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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash  CNN  April 9, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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snow pack that's been coming down the last few months and in turn, you're going to get some localized flood. from all of that. run off. take a look. las vegas normal high this time of year 77. they're going to be in the nineties. starting this week. los angeles palm springs, even sacramento all going to see those temperatures above normal while it may feel nice, victor and aymara, one of the key things is going to be that it will turn into a concern with the flooding, boy. all right, allison chinchar. thank you. and hope you all have a great easter . if you're celebrating, thank you so much for joining us this morning. have a great sunday. we will see you back here next weekend. state of the union starts right now. the right to choose to federal judges split, throwing the future of a key abortion medication into question by the
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administration should ignore this ruling. how will the fda respond? health and human services secretary javier bezerra and democratic congresswoman alexandria koziol cortez next and political retribution. tennessee republicans expelled two democrats over their gun reform protests during session they think of the issues over we'll see you on monday, another flashpoint in the guns debate. you've aldi congressman tony gonzalez will join me, plus ultra mega, a defiant former president vows to fight charges against him as other ongoing probes accelerate our republican voters responding do not go to the gutter avoided, it turns off the voters. hello i'm dana bash in washington, where the state of our union is wondering what doesn't become politicized these days, we just closed out an especially bitter and divisive
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week in american politics. on tuesday, former president donald trump was indicted in new york and is vowing vengeance as it appears possible. the case could go to trial months before the presidential election. on thursday to tennessee state lawmakers were expelled by republicans for protesting in favor of gun restrictions following a mass shooting in a nashville elementary school. and on friday, two federal judges split over the future of the medication. abortion drug mifepristone, a judge in texas gave the biden administration seven days to appeal his decision, which blocked the fda is approval of the widely used abortion drug, throwing many women and medical providers into a state of certainty. here with me now is the secretary of health and human services. javier becerra. thank you so much for coming in this morning . so this texas ruling banning medford crestone goes into effect on friday unless the stay is issued the question that women across america have right
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now is will they have access to abortion medication after this week? well they certainly have access today and we intend to do everything to make sure it's available to them not just in a week but moving forward period because mifid kristen is one of the safest and most effective medicines that we've seen over the last 20 years to help women with with their health care, especially abortion care. so uh, it is incumbent upon us as a country. to make sure women have safe and effective medication available to do that. well we've already filed an appeal of this court's ruling. one judge in one court in one state. turned upside down. the fda is approval process for safe and effective medications. we have to go to court and seek an appeal. what happens if the ban is upheld? will this drug disappear from the market market overnight? so that's dana. that's big speculation. first and foremost
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when you turn upside down the entire fda approval process you're not talking about just miss mitford cristo. you're talking about every kind of drug you're talking about our vaccines. you're talking about insulin. you're talking about the new alzheimer's drugs that may come on. if a judge decides to substitute his preferences, personal opinion for that of scientists and medical professionals. what drug isn't subject to some kind of legal challenge, so we have to go to court and for america's sake and for women's sake we have to. we have to prevail in this. my next guest, democratic congresswoman alexandria, casio. cortes thinks that the fda should just ignore the texas judge's ruling. and you know she's not alone. i'm sure you've seen some legal experts argued the fda does have broad discretion. to simply choose not to enforce a ban and allow the drug to remain on the market. so yes or no as the hhs secretary, do you want the fda to enforce the texas ruling if
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it is upheld? in the short term . yes or no. we want the courts to overturn this reckless decision. yes or no? we want yes that women continue to have access to a drug that's proven itself safe. millions of women have used this drug around around the world for the 60 countries. but what if they don't act in the interim before you get to that point to believe that an appeals court the supreme court, whatever court has to understand that this ruling by this one. judge overturns not just access to mifid kristen, but possibly any number of drugs. what if they don't? that speculation that i think is not worth engaging in. are you taking it off the table that you will recommend the fda ignore? a ban. everything is on the table. the president said that way back when the dobbs decision came out, every option is on the table. so i want to ask about the supreme court because you obviously see this. you hope that you win an appeal.
