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tv   Americas Choice 2024 Super Tuesday  CNN  March 5, 2024 1:00pm-3:00pm PST

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2024, because a source tells cnn that she voted by mail in tennessee's primary and boris, i mean, she's really kind of a forced to be recognized with here because on national voter registration de, on her instagram, she told people to go to and the group actually said that they had a surge of 35,000 registrations. >> i think that's part of the reason you see those conspiracy theories. it's clearly assignment. there are scared of someone with that kind of platform not even telling voters who to vote for, but just persuading them to take action and cast ballots. >> yeah. she's very influential >> she is. thank you so much for being with us this afternoon. our special coverage of america's choice 2024, super tuesday with wolf blitzer i'm kate bolduan starts in just about 15 seconds 147
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>> it's the biggest election day of the year so far. welcome to cnn's special coverage of super tuesday i'm wolf blitzer in washington and i'm kate bolduan in new york. the first polls are closing in just a few hours from now. and turnout in states like north carolina is strong as millions of americans and six next extreme states are now voting for republicans. it is a big day, 865 delegates are at stake. >> donald trump expected to win most of them making the republican front runner almost unstoppable potentially. by the end of this >> light tonight, trump is expected to be within striking distance of the 1,215 delegates needed to win the republican presidential nomination, which raises the big question, what does nikki haley do next? our less than an hour will be getting our first early clues about the outcome of tonight's vote. that's where we get the first results from our exit
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polls. we have our reporters fanned out across the nation right now is better. voters are heading to the polls. i want to start our special coverage with our david culver. he's joining us tonight from san jose, california, where people have been filing into vote all day. david, i know you've been talking to a lot of folks on their way to cast their ballots. what's motivating these people out there to vote in this primary? >> first response to that work, usually as well, we're here to perform our civic duty. right. but then you start to peel back the layers a little bit in two issues have surfaced in the folks it's spoken with are ready just in the past couple of hours, immigration and economy. and let's set the scene where we are. this is santa clara county election center. this is part of the silicon valley area a big range in wealth. and you've got a working class here, too, huge latino population, about 25 to 30%. the mail imbalance are gonna be the chunk of what comes in here. just need to see all of these stacks. these are the votes have come in. they go through the processing here,
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and then they continue back through machines like this and get divided up into the many precincts in this area. so it's incredibly active as they are obviously full speed ahead here on this super tuesday. but go into those voters, the folks who are filling out these ballots you really get a sense that for a lot of them, this is becoming personal. and i asked one guy who showed up, his name's pearson randall. he's 24. what brought them out here on his lunch hour to cast a primary ballot. he said for him, it was to go a different direction for the country. here's what he had to say >> do you feel like he's doing what >> you'd like to see the country continue doing. and the next four years personally know, i'm not satisfied with president biden i would much rather did you vote for him before? i have yes. >> you're pretty upset with how this has turned out from your past vote correct? >> yes it is not. my situation has not improved. like i thought it would under biden
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what i wish i could see from him was a little bit more confident so here's the thing with random >> i asked him, i said, if not president biden again, who do you have a right? he says, well, i'm not i really comfortable saying that. i said, well, let's go through the process. i started naming the candidate, nikki haley. he really he loved that ramaswamy not an option on this ballot. i said, what about donald trump he said, you know, i'm really not comfortable answering that question and then he seems to have echoed what a lot of folks here in california have said to me in recent days, and that is he's not sure if who he is going to vote for. it. is that positive of an answer? and he's worried about any sort of repercussions. then he continued along with him, said, kate, i think by process of elimination, it seemed to point
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to one person, donald trump, but obviously plate it's between him and about yeah, it really speaks to that 7.10 that we've seen in polling seven in ten americans who aren't happy with the idea of a reelection matchup between joe biden and donald trump. you're really seeing it with that struggle right there. it's great to use. thank you >> david culver is going to be there for us. let's go now to brian todd, who's in sandy, utah for a look at polls are open there. brian, this is a state the nikki haley is watching closely as one that she might have a chance of winning. why is that? >> well, kate, it's because of all the states there go fairly heavily red. utah is the one state where donald trump does the least well, traditionally, in 2016, he lost the republican caucuses here pretty handily to ted cruz. there are other factors here that i'll talk about in just a second. but first, let me set the scene for you. this is a caucus site. it's not us, a traditional polling site for primary. it's
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a caucus site. so the caucusgoers have not come here yet. this is all to high school here in sandy, utah. they're gonna be coming in that entrance. there were not allowed in yet because school is in session now as we speak, but in about four hours, the voters will start to arrive for the caucus session, which will be held inside those doors. they're 32 precincts voting here. so it'd be caucusing and 32 different rooms, then casting ballots like this one. this is a kind of a sample ballot. hear nikki haley, donald trump, and the third candidate, ryan binkley on the ballot here cast their ballots, then they start counting at about 08:00 p.m. local time, 10:00 p.m. eastern time hopefully will be able to bring all of that to you live because we're going to get access inside there. once the caucusing begins talking about the haley trump dynamic here, another reason kate, why nikki haley? could do well here in utah is because she's got some good endorsements on her side. the republican governor spencer cox has not formally endorsed her, but he has said publicly that he likes nikki haley as a candidate. he does not like donald trump or joe biden is candidates. the governor's
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wife, abby cox, has endorsed nikki haley, the lieutenant governor. deidre henderson has endorsed nikki haley. so you've got key endorsements there. you've also got the mitt romney factor here in utah the retiring us republican senator, former presidential candidate, we know of course, has been very critical of donald trump over the years, will his pull matter in this state? it might if she's. going to have a chance to pull out of state, it might be here in utah, and we're going to see how that vote plays out in the next few hours back to wolf >> brian todd in utah for us, brian, thank you very much. we've got an excellent panel of our contributors here. let me start with gloria borger. gloria pose are going to close in a few hours. it looks, it looks at least right now like it's going to be another very huge night for donald trump. >> yes. of course. a big night for donald trump. i think the question everyone will be asking by the end of the night is nikki haley going to say no or is she going to xi going to leave >> but >> i also think what we ought to be looking at tonight very closely as these exit polls and
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states like north carolina and virginia, which will tell us a lot about what the voters believe about these two candidates. we already know that they don't like either one of them very much. we know that according to one poll, more than 70% believe joe biden is too old to be president. and there are questions about donald trump and how he does with women in suburbia. and i think with independent voters. and so i think by the end of the evening, maybe we'll have a picture of where the public is right now on joe biden and donald trump >> let me get jonah goldberg into this conversation because we're looking ahead as well so far in these primaries that we've seen so far, we'll see what happens to that about 30% of the gop primary voters have voted for someone other than trump, as you know. so what does that suggest to you about looking down the road? >> yeah i don't think just to pick up on glorious thing, i
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don't think nikki haley's going to drop out tonight regardless of the results. remember pat buchanan, stayed in all the way to the convention in 1992. bernie sanders did likewise. she's now in a sort of issue campaign and she's basically building and solidifying behind her. i don't think it's hers to control or anything. but a faction that is just not that into donald trump. and that's significant. pat buchanan in 1992 averaged over the course of the all the primaries, about 22%. nikki haley's overperforming that. and that puts her in a good place no matter what. but not to be president in 2024 we got to be necessarily the republican nominee. she will not be the republican nominee. >> and the question is, where did those voters go? do they end up with joe biden or do they end up?
