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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  August 16, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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good morning, everyone. let's get things started with fife things to know for this wednesday, august 16th. there are new developments in donald trump's georgia indictment. overnight we learned the form president is expected to be booked into jail at any point in the next nine i days. >> and we're learning his dms on twitter were of great interest for the special counsel. new questions this morning about what caused wildfires on maui that are now blamed for 106 deaths. "the washington post" is report ing a downed power line likely caused that first fire on the island. here's the video of that moment. the soldier that crossed
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into north korea, his mother is asking he be treated fairly. oher attempted a $15 million shake dunn before he filed this petition. "cnn this morning" starts right now. here's where we start. new overnight, we know where donald trump will likely surrender in fulton county, georgia, with just nine days left to turn himself in. the former president is expected to be arrested and booked at the fulton county jail on 13 felony charges for trying to overturn the election loss in the state. it's not clear when that will happen. the district attorney fani willis has ordered trump to surrender by noon next friday.
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one of those alleged co-conspirators says he will turn himself in sometime next week. he's ramping up his attacks on the district attorney and slamming her for using rico charges, the same kind that he used, really pioneered it in new york when he was the attorney back in the 1980s. >> she's a politician and not a lawyer. not an honest, honorable lawyer. this is a ridiculous application of the racketeering statute. there's probably no one this knows it better than i do. this is not meant for election disputes. this is ridiculous. i don't know if she realizes it because she seems like an inexcess tebt prosecutor. >> another codefendant mark meadows fighting to move the case from state court to federal
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court so hi can try to get it dismis. nick valencia is live for us. do we have anymore insight how it's going to go down next friday? sgrr we wish we had more details, but what we do know is the sheriff says he's going to treat the former president like he would anyone else who indicted and that means processed in the ful con county jail. where earlier this year a man is alleged to have been eaten alive by bugs. it's caused quite the reaction here in atlanta, if only for the optics alone. we are seeing some of the defense strategy from some of the defendants here. former chief of staff mark meadows and his attorneys filing a formal petition to try to get their case moved to federal court, arguing when someone is charged for actions they took allegedly while working as a federal official, they should have their criminal proceedings moved to federal court. here's what he and his lawyers
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are saying in part of that filing say ing, quote, nothing mr. meadows is alleged to have done is criminal. arranging oval office meetings, contacting state officials, visiting a state government building and setting up a phone call, one would expect a chief of staff to do these sorts of things. he's charged with two counts in the indictment, including racketeering and violation of oath of office. this matter now is in the hands of the u.s. district judge here in georgia. >> nick virginalencia live for thank you. now to the other investigation into donald trump's efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. newly unsealed court transcripts reveal jack smith wanted to look into former president trump's direct messages on twitter. they were reportedly many dms. the transcripts gave additional hints into what the special counsel was looking for before they indicted trump in the federal election subversion case. katelyn polantz joins us now.
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it was a week or so ago we were wondering why would he need this. but this is about the ones we don't see and maybe even about drafts. >> yeah, actually. donald trump doesn't e-mail, he doesn't text, but in this court transcript, in these court proceedings where the special cou counsel's office went to twitter and secretly was trying to get access to donald trump's twitter account, it wasn't just those tweets. they also want ed the direct messages, and this is the first time we have ever heard donald trump's twitter account would have direct messages, private communications on that service, including ones not just that he's sending to people, but ones that would have been deleted. so this all comes out in a series of hearings in february of this year as a judge is trying to get twitter to respond
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to this warrant that the justice department had for these twiter pieces of data. and as the judge is looking for that and trying to figure out twiter might have to make sure they are complying, that's when this come s out. one of the twitter lawyers said we were able to determine there was some volume in that account talking about direct messages. there are confidential communications. so this lawyer is asserting in court, yes, indeed, the donald trump's twitter account has direct messages. and the justice department talk more about what they want and there's just a list of what they were looking for in different ways they are trying to find messages, messages between government officials, between trump and others in the government, between government officials and twitter and crucially, four messages that would have been sent around the time that donald trump's twitter was suspended.
