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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  March 11, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> and this is cnn welcome to the lead i'm jake tapper this hour warnings from within what you have not heard about donald trump and his admitted >> admiration of authoritarian leaders reportedly saying hitler did some good things and quote, or that putin was an okay guy. the quotes go beyond trump's public praise of authoritarian all right, it's plus what cnn is learning about that doctored photo by catherine princess of wales after her public apology, her mysterious illness still not publicly disclosed. and the questions for this high-ranking member of the royal family and leading this hour, a cnn exclusive interview with the man known as trump employee number five, brian butler worked at mar-a-lago for more than 20 years only to find find himself in the middle of trump's classified documents case where the former president is accused of keeping top secret national defense material at his private resort, mar-a-lago and then refusing to return it. sea lions kaitlan polantz as part of the team breaking this story for us and kaitlyn trump, employee number
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five mentioned multiple times in special counsel jack smith's indictment. why is he also knows brian butler? why is he coming forward now? >> well butler says, now that the reason he wants to speak publicly is because he wants people to know the facts. and this is a person who has sat down with prosecutors multiple times who was very likely to be a witness at the trial of donald trump and his two co-defendants. when it is coming up we don't have a date yet, just yet, but he's very likely to have to speak about that. and he's saying now that in his experience here, he's putting the puzzle pieces together. he's realizing this is not a witch hunt of donald trump, and that he had overheard things he had seen things in this alleged hover up the donald trump and others were taking part in to keep the classified documents out of the hands of the federal government that he believes it's enough for him to come forward. and also jake, this is something that has been personally
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difficult for him. he spoke at length about that with kaitlan collins since his best friend for 20 years, carlos de olivera, whom he worked with at mar-a-lago has divided the nation. he also has divided him from his best friend, kaitlan. >> what do we know about butler's role in the special counsel's investigation? >> well there's a couple of points where brian butler is trump employee five and described as witnessing things in the indictment specifically, conversations he was having with carlos do you oliveira in the description of what they were doing afterwards, the interest in surveillance tapes and other things. but the one area where brian butler also was privy to the major thing happening here was june 3, 2022. that's when he's at mar-a-lago club. >> and then walt nauta hi there, co-defendant of trump, asks him to borrow and escalate
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or requested, he thought was a little bit odd for not as typical role in his typical job there. >> he loaned walt nauta, the escalate and on that same day, that's when the justice department and the fbi had come to mar-a-lago to meet with trump and his attorneys to collect all of the records that trump still have there on the property that they didn't get all of that time. here's more of what brian butler had to say to kaitlan collins earlier today? >> and then what happened is walt left before me and he never goes directly to the plane. he's either in the motorcade when he goes there with the boss, which the former president. and i remember telling him he left the club with i didn't know what he had in his vehicle, but he waited for me at a nearby business yes. and i told him i would tell him when i was leaving mar-a-lago so i left mar-a-lago. i texted him, hey, i'm on my way. >> he followed me. he pulled out and got behind me. we got to the airport. i ended up loading all the luggage i had and he had a bunch of boxes you
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noticed that he had thought they were the boxes that were in the indictment, the white bankers boxes. that's what i remember loading. >> and did you have any time any idea at the time that there was potentially us national security secrets in his box and no clue no i had no clue. i mean, we were just taking them out of the escalate piling them up. i remember they were all stacked on top of each other and then we're lifting them up to the pilots >> how many boxes was it? >> they. asked me in the interview and i believe it was i tend to 15 is what i remember. i know the investigators. correct >> and. when you look back on that, now, what well i had no clue until probably the end of june. there's a few different things that happen that kind of opened my eyes to, you know, something's going on here so you get that unusual request. did you ever think to yourself why were there so many boxes at