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>> gonna be someone who's going to go to the bitter end and represent this very small part of the republican party or am i gonna be someone who actually is not going to be viewed as obstruction as to what is going to be the republican nominee, donald trump. >> yeah, it's >> tough decision. i think >> she's going to make the decision to stay in. i think she's >> having like, i know nikki hailey a little bit my whiteboard for years ago, i have no relation the campaign now she is seems to be enjoying herself a great deal. and i think she's made peace with the fact that she's not going to be the nominee in 2024. and meanwhile, she's raising a ton of money. she's collecting a lot of names. she's building a national network. i could be wrong but i just don't think that she anticipates any results tonight and say, okay, now i gotta get out. >> if she does drop out, well,
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she endorsed trump, not like she might drop out the next 24 hours, but i don't think there's any reason why she has to endorse donald trump in the next 24 hours. >> i mean, i think that for me is the big question. will she endorsed donald trump >> i mean, it is really serious it's question because everything that she said, her entire campaign has been now based around this idea that i am the alternative and to bend the knee, i think would undercut you, won't put the question also is, what will donald trump's say about her i doubt he'll be gracious. yeah, i doubt he'll be gracious because it's not jamie because there's no path for her to win no matter what. now, today, i should win. hopefully every state i don't know why everybody is so adamant that they have to follow trump's lead to get me out of this race. i'm not ready to get out yet. i'm still sitting there fighting for the people that want to voice so i just want to underscore what jonas said. i don't think she's going to get out, but i spoke to two of her
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major donors and they don't know what her plants are. one of them just texted me hearing anything question mark. so they're playing and get very close to the vest. look, one of the issues is what is the strategy going forward? apart from whether or not she endorses donald trump does she see some path if the what if factor if trump stumbles, is there? place for a nikki haley at a brokered convention? >> i don't think so. >> not not with trump delegates. >> if she >> is the path forward is to save the republican party. in her mind down the road. then how does she endorse him? >> i don't think she does. >> so that's first republican debate. she raised her hand right when she was asked, will you support eventually support
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the republican nominee? yeah, she's he made a commitment at that time. she's gone soft on that. >> walked away from that condition. she is she's not she's not chris christie, but she's really walked away from that answer. and after all well, she said about donald trump have code can doors. >> yeah >> that's a strange situation, aren't guys everybody standby? there's a lot more we're going to be discussing. this is cnn special coverage of super tuesday continues up next we'll take you live to north carolina, where the governor's race is also getting ugly trump wrapping up this anti-immigrant remarks >> what they're doing to our country is incredible. there are poisoning our country so is that message resonating with voters today? and we're also standing by for the first exit polls. we'll get them to you and give us a clue of what's going on on this important day. stay with us. we'll be right back super tuesday, which begins tonight. exam on cnn and
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global leader in reducing emissions and innovators and delivering more energy sources to secure our future. nine in ten americans agree, american oil and natural gas are vital to our account lights >> barkley, his part pit bull masterpiece meet the bissell revolution hydro steam. its part stubborn stain remover, and part of peacemaker this'll. a, new breed of clean >> closed captioning brought to you by >> mesothelial mom. it's all we do with local offices throughout the country and does help you get the compensation you deserve, 800 to eight to 44, 44 welcome back to our special coverage of the super tuesday primaries. voters from coast to coast have been heading to the polls throughout the day, including in
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battleground state, north carolina, the state and its 16 electoral votes is emerging as a key piece of president biden's it's reelection strategy republicans also investing heavily there and hoping to win the state for the fourth general election in a row. now, dianne gallagher is in cornelius going carolina >> for us. >> this afternoon. diane, you've been talking to voters all day there. what are they telling you? >> yeah >> abortion, education, immigration, and democracy. those are the issues that the voters here in cornelius, north carolina tell me, have inspired them to come out and cast their ballots in this primary and look, we've seen a steady turnout here. you can see we have a little bit of a line that is building at this point. of course the primary day turnout is on top of the roughly 695,000 north carolinians who cast early and absentee ballots and part of that is north carolina's outsized importance when it comes to being a swing state come november, but it's also because there is a long
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down-ballot full of competitive races on both republican and the democratic side. and voters here are educated, they're informed and they're ready to make their voices heard. i spoke with voters who voted for joe biden, donald trump, and nikki haley today about why they made the choices that they did trump >> why he's the only man can help us as a country and bring everything back. >> the way it should be. >> a normal day-to-day living for all americans joe biden, i don't want to make sure that gun laws are countries special schools that's take care of i just opportunity for resources. i know abortion laws is always changing. so making sure there's opportunities for ladies that do seek abortion. they can get opportunity to do so and they have equal rights to take care of their body, might just do not really agree with trump's rhetoric and all of this will not, all of his policies, but i just think that republicans deserve a better choice and i think as nikki haley >> is nikki haley someone you feel like you could vote for in november? no. >> i will vote democrat
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>> in november >> now that voter you heard from there, that is something that we've seen out here in cornelius voters who are registered unaffiliated and they plan to vote for joe biden in december, but they are choosing the republican ballot as a protest vote against donald trump. picking nikki haley instead, wolf polls close here at 07:30 p.m. in north carolina. >> we'll be watching it very, very closely, dianne. thank you very much for more on this critical battleground state, north carolina with a contentious governor's race also brewing. i'm joined now by the chair of the north carolina democratic party, anderson clayton anderson. thanks very much for joining us as you know, fewer than 10% of eligible voters opted for early voting this year, well below even recent midterm primaries. does that translate from your perspective into a lack of enthusiasm from your base? >> no. i think that >> we see, you know, historically in trends when you
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have an incumbent president that typically primary elections are a little less competitive. what the north carolina democratic party is tracking this election season though, is the fact that we had senate bill 747.7, 49 come through our general assembly last year from the super majority that are a gop has in both of our state, house and senate chambers right now that we're voter suppression bills, unfortunately, and we also saw voter id come back into play in north carolina. that's unfortunately really targeted elderly and young voters. a selectin season until the north carolina democrats took an aim at really understanding where republicans have put these bills into effect and how they're playing. and on the ground brown in north carolina across the state. >> interesting, a year when age as we all know, is going to be an issue for both presidential candidates. what perspective do you bring as the youngest state party leader in the country? i think you're only 26 years old i am indeed, i bring the energy in the aspect of that. there is a democratic party that's a brewing right now in north carolina that we're really excited for the youngest
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elected officials in north carolina are all three black men right now, looking at jordan lopez is going to be the youngest elected official going into our state house this year chris slugs, who was a local city councilor and kingston and lenore and rural north carolina right now. and also, i'm tyler swanson, who's an elected official here in wake county. we're really excited to see the future of the democratic party play out strong at the local level and utilize every level of the ballot this year to get people out. north carolina democrats were one of a select handful of states that actually elect the council of state. and what we just heard were alluding to the fact that we've got a lot of competitive council state races this year, including for our state treasurers race are super superintendent race or supreme court race, and ensuring that voters know that they're 15 statewide candidates in north carolina this year that are all going to help joe biden be successful in getting back to the white house because we know but the pathway to the right house runs right through north carolina. >> it's always good to see young people involved in a major political moves. so right now, as you know, the vice president kamala harris visited
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your state of north carolina what, ten times since taking office just last week, you joined her motorcade. how important is north carolina for president? biden's reelectionon chances >> not just that we join her in the motorcade, which was to be on the coolest experience my entire life as a young person, but also as someone that worked for her when she was running for president in 2019 and the iowa caucuses. but it was exciting because her campaign also did a stop with 75 young organizers from across that's north carolina. we did a youth organizer training around and relational organizing tool called reach that we are going to implement across the state this year. in particular, on college campuses to help young people organize young people because we know that's what's going to drive out the base this year in north carolina, it's what won barack obama, north carolina in 2008. and it's one of the most important voting blocks that we have heard. for being here. they're going to last visit that she made in north carolina. she went to a and t one of our historically black colleges and universities and our state. and we have the most of them and the entire country in north carolina. and it's so important
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for this state to see her because the south deserves to see the first black woman vice president, come here and really embrace the fact that 55% of black americans live in the south right now. i'm excited to understand and be able to see this campaign really take this out and wrap it this year. and so we're going to organize and we're going to get into places that the democratic party is really been absent from over the last decade in my opinion, anderson clayton, the chair of the north carolina democratic party. thanks so much for joining us. we'll continue this conversation for sure down the road. appreciate a very much >> and cnn special coverage. >> there. go ahead. what do you say >> i was going to say, honestly, anyone who would like to get involved to end is where you go. we've got folks on the ground right now and we're trying to get through this primary season. but the general election is really what one we're looking at. so anyone that would like to all my north carolinians listening to this right now. thank you for that. well, i appreciate it. >> good luck. will stay in touch. cnn's special coverage of super tuesday continues.
