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tv   Americas Choice 2024 Super Tuesday  CNN  March 6, 2024 12:00am-2:00am PST

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>> monumental super tuesday donald trump dominate if he so did joe biden in 2024, matchup is all but set now and it is a rerun of the 2020 election that nearly cleaved this country in half. i'm abby phillip in washington, and i'm laura coats in new york for november matchup is set b. you know what it might as well be making haley got wind as in singular as in vermont. but there are plenty of check marks to count up with the former president. >> california oklahoma, virginia, colorado, north carolina, tennessee, texas, arkansas, met gosh, like a third rate again, alabama, minnesota, and massachusetts. you added it all up and trump dugin advantage is to borrow from him huge, almost 900
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>> 60 and change haley delegates. there's aren't just crystallized, just how dominant trump has been. he has won a whopping 90 plus percent of all available delegate. >> it appears inevitable. >> and his march to the biden campaign even as the president picked up a win after win tonight, look at all the states he is historically weak for an incumbent. looking at the polls, the biden campaign clearly wants to make a general election pivot tonight, painting the choice between him and the former president as one, between moving forward or moving backward into chaos division and darkness but achievements. some of it, much of it inaccurate. trump diagnosed also what he sees as bodies glaring weaknesses without any prescriptions to actually fix what he believes
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is broken and no no mentioned from the stage of the woman who trump is beating tonight. and that is nikki haley >> let's go straight now to harry enten at this magic wall. so glad we're here today, so show us some of the winds across these super tuesday states. >> you mentioned those lists have felt like we were back in second grade, right? i had to memorize the state's all the capitals, all the capitals, know how to spell them, connect it look, i like matt form know, forget to list. look at the map from look at all of this trump red on here with a little bit of haley orange-yellow. and just giving you an idea of where we were. if you were to go back to 2016 in these same states, not as much of that dark trump red, white, right? there was some cruise yellow up here, down here during the south and southwest, there was a marco rubio went up here on even ted cruz wind up in new england. but again, if we jump forward now, it is all trump red. and let's take a look at some of these larger trump wins, right? let's go to california right now. huge,
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delicate prize, 169 delegates at stake, trump byd winning this contest, getting at some all that's a big reason he has so many delicate look at this 75% of the vote to nikki haley's just 21% of the vote. and look at this map. i mean, i can click in on the individual counties if you want me to, you know, we can go here, we can go here, we can go here. it's all red. it's all red for donald trump in the state of california. now, the other big state state that donald trump also won tonight. how about we go down to texas, right? look at this margin, 78% to 17%. this is a state that donald trump lost in 2016, and he's dominating here. >> was this also a winner-take-all states? this is a winner take most states. so essentially he's going to win the lion's share of the delegates. it wouldn't be shocking to me haley got to squeeze the delegate or two out of the 161, but he's going to win the lion's share of the delicate set of this state. so overall, donald trump just absolutely dominating tonight and you can see this on the delicate board right here. you don't have to be a mathematician know 893 is a lot
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more than 66, and there's no mathematician between the two of us, yes. fbi, but it's surprising i remember the impact of those nine delegates already still on the map there. but what about president joe biden? how did he fare today? >> yes. so let's go over to the democratic side and we'll look at the states that were on the map for super tuesday. and what do you see? >> i've clicked off, but the point is, look, how about we go down to texas. we see here 85%. how about we go up? here, minnesota, 70%. how about we go, we'll go up to the state of vermont again at 8%. so joe biden doing very well across these states, but there are few warning signs. if i was looking for joe biden at this particular point, we'll start in minnesota. okay. >> my home state. your home state of minnesota. look at the uncommitted vote here ninety-percent. he's only getting about 70% of that vote. there was a drive, especially amount on the muslim american community down by hennepin county, minneapolis to try and get this uncommitted vote just like there wasn't michigan and his sort of voice frustration with the handling of the gaza
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war. look at uncommitted right here, 26% of the vote. it is congresswoman ilhan omar, district it's exactly right. elon omar, his district. you know, go down to kota county not nearly as much. if you go up your ramsey county st. paul, again, that's same thing. 24% of the vote. here's another warning sign for joe biden. i want to take a look out, though. let's go down to texas. texas. you can see joe biden getting 85% of the vote here. marianne williamson for dean phillips, just 3%, but go down to the border, go down to this area that had a big shift from hillary clinton in 2016, joe biden won these counties by a lot less. look here, look at joe biden could just getting 65% of the vote and hidalgo county, how about we go to cameron county, getting just 66% of a heavily hispanic borders, a huge issue down here and, flip that over to the republican side of the aisle and look at donald trump is actually getting a larger share of the vote in a lot of these counties. look at this 86%. you go here at 8%. so to me as you're looking forward towards the general election, right? this is gonna be a real question i think along the
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border, hispanics along the border concerned about border security, maybe joe biden is not going to win counties that historically have been very, very pro-democratic. these are some troubling numbers for joe biden. if you're looking at some troubling numbers, one other sort of thing, i would just sort of look at in terms of if you're just sort of interested in sort of an interesting trivia question. >> trivia harrigan, you love trivia. let's go to the us territories. how about right here? >> ever heard of this guy before tonight. i don't think most americans said jason palmer, very few votes but jason proper, 51%, 40% of the vote for joe biden. and you know what we call this race, we call this race for jason palmer. so if you're looking for a state or a territory that joe biden didn't win in this primary season. how about american samoa? >> hey, guess what? i'm going to interview him later. you're going to meet him? introduce him to the really the world perhaps, and maybe add to the overall knowledge. but how about states of trump is not doing as well in harry? >> yeah. what are some places where donald trump is not doing as well and well, let's go up to vermont. okay. >> this is a place nikki haley,
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again, we >> have called this race for nikki haley not a big surprise here because i want you to look right along sort of this connecticut river valley, this area. okay. that is an area that i went to school and i went across right across the state line in hanover, new hampshire. but you can see look at these margins, norwich, 79% of the vote for nikki haley, you go up here for 67%. these are well educated areas around hanover, new hampshire, dartmouth college, and we also see that really if we go down to virginia as well, right? look, the northern suburbs, right, right around washington, dc. look at fairfax county, 57% of the vote. a lot of government workers, a lot of well-educated folks. how about fairfax? 57% of the vote, or if you're really want to go deep down in let's go in to arlington, look at that 74% of the vote. my goodness, gracious. or if we were to go right here, false church, 75% of the verb. but overall for donald trump, this was an absolutely dominating night.
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look at this delicate tracker right here sure. where did we start out the evening? donald trump was at 276 delegates. look at where we go tonight all the way up to 893 delegates. you only need 1,215 a win. and the donald trump campaign is of the belief that they, they were essentially saying that they could get up to 1,112 elegance maybe that will happen. that was their projection and they're of the belief, if you look at their documents that they could in fact clinch the nomination by next tuesday. and at this particular point, i'm not sure that will happen, but they are well well, on their whale. wow, this is so important to hear abby laura, the lot going on there, but most of it is really a wipe out by both candidates for the most part. and that kinda brings us right here into the studio with our great panel, bakari. it seems like both candidates, donald trump, joe biden, got the matchup that they probably wanted but you as a democrat, if you're looking at this, i'm hearing a lot of democrats
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yelling on social media about how things are not so bad for joe biden that donald trump is so weak. do you see it that way? >> first, my advice is, anybody that's evaluating this race needs to get off social media. that's probably first so that one, first of all, you have a problem, abby, i mean, it means you have a problem and then address it now. so again, on social media, but this is a matchup the democrats wanted if these were going to be the candidate we want to run against donald trump. if joe biden is going to be the nominee. >> here's a >> foregone conclusion, donald joe biden was going to be the nominee, and so bring on donald trump in november. there's no other candidate in the history of the united states that has this many glaring weaknesses. you have somebody in donald trump actually is as good as he's going to get tonight. he only gets worse as a candidate with the trials that are coming up possible guilty verdicts that are coming up with his own mouth was his own tweets it's inevitable that donald trump as a candidate will get worse in
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joe biden has the bully pulpit of the president of the united states. he has great accomplishments. >> what >> people are feeling though is that some people actually feeling those things at the dinner table. and in their pockets, in the white house has to close that gap. >> i don't think it's a matter of communication as a matter of reality. and as you said, the perception people have about the economy to perception people have about the crisis at the border, the perception people have about our foreign policy is not good, and that is a direct reflection on doe biden and my good friend bakari. i know you're mr. optimism and want to look at the glass is half full, but we saw this new york times sienna poll over the weekend, and it was not good for joe biden. and we've seen democrats come out and say the level of freak out amongst democrats is at an all-time hi, and the biggest takeaway i think out of that times poll is that when voters were asked, do you feel personally better off with joe biden? people say there were more personally hurt with joe biden's policies, whereas with
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donald trump, they say they feel better personally with donald trump's policy. so it's the policies of that are coming over caveat, caveat to democrats freaking out because we are proverbial bedwetters. i mean, we put that that is what we do in order to be a democrat, you have a set of pearls to clutch them religiously >> be wise, to be a little bit of a bedwetter in this kind of environment if the stakes are as high as joe biden? >> yes, it's always wise to run scared, but i mean, she's my good friend. alice says she wants to deal in reality, that's what people say when they're about to dig you in the south. okay. we ever say, bless your heart of my good friend, that means that the right hook is coming. but the reality is that this president has a lot to run on, whether or not it's bipartisan successes on capitol hill, infrastructure reduction act, infrastructure, excuse me inflation reduction act. those type of things really matter. and but, but you're right and people are right when they're saying that you still have issues of kitchen table importance to many people. but this president does have
