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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  November 27, 2023 8:00am-9:01am PST

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this is cnn breaking news. two major stories developing in israel at this moment. first, today is to be the fourth scheduled release of hostage by hamas terrorists. there was a holdup. it was over the mothers who were supposed to be on the list and they were not. as part of the agreement, the mothers are to be handed over with their children, and they were not on the list initially, but we told they are now. the handover is close to happening. >> that is critical in the moments and hours ahead. and also what is critical is what is happening after today, and if the handover goes as planned, is there to be a further extension of the truce. new reporting is suggesting yes. kaitlan collins is standing by in tel aviv for u and the next
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few hours are extremely delicate, kaitlan. >> yes, but, kate, they are looking more hopeful than the last time we spoke, because we are hearing from the sources, they are close to resolving the issue at play here, and it does appear that the fourth release of a fourth set tof transfer here. it should have already happened, but it is close to happening now. m.j. lee is at the white house, and we have our chief correspondent alex marquardt here, and we are all three reporting on this incredibly important update. alex, starting with, you because we are learning more of what is at the heart of the issue is whether or not a sufficient amount of mother were on the list. the israeli official did not believe it, but now we are hearing of a new list of the fourth set of hostages, alex.
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>> yes, kaitlan, this is a critical day, and so many moving parts, and the fourth day of this deal of course, and a possibility for it to be extended, and we have heard from hamas, and the united states, and they want an extension, but they have to get through the critical fourth day. so what we understand is that the hamas would send who they intend to the release mothers who were supposed to be released with the children on this list. so that is a critical part of the deal that if children were to be released, the mothers were to be released a at the same time. this came saturday when a young girl was released without her
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mother. they told the israeli press that they were separated and she had to leave her mother behind. a similar situation happened today, and they were releasing one or more children without their mothers, and this is unacceptable to israel, and the immediate ya mediators and now, hamas is going to add more people to the list so that the release can go forward. today, we expect to see 11 hostages released, because 39 in the previous days. thine agreement was 50 to be released. we are not sure how many will be released today whether it is 11 or more, and whether it is the release of the girl two days ago, and now it does appear that things are back on track, but there are still a lot of
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questions, kaitlan. >> yes, and as we report it out in realtime, we are getting an update of the israel prime minister's office that they will be notified. and that the relatives on this new list will have already been it is not and how long this truce is going to go on is also a critical time. today is supposed to be the final day, and what are you hearing of whether it is extended and day fouof t agreement. >> yes, kate, we are learning that the parties in the negotiations arek kactively
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discussing for the truce, the pause in fighting to be extended two days. the understanding is always when this deal was initially announced that if hamas could produce the confidence that they had additional truce coming out the tenl additional hostages buying one more additional day in the pause of fighting, but it is important to keep in context the here, the israeli, and officials had said when the deal was strublg -- was struck, and they were hoping for additional days in a pause of fighting to gather up information about the hostages. also, another piece of context the here is the reality that these hostages are not even
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necessarily being held in the same place, and not necessarily being all held by hamas. what this could potentially mean for the american citizens whose release we are waiting for is obviously significant. two additional women in addition to abigail adan who was released yesterday are to be among the 50 men and women and children held hostage, so if they are not on the list today of the hostages released, if there is an extension in the truce, they could come out in the two additional days extended, but again, the discussions are ongoing we are told. >> alex marquardt, on that front, two more americans that could be released and presuming they are women, but there are other americans who we believe are held by hamas, and what is the status of those hostages? >> the negotiations for men is
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still a ways off. this is a disappointment by the biden administration that the two women have not been released, and this is not said and done, but may not be released in the four days. and the biden administration believe that abigail adan and these other additional women had been identified as a larger group of 50. if they are not released today, you understand that the biden administration to push the ka teor the -- qataris to push for these women to be released. once they are released, the much harder work starts with the men. now, it is relatively easy to get the elderly men out, but once you start the talk about the younger men, and the younger israeli women in the idf and the
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men who are either in the idf and they are considered to be much more valuable for hamas. hamas may try to get more palestinian prisoners out for each of the hostages, and that is going to be critical, but the focus is get out as many women and children as possible. they had identified the initial group of 50, and certainly a hope of four days of pause that hamas can go around and locate other women and children and figure out who they are with, who they are, and with the coming days, they will be able to keep presenting more lists to the pause. israel keeps tell us that they will look for another list from hamas tonight from the israelis to propose another further ten to be released tomorrow. and again, that is if all goes