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mar-a-lago? >> for me. i'm just thinking out of the former president, he has a lot of stuff he likes to lug around with them i never would've thought it was anything like what we see >> jake, we've received one comment in response to this story from the defense teams here. that is from carlos de oliviera's lawyer, john irving, and he says that they look forward to seeing what brian butler will say under oath, potentially if he's called to testify via the trial. >> all right. kaitlan, poland's along with kaitlan collins, a big scoop today. thanks so much. former federal prosecutor elie honig is back with me, elie. what do you make of that response from the oliveira's attorney? >> well, jake, it's certainly fair for any defense lawyer to say we don't want to make public statements and will be litigating this case in court. notably different, however, from the approach of the co-defendant, donald trump, who has very much tried to litigate
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this case in the court of public opinion. now it's also worth noting. it's a virtual certainty that this individual, mr. butler, has freddy, made statements under oath, either to a grand jury or as kaitlan polantz just said, directly to a prosecutor, which is punishable by perjury. now there's a difference between testifying to a prosecutor or to a grand jury where you're not being cross-examined and testifying on witness stand at trial. where you are subject to cross-examination. so that's really where the rubber hits the road. this is a fair i think response by the oliviera, but not in step with the other defendants in the case. >> how might trump's defense team pushed back and try to cross-examine a witness like butler yes. >> so there's some interesting strategic considerations here. some of the defendants, donald trump's lawyers are going to say, but you didn't hear any of this directly from donald trump. however, the problem is that's going to harm deal of the era. and walt nauta, the other defendants who did have direct conversations with mr. butler. i think they're also going to use it sort of standard argument that this person has incentives to try to
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please prosecutors that he got some sort of softball deal and i think ultimately the test for the jury will be a does the person appear credible? we've seen some of the video and i think our viewers will be able to make some of their own decision on that. and b does the other evidence back him up? that'll be the crux of the battleground at trial. >> elie honig, thanks so much. kaitlan collins has much more of that exclusive interview coming up on the source that's tonight at 09:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn on capitol hill house, republicans released a new report today in an effort to discredit the january 6 committee. and one of its star witnesses, cassidy hutchinson, you might remember her dramatic, although secondhand account sound of a physical altercation that took place or so she was told she says between trump and a secret service agent. >> the president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel mr. engel grabbed his arm, said, sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. mr. trump then used his
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free hand to lunge towards bobby engle so just remember she was in that testimony clip we just showed she was relaying what two secret service >> agents had told her or one secret service agent and one former secret service agent today, house republicans released a transcript from an interview with the third secret service agent, the one who drove trump's vehicle that day? and he disputes at an altercation ever took place. cnn's melanie zanona is live for us on capitol hill. melanie, what more can you tell us? >> so this report is accusing the january 6 select committee of purposely withholding it testimony that that directly undercuts cassidy hutchinson's explosive testimony about trump's behavior on january 6, inside the presidential motorcade. that transcript in question, which republicans have gotten their hands don include testimony from the driver who says yes, trump's voice was raised, but he was not screaming at the secret service agents in the vehicle and that he did not lunge or physically region for the steering wheel, as hutchinson testified, so republicans are saying the select committee