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successes. it's not as if he's not running. >> so let's deal in the world of reality now, sasha is not rowdy he's really listen, did you listen to donald trump tonight? unfortunately, i did because i listened to donald trump tonight and he was reciting a litany of things. and most of what he said was not true. he wants to talk about his accomplishments, but he's not telling the truth about them. >> well, look, i live in la-la land which is florida, so they believe all of that they eat it all up. perception is not reality as i told my father, reality is reality dead. and unfortunately for donald trump and i heard david urban say this tonight. he was mentioning about how that is a general election candidate speech. know it's not and maybe it's because i worked for the other network down the street and i live in the buzzwords and phrases and those things are repellants to me but if he's going to message like that for the next nine months and he thinks that swaying to haley voters, that voted for her right now in this primary is going to sway them back. now, maybe they're like finding dory and they forget about all this and in nine months they just vote, are all the way down the ticket, all the way back
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up. >> but >> that speech that he gave tonight is reciting the greatest hits and it doesn't focus on what you want to target from a moderate and independent standpoint, which is some of the issues speak about the actual issues. yeah, there's a crisis at the border. cbp has said it. >> speak >> about it, don't speak about buzzwords and phrases and give us all this other rhetoric and language that we know is not proven true. he is not messaging properly to the folks that in november he's going to need to come over and look no further than that. what happened in tom suozzi's district up in long island, right another candidate that was put up by the maga party and they lost. so maybe the trend continues where these candidates keep getting shot down. >> i would argue though, to truly understand what's going to happen over the coming months and heading into in november is that you can't look at the playbooks that we have come to know from previous elections. we know that donald trump is going to go out and in list a litany of falsehoods like we know that's going to happen. we also know that when you look at the data that republicans are certainly a majority of them are okay with that. they're fine with not
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quote, unquote, and reality or dealing with the truth. i mean the end goal is to win and i do think that donald trump, when he goes out and desi speeches and does his rallies, he's winning who's not winning is when joe biden goes out there and he's very quiet and he's mumbling at times. >> he isn't not winning. so i do think that biden we talk a lot about his age, but it's really his age is really him getting out there. >> it's an it's an important point. it's going to be up to joe biden to counter donald trump he can't he can't replace himself in this. he's the principal trump. >> just breaking news for everybody watching. donald trump is old too. >> i mean, we forget that you have yours, but he talks enough about not being all too it makes joe biden or when i learned a thing from this because these are primary voters that were already going to vote for him. this was never at issue of messaging for nikki haley. it's a math problem, 100 -40 is 60. he's got 60. and
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in some cases 78% down. now >> you asked to much >> as reasonable as someone who understands. now the next goal is to unify not just the republican party, but this country and look anyone who didn't think this night was going to end like this, underestimates donald trump and does not understand republican voters because republican voters believe everything he says to your point and they, they believe his policies, but they i mean, understand he's touching on issues that are important. he's touching on issues that are important to them, but he is not telling the truth. that's a really but the problem. i mean, he says he says it in a subdued tone of voice. but what he is saying is fundamentally untrue. what he's talking about with energy independence, just take that as an example. that's not true.
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the united states is a net energy exporter, largest exporter of crude in the world telling you what republican voters are hearing and how they're reacting by going out to the polls and voting for donald trump in droves. they listened to what he says with regards and i think you're exactly right about that guys, if the bar for the 45th president of the united states, the bar for donald trump is inhale and we set that for him. so any the time he comes out and he's decently subdued where he speaks with a different tone or he he just doesn't fidget or he doesn't fumble his words. we say, oh, my god, donald trump is finally here now, he's being presidential is not the case. and to talk about republican voters, and this is, i mean, alice hit the nail on the hill. this is a fact a party of law and order. do we know supporting and rallying behind somebody with 90 plus indictments that the family values party supporting somebody that has five kids by three baby mamas. i mean, this is where we are with the republican party. and the question has to be, and this is not, this is like, this is
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politics 100, this is not a persuasion election. i keep talking telling people that this is a gotv race and we have to see if if joe biden's able to get those people out if it's a turnout election. i was i just want to say i think you are right though. republicans listen to trump and it's really music to their ears and that's actually the main takeaways i speaking to the base that he understands probably better than anyone what else? everyone standby because we saw a long way to go in this election. we have a long way to go the next couple hours that will be with one another. coming up next, cnn is hosting a focus group of conservatives and liberals and independents about their thoughts on tonight and what's to come in the months ahead. plus, we have new reaction just in from house speaker mike johnson, this to cnn's special live coverage >> to be a headline was vegas. that's what i wanna do. >> vegas, the story of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn when
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global leader in reducing emissions innovators and delivering more energy sources to secure our future. nine in ten americans agree american oil and natural gas are vital to our account lights >> it's after midnight, but results are still coming in from super tuesday, i guess it's now supress wednesday from primary races, but it looks like we are heading for a 2020 rematch hatch voters in wisconsin, they are paying attention. they don't head to the polls for the primary until april 2. senior national correspondent gary tuchman joins us now from outside milwaukee with some of those voters in this very crucial swing state, gary nor are we welcome you to america's dairyland green bay packers country. also an incredibly important state when it comes to the general election. this is a swing state. 11 voters,
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they like biden, they like trump. they also like haley for people here like biden for like trump to like haley, despite the fact that they these are the two right here, despite that they think it's over right now talk more about that in a second. for our trump and biden's for them and ask the trump supporters first what message would you give the donald trump to run a better campaign? everyone can do something better. >> what would you say? >> i'd say he's need to tweak his message to be less divisive. unify the country rather than trying to divided the country you're biden support in the quarter. what do you say about joe biden? how does he run a better campaign >> i think he's got to address what people are saying about his senility and come out is more active and forceful if he's got to prove that he can be a leader for the next four years. you're a trump supporter. what do you say >> boss certainly would like to see him calmed down on the tweets and things in the middle of night, and focus more on the idea of trying to run a general campaign instead of trying to
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run a a campaign for just the republicans. >> and you as a biden support, or how would, what would you save joe biden? >> i would just like him to be really as transparent as possible of things that are going on and to keep working with his policies for the general population of the united states. >> one thing i think it's interesting here, as i said, for you trump for have you bite into haley? no one changed their mind from four years ago for have you voted for trump for have you voted for biden to have you voted for neither trump nor biden. the two of you were watching a little of donald trump's speech tonight. one of the things he said was this country it's a joke. our country is dying. as a biden supporter, would you think of those words? i think that's a mischaracterization. i think that our political system arguably as dying our political system has some deep-seated problems. i think we need to address through some meaningful reforms like voting reforms trying to get money out of politics, for example. but i don't think the country itself as a grand jury that he said
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that. yes. >> what about you as a trump supporter? what do you think of those words when donald trump says stuff like that? >> i think he's capturing a sentiment that people feel that the country is moving in the wrong direction. i just think the american way of life is under attack. and i think people are choosing him, are voting for him because they hope for change. hope for a bit american pride again, to be patriotic when he says that the country is dying, do you wish he didn't say stuff like i wish he didn't say a lot of things, but i see past that because because i believe that he is the man who represents a love of this country. and i can see past that, yes, the mean tweets. i'll take the mean tweets if it means that he's going to care about this country, love this country, and be proud of this country. and i don't see that in biden. >> richard republican, but you're not gonna vote for trump, correct? >> no. i don't think trump has the personal character that rises to the gravitas of the office of the presidency, who you vote for if the election were today you know, it's tough, it's hard to vote for biden, but i'm sticking with
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nikki haley. she's got the character. she defends our veterans, the constitution, but most of all, all the polling shows that she's the one that can we beat biden by a wider margin? >> would you consider voting for biden down the road? >> i would consider voting for biden as tough as it is to say. but i mean, if trump gets convicted, that's a big i can't go along with the party wants to support a convicted felon. >> one more question. i want to ask you all. prediction time. i know you're not psychics. >> fc we're give me a cut of the proceeds if you made correct prognostications all the time who do you think is going to win this election? who thinks trump is going to win the election? >> raise your hand high. 123456 who thinks biden is going to win the election? 1234. it's kinda like the same pattern as who you like is who you think is going to win. thank you very much. do one more question. actually, think the packers will do even better next year. >> absolutely. yes >> yes. i sure hope not. i'm a barista lower back to you and
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the minnesota and says school for the vikings led the packers sands know gary tuchman, wisconsin. thank you so much. >> joining me >> now, former head deputy chief of staff under trump, shermichael singleton, senior spokesperson for hillary clinton's 2016 campaign. karen finney, and former senior white house adviser to trump, matt hours and national political reporter for the new york times, astead herndon. i'm so glad you're all with us tonight because it's an important conversation i want to just dive in for a second to what you were hearing because you heard the conversations gary was asking about the speech that donald trump gave following his wins tonight, he called america third world country it was dying. you heard a number of people saying, look that bothered them, but they could see past it that strikes me as astead really illustrative of the entire campaign. >> yeah. i mean, a lot of people are dealing with the reality of two candidates that go on. like if you are a person who has excited about joe biden or donald trump, you are in the
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minority. the majority of americans are seeing the results from super tuesday tonight and swallowing a very harsh reality that they are getting a 2024 election. that's two candidates. they don't prefer, right? so that's the majority feeling. now, if we think about democrats or republicans respectively, there's different signs that come from this evening i think that you have a donald trump that has shown his imprint on the republican party for a long time. and that can sit in that continues tonight, right? like nikki haley has a lot of science. i'm trump is real problems around the real slice of republican party. but these are too weak general election candidates write the reason donald trump is in the race is because he believes he can be joe biden. the reason and joe biden is in this race is because he believes he can beat donald trump. there any mutually agreed partnership around beating each other and both of their parties respectively know that there are stronger candidates elsewhere. and so i think that thing though it said both parties did not put up other candidates kind of talking in
