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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  July 31, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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reporters how he felt mentally being out there on the field with his teammates once again. >> for me, you know, it was tough. you know, just first day in pads, you know, just just trying to keep everything as normal as possible. you know, just having my family there today, that was like that joy, that brightness, just to keep everything in perspective, you know, that, you know, i'm i'll be okay. >> we wish damar only the very, very best. to our viewers, thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." you can follow me on instagram @wolfblitzer. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next -- two major indictments looming for trump on this monday. the da investigating trump's efforts to overturn georgia's election as her case is ready to
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go as a federal jury meets tomorrow as special counsel jack smith gets new evidence in the mar-a-lago case. plus, remarkable new video into "outfront" of ukrainian forces taking out one of putin's prized rocket launchers as a putin arch nemesis loses his appeal. his wife is "outfront." a long-time republican operative quits ron desantis. why he says the problem isn't the campaign, it's desantis himself. ed rollins is my guest. let's go "outfront." good evening, i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, new surveillance video in the mar-a-lago case just surfacing. a development tonight, a breaking development. we'll share more details in a moment because it comes as two major indictments are looming for trump. in washington the grand jury investigating trump's efforts to overturn the election are expected to meet hours from now. in georgia a grand jury that could vote on whether to indict trump met today. that vote could come as early as tomorrow.
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in atlanta where barricades now surround the fulton county superior court, all eyes are on those two grand juries currently hearing cases there. no one of them meets mondays and tuesdays. the other one meets thursdays and fridays. so, willis and her team can present their case to either of those grand juries. so, they could have started today. willis making it clear that she's ready to go. >> one thing we accomplished, we've been working for 2 1/2 years, we're ready to go. >> ready to go. so, the window for a possible indictment in georgia is now wide open. team trump knows that. today their long-shot bid to try to shut down that investigation failed. a judge rejecting trump's efforts to disqualify the fulton county district attorney you just saw there, fani willis, from investigating the former president. writing, the drum beat from the district attorney has been neither partisan in the political sense nor personal in marked and refreshing contrast.
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this all comes as yet another investigation involving trump, the special counsel jack smith's probe into trump's handling of classified documents in mar-a-lago is heating up tonight. mar-a-lago property manager carlos de oliveira made his court appearance. he's accused of plotting with trump to delete surveillance video sought by investigators. he was released on $100,000 bond. his attorney is being paid for by trump's save america pac, a pac that has spent $40 million covering trump's legal fees. evan perez is "outfront" live in washington. we have new evidence breaking as well as two grand juries, d.c. and georgia. >> reporter: right. >> meeting tomorrow. the georgia one, of course, if it was hearing trump, met today, we don't know, an indictment could come in either or both cases as soon as tomorrow. what are you learning? >> reporter: well, erin, we know certainly our eyes are going to be here on the grand jury in
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washington. they had an unusually long day last thursday. they were in there for several hours. we saw an unusual amount of activity from prosecutors, pretty much all the prosecutors who have been dealing with various parts of this investigation stretching from the january 6th allegations, obviously, to the efforts of the former president to try to overturn the election results in those states. all of that happening last thursday. so, it is possible that come tomorrow, this grand jury is going to be convened and they could take a vote. certainly everybody was anticipating it could happen thursday or some time this week. so, certainly for the special counsel team, they're aware of the calendar. they know that we're about three weeks away from the first republican debate. so, certainly all eyes are on them tomorrow. we don't expect, erin, for example, that there's a number of witnesses still yet to come, like bernie kerik. we don't expect that affects the calendar here. we expect they could vote as soon as tomorrow. >> all right. now, obviously, you've got that
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possible huge development. you also have in the mar-a-lago case for jack smith, new surveillance video surfacing. we know the superseding indictment talked all about their efforts to hide videos. so, this seems pretty extraordinary. now we've got more footage. what do you know about it? >> this is in a court filing the prosecution made, certainly to sort of explain to the judge why they're producing some of the stuff to the defense team. as you know, they have to produce all of this information as part of the production for the defense. here is what they say today. they say that they received new video that was related to the new obstruction claims that were made by prosecutors in the latest indictment that was published on thursday. that was handed up on thursday. they say that this was new footage they received, again, since the initial indictment. that was back in june. so, that tells us that new information that they were able