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not only on 1january 6th, but i the days after that account was taken down. >> i was curious when i saw your reporting. you're an expert at mining filings for nuggets that provide more insight into ongoing investigations that we didn't know beforehand. should we expect pieces like this to be coming out over the course of the coming weeks and months? are we going to learn more about this through notes necessarily official proceedings, but in filings alone? >> absolutely. at least i hope we will. there's a lot of sealing proceedings that have been happening in the investigation. and only whenever there's some sort of decision by the court that the matter is final enough they can release it do they release it. so there's still just a trove of information where the special counsel office was getting information. we just don't know how the proceedings went until we see the documents. >> it's a great reminder that there's still a lot we don't
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know. >> and why we need katelyn polantz to dig through them. >> i don't need a reminder. new this morning, the tragedy that continues in hawaii. urgent questions about what caused those fires in maui that have been blamed for 106 deaths. we want to remind you that number only accounts for 27% of the search being completed. a big focus is the power lines this morning. we don't know what started any of the fires, but there is video that may show a power pole falling over seconds before these flames emerge. we should note this is not the blaze that destroyed lahaina. this is a different part of the island last monday. it's from a bird conservation center surfaced by "the washington post." >> so a few seconds in, you're going to see a big flash in the video you're watching now. then the camera pans several different times to the ceiling, to the ground, then back to the
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ceiling. by the time it refocuses, you're going to see the flames. at the same time of that first flash, "the washington post" reports ten cent sensors went off in the town. that's likely an arc flash, something happens when a powerline gets knocked down. hawaii electric has not responded but they did release a statement. we know there's speculation about what started the fires, and we are working hard to figure out exactly what happened. mike valerio is live for us. we're hearing that hot spots continue to flare up in many areas several days from the initial fires. >> reporter: that's right. good morning to you. firefighters still have tons of work ahead of them, but i think that the emotional gravity point that we're focused on here so deeply is the effort to identify the human remains that are found
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a couple miles behind the camera. what we mean by that is the governor was on the air with kaitlan collins a few hours ago. he very much set the tone and set the tempo and expectations for people here all throughout the island that this not only will be a few days to get all the wildfires under control, but it will be weeks until all of the dead are identified. to that end, we have a few numbers for you. 13 dna profiles out of all of the bodies that have been found, that is what we have so far. authorities are asking people to come into a community center near maui central airport so they can reqdevelop more profil make more dna matches. so far they only have 41 dna samples to make those matches. earlier yesterday, we heard from a man who took it upon himself to show up at maui's central morgue to try to himself his identify. he was one of the people cl
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clinging to the rocks on front street and did not survive. his mother and his family dog did survive. listen to what this man told us a couple hours ago. >> he's gone. i just went and identified the body. the police really helped, but i ran into a lot of people that are tired. i haven't slept in six days. like said, i want to identify his body and put him at rest. >> reporter: so what has been analogized, although completely different circumstances, but if you remember back to the days after 9/11 when finding human remains and the identification process took months, dna crushed and very difficult to reconstruct the molecules and match them with the dna from living family members. the governor saying on our air
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earlier yesterday that is the situation that we're dealing with here. and i think that that has yet to sink in to the consciousness of the island because it was just a week ago that the unthinkable happened outside of the realm of possibility. now to think that we could have weeks and weeks of not knowing who has died, how many people have died, it's going to be a long process for this to continue. >> mikevalerio, thank you. it's going to take awhile. next hour we're going to be joined by the white house press secretary about president biden ease response and his plans to visit hawaii. donald trump's gop rivals are offering mixed reactions to that fourth indictment. and the new special counsel overseeing hunter biden's criminal case says his previous deal with prosecutors on that felony gun charge is now invalid. what does that mean for the
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fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. rsv can be serious. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about arexvy today. rsv? make it arexvy. he snores like an angry rhino. you've never heard an angry rhino. baby i hear one every night... every night. okay. i'll work on that. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. shop now only at sleep number. is. we're seeing a wide range of reaction from gop candidates when it comes to president trump's latest and fourth indictment. ron desantis called it a criminalization of politics. tim scott says it's un-american and unacceptable. will hurd saying this is further evidence that trump knew hes lo the election and was ready to do
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anything it took to cling to power. joining us now is senior political analyst john avlon, bakari sellers and margoest pea. as somebody who is engrained in republican politics, you look at the range will hurd has made clear from the start that trump's behavior was going to be a central issue for him. other candidates higher up in the polls, still about 30 points down, have had a different posture. the different posture that befuddles people, they are clearly seeing something that says don't go down that path. >> the campaigns have done their research and for whatever reason they choose to not say the truth and to not call it out for what it is. this is not normal. the man has been indicted four times. and he's about to release his report on monday further proving that he won the election.
