex sends up the most powerful rocket on earth after two previous explosions. but now it's lost. lost. we'll
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explain why that was the plan. stay with us. you're in the cnn newsroom backroom. deals, cia secrets, affairs, >> bribery, corruption, prostitution there's so, much more to the store, united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn >> your pride and joy is measured in anchors. keep them looking their best with personal utility vehicles and professional grade mowers. and the number one rated tractor brand for durability and owner experience >> what is the jg wentworth? toll free, number >> correct >> some people go to the ends of the earth to find adventure you just have to travel to the
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space and defense correspondent kristin fisher, who knows this issue of very, very well because not significant was this flight. and if it didn't come back and land in the indian ocean where it was supposed to. why was that a success? well, this >> was always part of the plan. spacex was always going to lose starship because this is a flight test. absolute best-case scenario. starship was going to splashdown in the indian ocean in the end, it ended up breaking up just over it the indian ocean. so it made it so very close to its ultimate target. and when you're putting together a flight plan for a test plight, you have to think through what the ultimate dream case scenario would be even if that is much further than what the ultimate goal or the initial primary goal of that flight test is. and so the goal for this flight test was for starship to reach orbital
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velocity or orbital speed. and it did that, it flew further and faster than starship has ever flown before. and then it also completed these two really incredible milestones. it demonstrated a propellant or a fuel transfer in in space from tank within starship. and then it also opened up a payload bay door, which on future, future missions would allow up perhaps satellites, satellites, starlink satellites to come out. so really the only thing it didn't do was splashed down, but still nasa and spacex calling this a huge to access. and if i can also note wolf, i mean you and i were sitting here during that odysseus lunar landing mission and we were lamenting the fact that there were no live videos or images and you know granted that was the moon. and this is very low earth orbit, but the fact that we were able to get this incredible hd video yeah, throughout most of the mission. this video, in particular, what you're seeing here, is the
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plasma, the incredibly high temperatures that starship has to endure upon re-entry. i've never seen anything like that before. wolf, really incredible that spacex was able to kinda take us along for the ride and watch the mission along with them in real time to go, we didn't have that video on the day that we saw that landed on the moon, south pole of the moon to be very >> specific, spacex says that it's considers its starship system central to eventually putting a person on the moon, getting somebody not on the moon on mars. should we say what's going on there? >> moon? and mars, spacex wants to use this spacecraft to eventually land the first humans on mars. but first it is the centerpiece of nasa's artemis program. this is the spacecraft that nasa wants to use to return american astronauts to the surface of the moon for the first time since the apollo program, which is why nasa is he's watching these flight tests so closely. and the nasa administrator,
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just a few moments ago congratulating spacex on this successful third test flight, ready to go to the moon or mars for that matter. >> sure. you would go cnn. cnn can send me right. we got the >> budget for that word, who are courageous kristin fisher, thanks for all the good room. i appreciate it very, very much. other news we're following as the crisis deepens right now in haiti, a us official tells cnn that the biden administration might use one tanomah bay in cuba for migrants fleeing the violence or speak to the former us special envoy to haiti. that's coming up next if you work in spaceflight. >> this is the worst possible thing i could ever happen >> my dad died doing what he is loved >> space shuttle columbia have final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis helped me back now with sky rizzi, i'm all in with clear skin we've sky rizzi three out
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mesothelioma for over ten years. mesothelioma is really all we do. >> 80087 to 4901 there is growing concern right now that the crisis in haiti could lead to a mass exodus of migrants >> potentially heading towards the united states as they tried to escape the violence there. the biden administration is discussing a potential plan to use guantanamo bay, the american naval based in cuba for which is about 200 miles from haiti potentially for migrants. ambassador dan foot is joining us right now. he was the us special envoy for haiti, ambassador. thanks so much for joining us. thanks for all your important work. do you think we are on the verge of a huge migrant crisis involving haiti right now. >> we share, maybe we'll, the us isn't a situation where they hold the cards right now, the weave intervene six or seven times in the last hundred and ten years in haiti, each
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time it has had amazing deleterious effect on the people in the country to the we're now failed state incredible humanitarian catastrophe. and the biggest reasons because the us has never let the haitians choose their leaders and their path forward. and we have a chance to do it now they haven't done it over the past 32 months since the assassination of jovenel moise and it's cost the country has cost us national security now are flailing a little bit and hopefully we'll do the right thing by the haitians. >> let's help the secretary of state, anthony blinken, travel to jamaica this week what else should the us be doing now? to try to help the haitians >> well, right now the us and caricom are trying to impose another foreign government construct. and the haitians, which has failed each time and they've chosen seven haitians, including the party that is