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it will likely go to the supreme court. do you agree with that? good chance. so how worried are you that this court conservative majority in the united states supreme court will agree with the texas judge. if the role of judges and justices is to apply the law to the facts and the evidence, the facts and the scientific evidence are that medford. kristen is not just safe, but it's effective and it was properly approved. and so i don't care who the night justices on the supreme court or any court of appeal. they should be able to discern the difference between inserting their personal judgment and using the facts and evidence to make a legal ruling. do you feel confident that could happen with this court. i do, but i'm not on the courts, and certainly i'm not on that court where that texas judge decided to, uh, turn upside down the whole process that fda you has used for years . for many drugs. we are now in
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a period of uncertainty like this week. what's your message to women and to medical providers who want to get this drug and use this drug? this is not america. what you saw by that one judge in that one court in that one state that's not america. america goes by the evidence america does what's fair america does what is transparent and can we can show that what we do is for the right reasons. that's not america. secretary of hhs. have you ever sarah? thank you. so much for coming in, especially on easter. happy easter. now let's speak with congresswoman alexandria koziol cortez of new york. thank you for joining us on this holiday sunday. the abortion pill ruling doesn't take effect for seven days. you just heard me discussing that with how they ever sarah, that might be. the biden administration is appealing it. are you satisfied with what you just heard? and what would it mean for women? if approval for this pill is revoked nationwide? well you
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know, i do. while i commend the biden administration for appealing the decision, and i believe that secretary basada has been doing it at a phenomenal job in his role. i do think that when it comes to gaming out what the very real possibilities are in the coming days, weeks and months. this is not just about speculation, but this is about preparation, and the reality of our courts right now is very disturbing. this ruling is in extreme abuse of power. it is an extraordinary example of judicial overreach. the grounds of the ruling are completely are are just completely discredited and without grounds and what we also learned this week is that a supreme court justice of this court has been receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gifts and expenses and
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having lifestyle subsidies by a billionaire who has been funding the same types of judicial organizations that appointed this judge in a partisan ruling in the first place. i'm going to get to that in a second, i just want to stick with with abortion first. and the what? you just heard me. ask the secretary about was something that you called on the biden administration to do, which is just to simply ignore the court ruling. that's a pretty standing position. if you think about it in the in the abstract about the notion of just ignoring a judge's position, so my question is when this case is resolved by the supreme court. should the administration followed that decision. if that decision ends up banning this abortion drug well, you know, i want to take a step back and dig into the grounds around ignoring this preliminary ruling as well. there is an extraordinary amount of precedent. for this. there is
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a term known as agency non acquiescence, and this has been used in for focusing. this is a first that this is precedent setting. it is not. the trump administration also did this very thing. but also it has happened before the idea of consistency and governance until there is a higher court ruling is not an unprecedented thing to happen. in fact, when the trump administration did it, it was arguably through to a much, you know a very grave issue. when it came to dhaka, the trump administration was ordered. to fully reinstate daca the daca program, and they in in in complete defiance, did not do that they rely on the courts rely on the legitimacy of their rulings and when they make a mockery of our system, a mockery of our democracy and a mockery of our law as as what we just saw happen in this myth of kristen ruling, then i believe
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that the executive branch and we know that the executive branch has an enforcement discretion, especially in light of a contradicting ruling coming out of washington should that apply if the supreme court upheld upholds the texas judge's decision. you know, i think one of the things that i think one of the things that we need to examine is the grounds of that ruling. but i do not believe that the courts have the authority to have the authority over the fda that they just asserted, and i do believe that it creates a crisis. should the supreme court do that? it would essentially institute national abortion ban because you have an extraordinary amount of states who have implemented surgical's surgical bands or bands after very early time periods. and then if you pair that with a mythical kristen ban, then we will essentially have a ban on
