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tv   The Source With Kaitlan Collins  CNN  March 13, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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trust to protect them from all these external threats real or imagined that putin and the kremlin has been talking about for years now, is anyone actually running against putin? >> oh yeah. there there are three people who have been allowed to run against vladimir, vladimir putin at none of them are stand any chance at all. in fact, latest opinion polls as much as you can trust them here, say they don't even register in the double digits in terms of popularity, i actually spoke it's one of them at an election event a few days ago leonard sloot ski and he told me, look, he wasn't even trying to when he was trying to come second, which is extraordinary for a presidential candidate, although it's realistic given how the odds are stacked against any he won in this country standing against putin. >> matthew chance from moscow, matthew, thank you. the news continues source with kaitlan collins starts now seen wrong
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stay from the source tonight, a surprise win >> for donald trump is some of his criminal charges were thrown out in the state of georgia. what? judge >> called fatal, and the prosecution's case and an even bigger decision that is looming that could come at any moment. also, congress has started the clock on tiktok, the house overwhelmingly passing a bill that would ban it nationwide. and president biden says he'll sign it if it reaches his desk, but that's a big f. we'll take a look at the national security 30 threads, as well as the political threats. if lawmakers cut off the app that is used by 170 million americans. also tonight, a potential trump running mate it is posting about her brand new teeth that south dakota's governor is now facing ethical questions about that new smile will dig into that video that some are calling down my bizarre. i'm kaitlan collins, and this is the source fresh off.
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>> of clinching the republican nomination for president as he did last night, it was the win that very few people saw coming, not even really donald trump. the judge that is presiding over his election conspiracy case in georgia, has now dropped six of the 41 counts in that indictment against trump and his co-defendants. three of those six charges that were dismissed were pending against trump himself, including the one that was tied to that infamous phone call that we all remember to georgia secretary of state after trump lost the 2020 election so i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 loads, which is one more that we have because we won the state >> judge scott mcafee cited what he called a fatal lack of detail from the prosecution to support the specific charges
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that he dropped today. but he also made sure to note and this is important here. i'm quoting judge scott mcafee. he said, this does not mean the entire indictment is dismissed. the heart of this case, in fact, relayed the vast bulk of it does still remain intact. and donald trump is still facing ten criminal counts in georgia meanwhile, there could be a bigger decision coming in that state, though in the next 48 hours, the judge is still weighing whether or not to remove the district attorney, fani willis from this case over those accusations of a conflict of interests that stemmed momentum relationship that she had with the lead prosecutor she hired on that case judge mcafee confirmed to cnn today, we rarely hear from him outside the courtroom that he is still on track to issue that decision this week. i'm joined now by cnn legal analyst and former us attorney for the middle district of georgia. michael moore and cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers and michael, let me just start with you since all this is it's happening in your home state. what did you make of judge
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mcafee is rationale for dismissing these charges? >> well, i'm glad to be the both. i mean, what was filed by the defense's a very standard motion that's filed by the defendants in many cases in georgia, it's a demurrer. our challenge to the sufficiency of the indictment and the law says the defendant is entitled to an indictment it's basically perfect in form and substance. and so the judge simply looked at it. he said, look, you've got this these allegations and the indictment that who you're saying he tried to solicit people to violate their oath, but you need to tell me what part of their oath what part of the constitutional provisions whether it's a state constitution or federal constitution provisions as they take an oath to uphold both you've got to spell that out in the indictment so that the defendants have some knowledge before they go to trial of what they may have to prepare and presented a fast again. so while it's a significant win, i think for the defendants, it certainly is not fatal to the
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entire indictment and the district attorney's matter of fact can go back and re-indict and clean those charges up, or there could be an appeal of the judge's ruling, or frankly, they could just move forward because so many of these allegations are wrapped up in the rico charges we've heard about that those those charges stand so this might be a cut on the case. you can think about chopping down a tree. there are few good ax blows, but to the trade today, but it's still standing. if there are many more blows and it may topple. but right now, the, the case is in play and they stands just with a few fewer counts. >> the rico charge parts, of course, is the conspiracy charges at the heart of this. that's count number one. and so jennifer, when you look at this and what this means for fani willis, the district attorney here. i mean, this is obviously not something any prosecutor wants to have happened to them, but does it mean that she made the case to brought how did you read it? >> it doesn't mean she made the case. you brought to me means they made a mistake grand jury, when they were in the grand jury, they needed to