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it really does call into question his sense of judgment, his character is on display here as far as being indicted four times. i was disappointed by tim scott's reaction. it's not surprising that the campaigns are looking for people to target their weaponization because they are going to point out things like stacey abrams not conceding and the fani willis, her not being able to question jones because of a fundraiser for him. they are going to call on to these things to say it's corrupt and an abuse of power because they don't want to address the elephant in the room, which is donald trump. >> what do you think? he's the one who said i'm going to run a positive campaign, and she's seeing a boost in poll numbers. >> i think tim scott's response, i think that tim is actually good for the republican party.
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i think his vision of what the future of america should look like is good for the republican party. i disagree with tim on some of the substance and policy. we differ on the role of racism and the founding of this country. that has to be said, but i'm not sure why tim is afraid to take that next step. i think tim has a lot of growth in the numbers, if he does take that next step. there's a little hedging, i think. that i think that is the possibility of a political future on a ticket with donald trump. a lot of people understand that donald trump is going to be nominee. so you can't slap the person and then want them to choose you to be the vice president. there's a lot of tim just wanting to run his own race and not worry about donald trump. the problem is that they put baby in the corner. they literally have to deal with the elephant that is donald trump. you can't run a race and not address the issue. so i'm disappointed, but i see
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the politics behind it. tim is better than that answer, but here we are. donald trump brings people down to his level and the problem is none of them want to rise to a new level. >> just for context, the inside joke, we were talking about babies in the corner, that's why they were laughing and pointing. there wasn't much more to it than that. why are they laughing and pointing at each other. i want to talk about something. since the former president tweeted or whatever he did on truth social, this alleged report he's going to produce that is going to definitively prove fraud in georgia despite the fact that there were multiple audits that every single vote was recounted. the fact that this has been relitigated over and over again both in court and the state level in every single time he's been proven to lie. my question, this is important.
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brian kemp from georgia who is a conservative, republicans who like republican policies like brian kemp, tweeted the 2020 election was not stolen. anyone with evidence of fraud has failed to come forward and prove anything in the court of law. elections are secure and fair with will continue to be as long as i'm governor. the future of our country is at stake in 2024. that must be our focus. this, however, is going to pull all of these candidates who have refused to say anything negative about donald trump down this rabbit hole of is it fraudulent, is this report accurate. we have seen this over and over again in the last seven years when you give trump space because you don't want to upset his base and you find yourself in this position where they have to defend a report they know is a lie or refute trump and dot thing they have been scared of doing for the last six months.
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campaigns are about contrasts. >> bakari is pointing out we get the mathematical issue. they want to pickup trump supporters and donorers and keep a vp roll open, so they are afraid to confront. but that takes you down a path where you're complicit in a lie. and i look forward to the report. we all know what it's going to be. your quote from brian kemp was right. it's court cases, it's individual states, it's audits, it's republicans, that needs to be said over and over again until all donald trump has left is a defense he's in his own world. but when candidates who unnecessarily say it's un-american and unacceptable, what's american and unacceptable is trying to overturn an election to stay in power. >> i also want to piggy back because you brought up some
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talking points i have been hearing a lot. people want to compare it to stacey abrams or bush v. gore or jeff duncan put john lewis in his mouth on twitter when they wanted to push back against the 2016 election because of election interference. the difference is there are pathways to cob test an election in the court of law. if you think an election was done wrong or you won the election, you can say that if you have prove or evidence. the difference between that and what donald trump did are the 170 overt acts they took that fani willis laid out in her indictment that show she they actually took concrete steps to to overthrow an election. they were breaking into fults. they were on phone calls actually over -- it's intent meet action, which is the crime. that is the difference between this and everything else. >> and i agree, but when they
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bring up this weaponization of power, we can't ignore the fact that stacey abrams did not concede the election. we can't ignore the fact that fani willis had this fundraiserer. so it does not negate the fact that donald trump lost the election and tried to -- not only did he failed to concede, he tried to use his power to influence state officials and beyond to overturn the results of the election. but to simply just brush that aside and say it's not fair, it shouldn't be ignored. >> that's apples and elephants. >> what's the point of doing it in this moment? >> i completely agree. it was the response -- >> it's the point of them making that argument. >> they are not going to go after trump. so they go after what they see as a winning argument, it's easier to go after democrats because they are not going to go
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after eave other. but what's at stake here is the integrity of our free and fair elections. >> i'm so glad you read that. >> as he did in 2020 and 2021. at the same time when everybody was saying let trump punch himself out. nothing is going to happen. he's just venting. >> how did that go for him? >> you're coming back? >> we'll see in a little bit. north korea has just con firmed this is the first official confirmation that the man on the screen is u.s. army private travis king is in north korea. we'll take ewe live to south korea with the details. and a judge in california call ed out of work and told a coworker that he shot his wife. now he's pleading not guilty to the murder. when we're learning about that story, this morning.