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according to plan. >> and that is a big if. thank you, alex marquardt and m.j. lee. we are just getting in new pictures of the youngest hostage abigail adan released by hamas. she is 4 years old, and turned 4 years old while being held by hamas. the two people you don't see there with her aunt and grandparent is her parents. they were murdered by hamas. and she has a smile on her face, and what she has been through is nothing short of heartbreaking. she has been held for seven weeks, and now returning as an orphan. and oren liebermann is returning, but this entire moment of her being free and coming home is so bittersweet
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given what her family now looks li like. >> this is a moment that caused the entire country to celebrate the pictures of the reunion, and not only this family, but all of the other family, and we were with the family of another family as their loved ones were released, and every time there was a new video or pictures released from kfar aza, there were so many cheers that it will be like that as they go through the challenges and the mission. crucially, even as they have seen the loved ones coming out to vow to keep on fighting, and the government as much as they can from the red cross, and the international red cross to keep
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this going, and the difficult process often of getting the hostages released from gaza to continue. we expect that to come tonight, and the images as the process plays out tonight, even if it is later than yesterday, but as the process plays out, country is going to rejoice in those who come out as they work for and pray for frankly, those who are still trapped and held in gaza. >> oren liebermann, thank you for the report. just to remind our viewers what we have just learned as part of the breaking reporting. the issues surrounding the release of the fourth set of hostages now appear close to being resolved. we are told that there is a new list of names of hostage set to come home today, and we are told that additional mothers are added to the list after a dispute, and israel protested after mothers were on that list, and we are told that israel and hamas with qatar doing the negotiating are looking at adding two more days to the
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truce, and whether or not it holds remains to be seen, but that is what is on the table for now, kate. >> these are big developments, but adding to how careful and delicate the negotiations could be. joining us is former navy s.e.a.l. commander and working hostage commander daniel o'shea. thank you for coming in. we have heard on the talks that they could possibly look to extend the truce for a couple of days. we have heard a range of opinions quite frankly on whether the folks think, and experts think that the truce is going to be extended beyond today, and any extension, and with the hostages here still to be released, what are you
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seeing? >> yes, it is a win for everyone. israel is getting their family members back, and hamas is getting their prisoners back. and 30-odd countries had folks taken, so there is pressure diplomatically coming from around the world, and inte intensively from around the united states. and despite the tinderbox situation that we have, hamas and israel do not trust each other, but they are getting what they want, and we can presume it would extend for a couple more day, and that a positive, because more hostages are going to be coming home. >> and now, following any first truce or following any first hostage exchange, if you will, and hostage release, does it become more or less complicated as they now look for possibly release of hostages or truce --
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does success beget success or what we are hearing in terms of the unique situation of the negotiation and the agreement, does it become more complicated? >> well, the challenge is that as hamas has proven to the world that hostage terrorism works. it is an incredible play for them, and gives them an extension on the cease-fire to prepare for the upcoming idf offensive that will presume even if it extends, it is going to continue, and idf is going to continue with the stated goal that they intend to and in particular, you talked about in the last segment the challenges of the biden administration that some american women were not released as quote promised. well, guess what, you keep rising the american hostages to
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hamas, and why would they give them up? once the americans are released, you can presume that the pressure from the united states on netanyahu will decrease significantly, and that is a dangerous calculus being played out in the airwaves with the attention and the high level discussions going on around the world, and our own government is having on the impact of this. >> and we are learning that more than 40 hostages in gaza are not held by hamas, and there is the palestinian islamic jihad, and criminal gangs, and others operating to hold hostages we are now told from the diplomatic sources. how is that going to complicate getting the hostages released, and there is connectivity of hamas and the groups, and it is on hamas the find these people
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and get them out, but how does it complicate things, daniel? >> well, it is, again, part of the challenge that these groups, islamic jihad is holding some hostages in ones or twos, and they are looking at how effective the hostage taking is for hamas, and they are seeing the negotiation, and the hostage groups will come up with their own demands, thapd will not be playing with the hostageb, because you have 190-some-odd held, but when it is down to 100, the calculus to get those individuals out is going to go up more significantly and be more and more complicated and challenging. >> daniel o'shea, thank you. john? >> coming up for us, an attempted hijacking, and the
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u.s. naval vessel to the rescue, and shots fired. we will have more. and now, a suspect in the shooting of palestinian students will appear in court. and we will look into the aid going into gaza, and the difference it is making.