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to receive from trump organization or from somewhere that relates to those allegations showing that they believe -- or indicates there were members of trump employees, really, who were trying to plot to delete surveillance footage. again, part of the obstruction picture that prosecutors are laying out. again, explaining to the judge why they're only now producing this to the defense. >> all right. thank you very much, evan. i want to go now to ryan goodman, former special counsel of the defense department, van jones, former special adviser, and thanks to all. ryan, let's start with this. we get this superseding indictment. they're talking about efforts to hide and deny surveillance footage. now we find out new footage has come forward. what does this mean? >> it's most curious. >> most curious. >> it's a puzzle, why would be they be subpoenaing for new
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footage in april of 2023, which is a year after they first subpoenaed for this video footage? and then why did they obtain new footage after the first indictment? so, we do know from at least "the new york times" reporting that the government was very concerned in early may at least that there were gaps in their surveillance footage. that's the big question. there's this idea that mr. taveras, the person in control of surveillance video in mar-a-lago, is the person cooperating with the government, has given them some information. did he then say, well, here's where the gaps are, here's additional footage or here it is in a different server or backup. that's what's curious because they say it relates specifically to the obstruction charge ichts. >> which is crucial. as we await a grand jury possibly making a decision here, returning an indictment tomorrow in washington, you've also got what's going on in georgia. that georgia judge today ruled against trump. his last-ditch effort to disqualify fani willis there, saying the drum beat of the
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district attorney has been neither partisan in the political sense nor personal. trump's obviously paints a very different picture. and republicans, many of them, believe him. so, when this comes, does this one have any chance in georgia of being seen as nonpartisan? >> trump's whole playbook is just to attack institutions, attack individuals, try to discredit anybody who stands against him because he's standing on a pile of quicksand. i mean, it's obvious that he behaved in a way that no president has ever behaved after an election. it's obvious that he's hiding boxes, doing all kinds of weird stuff, telling people to do stuff. he only has one move, to discredit the people who are trying to hold him accountable. there are people who fall for this. i'm glad to see a judge point out this is -- he's actually being treated like any other defendant. this is the normal course of business for our justice system. he has to deal with that. >> carl, two potential
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indictments against trump that could come within days, right, georgia and the federal election interference case. so we know originally fani willis requested additional security in georgia around that fulton county courthouse for this couple week period we're entering now. so how concerning is this from a security standpoint? you're talking about what's going on in fulton county and what's going on in washington, d.c. >> i think it's very concerning. look, we know that president trump has enormous influence over population here in the united states. we saw that on january 6th where people were incited to storm the capitol. over 1,000 people have been arrested by the fbi for those efforts. many of them said they were following what they believed were orders given by the president. and, you know, in the georgia case, we have seen cases where people took -- showed a lot of bravery and courage to stand up to trump. i think secretary of state brad
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raffensperger refused to find more votes, got a lot of harassment and was concerned, very concerned for his safety as a result of taking that stance. >> he was. >> ryan, so, you know, in fulton county, fani willis said she's ready to go. she spoke with an atlanta radi station and she said something, you used the word curious. this is curious. i don't know what jack smith is doing and jack smith doesn't know what i'm doing. in all honesty, if jack smith was standing next to me, i don't know i would know who he was. my guess is he can't pronounce my name correctly. for a long time you and many others have said that there had to be some coordination between these two. that would be important from a legal perspective and logistical perspective. what do you hear when you hear her say, i wouldn't even know who he was? >> it's most unusual in the sense that the norm would be for the federal prosecutor and the state prosecutor to coordinate, compare notes, maybe even share information about what witnesses