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abortion. with i mean, there are certain workarounds. i will admit there would be certain workarounds, but we would have taken a very significant step towards a national abortion ban . when once you ban medication abortion, which represents or start banning medication abortion, which represents the overwhelming number of abortions in the united states, then we are in extremely dangerous territory, and i would urge the supreme court in its lawlessness that they are exhibiting right now. already they're extraordinary conflict of interest. i mean, my hope would be that we do not get to that point. if we do i do believe that we must start to start to push back on our system of checks and balances, which is designed to push back on should there be an example of judicial tyranny and judicial overreach? talk more about the supreme court and what you mention and before, which is that justice
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clarence thomas. you want him to be impeached after a new pro public report this week revealed that he accepted luxury vacations from the republican billionaire don't donor without disclosing them. thomas is now defending himself. and here's what he's saying. he's saying, quote early in my tenure at the court. i saw guidance from my colleagues and others in the judiciary and was advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends who did not have business before the court was reportable. was not reportable rather. what is your response? i think that his own statement contradicts contradicts many of the facts on the ground and also raises in other ways. even more serious questions later on. in his statement, he stated that the reason and the rationale for this exemption was personal hospitality from an old friend. and he said himself in his statement. a friend of 25 years. justice thomas has been on the
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court for 30 years and so to stay what he is admitting in his statement, in an attempt to defend himself is that he began this relationship with a billionaire and receiving these sorts of gifts as after he was appointed to the supreme court of the united states. i think that that in and of itself indicates a very, very serious problem, and then on top of that he is now implicating his colleagues and i do believe that chief justice john roberts must now come forward and state if he allows, and is allowing this kind of very serious corruption to happen on on this court. i think you know when it comes to justice. thomas's statement when he's talking about his colleagues, and when he's talking about who advised him to break the law. i think we need to know who those people are. to the justice department investigators. i mean, i believe what we what we're seeing right now is a breaking of the law and
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we have to examine what institutions i know that there are calls for. i know that there are calls for chief justice to the chief justice. roberts initiated an investigation. i do not think that this court any longer has the legitimacy, especially after the supreme court leak last year, which never came to a conclusion because the investigation itself that chief justice roberts started back then. i believe is very discredited by naming a position that has an inherent conflict of interest because it is employed by those justices to pursue that investigation. i believe that the and it is the houses responsibility to pursue that investigation in the form of impeachment. well, let me ask . you mean you, you know full well that the house is now run by republicans. how are you going to move what you're calling for articles of impeachment through a house that is run by republicans, you know , i think it's a it's a perfect there is the question of the politics of what we are doing.
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and there's the question of the course. and the accountability and the structures of what we are doing. i admit it is a it is very difficult to see a path in a republican party that refuses to hold itself accountable and, in fact breaches the law itself. for all of their talk of a crime wave and democrats, republicans talking about crime waves across the country. the crime wave is within the republican party. it is within all of the what we are seeing. we have we have seen. we are seeing breaking of the law by conservative members of the court. we are seeing a former president of the united states just indicted in the in recent days. i mean, we need to hold our systems accountable and i do not believe that we should be refusing to do that. for political reasons. i believe that we should pursue the course . and if it is republicans that decide to protect those who are
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breaking the law, then they are the ones who then are responsible for that decision, but we should not be complicit in that. alexandria ocasio cortez, democratic congresswoman of new york. thank you so much. and happy easter. thank you. and what did trump supporters think of president? former presidents indictment. you might be surprised we're going to hear from some of them coming up and the texas gop centered my next guest in part for supporting a gun safety bill after the massacre, and you've aldi, a town he represents in congress. kids are so exexpensive dad. kae needs braces. maybe try switching y your current trendso progressive. you can savave hundreds. don't know dad. maybe try switching your car insurance to progressive you could save hundreds. great idea. tv, dad, i said the exact same thing. someday when you're a father,
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you so much for joining me. i want to talk about guns and in in a minute, but first i do want to ask about that bombshell ruling from a federal judge in your home state of texas, revoking the fda approval for the abortion pill, mifid preston , you're an outspoken opponent of abortion rights. but are you at all concerned that this sets a dangerous precedent that any single judge can simply overrule scientific agencies as they see fit? dana. thank you for having me and happy easter from san antonio. a special shout out to a happy birthday to jackie. my four year old. he's already easter, baby. you know, on this ruling. i have six children. i am a prolific pro lifer, and i think it's important that we protect the sanctity of life. i believe in state rights here in texas, you know, we have a heart bill heartbeat bill that was passed, and i think it's important that states dictate their futures. and we have to have the courts uphold these. i mean, it's very dangerous. when you have the administration that
