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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  March 7, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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against house republicans when he talks about what he views the us is role around the world, should be specifically because he is grappling with the reality that ukrainian it's additional aid and the house speaker has yet to commit to putting that aid package on the floor of the house. you can also expect he's going to lay out a stark contrast between what, four more years of biden would mean versus four more years of trump tonight, a lot of democrats in the audience are bringing with them people as guests who have been affected by the overturning of roe versus wade, you have guests who have been through ivf. you have guests who have had to leave their state to get abortion care. those are the kinds of messages you can also expect to hear from the president tonight. obvious. the state of the union is an hour-long speech. jake, there is a lot of room to talk about a myriad of issues he's going to talk about the economy is going to talk about global affairs, but he is going to be
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talking specific points to house republicans in that audience tonight, then this could be a tough crowd for president biden, the house speaker mike johnson's asked all all the members of congress to be civil, but manu caught up with marjorie taylor greene or oyoun earlier and she didn't she didn't make any civility promises. what do you think is going to happen >> well, certainly we've seen over the last several years house republicans going out and attacking the president as he is giving the state of the union address and certainly house republicans have struggled with decorum over the last several months. you've seen since the beginning of this new congress. so we heard from republicans today at votes who made no such promises. that they were going to sit there quietly. here's marjorie taylor greene earlier that you mentioned talking to manu while if he's a liar, he should be called out. >> that's >> important to do and people really care about that. >> so you might call them out today. it's on the florida house. >> i have no idea what he's
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going to say and i would argue that joe biden has no idea what he's saying two. so they're probably working up a good drug cocktail mix over there. the white house we'll see how he how he talks tonight. and then i'll decide then >> and one area to keep a close watch on tonight, jake is when the president talks about the border, this has been one of those areas where republicans have gone up against the white house time and time again. but you can expect that biden wants to go ahead and flip the script on that issue, call out republicans for not bringing up that bipartisan bill out of the senate. >> jake. >> all right. lauren fox on capitol hill for us. >> thank you so much. >> let's turn to our panel now so first of all, let me start with the idea of the border as an issue it is an issue obviously, and it's been a problem and you have horrible stories that have resulted like the tracks tragic murder of laken riley in georgia when you talk to democrats on the hill about this, they don't dismiss
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it as an issue as might happen on some other channels. they don't they don't say that it shouldn't be tackled or anything like that, but they say republicans are constantly trying to use this as an issue and it never works. it never works. this is what democrats say. this is not my opinion. they say trump tried in 2018. it didn't work. he tried in 2020. it didn't work. glenn youngkin tried it when he tried to change the legislature in virginia. it didn't work. they tried it in the special election in new york with a crowd that you would think would appeal. it would appeal to a lot of cops live in that district, et cetera. and it didn't work how do you respond to that? >> well, number one, i think it did work in 2016. i think it was clear was an issue that was on voters minds then and i think it's on their minds now again, about 28% of americans view that as their top issue and with independent voters, it is their top issue as well. and so i think it's going to be debated and i think the difference this go round as we talked earlier about the
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economy, i think people are afraid in this country for a whole host of reasons, economic, security-wise crime is up and as republicans continue to paint the picture that an open border leads to more immigration or more crime, not just by the way, in a place like i live in texas, but all the way up to places like minnesota. and as we've seen in georgia, it's a very personal issue because it's a one based on fear and emotion right now. and i think that does make a difference. electorial well, let's just mentioned that violent crime and murder rates are actually down. and let's remember that in terms of crimes committed by people who are here illegally, they it's actually lower than the other rates of crime at the same time. look, i think there's an acknowledgment. this is an issue that has to be addressed, but i think the majority of the american people understand and this is what i see in polls at poll after poll, they want a humane system. they don't want, they don't like things like donald trump saying mexicans are rapists and murderers, and