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next, president biden with a special message for black voters today, listen he talked about the way he acted, the way he dealt, dealt with african-american really, i think has been shameful >> plus, why is democrat adam schiff running ads that action? please help out a potential republican opponent in the closely watched california's senate race. we'll be right back i am not guilty. >> i am resigning administration officials destroyed my cover >> politics. we're great power meets questionable decision-making. >> and then on facebook wow, what backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution. as someone who lives for politics when a major scandal unfolds, i have to know there's so much more to the story in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn
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delivering more energy sources to secure our future. nine in ten americans agree american oil and natural gas are vital to our account lights >> you could set smart center stage in his crushed by a baby grand piano you >> replacing me, customizing, saved with liberty. liberty. >> he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need every day. every day >> all these games on direction av and no satellite on the roof thick about this blue jays, cardinals, orioles. what's missing? the andean condor know
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pack at max and see your results the first night >> i mourn liebermann at the pentagon. in this cnn >> welcome back to our special super tuesday primary coverage. looking at live pictures right now to polling location in north carolina where the line
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wraps around the building. one of the key issues on the ballot this november, we'll of course, be the border and immigration. both president biden and former president trump put border security the top of their priority list, both visited the southern border just last it's weak on the same day and it's an issue that certainly top of mind for voters are live along the rio grande. our ed lavendera is joining us now from el paso, where he's been talking to voters, ed, what are they telling you? hey wolf we're at a polling location in east el paso and here in texas, you have to keep your distance from the polling location. so we're about 100 feet away. but this is the longest we've seen the line throughout the day here at this particular polling location. and the republican voters that we've spoken with. and this is a state that has been dominated by republicans for nearly three three decades now. and no surprise, but you hear immigration and the economy, the top of mind issues. but this primary comes at a fascinating point for the texas republican party because it is a party that is
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essentially engaged in a civil war and it's the bush era, republicans and the new trump maga wing of the party in those two sides are colliding. and in speaking with voters here today, we spoke with a gentleman named armando and 30 hill to republican voters, one voting for trump, the other, nikki haley. and it really captures this tension that exists here among texas republicans why did you vote for donald trump >> because he fulfills commitments. >> last time. >> he >> said he was going to do something 100%. >> you voted for donald trump in 2,016.2020. we did. and now you've you've taught you've tired of him. it sounds like is that fair to say? >> it's not that i'm tired it's just a lot of the legal issues and a lot of the stuff that he there's a lot of he stirs up a lot of hate in this country. and i think we don't need that we just need a different direction
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>> and sergio went on to tell us that if donald trump is the nominee in the general election he and his wife are considering sitting out of the election and we should point out that one of the other interesting things to watch here as these votes come through tonight is the issue of immigration and how that is going to affect a new voters in republican party republicans feel like they are making inroads with traditional democratic latino voters along the border. and it'll be interesting to see how they pick up those votes and compare that with the voters in some, in the suburbs of the big cities that have been so alienated by donald trump okay >> ed lavendera in el paso for us as great to see you. he's going to be there for us all all throughout the afternoon and evening and here with me, let's let's talk about this this major issue. adam, we hear from el paso, texas to san jose, texas to cornelius, north carolina. they're all the reporters, but we've heard from so far on the ground is immigration is what they're hearing. border security is what they're hearing from voters. we've heard this
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throughout the primary but it's still going nowhere in washington. it's in the details. it's the everyone's angry about it, but how to fix it. is there any bipartisan is there any bipartisanship possible on this? >> well, oh, but then what how does this votes today translate into any progress on it? >> yeah, they don't. here's the thing and i want to first off say i actually worked the border as the air national guard pilot and it's a mess. it's been a mess. and this immigration issues actually been an issue for a long time, but it's really come to the forefront now the democrats had, and maybe still have a real opportunity not to win on the issue of immigration. i don't think. >> but to begin to flip the script >> because as you know, there was a negotiation for the strictest border bill that ever would have come out. and this, by the way, in my time in congress, there were at least three attempts to do bipartisan immigration reform it was always tanked by the far-right. every time joe biden and the democratic campaign machine has
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got to be hammering this issue over and over. they talk about it and maybe at the state of the union, joe biden will talk about it. but this has gotta be a daily discussion. i fear the democrats are fighting a little bit of, they don't want to antagonize their left base a little bit in this, they're staying quiet, but this is what america is going to vote on. and they have an opportunity again, not to win on the issue, but at least chip away at the republican advantage. >> ashley, we've seen over and over again through the primary that donald trump is by voters, donald trump is trust it's been more than joe biden on the issue of border security and on the issue of immigration >> by a lot. >> how do you do you see what the secret sauce is for joe biden and the campaign to chip away like adams talking about, and it doesn't seem like they've nailed on it yet. >> yeah. i think donald trump has the edge on voters in terms of this issue. two because of his messaging, it's not that he really got anything. he didn't build a wall even though he talks about building a wall.
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again, he tells these lies to voters and just says it over and over, hoping that people will eventually believe it. so i think that's what voters are feeling when they think about the border. but to the congressman's point, i think that democrats need to go full for orphans on this, if you want a solution, then you need to put democrats in charge and the house, the senate, and the white house for us to solve this problem because we have the solutions and it's not just republicans, it's donald trump who called the senators were taking a more leadership role in saying we're going to get this done. >> but the next day mitch, mcconnell's step down. people want to be lead the senate. and now the bill just dissolves. and so you can't be and i wouldn't just do it on the on the house and the senate and white house, i would talk about governors and mayors if you want to be greg abbott and send migrants to people in urban communities, than let those urban mayor there's in those blue-state democrats say, you know what, we do need a solution. our president joe biden had a solution and you
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blocked it. >> one thing is just talking about that as we've seen, he has employed very successfully. donald trump is the messaging on all i mean, messaging on all on many issues. this one's specifically i want to play for you. shermichael, what how donald trump has spoken today and recently about border security and immigration there are poisoning our country. our country is being poisoned. their poisoning the blood of our country >> and he's, he's also often using the word invasion over and over again. similar language to what we've, what we've heard four years ago, someone that's what we heard eight years ago. is this what voters want to hear if so, why i wouldn't use the poisoning, the blood of our advising the former president, but i do think the word invasion has resonance. i mean, ashley talked about using democratic mayors and governors to talk about these are the things that joe biden would do. i'll use eric adams, mayor of new york, where we are. he's already
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articulated multiple times the current administration isn't doing enough to address this issue is likely going to cause the city of new york $4.5 billion. you have black residents, voters will likely democratic voters saying we don't want these individuals in our areas because we're already facing daily plight. there aren't enough resources for our everyday struggles and now we're seeing those resources read there directed to new individuals. so i do think that there is resonance there for the average hardworking american who's currently struggling under this economy, who sees, you know what? >> i don't >> like the way joe biden is handling is he isn't trustworthy on this issue. >> i've been bringing this all for us from all because wrapped up in all of this is a key vote and voting bloc that donald trump has again with and joe biden has had much more success with its hispanic voters. >> yeah, i'm going to tilt a little differently this her i listen. >> i think there's no reason for joe biden to go after the report never going to go as far
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are they what this is. >> my initial question, where is a win on this >> we're going to move anybody, but there are a bunch of independence in a bunch of democrats who are concerned about immigration and they want the president to do something about it. but he's wouldn't use words like invasion because of the democratic side. and we think about it, we think about something that has more to do with compassion and justice. and how do we have? i'm an orderly process that will allow people who want to come to the country to be able to get in and live in peace, right? so that's why you wouldn't use a term like invasion. but you would talk about securing the border path to sedition, its path to citizenship for people who've been here for a lot of time, those kinds of questions that i think people were actually really want the president to have a stance on. and we've seen it democracy, the economy, and immigration? >> very big point for struggling on the different. >> we heard it, we heard a little bit of what you were just hitting on. it's almost like a little bit of both. we can have to thoughts and your head at one time from some of the voters that dianne gallagher was talking to north carolina. we want to be compassionate. we want to bring them in, but we want to do it legally. want to protect the
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border that's right. but how does that translate? on super tuesday and beyond stay with us to find out our special coverage of see it as super tuesday continues. we're going to take you live to california were a former baseball great is trying to become the first republican to win a senate seat there. and more than 35 years, andy he's actually getting some help from one of the democrats also running adam schiff plus nikki haley, shutting down calls for her to exit race i don't know why everybody so adamant that they have to follow trump's lead to get me out of this race >> one of haley's top fundraisers is our guests tonight, we'd super tuesday >> 16 races, one council module day. i know when you bring to you like cnn in the vesicle legal team super tuesday special coverage begins tonight at 06:00 p.m. on cnn and streaming a drive >> we've been hard at work and we finally did it.