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biden administration coming out and saying they may not uphold a ruling as a as an appropriator on the house on the house republican side i look at it. the house republicans have the power of the purse, and if the administration wants to not not lead this ruling, not live up to this ruling, then we're going to have a problem. and it may be a come a point where house republicans on the appropriation side have to defund fda programs that don't make sense. you said that you want this to be states' rights, but isn't a federal judge saying that on a national level that a pill cannot be administered the opposite of states, right? well the states started this. the states had their ruling, and now the federal government is coming in and dictating. there's i think it's important that we have to get back and allow our institutions to lead. we can't undermine them when we don't agree with things that are there, whether it's on the state
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level. look, i'm from texas. we don't we don't have marijuana here. you know marijuana is in california and other places. if those are the kind of things that your community wants, then work it through your state working through the federal level, but we have to uphold our institution. tions. it's dangerous when we erode them. i want to move on. but i just want to 0.1 important thing out, which is that mifid press down isn't just used for abortion. it's also frequently prescribed for women experiencing a miscarriage and by some estimates as many as one million women miscarry every single year . so are they just on their own ? if this ruling is uphold, upheld no, i think it's important that we take care of women and we it's important that we have real discussions on women's health care and get off the abortion. get off the abortion conversation. women have a whole lot more other issues than just abortion. let's have those real conversations and let's talk about, you know, let's talk about the other
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things that are happening in this world. you know, i've got a picture of a meal. emily amelia and maria they recently passed away three weeks ago. do it to a small mugler in my district. what does that mean? that means there's all these other things happening in the world, especially in my district. i've got a district that's turned upside down due to this border crisis. there's everyday people that are impacted on this crisis to include the tambon jas. both things can be true. everyday people can be affected by by all of these issues facing americans . speaking of that, i want to turn to guns. you represent you baldy, where 19 children and two teachers were killed in that horrific school shooting. almost a year ago, you were censured by your party in texas after you voted for the bipartisan gun law in congress now in tennessee, republicans just expelled two democratic lawmakers after they protested. inaction on gun violence after the recent shooting there. why does it seem like the republican party. your
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party is responding to these school shootings by punishing people who are trying to address gun violence. what i'm seeing is both parties want to fight and they want to blame each other for everything that is wrong. let's get away with the labels done with the labels. let's get real problems and real solutions to real problems for people that are infected every single day. when it when a school shooting happens, it doesn't kill democrat kids or republican kids . it kills our kids. how do we come together? i was proud to support the safest community active. i would continue to do that. you know nobody's talking about this, but after the safe first community act was passed into law. there's been at least a dozen cases in which a similar body type shooting was prevented . i think this is a start. we have to do more one of the issues that i'm seeing as i'm having a problem with doj getting funding through these stop, stop school violence, grants and cops grants. so what
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you see in washington is oftentimes these people fight one another, or they give pats on the back until that money reaches our schools like here in san antonio, nobody is safe. these, uh shootings continue to happen everywhere. it's not just washington as i mentioned your own party in the state of texas centered you. because you supported this this bipartisan bill. yeah bipartisan. it's tough to work with with colleagues in today's environment, you know you you want to demonize one another. that doesn't help us. move the ball forward. we have to look beyond that. you know, going going back to canada? what's happening in tennessee? you know, we have to have an area where people can can have non violent protests. i think that's important to democracy. i think it's important to our republic that we have those speak out the vocal in a non violent way. once it turns into a violent aspect of it. we have to. we have to cut that out. it has to be at a point. where how do we come together? how do we bring this country together for the
