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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  November 15, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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. in hour money lead, attention shoppers. something to be thankful for this year, thanksgiving should be a bit cheaper, and you have the turkeys to thank for that. you could grab a whole bird for less than 30 bucks this year, down 5.6% from last year. unfortunately, things are still not as cheap as they were before the pandemic, but at least some repreefrks according to the usd a. thanksgiving discounts could make some prices even lower. our coverage continues now with one mr. wolf blitzer in "the situation room." i will see you tomorrow. have a good night. >> happening now, the israeli military says it uncovered hamas weapons and a command center inside gaza's largest hospital
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releasing video as it attempts to defend the ground operation. key world organizations are condemning the raid as we're getting dire new accounts from inside the hospital. also tonight, a rare face-to-face meeting between president biden and china's xi jinping here in the united states. president biden now prepared to answer questions about the summit and his efforts to cool tensions with beijing. and cnn presses senator joe manchin about his next move now that he's not running for re-election. will he bolt from the democratic party and set his sights on the white house? kaitlan collins debuts her interview with manchin this hour. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." tonight, israel says its controversial military operation inside gaza's largest hospital, quote, will take time.
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at last resort, at last report, i should say, it was still under way as the israel defense forces is sharing some of the evidence seized during the raid. cnn's nic robertson is following all of these developments and is joining us live from sderot in israel near the gaza border. nic, what more are we hearing from the idf? >> reporter: they are saying that this operation is using precise intelligence, that it's under way in a precise manner. this going into the hospital began a little under 24 hours ago, and in that time the idf say that they have found weapons, ammunition, military equipment. they say belonging to hamas, computers, computer discs, but the one thing that they haven't said that they have found so far, wolf, is tunnels, a bunker network. if we remember back over the past few weeks, the idf has said the reason they needed to get into the al shifa hospital was
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because hamas was operating command and control from a bunker network underneath the hospital. idf spokesman lieutenant colonel has told journalists some of what the idf has found there. >> military equipment. there is an ak-47. there are cartridges, ammo. there are grenades in here. of course, uniforms and all of this -- this was hidden very conveniently secretly behind the mri machine. these weapons have absolutely no business being inside the hospital. this is the bag that we found and this was the stuff that was in it. now there's insignia, military insignia, knife. for those of who you read arabic, you'll be able to understand what it says here, but it's hamas, the military wing, qassam, of course, a vest with equipment and always an
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ak-47, tactical radio, communications which we'll analyze. lost of discs which will be analyzed and a computer. >> reporter: so unlike, wolf, where we had access with the idf to a hospital in gaza earlier in the week, cnn weren't there so unable to fully verify or independently verify what the idf is showing and revealing. hamas again continues to deny that they used the hospital as a base of military operations, and getting any kind of sort of independent separate analysis of what's happening in the hospital has been made harder because the communications have always entirely been cut to the hospital it appears since the idf went into the hospital. we did -- cnn was able to communicate with a doctor in the hospital who described a situation where the idf were going from building to building to building, and a journalist at the hospital as well, cnn
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contacted, said that he had seen the idf searching and questioning young men in the hospital as well as seeing fire fights going on. again, cnn is not there, and we cannot independently verify what the journalists or the doctor are telling us at this time, wolf. >> nic robertson in sderot for us, thanks very much. as israeli forces enter the al shifa hospital reports began emerging for instance side the medical center about dang conditions for staff, parents and other civilians. we have a report from jerusalem. doctors, hospital officials, relief workers, they are raising grave concerns about what's happening inside this hospital. >> reporter: absolutely, and they have been raising grave concerns for some time now, but, of course, the situation around the israeli military raid has really raised alarm bell. as we know, there are more than 1,000 patients and medical staff still in the hospital, and while
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we have heard the repeated calls for civilians to evacuate, the message that we've been hearing from doctors on the ground, from medical officials on the ground is that it's simply not safe or secure enough for any of these patients, civilians and medical staff to evacuate. as we have seen the situation inside al shifa as with the vast majority of northern gaza's hospitals is deteriorating by the hour. take a look. weeks of bombardment had already left gaza's largest hospital in what has been described as a catastrophic situation. doctors at al shifa working under impossible circumstances caring for hundreds of patients as israel's military incursion moves inside the hospital. >> translator: the occupation soldiers are still on the ground floor. they are searching employees, civilians, even the injured and patients. some were stripped and placed in dehumanizing and miserable
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conditions. >> israel's raid on al shifa has been described as precise and targeted, focused they say on claims of a hamas command center beneath the hospital. but it is civilians, including medical staff and patients that have been caught in the center of this unrelenting battle. >> we can't look lieu the windows or doors. we don't know whose happening. we can hear continuous shouting. again, it's totally a scary situation. >> reporter: what are these sounds? i'm hearing sounds? >> it's continuing shooting from the tanks. >> reporter: israeli defense officials found concrete evidence that hamas used the al shifa hospital as what they have described as a terror headquarters, including weapons, combat equipment and technological assets said to belong to hamas.