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present more evidence, more specific language in the indictment. so it's really more embarrassing than anything else to be honest with you, because all of the facts that underlie these counts that have now been dismissed are part of the rico offense. all of that evidence will still come in. they still have a charged in a rico that is the big ticket here as far as potential penalties so it really doesn't mean much at the end of the de except a little bit of embarrassment. >> but of course, what could mean a whole heck of a lot is fani willis herself and whether or not she stays on this case and michael, as you looked at what the judge decided here and throwing out some of these, there was some legal analysis today that because he has only throwing out some of these and not this entire indictment as he made clear this signifies what he may decide on fani willis herself, a decision that is going to come in the next 48 hours. what do you believe it means >> i think you ever cited that's a better tea leaf reader than i am. i don't think he put a lot of information into the solder about what he may do. the one the one footnote that caught my attention really was where he said, look if the da wants to appeal this decision,
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i would probably go along with an appeal and let them go on up and they can take a challenge and having appellate court decide whether or not i'm right or wrong. that tells me frankly that he that he is probably thinking this case is not getting tried this year. >> he would have no problem >> with some delay through the appeal those process on that, whether or not that has any bearing on the district attorney. i don't know, but we do have a fairly well-reasoned order on this demurrer. he laid it out. explain this thought process, what the legal ramifications where i think you're going to see the same type of order. and it'll just be a matter of whether or not he thinks they've proven that connection between the financial problem all of the disqualification motion, or whether or not he thinks that the appearance of impropriety is so bad that he can't let the case go forward with that kind of baggage. >> i get on it. yeah. >> and jennifer, i mean, we heard from steve sadow, trump's attorney in this case bragging today, saying that this means the whole case should be dismissed because these few charges were they would certainly like to see that, but but when you actually look at the heart of this and whether or not that's going to
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happen. what's your sense? >> oh, that's not going to happen. i mean, this just qualification is what's up in the air now, but the rest of the charges are solid. >> if she if she's off the case, it ends the entire case because it's not clear that another prosecutor would well, that's for sure. >> if she is off the case, i think this is it's probably never going to trial, certainly not this year. i don't know that any other prosecutor in georgia will want to take it up or has the resources frankly, to take it up. >> jennifer rodgers. thank you. as always, michael moore, great to have you both on. and of course, the drama in georgia is just one of several legal battles that trump is fighting this week and going to be doing for the next foreseeable future. and the e jean carroll's civil case here in new york, a judge has approved his 91 million bond, and tomorrow their presumptive republican nominee is not going to be on the campaign trail. he'll be in a florida courtroom. >> she has been using as >> his campaign trail that's for a hearing in the mar-a-lago documents case here with me to talk about that cnn political analyst and senior political correspondent for the new york times, maggie haberman what's your sense, maggie, of how
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trump is responding to what happened? i mean, steve sadow, his attorneys calling it a victory, how does he see what happened today? >> trump in his socks are very happy about what happened today, but it is a temporary victory. it will be the bigger question is going to be it happens in terms of fani willis staying on this case, but this case is being fought and they all are but this one in particular, the georgia case, is fought on a pr grounds because there is an expectation this will not get heard this year at the rate that it's going. and so anything that trump and his team can do to chip away at a perception of validity in their minds is a good thing again legally this is a temporary win. but in the political realm, this is helpful to him. >> i mean, they kinda take the winter, they can get because they've had so many losses lately, but tomorrow, he is going to be in that courtroom in florida. he doesn't have to be there. right >> i know we've talked about how it's a political strategy, but is it also a legal strategy to show? >> i'm showing up here. i care about this to judge cannon in any way. >> i think it's less important that donald trump be at these hearings than say walt nauta, his co-defendant, carlos de
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oliveira, his codefendant, because those are people who i think are in a certain way in greater jeopardy and would be in greater jeopardy at sentencing. i think trump could not show up. i do think he wants to be there there is an argument and lawyers have made this to me. they did is better for a defendant to be in court. we know that trump's sort of over-learned the lesson of not showing up to the first e jean carroll trial in 2023. however, based on how trump behaved in the other civil actions in new york, one was another e jean carroll trial. one was new york attorney general trial. i'm not sure how much which is presence helped him. this is a different setting. this is a judge he appointed and it's a different case. >> and also what's notable is there's this fight going on between trump's attorneys and the doj in this case over revealing the names of the witnesses here, and we spoke with one of them on monday, trump employee five, brian butler. as you know, and this is what he told us in part about what he witnessed >> you noticed that he had bought they were the boxes that were in the indictment. the