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purposely and selectively play up cassidy's testimony because it was more damaging to donald trump, but jake, there are a few points worth noting here. number one, the department of homeland security said that the transcripts were not released because they were under review at the time number two of the january 6, what committee in its final report does acknowledge that there were conflicting accounts about the incident inside the motorcade, but they said the bottom line is unchanged that trump was insistent on going to the capital after his speech at the ellipse is an effort to stop the legitimate certification of the 2020 election results. and third, cassidy's lawyer says that she told the truth, and as a reminder, as you pointed out, jake, she was just relaying what she had heard secondhand. she had never said that she had witnessed yes. that incident herself, but of course that has not stopped republicans from accusing her of lying, trying to discredit her testimony as a witness. as they look to turn up the heat on the january 6 select committee and tried to absolve trump for his role that day. >> all right. melanie zanona, thanks so much. former trump adviser peter navarro has just eight days to report to a federal prison. today, navarro's attorneys said he has
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until next tuesday to start serving his four month sentence. navarro was convicted on two counts of contempt of congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the house january 6 committee. navarro has been trying to avoid reporting to prison while he appeals the case. for two years now, with the help of the us and allies, ukraine has found a way to fend off russian forces, but if donald trump is elected, that aid will apparently be cut off. that's according to a high profile mar-a-lago guest, i want to talk about that with former defense secretary mark esper next as for of course, former trump's former president trump's defense secretary, stay with us >> this room with wolf blitzer didn't night at six point cnn now at t professionally installed google nest products, you're all set our mis system. we should go with the most trusted name and >> home security as the intelligence of google you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt toe fungus is
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not giving quote a penny to the ukrainian war effort to defend itself from russia. in turn, trump called the far-right nationalists, quote, fantastic, and quote, a great leader viktor orban of, as you may know, has a disturbing history of pretty hideously racist anti-immigration rhetoric. and christian nationalism, hostility towards the lgbtq community and others and all of this comes as multiple former senior trump advisers are revealing shocking comments that trump has made behind closed doors, gushing over autocrats even allegedly praising hitler in some ways, this is all detailed in jim sciutto's brand new book, the return of great powers. we're going to talk to jim in just a few minutes. but first a quick reminder, donald trump has hardly been secretive about his affinity for authoritarians. here are just a few of his public comments >> like these, trump got guam stages putin them. >> he is a great guy. i think we had a really good meeting,
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really, i think he is a good person. i got a >> very beautiful letter from kim jong un, repay right from top to bottom. >> are really beautiful letter is nobody in hollywood that could play the role of president that shape the look to strike a voice. president xi of china and putin, russia got to know a lot of the leaders that tough cookies and smart. >> now a charitable soul might be willing to say that's what trump is saying publicly to be a diplomat and achieve good things. but according to cnn's chief national security analyst, jim sciutto, writing in his new book this is what donald trump says privately as well. and beyond more on that in a second. but for now, let's bring in mark esper, the former secretary of defense under former president trump, secretary esper, before we talk about trump, and orban, i want to ask you about something that fbi director christopher wray just told a senate committee on this annual hearing on worldwide threats. wray said that the threat of a terrorist
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attack against the united states has gone to a whole other level since the october 7 attacks against israel. what more could you tell us about that? >> well, jake, i'm not surprised by that. these are all iranian proxy groups. we know that hamas has in the united states, has velocity united states. there are certainly others who ascribe to the iranian theology and to the palestinian cause. and so i'm not surprised that you may have either an organized effort to maybe create a terrorist a stacked or lone wolves who are acting on their own. so look, i take chris wray at his word, the fbi, i'm sure is all over this, so we should be concerned >> now back to victor orban. he says when it comes to the russia, ukraine war, this is, this is after his meeting with donald trump. trump quote, has a very clear vision trump says the following. first, he will not give a single penny for the russia rosseau, ukrainian war. and that's why the war will end, because it's obvious that ukraine cannot stand on its own two feet, unquote. that's or ban talking to journalists.