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betterment of everybody to include keeping our kids safe in school? congressman let me ask you about what happened in new york this past week, the former president was charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records allegedly to hide hush money payments to a porn star. during the 2016 election. since then, he's gone after the judge overseeing the case, he called on republicans to defund the doj and fbi until they come to their senses. do you support former president trump's rhetoric and a call to defund federal law enforcement? president trump is a u s citizen. he is a he is a former president and he is innocent until proven guilty in this country, and what you're seeing is so many people because of their political affiliation or demonizing one another. we have to get back. we got to get away from that. we've got to get back to allowing things to take hold. once again. i'll go back to it. yes it's like watching a novella, a spanish soap opera. you can't look away. i get it. i
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want to know what trump had for breakfast just as much as an ex person, but back in my disk. we have real problems. we have emily and, uh, emily and maria that were killed. this is what this is what the border crisis looks like. imagine you're a grandmother that picks up your seven year old daughter and take her to a playdate. on your way home. you get killed by a smuggler that is going 100 miles an hour on facebook live in himself. this is what my district so yes, it's important what trump is doing and all these things, but how do we solve real problems? it's horrible, but i just want to say what what the former president is saying is to defund federal law enforcement. given the picture you just hold out and that terrific story you just talked about. i'm guessing you do not want federal law enforcement to be defunded. i want to see law enforcement and powered. i want to see law enforcement have greater training have greater equipment and a closer bond with their communities. congressman thank you so much. appreciate your your time and again happy
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easter. thank you. thank you. a group of die hard trump supporters were asked what they'd like to tell the former president, what they said might surprise you. my panel is next, he needs to learn to pick his battles. doublble check that that's pretty good. yes crying. are you taking that? and what was that? that n no, don't worry about that. here we go. question can greatly impact your future qualified to do this. what specially when it comes to your finances. do you have a question? are you a certified financial planner? yes i'm a cfp. professional professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's got to be a cfb. find your cfp professional and let's make a plan .org always been prone to hair thinning, getting older. because under a lot of stress i started takg neutral fall fall the number one dermatologist recommended hair growth
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you understand what it's actually worth. then they auction it to their network of professional buyers get more for your jewelry with worthy .com cnn news central tomorrow at nine eastern. welcome back to state of the union. this week, donald trump became the first former president indicted on criminal charges. so what is it means for his biggest supporters ? what do they think? well, pollster frank luntz and straight arrow news convened a focus group of trump backers this week. take a listen to the advice they had for the former president. if donald trump are listening to this focus group right now. what would you tell him? focus on what's going on in this country stop targeting
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desantis and start targeting biden. that's the guy that you want out of office. tell trump that his fellow republicans are not his enemies do not go to the gutter avoided, it turns off the voters would tell him that as president, he had great policies he needs to learn to pick his battles. and we are back with our panel. thank you for all for coming in one and all the senator scott brown. you worked for donald trump. you were his ambassador to terrible, terrible job in new zealand. what's your reaction to the news this week? obviously there's a political analysis and then there's a legal analysis. i mean, you look at the anti trumpers romney bolton. yeah and then you look at some of your own. it just took a note on. you know, ellie and then mccabe and van jones basically saying that, you know, it's inexplicable, inexplicable the case that was actually bright some concerns as all the political analysis analysis
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folks do about the statue of limitations, taking a state crime and turning into a federal crime, so he's got some challenges there, but the political side of it. yeah it gives them a bump. you can tell from the folks that are right there and we just heard gives them a little bump. but can you sustain it? he's got to focus on people. the issue is not himself, and that's exactly what we just heard from these trump voters. this focus group that franklin's dead fascinating. i'm sure you have similar conversations as a pollster. one thing that i think is so interesting about what these voters were saying in this focus group is that they don't want donald trump going after folks like ron desantis. what's always been tough for any of these other republicans in the field. is the asymmetry of donald trump can take a swing at them and people go. well. that's just how donald trump is. he just likes to throw punches. but if you're anybody else and you criticize trump, then suddenly everybody goes. oh gosh, you can't. why would you attack someone else within the own party and so to hear them actually saying no, i don't want you. donald trump attacking other republicans is interesting. it suggests. maybe that asymmetry is less present.