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reviled and hated. that's driven haiti the end to the ground over the past 14 years but they chose seven people, the white people chose seven people. they didn't even go to haiti. and they've empowered these seven people to choose the next government of haiti haitians are up in arms. they can't believe that the americans have the hubris to try to do this again and think it's somehow going to make things better >> ambassador dan foot, let's continue this conversation down the road. sadly, this crisis is not going away. appreciate it very much. there's more news. we're following here as well, including the russians. they're heading to the polls tomorrow for an election that we'll see vladimir putin sailing to another term. we're live in moscow, that's coming up next. stay with us. you're in the cnn newsroom chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. he's brought to you by sleep number sleep next level, say 40% on asleep number
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regain him lunch break. try now for free visit, ai or download the app was caught in a trap and he couldn't get out. >> vegas was having an identity crisis the beginning of the downfall, but degas, at a different idea, vegas, the story of sin city. sunday at ten on cnn with less than 24 hours until russians head to the polls vladimir putin already appears poised to win a fifth term in office, extending his control into the next decade cnn's chief global affairs correspondent, matthew chance, is joining us live from moscow right now. matthew, what are the what are you hearing? just ahead of these? objections >> well, it's about four or five hours now until elections or voting really starts in earnest in the russian far east
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of the country member there were 11 time zones in russia and it's 08:00 in the morning local time where people start coming out and casting their votes. that's in about four or five hours from now in the far east of the country, it's about 13 hours before voting starts here in the russian capital moscow just gives you an idea, just how vast this country is. already the election authorities say just over 2 million people have already cast there ballots in early voting. so people who are in, for instance, very remote areas of the russian arctic for instance, or people who live inside the recently annexed areas of ukraine, which russia now regards as part of the russian federation. so people there have been given passports and they're voting in some instances, instances as well. so in subways voting has already got underway. and according to all the opinion polls which we have to take with a pinch of salt, but they're probably right in this regard, it's a near certainty
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vladimir putin, the russian presence is going to win a fifth presidential term. now, part of the reason for that is because any significant opposition in the country has essentially been silenced. and we're talking about a crackdown on dissent across the country. we're talking about opposition figures have either been jailed, they've gone into exile, or they've been killed. alexey navalny, the main opposition figure, died in unexplained circumstances in his arctic penal colony just last month. and so you look, it's a very dark period in russia at which comes of course, against the backdrop of that ukraine war, which russia of course calls its special military operation which is taking a heavy toll both on the russian economy and in terms of casualties on both sides. so it's in that environment with no opposition at a sort of crisis situation in terms of the conflict that millions of russians with the next 24 hours
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will we will be casting their votes. and the voting last for three days. and so it's going to be through the weekend until we get the confirmation as we're expecting the vladimir putin gets a fifth term as russian president wolfe. >> now if you're working to tell us about the other candidates, do russians have a choice? >> well, i mean, look, i mean, as i say, the significant opposition has not been allowed to stand there's no nobody in the field who is actually opposed to putin, for instance. but there are three other candidates that the russian population have the option of voting for, but they rate very lowly in terms of public recognition, there's a hardline communist candidate who wants to return russia to the old days of the soviet union. there are various other low level politicians as well, but nobody of the same status as vladimir putin >> interesting matthew chance in moscow for us. thank you
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very much for that update into our viewers. thanks very much for joining us here in the cnn newsroom. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. i'll be back later tonight, 06:00 p.m. eastern in this room right here tomorrow morning, 11:00 a.m. eastern. stay with cnn inside politics with dana bash starts right after a short break on the chasing life podcast, dr. sanjay gupta goes inside the world of what laws the new miracle drugs well, we've really tells us about her health, chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta listen wherever you get your podcasts. >> in the next 30 seconds, 250 couples will need to make room for a nursery. 26 people will go all in. this family will get two bathrooms. and finally, one vacation or will say, yeah i'm going to live here. but as a euphoria subsides, their realisation hits. >> i can sell the house >> don't worry,
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