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they don't nowhere are the congo came from, which is the latest thing he likes to attack i think people will say, yes, we need to deal with the border. we've got to have comprehensive immigration reform. we've got to treat people with dignity and humanity rather than work becomes a lot of demagoguery that you get from trump, who then, which then that becomes the republican policy. and again, as we've talked about immigration reform is one way or the president was one to go farther than other democrats. and yet republicans wouldn't dare, not. hold that thought because i want to bring in senator chris of delaware, democrat and the national co-chair for the biden-harris reelection campaign. senator, thanks so much for joining us. you've known your, your, your fellow delawarean president biden for quite some time. is it fair to say that this is the most important speech of his career? >> it, certainly one of the most important speeches of his career i thought one of the greatest contributions, joe biden has ever made to our
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nation and our democracy was defeating donald trump in 2020. i didn't think we'd be back here and he'd have to do it again. but he has an incredible record to run on. and in the years since the 2020 election, the character and the challenges and the conduct of these two men have only made the distinction between them sharper and clear. 91 criminal counts are in donald trump's future. and joe biden is running on an incredible record of bringing us together, getting bipartisan bills passed into law and then investing in american infrastructure and manufacturing, lowering prescription drug prices, and protecting our veterans. so he's got a lot to talk about tonight s it's an incredibly ford and speech and i'm hopeful that the american people will be watching and listening because he's got a great case to make. >> so beyond the substance of what he says, there are stylistic imperatives here for any president certainly for the previous one but for this one,
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right now, when there are so many americans according to polls, concerned that he has slowed down, concerned about his age. he's 81, the oldest person ever hold this office. and i'm wondering what you think the challenges are for him in terms of performance which, you know, we don't we don't live in a textbook, we live in the real-world. performance is important joe biden says, often don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative. and i'll tell you his similarly aged but not similarly experienced opponent for president this november has recently had some very public stumbles where he's confuse nikki haley, and nancy pelosi or he's spoken in a way that assumes that barack obama is still president. joe biden. our president will show tonight energy and engagement a mastery of the issues going on around the world and leadership here at home i do think he needs to be optimistic about
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our future. he is a fundamentally positive and optimistic person who believes in america, believes in the possibility of innovation and growth and opportunity for all of us. but he's also going to have to draw a sharp contrast so that the american people understand what's at stake. if they make the error of reelecting the former president rather than giving a joe biden and he is incredible and talented team and his cabinet and his very capable vice president. a second term to deal with some of the issues not yet fully addressed. >> so i've heard president biden say that before. don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative. i mean, the american people are and in poll after poll in battleground states a plurality at least are going for donald trump. how do you explain that? >> so jake, i was just campaigning in michigan and in the different counties and cities i was in. when you take
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the record of what's happened because of joe biden's leadership and that people are feeling double-digit increases for uaw you members, guys in the building trades who are working hard on infrastructure projects. recent job announcements by semiconductor companies they're very positive about what has happened while joe biden has been president. what is lacking is the connection the average american isn't clear whether or not those things happened because of joe biden. that's the point of a campaign is to point out to folks what donald trump promised, but never delivered on. and what joe biden promised. and actually delivered on. and the difference between the two of them. so we're really just beginning the campaign between here in november in earnest across the country on the ground. and i am confident that those numbers will steadily change as our economy continues to strengthen. as people see and feel the impact of everything from a cap on the price of insulin to new