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maybe there is more room for someone like a desantis or nikki haley or whatever to take a little bit too. needle donald trump a little bit more fashion care. thank you so much for coming. welcome to the to the state of union roundtable. you worked for bernie sanders as a senior adviser. you know something about fighting in a primary. yeah there's supposed to be good fights in primaries. i feel like you know, i'm watching what's going on the right, though, and you're feeling like a loss of moral conversation. you used to have moral conversation in politics. you have legal conversations. i appreciate that. there's concerns over whether the case and the statute of limitations and other issues are at play. but what happened to moral leadership? does anyone get concerned that a president who had an affair with us porn star wall his wife just gave birth, didn't paid her a bunch of money to try to win an election and turn off. you know, a potential issue that would have killed him in a presidential election? no no, it's drug. and i think at that point you're wondering where is moral leadership even from people on the right. say okay, i have concerns with legal
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issues, however. morally this is just not accorded with my values . and what happened to that? what happened to that kind of conversation on the right sailed a long time ago, right? i mean, ever since 2016. it was very clear. this is a different republican party and they were interested and massive power at all costs and all that morality talk that we lived through in the nineties and in the eighties, it's gone. well respectfully, bill clinton, gary hart. let's not take the moral issue and all of a sudden think it's new. there's been indiscretions by previous presidents, presidents. my concern is that you're opening up in the form of pandora's box. this has never happened in our country's history to take something that's a state issue more fit after the statue of limitations passes into a federal issue. what happens if it's going to have a red state d a. all of a sudden wants to take on one of yours? is that where we're going now it's going to discourage people from running who are legitimately ready to serve this country and it's going to create problems down the road you into this degree of moral relativity, and i appreciate the point that that
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you know, his conduct may be just as bad as this person conduct would. i would argue my own perspective is that his conduct lives in a rain of its own people that into account when they voted for him. they knew about all his indiscretions into all about his problems. they compared and measured between him and hillary and they chose him. god himself moving forward. listen, you have a new cycle coming up. does he have issues to overcome? absolutely but so does joe biden at 42% and all the things that are happening with him, one of the issues that we saw this week that's still proves very powerful. among voters is the issue of abortion, particularly in in swing states. we saw what happened in wisconsin. now we have this ruling that we talked about earlier in the show. there was one judge in texas there was a split ruling, but the texas judge judge said he was going to revoke the fda approved approval of an abortion. bill. um how much do you think this is going to? i mean, obviously the short term. this is the policy, but let's just talk politics here. how is this going to play into
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the political landscape? i mean, it's going to be huge you've seen ever since last year in november, and with wisconsin, like the voters are not interested in having government officials or judges take away their rights. this and let's talk about what this drug is a drug has been used for over two decades. that is safer than tylenol. this this ruling has ramifications way beyond abortion. you are looking at the legitimacy of the fda and how they approved medicine. like what? what's to say they're going to stop here. so what you're seeing is this hyper radicalization of judicial system that's playing out and i think the politics of it are going to be bad for the republican party, but the policy of it should terrify everybody who cares about science and independence. what i'm seeing in a lot of my data is that for those voters who are pro choice, they are much more fired up about the issue of abortion right now than voters who are pro life. frankly in the data you do not see pro life voters saying, hey, we scored victories here. we feel momentum. we're gonna vote on these issues.
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instead, it is much more likely to have a negative effect on republicans, at least in the short term at the ballot box. and i think that's one of the things that has been kind of, you know, opened up by the ruling in dobbs last summer is that it put the issue back in the forefront of the political conversation in a way that it wasn't prior to the ruling. but that is primarily a conversation that democratic activists are happy to have. while republicans . it's the third or fourth tier issue for many republicans want to turn to the situation in tennessee? these two lawmakers, state lawmakers who democrats who are expelled because they protested on the floor of the legislature in favor of gun reform. let's listen to what one of them said. we're being spilled, not because of crime, not because of the ethics violation because we stood with these young people who are demanding that we act students and rather than address the issue of banning assault weapons, my former colleagues, republican majority are assaulting democracy and that should that should scare all of us across the nation. can you.