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found, according to an idf spokesperson, in the hospital's mri building. both hamas and health care officials have long denied a military presence within al shifa. cnn cannot verify either side's claims, but many have expressed alarm over the civilian impact of israel's military operation. >> our concern on the humanitarian side is for the welfare of the patients of that hospital which is, of course, on great peril. we have no fuel to run it. the babe advice no incubators, newly born. some are dead already. we can't move them out. it's too dangerous. >> reporter: on wednesday the israeli military said their troops delivered incubators and medical supplies to the hospital. cnn cannot independently verify this claim and has not been able to reach the hospital for confirmation. however, the director general of gaza's hospitals has warned that babies at al shifa are in severe danger as conditions in the
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hospital deteriorate further. adding that there is no place to move dozens of incubators outside of the hospital under current circumstances. but even as israel tightens its grip on al shifa now said to be under the complete control of the israeli military, according to hamas, doctors say they will continue to do whatever they can to save the lives of those wounded in this devastating war. wolf, while the focus has been on al shifa over the past 24 hours, as we know the vast majority of gaza's hospitals not just in northern gaza are crumbling under the weight of this ongoing bombardment this, ongoing war, and, of course, the humanitarian situation which is deteriorating by the hour. now in northern gaza, just one hospital said to be in operation, of course. as we know the situation is getting worse, not just in the north but also in the south. wolf? >> thanks for that report.
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thank you investment joining us now the senior adviser to the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. mark, thanks for joining us. this idf video that was released from the hospital complex shows guns, ammunition, a radio, a laptop, but is there more evidence to come that would back up israel's assertions that this is a major hamas command center? is there evidence to back up the claim that there's an extensive tunnel structure there as well? >> this is only the beginning, wolf. i'm sure you'll see in the coming days much more information coming out, but i would remind you and your viewers it's not just israel that says hamas has built its fortifications, its terror network, its command and control under the shifa hospital. that's being crop rated by independently by the u.s. government, both from the white house and pentagon, and the truth is if it's a secret at all, it's a very badly kept secret because if you can ask
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people in gaza city, it's common knowledge there that hamas has built a subterranean military network of terror tunnels connecting them to rocket launchers, to arms depots and so forth underneath the gaza strip based in the shifa hospital. now they can't say that in interviews to cnn, of course, because hamas doesn't like when people speak out of turn. it's a brutal dictatorial regime and people who speak out of turn, they will face consequences from the -- from the hamas people. when this is over you'll see i think with your own cam raeks ac -- cameras exactly what we're talking about. >> they will let journalists go take a look for themselves to see what's happening at the hospital, is that what you're saying in. >> when it's safe and as this operation goes on, but operation is still ongoing, and we've done some preliminary -- released preliminary information has has
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been report, but more will come. >> based on what israel has revealed so far though, mark, how does the capture of what is seen as this relatively small amount of weapons and equipment actually justify raiding gaza's largest hospital? >> once again, i think you'll see more information in the coming hours and days. this was the first day of our operation inside the hospital building. more will come. i have no doubt about it. >> because i ask the question because the hospital's main building as for all practical purposes effectively stopped functioning. doctors are working by candlelight. premature babies are being wrapped in foil to keep them alive. doesn't israel have an obligation to wrap up delivery of critical medical supplies, water and fuel to these hospitals? >> we have. we have as part of our presence in the spot. we brought humanitarian supplies and brought incubators for babies, and as you know a few days ago we already bought fuel
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for the generators so that the babies would be safe in their incubators. look, we don't want to see babies suffer, but hamas so far has torpedoed you're our -- our attempts to bring fuel to the incubators. wolf, you and i are old enough to remember saddam hussein organizing tours for journalists in iraqis children's hospitals, and at the time he was saying that president bill clinton and secretary of state madeleine albright were murdering iraq's children, you remember that, wolf, and had these pictures suffering in hospital. hamas could have alleviated the suffering, it chose not to. it wants the pictures for its propaganda purposes. >> i want to be precise and back up a little bit, mark. does the evidence you're about to provide in the coming hours and days include evidence of an extensive hamas tunnel system under that hospital?