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overnight, two ballistic
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missiles were fired at a u.s. warship in the gulf of aden. it was first attack on coalition forces. it starred ted with a link to al tanker, and then the u.s. navy ship had fire near the ship. no damage was reported and no harm in attack. john? >> joining us is retired general of the allied supreme commander wesley clark. so how much of a threat are u.s. interests under by the houthi
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rebels inside of yemen with the missiles they have? >> there's always the risk that something could go wrong with the defenses. there's always the risk that you'd lose a ship to some mistake, some mall funs, no. as of now, we have domination in the seas in that area. we can protect ourselves, and we're in good shape, but the risk is always there. >> so, general, we are waiting for word on today, the fourth scheduled hostage release by hamas terrorists today. if that takes place, perhaps another extension of a day or two in the pause of fighting. as these hostage releases continue, what are hamas and israel doing inside of gaza in temperatures of the fighting
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forces? >> well, obviously, hamas is rearming, resting its troops, and figuring out where the israelis are planning the ambushes, and infiltrating the fighters back into the north to be able to come up in the rear of the israeli forces. the israeli forces are securitying themselves, and some rotation of forces apparently, and some have gone out, and others in, tand arand they are the information they can on hamas without flying the drones. but john, you have to be realistic about this. hamas as has been designated as existential threat to israel. the hostage exchange is theater. it is important to the israeli family, and vital theater in the world. president biden is engaged, and we have americans over there, but underneath all of that,
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israel, i think that the military at least, they underthey have to finish military operation, this is a group who is armed and attacked israel with the intent to destroy israel. so this is a serious problem to resume the fighting, and it is going to continue as long as israel can sustain the will to do so. >> if and when the pause is over, and the hostage releases end, how do you expect israel's operation to be different than what we see? >> well, they have got, i think that there are three things that are going to change. number one, they are going to
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increase their security in north gaza. number two, they will mount a much stronger mobile campaign that exploits hamas, and the underground tunnels, and what they have done to the hostages, and so forth, and three, they have to go into south. so the fighting is going to intensify. obviously, just before the hostage exchange started to happen, we started to see the underground videos from underneath the al shifa hospital that israeli officials said it proved they were using the hospital as a command center, and the hamas officials were denying it happened. >> that is how it works, neworking on the channels of
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their side, that the ideals were lying. and in the meantime, they are waging their own campaign on and so they will sustain that attack, and that what is going on at this point. this information campaign got off for a bad start for israel, because they were focused on the military action, and the hamas and its allies, inso when you start behind on an information campaign, it is tough to catch up. israel is going to have to do much, much more to explain to the world why this is an existential threat and how israel is attempting to deal with it at the same time minimizing the civilian
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casualties. >> general wesley clark, great to have you on this morning. thank you. kate? >> now, more on the reporting that there are talks extend ing critical decision. and a man accused of shooting three palestinian students in the united states just now pleads not guilty. the latest on their condition, and how they are doing, and what led police to this man. we will be right back.
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this is cnn break news. we do have breaking news here on the ground in tel aviv where we are learning that israel and hamas have agreed to the two-day extension to the four-day temporary truce they agreed to which allowed dozens of hostages to come home day after day for three nights with a fourth group expected tonight. we have confirmed that truce is expected to go on for two more day. that means two more days of no fighting in gaza where it is incredibly quiet here in gaza, and the first time we have seen that since october 7th. that means more aid expected to
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go into gaza, and the question of whether or not there is more palestinian prisoners also released as a result of the agreement. this is breaking news. i want to go to cnn's alex marquardt who is following the developments closely. it is something that both sides wanted, but now that we know that they have agreed to it, it is an incredibly significant change that was slated for 96 hours, and now it is going on for another 48. >> it is always a hope, kaitlan, and now it is official. the reason it was not certain is because everything was fluid, and things could have blown up, and there was a moment in day two when it looked like it might happen, and today, things were very uncertain, so in the course of this morning, and here in the states, and in the day your time, now back-to-back pieces of significant news. it is looking like this fourth day of exchanges of hostage releases is going to go into effect in the coming hours, and
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then we now have this announcement by qatar that the four-day pause has been extended for two more days, and this temporary fighting pause of hamas and israel is going to extend into six days and be six days at a minimum. there could be a hope that it will go beyond that as well, and qatar has been the leading mediator between the leading sides, and they speak directly with hamas. they obviously have a relationship with israel and the united states as well. i want to read to you the tweet from the foreign ministry spokesman for qatar, and he says that the state of qatar announces as part of the ongoing mediation, an agreement has been reached to extend the humanitarian truce for two more days. what does that mean? by the end of the day, kaitlan, 50 israeli women and children
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will have been released. most of those are dual nationals, and there a hope that three americans would be among the 50. so far, only one american, abigail edan has been released. that was yesterday. there was a hope two more americans will be released today, and that is uncertain. a spokesman for the white house, and the national security white house spokesman john kirby said he does not know whether that is going to happen. so in the two-day extension, there is certainly a hope, and expectation from the american side that those two women will be released. now i am told that the news of theday extension came after president biden had spoken to the qatari representative.