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a judge in california pleaded not guilty to murdering his wife. the judge is accused of killing his wife at their home earlier this month after an argument at a restaurant. prosecutors say ferguson threated his wife during the dinner, pointing his finger at her mimicking a firearm. she said why don't you point a real gun at me. that's when ferguson shot her with a pistol. arrest documents allege within minutes of the murder, he sent a text message to his court clerk that said i just lost it. i just shot my wife. i won't be in tomorrow.
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i will be in custody. i'm so sorry. the couple's son called 911 and ferguson was arrested that night. judge ferguson, who prosecutors say was intoxicated at the time of the shooting s facing murder charges, but he's out on bail and ordered to wear an ankle monitor and stay away from alcohol. u.s. army private tra sis king crossed into its territory and is there voluntarivoluntaris what they are saying. what we know is that king crossed into north korea last month during a dur of the dmz. paula hancocks has been following this live from south korea and joins us. first time official confirmation from north korea. what else do we know? >> it's important to note this is north korea's version of events. we are not hearing directly from travis king here. the media has a set idea of why king decided to run across the border last month.
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>> reporter: north korea claims racism in the u.s. military was the reason travis king crossed into its territory adding he was seeking refuge in north korea or a third country. king ran across the military d demarcation line. ponk yong finally breaking its silence claims king confessed this he harbored ill feeling against inhuman maltreatment. a defense official said they could not verify the comments and the focus remains on bringing him home safely. king ran across the boarder at the joint security area, a heavily guarded area. soldiers were unable to stop him. pyongyang claims king is disillusion eded at unequal american society. there are no details of his whereabouts or condition. king faced assault charges serving around 50 days in a
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detention facility. the army says he would have faced further charges if he had returned to the u.s. as planned. the day before he crossed into north korea, king was taken to the airport by a military escort but did not board the plane claiming a lost passport. >> get my son home. >> reporter: king's mother is asking pyongyang to treat her son, quote, humanely, asking for a phone call with him. contact pyongyang has not allowed with previous detainees. they feel helpless. >> i'm his big sister. >> let me go get him because i'm his uncle. >> the biden administration has considered designating tra sis king a p.o.w. meaning he has extra protection under the geneva convention, but he appeared to do this voluntarily. he was dressed as a civilian and part of a civilian tour group.
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>> paula hancocks, you can see the pain in his family just wanting answers and wanting him home. thank you. so what's next after former president trump has been indicted in g? what we're hearing from of officials in fulton county about the timing and the mug s shot, that's next. oh, oh, oh...i'll be the judge of that. oh, that's nice... oh!! searchable, verified riews. that's beer than the ham, and i've neveraid that. bookincom boing.yeah
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just one day after being indicted by a grand jury, former president trump posted this he
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will host a major news conference next monday. he says he will present a report from his team regarding his false claims that presidential election results were rife with fraud. what comes next? joining us now is prosecutor at the new york district attorney rebecca rofi. and attorney michael moore. michael, i want to start with some of the defenses that we have heard, not in court, but by trump supporters, lawyers for some of the other 18 indicted co-conspirators, the idea this is criminalizing speech, criminalize ing the act of beina lawyer or serving a client in law. what's the response to that? >> i'm glad to be with you. there will be some defenses like that. they will raise first amendment defenses and political speech def defenses that come out. and i think there's a fair argument to be made about some of of the legal claims that the
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lawyers will make. there's nothing criminal about trying to be creative in a case. there's nothing criminal about trying to strategize and think of unique ways you might win. what happens, though, when you cross the line into some type of criminal pursuit, then that advice or those discussions may become part of an overt act. >> is that line clear? for somebody who doesn't follow the law. this is at the core of john eastman's legal team's defense. to some degree, several of the lawyers are pointing to this thing. is there a line? >> it should be clear. it would be like a lawyer saying i'll tell you where to bury the body. you kcan't do that. those things should be relatively clear. we're a little in unchartered waters because this is a unique case. we have not seen a situation where you have had lawyers maybe as deeply involved in some of the conspiracy, some of the efforts and intentional acts to
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move in the legal process. >> making calls and being on calls and asking for legal things don't done, i want to get rebecca in here. mark meadows move d this to federal court. you get a more favorable jury pool likely that way, possibly, and you remove -- you add an ability for a president to pardon because it's not a state charge. will he be successful? >> i think there's a good chance he will be successful. he tried the same thing in the manhattan case, and he lost. but the conduct involved in that case was not conduct that occurred while he was president during the course of his presidency. and the question on rule removal is was this conduct part of his official duties. does he have a federal defense here. and it's a much stronger claim in this case than it was in manhattan. he may, in fact, prevail, as
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would mark med dose. anybody working under them also could make this claim that they were working under a federal official and can remove. >> why do you think meadows went first, and by himself? should we read anything into that? is that normal? when i saw that, he wasn't with the other 18, he wasn't with the president, i was wondering. >> following the lawyers is a great point, and that's one thing that people who watch these cases, especially with one with so many defendants, who is representing whom is a critical question and does give you some insight that you might not otherwise have. so i do think that's the question. maybe he's strategize ing here. it's hard to know. but it is a possibility. >> 161 acts in this indictment, 154 of those occurred while trump was president of the united states. that's a pretty strong claim to say to move it.