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have said because otherwise there would be a disadvantage, vis-a-vis a potential defendant. the defendant would have more information to discovery in both cases than each individual prosecutor would have on their own. that's why they would to want share that information and the like. >> that would be completely above board and normal. >> yes, above board and normal. it's bizarre in a certain sense because they're not serving their own interest. each one of them, their best interest should probably be in some level of communication. so, one wonders, is it ego? what's going on mere? why is one keeping a distance from the other? that doesn't quite make sense for what their true self-interest should be for pursuing justice. >> you don't want to hear the word ego coming into these things, that's the whole point. i think it's significant you mentioned this. van, the context is also that republicans are focusing on hunter biden. house oversight committee questioned his former business partner today. congressman dan goldman said devin archer said hunter put his father on call with business partners more than 20 times but congressman goldman says they
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did not talk business. he was put on the calls but no business was discussed in those conversations. a source familiar with the interview said hunter biden was selling the illusion of access to his father. so, van, how long do you think republicans will continue down this path? how damaging can it be? >> i think they're going to continue because they don't have much else to talk about. listen, people with famous last names using them for their own purposes, whether you're talking about billy carter, remember, jimmy carter's brother billy carter. bill clinton had roger clinton. you have people in your families, they're nenair-do-wel. the only thing is did biden know something was happening? there's no conjecture. i think republicans will continue to raise this issue because they want to dirty up biden's name. >> ryan, in the court of public
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opinion, if biden -- if this is what he was saying, he was on the calls, but business wasn't discussed, still, why was he on the calls? to promote the brand is what archer is saying. is that just a pr issue if this is the way it's laid out or is there a legal issue? >> i don't see a legal issue from the facts we currently have. there's an irony here in a certain sense because congress is trying to justify the republican members this investigation on the idea we might need legislation. in order to try to regulate this behavior because right now you don't see any conduct that's legal, there is regulational law prohibiting it, even though it might be highly unethical or distasteful. >> right. thank you all very much. appreciate it. so many moving parts as we await these crucial grand jury meetings in the next few hours. next, trump's own words coming back to haunt him. uncovering video of the former president railing against hillary clinton for the same allegation he's facing now, trying to destroy evidence.
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>> and what about the serve server? what about the server? how did that happen? plus, denied. a russian court rejecting an appeal from top putin critic, facing 25 years now for criticizing putin's war, headed to a penal colony. what's next? his wife is my next. and suspected gilgo beach serial killer took money but reportedly using food stamps. so why do we leave so much untapped potential on the table? this is a next level bed, for a next level you. my circadian rhythm is kicking your circadian rhythms butt! it's not a competition. i know, but i'm still winning! so it is a competition. save up to $500 on the new sleep number® smart bed. plus, 60 month financing on most smart beds. shop now only at sleep number®. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance
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are dead, including a mother and child, and more than 07 injured after russian missiles hit a residential area in president zelenskyy's hometown. the missile strike comes a day after zelenskyy said the war is returning to russia as ukraine hit moscow with another drone attack, the second in a week. ukraine's military saying it hit a russian surface-to-air surface missile in south donetsk, the same missile used to attack ukraine. cnn cannot verify where or when it happened but it would be a significant development. nick paton walsh is on the front lines of ukraine's counteroffensive. >> reporter: the fight so fierce and victory so bitter there is little left to defend it from troops. no structures, just the dust of
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a tiny four-road village. the first gains of ukraine's renewed full-throttle counteroffensive. so small but symbolic. russia even claimed monday with constant shelling it had pushed ukraine out of it again. something these men fresh back from that fight would scoff at. fought all ten days of the assault until the russians finally fled. here he is as shells rain around in the initial advance. when you assault on the enemy shelling, he says, you have nowhere to hide. that's the hardest part. they've since tried to assault again twice with small groups. and he fought here, too, the town before it where the
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russians hid 200 troops in the basements, not even leaving for the toilet, so ukraine attacked with a smaller force. he takes us to where the russians made their final stand, the school hall and its corridors. there is no love, says the wall. they seem to relish the nothing they brought and left no clues as to why they fought. one of the hard things for the ukrainians to understand is quite why the russians are fighting so hard for here, and more recent victory down the road. is it that these are the last lines of defense? well, no, they think there's far more fighting to be done. i hope that when we get through the last line of defense, he says, then they start to run. for now, they still feel there is something behind them. we feel support, but we are very, very tired.