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white bankers boxes that's what i remember loading. >> and did you have any time any idea at the time that there was potentially us national security secrets in his box and no clue. >> no he had no clue. i mean, we were just taking them out of the escalate, piling them up. i remember they were all stacked on top of each other and then we're lifting them up to the pilots >> i mean, if this goes to trial, he is a central witness in all of this. >> he's a central witness. he's describing a scenario where the former president put a lot of his employees, not just people who worked at mar-a-lago to people who worked for him and his post-presidential life as a, as direct aids in, in, in a dangerous situation because they are handling boxes that had classified material. brian butler as far as i know, it does not have a security clearance. and so a lot of people were around these documents who don't have security clearances joining the core service at mar-a-lago? exactly. i mean, that's not that's not their fault. that's the material that was taken by the former president and they are then in this moment of jeopardy. what strikes me about what he's saying and to your point about him being a key
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witness, there are many, many brian butler's. there are many people who worked for trump, whether it was in the white house, whether it was on the campaign, whether it was at mar-a-lago, who whether it was in the documents trial or the federal january 6 trial, who will testify? phi and it will just not be a good fact set for him. so as much as he is going to try to take control of the narrative outside the courtroom where there won't be cameras in any of these trials. there will still be a lot of testimony that gets her that it's just not going to be helpful then i think that's a really good point because we've seen these one-off instances where someone who is close to him turns on him or they illegally cooperate against him because they were placed into georgia is where we're in the middle of it. but this would be to situations and these two cases where it would be a stream of the closest people around him and documents, it would be everyone who's worked at mar a-lago from cooks to people run the car service to bodyman. it january 6, the case in dc, it's everyone who worked in his cabinet and his administration, and it's not actually that different. the type of circumstance that we're talking about, the specifics of it is in terms of the alvin bragg trial, which is the one that's
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starting in less than two weeks. the central witness there as michael cohen, trump's former fixer and lawyer. and that is a narrower case with fewer witnesses. it's really pretty dependent on cohen, but there is document committed evidence. there are there are emails, there is written correspondence, there are financial records. they're going to be part of that record. it's the same basic idea. it's somebody who was in a situation where they said they were doing something for trump or trump wanted them to do something and you just see that on a much bigger level with the january 6 or documents case. >> yeah. and you just you also see he's tried to what kind of learn his lesson, i guess you would say michael cohen always says, you know, having him keep people in the fold and pay for their attorneys. they've tried to do that. mar-lago, but they haven't been successful mean brian butler, they they tried to pay for his attorney, who was like, no, i'm gonna get my oh, yes. >> in fact, they tried to reach out to him to get them in attorney and he didn't return the phone call from the trump lawyer who reached out to him. you're absolutely right that there is a pattern that they observed there, i think are other complicating factors and some of these cases, but the end result has been trying to keep people in the tent and it
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does not always work. >> are you surprised that trump hasn't said anything about that interview, those comments he talks about e jean carroll every five minutes calls are mrs. bergdorf goodman. he hasn't said anything about brian butler. i don't know if it's visit his release conditions that he's not supposed to talk about the witnesses here. >> i think that a lot of it is about not talking about witnesses in a particular federal case because there has been so much much concern from the government about witness intimidation in that case in the e jean carroll case he did go many, many weeks without doing it when he started doing it again, it was right after he posted that bond and i don't think those two are unrelated. now, you could make the argument. he's posted the bond is over. he's certainly not helping himself with his appeal by doing that well, you would think he would learn his lesson on that since it's costing him >> i think some of these lessons like filing lawsuits that he ends up paying the other side's legal fees for. he has to learn several times >> magazines. >> as always great to have you. here's a big question for a lot of people who maybe on their phones right now is tiktok
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about to be banned in the united states? it is a real possibility at this moment after the us house today, overwhelmingly voted and passed a bill that would ban it nationwide over national security concerns. it has set off major concerns among millions of users, some of whose paychecks dependence don it. plus, and one of the first moves since trump's takeover of the republican national committee, they're suing the secretary of state in michigan while she's here to respond we're here. >> to, get your side of the store >> why do we keep ending up here? >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn >> one greeting seven, high security >> yeah, that's not good. happened huge things happened happened >> be there with three, learn more at, sorry, body for knowing about actives. but giving 100% of them to my face, the fear no more body get