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friendly journalists after his meeting with trump. what's your response? >> i think that all makes sense, jake. i believe that look, donald trump said months and months ago that he would bring putin and zelenskyy together and end this war in 24 hours because he's a great dealmaker. and look, we know the only person can end this war in 24 hours as vladimir putin, if he would just pull out of ukraine, which he so viciously the attack. but now at this point you have congress led by the house republicans who were doing the work for him by refusing to pass the supplemental spending bill, which includes funding for ukraine. so if, if the funding bill doesn't pass, then i think ukraine, it's only a matter of time before they run out of arms and ammunition. and if it does pass it's one last time that i think one of the first things trump will do if he's elected and gets into office in january 2025, is to immediately cut off us assistance to ukraine. and then it's only a matter of time, i think, you know, a number of our nato allies will weaken
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immediately. others will hold on for as long as they can. >> but >> you know, you crank can't fight this to fight without nato arms and assistance. >> so new exclusive cnn reporting shows that russia is producing, producing three times the artillery munitions than the us and europe for this war. what's your assessment of ukraine's ability to fend off russia if there is another huge offensive i think it's really tough, jake. i mean, russia has four times the population and so ukraine is having a manpower problem right now. and then on top of that, russia has ten times the industrial might, the economy of ukraine that's another issue. and russia for some time now has been on a war footing, over 7%, i think of their gdp he's not dedicated defense. nato and the united states have not done that. in fact, we're cutting our defense budget. and so you could see that russia is really taking this war seriously. and we are not taking it as seriously as we should do, should be. now look, the pentagon tried to do a lot of
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work in terms of bolstering our defense industrial base. it has exposed weaknesses and the terms of producing volumes of arms and ammunition in a timely manner something we have to be prepared for for potential future conflict with china. but we're nowhere in terms of meeting either us or the europeans. the needs of the ukrainians right now when it comes to simple things like 155 millimeter ammunition and explain if you would, why you disagree with this position by donald trump, by congressional leaders right now, why you think that the >> us should be helping ukraine? >> well, look, we are in an era of great power competition. the autocracies led by china and russia against the democracies led by the united states, or at least used to be led by the united states. and if we don't push back on them now, then putin will gobble up ukraine. where will he go next to georgia, to moldova, and the same that true is beijing. i'm sure zhizhen everything is taking careful notes right now with regard to how long the west will last, what type of sanctions that they apply? what
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are the loopholes? how do you get around sanctions? because he knows that if he goes to after taiwan, he's going to have to deal with all this. so i think it sends all the wrong messages. we have to stand up for the world's democracies ukraine is not asking for western manpower, other asking is for the arms and ammunition to fight the fight, they show great courage and bravery and skill on the battlefield. we need to support them in this contest. >> how much do you feel that the modern republican party still represents your views on these issues? >> look it's been declining over the two plus years that the war has been on. i think it's now down to mitch mcconnell's some senate leaders, you have some stalwarts in the house as well. but clearly the numbers who support continued funding for ukraine is slipped and people need to understand the end the day this is not just about ukraine's sovereignty, this is about american security as well. it's about this the global rules and norms that helped make us propers that prosperous and help us live a good life, if you will. and so instead we're throwing up false choices like we can either spend money on ukraine or the southwest border. the fact is we can and should do
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both so we need to get rid of the false choices we should move forward and support ukraine with this funding. >> i think you were at west point in the '80s, right? when ronald reagan was president what what would you make of today's republican party from that vantage point when you were at west point when ronald reagan was president well, look even better. ronald reagan inspired me to go to west point to serve my country. and so, you know, he's view the greatest president in my mind. and so he talked about peace through strength, and he certainly stood up for countries who were faced with evil and repression. i mean, it was ronald reagan who, who, who pushed the united states who talked about a shining city on a hill who gave us an optimistic view of america and told us that we could do better and should do better and build up the united states military to the point that we stood down the soviet union and the cold war ended after what, four plus decades. >> we need to >> get back to that type of view in terms of international leadership. and i know i know the burden of leadership is
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it's hard and it's having it costs money, it costs time, et cetera, but it's worth it because the alternatives are far worse. living in a world dominated by russia or china, is far worse than us fighting today supplying ukraine with what it needs to beat back this autocracy >> former defense secretary mark esper. thank you so much, sir. appreciate it. you've heard some of donald trump it's public praise of authoritarian leaders is former aides describe what else he says privately, such as saying, hitler did some good things unquote, or that putin was an okay guy. what multiple aides are telling cnn's jim sciutto for his new book, that's next calling the trap, any couldn't get out >> vegas was having an identity crisis that was the beginning of the downfall but vegas at a different idea, vegas, the story of sin city. sunday at ten on cnn >> at morgan stanley, old hard work meets bold new thinking.