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>> we've already at the previous hospital that we brought journalists to, there we did show journalists tunnel networks that connected the hospital to hamas positions and there are more, of course, them at the shifa hospital and when we're in a military position to be able to show that to you we will. >> mark regev, thanks as usual for joining us. >> my pleasures, sir. still ahead, a critical meeting between president biden and chinese president xi jinping. can the two world leaders stop the downward spiral of u.s.-chinese relatioions? stay with usus. you'rere in "the s situation r "
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in california today, a high stakes meeting between president biden and chinese president xi jinping. the summit marks president xi's first trip to the united states in six years and comes amid simmering tensions between washington and beijing. the biden administration has been downplaying expectations for the meeting but hopes to re-establish at least military-to-military communications and secure a chinese commitment to crack down on fentanyl. we expect the president to take questions during a news conference in the next hour, but let's discuss what's going on
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with democratic congressman ro chana of california. thanks so much for joining us, congressman. i want to get your reactions first to president biden's comments earlier today. listen to this. >> i think it's paramount that you and i understand each other clearly leader to leader with no misunderstandings or miscommunication. we have to ensure that competition does not veer into conflict. what do you mafblgt two leaders' initial messages that were delivered today? >> i thought president biden was strong but prudent. he's making it clear that there are conflicts. there's a conflict over taiwan. there's a conflict on hue man rights with the uygurs and we have to communicate and we have to have our militaries communicating, and the president i think is strike the right
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balance. >> u.s. officials are saying there's two likely outcomes of this summit, restoring military-to-military communications between the u.s. and china and more chinese regulation of fentanyl. does that go far enough in putting the u.s.-china relationship back on snack. >> it's a first stempt i mean, the military-to-military communication is essential, especially with the heightened tensions. we don't want an accidental conflict to begin, and it is important that we have that communication, likely had at height of the cold war with the soviet union. the fentanyl crackdown would be a big win for the administration, but there is still outstanding issues. human rights and there's big issues of trade deficits which is hollowing out things that need to be addressed. >> we're seeing live pictures coming in from the summit. you see president biden and president xi strolling around a nice area over there having a
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private conversation to be sure. as you know, congressman, president biden is expected to press president xi on persuading iran to stay out of israel's war against hamas. does china have an incentive to help the u.s. here when much trust is clearly on such thin ice at least right now? >> children has an interest because they also need relations in the middle east to work. they have relations also, as you know, with saudi arabia. they want to build other relations with other countries in the middle east. it's in no one's interest for there to be a wider war in the middle east that would have a catastrophic effect on oil prize, on energy supplies, so i do think here is a place where our interests may align. >> as the two leaders were stroeshlgs by the way, president biden was asked how the meeting went, at least so facts and circumstances and he gave a thumbs up, two thumbs up, if you will, so at least he's a bit encouraged at least based on that reaction. as you know, president biden on
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a political issue is losing to donald trump in several new polls that have come out, heightening the possibility of a trump presidency in 2024 which he's vowing will be tough on china. how challenging is that for president biden's position in front of china at least here. >> i think foreign policy is actually going to matter and people are going say who do you want in charge of the most powerful nation in the world when you've got a war in the middle east as we do right now. when we have relations with china as we do now, and i think americans are going to say we trust biden and president biden's hand. of course it's going to be a tough election, hard fought election but ultimately i think his statesmanship will help him prevail. >> what do you think should be president biden's main message in his press conference that he's about to have within the next hour or so? let me repeat the question if you didn't hear me. what do you think president biden's main message should be in the press conference he's