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manufacturing job announcements and as they focus more on the difference, folks have had a long time without donald trump in their twitter feed every day when they have a renewed exposure to his chaos. and when they focus on joe biden's character and capabilities, i think they'll make the right choice and reelect joe biden president or former president trump is saying that he wants to debate joe biden anytime, anywhere, any place is that a good idea? i mean, do you think i mean, if it's if this is a don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative campaign >> show luck if >> president donald trump, yeah if donald trump wants to say joe biden primetime, he should tune in and watch tonight. i was in the room for the debate in cleveland that chris wallace tried to moderate and it was chaotic at best, donald trump just busted through every possible rule or regulation of decency or decorum are
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following any of the directives of the moderator. i wouldn't encourage it, but i don't think the campaign or the president has made a decision yet. i just think that frankly the american people need to make up their own minds based on what difference joe biden has made in their lives >> are you saying the president biden should not debate former president trump? >> i think that's up to him and i think he in the campaign will make a decision later in the year right now tonight they're focused on this important state of the union. and the chance for president biden to lay out his case for the next term when he will deliver on the things that are right in front of us, more investments in affordable housing, more to deal with childcare and with elder care, more efforts to reduce the price of prescription drugs, more keep us safer and stronger at home and abroad. he's got a robust and optimistic agenda for the second term and a great record from his first term it does sound like that's what
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you were saying just for the record that you don't think he should debate him. i mean, that's that's pretty clearly what you were saying. although you also said it's up to it's up to the president, senator chris campaign thank you, jake, to see you, sir. thank you so much. my panel is still here. do you agree do you think president biden should not debate donald trump? >> i think he should say bring it on, put on his glasses and walk out of the chamber. i mean, come on. joe biden would do just fine. his glasses. so you >> know, the aviators i'm ready to go. >> yeah. i don't think that debate, by the way that we're donald trump was hot mass inside the dumpster, fire inside the train wreck. debate. i don't think that that one donald trump, any votes by the way. i mean, i think that probably cost him a lot of votes. >> it didn't and look, i've spent months trying to get donald trump on the debate stage in publican primary >> we should note you worked for desantis? yeah. so when that would have helped desantis
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or haley italy or whenever if you'd done that, i think frankly it might help the former president even earn more of the share of our party base. but the fact of the matter is look, both of these are older gentlemen. they both have records in office over the last eight years. they both control the white house and i think the country deserves in should demand that both of them step on the stage and debate the issues that matter. >> can i just ask you one quick question? because katie porter, former congressman, current congresswoman katie porter, she didn't win the senate race in california. she failed to qualify for the runoff. and she's blaming her loss on billionaires rigging the election. this is her concession speech. take a listen. >> our opponents through everything every trick. millions of dollars, every trick in the playbook to knock us off our feet. but i'm still standing in high heels >> she said that the election was rigged on twitter. she
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posted because of you, we had the establishment running scared with standing three-to-one in tv spending and onslaught of billionaires spending millions to rig this election. then when people push back on that, she said rigged means manipulated by dishonest means that no time have i ever undermine the vote count and election process in california which are beyond reproach given the context, yeah, donald trump falsely accusing democrats of rigging the election. what do you think of that rhetoric that was katie porter being incredibly disingenuous because the truth is adam schiff with pretty far ahead of her, i kept kept an eye on this race most of the time she was angry when he started doing ads to boost steve garvey. that's when she's talking about regs >> it's a kid painting. >> guess what? there's politics and politics. it's a contact sport. if you can play the game that don't get in what, what did you think when she said, well, look, i was thrilled to see democrats invest in republicans itself. i'll take that any day of the week, right? okay. thanks to both you appreciate it. a new
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report released moments to go from an independent investigation into the uvalde police department's actions, the moments before and after 19 children and two teachers were tragically gun gun down. but first, anti-semitism on the rise. but why does the outrage from politicians almost always fall strictly along partisan lines? we'll discuss next. >> special live coverage of the state of the union address. tonight at tonight's cnn >> readings happen >> yeah, that's not good happens huge things happened happened there with three, learn more at, what's my safe flight story? >> i see inspiration rights for my glass so in my windshield cracked, i chose safelite they replaced the glass and recalibrated my safety system. that service i can trust me >> safe place. >> my malama made me feel