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>> back with our world lead as former president trump glides his way to becoming the republican nominee for president. former trump advisers are sounding the alarm about his admiration i've autocrats and kind words for hitler allegedly telling his former chief of staff general john kelly, hitler did some good things and quote, rebuilt the economy. a history of praising authoritarian leaders further punctuated by trump's friendly visit on friday with hungarian strongman viktor orban joining us now cnn anchor and chief national security analyst jim sciutto, his new book, the return of great powers, russia, china. and the next world war hits shelves tomorrow. you just heard esper talking about the great power divide. so you spent a lot of time researching trump and his relationship with dictators. you interviewed dozens of intelligence officials and world leaders. this quote stood out from your interview with estonian prime minister kaja kallas, when she invoked winston churchill's warning before world war ii, quote
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appeasing the dictator is like feeding the crocodile, hoping that you are the last to be eaten. do you think that that's why he's trying to he's dictators to save himself? or is it something else with donald trump? it seems to be a number of things for one, general kelly, john bolton, and others describe how trump does envy their power. he would like it to be, he would like to be a leader who could do whatever he wants by fiat. and several times during his first administration, they do explain to him almost like explaining to a child who didn't take civics that the president has to go through congress for instance, spend money or has to tell congress if he is going to do things like shoot down an iranian missile. i tell the story of that in a book how he wanted to do that without really telling anybody. so partly it is envy of that power and a fundamental lack of under standing of the us system. but it's also that trump feels and affinity for these leaders. he feels that by pure force of his personality, he could charm kim or putin, or
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xi, or others into doing what he wants, which is also a fundamental misunderstanding because russia and china, by all accounts, even as don't advisers, but us intelligence, our allies, our allies in asia and europe they don't want good for the us, the leaders of russia and china want to tear down the system that the us benefits from. they want to weaken the us. trump in their description just simply doesn't see that he believes otherwise based on what we don't know, but he believes otherwise your book also reveals these fascinating, exclusive details and terrifying details about how close russia was to deploying a tactical nuclear weapon in 2022 against ukraine. you write that the united states began preparing rigorously at the time. what did those preparations look like? and how did the us and other countries eventually get putin to not hit the trigger? >> so the preparations were across the board really that they were preparing potential us and western military responses to a russian nuclear strike in there, not a nuclear strike against russia. i was
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told that was not on the table, but there were going to be military consequences for russia a possibly including the us striking russian military forces in ukraine in response, they were discussing a whole host of potential responses, as well as economic as well. but primarily they were trying to head this off and to head this off, they did a few things. one, there was direct high-level contact between us officials in there counterparts. the cia director meeting his counterpart, mark milley, the joint chiefs chairman, meeting his counterpart, blinken to lavarov right on down the line. but they calculated they needed more than us to russia contacts. so they enlisted the help of unusual allies in this, namely india and china, because they calculated that india and china did not want nuclear war in europe for nuclear strikes in europe anymore than the us did and they say that those contacts from the highest levels right up to president xi jinping and the indian prime minister helped push russia
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away from making what rabanne a truly catastrophic decision. >> yeah, who knows where that would have ended. so you also write about what you call an 1939 moment in your book, quote, russia and china have proved themselves willing to seize nations are parts of nations by force or intrigue. and many western officials believe will do so again, if left unchecked threatening the relative peace that has endured among the great powers since the last world war, the lessons of 1939, loom large, you mean appeasement looms large? is that what you're >> suggesting are set and i know the hitler comparisons have been made to putin and to others putin has not carried out a holocaust. he has certainly shown no reluctance to kill civilians wholesale in ukraine what he has in common with hitler is that he is willing and has tried and has successfully changed the borders of europe by force. and he's done it prior to february 2022, when you had the full-scale invasion of ukraine when he sliced off a piece of georgia, he sliced off pieces of ukraine in 2014, and now he's launched the largest war in europe and the question is,