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back to our special coverage of the super tuesday primaries. a lot of eyes right now on california as we await the results of the very high-stakes senate race out there. democratic congressman adam schiff, the front runner followed by progressive congresswoman katie porter. but hot on her tail is the republican candidate, steve garvey, a former la dodgers star and congresswoman barbara lee comes in a distant fourth, a republican hasn't won a senate seat in california in more than 35 years. >> but >> with a razor, razor thin majority, democrats aren't taking anything for granted right now, let's get straight to nic bodies in santa ana, california. nick, this so-called jungle primary is rather unusual and it's creating intraparty rivalries right now. explain, first of all how it works yeah, wolf jungle primary sounds exciting and it is, i mean, this race is
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a nail-biter, but not >> really for who comes in first. all eyes are on who comes in second, as you mentioned, adam schiff, veteran member of the house, is ahead in the polls. he was pretty much a quiet member of the house for years and he was front and center in trump's first impeachment to the point where trump gave him a nickname. he wore that as a badge of honor, and that really boosted shifts profile. now, the reason that three high-profile dams are fighting for this seat is senate seats in california don't come up very often. dianne feinstein held that seat for about 30 years before she died last september. so they know this is a big prize and so katie porter, she's also been pretty high-profile the past few years, known for the whiteboard and congress and for really grilling corporate people coming in front of congressional committees course. barbara lee, who is a progressive veteran from up in the bay area, and then steve garvey, the wildcard here, the republican candidate, the
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former dodger padre star. he's a 70 want to be political rookie and, we just spoke to one voter outside and older gentleman with a walking frame and he said, i'm a baseball fan. i respect steve garvey you can guess who i voted for. >> and it's interesting here because of this so-called bundle primary format adam schiff is doing something rather surprising. he's boxing our porter to boost a republican. take a look at this, watch this conservative republican steve garvey, voted for trump twice surging in the polls. fox news says he'd boost republican controlled democrat adam schiff stands up for us turn out on the democratic side is, you know, nick has expected to be low. could this tactic backfire >> well, i mean it depends what you mean by back far. i mean, we'll a republican will steve garvey win this race and end up
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with a seat in the senate. that is very unlikely dem, voters out number of republicans here by about two to one. the last republican to win a statewide race and california was arnold schwarzenegger back in 2006 very different time, very unusual candidate. but what schiff is trying to do here, schiff wants garvey to be his opponent for the general election because he knows he has a much better chance of beating garvey than he has a fellow. i mean, take katie porter for example, if she was running, would she may be get the kind of more febrile progressive vote would shift stance on israel then become a bit of a problem for him. so that is the issue. the other issue is money. if it's dam on dam and in november, the damages are going to waste a lot of money fighting each other, money. they could be using to try to fight and win. some of those key house seats here in california that they're going to need if they want to get control back of the house, will this jungle primary the top two candidates who emerge
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today in this super tuesday primary, the top two candidates will run in november. so we'll see how that all unfolds rather unusual situation. nick, thanks very much. our special coverage continues can will nikki haley continue her campaign after tonight? we'll talk to one of her top fundraisers. that's next plus we're only minutes away from getting the first exit polling results from today's important vote, they could give us a huge clue on what's going on standby for that vegas story of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn file 100% ten free with turbotax free edition, roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form 1040 and limited credits only. see how a that's me >> when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with were invoke a once-daily
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direct redefining insurance. >> what happened to the golden boy of new jersey? governor jim aggreviate. i >> engaged in an adult consensual affair with another man. it was shocking. was it an instant attraction? >> yeah. greed, these top fundraiser underinvestment he put it in. >> lover, want, to stay payroll or reasons immigrating, resigned is a lot more complicated than we remember. >> did you want to be outed united states? >> scandal with jake tapper? >> you gotta go to therapy as if they're having an interview with jake, new >> episode next sunday at nine on cnn >> nikki haley is facing some
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key tests when polls close about two hours from now, and we're keeping a close eye on early results in vermont font and virginia. they're among her best chances to win tonight and could be early indicators of whether her presidential bid lives beyond tonight and super tuesday, haley is vowing to stay in the race as long as the way she puts it is that she's competitive as of now, she has no more campaign events scheduled on the on the campaign calendar, joining me right now, is eric levine. he's a top donor and fundraiser for nikki haley. it's good to have you here. good to be here. thank you. talk to me about >> best-case scenario for tonight. from your perspective, what's best-case scenario realistically. for >> realistically, donald trump's gop when most, if not all, this states is going to get a majority of the votes >> but for nikki haley, if she >> continues to get 30 to 40% in each of these states, it really demonstrates there's a wing of the part of the continues to reject donald trump as its nominee. and the real test for trump is gonna be, can he win them back? and the message today is it's not a
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good message. i personally have been barred from maga-world. i've donated to nikki promise. i can't go on his first wheels. yeah. i was gonna say do you know what maga-world, some amusement park, but i don't i can't go there, whatever whatever it happens to be and then he puts out a shortlist for vice presidents. and who does he include on that tulsi gabbard tulsi gabbard in 2016, was the vice chair of the dnc. she left being a vice chair of the democratic national committee to join the bernie sanders campaign i was unaware there was a bernie sanders wing of the republican party that he wanted to win back. i'm not sure by putting out a shortlist like that, he's going to be enticing reagan republicans like me and the other 30, 40% to come back home to vote for him in a general election. >> if nikki haley doesn't hit that 30, 40% in strong fashion tonight, do you if she does not do well, do you still want to see her to continue to actively campaign beyond today >> that's obviously going to
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have to be her choice. i'm hopeful that she does continue to do 30, 40% because i do believe that a significant part of the party that rejects the isolationist wing of the party and really does believe in a strong national, do you think it's more a cause than a campaign? >> i think it's evolving into >> that and we need we need someone to we need an avatar. and right now, she's our avatar. if you look, if she starts pulling ten, 15% across the country and super tuesday states she has to get out of the race at that point. i don't think that's going to happen, but then she would have to because then it'll be trump versus biden. >> money hasn't been her problem. >> i mean, you've >> been fundraising for her. the campaign raised $28 million in january and february, outraising trump in january. why do you think she can paint continues, despite how she's not winning in primaries, how she continues to appeal to donors. >> to your point, i think she's become a cause and she's become our spokesperson. >> so where did the 2030 40% go if she leaves a race that's a great question. >> i >> really don't know because my wing >> of the party wants to
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support ukraine i want to support israel, and i want to support taiwan, and i want to secure the border and i don't think it's necessary that we have to do all four simultaneously. let's get the winds where we can talk to me about the struggle. i'm not going to ask you the question. we were talking about in the break because you think it's a useless question to ask if who you would vote for when nikki haley's out, if you vote for donald trump, what because the struggle though for you in if nikki haley is not running what you do, do you not vote? is that an option for you? >> here's the struggle. >> joe biden is a cognitively impaired octogenarian whose policies i disagree with in the extreme, i think is distance he's putting between the united states and israel now is disgraceful. i think the way he's handled ukraine is just simply not doing enough. he's always a day late and $1 short and he hasn't been forceful enough in dealing with china. the border of course, is a crisis even he now admits that so i can't vote democratic and the anti-semitism on the radical left on these college campuses. and of course, the country have convinced me as an american jew, i cannot vote
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democratic so can i vote republican? can i vote for donald trump? >> it's >> tough because donald trump is cities, has implied he is going to get out of nato. >> he says he doesn't want, he doesn't want your support. >> and how does he win? >> well, this is the struggle and this is what we're presented with. a very important de, with so many states voting and a huge night for nikki haley as one of her big donors. thank you for coming in. thank you >> all right. next the first exit polling numbers, they are coming in as we're learning when the trump campaign believes that they will have secured enough delegates to make trump the presumptive republican nominee cnn's special coverage continues >> how do i look? >> perfect, good boy >> we already young republic let me do my work and some pride >> sorry >> streaming exclusively on max is to being a young man cowboys