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so there going to be more pressure to get those americans released. >> yes, and for the families, this is as welcomed news as they can get. because the extension is huge news because they had a problem getting the agreement of the list of hostages. and so now, if hamas has 20 more hostages that are together at this point or do they have to get them and bring them together given that we know that they have been quite spread out all over gaza. so what is the sense of what this is going to look like if we do understand this next group of 20 more hostages would be in that category of women and children. >> yes, kaitlan, the reason that hamas did not agree to the bigger number than 50 is because they knew where the group was and they could identify them. they handed over those i.d.s to
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israel and qatar and the united states. they said in the four-day pause, they needed that time to go around to figure out where people are, and figure out who is holding them, because it is not just hamas, but it is other militant factions like the palestinian militant jihad, and it is gangs, and terrible communication in the gaza strip right now, and so they have not been able to ascertain the identities and where they are. so now with this announcement, they are confident to release 20 more women and children in the next two days. israel is clear, you give us ten people per day, we will extend the pause for another day for each ten. at the same time, the israelis have agreed to release three palestinian prisoners for every single hostage released. so today, if 11 more hostages
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are released, there is an expectation that 39 palestinian prisoners will be released. so in the two days, at least 20 people are expected to be released, and that is speaking to the confidence that hamas knows that they can find and release the hostages, but it is raising questions about the conditions of others. jake sullivan, the national security adviser said over the weekend that there is an expectation over the weekend that there is going to be an update of the condition of the other hostages including the seven american men who are not expected to be released as part of this now six-day pause into the fighting. >> yeah. we have not seen the red cross go in to check on the other hostages as they said was supposed to be a part of the deal, and now they have agreed to 48 more hours local time here, 48 more hours to the deal, it is career what israel gets
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out of this, which is 20 more families can welcome home the loved ones, but what does hamas get utf agreeing to the exte extension? >> yeah, it is three things. the pause in fighting which israel is most concerned about, because it is giving hamas a moment to breathe, to reset, and to move around the gaza strip and to rearm and reposition the fighters and to gather intelligence of where the israeli forces are. so it is giving the militant forces who have been pummeled for seven week, and israel has been pounding gaza strip, so it is giving hamas a moment to reset. then it also allows more of the aid to get into gaza. we understand that the deal says that regardless of when this pause ends, at least 200 trucks
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of aid a day are going to go inon t into gaza, and there are 1.7 million displaced gazans who desperately need the aid, and so happy to see the pause in the fighting, and so really, that is the second major part, and the third, kaitlan, is the palestinian prisoners, and you have the three palestinians released for every one hamas hostage. so that is the next moment when hamas will say they have more women and children to release? will they start negotiating for some of the men, and then the ratio may change, and certainly when it is coming to the idf solders, because you can expect that hamas is going to be asking for a lot more than three palestinian prisoners. >> recently they got 1,000
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prisoner for one idf soldier. we will check back in, alex marquardt, on this breaking news, and to recap for the viewers who are just tuning in. this is a significant development on the ground. israel and hamas have agreed to a two-day, tension to the four-day temporary truce that went into effect last week. that is the truce that you have allowed to be seeing every single night on cnn which is the israeli hostages being released in addition to the other internationals released and undergo medical treatment and be reunited with their families here in israel, and then to allow dozens of israeli prisoners to be released and humanitarian aid to get through.
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so we have learned that hamas and israel have agreed to a two-day truce extension. we are live with more on this repoport.