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the broad reality, how folks are feeling right now. but it doesn't actually matter for november because these are going to be the candidates was there. so in that in that riyadh, i think that you see biden and trump were dealing with their respective weaknesses and for biden, you have it among the base you haven't among young people, you have folks are upset about the administration's policy about the war in gaza. and i'm i'm trump. you have a more independent slides. the folks who are voting for nikki haley, the reasons we see vermont going in a different direction, and both of those are going to be real problems for them when they come to november. but i think we should be honest that we are dealing with two weak general election candidates. and part of the reason we are getting that in november is because the party party and the top levels of the parties have mutually understood that they both can beat each other, but that's a very that's a very low bar. i mean, that's a, that's a race among turtles agreement that yeah. i just i think it matters less about who people love, who voters love, and who they hate. this is not going to be hoping change campaign. this is not can be a campaign that's going to make everyone, i'll fluttering and happy and excited. this can be
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a brutal campaign. you heard in a really interesting comment in that focus group, the woman said, our american way of life is under attack. and what that tells me is this is someone who fundamentally believes that joe biden, this case, president biden, is actually attacking her way of life, and i guarantee you yes, biden voters, they feel the exact same way about donald trump on january 6 or whatever democracy is at stake, too many voters right now are willing to say not necessary to me, but many voters are willing to say right now that i may not love my person. maybe they're too old, they won't agree with all the tweets about grew their style. but if that other person wins, that's existential threat to my way of life in the state extra too high. i'm going to vote for my guy. and what concerns me about that >> is that it sounds a lot like 2016 and i've said for a long time, this donald trump, who is running, is running a lot more like he did in 2016, racial grievance pitting people against each other, throwing with a little bit of 2020 revisionist history and lots of lives thrown enemy. he's sort of running with a bit of
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incumbency. the full control, the republican party, which you did not have in 2016. but he is setting it up to be a very similar dynamic. i mean, you know, when she said that thought to myself, moving away from where? from who and for someone like me, when we think back to 2020 and we think about where the country was in terms of racial reckoning, i feel like america is feeling like kind of over that too, in the same way that they're feeling a little bit removed from the every day sort of grind of trumpism and i do think though, that we're going to get more of a full dose of trumpism in the next going forward, because let's basic were in the general election thursday, the president's speech is going to be his first speech of the general election against true. >> but karen, one of the things, one of the people said was, look, they want him to go more from the primary hey, race to now a general election. i think it was an important decision, frankly tonight to carry his entire speech. there has been a tendency to give
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only bits and pieces. and i think people have to understand and recall him the full breath, whether you like it or not, the full breadth of it. but there are, there are notions by them because some of what was said, i mean, he talked about immigration. you talked about the dog whistles that used to be are now megaphones in different ways. what did you take? it >> was more presidential in my opinion, of donald trump, i think this is exactly what individuals from lacivita yeah, from susie wiles, from brian jack to political director. this is what they want. they want a more controlled trump because they do recognize and you do have at least about two or 3.10 republicans who are somewhat skeptical of trump reelect. so i think attempting to speak to those individuals by focusing on the economy, i focused on immigration. he alluded to this the fact that under my administration, we weren't in prolonged and military conflicts across the globe, which concerns a lot of i don't i don't think i don't think i don't think the veracity necessarily of the claims are as important as the
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ability of him to appear presidential, to appear for sure, michael that tape. i don't think isn't that studying that veracity would not be as important as the optics. >> what i think that most voters who say look, we're used to donald trump. he says while things that's okay, i don't think that's a deciding factor for many voters, but i think but i think we have to remind ourselves, let's, let's be clear. he's he's doing. okay. with the portion of the republican primary electorate that is in love with donald trump. he is having trouble consolidating his base he is having trouble in the suburbs that we saw that in that map of how it's different from, from joe biden's. >> let me just finish i'm talking about donald trump right now. and what that says to me is those suburban women, particularly voters, they're the ones who do not like this. the nasty talk. they're the ones who say, i don't let the woman said the mean tweets. i'm okay with that, but she can see pat, but because he passed it. yeah. yeah. >> i just say like donald trump it was never going to be president. there's the moment
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not coming. he can redefine what it means to be precedential, which is what his appeal and draw back is. but he's never going to be the mold of the person of presidential that we have seen previously. he didn't do it last time. he's even more and more to that this time, i think what you're pointing out is really important like, but it's different. donald trump it's been 2024, thinks he can win a multiracial base, thinks he can win working class people. he thinks he could does not have to actually choose between the racial grievance and actually building a broad coalition. this version of the republican party is confident that they can actually win different types of people than they want in 20 should be the case. in polling tells him that suggests that karen to that point though, i think that's the speech tonight that he gave. tonight was about trump, the policies you ask republican primary voters, the ones who are big maga fans who don't love the tweets, don't love the style. what are they say? they say, i don't like the personality by the policies, give me the judges give me the tax cuts, give me the energy regulations, reforms, give me the immigration control that we saw. >> and that's why he talked talked about. i mean, talk about crime, immigration, and energy. if he stays on that
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message is winning those suburban republican voters went for nikki haley tonight. he's on his way to winning the white house. i mean, i was watching it. i agree that those words came out when i think about the speeches, i'm maybe i'm being hypercritical. i've never that >> but when you look at that i mean, he was saying those things, but did you really hear a fluid policy analysis? i heard mentions of these things. he was a circuitous route. it was meandering for a lot of reasons. and yet the buzz words were there. but if you were advising him, was that the message to go from i mean, he went from every different aspect and just sort of said these moments, but you gotta remember for 2016 campaign, i was on, right? it's not exactly like we had a giant think tank in the campaign. there weren't like at five-page white papers, what he did was actually offer policy in the way he often talks about policy, which is very quick, very direct, and very personal. and that's what he did tonight. and that's why you want that's what they want. they don't want this complicated, nuanced articulation of policy and economics and immigration. they
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just want about immigration as a problem. i'm going to address it. the economy sucks, inflation has a problem. i'm going to address it. we have military conflicts all over the world i am going to address it. that's all they want. joe biden in my opinion, isn't necessarily doing that until the point about this third of republican looking forward as a haley's getting pbs in parada polish showcase, 82% of them, so that they will vote for donald trump. so i'm not convinced that donald trump is in risk of losing those voters, but he still has not been able to consolidate them and those voters are people who were motivated to come out and vote against him, which means they're open to voting for somebody else. >> now, everyone, democracy by cliffsnotes an ex president biden with a new warning tonight about the general election, will talk with former obama official bill burden that his path ahead president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election, with challenges at home and abroad, >> can he make the case for
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four more years? here's the white house join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address thursday at eight on cnn. >> as kids, they told us to follow our dreams but the minute we started chasing him they told us we were being unrealistic told us to think about our future that it was too late for us and passions don't pay bills but what they didn't know is that dreamers make their own victory well, can watch it not now, sweetie >> how are we ever going to find a car to fit our budget and that fits all of us. i don't want to spend more than 30 k legit. >> i want something we can go camping style. >> you like you to >> see if you like singing at stoplights. need parking assist >> much. outside. bring your purse, her
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traditions represented all that makes you we're building a better postal service all parts working in sync to move your business. bulwark with a streamlined shipping network and new high-speed processing and delivery centers for more value, more of a liability, and more on-time deliveries the united states postal service is built for how you business and how you
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. happens. and you're going to be exceptionally stink free and smell as good as humanly possible >> laura coates live tomorrow at 11 eastern on cnn welcome back to cnn's special live coverage of super tuesday, just moments ago, the house speaker giving his clear takeaway from tonight, cnn's melanie zanona joins us now from capitol hill. melanie, what is speaker mike
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johnson saying? >> yes, speaker mike >> johnson is out with a new statement tonight, congratulate donald trump on his super tuesday victories and also declaring trump the republican nominee, even though nikki haley is still in the race, let me read you part of his statement. johnson said, congratulations to president donald trump and now winning primary victories across our country. president trump is our nominee and the american people are ready to return to secure borders, economic prosperity, and peace through strength we experienced under his leadership. i look forward to working together to retake the white house and grow our majority in congress. now, johnson and the entire house gop leadership team had already endorsed trump's. so this isn't entirely surprising, but they are increasingly calling on the rest of the party to fall in line. and just one other dynamic that i think is worth pointing out here is that johnson has been working to try to make sure that trump in him are in alignment on a number of key congressional races. in fact, johnson wet tomorrow lago just last week where i'm told that he personally lobbied
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trump to try to make some endorsing smith's of key republican candidate. so just another prime example of trump's influence and his iron grip on the gop. laura, will there be reciprocity? it's a big question. mine isn't anna. thank you so much, abby. >> joining the conversation here in washington, this former obama white house deputy press secretary bill burton, bill thanks for joining us. good to see you back in dc. so nikki haley she has been siphoning somewhere between 30 maybe 40% in certain primaries of the donald trump potential universe of votes. does the biden campaign think that those voters are gettable for them? >> well, if you look at the new york times poll over the weekend, about two-thirds of haley's supporters actually voted for biden in 2020, and only 9% of them supported trump's. so i actually think that there is some real consolidation and to be had. and how trump treats nikki haley, i think will matter a lot and whether or not he even has access to those 9% of voters who supported him last time around.