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breaking news. >> do exit polling just coming? good to cnn as billions of voters head to the polls in 16 contests across the country. welcome back to cnn special coverage of super tuesday i'm wolf blitzer in washington. >> i'm kate bolduan in new york and wolf, our political team is going through the exit polling numbers. >> as we speak. >> and in a moment, we will not so who is voting today and why and what it could tell us, not only about tonight's outcomes, but also in the november general election donald trump trump is hoping tonight, we'll put him one very big step closer to pulling off something that hasn't happened in over 100 years. and that is to win a non-consecutive term firms, trivia of the night. the last person to do that, grover cleveland, back in 18 92 >> grover cleveland like biuh,
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fellow buffalonian that's right, kate, they're very proud of grover cleveland and millard fillmore for that matter, another buffalonian republicans, there are 865 delegates up for grabs strong showing tonight for trump will put the domination within striking distance we have a team of our reporters fanned out across the nation as americans head to the polls. want to start with our kristen holmes. she has been working your sources with the trump campaign all day. she's over at mar-a-lago tonight in florida, kristen you have some new reporting. i understand and at this hour, what can you tell us >> that's right wolf. so i've been talking to senior advisers to the trump campaign who say that they are obviously aware that donald trump is not going to hit that threshold to become the presumptive nominee tonight. but they're big hope and it's actually twofold is one that he will get enough delegates to essentially since then the nomination next week, or at least as early as next week. and also that is when is definitive enough that nikki haley drops out of the race. they are very aware of the fact
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that haley hasn't said what she's going to do past super tuesday, but to be very clear, they are not counting on her dropping out. they have already pivoted to a general election. their focus is on president joe biden. they just want this wind to be definitive enough so that donald trump and his team can begin uniting the party around the former president as they head into november >> kristen, thank you so much. let's go now. you, john john berman and castle rock, colorado, john colorado was the center of the effort to keep trump off the ballot. an effort that was swatted down by the supreme court. you've been talking to voters all day since we were on tv together earlier. what are you here now? >> so colorado has been in the news lately. kate hesitant supreme court decided yesterday that states could not ban donald trump for being on ballots, for being an insurrectionist. and i can show
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you right here on this sample ballot, donald trump's name is on it. it has been on it because the previous it's lower court decision was stayed until the supreme court weighed in. but now the court has weighed in. it's just staying on the ballot and people have had this chance to vote for donald trump for weeks and weeks now, as most people in colorado vote by drop box. but in terms of the impact of that court decision, i did have the chance to talk to some voters, including donald trump voters about what not let's use this court case, but all the core case is how they have impacted their feelings about trump. listen >> any of the issues surrounding january 6, the court cases, how much do they weigh into your vote? >> a lot, because they're trying to take away freedom from being able to vote, being able to elect and making it a federal issue at the supreme court issue to take that away from us and that's not okay. >> so you these cases make you more likely to vote for trump, not less like oh, absolutely
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yeah. >> so not an obstacle. >> an >> incentive to vote for donald trump, that is among trump voters. we have seen a number of democrats here. i want to say, who are here to vote for president biden in the democratic primary. and when you ask them what's motivating them, their answer donald trump. so you can see the motivating factor in this election is this historic candidacy of donald trump, who is trying to be as you both have noted, the first nonconsecutive president in us history and wolf, as i toss it back to you, you know, i think i was an embed covering the grover cleveland campaign in the 1890s what about millard fillmore >> i did not. i missed the millard fillmore campaign, but i did study it in college. >> i started to our thanks, john berman very, very much we have breaking news. we're getting our first look right now at exit polling data that has just been released. these numbers will give us the first clues about who some of these primary voters are and how they feel about a key issue that
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could define the general election. david chalian, our political director, has been carefully going over these new numbers. he's joining us now. david, give us the latest on what you're learning >> yeah. well, we're gonna look here at two states on the east coast, virginia and north carolina. they close earlier in the evening, two of the 16 states holding contests today, and a sense of the electorate showing up in these republican presidential primaries. we ask, do you consider yourself part of the maga movement in virginia? only 31% of republican primary voters in these early numbers. and these will change throughout the night as more surveys come in, say that yes, 31% say yes, they're part of the maga movement, but six in 1050, 9% of republican primary voters in virginia say no, they're not part of the maga movement. that's the least maga electorate. we've seen in primaries to date, it looks more similar to what we saw in new hampshire, in north carolina. it's a little more magnified and if you will, with 39% say yes, they consider themselves to be a part of the
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maga movement. 54% say they are not back to virginia. we asked if donald trump is convicted of a crime. is he still fit for the presidency? 53%, a majority of republican primary voters say yes, donald trump is still fit for the presidency, even if he is convicted of a crime, 40% say no in north carolina, even more so, 64% of republican primary voters in the tar heel state are saying, yes trump is fit for the presidency, even if a convicted criminal only 32% will say he is not. this is donald trump's republican party very interesting numbers indeed, our thanks very much, david for that update. and we're going to be getting a lot more exit polling information coming in. so standby for that, but jamie, let me get your reaction. i think it's pretty significant. only 39% of republican voters in virginia
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said yes, they believe that they are they're part of the maga movement, 59% say no in north carolina, a little different, 39% say yes, part of the maga movement, 54% say no, right? >> so look at that, doesn't mean they won't vote for donald trump at the end of the day, they just don't identify as part of the maga movement to me wolf, the other numbers that were more striking. where the was the question that followed is he fit to be president? if kim if convicted in virginia, 53% more than half, say he's fit to be president in north carolina 64 four even more. one of the questions we're trying to find out here is with people who are not maga, who might want an alternative to trump. >> can >> joe biden peel these people away in november when you see
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number bursts like that. and let's just say, as david chalian just said, these are the first exit polls coming in. they're not these are the early polls. they're not the final polls. but when you see more than half saying that he's fit to be president, if he is convicted that does not sound very optimistic for joe biden being able to peel away these voters, why this group i disagree. i disagree as well. >> yeah. i mean, the people who are voting today let's just say they're all going to vote for trump. if trump's the nominee, those are not the people that joe biden needs to win over. the people joe biden needs to win over are mostly what they call dual haters, people who don't like biden or trump. first of all, i'm very skeptical about these numbers. it sounds to me like northern virginia is doing a lot more exit polling and then central and southern virginia. >> but the if you need is the rule of thumb is that you need 90% of your own party to win in the two-person race. if foreign
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103 in ten of your own most committed voters in our primary are saying, yeah, that rules them out. what does that say about moderates, squishy, middle erodes, swing voters. those the numbers can be much higher for those people and just say one thing quickly, which is we just saw kate bolduan interview a nikki haley donor who said in the end, he would consider voting for trump over biden. so i just don't know that these things are so black and white with that, liken white, but i do think it spells trouble. i mean, when you see 4.10 voters saying in a very republican state, like north carolina, that it would be disqualifying. i mean, the big question is, will that even come to pass? because of all the legal delays that have been that we've seen. we don't know we don't know. so this might all just be speculative, but
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there is clearly a real we'll problem that i see for donald trump on the other hand, with joe biden, the thing that i've been looking for, or what a black voters doing, what are latino voters doing? >> we saw, >> eye-popping numbers in these recent polls over the weekend showing a real shift. and so if they can, if joe biden can't get his coalition together, then you're going to really see where all these people we're going to go. and are these people going across paula? >> i think i think these numbers show that more than half of these voters would vote for believe he would be fit to be president if convicted shows, shows you something we all already know which is that this is donald trump's republican party, period. these are loyalists who, and we heard it on our air just recently. a voter saying that the more they justice system takes him on, the more she supports him because she believes it's unfair and the justice department has been weaponized and that message has gotten through and it seems to me that