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campus. antisemitism has risen in the united states, especially since hamas attacked israel on october 7 and israel began its campaign to destroy hamas in gaza today, the attorney general merrick garland said that the united states has seen quote s stunning increase in the threats made against jews and jewish institutions citing how the fbi has opened more than three times more anti-jewish hate crime investigations from october 7 until the end of january compared to the previous four months. the thing is, and this is not aimed at speaker johnson, but all politicians. the thing is, it's not particularly difficult to call it out bigotry. on the other side, politically or ideologically or socially. for congresswoman elise stefanik, republican of new york, or any other house republican expressing moral outrage about anti-semitism on elite northeastern college campuses. >> that's not difficult. >> or for that matter, for democrats to call out antisemitism among trump supporters at the unite the
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right rally. it's more difficult for democrats to condemn the rhetoric of congresswoman rashida tlaib, though more than 20 democrats did vote to censure until the last november. and it, just as a general rule, it is tougher for politicians to call out the bigotry on their own side you can be forgiven for wondering how committed any politician is to fighting such hate if they only acknowledge it and condemn it across the aisle. and that's particularly relevant this week two days ago, a british journalist tried to ask georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene about the conspiracy theories in which she has long traffic to including what has become shorthanded as jewish space lasers. that's a reference to green espousing on facebook. that california's wildfire was caused perhaps by a consortium of wealthy jews and others using lasers from space, solar generators for profit it's a perfectly fair question to ask
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congresswoman greene, who appeared at a white supremacist convention. we should note and yet continues to be a republican house member in good standing. >> can you tell me why so many people that support donald trump loves conspiracy theories, including yourself. he seems to attract lots of conspiracy theories well, let me tell you, you're a conspiracy theorist and the left and the media spreads more conspiracy theories. we like the truth, we like supporting our constitution, our freedoms an american kefir sowed about jewish space lasers, tell us about jospeh. >> know why don't, why don't you go talk about jewish space lasers and really, why don't you off? how about that? >> well jeez for the language, but it's just a congresswoman i'm quoting no contrition at all when call to the carpet about this deranged anti-semitic conspiracy theory, just crude defiance because it's tolerated it doesn't matter how much congresswoman greene belittles the holocaust by comparing mask mandates inside the capitol. well to jews being forced onto trains
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and transported to gas chambers in nazi germany. she escapes any official house republican disciplinary measures and the same day, congresswoman greene was behaving like that this week. north carolina republicans went to the polls they nominated this man to be their gubernatorial nominee, lieutenant governor mark robinson. now robinson has long publicly engaged in holocaust denial, including calling the holocaust. hogwash, is approvingly cited and adolf hitler, quote about quote, pride in one's own race and he agreed with a fringe pastor who called the jewish bankers the rothschilds, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the republican jewish coalition called robinson's past comments, quote, clearly anti-semitic. and the republican party rallying around. the lieutenant governor of north carolina cnn's dianne gallagher now takes a deep dive into the controversial offensive extremist, and deeply
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disturbing comments at robinson has made in the parents about jews and other groups and how that might weigh on the minds of north carolina's voters as they head to the polls polls this november >> let's go win in november after were commanding victory in tuesday's primary, mark robinson is now the republican nominee for governor in north carolina. now the wildly popular with his base, i am running for governor of north carolina. >> the state's first black lieutenant governor, a former army reservist and furniture factory worker elected in 2020 is a conservative darling with a lengthy history of inflammatory and bigoted comments going after muslims, women, black people who vote for democrats, and the lgbtq community >> as a moment in this country, that is a motet. and that is full of anecdotes, spirit of anti-christ is the transgender movement a such statements have not slowed his meteoric rise up. the republican ranks was beta wants to save this nation.