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>> rebecca brought up what the judge ruled a couple weeks ago on the hush money payment case. he eviscerated that a argument saying you can't move it. you have to keep it in state court. these things, trying to quiet this person, doesn't relate to your job in office. this statute, we can pull it back up, it says any officer of the united states under color of such office. is there any chance he won't be successful in moving it to federal court because you can't say you were trying -- i suppose you can make the argument you were trying to carry out your duties as president, but can you do that if you're committing these alleged crimes? >> they are alleged right now, so that's the purpose of triefing to have the federal court. but if you think about from a federal standpoint, you're an incumbent president. you're working for reelection in a presidential lx. this case is 100% about a presidential election. so that's a pretty strong claim to talk about whether or not it
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should be moved to federal court or stay in state court. there's always a chance they would find it should stay. but i think then you're going to have a litany of appeals, and there will be questions from now through 2026 probably about where this case goes. >> that's like two years after the election. >> right. >> you're saying something important is coming up? >> right. to some degree, this is a reality here. there's four indictments. he's the leading contender for the republican nomination by 30 points. the legal and political are intertwined. how does that impact or have an effect in any way on what prosecutors are doing not just in georgia, but with the special counsel's office up new york as well. >> the prosecutors are trying to keep their head down and do that what they always do and ignore the fact that there's this clamber in the background that there's this deadline in the background, a ticking clock. it's very hard to do that in real life. so how this is factoring into their decision making, i think
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it would be naive to say not at all, but they are trying to proceed as they would proceed if this weren't hpg in the hopes that this appears completely apolitical to the public knowing that that's just never going to be the case. >> thank you both very much. i why the arkansas department of education says a new advanced place ment class will not count towards gralkuation requirements. we'll explain, ahead. mymy renaissance was daring to dream. (♪) cadillac's renaiaissance, is daring to go all electric. (♪) so... what's your renaissance? (♪) make your next move a dream come true with the pods big move sweepstakes.