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>> ban after the house voted on an overwhelmingly bipartisan fashion to pass a bill that would actually ban the social media platform from us app stores unless its chinese parent company sells at something that would not be any easy feat. and while the bill's fate is still unclear tonight at this hour, what's going to happen in the senate. we have heard from the white house and president biden says that he would sign it if it makes it to his desk. it's still a big if, but supporters of tiktocker arguing. supporters of this bill, i should say, are arguing that tiktok poses national security threat. but we're hearing pushback from the company's ceo shou chew, who is offering this defense of the app tonight >> over the last few years, we have invested to keep your data safe and all platform free from outside manipulation. this bill gives more power to a handful of other social media companies. it will put more than 300,000 american jobs at risk. and it will take away
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your tiktok >> here tonight, democratic congressman of illinois, raja krishnamoorthi, who first introduced this bill alongside his republican colleague, the chairman mike gallagher in the select committee on the chinese communists party congressman. it's great to have you here first. i would just love to have you respond to what the tiktok ceo said just moments ago in that new video >> unfortunate, i think that tiktok ceo is getting into trouble once again, he made similar representations on capitol hill which proved to be false. for you made three at least three representations which were false. first, he claimed that american user data is stored only in america and singapore that turned out to be false. some of it is stored on prc servers, including sensitive financial information. secondly, he claimed that bytedance employees in china have no access to the data of americans. again, false. it turns out that bytedance employees in china routinely
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access this data even unbeknownst to tiktok usa employees. and then the third representation he made before congress is that this data has not been weaponized against americans again, that's false. this data has been used to surveil american journalists. and in a very well-documented story of journalists here who basically uncovered the previous misrepresentations being surveilled based on their geolocation data, on their tiktok app. >> well, i obviously you have all of those national security concerns that are the top of mind for you. but but just because this passed the house, there are still major questions about what happens to it in the senate. i mean, it kinda seems stuck in purgatory right now. and do you believe have you gotten any assurances from senator schumer that he's going to take this bill up we're going to respect the leaders, leader schumer's process. we've had many positive
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conversations, but we're going to allow the process to unfold as it should in the senate. and we look forward to working with folks over there on passage of this bill >> obviously, there are a lot of young people on tiktok, but there's also a lot of people in their '30s and '40s who were on i think it's 45% or so of their users in the us or are in their '30s and '40s they may be watching this right now and wondering why tiktok would be banned. and we've heard some complaints actually from some people who taught talk about what if your bill succeeded, if it passed the senate and made it to president biden's desk, what it would mean for them. take a listen to what they said >> literally not even a month ago. i quit my job to do tiktok social media full-time out. >> there are 80 years of generation z that are now eligible voters in this election here. >> do >> you really want to them all off by taking away their favorite app where they make
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friends, where they make contents, where they laugh, where a lot of us creators make our money. you want to take that app away? >> well i mean what would you say to those users, congressman know, we don't this bill is not a ban. it's about a divestiture and it's really not about tiktok, it's about bytedance. it's about bytedance, which is basically controlled by the chinese communist party. just one data point. >> the editor in chief chief of bytedance is the secretary of the ccp cell embedded at the very highest levels of bytedance to control all of its products, including tiktok. and so what we're saying and what we expect is that once this bill were to become law that essentially bytedance would then sell off enough ownership to get below the 20% threshold that's specified in the law. >> and then >> the app would continue to operate as it is right now. this is not without precedent. let me just point out one
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thing. grinder, a very popular lgbtq dating app was once owned by a chinese company. once the united states government recognized that the ccp had access to sensitive data about lgbtq members of the us military and the government it forced the divestment. now, this happened very quickly and there was no disruption of service for the users and i suspect the exact same thing will happen with regard to tiktok >> congressman, we'll see if you are right. we'll see what happens in the senate first is the next step here, but congressman krishnamoorthi, always great to have you on thank you >> meanwhile, new >> hires and new lawsuits happening as a result of those new hires by the new trump controlled republican national committee, the committee that is now targeting the top election chen official and a crucial battleground state of 2024. michigan secretary of state is her to respond to that new lawsuit from republicans right after a quick break