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>> and for joe biden's campaign, when you look at the results tonight, obviously, he more or less swapped. we'll talk about americans smile later. we're not going to talk about that right now. >> but he more or less swept at the same time, we know that there are some things happening underneath the surface here, but it comes to the key democratic constituencies, black voters, latino voters, younger voters. now, potentially arab and muslim voters there's a problem. and does the biden campaign, do you get the sense that they acknowledged they're aware of the scope of that problem. >> i do think that they sense the the enormity of the situation that they're dealing with with the many groups inside of his coalition. but i think that you can't look at any group as monoliths, right? like black voters. i think there's a lot of persuasion that's going to have to be done in the black community this time around before you get to get out the vote effort. and that community and with muslim voters one thing to come consider is that even though people are angry now, are
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having strong emotions now, like this race is a choice between two people. and at the end of the day, joe biden is going to be so much better for our relationships in the world and how we're dealing with israel then president trump would be. and finally, israel may not be the issue that it is in the fall, that it is it's right now. right. we're closer and closer to a ceasefire. it may not be in the headlines at all earlier, just as we were coming out, bakari was talking about the third party component of this, the rfk's, the jill stein's, the the, all the others, dean phillips whoever that's a real factor, it seems how worried are you? >> i'm very i'm very worried. >> cornell west as well. you know, in 2016, hillary clinton lost in large part because 8% of voters chose third-party candidates in that race and joe biden won in 2020 when less than 2% of voters chose third party candidates. and so that margin and that's six point difference could be very consequential for joe biden. so i think that they need to take
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the threat seriously. they need to neutralize some of these campaigns and they need to get out in front of making sure that they have their positive vision for america on their front-foot. >> bakari, who are you most worried about? >> so i don't i slightly disagree with my friends, my right because i don't think that it's a two-person race. i've always said this. i think that it's a race between joe biden donald trump in the couch. and so my biggest fear is the couch. and i think that there are a lot of voters. i don't anticipate to pay they're going to be many arab and muslim voters that jump over joe biden to vote for donald trump. but there may be a large amount to stay home. they're on a lot of black voters who are there is no planet on which donald trump is going to get 20 plus percent a black voters. i don't care who would the new york times, i don't know. we'll come back to this. i don't know what they smoke. i don't know when they smoke in it. i don't know what polled they think they doing or whomever is doing it. there is no planet that donald trump is going to get 20 plus percent of
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black voters. it's just not going to happen. but someone who is black voters may stay home and that's going to matter in places like detroit, milwaukee philadelphia, clark county. so that is somewhat worried about the couch than i am. okay. so >> so rfk junior, just today, he got enough signatures to get on the nevada ballot a key battleground state. there's a real question about who he hurts, who does he heard? is that biden is a trump. >> he will take from both sides. i had the opportunity to interview him for an article and i went to opening of one of his campaign in new jersey and the crowd was mixed. there were some that were biden supporters. i spoke with many who republicans who said they're going to cross over and vote for him because of the way he was about about covid and about vaccines. and many of the issues he stands for he's going to pull some republicans and some democrats. and so i think he has someone to watch his campaign has slowly been working on the very difficult
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part. a ballot access is not so much about who can do great in the polls right now, but who can get on the ballot and they've been slowly doing so. i think bakari is onto something with regard to the couch vote because what we saw on our early cnn exit polls tonight in virginia and north carolina of republican primary voters, 30% to 40% say they're not maga, people, they're not maga republicans. so those are donald trump voters and donald trump is really going to have to work to bring those people into the folder. he said tonight that's where this plan is. that's what he wants to do is unify the party, but those are the kind of people he's really going to happen how can i just read in one room? quick thing because we're talking about the group of black voters. i come representing the puerto rican cuban a delegation. if we were on chappelle's show, you guys would get that job. so 62.1 million latinos in this country, donald trump in the third presidential, the third gop debate that happened in november in miami. what did he
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do? he had a rally in hialeah, florida florida were 5,000 people attended. take this group serious. i come bearing that message because the latino voters and the messaging on some of these platforms in spanish to trump campaign is doing that right now on the ground, the biden campaign's got a lot of work to do in that regard. >> all right, guys. everyone standby. bill burton. thank you very much for joining us on this. coming up next, a new cnn projection as a big battle is underway right now in california, standby backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution >> there's so much more to the store. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn breen, ready to swap, ready to state. the defiant power-packed all new hybrid electric dodge hornet rt performance, electrified. >> these bills are crazy
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>> greetings happen >> yeah, that's not good. happened huge things happened '
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not a typo. find the plan that's right for you at trust and we'll dot com king charles tomorrow. on cnn we're back more now with our cnn special live coverage >> of super tuesday after dark now, a cnn projection cnn can now project republican steve garvey former gold glove winning third baseman, who had some power to will advance to a november election versus democrat adam schiff harry enten is here with me at the wall. harry runners to the numbers here. >> yeah. baseball and politics together, what a segment indeed, i really am loving myself right now. >> america's new favorite pastime is you it's not nice.
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>> look, here's the deal. if folks are not familiar with the rules in california elections, essentially, all the candidates, regardless of party ron in an open primary and then the top two advance the general election. what we're projecting right now is that steve garvey, the republican, and adam schiff, the democratic manson. this is fantastic news for adam schiff because if you know anything about california your politics, you know, it's a very blue state. so once you get to the general election, adam schiff is going to be heavily favored. in fact, there were some ads that were spent to prop up garvey on shifts behalf he didn't want to face katie porter. katie porter who is the leading democrat besides adam schiff, was at 15%. we go down a little bit more. you were interested in this laura barbara lee, a congresswoman from the same egn, francisco area at 7%, you go to alameda county and this will give you just an idea of how dominating amd shift that's right. look at here. this is barbara believes home county, adam schiff, leading there with 36% of the vote. barbara lee, it's just 21% of vote. let's zone out and let's go down to the saff. let's go down to los angeles. that's where adam shift is from. look at how dominant adam schiff tears 42% of votes.
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katie porter, but just 15%. steve garvey with 23% of the vote. and how about we go to orange county? this is a place where katie porter's from. you would expect her to perhaps will be leading adam schiff here. a1 happening, although steve garvey ahead and what has historically been a republican county of orange county has certainly shifted blue over the last few election cycles. steve garvey had here again, adam schiff, leading katie porter. the fact of the matter is you go through the map, you go through the counties, adam schiff doing what he needs to do, and he is now a very, very heavy favorite for the november election. but listen to >> me speaking live right now >> want to acknowledge again my grade gratitude to all of my one of his supporters. i want to acknowledge the right of protesters. and i look forward to working with you all. an odd word to victory in november. thank you very much. everybody. >> let's go on and win this thing ana no ever everybody and thank you for all your support.
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thanks, everyone. >> adam schiff speaking live in california. tonight's and national correspondent for the miracle is in san jose use. it was impossible not to hear all the protesters who were trying to drown him out, but he he spoke still over that crowd friday. tass was happening where you are very busy here at this election center here in santa clara county. as you can see, all of the activity behind me as soon as the polls closed, all of the votes from the 104 voting centers all over the county. they were brought here by the carload. and you can see that's exactly what these workers are unpacking. vote by vote. they're counting and sorting all of these ballots which will be counted starting tomorrow earlier in the day, this room was also very busy as they were counting all of the vote by mail ballots. because on average 88% of californians vote by mail and so a lot of that was happening here today. now, we did see some voters who did come to the polls. there was not a whole lot that came in person, but those that we
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did speak to really talked about the economy as being the most important thing right now. no surprise, as here in the state of california, it has one of the nation's highest living costs and many people also spoke to us about the presidential race being incredibly important. one man saying, he cannot fathom a future where the former president donald trump is re-elected. so he wanted to make his voice heard by voting for president biden today back to you veronica miracle. thank you so much. up next, what the exit polls show about this stunning number of voters who believe in down from 12 lies and conspiracies will break it down next special live coverage of the state of the union address thursday at eight on cnn >> okay. yeah, we got orders coming in, starting a business is never easy. starting at eight months pregnant. >> that's a different story.