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arkansas public schools are being told a new advanced placement african-american studies program may not meet graduation requirements. in a series of the tweets, a spokeswoman said the new course is a pilot and not a history course. she tweeted the department encourages the teaching of all american history and supports rigorous courses not based on opinions. shortly after taking office, sanders signed an executive order said that critical race theory have no police in arkansas classrooms. "the new york times" is reporting that little rock
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central high school, which was an all white school sintegrated by the little rock nine in 1957 was one of the schools that had signed up for this african-american advanced placement studies course. the legislative black caucus expressed outrage over what the department of education is deciding. they write this further perpetuates the marginalization and denies all students the opportunity to learn about unique history and experiences of our community. our panel is back at the table. they are saying this is pilot. we teach it with african-american history. you get credit for it. it's not something to be concerned about. what do you say? >> this is what structural racism looks like. and i have a fascinating theory about taking books out of schools, not teaching ap history. i thought it was that individuals were afraid of black
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young people having some level of self-empowerment and seeing the struggle, the history that we made in this country. but i have come to realize it's a lot of white folk not wanting to recognize or deal with what white people did throughout history. and i think what sanders is doing is the epitome of antisbekt the yulism. it's fear. i don't like having conversations about crt because many people don't know what it is. you have to start with educating the person, and you just get bored and it's a waste of time. but to be in arkansas where you have the history of the little rock nine and say that we're not going to teach a ap african-american history is absurd. as a father of three black children, two others starting pre-k, what do we do when our
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kids leave the house and how do we educate them? we have the fear of thooz things, but how do we educate them and you recognize that you have to teach your kids in the home because of this fear perpetrated by many people to educate your children. i think it's a fear of recognize whag they actually did throughout history. >> i think bakari makes such an important point, learning the history behind the head hadlines. that's presumably part of that course. >> it also feels like from an optics perspective, you might want to be cognizant of that reality. >> i think they are a i cutely aware of the optics and it benefits the base. that's part of the problem. it's plut sizing this. it's turning history into a battlefield. we should be teaching much more civics education. much more history, the good, the bad and the ugly. understand all of it. and we can have a debate about the outer reaches and sometimes people try to push agendas, but
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when you start trying to pull books and pull courses, that's just about not elevating it up. >> how much of this is a strategy, a plan and how much of this is you look at the number on a state and local level of crt-related legislation, re legislation related to gender ideology. any of that stuff over the course of an 18-month period that just flew out into the public and trying to push these issues and republican legislatures in particular, it didn't seem like this was a grand plan or strategy. they thought there was political upside to it. am i minimizing this or not giving enough credit to some broader effort or plan here or is this political points? >> i think it's political points. my take on this is if we don't teach and learn about ours past, how can we appreciate our progress and where we have come
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from. we should want our children to learn critical thinking, so it's not indoctrination, that's misleading. i think having an education on all of our history, the good, the bad, the ugly, it's so important to our critical thinking skills. in college i went to a liberal arts school where it was very focused on the left of things, but i had to think for myself and speak up. we should want our children to do that. what sand sers doing is following ron desantis in a lot of ways. she has not made her endorsement for president yet. >> i think you are minimal liezing it. it is a part of a larger scheme. any time you can divide people along gender ideology ors race or whatever it maybe, these are culture wars that republicans think they are winning. what happens is our children get caught.
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we're watching -- in south carolina they actually banned a book. so instead of educating our children, we're making them dumber. >> thank you. good conversation. still ahead, why hunter biden's lawyer has asked to withdraw from his case. the family made famous by the movie "the blind side" is pushing back against michael oher's claims that they kept millions of dollars from him. he snores like an angry rhino. you've never heard an angry rhino. baby i hear one every night... every night. okay. i'll work on that. save 50% on the sleep number limited d edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. shshop now only at sleep number. i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rerdens enamel.
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- [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. the special counsel investigating hunter biden says the plea deal is now invalid. his lawyers the deal might be salvaged this week, but the agreement to resolve the felony gun possession charge was never approved by a probation officer and is not binding. there's a back and forth yesterday. what should be the take away in terms of what this means for hunter biden going forward? >> so there's one thing they are in agreement on, and that is that there's no plea deal over the tax misdemeanor charges. doj wanted those charges dismised from court because they
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say we want to charge him in a different district. biden's team is not objecting to that. the only reason it was filed in delaware is it was negotiated. they are on opposite ends on this effort to resolve the felony gun possession charge. special counsel david weiss saying because the probation officer never signed off on it, it was not a done deal, it's not binding, it's not real. biden's team is saying doj signed it and hunter biden signed it, so that alone should be enough because this type of deal is usually one that is worked out between two parties. it's usually just a bilateral agreement. but the deal is they put it before the judge. she wasn't too keen on it. she raised questions about its constitutionality. now it's back in her court to decide where we go from here. >> this is a federal gun charge he had this diversion agreement on and that's nowhere. also the lead attorney withdrawing from the case. why?
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>> christopher clark has been representing biden during this investigation. he was the point person dealing with doj in negotiating the plea deal. the drafting of the plea agreements, and now they are saying that he needs to withdraw from the case because he could be a witness in this as they are try stil trying to contest these plea agreements. they have agreed on the tax thing. i don't think they want to give it up. they are hoping they end up in the same place they were once this special counsel investigation concludes. >> thank you for stay ing on to of it. "cnn this morning" continues right now. good morning, it's the top of the hour. we're so glad your with us. let's start with five things to know for this wednesday, august 16th. donald trump now has nine days to turn himself in after facing his fourth indictment. we're now learning he's expected to be backed at the fulton county jail in georgia. >> new reporting reveals that trump ally rudy giuliani is staring down hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal s


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