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united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday at nine on cnn, sorry, body for knowing about actives. but giving 100% of them to my face, but fear no more body can active serums with hyaluronic acid that quench vitamin c that brightened and pro ceremony i think even everywhere, new doubs theorem, body washes, get dove or get fomo, file 100% free with turbotax free edition, roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form 1040 and limited credits only. see how a that's me >> eyes feeling dry, tired, stressed, get a boost of moisture with bio true hydration boost, i drop for comfort throughout the day. they're preservative free, gentle, and made with naturally inspired ingredients stay bio true to your eyes >> americans are doing their best to get by, but with an uncertain economy and prices still rising, budgets are stretched thin and
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washington's new capital regulation is another bill. americans can't afford basel three end game will make loans, utilities, and groceries more expensive. make it harder to access credit >> families, seniors >> farmers, and small businesses are already struggling to make ends meet. washington needs to scrap both so three end game and start over >> whatever heartburn strikes, get past relief tom, it's time to love back also available tms plus sleeps support >> doug. >> hello, ghostbusters it's duck i've dealt with mimo. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. >> anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. >> not sure i can >> only pay for watching me
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the difference moon close captioning brought to you by >> our firm has offered a free book about mesothelioma for over ten years. mesothelioma is really all we do. >> 80087 to 4901 the new version, trump controlled version of the republican national committee is now going on the offensive. is donald trump's handpicked team has immediately hired lawyers, charlie species and christina bobb you may recognize christina bobb because yes, that is her the election denying conspiracy theorist. and trump favorite who championed lies about how the 2020 election was stolen when it was not. she has now a senior counsel for election integrity. you may also remember her. she's also the trump attorney who signed that sworn statement in june 2022, falsely assuring justice department officials that there weren't any more classified
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documents left at mar-a mar-a-lago two months later, of course, when that fbi search happened, the world found out that that was not true. but these new lawyers are wasting no time getting to work and they have filed the first and what we are told is going to be a barrage of election-related lawsuits first up, is michigan a state that i should note trump lost by fewer than 155,000 votes in 2020. that is where he and his allies have filed and lost nine lawsuits against the election this latest effort though, claims that the state has too many dead people still signed up to vote. even though less than two weeks ago, a similar suit was dismissed after a judge noted and i'm quoting that, judge, now, michigan is consistently among the most act two states in the united states, canceling the registrations of deceased individuals here tonight to weigh on this, no one better than the michigan secretary of state, jocelyn benson and madame secretary, it's great to have you here. why do you think donald trump's team made your state, michigan, their first target? >> well, thanks for having me
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and i wasn't surprised at all by this lawsuit except for the fact that an identical lawsuit was just dismissed for having no actual merit. but that said it was no surprise because michigan is a key battleground state in this presidential cycle. so just as we were scrutinized in the spotlight in 2020, we will be again this year but we welcome that scrutiny. we're accustomed to fighting back against that scrutiny. the truth is on our side, our elections are secure. so no matter how many lawsuits are filed, that truth will continue to rule the day. and yet, voters should expect these attacks are these strategies to continue all through november and probably even after? well, i think it's important to look at the data here in the numbers because that judge that we were quoting, he is found between 2,019.20, 23, and just last year that michigan canceled between 400,000.450 thousand registration because those voters were deceased. so i mean, i guess if you're looking at this and you're a regular person and they're already clearing names off the voting rolls. i mean, what do you think this lawsuit is
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actually about? >> yeah. you're exactly right. we've done more in the last five years then when then has been done in the previous two decades in michigan to remove him ineligible citizens from our voter rolls and increase your accuracy. the reason this is happening is because it's a political strategy that she had say, pr strategy, masquerading as legal strategy. that's really designed to sow seeds of doubt among citizens in michigan. and frankly around the country about the integrity of our elections and we'll continue to push back against these deceptive tactics because this is not the last of which will see, and we should expect to see these and other a states like nevada and arizona as well. all tactics designed to harm citizens, faith in their own voice, in their vote, in the results of our elections, which will continue to be accurate reflections of the world of people regardless of who the winner is. >> yeah, we'll see what this election integrity unit gets accomplished. secretary benson, thank you so much for joining here tonight, and also to weigh in on this, we have the rnc's