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>> my name is mark robinson, the 55 year-old was catapulted from obscurity after his public comments on gun rights at a 2018 greensboro city council meeting went viral. speaking against calls to cancel a gun show following the mass shooting at a high school in parkland, florida. >> and we want our rights and we want to keep our rights at by god, we're going to keep them come hell or high water around that same time, robinson, a prolific facebook or was calling the survivors of that shooting prostitots and spoiled little jewish leaders in the state have highlighted language he's used in the past, like posting, quote this foolishness about hitler disarming millions of jews and then marching them off to concentration camps is a bunch of hogwash. >> there was never any anti semitism intended from those words are reporters >> confronted robinson at a press conference last year, where he did declared as acting governor a week of solidarity with israel after the october 7 attacks. >> do you apologize for writing what you wrote >> i for the wording. and we
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have spoken to several jewish groups mark robinson is definitely not anti-semitic last month, robinson said that post was about gun control policy in germany after world war i, many of his supporters say that robinson social media musings >> are overblown by political opponents and media sandwich. >> i mean, they talked about trump's facebook posts and all that subnets, tweets, and all that stuff. i don't look at that. i look at what do not at what you're saying necessarily. >> and there are a lot of similarities between robinson and the former president who is definitely a fan >> this is martin luther king on steroids, a kfile review last year found that robinson had repeatedly criticized this civil rights movement, calling it crap. and at one point lamenting that so many freedoms were lost during the civil rights movement after robinson, one tuesday roughly two-thirds of the republican primary vote, one of his opponents released a statement calling him an unelectable candidate, who puts a conservative future at risk for everyone from the
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courthouse to the white house now i want to be clear. >> robinson is extremely popular with republicans in north carolina and all of these comments have been widely reported over the years, both locally and nationally at cnn and other networks. robinson usually doesn't respond, but you often says that journalists are taking his comments out of contexts or that they're mischaracterizing them. sometimes he doubles down now robinson is adamant that he is not anti-semitic and says that he has had private discussions with jewish groups about the tropes that he has used in some of these past-post jake, his opponent now is democratic attorney general, josh stein, who is already up with a mashup of robinson's past comments. you just heard and then stop. if elected in november, stein would be the first jewish governor in north carolina history. robinson would be the state's first black governor. >> robinson clearly anti-semitic. dianne gallagher
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in charlotte, north carolina. thanks so much. appreciate it coming up. a new independent review from uvalde on failures of law enforcement to save the lives of 19 innocent children and two teachers we're live in uvalde, texas. that's next the situation room with wolf blitzer didn't night at six point cnn >> the ladies have been doing a lot of talking reasonably. she looks great. >> what they don't know is i got inspire i sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body. i feel refreshed because i'm not struggling with the pap anymore. >> hundred books she got worked out. >> great sleep click of a button. >> did she got an implant schygulla? relax its inspire. inspire sleep apnea, innovation learn more and byu important safety information at inspire >> what if all i do for my type two diabetes isn't enough? >> or what is once weekly, numb joro could help mounjaro helps
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and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. is the easiest way to reduce you. sure >> president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case? facebook, four more years in the white house, join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tonight at eight times cnn >> breaking news in our law and justice lead now an independent investigation into the the uvalde police department's actions during the robb elementary school mass shooting has just been released. let's bring in shimon prokupecz, who has covered the story like no one else and he was honored with a peabody award for his reporting on this story shimon, i know you're very, very close at the family's. you've been a pit bull on this and we're also proud of the work you've done. walk me through some of the fires endings of this
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investigation. >> i have to tell you, jake, this is one of those days where you just leave uvalde and you just shake your head as to what are people's thinking here. they went ahead the city of uvalde, they hired this investigator to take a look and see what happened here. did their officers do anything wrong? what could they have done better? and so they hire this man is named jessie prado. he's a 25 veteran. he's retired. he does investigations and he came in and in front of the families at this city council hearing used words like officers from the uvalde police department acted in good faith that there was no wrongdoing on the part of those officers, that there was no violation of policy. and at one point even said that one of the officer showed measurable strength he's talking about officers that were in a hallway that we're approaching the gunman and then retreated. and then we know what happens for an hour.