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going to teach you how to meditate, how to connect with a higher power. because we need that, we need strength comfort. >> king charles starts now >> gayle king and charles barkley are shaking things up on cnn. >> there's an honor to be here with two >> legends tackling trending topic why is president biden losing so much at a black community >> a good point, neil first of all, does not get formed >> only way they know how do you make a comment? about the warriors last night, i don't believe everything you read on the internet and they want to hear from you because you're caught me a minute. >> he doesn't bite. i >> king charles, wednesday at ten point c for nearly a decade, i served in the navy supporting seal teams. today, i run sabo outdoors with fellow special operations veterans our mobile app connects customers with hunting, fishing, and other outdoor experiences. american technology has been essential to our growth. but some in washington want to stifle the technology. small businesses like ours depend on this misguided agenda will empower foreign adversaries
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product you need call click or stopped by granger for the ones who get it done >> close captioning, he's brought to you by christian faith publishing, right? for a higher purpose published with us christian faith publishing is an author friendly publisher who understands that your labor is more than just a book color scan for your free riders guide, 804551827 it has been a big super tuesday. both joe biden and donald trump racking up the delegates and america is now one step closer to a redo of 2020. so let's not lose track of just how unprecedented this all is. donald trump is facing 91 federal felony counts, including trying to overturn the last presidential election and nearly two-thirds of north carolina primary voters say that they would consider him fit for office even if he is convicted of a crime that's according to
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cnn's exit polls, that just about half of gop primary voters in virginia said the same thing. welcome back to our special live coverage of super tuesday. i'm abby phillip in washington and i'm laura coats in new york trump and his campaign are champing at the bit to declare him the presumptive nominee. >> secret. johnson has also now done so. which hold your horses, mr. trump, because math, he needs 1,215 delegates to officially clinched the nomination he's got 936 so far. and tonight, cnn projects that nikki haley has now won for mod with 17 delegates. meanwhile, joe biden warrants in the state men. are we going to keep moving forward or will we allow donald trump to drag us backwards into chaos, division and darkness that defined his term in office. the white house says that biden will be quote, kept updated as the results come in while he's working on thursdays major state of the union address,
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>> a new picture tonight of what republican voters think about the legitimacy of the 2020 election and whether or not that affects their votes this year. we have cnn senior data reporter harry enten here with more hairy what do the exit polls say about that >> yeah, it feels >> like the same old song. yet again. all right. was biden's 2020 win legitimate? we got exit polls from california, north carolina, and virginia you can see where the majority or plurality of republican voters are in all three of these contests, the lowest percentage that said no. but still a plurality in virginia, 50%, 62% in north carolina 57% in california. of course, this is hogwash, the 2020 biden's 2020 win was legitimate that election all neutral observers said that win was legitimate. yet the minority jets, a clear minority, and all these states 3,332.41% and here's the thing. how did that affect how folks voted on tuesday? all right. how they vote in the gop
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primary. this is the average across california, north carolina, and virginia. if you believe that the biden win was living gentlemen, you voted for nikki haley by a margin of 31 points, but that was the minority of republican voters believe that biden's win was illegitimate. look at trump's margin right here. my goodness, gracious. and 88 point win for trump on average. and this is a big reason why he want, he convinced a lot of republican voters over the last four years that biden's 2020 win and his loss was illegitimate. and those voters went overwhelmingly for donald trump left yesterday evening, by the way, probably maybe the main reason why he continued with that aspect of his campaign, if that was a winning campaign strategy, as it seems to have been by so many points. no wonder what we'll continue with it. but what about the idea of if he were convicted? some are wondering whether nikki haley was hanging on and is hanging on because she might be an alternative. >> yeah. >> and going to happen, folks trump fit for the presidency if convicted of a crime, if he's
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convicted. all right, this is in some universe where we're saying right now, we're saying if convicted in the future of a crime, look at them this 68% in california 65% in north carolina, 55% in virginia. the no column in this particular case is the minority column, just 23% say no, he wouldn't be fit for the presidency if convicted of a crime 31% in north carolina and 37% in virginia, which was the highest number. but again yes, running away from this. and just like in the last one we were talking about biden's 2020 win legitimate. look here at how did this impact the vote? how they vote on the gop primary average across california, north carolina, and virginia. think trump is fit for the presidency if convicted, look at that margin. my goodness, gracious, and 85 point margin over nikki haley if you don't think that trump was fit for the presidency, if convicted, you voted for nikki haley. she won those voters by 47% points. but the problem is, again, this is the minority of voters. so trump was winning the voters who were the majority position.
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this is what we've seen an exit poll after exit poll after exit poll, folks think that a tree trump is fit for the presidency if convicted on the republican side, b, they think that biden's 2020 win was illegitimate, and that has formed the baseline for this trump dominance that we've seen tonight. and although he hasn't clinched yet, he is well well, on his way. >> well, i've seen by next week and it's interesting, especially here, because there has been a notion that his political strategy is also his legal when to delay. but if this is right, it doesn't matter if even there's a trial and a conviction that's exactly right. and in fact, i was looking at you mentioned earlier last hour that new york times sienna college poll essentially saying, do you believe that trump is guilty of a federal crime? the majority of voters said yes, and the the rally of voters said they were still vote for him in the general election. this isn't just something about the primer. it's something about the general election as well. >> there is an ariana grande's on. yes. and probably that's this harry enten. thank you so much, abby >> yes. and we got a lot to talk about laura. i've handled is back with me. so if you are
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dealing with all of that but let's talk about just the election denialism of it. all. >> there's a >> huge chunk of this country, of the electorate that does not believe joe biden legitimately won the last election. how does the biden campaign, how did democrats deal with that >> why don't think that biden is getting many of those voters who think that the last election was not legitimate. and i think that he really needs to focus on not these crimes, not the denialism, but what's next, what's the future, right? people argue. >> he doesn't get enough credit for the things that he's done. i think it almost doesn't matter as much as his vision does. nobody is going to the voting booth to say, thank you. they're doing it to say what's next and what does this mean for my family? >> the other part of it, alice, is that a lot of these republican voters there, they don't mind if he gets convicted. if he's a felon, more than half of them think he's fit for off. >> well, they think that for the sheer reason because they look at all of these charges with the same brush. they look
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at each legal issues facing donald trump as weaponization of doj or weaponization of liberal justices in courts going after him because he is the main competitor to joe biden. they look at it that way and that's why they don't see if he's convicted of any of these crimes that prohibits him from being president because these were unjust legal issues going against him. but the reality is, republican voters are coming out in droves for donald trump because they're not talking about the legal issues there not talking about who is president and who is not present. they're not talking about trump's tone and tenor. they're talking about policies, they're talking about things are concerned with is the economy, immigration and national security. and they look at donald trump's policies as helping them. and joe biden's policies as hurting them. and that's why donald trump is doing so well. and the cases he needs he's to make moving forward is how do i make this case to disaffected republican voters and independent voters and those who maybe disenchanted with biden's policies. >> preston, do you think that
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that sticks that the trump that we saw tonight? you know, his tone was subdued. he was lying about a lot of things, but it was about issues. does that stick or do we get the version of trump that we often also see, which is sometimes about the grievances about his the cases against him about the witch-hunt against him. >> well, two things. one is, i do think that us, including myself, living here on the east coast in this this acela corridor. when we see donald trump out there doing that and we're so perplexed by it. >> but we're >> not living in those other people's shoes out there who, who are are angry at washington, who are angry that their life isn't better, that perhaps the economy isn't really working for them are quite frankly, they're just really political and they don't like democrats and they think that they're socialise. i think that donald trump is gonna be donald trump there's gonna be no surprises from donald trump. he is going to push forward and he's going to we continues saying whatever
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the hell he wants to say if he thinks it's going to help them get elected. and the reality is, we've got to accept that. and then how do we deal with that in the media and just call it for what it is >> i think we're setting ourselves a trap as we sit here on this panel today, because we're talking about particularly donald trump voters. there are two things i want to say. one is about joe biden in the first is about donald trump. we're talking about donald trump voters is if economic anxiety is the real driving motivator. and i think we've realized that that is not the case. that economic nx is not really what is driving those voters. that doesn't is not the true motivation is a cultural anxiety. it's a fear of being replaced. i mean, tucker carlson has done replacement theory episodes and segments. that's a very real thing. i mean, when i was listening to the other panel talk and they were talking about the existential threat that some voters believed that donald trump, that joe biden poses to their way of life it's the browning of america.
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i mean, let's have an honest conversation. there is, there is a wide swath of this country that is a of the browning of america. they are afraid of abby phillip, they're afraid of view. they are afraid of me there. they think that their jobs are being taken. they think that we are hyper sexual or were hyper criminalized than that fear is something that donald trump harps on and we've couched it as economic anxiety when i don't think that's intellectually honest, i actually think that that's cultural anxiety. what joe biden has to do, however, is stopped talking about donald trump exactly the opposite of what it sounds like. they're about to do. >> well, i don't know what they're about. the du could they don't consult bakari sellers was out there that are probably saying thank god, they don't talk to you about what they're about to do oh, board >> we voters know who donald trump is. this is already baked. the voters who are going to vote for donald trump, they know that he has these. he uses racism as political currency. they know that he says things that may be massage anniston.
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they know that he doesn't believe that this election was the one rightfully, and that's wrong. they know these things and they still go vote for him. like job i didn't have to craft a message or not even use him as a messenger. but the democratic party has to put messengers out there that tell the story. not just of what they've done but what the future would look like. until those is that a lot of things there, but bill, do you agree with that >> add to a lot of taking all the way? six-man brought him up the beta >> but on the point about it, should joe biden talk less about donald trump you agree? >> well, look, election, elections are choices, right? and i think that he should talk about donald trump in laying out what the choices in the election. but i completely agree that this election has to be about the future. what's your vision? mission for? >> how you're going to have an impact on people's lives >> like that's the thing that's going to speak to the voters who are in the middle, who we haven't shot at. the ones who we culturally have no shot at. and i agree with what you're saying. >> yeah. >> don't fight for those
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voters. but the voters who are in the middle that nikki haley voters, we have to have that future message in order to get that. >> and i agree with that also, last thing is just the legal troubles are flying over people's heads because civil cases, there's two of them. charges, 91 for jurisdictions. they don't know any of that. none of them went to school for loss we can all barely keep track exactly right. there's so many of them and there's polling data that shows that even in arizona, i was telling laura coats this recently that there was a poll taken in the state and the majority of folks know about the issues, but 30% think it's trumped up. no pun intended. 34%, just going to wait to see what the court says because guilty or not guilty for them will make be way in their decision-making. that's 64% of the folks in that survey that say it's either trumped up or i'm just going to wait, doesn't matter, doesn't affect my phone. so the data shows that they don't care about the legal charges. so to the point about what president biden should be doing, forget about that. focus on what you've done so far, but you've got to have the right surrogates to bakari's point that can go out there and sell this message and vision. what you're we're doing for fall.