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new mission. cnn's political commentator and former obama administration official, van jones, and also senior cnn political commentator and former trump campaign adviser david urban and david let me start with you because i think just looking what you just heard from benton, they're saying that this is a political strategy masquerading as a legal strategy. what do you make of that? >> yeah well listen, i, charlie species, who is the new chief counsel for the rnc, is an incredibly accomplished lawyer with he is no joke. and so i have great faith in his ability to carry forward this mission in terms of kind of rooting out maybe some irregularities in different voting rolls across the country. and listen, i i'm glad to hear that secretary benson, welcome to this investigation. i think she should if they're if the suit is alleging that there are in 53 counties in michigan, that there are more people on the roles and there are adults in the county. i would think they would either that's factual or
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not factual. we will find out it is in fact, then great, let's clear the air, but if it is, we should make sure that's corrected. >> yeah. but david, i mean, you would agree that the track record history is not on their side. they paid 1 million baseless claims about the election that were never born but it doesn't mean that this one isn't. >> so to >> dismiss this out of hand is not factual or not relevant isn't just even fair. so i don't think that's i think that we should wait and see if it does not it was not factual, then you could talk smack about it then. but at this point in time, you know, the judge is going to hear the case and we'll see what happens. again. i have great deal of confidence. the charlie's speeds is no joke. well, i notice you're talking about charlie and i talked about christina bobb nobody has any confidence in there's an election denier conspiracy theorist. and also this very exact set of facts was literally please, just thrown out a court two weeks ago in the same state. so here's what i see is going on. this is just the beginning of a very
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aggressive hyper aggressive strategy on the part of this new republican party. first of all, trump comes in he doesn't care about competency. he hasn't carroll about policy. he cares about loyalty. he is installed the people at the top of this party who are loyal to him or they are under the constitution or anything else, and they are already going on offense. and the point, you know, it's obviously basically you literally just had these facts thrown out. they're going to have a barrage. they want to put these election officials back on their heels, have them afraid to do anything rather than doing, doing there and the point is to shape the battlefield so that, you know, this idea that the election is going to be stolen from us is already baked. and even before anybody votes, i could also feel patrick from my team almost probably screaming the qatar because michigan also has a voter id law in place. it's not like dead people can just go or people could just go and use dead people's names thanks to vote in michigan. >> well, i mean, that's, that's part of the problem, but here's the thing. i think democrats have to be very careful because i think we may be fighting the last war,
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playing the game the old way. in the old way, the way you win an election is you increase the quantity of people who are voting for you. you're worrying about who is casting a vote. donald trump says, forget that i want to control the people who are counting the vote. i want to make sure that we'd never again have a republican party where people are in place who actually care more about the constitution and care about donald trump and so now you're going to have the attempt to control who is casting, who was counting the votes. and that is very, very dangerous. that's where we're headed. >> well, david, what do you make of that? >> let's i think that again, we should we should welcome all these that looks at these different places early on like this, right? so in michigan, arizona, pennsylvania, let's clear the air. let's cover the air so that on election night, we have a great deal of confidence in the electoral system and the people know when they go to the polls, their votes actually count and they're being counted squarely and fairly. so i think the more, the better level the playing field right now, let's make sure people have confidence in their election system and no van and i've discussed, as we've discussed
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this altogether, i think i'd love to see on election night a winner declared, right? so the we know who wins on election night, and that confidence is rebuilt in the american electorate that our elections are fair and square. >> it. david david, i know you approach this from a very sober point of view. we've talked about this and covered this ever since 2020, but it's not that people think the election isn't fair because there was legitimate the religious, legitimate issues in michigan or georgia, or in arizona, it's only because trump and his allies repeated lies about it. none of them that for now, all of these court cases were thrown out, 64 of them so it kinda feels like the boy who cried wolf when they're saying, well, we're worried about dead voters in michigan when there was a judge saying that michigan is one of the top states dealing with that that was in that specific case. and i think each case deserve to stand on the merits and fall on the merits. so those cases are the past, doesn't mean past is prologue here. let's see what happens in this case >> david urban van jones. we will continue this conversation, i imagine over the next several months. thank you both for being here