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these are just committed voters. and the one thing joe biden does not have, i mean, if you, if you ask that question of biden voters, you know, i don't know what the response would be purely hypothetical, of course, but but these people are there for him no matter what yeah. >> i agree with all that and i think it's one of the more frustrating things is that trump is running as an outsider when he's clearly the establishment they've rigged all of these primaries to be basically winner-take-all for his benefit if a romney or a bush had done in the past, populist would've been freaking out. i agree with all that at the same time, if you just changed there's the worrying on these polls and made it about biden. we just had all those talk about the non-committed are uncommitted voters in michigan. those numbers were much smaller than the voters for nikki haley, there is a lot of dissension in the ranks of the republican party. and when all you need is five or 10% of the swing vote to go the other way. the 40% of
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the party that is not all in for trump is a big red flag. >> it's clear, and jamie, let me get your reaction because these are republican primary voters in virginia, 40% of those republican you can voters said they would not vote for trump if he were convicted in north carolina, 32% of republican voters who voted today said they would not be able to vote for trump if convicted. that's a huge chunk. if this is a close election between trump and biden in november, that's a huge chunk of potential voters for the republican it is, i will tell you, i always come back to one thing, battleground states and the real question is what's going to happen in those states? will there be passion and enthusiasm and get out the vote for joe biden? so yes, these are very interesting, but you have to look at those battleground states and look at the problems that joe biden is having. >> and
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>> then with a very small number of voters in some of these states, it can go either way. >> voters >> who won't vote for him if convicted, the question is are they going to vote for joe biden, right? you know, that's i i don't necessarily see that happening because they're not democrats. they're republicans and they don't like joe biden. and so the question for the biden campaign is, what do you do about all of these trials? and as you were saying and who knows what's going to come to fruition, right when. but how does the biden campaign attack this? because they're not going to get the republicans. but how would they maybe get some of those squishier? republicans who don't want a president in the white house who's been convicted of a felony. >> but the clip, we do know that trump is facing what, 91 criminal charges potentially, we don't know if he's going to be convicted of any of them between now and november, we
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don't know. >> and that is the big question here because i don't know often how much you have to see if donald trump how many different issues he has to have, how much he has to struggle with the law. he has to struggle with all these indictments for people to disavow him. i think what we've seen is basically there is nothing that he could do that is going to really push away that core of support, that core of support is very enthusiastic. they say in poll after poll, they like him, they want him back and so the question here is you do not see this on the democratic side at this point. you do not let's see that enthusiasm. you see a kind of oh, heavy sigh and a, okay, he's our guy and we're going to back him and the other part is you really not seeing the biden push that democracy on the line is going to be a get-out-the-vote thing, right?
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>> everybody standby. we have a lot more to assess. we're getting more poll numbers, exit poll numbers as well. our special coverage of super tuesday will continue in just a moment. we're getting wet once again, more exit poll results. they are coming in or john king is standing by, he'll be over at the magic wall to break it down when trump may actually be able to clinch the republican presidential nomination. plus president biden watching a number of key factors today thanks governor, a biden ally is my guest >> super tuesday, coverage begins tonight at 06:00 p.m. on cnn streaming on max >> why always the couch doesn't need to get a puppy school good. he's a little puppy diploma >> no matter who have been spending all this little, can i >> when your questions about life turned into questions about money, there's erica the virtual financial assistance to help you spend save, and plan
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hence the name, the number of delegates up for grabs in virginia tonight, 48 for republicans, 99 for democrats let's go now to jessica dean, who's in richmond, virginia. holes there are closing in a little over an app our jessica, you've been talking to voters in virginia throughout the day, including an immigrant who says immigration is among his top issues. tell us more >> yeah. kate, i asked him when you were going in there voting, what was top of mind for you? he immediately said immigration and the economy. and so i asked him who it would be voting for. i'll let you listen to our exchange who did you vote for and why? >> donald trump and he's the best precedent. and i came here when i was 26 years old, 40 years ago okay. i've been watching this country, this country's is the best country in the world. yeah. yeah. >> i've >> been very blessed to be
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living in this country but i hope i hope the democrat would not be able to destroy this country >> he said he was born in hong kong, came here decades ago, kate and will be voted for donald trump and will be voting for him in the general election. if he is the republican can nominee. i also talked to a voter who is a democrat. >> he is >> has been a democrat for years, but he wanted to use his vote today as a protest vote. but not against biden. here's what he told me. >> and so who did you vote for >> well, i voted for nikki haley, but i'm a democrat because i wanted to vote against trump in some way. another. so that's all the way i could do it >> so again, a little over what an hour-and-a-half as you mentioned, kate, as the polls remain open here, we have seen a steady trickle of people. it
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has constantly been busy, but no lines but what has been truly interesting is person to person what their reasoning is behind their votes. there's just a lot going on in american voters minds right now, wolf, and it has been very telling that each person has their own reasoning about what they're doing today. >> yes. good point, jessica. thank you very much. jessica dean in richmond, virginia. want to go to john king. he's with me over here at the magic wall right now, let's focus in on virginia right now, looking ahead to the general election, how competitive do you anticipate richmond, virginia, the commonwealth of virginia could be. >> it's a great question republicans hope it is competitive. again, it has not been at a long time. but why do they hope that lets you assume it out? never want to watch, tonight was interesting listening to those voters as we've watched virginia tonight, one of the places we're going to watch as the northern virginia suburbs. i'll circle that they're one reason is you see this little yellow dot here, nikki. nikki haley's only when has been here in the district of columbia. that's not a lot of vote. so let's not make too much of that nikki haley's only when they're on the republican primary so far is here can she carry that support a more moderate
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republicans over into the northern virginia suburbs wolf, that'll be one of the questions tonight. or can donald trump performed better than the suburbs that he has in recent years? because you see the green up there. i can give you some yellow down here. you just look, let's just go back and look at the 2016 republican primary. if you go back to 2016 when donald trump was the newcomer, see that light red up here in the suburbs? that's marco rubio. you see the dark red down here. that's donald trump. donald trump's trademark is running it up in small rural working class communities. the question is, can you improve his standings in the suburbs because it hurt him in the primary there and you have to go back wolf, we have to go back a very long time. it has been 20 years since a republican for president carried the commonwealth of virginia when i started but doing this, it was a red state than it was a purple state since 2008 when obama won, it has been a blue state. so the challenge is, can republicans pull it back? our joe biden's problems significant enough that virginia comes into play when we get to november 2024. that will be a question at the moment. it's a blue state and politics, but tonight, we'll learn a little bit. >> you know, it's interesting because, you know, i boarded a third of all republican
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delegates are up for grabs. just tonight. trump is expected to win a huge chunk of that. when, when do you anticipate potentially he could be the republican presidential nominee. >> so look at what he has done so far. this is the map of all the contest so far, primaries and caucuses, and you see, with the exception of that the tiny yellow and the district of columbia, you can barely see it. it's all donald trump in the states so far. so he has 276 delegates so far, right? you need 1,200 plus to win. that's a big number. here's a better way to look at it. he has won 83% of the delegates so far. so donald trump is on a march to the republican nomination. so you ask the question, when? so let's switch over to for the delegate tracker and see where we are right now is this pops up, here, is where we enter the night, right? these are all the contests that have happened so far, 276 to 43. if tonight goes roughly along the percentages the contest of gone so far and the trump folks re optimistic about this. this shows trump winning the board, right? that shows trump winning for mod tonight when he virginia tonight, winning all the way across the country. let's see if nikki haley can pull off a
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surprising for monitor in virginia or maybe somewhere else, but if not, the trump campaign wolf by the time we go to bed very late tonight or in california, early el early tomorrow morning, east coast time right here could get to about 1,115. you need 100 more than that 1,215 to clinch the nomination. so it is conceivable. donald trump it gets also close tonight. symbolically over if you have a gap like that. and then next tuesday night of march 12 donald trump should pass so very early in the month of march, you heard kristen holmes earlier talking about there moving on to the general election. they see this as a biden trump rematch. the country may not love that idea, but the trump people, when they look at the math, there right, start thinking about november because tuesday tonight, they'll get close next tuesday, they're likely to clinch. >> it's very, very interesting indeed, it's gonna be a long night that we'll watch it very, very closely. our special super tuesday coverage will continue next, we're getting new exit poll results, including when voters in two battleground states finally decided on a candidate hey, plus, we're going to take it in north carolina where polls are