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>> and another big issue, biden campaign isn't reaching out to me either for information, so don't don't don't be offended. i think abortion is a safety issue for him to campaign on given the overturning of roe v. wade and ivf issues, if the biden campaign puts more emphasis on reproductive rights, i think that helps >> do not worry about the republican saying that this is how you know, it's true. that's how you know, it's true everyone standby for us, stick around. we have plenty more to discuss up ahead. there is a lot that's ahead when it comes to primary voters who haven't had the chance to cast their ballots yet, we'll hear from some of them about what they've seen this super tuesday. that's far that's next >> we're here to get your side of the store. >> why do we keep ending up here? >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn. >> what is circle? surplus appeal to take flight circle is the entity that gets you to the
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>> sleep clean with cdpap. so called 180930 hold 5458, or visit c, perhaps >> while it's been a big night for president biden and former president donald trump, both winning the overwhelming majority of the delegates that were available on super tuesday, at least this far but how are voters in key swing states have yet to hold their primaries reacting? let's check back in with cnn's gary tuchman. he's been talking to a group of wisconsin voters or as they say, wisconsin voters outside of milwaukee, gary laura wisconsin is not part of super tuesday. it's primary is not for another month, but as you said, this is a very important swing state for the general election. so we've been with 11 politically active wisconsin voters watching cnn's coverage of super tuesday wanted to get their impressions of what's going on how it looks like right now that it's going to be joe biden against
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donald trump. first question i want to ask you for vw, say you're going to vote for trump in november 4 of you say you're going vote for biden three of you are still supporting haley. first, they want to ask you, trump supporters are any of use or any possibility that you could switch to biden, raise your hand okay. not necessarily surprised of the biden supporters. any of you have any possibility of switching to trump no one's raising their hand and i will note that for years ago the bidens here voted for biden and trump supporters voted for trump. so nothing's really changed in that much. the three of you, 123 also you like nikki haley doesn't look like she's gonna be there in november what are the three of you going to do? what are you going to do when it comes to november? >> not to waste to sway their vote. i would vote for trump. >> what about you? >> yeah, i as much as i appreciate some of the good things that president trump did, i just can't my conscious felt for him. he's a second term republican. yeah. i think a second term could be very
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dangerous for what would you vote for i think i'd have to do a write in. this is really the lesser of two really bad choices. >> who would you write in now? >> probably nikki haley. okay. what about you? >> yeah, it's tough. again, i'd love if we had multiple republicans in there, like using final five voting, but i would love to vote for nikki haley, but i'll tell you trump could win my vote if he would change some core things, if he concedes the 2020 election, right? we've got to live in reality if he just stops running his mouth a little bit and just be nice, nfv committed to working together because the big problems that we have to solve an american need, bipartisan support of question. >> i want to ask you is for you biden supporters you're biden supporter. that's correct. much tell me one thing you'll like about biden the most one thing you disliked the most about trump. and remember this is a family show >> the thing i like the most about biden as the fact that he's worked in a bipartisan way. he has not been perfect and has not he often does toe
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the line with the democrats overall, but i think that he, he does work with the other side of times, trump. for trump, i think i disliked the most about him is the fact that he's just sudden negative. i just i can't take the negativity i don't think i think it's actually un-american because like americans are historically right from my travels around the world, known for being positive and optimistic. but he represents the opposite. i think it's a disgrace. >> that's cool. you're traveling around the world to tell you that much, let me ask you your trump's support. what do you like most about donald trump, least about joe biden >> and i like most that is really tough about trauma. and i have problems with balsam. >> well, what do you like about trump >> you're gonna vote for? >> i like his past record. >> as president, as president, his past, what and what he accomplished, you mean? yes but not on what he says a lot when he tweets about yeah. i don't like some of the things he said, what do you dislike about about joe biden? >> joe biden?
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>> he just seems very weak to me >> okay. >> one more thing. i want to ask all of you. are you all going to be voting in the primary in april? >> it may not mean a lot but are you all going to vote in general election that may mean an awful lot during the state of wisconsin. laura, back to you. >> i'm really fascinated by that conversation. gary tuchman in milwaukee. thank you so much. just pick up on the general election there. donald trump is strapped for cash you don't believe me? well, just look at the numbers. biden's campaign has about 56 million bucks on hand compared to trump's $30.5 million. and it just as bad for the rnc with only eight million on hand compared to the dnc's whopping 24.1 million. it's what's trump going to do about it? well, he spent the weekend hosting donors at mar-a-lago, but that's not all a source telling cnn. trump also met with wait for it. elon musk in recent days. now, we don't
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know if musk is planning on donating to trump, but we do know that trump is deeply concerned about his finances and elon musk. well according to forbes, he's currently the second richest man in the world with a net worth of a little over 198 billion. will he give trump's some of his cash? we'll have to wait and see, but i'm back now with my panel. i won't ask for a show of hands of who'd like part of that cash will leave a lot it's not going to judge you all the numbers here, i mean, matt, these aren't numbers to sneeze at for the average person. but if in campaign money, it's problematic, it is. >> now look, you go back to 2016. donald trump showed you don't need to have the most money, you just need to have enough money. they certainly a one man news machine, right? he is going to get attention wherever he goes. and you really need less money sometimes for advertising for president then you do even sometimes for us senate because there's so much earned media around it. but here's where it's going to be challenging for him or potentially an opportunity for him. i just saw a lot of polling that was done
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recently. and number of states, not just the traditional battleground states where trump is winning right now, but a lot of other states like virginia minnesota, colorado otto states that were not all talking about every single day right now where he is very competitive. he's gonna need the money to make to actually press the advantage in those states the same way present biden's likely going to need that money to defend. it reminds me a little bit of back in 2016 when donald trump didn't have the resources go after michigan. so he had a flight a michigan every single day to generate hope the blinds. there's so many states in the playing field can be so big because you do have to unpopular candidates right now, a lot of potential movement in the electorate because of that, that you're going to need to fight the cash in order to compete in those states >> yeah. i mean, it'll be interesting to see also to that point, mean nikki haley is sitting on a pile of cash, although she does not have the delegates to go the distance now though she does not have the support to go the distance, she still has money and money talks and natalie cure. interesting to see what she decided to do with that when she gets out because i think we can all agree she's going to be getting now at some point.