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what do you do in response because you have a camp in this country as you know who says and donald trump among them just give it to them, right? everything will be fine when you speak to folks who have lived under russia's yoke, like kaja, kallas of estonia, only a generation ago, they say, you give them that will be next. the eastern european allies will be next. europe seeds ukraine to russia. china will calculate it can take taiwan and the cost will be acceptable. >> jim sciutto. thank you so much. congratulations. again, the book, the return of great powers is out tomorrow. pick yourself up a copy. you can preorder right now on amazon or barnes and noble, or checkout nd books and go to your local independent bookstore? coming up questions for senator katie britt and her carefully worded response to president biden's state of the union address. you detail the story. a horrific one, a true one about a sex trafficking victim. but did she give the whole story when she shared the story? cnn asked the sex trafficking victim at the
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center of the story here, what she had to say next what happened to the golden boy of new jersey? i >> engaged in an affair with another man. >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper? >> i've got to get a therapist after having an interview with jake tapper, new episodes sunday at nine on cnn, dr. time has a big announcement and even easier way to buy a car. you make the deal yourself. >> i made a >> deal myself and lets you customize the real down payment and monthly payment of the car you want to buy. >> time deal-maker, that the real deal and drive at morgan stanley old school hard work meets bold new thinking to help you see on tap possibilities. and relentlessly work with you to make them real >> the edge and rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin night and day despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i
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visit country >> erin burnett, outfront tonight at seven on cnn. >> in our politics lead alabama senator katie britt, who delivered the republican look in response to president biden's state of the union address last week has taken some heat for a story she told about meeting a victim of sex trafficking at the border last year. here's part of her story she had been sex trafficked by the cartels starting at the age of 12 she told me not just that she was raped every day, but how many times a day she was raped? >> now, the story is true about that sex trafficking victim the problem critic say is as senator burt seem to suggest that this was going on in the united states and that it was the fault of president biden because after the anecdote, she said this we wouldn't be okay
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with this happening in a third world country. this is the united states of america. and it is past time, in my opinion, that we start acting like it president biden's border policies are a disgrace. >> the washington post's fact checker, glen kessler gave senator britt four pinocchios for her story because you seem to be suggesting that it happened in the united states and recently and under president biden biden, when none of those three things are the case. now, the woman, the victim herself, karla, has siento, who story britt tell cnn who story britt told tells cnn, quote, it's not fair that britt told her story the way she did. and cnn's rafael romo spoke with i cento and has her story texas area january 2023 >> so it's very very unfair to
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the people here close to the border. >> a group of republican senators getting a firsthand look at border challenges from victims of human trafficking. >> one of the victims that delegation heard from was this woman. god luck has seen two whose testimony is so moved, alabama senate that are katie britt. she gave the victim a hug, fast forward to today >> no, but another >> i've seen to his fuming because she says britt got many of the facts of her story wrong in the republican response to president biden, state of the union address, the senate or made it sound like you had been a victim of human trafficking recent plea during the administration of the current president of the united states, joe biden. is that the case >> no. >> not at all. i was a victim. it seems to me starting in 2004, i arrived in mexico city in 2008 when i was already a survivor >> were you ever trafficked in the united states? >> no, but not at all? no. i was a victim here in mexico
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>> we have known has seen to for nearly a decade in 2015, cnn profile her story as part of cnn's freedom project, which seeks to raise awareness about modern day slavery, which is in an interview with cnn from mexico city, she told us she learned about this speech controversy on social media at one point when i met you years and years ago, you told me that you felt like at the beginning, mexican politicians had taken advantage of you by using your story for political purposes do you feel like that happened once again here in the united states, steve? >> yes. in fact, i hardly ever cooperate with politicians because it seems to me that they only want an image, they only want a photo and that to me is not fair. >> senator britt spoke again about the story on sunday in an interview with fox news, to be clear, the story that you