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there is so much more ahead to come. ukraine may have put in its reserves now to the fight, but they face the same russian brutality. the tactics haven't changed, he says. they put the convicts in front with no communication or information. they stand till death. i don't understand their motivation or what they're fighting for. reva carries a new russian ak-12 as a trophy as he describes the gas they used on him. there was chaotic shooting, he says, to find out where we were. then the gas. you don't feel it, it moves slow along the ground. i was packing my rucksack when i felt burning on my throat and nose. one mine zapper is busy telling
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me how the russians have started booby trapping mines, putting a grenade under an anti-tank mine when he's interrupted. almost endless the noise of outgoing fire. they are moving, but just not sure how much longer for. make no mistake, the success they saw is rare, frankly, and a change in pace. some say that is potentially ukraine stepping up a gear in its counteroffensive, but the troops we spoke to have been fighting similarly brutal fights for months now. pleased to see some success, but perhaps concerned as to how much longer they can keep that kind of pressure up, erin. >> thanks very much from ukraine. also amos cow court rejecting top putin critic kara-murza. he is a dual russian-british citizen. he lived with his family in the
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united states. he was in prison for nearly 16 months after calling putin's government a, quote, regime of murderers. he survived two assassination attempts after being poisoned in 2015 and 2017, and now an additional 25 years in this sentencing. evgenia kara-murza, vladimir's wife, is "outfront." i'm sorry about the circumstances we're speaking here tonight. i know that you -- you knew what you were facing here with this trial. i put the word trial in quotes. but what went through your head when you actually heard the news that your husband's appeal was rejected? >> first of all, thank you very much for inviting me here again, erin. and thank you so very much for reporting on and following vladimir's case because just as in soviet times, in today's, in putin's russia, the blitz city is often our very weapon to keep alive our loved ones who have been imprisoned by the russian
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government nor speaking against the war or for protesting against the crimes of the regime. to answer your question, well, of course the rejections of the appeal did not come as a surprise, not after this very long and tiresome trial that was held in moscow. and i did not expect them to behave any differently now that the trial finally reached its end. so, no surprises there. >> no surprises, and yet you're looking at a situation where your husband, who has survived poisoning attempts multiple times, and i know still suffers very seriously and grievously from those. you're now hearing he's going to russian penal colony, a 25-year sentence. evgenia, what happens now? >> the next step is the transfer. and this is a very dangerous period in the life of any prisoner, especially prisoners
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in russia because their russian government is now using a new tactic, a new method of silencing these opposition activists. they tend to lose prisoners during transfer. you see, under russian law, there is no set time limit on transfers. transfers can take several months. and during this period the russian authorities under russian law are not required to provide any information about a person's whereabouts to either this person's family or his lawyers. during this period a person is basically lost to the outside world and anything can be done to the person during transfer. then, of course, after they transfer will be the strict regime, 25 years of strict regime somewhere very far away from moscow, i suspect, but since we're not dealing with any normal legal procedures, we're
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not dealing with a normal justice system and the entire process is just -- we have no idea when the transfer will happen, where will vladimir be transferred. we have no idea how quickly it will be done. so, nothing. just -- we don't know anything. >> and i know you must be so worried. you and your children, of course, their father looking at a 25-year sentence. what are your biggest concerns about his health? i know he's been suffering very much during these past 16 months? >> vladimir has symptoms polyneuropathy from the two previous assassination attempts against him by poisoning. these symptoms are not getting much better because he's not receiving the care a person with
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such a medical condition should receive. a person with vladimir's condition should lead a very active lifestyle and try to do physical exercises all the time. he has no opportunity behind bars. he's not alone in this. today's prisoners are held without proper medical care. i can name just a few. evengi is suffering from a hot condition. alexy is suffering as well. many activists of crimea are held behind bars with no medical care at all. vladimir is not alone in this. this is yet another method used by the authorities to deal with those who oppose the regime. >> evgenia, thank you very much. i appreciate you speaking and speaking out. of course, our thoughts with you and your children. thank you. >> thank you very much, erin.
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next, uncovering video of trump slamming hillary clinton for the same thing investigators say trump did, that is destroying evidence. a long-time party operative parting ways with desantis, calling him a flawed candidate. ed rollins is "o"outfront." han . i made a horrible mistake. ♪ go to your happy price ♪ ♪ priceline ♪ rich, velvety coffee. café quality espresso. one high-pressure system that can do both. brew to your heart's desire withhe l'or barista system. a sterpiece in taste. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms...