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about to have in an hour or so from now? >> i think he should talk about the key concessions that he obtained, hopefully he did get the concession about fentanyl that's an enormous issue in the united states. so many deaths because of fentanyl. if he can get china to crack down that's big. hopefully he has gotten the commitment on resuming the communications with china and our militaries, and he needs to be clear about where china needs to improve. he needs to talk about the human rights situation with the uygurs, with ticket and hong kong and needs to make it clear that america will not continue the colossal mistake of offshoring. china needs to play fair and need to allow america to make things again and not to have the massive trade deficits. >> democratic chongman ro chana, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> a judge is planning to lock down sensitive evidence in the trump subversion case in georgia.
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we'll tell you more about that when we come back.
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tonight a significant new development in the criminal case against donald trump and his co-defendants in georgia. a judge is now planning to bar the release of, quote, sensitive evidence related to subversion of the 2020 election. cnn's chief legal affairs correspondent paula reid is here in "the situation room" with me. today's hearing is all a result of trump's co-defendant being leaked. >> reporter: it's an unusual situation down in georgia right now, wolf. earlier this week we saw the videos, statements by some trump allies who pleaded guilty. they were recorded and then leaked to the media after they were shared with lawyers as part of the discovery process. now initially attorneys for one
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of the defendants, harrison floyd, claimed responsibility in an email to the district attorney's office. now they have subsequently said that responsibility claim, that was just a typo, and then today when they were in court lawyers for another defendant said in fact they are responsible. let's take a listen to what misty hampton's lawyers today said in court. >> judge, in being trans parent with the court and to make sure that nobody else gets blamed for what happened and so that i can go to sleep well tonight, judge, i -- i did release those videos to one outlet and in all candor of the court i need the court to know that. >> you rarely see one lawyer never mind two claiming responsibility for a leak like this, but judge had been asked to implement a protective order so that sensitive evidence in this high-profile case would not continue to leak, that's something that he has agreed to
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do. outlets including cnn have opposed this arguing that there is a public interest in learning more about this case and seeing some of this critical evidence. >> as you know, paula, the d.a. fani willis just asked the judge to jail another co-defendant in the fulton county case over tweets. >> that's exactly right. harrison floyd, the defendant whose lawyers initially claimed responsibility. this is the first time that the district attorney has asked someone to be essentially jailed so far in this case. now harrison floyd is interesting because he's also the only defendant who has spent time in jail so far in this case. he was in jail for about a week after he was charged until they were able to come to a bond agreement. now he is the leader of an organization called black voices for trump, and he's pleaded not guilty to three state felonies, and he has largely charged in connection to his alleged role to try to intimidate people, including some poll workers. now prosecutors point to statements that he's made,
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mostly on social media, that appear to intimidate election workers saying, look, this is a violation of your bond agreement and they are asking for him to be incarcerated. it's an important remind their in many ways this case is not only being tried in the courtroom that we see on tv but also in the court of public opinion. >> certainly is. good point, paula. stay with us. i want to bring in cnn and anchor and chief laura coats into this discussion. the court says he'll bar the release of sensitive evidence, sensitive. is the lawyer or client who actually leaked these tapes likely to face any sort of punishment? >> think about the reason why you want to have this order. you have a trial that's going to need a jurors, and you want to make sure that the jurors will be objective arbitors of the fact meaning they won't be swayed by anything other than the documents before them. any time a witness or defendant is attempting to throw their weight around, to intimidate a witness or to leak out evidence
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before the actual trial, it's a problem. why? because not everything that comes out in the public opinion comes out through the evidently rules. the judge's job is to make sure that whatever is happening outside the courtroom actually ought to be before this jury. it has credibility indicia, it should be believable in some way, protective to the defendant and the person is a witness in the case. at this time it's important to have a protective order and make sure that no one engages in behavior that will undermine the ability to pursue justice. >> did the release of these videos potentially damage the fulton county prosecutor's case. >> it could, because you want to have the wind in your sails going into a trial, so if your best evidence, and by the way, this is the best evidence may be a problem as well, but if the best evidence is coming in, you want to have your chance to have that wind. if someone tries to steal your thunder, it's a problem. however, it also dow does in many ways solidify or plant the seed in the jurors' minds there