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relate is not something that's happened under the biden administration. that particular person. >> but i very, very clearly said i spoke to a woman who told me about when she was trafficked, when she was 12 so i didn't say a teenager. i didn't say a young woman, a grown woman, a woman when she was trafficked, when she was 12. >> i seen also told us no one reached out to hur to ask for her permission to use her story as part of a political speech. what would you like to tell senator britt about what happened with my study yet? >> well, at this moment, i would like her to get informed a little more about the topic and that at some point, if she wants to contact me to talk about the topic, she can do so. she can also contact people who have really gone through what she says. i would love to have a pleasant chat with her instead of using it in a political way to gain a position sean ross britt's communications director told the washington post that the senator was talking about haciendo and disputed that
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britt's language was misleading and jake, in response to the backlash, katie britt has defended her telling of the anecdotes, saying the human trafficking and industry has increased dramatically under the biden administration saying quote if you look back under 2018, a human trafficking was five $500,000,000 industry is now a $13,000,000,000 industry brits on fox news that she was not trying to give the impression this happened during the biden administration. take all right. rafael romo. thank you so much. a camera and a future queen's, cnn's richard quest breaks down the latest royal scandal that's next >> vegas >> story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn when these business owners need cash fast, they turned to bids to credit to fund what's next from fitness studios to medical offices and every small business in between. we've got you covered whether you need new equipment, funds to expand or need money to cover unforeseen business
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conditions of the duchess, king charles, by the way, also suffer brynn from something undisclosed. we know he has cancer. we don't know what kind of cancer over the weekend on british mother's day, kensington palace released a photograph that was supposed to quell fears about the princesses health concerns, but instead, the photo has only sounded more alarms. catherine is now apologizing after admitting she edited the image of her with her children, all of which has the world wondering why and what the hell is going on. there. >> cnn's >> richard quest dug into the controversy and what we know as of now about that weird photo it was the picture that was meant to put to rest what is about kate? >> this photo of the princess of wales and her children has now been pulled from circulation only hours after the photo was released on mother's day in the uk the associated press news agency was the first to withdraw it using what they call kill notification. >> the
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>> api said, at closer inspection, it appears that the source has manipulated the image by source. they mean the princess problem is princess charlotte's sleeve isn't where it should be. >> we have experts, photoshop experts, like the guys sitting behind me, that it doesn't take a second for them to see that the image was altered and manipulate it. >> and her hair ends abruptly. the zipper on kate's sweater is misaligned the other big agency is reuters and afp were quick to issue their own kill notices telling news outlets not to use the image. then more than 24 hours after she posted it, the princess of wales apologized saying like many amateur photographers, i do occasionally experiment with editing. one level, this has nothing more than an amateur photographer for getting it
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wrong. but the underlying issue is the fact that the princess of wales has not been seen since having unspecified abdominal surgery back in january. this grainy photograph taken we can all monday as kate traveled to a private appointment with william, is one of the few images that surfaced since then. >> we don't know >> what editing she did. and the palace haven't released the unedited version so is this just an amateur photographers learning experience or is there something more to the picture that's fueled 1,000 words of speculation so jake, the reality here is that this photo shop or whatever it was was so cack-handed. i was so obvious to spot that you're left with the fundamental question, cockup. or conspiracy and it
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was so badly done. what has to believe the level of incompetence. it was just cockup. >> yeah. i mean, they could put this all the bad right now by giving you are max foster an interview like in the next couple of hours, i mean, that's that's my suggestion. >> yeah. and i'm >> she could pay to her advantage. she could say, look, this was the original and this is what i was trying to do. and then you've you've done the same and i know a lot, but now they've just dug themselves even deeper into a whole of their own making. >> give you our max foster an interview that's what i say. richard quest. thanks so much tomorrow on capitol hill, special counsel, robert hur one month after his shocking report into the biden classified documents case, her was the one who recommended no charges for the president, despite concluding that biden in his view, willfully retained the classified material that we said he did not think it was prosecutable. her will take questions tomorrow from the house judiciary committee and cnn. it's going to have special coverage starting at 09:45 in the morning printing on that, we're back in a moment >> my moderate
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