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tonight. >> also. meanwhile, vladimir putin is rattling his name nuclear saber, again, his new warning to the west about using nukes if necessary. we'll get reaction from a former supreme allied commander of nato. his thoughts on those threats that's ahead >> as kids, they told us to follow our dreams. >> i want to make candles >> a minute. we started chasing him they told. us we, were being unrealistically told us to think about our future said it was too late for us. and passions don't pay bills but what they didn't know is that dreamers make their own victory greetings seven years. >> that's not good happens >> huge things happened happens >> be there with three, learn
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over and over and over again. >> joining us tonight >> to talk about all of this is retired four-star admiral james stavridis, who served as the supreme allied commander of nato and is also the author of the new science fiction novel 2054 an admiral. i want to talk about your book in a moment, but just first on these comments from vladimir putin, i mean, this he's the second time in less than two weeks that he's starting this. what do you make of him saying this and why he's saying it now >> we all always ought to be concerned when the leader of a nuclear-armed state kind of rattles that nuclear saber. but i think it's highly unlikely vladimir putin will use a nuclear weapon number one, i despise vladimir putin, but i'll give him this. he loves his country, so he's not going to reach for the lever to the nuclear apocalypse and destroy russia. so let's kinda park that strategic exchange. number two, militarily to 600 mile
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battle front using tactical nuclear weapons not a very good proposition. militarily. and number three, kaitlan, he knows if he uses a nuclear weapon, india is gone, pakistan has gone, nigeria has gone, south africa has gone, brazil has gone the global south will move away from it and i think it's highly unlikely he uses a nuke >> well, that's interesting because we've been having this conversation ever since he invaded ukraine and he's been as you noted, rattling that saber and jim sciutto, my colleague, reported this week that that actually in late 2022, there was this moment where the us this was actually rigorously preparing for potential nuclear strike in ukraine. they were worried about ukraine potentially retaking crimea and how putin would react if that happened. he denied that in this exchange today, but western intelligence agencies got information that russian officials were at least
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some of them explicitly discussing thing is strike. and i just wonder, are we in this new era where now this is a regular threat that we're going to have to assess every time he or another world leader makes it kaitlan, it's a threat that has never gone away. and as the former supreme allied commander of nato, even ten years ago in that role, i thought consciously and frequently about the potential for russia to use tactical nuclear weapons. that's part of the job of my successor, the current current sac, your general, chris cavoli. i wouldn't overread into it that the west is thinking about it. that's different than the assessment of whether or not putin would use it. i think it's highly unlikely he would. >> i'd love to get your take on on ukraine on the battlefield and what they've been doing as of course, they're dealing with a shortage of ammunition. they're having issues with air defense right now and they've been intensifying efforts to move a
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piece of this war that we're seeing playing out onto russian turf launching a wave of tax, of drone attacks deep inside russia. obviously right ahead of this presidential election, i wonder what you make that choice despite ukraine >> i think it's a smart choice. let's face it, war is not static. this started off with russia two years ago, threatening to really sweep the table and run, take kyiv, perhaps kill zelenskyy and overtake the country, then the ukrainians come back they push hard against every element of russia, score a lot of advances. now russia is pushing back the key here, kaitlan is not what's happening in kyiv, not what's happening in moscow, not even what's happening on that battlefield. the key is washington, the united states month us step-up, provide the additional 60 billion in aid to ukraine, matching what the europeans
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have already contributed, that will give the ukrainians that breathing space they need to push back against the recent minor offense of successes of russia. i'm confident they well if we close the switch and send them the aid. >> yeah. well, there certainly efforts by >> republicans and democrats who share that assessment, but i also want to talk about your book because you had this book, this futuristic book, 2034, that was so popular. and now you have published in 2054. and for those who haven't read but it or been aware of it, it's another cautionary tale that begins with us president refusing to leave office and also dealing with the rise of artificial intelligence and how that plays in the geopolitical space. there are a lot of people who may look at that and say hits a little too close to home for me. but tell me what what scenario 2054 takes readers through >> again, as you just said, this is not predictive fiction. i'm not predicting a new set
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of political parties by the mid-century. i'm not predicting civil conflict in america. i'm not predicting picketing pervasive and potentially dangerous ai, but i'm cautioning. we'd better wake up to those trends from where we are today in 2024, look at these intense disagreements in our country and think about how can we come together to avoid a civil conflict? think about a minute. erica, in 18, 24, looking ahead, 30 years, 40 years. could we have reverse engineered it and avoided a civil war? i think we still can. that's the point of 2054 beat very concerned about civil conflict, artificial intelligence. but let's think now about how we avoid it. >> yeah, it's a good cautionary tale. 2054, admiral james stavridis. thank you for joining me tonight.