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was actually an issue and that it's not the persecution or the witch hunt that trump has said so it could go both ways. ultimately as a prosecutor as someone in trials, you want your trial to be in front of the jury with all the evidentiary protections that exist for when the verdict comes down. >> paula i want to get to another legal case under way right now. hunter biden, the president's son is expecting to subpoena president trump and bill barr and other officials in the criminal gun case. what is he hoping to get from this? >> hunter biden's lawyers have argued he's been investigated and subsequently charged as a result of a lot of political pressure. now they point to an excerpt, for example in, former attorney general's bill barr's book where he talks about getting a call from then president trump inquiring about the vision, and they want to gather more evidence that they believe will support this claim that they have made, that the only reason hunter biden was investigated was because there was political pressure, that it was something
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trump and his allies wanted to have happen. now we'll note when hunter biden's plea deal fell apart and when he was ultimately charged earlier this year, well, it was a trump-appointed u.s. attorney overseeing that case. none of these people were still in office. >> what do you think? >> you know, the idea of having a subpoena for a former president, think of how crazy of a time that we're actually in. remember, both of these different people, hunter biden and trump have pointed to the politics of prosecuting either of them. foundationally there's been more substantive arguments in favor of prosecuting donald trump than hunter biden but crux of the issue is determining who has the best information to president the prosecution's case and every defendant, including hunter biden, is entitled to be able to pursue that information through discovery and if donald trump has it he ought to give it. >> laura coates, paula reid, thanks very much. laura will be back tonight at 11:00 p.m. eastern to anchor "laura coates live," her show. just ahead, senator joe
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manchin speaks with cnn about his decision not to seek re-election putting the senate democratic majority in jeoeopar and fuelining a lot ofof speculn about a potentntial presidident bid.
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we're following breaking news up on capitol hill right now. the house ethics committee has just presented congressman george santos with its report. the chairman of the panel says the report does not include a recommendation to expel the scandal-plagued republican. let's go to our chief congressional correspondent manu raju with the details for us. manu, what are you learning? >> this long-awaited report is expected to come out tomorrow, and we expect an effort to try to expel him from the house. george santos, if he is expelled, would be just the sixth member in united states history to have that fate. this comes as a number of members who are on the fence waiting to see what the findings ultimately, are but the chairman of that committee michael guess
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saying they would not include a formal recommendation to expel him because doing so would extend the investigation potentially into next year so instead they will detail the findings and let republicans and democrats decide whether to vote to expel him. i talked to santos about this as well early today, and i asked him if he had any concerns about the findings, and he brushed it off. have you talked to speaker johnson on the floor. >> no. >> have you had a long conversation about it? >> it was at all pertaining to this. it was something something completely different. i actually have a meeting. >> what's your level of concern? >> i think i said this very clear to you. i will take whatever comes my way. whatever comes. i have no concerns and i have no premeditated feelings thon. >> santos previously told me even if he were to be expelled he would run for his seat again either next november if it were to come to that. if there is a vote, wolf, to expel george santos that will have to wait because the house
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hat left for its thanksgiving recess meaning this could be pushed up to the end of the month and potentially december as republicans and democrats will determine his fate after this report is released tomorrow. >> mania raju, thank you. also tonight, senator joe manchin is speaking out after his surprise announcement he would not seek re-election to the u.s. senate. cnn's caitlin collins has more on the interview with the west virginia democrat. what did the senator say about his plans for the future? >> obviously, there were a lot of questions about what his mitt call future was when he announced that he won't be running for re-election for the senate in west virginia, something that's an incredibly challenging race for him given that he has a very popular republican challenger in that race. the question is what is joe manchin going to do next, and one thing he's hinted at is displeasure with his party and