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no one goes in. >> i tried to ask him to >> man jesse prado. >> how did >> he come to these conclusions? what was he basing it on? because everyone else every law enforcement official from the department of justice to the head of the texas department of public safety has said that there was massive failure here. take a look at my interaction with him, jake do you feel the pain of these families? >> what happened here >> well, you're just not going to answer our questions. i'm not and i answer at this point. >> why not? >> this is your opportunity to speak to us. >> i'm not done with the job on their side. i'm done with the report, but they still have some questions that they need to ask it's well, you laugh, you laugh, then you wouldn't answer their questions. you left you left. >> do you disagree? but what the department of justice? >> so jake, what happened was after he made his >> presentation and he used words like officers, he was exonerating officers from any
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wrongdoing. he got up and left the meeting. and the families demanded that he come back and face them. and so because of that, he was forced to come back and sit before the families as they spoke in anger, their frustration over what they heard it's so astounding that jake at one point, he said that the reason why some of the officers couldn't go in or that the officers didn't put together a command center sort of leading officers to take charge was because of the crowds outside. the crowds were the families waiting outside to try and find out what was happening to their kids inside the families were outside trying to get in because they felt the officers were refusing to go inside. those were the families that were outside and those are the families that were in this room today. to try and find out how did he come to these conclusions, jake, it's insane. >> this is one of the greatest law enforcement failures in the modern history of the united states of america and they have tried to whitewash this from the very, very beginning.
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shimon families seeing this report for the first time this afternoon, how are they reacting? what are you hearing from them? >> it's painful to watch them to come in here today after getting reports from the department of justice, after hearing from the department of public safety saying that officers failed here to have this one guy come in here and sort of turn around and say no, these officers did nothing wrong. >> a >> lot of them took to the podium to speak. one of them even said, you are kicking us while we are already down. take a listen to some more of what they said >> you pull that good faith they stood there 77 minutes and waited after they got poll after poll the kids were still alive in there >> all this >> is, it's a pat it's a brothers pat. you protect your own were you know what we're going to stand here and we're
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going to keep fighting for our own because nobody else is going to do it and you're not going to stop i want you to look at this child because this child survived this child was shocked and he said in there for 77 minutes while those cow words did nothing, you said that that was in good faith and i'm going to reiterate that point. >> good faith. good faith is 77 minutes >> and jake, it's just it's it's so painful to have to sit through this city council, some of the city council members came up to me afterwards. they were shocked to hear this. they had not seen the report before this this was an investigator that was hired by the previous mayor, thought he was doing the right thing. city council was not able to access this report
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until today in real time, and they were even shocked at what they were hearing. i even looked at the police chief here at one point. he couldn't believe you could just see the utter shock on people's faces and what this investigator were saying. and we'll see it's so tough for this community because just when they think they are moving in a certain direction and they have some closure. this happens today. >> it's a porn shimon prokupecz. thank you so much. we'll be right back. >> what happens to the golden boy of new jersey >> i engaged in an affair with another man. >> did you want to be outed again night it's states of scandal with jake tapper are gonna go to therapy is if they're having an interview with jake, new episodes next sunday at nine on cnn with the price of just about everything going up during inflation we thought we bring up prices down. so to help us, we brought in a reverse auctioneer, which is apparently a thing mit >> mobile unlimited premium wireless. >> how did he get 30, 30? you get 20, 2020 mitigate 20
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2:42 pm >> i'm lauren fox on capitol hill. >> and this is cnn our world lead today, 19 months, 19 months. that's how long american ryan corbett has been held hostage by the taliban. corbat is one of three americans currently being held captive by that group, ryan and his family lived in afghanistan for more than a decade, but evacuated when that country fell back to the taliban ryan had returned a few times for business and then in august 2022, he was detained