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>> does >> she use that money for down-ballot races to try to bolster her own support within the republican party for with some vision of a party without donald trump or even 2028 or beyond, i know who can say but i will say as much as we talk about polling. i think the cash race is important because couple of things about the biden numbers. i mean, they've had great success in the last couple of months with grassroots voters grassroots donations, donations to hundred dollars and under part of what that tells you is they are growing support. we're not seeing that with donald trump. and again, when we're having that grassroots support growing putting your money where your mouth is rho sign of candidate strength. and i actually had saw a higher number of cash on hand than what we reported but also, they've got 97% of what they've gotten is from those
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donors donating 200 and less. that's a big deal. yeah. me look, the campaign he's acutely aware of some of their financial shortcomings. they're trying to run a more leaner campaign. >> susie wiles >> was reported in a recent article is saying she's looking at everything including what type of uber's people are booking a during an in-between campaign stops. to your point in 2016 to kept pain was very lean. i was with dr. carson when he ultimately endorsed trump. it was very different from what i worked on, mitt romney's campaign were very cash intense around. you can raise a lot of money. i think it's one of the reasons why you're going to see trump using a lot of the legal issues as he's goes to court, a crisscross and across the country as a campaign stop, really trying to use earned media as much as possible to offset some of the deficiencies. what cash, but i think quickly are also thinking about elon musk is some of the other billionaires who are backing or may support of the former president. i would probably say not given to the campaign directly, but putting that money into a super pac makes more sense in terms of being able to aid the former
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president and has battled for the white house. >> but the elephant in the room is that outside of donald trump's cash problems? >> there >> currently gearing up for the rnc to pay for his legal bills, right. like the currently gearing up for large hump to take over the rnc this weekend in houston to have a republican party that's very formally arguing that they should be spending money not only on his campaign, but to just keep him out of jail. so this is a party that has coalesced around him to such a degree that they are forgoing the cash problems that we are talking about to be personally invested in donald trump. and so i think that's an important kind of context to know the degree to which the party has really rallied around him, but also just shows the scope of the legal cash problem once he has going forward, because not only is this someone who is going to be squeezed for the point of winning and virginia, the point of winning in north carolina, or the point of winning and all these places, this is someone who's going to, he's going to have to bleep bleep, bibi bleeding money to just stay free this is the larger context
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of this year, is that so much of this? it's looms over trump in this campaign, we cannot separate the political from the legal. yes, the legal can raise money, but it is largely losing his hold on to take a step back though, because i think the majority of americans have not run or been on campaigns. and so they may ask themselves of these astronomical figures why would one need all of that money? but typically if you are donald trump, who is in the news significantly, a lot of the times and has the main recognition prior to being the president, certainly as the president from resy united states why would him having less money than say the incumbent or the dnc, would that really we make a difference of a campaign strategy? >> two big things. number one if i'm a candidate on the republican line and i see the rnc is not going to help me. so you better hope if you're a senate candidate that the nrsc has the dollars to help you because part of what it means is the party has less money available to help other candidates and to it, it's
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funds that go to building a grassroots operation. you've got to pay people out in the field, right? who are contacting voters every day. we were talking about earned media. that's all fine and good. but campaigns are not won by big earned media campaigns are won on the margins. it is literally blocked okay, by block, it is micro-targeting of voters. and that takes money and that takes time. and that's why it starts to really add up. if you don't have the resources, that's the real reason the trump campaign's excited to get through potentially next tuesday or the week after to become the presumptive nominee. it's so they can start coordinating those fields firstly the republican national committee, they can start having more oversight into the amount of staff that they're putting into pennsylvania and north carolina and wisconsin, they can start getting access to more of that data than they were able to before. that's why you have chris lacivita, who is going to likely move over and become the chief operating officer of the rnc. clearly close with former president trump let's say chris lacivita was asked a question about
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whether the rnc would be paying the legal bills. he did say no. and so that was a large trump's right? kristen is asked that i won't say about four days ago and he said would be utilized for it let's take them as word. >> we'll keep an eye out, but let's take >> that's just me not the end of the day. >> they know that those are precious. they're larger resources. you can write bigger checks. the republican national committee, then you can trump for president. but there's still precious hard dollar resources is there not a super pac? there are unlimited checks, there are caps at that, and those dollars have to go into those key swing states to ensure that their turnout every single last voter, not just for donald trump, but also down-ballot. >> the nrcc and nrsc are going to be fine. they both have their own separate political action committees. a reason a lot of money for them. they're going to be okay. i don't think they're dependent upon it. the rnc necessarily, but i do think there should be a concern about the ability to build a robust on the ground operation, particularly when the biden campaign, biden leaning
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superpacs, the dnc will have a substantial amount of money to probably hire thousands of people. some of these critical battleground states, you want to be able to meet that dollar by dollar, know where we have lot more to discuss that's including the skepticism about who's paying his bills >> he is the man who >> handed joe biden his first primary defeat in american samoa. venture capitalists, jason palmer is here next president biden's last state of the union before before the 2024 election >> with challenges at home and abroad can he make the case for four more years in the white house join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at times, cnn lab diamonds. i didn't say in prices to kara three stone rings, 14, 93 karatsev, a terrorist, 29, 95 carat 49, 91 carat, pink, blue or white studs 599. we be everyone's price on lab diamonds, period, the jewelry exchange. >> every night at the same pain
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automatically tracks and categorizes your spending. dalen rocket money today. >> i'm kylie atwood in charleston, south carolina. and this is cnn well joe biden's swept super tuesday almost >> american smokers, six delegates will actually go to another candidate. and he's someone that i guarantee you. most americans have not heard of before tonight same is jason palmer. you see him right there on the screen, harry how did jason palmer pull off this major upset or minor upset? however, you look i mean, look, i call it a major upset. you look at the board, you look at the map, you've got joe biden blew all over the place, except right down here these the little dots. and if we click on them, you'll see we got the american territories can't vote
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in a general election, but can vote. in fact, bona primary and we go right there, green american samoa. i want you to look at the vote tally here. 51 to 40. not very much. that's 11 ahead. but hey, that will work now, here's the thing that's so interesting to me about american samoa. abby, if you go back four years ago and you go to 2020, you'll see that michael bloomberg, also won in american samoa with about 50% of the vote of course, there is one big difference between 2020 when mike bloomberg wanted and 2024 when jason palmer run it. and that is that mike bloomberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars in his campaign, jason palmer, to be perfectly frank with you, even though i love politics, i've never heard of him. heard of him until tonight. so jason palmer, able to beat joe biden in america? can somehow maybe he went to the voters one by one because given how few votes there, you could do it that way, it look all it takes is like a quick little $2,000 flight and you
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can win a primary that seems like a good return on investment to me, harry enten. thank you. >> laura. >> well, you know, palmer's biography holds him up as a political outsider. he called himself an education and tech entrepreneur who is previously worked at the bill and melinda gates foundation. and you know what, he joins me next? now, it's so nice to meet you, mr. palmer. congratulations on your victory are you surprised about tonight's when i have to admit i am surprised that we won in american samoa, but to what was said just minutes i didn't actually fly two american samoa i actually did multiple virtual town halls and spoke with nationals there because he may not know, but people in american samoa are not necessarily automatically american citizens. they are american nationals. i spoke to them about their needs for health for education, for real action on climate change. and i
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do think that it was my team did a fantastic job, miracle and her team, we heard local people on the ground to do grassroots effort. and it really paid off. >> i mean, it certainly did. and you heard the conversations that bloomberg spent hundreds of millions dollars. it sounds like you strategically maybe zoomed it in in this instance. >> why? once you focus on this particular area and why have people not? and what, what's your response? so what's going to oftentimes be maybe a punchline about not having heard if you before now yeah well, first of all, it's very hard to get on the national radar when you're a lesser known candidate. but in my particular industry in education technology, i'm very well-known. and it actually, my views on youtube more than 1 million people have viewed my campaign videos on youtube. i've been covered by bbc news politico, really proud to be here on cnn. >> but
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>> as a new candidate, it's actually very difficult to break through. i didn't actually focus on american samoa. i actually was focused on colorado, vermont, minnesota, and american samoa as you know, there were many elections tonight and we are focused on multiple states. this happened to be the one where i'm just proud to say my local team did a fantastic job. and i think our message really resonated about focusing on education, health care, and climate change. >> well, i'm not taking anything away from you. i mean, i did not get a delegate tonight and many americans who might be wondering craig and what i'm wondering more about your campaign are looking at the at least that i worked in american samoa, but let me ask you about the criticism that you have given to frankly, both sides as to why reasons you wanted to throw your hat and the ring. president biden is well on his way to winning the democratic nomination. you have been sent to the spoiler for him and having a sweep for super tuesday. so what do you want to say to him? and also
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former president trump tonight about the rest of this campaign season yeah. >> well, the number one thing is that the most important thing that we can do as democrats is defeat donald trump at the polls this november part of why entered the race was to make sure that biden campaigns vigorously. i've been out on the campaign trail in new hampshire, nevada, colorado, et cetera. >> and the republicans are out in full force. if we don't campaign equally vigorously, we're going to lose in november when people say we're going to be sleepwalking into a trump election. it's for real. so i'm running to energize young voters and also center left, center right people with a positive vision of what we can do in the next for years, if joe biden's just talking about donald trump and he's just talking about foreign policy and foreign wars. that's not going to win in november, you gotta have a clear, positive agenda. we have 25 positions on our website around conscious capitalism,
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the new cholera economy modernizing our government. i'm a technology entrepreneur and i think it's very important that we bring advanced technologies to government. so that it treats its citizens more like premier customers and i do think that message is resonating across the country. so what i would recommend to president biden is, first of all, i honor you for your 50 years of tremendous service to our a country. i do think it's time to pass the torch to the next generation of americans, whether that be me, whether that be governors like gretchen whitmer, jared polis, the governor of california, gavin newsome. there's many younger people who are ready to take that torch, who are great leaders in our party, and make sure that donald trump doesn't win this november. >> i >> think that joe biden can be like george washington, be that transitional figure, pass it to the next generation. and that would be the best thing he could do to retire as a great american statesman. >> i heard the word running as well. are you continuing to run
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your campaign even after tonight? >> absolutely. absolutely in fact, on focus next on arizona. i'm close to releasing a 12 page white paper on how we can finally solve our immigration problem, both at the border and just reforming our immigration system overall. >> we >> need to move to more talent based immigration system, more like canada or australia. we want the world's best and brightest to come to america. and we need a dramatic surge in border judges, not just ordered agents, but actually judges who can adjudicate people's claims quickly and determine whether they're valid. asylum claims or whether they need to be guest workers, or whether they need to be sent home. and this doesn't need to be a political football that gets passed back and forth a few the two parties i look forward to going to the border, campaigning vigorously and arizona and showing the american people, we can have a path forward on immigration. >> well, jason palmer, if you can solve immigration in 12 pages, you might need some more delegates. i'll tell you that right now. thank you so much for joining us this evening.