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whether or not he's still a democrat. i asked him a few hours ago and this is what he told me. are you going to least democratic party? >> well, you know, i -- i'm -- i don't know if i've ever -- i've never considered myself a washington democrat. i've been a very independent person, and i don't really think -- >> does that -- >> that sounds like you're leaving. >> well, no, you have a "d" or an "r" by your fame. that shouldn't identify. if you change who you are whether you have a "d" or "r" and people go back and forth it's more for a person's political more than who the person is. no matter what i have by me i'm independent-thinking, i vote independently and i've always done that for 40 years, so we'll see. >> he said we'll see there, wolf. obviously he did not say yes or no. seemed quite clear which way he is leaning though, and one other thing, wolf, it's been six days since he made that announcement. he's still not spoken directly to president biden.
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he's talked to people at the white house. the white house put out a statement but, of course, the question is he pursuing a third-party run in a serious way and what does the timeline for that look like? we talked at length about that, and what was really interesting to me, in the full interview you'll see this, where he talks about what he thinks would happen to the united states, to american democracy if donald trump is in fact the republican nominee and he is re-elected to that. that, of course, is what the white house has been saying, that if joe manchin does pursue a third-party run, they believe it would help put donald trump back in the white house. we talked a lot that during our interview. >> kaitlan collins reporting for us, thank you. >> watch kaitlan's full interview with senator joe manchin on her program "the source" at 9:00 p.m. eastern mo israeli raid of a major hospita humanitarian situation from a key official at human rights watch.
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more now on one of our top stories, more on the idf raid at a gaza hospital. the idf saying they found weapons and a command center inside. let's get more from omar shakir of human rights watch. thanks for joining us. what's your assessment of what's happening inside the al shifa snapshot what are you hearing from people on the ground? >> well, we're hearing from people on the ground is that you have displaced people. you have patients whose lives hang in the balance. as of yesterday 40 patients had died because fuel has run out. fuel has not been at the hospital for three days so you have babies on incubators that have died. you have dialysis patients that aren't able to receive those services. israeli soldiers are in the hospital. doctors are trying to continue
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to save lives. they have been unable to safely evacuate or they have chosen to stay to treat the patients who aren't able to evacuate themselves, and there's a situation where now there are bodies piling up that are not able to be buried. doctors have spoken to us about building mass graves in the hospitals so that those bodies can be safely given the dignity that they deserve. it's a dire situation. every minute the risks to the patients continues. >> the idf claims it found hamas guns, ammunition, military uniforms and a command center inside the al shifa hospital. their evidence has not been independently verified, but from what we know does that justify raiding gaza's largest hospital under international law? >> reporter: look, we're not able to corroborate the allegations of the israeli government. hospitals have special protections under international humanitarian law, doctors, ambulances must be permitted to do their work. they only lose those protections
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if it can be shown that acts harmful to the enemy have been carried out. the israeli government has not put forward any evidence to justify that, hand in addition attacks on hospitals can only take place if an effective warning is given, but there is no effective warning in gaza because there's no safe place to go and no reliably secure way to get there. and even if israel did meet these burdens, the protections for civilians, including against disproportionate attacks continue to apply. israel cannot treat hospitals as free fire zones and this risk of these attacks are especially high in the hospital because even a minor attack can have >> as you pointed out, other hospitals across gaza are completely out of power. they're operating on wounded civilians without anesthesia, taking premature babies off of incubators. what are the
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we're talking about an unprecedented number. thousands of people who have been killed even more who have been injured and without medical supplies, without clean water, the water that's being used unfit for human consumption without electricity, you're having a situation where lives that could be saved are not able to be saved because doctors were simply unable to carry out their basic obligations and duties. so, beyond the unlawful attacks, beyond the cutting of electricity, water, and basic aid to people, lives are being lost and it's entirely manmade. today israel can flip the switch
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on electricity, can turn the tap on the water. it can allow sufficient aid, but it's not doing so. punishing an entire population for the acts, the heinous acts of hamas and other palestinian armed groups is collective punishments which is a war crime. >> omar shakir, thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. u.s. officials testify on terror threats here in the united states and very serious concerns that events in gaza will inspire terror r attacks he atat home.e. we'l'll be rightht back.