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sleepovers just aren't what they used to be. a house full of screens? basically no hiccups? you guys have no idea how good you've got it. how old are you? like, 80? back in my day, it was scary stories and flashlights. we don't get scared. oh, really? mom can see your search history. that's what i thought. introducing the next generation 10g network. only from xfinity. tonight trump's words coming back to bite him. example after example of the former president on the record railing against accusations of destroying evidence. when the allegations were lobbied at someone else, hillary
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clinton in this case, and prosecutors alleged trump employees attempted to delete surveillance footage at trump's request. after the justice department issued a subpoena for the footage. here's some of what our k file found that trump has said about this very issue when it came to hillary clinton. >> she even created an illegal private email server, then she deleted 33,000 emails to try and cover her tracks. 33,000 deleted or gone. remember they used to say wipe the server? wipe the server. how about the server? how did that happen? how did that happen? >> she deleted her emails. people go to jail for that. [ crowd chanting ] >> senior editor of the k file joins me now. andrew, those were just a few of
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the examples you have unearthed of trump's hypocrisy, just a few. >> yeah. it seems like at every different step of this investigation there's a new trump hypocrisy angle. first it was when this investigation first starting, all those calls we found he made for lengthy jail sentences, first for clinton and then for people in his own administration who he alleged mishandled classified information. then when we saw this indictment, it was those past attacks that he made on clinton at the end of that 2016 campaign where he was saying basically that if somebody -- a president was under felony indictment, it would grind the government to a halt. he said it would create an unconstitutional crisis. then we see with these clips where he's talking about, you know, clinton wiping the server. we see that hypocrisy there. take a listen to this other comment on clinton from 2016. >> they even took a hammer to
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some of ther 13 phones to cover up her tracks in obstruction of justice. these email records were destroyed after she received a subpoena, remember that word, after, after she received a subpoena from congress to turn them over. if you do that in private enterprise, it's a violation of the law. she did this after receiving a subpoena from the united states congress. >> which is, of course, what they're saying the very exact thing he did. the infamous hammer. we don't know what he wanted them to do with the surveillance footage. they have some level of incompetence, not deleting it. so much of the special counsel's case has been bolstered, even in the case of the surveillance video, by text messages. they put them in the indictment and you're literally read eg the
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actual conversation people had on text. and you found a very specific example of trump warning against this very thing, putting anything in writing. >> yeah. there's very famous line on the show "the wire" where they're talking about not taking notes of a criminal conspiracy theory, and this seems to be advice trump himself in the past has talked about taking when he's talking about, well, we didn't have text messages when he made these comments in 2005. he's talking about email. take a listen to trump basically saying, you know, don't put anything in writing. >> what really fascinates me is email. i have friends -- first of all, half of my friends are under indictment right now because they sent emails to each other about how they're screwing people, right? but it's unbelievable. >> why -- >> email is unbelievable. you talk on the phone, you can't even say hello. they don't want to say hello or
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good-bye yet they'll write a message they're having sex with 15 different married women. it's unbelievable. >> so that was then, this is now. it's going to be interesting to see how this stuff plays out as the case goes on. >> right. because as i said, you're just reading the text messages. it's like reading a novel but these are actual texts the special counsel has obtained. thank you very much. let's go to stephanie grisham, former trump white house press secretary. the irony of the comments the kfile uncovered, you've heard from trump over and over over the years, right, this obsession with hillary clinton and the server and the lock her up, it was the chant of his campaign, but it all takes on new meaning now. >> yeah, you're right, erin. thanks for having me, by the way. it was as interesting as i was listening to those clips, i was considering who was the audience that trump was talking to when he was talking about hillary clinton? it was when he was running for
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office. he was talking to people he wanted to vote for him. and it just hit me literally three seconds ago. the people who are running against trump should be doing this exact same thing. they should be using his own words but against him and getting that very audience to understand the hypocrisy and also the deep amount of trouble that he's in right now with all of the investigations, but, you know, aside from chris christie and a little bit from will hurd, you have not heard from any other republican candidates really slapping him the way he would slap hillary on a daily basis. >> well, and we know from the indictment, of course, stephanie, that trump spoke to carlos de oliveira, his codefendant now, he spoke to him on the phone for roughly 2 minutes. after that conversation, de oliveira tells anoer mar-a-lago employee that the boss wants the security footage deleted. yet, de oliveira even now has not yet turned on trump. why do you think he is so willing to risk everything for
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trump, as, by the way, walt nat t a appears to be. >> i think this is a design that trump does to people. i think he chooses and selects vulnerable people to surround him. i'm putting myself in that group, by the way. you know, if you think about this new gentleman who i've never seen as mar-a-lago, and i spent a lot of time there, when you consider him the fact that he started as a valet, worked his way up, he really owes trump. this is what he does. he chooses people who have -- they work their way up and we feel ingratiated towards him, we owe him. it's scary, the thought of turning on trump right now. his lawyers being paid for right now and he has a job. you get out into that world without the trump cushion and it's very scary and it's not very friendly, i've got to tell you. it's not lucrative and you have to think about how am i going to support my family. how will i ever pay for these legal bills? i think it's a very basic necessity of survival that somebody like carlos wouldn't turn on trump.