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>> thanks. kaitlan >> coming up, switching subjects on your quite a bit because the teeth of a us governor are now in the news. why? because kristi noem south dakota, is showing them off in a video that is raising a lot of questions. some of them ethical. >> one lawmaker in her >> state is now even calling for an inquiry to what you're saying. saying here we'll show you more after a quick break >> any couldn't get out. >> vegas was having an identity crisis. that was the beginning of the downfall, but vegas at a different idea, vegas, the story of since sunday at ten on cnn if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i could ever happen >> my dad died doing what he's loved >> space shuttle columbia, have final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn. >> if you have graves disease and blurry vision, you need
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today >> the republican governor of south dakota, kristi noem, who see here is facing new questions tonight from lawmakers in her state. and also facing new legal action over this five-minute video that she posted not related at all to her state or her gubernatorial duties, but instead about her teeth. know who i should note here is on the shortlist to be trump's potential vice presidential pick. posted this five-minute uncanny testimonial video. i guess you can say it's about her dental work at a houston area cosmetic dental to street firm. here's a taste of what she had to say >> well, hi, i'm kristi noem. i'm the governor of south dakota and had the opportunity to come to smile texas to fix my teeth, which has been absolutely amazing. you know, i think that i chose the team here at smile texas because they're the best when they showed me my beautiful their teeth. i hugged dr. davis and
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thanked him and started to cry just because he really does care about the work that he does that video has now >> sparked questions about whether the club was produced are posted to offset the cost of that procedure questions which i should note, no. office has declined to answer in the nearly 48 hours since she posted it. when next guest has been going over every angle of this story, new york magazine's washington correspondent, olivia nuzzi joins me now. i mean, i know you are one of the reporters who region shout out to governor gnomes office. did you hear anything from them >> i did not hear back. i talked to a very polite receptionist who had no information for me whatsoever, but i never heard back from them. and the dental practice in question texas smile. they have been very dodgy. they've given different questions, different answers to different porter's who have reached out to the api tonight. they're reporting that the office said that they were referring them to one law to me. they said it
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was a hipaa violation to disclose any information about whether or not there was payment to chris genome or whether or not she received this procedure for free in exchange for her posting. this testimony well, i think that's a critical point here. i mean, no one cares if someone has a cosmetic procedures or whatever they have done. >> thanks great. by the way, people at great. >> hard to do a great, it's a great swell, but i think it's the question of its a publicly elected official. she's posting about a business. it's not even in her her home state. it's in the state of texas it's very strange i think the first reaction for most people seeing it with just said it was very odd. i mean, typically if you are a politician from a state or particularly if you're the governor, you're not going to promote small businesses that are not located in your state. it's very unusual. i don't think i've ever seen anything like it. so that was the first strange to think that jumped out and then it's it's very strange to have a sitting politician, a governor, behaving like an instagram
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influencer. and there are laws that govern this type of thing. you are supposed to disclose whether or not you are posting an ad or whether or not it's a video that's biased towards your profit in any sort sort of way that's for all people that's not just for politicians. so if governor noem is solving those laws, i think the public has a right to know >> yeah. >> there's she's not the only one posting one of the dentist at this place that is called smile texas posted this photo and said this gracious leading lady just received an executive feminine, beautiful smile here. it smelled texas and i mean, you mentioned the potential legal action she is facing a lawsuit by a consumer advocacy group travelers united that says that it isn't undisclosed advertisement because it doesn't say add or anything on. i mean, we've seen other people people like kim kardashian face actual legal repercussions and have to make payments because of something like that >> in theory, the standard should be higher for elected officials. the standard should
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not be that they behave like influencers. it should be that they behave in a more ethical manner, that influencers, if it's very strange case i should note the api reported that the dental practice said that only governor noem had posted a video that's not true. the dentist to perform the procedure whom governor known refers to in that video also posted it and he also promised to post a more in-depth video about the specifics of the procedure there's some misinformation floating around from this from this texas dental practice, what it's also just notable that sentence, but it's also just noted that her office hasn't said anything about it, and i think the one thing that we've noticed, this pattern of in different ways haven't seen it with anyone smile in recent weeks, but it's for people who are on trump's vp shortlist. and the way that they've acted publicly, given he has a very optics driven former presidential candidate. >> it's true. >> looked matter to the former
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president. and so i suppose if you were vying to be his vice president right now it's not the dumbest idea and the world to make sure that your smile is particularly camera ready. >> have you heard anything from people in trump world about this >> i haven't really i've just from all sorts of people in politics, a lot of what the hell is going on with this. it's a very strange story that's by the standards of 2024, which is saying a lot it absolutely is. >> olivia nuzzi. i know that you will stay on this with your impeccable reporting skills. and my pulitzer in the mail, i thank you so much, olivia. thank you so much for joining us up next. a big new show on king charles. they're going to be talking about my home state, the state of alabama, also. charles barkley his home state, and how it's been in the news lately with alabama senator katie britt's republican state of the union response to president biden. i will be joining them to talk about it. so make sure you stick around. thanks for joining us here o


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