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wrongfully, according to the us state department, his wife, ana corbett joins us now, she and her family will be at president biden's state of the union address tonight as a guest of congresswoman claudia tenney, a new york republican. and i thank you so much for being here. so you've come to washington nine times to try to get help to get ryan home. what are you being told by officials and by president biden? >> yeah, that's correct. i have been here now nine times and everyone is working hard to bring ryan home. state department, national security council on congress. we passed a resolution width now 70 cosponsors. what's difficult about that is that it seems like when i do not come when i do not push, things just stagnate and that is very frustrating because i know this is a priority for the admitted ministration they've expressed how important it is to bring us citizens home. but now ryan's been held, as you said, wrongfully for 19 months and i'm really concerned for his life and concern that he be
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brought home as soon as possible. >> so you've only spoken to ryan four times since he was taken by the taliban, right. is that correct? that's right. i've only spoken four >> times and he's being held in an underground cell in kabul how is he holding up? >> what are those calls like? and what did he say? i understand the last time you talked to him, he told them you were going to be a guest at the state of the union? >> i did. i was able to share that with him. he was really happy to hear they are how hard the government is working. it's always challenging to discern how he's truly doing because he's under duress, he can't speak freely, but i do know from hearing of other prisoners who were held with him that there have been some big health concerns, fainting, seizures, and no one has eyes on him. something could happen, he could die and no one would even know and the government just keeps giving to the taliban. we keep giving more and more money and conversations. and yet here i've only spoken with ryan four times and night teen months. >> so you to have you have three children, you and ryan. they were attending the state of the union as well. they have
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letters for the president. i want to read one from your 18 year-old daughter or katzir, who wrote, quote that she's running a better dad here he doesn't deserve this. he was only trying to help i'm very scared for his health i often wonder if they'll ever be the same as i remember him. will i even recognize him while he recognized my siblings and i please bring him home. soon. katzir's 18 miriam is 16 and caleb is 14 almost for almost 14. i mean, you're tearing up when you hear the letters. it's no kid should ever have to write a letter like this. >> it's. really difficult and katzir's senior or just about to graduate and ryan. so the type of ferguson who really cares about others, he's always been an amazing dad in very involved and he's missing so much in his children's lives and missing sports seasons and driving lessons and just really normal things that you should be able to
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experience with your teenage children it's really difficult. and we feel so sad. the children wrote these letters. we hope to hand them to the president tonight to be able to talk with him. i hope he knows about this situation. i think he does, but i've heard that he's a very empathetic person, and i do believe that he would be willing to help bring ryan home as soon as possible if he knew about this and just having the chance to speak face-to-face with him about this would be so helpful and i think he's made hard decisions before and he could make another difficult decision to bring ryan home. >> i know this is tough, but i have i have interviewed other people like you before and their loved ones have gotten home. it has happened, it can happen. it will happen. i promise you. >> i did this with the family of all sorts of individuals and they do come home, they can come home. and like we will, we
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will cover this. and if you if you don't get your letters to the president tonight and please let me know and we will figure out a way to get them to do because because colony to claudia tennis great one, but she's republicans so i don't know. i don't know if it'll get those letters from her, i guess we can help you. we'll send it through the press office, but thank you for being here. okay. thank you. so you have >> your friends and supporters here at cnn. we're going to continuing to take this case. i appreciate it. >> thank you so much. and we'll be right back >> if you have graves disease and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable. people with graves could also get thyroid disease or ted, which may need a different dr. find a ted is specialist at is-it home. >> have you been tracking our cars value with carvana just like seven months. should we sell it? we hold all silver vans are going for more right now. should we are low mileage is paying off. you think we should all the appreciations really heating up?