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kathy hochul, governor. thanks so much for joining us as we see these new exit polls. coming in. how does the president pull republican voters over to his side when a majority in these exit polls, republicans say donald trump is fit for the presidency, even if these convicted of a crime >> well, wolf, it's great to be on your show again, and here's my advice for the biden team the republicans, do you want to pullover? are the women, especially since donald trump has made no disguise about his desire to continue stripping away the rights of all american women, not just democrats, but republican women and their daughters and granddaughters so he promised he would stack the supreme court with people who are hostile to women's rights. he was successful in overturning of roe v. wade, which is one of his goals. and now the republican party is going after the right of a family to get started with ivf mean this is beyond the pale that and contraception. so i
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think there's an opening for them to go after republican women to help get him over the finish line in november. during that comes down as a choice. someone who supports women always has always will in someone who intentionally denigrates them, abuses them as well as stripping away the rights. it'll be crystal clear who people need to vote for in this country in eight months from now. >> one thing we're looking for governor as these exit polls continue to come in, as how many voters actually decided who they were voting for months ago. how tough is it going to be for the president to change the minds? the voters as this campaign moves ahead, well, the campaign for the biden team has not even started right now. they've been focused on getting through these early primaries. you have to do that first the television ads and the contrast to show the policies of donald trump because we don't have to guess what he would do is present. we have a four-year record that tells us what happened to our standing and the international
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arena, how people are afraid around the world of donald trump presidency. what's going to do to our trade balance and also cut raising prices for everyone in this country when he starts going to war with everyone, as well as him taking away the rights of americans. so the campaign has not really started in furnish, so i say it is still eight months to go. it is an eternity in politics as someone who's run about 15 elections myself. that is a long way off. and when people start to hear more about joe biden's record not just how bad donald trump is but the record of accomplishment right here in new york. massive, massive infrastructure products that have been stopped by donald trump, the essential gateway tunnel, which is finally happening, creating tens of thousands of good union jobs, bringing micron the largest manufacturer of semiconductors in america, $100 billion of investment in my home state of new york. your home state when the story gets out of the record of accomplishment, people are
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going to say, why did we even entertain going with donald trump. we know we have to stick with, let's stick with the competent leadership, the, the trusted leadership, and that'll get us through the next four years. >> i know you've said governor, that you welcomed the president's taking more executive action on immigration that given the daily strain, on new york resources right now, are you concerned that we still haven't seen specific hardcore movement from the white house on this very, very sensitive issue. >> well, if this is a huge issue for us here in the state of new york, and there is a simple answer to all of this. if the republican congress cajoled and pushed by ten republican members of congress just from the state of new york, if they use their clout with the speaker and said, let's just pass the bipartisan bill that was supported by the majority of senators, democrats and republicans if we can get that done, that'll do exactly what joe biden said. he wants done. he wants more money for
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the borders. he wants to shut down the border, at least give us a pause for now until we can get this under control. and the state of new york would benefit as well with financial assistance as well as other states. they have a plan, they have a strategy and publicans said they would not do it. they refused you know why? because donald trump told them not to they are so under his control, it's pathetic. so executive actions, they will be there to being developed right now. i've been in communication with them. they will happen, but it shouldn't have to come to this wolf. there is a path there was an opportunity. they could have solved this, even the president went down to the border and reached his handout to donald trump, but said, let's solve this together and donald trump said no. you know what, you break it, you own it. republicans now on the border problem and we're going to make sure everybody, at least in the state of new york knows that this is going to be a liability for the republicans running for office in november. this is the path for hakeem jeffries to
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become the speaker. >> let me quickly follow up. governor was what, almost two weeks ago when the president told you and other governors who were visiting in washington, he's considering taking executive action because of congress's inaction, right? now with 600 migrants a day arriving in new york city, how much longer can your state wait? while we want to get this done as soon as possible? but as everyone knows, they're going to be people who bring litigation. the second he does is he tried action last may, for example and for awhile we had some cessation of people coming across the war, at least it's slowed down a lot. we felt the difference. >> what happened next people went to court, they sued and the judge shut down the program and all the chaos started again. that's what the biden administration is trying to be thoughtful about. the come up with a path that will be make sure that that's sustainable end of the court. so that's the pause right now, the delay, but i know they're anxious to get this under control just as much as we are. and we know that'll happen in the short order
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>> governor hochul, thanks so much for joining us always good to speak with someone like me from western new york appreciated very, very much. >> thank you, wolf. good to see again. >> thank you. >> there's more breaking news. we're following. we're getting more exit polls coming in and they reveal who voted and when it comes to liberals, conservatives, and moderates, the results are coming in next we will take you. to the crucial battleground state of north carolina. trump narrowly won in 2020, can biden win at this time around why i selected you to crush it makes you weak. >> anyone who dares insult me or my country shall feel my good regime streaming exclusively on max >> see idp disrupts cid p derails. >> let's be honest >> he sucks but living to see
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direct redefining insurance i'm evan perez, that federal court in washington. >> and >> this is cnn >> rocker back to our special coverage of the super tuesday primaries. there's breaking news right now. we have more results from the newly released exit polls, just released the latest numbers for his offer. a more detailed picture of exactly who the voters are in these key states and when they
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made up their minds about who to support the primary david chalian, our political director, as new numbers to share with us. and he's back, david, what more are you seeing? >> what we're looking at the difference in the ideological makeup of these republican primary voters in virginia versus north carolina. and i'll show you why nikki haley's campaign may see a bit more opportunity perhaps in virginia than they do in north carolina. look here, 28% they considered themselves very conservative. 37% somewhat conservative, but look, combine the moderate and the liberal. 35% of dutch more than a third of republican primary voters in virginia are either moderate or liberal. that would seem to be a place. nikki haley should go and target if you compare it to north carolina, it's just a more conservative primary electorate in north carolina, nearly 80% if you add a very conservative and somewhat conservative, nearly 8.10 republican primary voters in north carolina are conservative only. just under a quarter. 23% are either moderate or liberal.
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so probably stronger trump territory. there decision made when this is fascinating in virginia, 65% of virginia republican primary voters decided before, earlier this year. so before the iowa caucuses, before the new hampshire primary, before anybody voted, decisions were let me made by two-thirds of republican primary voters. that's locked in and then it's similar story in north carolina. you see also that a majority here, not as big of a majority, 51%. if you look at the bottom there decided who they were going to support in this primary before this year. so if indeed donald trump steamrolls his way through the fact that so many voters sort of locked into their choice so early on shows that what's been happening in this contest hasn't necessarily been altering the shape of this contest. kate, let's dig into as david chalian. thank you so much these exit polls are are
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always so interesting because we're hearing directly from voters as they're heading in or exiting, hence the name jamal. what's your takeaway from what david just laid out here on that score that david just laid out. i'm taking a look at what he said about the moderate and liberal numbers in virginia and 35% of that population is moderate or liberal. that's not something that you're used to seeing. and some of these more conservative republican states. so be interesting to see if nikki haley actually overperformed some of her recent numbers because there are more people who maybe are a little less inclined to believe donald trump. but the earlier number that's still sticks in my head. is that 40% of people in virginia said that he was not fit if he gets convicted to me, that says to you that those people, even if let's say half of them, 20% of that still vote from now on trump. there's still a big number of voters out there that are available to joe biden or they're not going to vote, or they go third party, but that to me says i can problem if 40% of republican voters say he is not fit for office, that's a big number to me.