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>> pretty incredible. now possibly looking at very, very serious prison time. those security footage pleas carry, i believe, 20 years as a maximum. so, he's got very serious decisions to make. thank you, stephanie. i appreciate it as always. next, a top republican strategist who was all in on ron desantis now saying the problem is not the campaign, it is desantis himself. ed rollins is "outfront" next. we are learning the accused gilgo beach serial killer's firm did work for both target and the trump org. that's not all. so, what did he do and where did all the money go? we have new reporting ahead. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty.y. liberty. ♪ this is your summer to smile. to raise your glass and reconnect. to reel in the fun and serve up great times. to help u get ready your aspen dental te is celebrating
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tonight a veteran republican operative who helped get ronald reagan elected says it's not ron desantis' campaign that's the problem, it's ron desantis. ed rollins has worked on eight presidential campaigns, knows the iowa caucus inside and out, and started a super pac last year supporting desantis. tonight he is calling him, quote, a very flawed candidate and it comes as a new poll shows desantis 37 polls behind trump. desantis performing weakes among key demographic groups for republican candidate. 13% among those without a college degree. ed rollins is with me now. he ran the pro-trump great
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america pac in the last two elections and just quet the pro-desantis super pac for 2024. ed, i very much appreciate your time. i know even as you and i were sitting here in the few minutes before you came to air, you're talking about the changes in your party. what made you quit desantis? >> you know, i thought desantis -- my biggest problem with trump today is i think all the legal problems are going to just weight him down. it's going to be very hard to run a campaign and communicate effectively. the ultimate goal is to get biden out of there and you have to win in order to govern. i thought desantis based on his victory over charlie crist in florida was going to do that. i started to worry about all the stuff that he's doing down there with disney, go to what are with the schools, what have you. iowa is a different place. iowa is a place that ronald reagan in 1980 didn't go to iowa because he had been the voice of iowa and his manager at that time said, we don't need to go there, we're going to win it. george wush went there, became vice president because of it.
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beat us by a couple thousand votes. jimmy carter basically won the presidency on iowa. iowa is a place that wants you to come and talk to them about their kids, about what's -- about their farms. they don't care about all this stuff that desantis is talking about. >> you're talking about the culture wars? >> the culture -- >> the drag queens, disney. >> he they want to know about farms, price of grain, how much a tractor is going to cost, and there was none of that. i think there was no game plan there. so, he raised a lot of money. money doesn't make it. i mean, jeb bush was a great candidate, a great governor. didn't -- couldn't put it together. >> so, okay, you're talking about his culture war he's chosen to pick. that is where he's staked his claim, right? disney, right? every time he gets, he goes down on that. he is responding to you, though, and your criticisms on his decision to focus on that in a new interview on fox tonight. let me just play what he said.
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>> when i hear about culture war, standing up for the rights of parents, standing up for the well-being of children, that's not some, quote, culture war. that is central to the lives of tens of millions of people throughout this country. it is the right thing to do to stand with our kids. it is the right thing to impose indoctrination in the schools. i totally reject being in iowa and new hampshire that people don't think those are important. they do think they're important. >> well, first of all, attacking me is foolish. i'm just an old man who's been around politics for a long time. he needs to be attacking biden. he needs to talk about what he would do differently as a president. the reality here is, some people may understand his issues. florida is not a place that everybody lives. it's a great place. a lot of people love it. but the culture war is not something most people understand. and i think to a certain extent if that's where he's going to go, he's going to -- people want local schools. people in iowa can determine what they want in their school books. and i think to a certain extent
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if that's going to be his campaign, it's not going to be very good. >> all right. so, if that's his campaign, it's not going to be very good. it's also, though, what we've been seeing from him. in iowa it's very blatant. as you say iowa, it's small, a a diner, 20 people, you need a warmth about you. and then that goes more broadly. here's what we've seen from ron desantis the past few days in iowa. >> what is that? an icee? that's probably a lot of sugar. >> always, yeah. >> well, i'm here. i don't know -- yeah, yeah, it's good. say hi to everyone. >> anyone who's been to iowa, i know you have many times, state farm, those kids are all very important issues. you go in there prepared. my sense is he flew in there, got off his plane and basically thought he was going to be the challenger to trump. trump still has his base and
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trump is going to be very tough to beat. >> ed, thank you very much. >> my pleasure. >> i appreciate your time. >> my pleasure. the wife of the suspected gilgo beach killer speaking out saying her children cry themselves to speak after their father's shocking arrest. the actor best known for playing pee-wee herman has died. you're crazy. >> i know you are, but what am i? r more value to your customers. fast. reliable. perfrfectly orchestrated. the united states popostal service.