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all right. we do have breaking news this hour as we have learned that israel and hamas have now agreed to extend that temporary truce that has been in place for four days. we are day four right now for two more days. that could mean more hostages coming home to their families, and that would obviously be welcomed news to them, and also more palestinian prisoners being released from israel back home to the west bank, and also more
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aid going into gaza where we know it is so desperately needed by the millions of people who are there. cnn's oren liebermann is here tracking this with me. i should note it is almost 7:00 here on the ground in israel local time, and we have not seen the facilitation of the release of the fourth group of hostages, but it is big news that both sides have agreed to a two-day extension here. >> kaitlan, it is absolutely incredible news from so many different angles. the cadres have said it is the goal from the beginning, and they didn't know if they could make it happen. part of it was the fragility of the deal from the beginning, and part of it was the aid going into gaza, and we have seen the
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roadblocks to the implementation, that hamas was not living up to breaking up families, and not putting the mothers on the list to be released, but those issues have been worked out, and even to the point where we are seeing the hostages release and the process playing out over the last several hours, we expect it will. that has allowed qatar to step in and announce the agreement from the foreign ministry spokesperson two more added days to the truce. what does that entail, first, the pause in fighting will continue, and hundreds of more humanitarian trucks will go in into gaza where there is a worsening humanitarian crisis, and merely a that it's had with the displaced palestinians there. as that aid continues, that means on each day, ten israeli
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hostages, women and children will be released. in addition to -- as far as we know, at least 30 palestinian prisoners being released a day at that same three to one ratio. at this truce continues, the country will be trying to extend it even more to make sure all women and children get out. we'll see if that's possible. we've gotten a hint of the distrust between israel and hamas as this process has played out. nevertheless, the countries, the united states and the international community pressuring both sides here to continue this truce as we've seen domestic pressure on israel to do everything it can to get all of the hostages out. the challenge comes from the point after the women and children have been released. is it possible to secure a new agreement for the release of elderly men? that would be the next stage of that process, and trying to release younger men after that and soldiers. >> it seems to be happening one day at a time.
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i mean we started this morning with a dispute over who was on this list. there was a new list put out and we got word of this agreement. oren lieberman, thank you. let's go to alex marquardt. we are breaking news the news that an agreement to an extension has been reached. >> this has been such a high priority for the united states, katelyn, that president biden has really been very intricately involved. he's had numerous conversations with all of his counterparts involved. the egyptians, the israelis, the qataris over the past few weeks. in the past three days, he's spoken twice to the qataris. i understand that president biden did speak with the prime minister of qatar earlier today. we don't really have a sense -- we haven't gotten a readout from the white house, for example, of what exactly was said.
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but certainly it would have been about the ongoing hostage negotiations, the concern by the united states over the americans who have not yet been released. there are two women, seven men. there's great concern over their condition. but i just want to pick up also on what they were just saying. we've heard from the israelis that they believe there are 198 hostages who remain in custody. again, it's not just hamas. it's other factions. it's gangs. they're spread out across the gaza strip. so let's just assume that in the next two days that 20 more hostages are released, you're still going to have around 180 who are inside with, you know, maybe dozens of them are foreign nationals. but a huge number of them are israelis and israeli men, and so it's -- it's very feasible that this pause ends soon with the release of a large number of women and children. but leaving inside a large
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number of israeli men and female soldiers as well. and so these negotiations are going to drag out for a long time and they're likely going to drag out as the fighting starts back up again. israel has indicated that they very much plan to essential pick up where they left off and a big question for the biden administration now is, what do they want israel to do. they've expressed discomfort with the way that israel has been prosecuting this war and i think there's an expectation and a hope that israel will not go back at its a forcefully as they were before. katelyn? >> it's so interesting to hear that because the prevailing thinking here among israeli officials is that it's that on the ground campaign in gaza which has earned them a lot of criticism. they believe that's what led them to this negotiating point with hamas for these hostages. we'll see how that factors into those future talks. alex marquardt, thank you for that. ben wedeman is following the developments from jerusalem from
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us. we haven't heard any statements from hamas. what are you hearing from officials there? how are they viewing this two-day expansion, that they clearly -- yesterday, for the first time, had said that they were on board with potentially doing this. >> yeah, hamas has put out a statement on its telegram channel saying they agreed to the extension of this agreement, this truce for two more days along the same conditions as the four-day truce. so certainly this is going to be something of a political bonanza for hamas. it's important to note, for instance, that whenever these prisoners and detainees are released into the west bank, 39 last night, we're seeing a lot of hamas flags. even though hamas doesn't have an open political presence in the west bank. and this has really been a political bonanza for them because they can point to the palestinian authority in ramallah which is considered
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cor corrupt and they can say, look, this is what we're accomplishing. we are freeing palestinian prisoners and detainees. until now, 117 palestinian prisoners and detainees have been released. but it's important to keep in mind that every night the israelis raid palestinian homes and 112 palestinians have been detained, at the same time 117 have been part of these exchanges. katelyn? >> eight palestinians killed over the weekend in the west bank. ben wedeman, thank you for the update from jerusalem. we're following the breaking news here at cnn that an agreement has been struck between israel and hamas for two more days in this temporary truce that has brought dozen of israeli hostages home.
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another group of hostages, including mothers, set to be released in the coming hours. we're following it all closely here. stay with us. we're going to take a quick break. cnn's coverage of this conditions right after this.
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