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>> hey, thank you for having me. i really appreciate it. >> well, next we go down ballot and look how what happened tonight may in fact shape the balance of power in and after november. there's more cnn special coverage ahead >> special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at eight tons bob, i call nato chest congestion. hello, 12 hours of relief. >> wow, bowers mucinex, dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion at any cost they're not mucinex dm its combat season. now, try and use the next instance. suits are throat medicated drops >> xr technology relief works fast and last a full 24 hours. so dave, can bva deliver? >> dance? >> okay. days >> let's be more than our allergies. >> seize the >> day with xhr tech. >> he was only 47 aneurism. >> did he have life insurance >> do you know you gotta get on
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homeland animation showed he could do this. it's time to sink or swim. >> the block all new monday, 99 on hgtv welcome back to cnn special live coverage on super tuesday donald trump and joe biden are the main courses, but there's plenty of tasty side dishes to make to voters are also citing some pretty consequential down-ballot races that could shift the balance of power in washington, dc harry enten is back with me at this magic wall. cnn just projected that congressman adam schiff and former baseball star steve garvey are headed to a senate runoff. big news. yeah. >> so by the way, i love thanksgiving sides vastly prefer to the turki, just in case we do something that's november all right. >> thank you for the invitation. okay. >> we'll go over my girlfriend's. okay. california. keep in mind, here's the key thing about the senate primary and the rules in california. everybody, regardless of party affiliation, is on the same bow on the primary and the two top
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vote getters advance to the general election. and as you said, we have projected steve garvey, the republican and adam schiff, a democrat, very anti-trump. adam schiff, democrat to advance to the general election. this is great news for adam schiff because if you know anything about california, it's a very blue state. he did not want katie porter to advance the general election, and he didn't want barbara lee to advance a democrat to advance a general election either back there were some ads that were spent on steve garvey on behalf of adam schiff, that kind of pump garvey up because you want on it to eliminate porter. and if you just look here, you can see, you know, you go down to los angeles, that's where adam schiff this from easily winning their 42% of the vote. you go down to orange county. katie porter from their, even their adam schiff leading adam schiff leading katie porter. so the fact is a very good night for adam schiff, very significant. let's go to carolina. my mom's home state time it was going on there. yeah. let's go out to let's go to the tar heel state. we're going to all the way across the country. all right. governor's race there. the incumbent governor is
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democratic. governor is term limited. mark robinson has won the republican nomination. democrats are going to really try and paint him extremist based on his views on abortion lbgtq rights, as well as some quotes that he has been cited, perhaps downplaying atrocities during the holocaust. democrats are very eager to run against mark robinson, who cuts a fig are somewhat similar to donald trump, the person who will be facing him is josh stein, the democratic candidate, much more moderate candidate. this is going to be very interesting a state that of course donald trump won in both 2,016.20, 20 >> really fascinating ahead. thank you so much for processing on that as well. abby. >> and on that very note, as harry mentioned, cnn has projected that north carolina race the current lieutenant governor, mark robinson, will win the republican nomination for governor. that robinson was doorstep by donald trump, who called him, quote martin luther king, on steroids. stunning, but also that's a real thing that happened and robinson is a fierce supporter of abortion
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bans and gun rights. he has a history of statements like calling school shooting victims and survivors, meeting yeah, prostitots and saying this about lgbtq people >> i'm saying this now and i've been saying it, and i don't care who don't have no place there's no reason anybody anywhere in america telling me about generalism homosexuality judea that phil and yes, i called it phil. and if you don't like it that i called it felt come see me and i'll explain it to robinson's gop opponent, his republican opponent, bill graham. this is what he says. he puts a conservative future at risk for everyone from the courthouse to the white house. republicans pretty concerned about this. i have to just say, i mean, the idea of comparing that kind of
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hatefulness to martin luther king junior is just really it's it's beyond the pale. it's it's beyond the pale for donald sorry. for donald trump. they're both black and so that is about where he got that. that that caricature from a similarity from. but mark robinson is a holocaust denier. he said the gays are the end of the civilization we've talked about him calling school school shooting victims, prostitots. he says shootings are karma for abortion, although he actually had when an earlier part of it his life or pay for one and earlier part of his life. and he called the civil rights movement a communist plot. what just happened tonight in north carolina is it changed the map a little bit for democrats nationwide? i believe that democrats are going to spend a lot more money in a place like north carolina where you had a fat, a fabulous candidate and josh stein who's the attorney general who has been doing those things. and the african-american community. >> and who is literally jewish >> running against the antisemite. and it just puts north carolina squarely in the map. in fact, joe biden will be
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able to just kind of flow with the wings of josh stein. and i think you're going to see a lot of those dollars that we otherwise would spin in a place like georgia being spent in a place like north carolina, but it expands the man you think that georgia maybe slips back a little bit in terms of the priorities and north carolina moves. >> i think i think of all of the sinc of all of the swing states. georgia is probably at the bottom or gives republicans the best chance to flip that swing-state. i think north carolina now becomes a state that is right there on the playing field with georgia and you just going to have to you know, there's better than somebody has to sit in a room and figure out where the dollars are spent. and if you're looking at georgia, north carolina with mark robinson on the top of the ticket. i mean, he is an abomination. he's anti semi he somebody that is beneath beneath the office i think democrats have a unique chance to win there and actually have a statewide candidate kind of carry the mantle i think that's right. >> and north carolina >> if you look at the historical trend here, people are not ticket splitters like they used to be 1988 to 20 senators who are elected, who
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were in the opposite party of the presidential candidate who won their state in 2016, there were zero 2020, there's one just susan collins. i think that in north carolina the problem for trump is that you've got this insane candidate at the top of the ticket along with them. and it's just going to be such a drag. and i think it does put north carolina in the map and a very serious way. but >> you also have to think about and to bakari's point, the democrats are going to now look at where, where do these primaries land and where are the resources best spent to get the most bang for their buck as they head into the general election. and i can see where they would look at north carolina as a place to do that. you also have to remember, we're going to see in the next week or two a major shift of the rnc out with ronna mcdaniels in with a wildly from north carolina in with donald trump's daughter-in-law in with his campaign adviser, chris lacivita, the rnc is going to look at places like north carolina candidates that are very in support of trump,
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that trump supports rmc is going to also put money in races that they might not have done in the past. but someone like robinson, who has been so supportive of trump is going to get a lot of what do you think about that? is that going to be a good thing because they can clean house and make those different decisions, but those could actually also be the wrong decisions. well, >> look, i'm just saying what i expect to see happen based on the way donald trump now has control of the party. and we have all seen how donald trump candidates have done in many of these races. let's look at herschel walker. let's look at dr. oz. let's look at kari lake they haven't been winning in the general election. they've been good in the primary, but not so much in the general election. i think it's a risky move, but i think it is inevitable that that's gonna be the new face of the rnc. and that's what it's going to be i just want to raise one things on a bit of a separate topic, but we're, we're now into wednesday. it's technically wednesday on the east coast. nikki haley is going to face some real decisions and, cnn is reporting tonight that she
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called at least one of her donors that said she's not dropping out tonight, but that they're going to be reevaluating coming up with whatever the next steps are today. and then the days to come. what are the next steps here? how can she either a gracefully exit this race or does she try to keep it going and for what? >> she's not going to keep it going. she how can she keep it going there for watching tonight? what republican primary voters, again, math, going back to this whole overarching theme of math, she doesn't have an honors side. she already had the koch brothers pull out of her campaign and they said, hey, i had a girl, we still support you, but you're not going to paycheck so there was one big donor. if another donor drops, the money is not going to be there. where's the investment going to be made from the haley campaign? i don't see it. mark. >> well, look, you shiri's 28 million in january and february a little bit less than february than she did in january. the question is, how much money does she have and once she's out, she's gone like she is. i can't see her running in four more years. i don't see the
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republican know. >> a lot of people think that that's actually what this is all about. she wants to set herself know >> doubt that this is all about thinking that donald trump may trip in it she can step right? and but even if something does happen to donald trump, whether it's through the courts or whatever happens, i still don't see the republican party embracing nikki haley as the replacement, not the maga voters. if you saw that social media clip of that north carolina vote on what he said that was so disgusting about nikki haley as a female and how he would never vote for somebody. you can go look up that clip if you want to, but jets the kind of voter that to mark's point, nikki haley has a message to one she's nikki haley >> nikki haley doesn't have a base of support. everybody that's supporting nikki haley is doing it because she's not donald trump. she's more of a place holder. i do think she's ambitious enough to run in four years, but i will tell you this. i know nikki haley very well for anybody who thinks that nikki haley is not going to endorse donald trump, they just have another thing coming. she is going to sit on, look in somebody's camera and say that he is the greatest thing since
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sliced bread i worked for him and in two or three months she's going to endorse a mark. my words all right, guys. we got to call it a night. >> it's been oh, with you all. can we go into our best thank you for joining us tonight. thank you. at home for joining us. i'm abby phillip in washington and ai laura coates, new york time to go and wrap my hair. cnn's coverage, super tuesday >> cosine. good night, everyone >> i'll just was caught, in the trap. any couldn't get out. >> vegas was having an identity crisis. that was the beginning of the downfall vegas at a different idea, vegas, the story of sensitive. next sunday at ten on cnn we've come from a long ladder, cowboys >> when i see all was at >> illinois ranch, i see how far our legacy can go king
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charles starts now. >> gayle king and charles barkley are shaking things up on cnn. >> this an honor to be here with >> two legends tackling trending topic. why is president >> biden losing so much of the black community >> good point. neil. >> first of all, does not good for him >> only way they know how you make a copy i'm at about the warriors last night. i don't believe everything you read on the internet and they want to hear from you because you're copying a minute. >> he doesn't bite. i king >> charles, wednesday at ten points cnn. >> and >> important message for americans age 52, 85 >> my gosh, you're still using mom's old coffee pot. it's my >> inheritance. >> well, it is a family heirloom. >> know what the kids can just sell it to pay for my funeral. >> it's a good thing you have life insurance life insurance with our family history, don't you know about colonial penn? >> it's >> guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance with no medical questions as i'm on a fixed income, who isn't you haven't
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