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>> i would disagree on the idea that some of the moderates or potentially vote for the president because i would be curious if you begin to unpack those moderates are they somewhat conservative on the economy? maybe they are socially liberal, are they somewhat conservative on foreign policy issues? i would want to break those numbers out is a virginia is a virginia conservative in north carolina, conservative. >> all right. i would want to break those numbers. david >> for democrats, right? it is, but i think this is also a part of the president, the foreign strategy of trying to delay all of these trials they recognize and understand that if there because a guilty verdict, it is going to wreck havoc on his possibility is returning to the white house with that said though, if you can delay, most republican voters, i think are principally concerned with some other issues at a far more tangible to their everyday lives. and they will hold their nose and vote for donald trump because they believe he is more beneficial to them on some of those aspects. in terms of president biden and that's where these that's where ideology really can tell you a lot about where they, where they would vote on some of these issues. immigration economy, what do you see here as well? >> the challenging thing about this primary season is that
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we're learning a lot about the republican electorate, but so little about the democratic electorate. last week we were just sitting here with michigan and we had the uncommitted voters, right? and so that was a real snapshot also on the democratic side and south carolina, we had really high black turnout when there was a question mark. so those are two data points. but if i'm the biden campaign, i am really clear that the folks who think he will be fit for office, whether or not he is convicted of a crime, they're never coming to any damage my credit candidate, most likely. so i'm looking at the individuals who jamal identifies as moderate or very moderate and seeing who are they to governor hochul's point? what does that demographic of women in there, or they women that will are concerned about abortion, which we heard in the earlier piece. >> earlier, >> our in virginia, and really trying to figure out what is the message is not one issue because voters are dynamic, but what are the issues that i can
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weave a story together? that is a stronger and more compelling argument than just look, don't compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative. actually develop a message and he can do this in the state of the union. this is what i am doing. this is what i have done, and this is why you can side with me for these moderate voters in these two states. >> i don't want to ask you to say, oh, it's got adam is, it's not just what he has done and is doing now well, what he wasn't doing, their future. that's the what i'm looking for in the state of the union. i think this isn't about the union, but that to me is the question one of the things that like stands out to me if you see the moderate liberal number, whenever i did my own polling, they're always people at self-described moderate republicans, even some liberal republicans, which i always never really understood, but when you look good, that number, that's as we're talking about what biden can target. here's a good way to target that ukraine, right? maybe not everybody agrees on some of the border stuff. i don't know, maybe a moderate republican is not as much of a border hawk. i guarantee you every one of those moderate and
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liberal republicans and every one of those support ukraine. that is, that is joe biden's op opportunity to chip away and say, look, you may not like all my policies, but do you really think a russian victory over ukraine is going to be beneficial to the united states of america. i think >> do you think after super tuesday it frees up republicans to be more supportive of ukraine funding. >> so that's it. exactly what i think it's possible right now in texas, you have a lot of house races that are up. mike mccall, for instance, who's the chair of foreign affairs? he's he's worried about his primary. he'll get past it once they all get past these primaries, they don't have now a primary for two more years. it's sad and it's cynical that i have to say this, but i'm a politician. i understand it. now. they're past their primaries. they can now say, okay, we compel action to the floor. three of them could do about one about you know, quite a bit on this point about the democracy or ukraine. i, you know, the biden campaign in the midterms and in this is very clear that they want to
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lean on. this is to save our democracy. if you connect the dots between what is happening in ukraine and finding funny and protecting our democracy. it does give you a lane to bring some of those moderate voters over. >> because >> again, we also have seen polling that most people are not thinking just solely about american democracy. but if you attach it to that international dynamic, but do you run the risk of losing some of them? those moderates as a president attempts to play k2, the progressive base in the democratic party as it pertains to israel. >> i >> absolutely think you do. i am not convinced that if the president attempts to turn out younger voters, younger voters of color, you're not going to be able to bring those moderates. and i would caution my democratic friends who are focused on turning out your own base, your own party, not trying to pull in republicans. that's not how job in the white house republicans >> 2020, we built a coalition actually where we had cindy mccain support joe biden. we had the largest amount of
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historical turnout because we had our base and we had moderates, independents. i've never is made though, actually had thought this to me that everyone's basically decided way before iowa and states tells me that there's a lot of work ahead. yeah. does that include the state of the union for joe biden right now? >> it does include the sad thing in the sense that people really want to know what's next out of this president. and look one of the questions about his age as people sort of look at joe biden obviously this is maybe the guy is like a little too old for the job. but if he's talking about the future of america and what he wants to do for the future of america and the mars lander or whatever it is he wants talked about. >> that's >> something people might rally around. >> the nearest of futures is a coverage of super tuesday continues coming up next, we're gonna go live to north carolina fly them where donald trump is going all out in order to get his candidate for governor. a man he calls quote, martin luther king on steroids across the finish line backroom deals,
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>> i'm lauren fox on capitol hill, and this is cnn >> are there some breaking news? we're watching right now, the iowa democratic party is just released the results of the democratic presidential caucuses in iowa as expected, president biden it's clearly the winner of the iowa caucuses. let's take a closer look at the votes that have just been released to president biden got a little bit more than 11,000 votes 480 votes went for quote, uncommitted. kate, back to you. >> all right. well, bouncing off that break, those that breaking news. let's talk now about the task ahead for joe biden. let's pick up where we we're is the state of the union he has a big opportunity ahead, but still, i'm looking at these exit polls still ashley, and there's where are people movable? where are people gettable? there is no gettable voter anymore. kate bolduan declares, know, i think a lot of america is kinda where they're going to be from now until november. but i do think that there are individuals who are persuadable to decide what they're not they're actually going to vote. that's a type of
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persuasion. i also feel like right now there's a new and might not be new, but it feels new to me. there is this fact versus feeling the fact say the economy is doing great. the joe biden is doing things to keep to bring inflation down, to increase jobs. but people aren't feeling that now. and so the task for the biden campaign and joe biden in the state and then union is to connect bring that chasm of fact versus feeling together and make people believe in the facts that they're seeing in hope that they will feel it maybe by november, but definitely in another four years, like the one thing i heard ron brownstein has said over and over again, it really sticks out to me, is that nikki haley throughout the republican primary, has left breadcrumbs for bread crumbs for joe biden all in her trail where joe biden could pick up some more voters, some support white-collar suburban voters, moderates. do you agree? >> i would agree with that, but but i think to the point that asks you is just making i think
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there is some serious discontent with joe biden and his ability to penetrate that discontent. i haven't seen it yet. >> i mean, yeah, the numbers appear to be good on the economy. sure. people are employed but i have a job, but i'm not making enough cost of everyday goods have increased the prices of gas. it ebbs and flows. and so those are very real things that people may say. i'm not excited, i'm not enthusiastic. i may sit home or i may vote their party and i think the president has to figure out a way to recover. >> what do you break through on the fact versus feeling? >> were, you know, one thing you do is you have a moment like the president had a year ago when republicans had to come after him on social security and he made fighting. at this moment, retested back and forth. so if i'm the republicans, i'm saying don't do anything. this sit quietly. let him have a good boring speech and then let it go by because of joe biden is able to show from that stage but he is competent and able and able to kind of joust with people who are in the audience. he'll do a lot to allay some of the fears he have and he's not up to the job, by the way, as a congressman, they would always
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brief us before the state of the union guys don't look at your phone. don't do anything because when you're doing something stupid is when the cameras is going to focus in on you oh you were talking about that. i'm like, oh yeah, it kind of brought back memories of life. you're sitting there for two hours because you know, if you do something stupid, like pick your nose, it's going to be on tv. >> paul begala said something ashley, you told me yesterday that joe biden, he can't pivot on one major issue that voters are concerned about. and that is, he can't pivot back to being 45 years years old again so with that what is the answer in your view going forward still? >> well, i think that you can lean in on abortion. i do think you do talk about go on attack with immigration, which we talked about how republicans don't want to govere, govern and talk about the future of america it's great to tell jokes until you down people know joking. it's very serious. it is super tuesday. thank you so much for joining us. the first polls are


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