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for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. easiest way to reduce sugar >> on jeremy diamond in tel aviv. and this is cnn in our pop culture lead at times when our country seems so divided and things seem so bleak, there >> are still things that bring us all to the table to enjoy literally to the table in his new season of somebody feed phil on netflix. phil rosenthal explores the unifying nature of food in our city here, washington dc. i sat down with phil earlier this week he and joining me now is phil rosenthal fail so good to see as always. so what made you want to include washington, dc in this new season of the show? >> it take great food city. first of all, that's the first thing that attracts me to your place. >> and >> second, it's just one of
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the most beautiful cities in america, if not the world. i mean, we forget that these kind of monuments and statues and halls to what the country was built on is also gorgeous i think i say to you in the show because you're in the show, you know, jake, i'm aware you can't just watch the news people. you'll get depressed. you have to watch somebody feed phil a little. >> that's it's true. it's true. >> one of my big takeaways from how you profile the dc food seen something i knew intellectually, but you really hit it home, which is the diversity of the quizzing you went to a lavon break, curry, a definite owned pizzeria and you met me in jeff goldberg and an indian restaurant? yes. >> unlike other destinations on your show that have such a >> defined and specific type of food. what do you think it means that dc's food scene is really this? melting pot of so many diverse cultures and fluids. >> well, shouldn't the capital of our country be a melting pot? shouldn't it showcase
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diversity? is the whole country built on a healthy immigrant population? well, my parents were immigrants. i'm sure many people watching are immigrants themselves. i think it's beautiful and dc has a really terrific diverse cultural scene, not just food, but everything >> you know, phil, just an idea for the future if you haven't done it already, which is my mom is a canadian immigrant. have you gone north of the border? have you done anything? i >> did montreal and i love it. all right. well, maybe winnipeg, maybe we go to winnipeg in the future sure up to i i've heard they've got some really good stuff there during this episode you sat down not only with me and jeff goldberg, but with secretary of transportation pete buttigieg and republican congressman brian fitzpatrick from the great commonwealth of pennsylvania. let's play a little snippet of that it's interesting to hear you say that bipartisanship is the number one issue. >> i never thought of it that way. first thing that pops to
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mind his guns in this country, climate change, right? >> yeah, >> these things, but you're right. nothing will get done without this. >> the biggest thing i've noticed in my career, you find yourself at higher and higher tables, right? the people you have sometimes seen on the news for years, but it turns out they're just people, right? the people who run the world and people who are in charge of things, the most important things that happen just happen when people get together and talk, right? even when you see what goes on at the highest levels, i had heard about the constitution and an even the declaration of independence, the real talks right there over food and drink at the bar restaurant next door. it sounds right. maybe we need to put a >> buffet in congress >> dc is a place where history is made, but at times the divisiveness highlighted in politics seems to dominate our news cycle. what role can food play in bringing out collaboration? >> food is the great connector. and then for me laughs or the cement, someone other words we can't fight each other or want
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to hurt each other over food. it's something we all do around the world. it doesn't matter what side you're on. we all got to eat and then if we can share a smile or laugh, then now we're friends. i really love doing that scene. you just showed it was not easy to get a republican and a democrat to sit together. >> but >> these two great gentleman, were nice enough to join me for that launch at maiquetia, by the way, of wonderful restaurant have you been there yet? >> no. but i'm making a list of all the places that you visited to go to to go to every one of them? >> well, i just you know, i saw it in them and i asked what's the most important issue today and they said bipartisanship, it makes total sense. it's something we're not seeing enough of >> dc is not the only stop on the toward the season. where else can we learn? forward to? >> oh, my goodness, i went to moon by for the first time. have you >> i have, right? yes >> spectacular, very pricey, very spicy. >> i can handle it. jake kyoto. >> you've been there? yep.
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yeah. one of the most beautiful places on earth. i went to dubai. i went to another great and diverse food scene that you never think of. orlando, florida. we went to iceland and scotland. >> and >> for the best street food in orlando, you went to epcot, like what's what's in orlando. know you would think, but here's the thing disney has been there for 50 years, right? and in those 50 years, they've employed tens of thousands because of immigrants from around the world. they've all set up their communities around orlando. so it's like a mini la are many new york the food scene is incredible. i'm very proud of that episode because it's such a surprise. we actually call that one the real orlando, so that people understand we don't set foot in the theme park. >> so people, just so people at home understand this is what phil is like all the time. this is not like an act. he actually is this happy. he absolutely is this joy is phil rosenthal always good to see you, sir. season seven of somebody feed. phil is out on netflix, right now. and we will be right back
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