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tonight, alarming new testimony about the potential for a terror attack on u.s. soil inspired by hamas and the war in gaza. cnn's brian todd is working the story for us. brian, tell us about this important hearing that occurred today up on capitol hill. >> reporter: wolf, the fbi director again warned the american public that the threats to the homeland now are different since october 7th, that they've not only increased but are now coming from several different directions.
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a raging war in gaza, and boiling tensions in the middle east since the hamas attacks on october 7th have racheted up the terrorist threat here in the u.s. to a whole new level, according to a new assessment by america's top official in charge of combating domestic threats. fbi director christopher wray laid out the dangers with brutal clarity. >> our most immediate concern is that individuals or small groups will draw twisted inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out attacks here at home. >> reporter: the greatest number of threats reported have been against the jewish community. >> hate directed at jewish students, communities and institutions add to a pre-existing increase in the level of anti-semitism in the united states and around the world. >> reporter: officials have also reported a rise in threats directed at muslims in the u.s. worrying examples on both sides, a man arrested in houston accused of studying bombmaking and posting online about killing jewish people.
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a 6-year-old muslim boy stabbed to death in the chicago area, allegedly by an enraged landlord. >> when you look at the plots and the individuals that have been arrested, they're almost pedestrian in nature. these are average citizens that are drawn into an online environment that encourages them to commit these acts. >> reporter: another concern -- >> hamas or another foreign terrorist organization makes quite the current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil. we have kept our sights on hamas and have multiple investigations into individuals affiliated with that foreign terrorist organization. >> reporter: but wray also pointed to recent calls for attacks on the u.s. homeland by other terrorist groups, what he called a rogue's gallery. al qaeda, isis, and hezbollah, the iran-backed group in lebanon that's not only engaging in cross-border fighting with israel right now, but that wray
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says has tried to place operatives and engage in spying here in the u.s., possibly planning for future operations. >> we know that there are known and the issed terrorists that have been seated not only in this country but other of our allies' countries that are essentially just waiting for the phone call. >> reporter: but the biggest threat, individuals radicalized to action by extremist rhetoric and manipulation. >> those individuals who are home who are being radicalized, going to rallies, they may be escalating in terms of the amount of rhetoric that are completely off the radar. >> reporter: how can america's security agencies and citizens combat these threats that are coming from so many different directions? this analyst says the fbi and the homeland security department simply cannot be everywhere, that engaged citizens have to be there to report the threats they see and to pay particular attention to online threats in chat rooms and elsewhere. wolf? >> and i know, brian, there have been other warnings about misinformation. what are officials saying about that? >> reporter: fbi director wray and homeland security director
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mayorkas, other officials and experts have said that misinformation is all over the place, especially since october 7th. there is misinformation out there about the attacks themselves, about the tactics used by israel and hamas, misinformation about jewish and muslim groups in the u.s. our donie o'sullivan reported that these neo-nazi and right-wing hate groups are even using artificial intelligence to put out misinformation regarding jewish groups in the u.s. and things like that. it's everywhere. everyone has to be very villgilt about it. >> very important. brian todd, thank you very much for that report. and to our viewers thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." "erin burnett outfront" starts "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. -- captions by vitac --


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