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plus, 60 month financing on most smart beds. shop now only at sleep number®. tonight, the wife of suspected serial killer, rex heuermann, in an exclusive interview, revealing her two adult children cry themselves to sleep following the shocking arrest. they no longer feel human. she says the damage to her home is so bad, she doesn't have a bed to sleep in. her husband is expected in court tomorrow, where we will see him for the first time since his arrest. and tonight we have new reporting on his finances. despite living in this dilapidated house purchased for $170,000 and reportedly shopping with food stamps, the 59-year-old architect may be worth millions. i want to go to city hall reporter, matthew chase.
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he's been in on the ground at gilgo beach. matt, you have been covering the story since the beginning. your latest reporting is fascinating. let's start with a project heuermann worked on. multimillion dollar contracts. his client list includes a who's who list of global brands. he helped design a target store in new york city. you've confirmed he worked on donald trump wall street tower and that trump deal alone was worth $200,000. how much was he making, matt? >> you know, erin, first, thank you for having me. it's a mystery how much exactly mr. heuermann made. but we added up all of the projects that we were able to find records for, and we got roughly a total of $68.1 million over the years. i spoke to a professor, coincidentally at his alma mater, who said that in general architect's fee is 10% to 15%. do the math.
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10% of $70 million. what is that? 7 to -- 15%? it's like $7 million to $11 million. >> yeah. and that's how much he would -- you're just thinking you're making that over years and you're investing it, you're saving it. he certainly wasn't spending it on his home. and that's the next question here, matt. i mean, let's look at where he was living. he was living in a single story house. his family were reportedly using food stamps to buy food, which obviously is a crime too, if you have money. so, where in the world do you think the money went? do you have any reporting sense of that at this point? >> you know, another mystery of rex heuermann, erin. i don't know where he spent his money. i will say he had a gun volt in the basement, had a lot of guns, according to the police department, who searched it very thoroughly. he had property, i believe, in nevada, in north carolina. but as for what he was doing with his money, it's another
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mystery. >> incredible. and you talk, again, 7 to $11 million over years, just basic investment. this person could be a very, very wealthy man. and heuermann's neighbors have described him as a cold, scary individual who would dress in grubby clothes. but, again, you spoke to some of his colleagues, and they had a very different impression of them. so, what did you learn from them? >> really a contrast again. long island is how you describe it. go to the city. he's not living in -- he's not working in a ramshackle place. he's working on fifth avenue. he's in the shadow of the empire state building. one of his colleagues described him as very well put together, very professional, very pressed, very professional. and someone else on his floor said he would make small talk, nothing amiss. his office, you know -- i was there last week on friday. you look in, from what we could see, average office anywhere in
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america. there's a conference table. there's wrigley chewing gum on the shelf. there's unopened boxes that are addressed to his daughter, who of course worked there. so, there's this contrast between long island, as you describe, and, you know, what we found in the city where he worked. >> and so bizarre. and of course his wife and as i mentioned, his grown children, seeing both sides of that. it is unbelievable. well, thank you so much, matt. i really appreciate you're sharing all this reporting. i know you've done an extraordinary amount of work on it. >> thank you so much, erin. tributes pouring in for the actor best known as pee-wee herman, who has died after a long and private battle with cancer. (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how?
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tonight, paul reubens, the comedian behind the iconic and eccentric character, pee-wee herman, has died. he was 70 years old. and here's a clip the fans of the show will recognize. >> then you're crazy. >> i know you are, but what am i. >> you're a nerd. >> i know you are, but what am i? >> you're an idiot. >> i -- >> he was a goofy, quirky, childhood character. "pee wee's play house" ran for five years in the k8s and 90s. his death comes after a secret six-year battle with cancer. his illness revealed in a statement released by his representatives today in the wake of his death. thanks so much to all of you for joining us. "ac 360" begins now.