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respectfully disagree in today's society, and i think under i would blame trump again. is that that kind of politics of blood sport that if you disagree with me, here comes the firehose of venom. anger, vitriol, retribution were tearing you down rather than to say. i respectfully disagree, and i don't say that the left is immune from this at all. but i do think that the right discourse is one of saying you disagree. here comes a punch in your head on a legislature and bernie, i respect them both run 21 times. it's been a blood sport. since i ran for assessor , you know, almost 30 years ago . it's always been a blood sport that being said, you have a democratic process where people voted in a democratic manner, and now it's being called on democratic what they did. however listen. it's easter, ramadan and passover right now. i don't disagree with you that we should find common ground because this is a very, very serious issue. what's going on
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with gun violence around this country? but you don't conduct that expelled. let me finish. we have decorum rules as a state. rep state senator, us senator ambassador military you don't go in the house floor and start banging and taking over their hold on should exactly exactly right. should you have expelled them? no. i disagree with that. i think there's a way to find that common ground. let them have their bully pulpit. you've raised them almost to martyr level now and now, obviously one is going to come back to the process. there will be a process and i think quite frankly, this helps the democrats in that state. but listen, the democrat policies in that state of so far left that, you know, it really won't matter in tennessee. i mean, look, i'm glad to hear that. you think that expelling them was way too far? and if you look into the history of tennessee in that state house, like this actually isn't surprising that it happened because ever since republicans have gotten a supermajority there, they have been using that hammer and that quote to vote to stop the set. when you're gerrymander the state within an inch of its life, it's hard to
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say, get out and vote when you're splitting up democratic districts at the point where they don't have that power. mostly with republicans, mostly with republicans have to leave it there. i'm sure this will continue in the green room. maybe on twitter. thank you. thank this is great political discourse. it is. i love this and thank you. thank you. thank you all end up next. she's one of the most popular people in washington a day in the life of ukraine's ambassador to the u. s latest in my series badass women of washington. t mobile. your business will save over 1000 bucks. what are you going to do with it? i couould use a new si. with t mobile for business save more than 1000. bucks versus verizon. our price lot guaranteed will never raise your rate plan ever. if you're anything like me, you love spending time scrolling through your feet. whoa cck out this blt from the past. what's this america's best? wow amazing
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shipping is always free deal dash .com right now and see how much you can save. this is cnn. the world's news network. in ukraine forces are preparing for a spring offensive here in washington. ukrainian ambassador oksana marco marco roba is fighting to keep resources flowing to her country. here's my latest installment in the series badass women of
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washington, seven year old carolina at the ukraine house in d. c. she came to the u. s for medical treatment. this little girl lost both her legs last fall from a russian attack. visits like these are part of the job for ukraine's ambassador to the united states. oksana markova, you were recently asked about your job, and you said, i thought i was going back to a comfortable life in private business when the president asked me to serve as ambassador to the united states. yes comfortable is not the word to describe, of course. ah! this markova became ambassador two years ago this month. she wasn't even there a year when vladimir putin invaded ukraine on february 24th 2022. we were preparing for it. we knew that they intend to attack us was there but you never completely believe until unfortunately, samson, horrific. like what happens, i would wake up every morning and think was that a bad
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dream? but we worked literally 24 7. your background is in finance. when you came to the united states as ambassador. your goal was about business and about getting investment in ukraine. i definitely didn't have all the knowledge about all the military capabilities. now i know them by names, codes, you know, and everything else. but yes, i became a wartime ambassador. not something i was preparing myself for, but i don't think you can ever be really prepared for it. but i think my previous finance experience experience. is actually very useful. how would have helped that we have been receiving from the u. s. president biden congress on a strong bipartisan basis is about security assistance, but also budget assistance. on most days she's working outside the embassy, shuttling between various government agencies around washington. it's very important for the ambassador to
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. to be the voice of ukraine here. we have fortunate to have such a strong bipartisan support. we have champions. i wouldn't even say champions of ukraine, champions of democracy! on this vote. the yeas are 3 68 . the nays are 57 helping ukraine had been a rare corner of bipartisanship in congress. but now the new house republican majority is divided on it, as is the gop field of presidential hopefuls. the fastest path to peace is to help ukraine when the war i care more about securing our own border. in the united states than i do about the russia ukraine border. is there. concern that the bipartisan support that has been extraordinary will weaken as ukraine becomes a political issue internally here? i really hope it will not weaken. do we have to inform american people? more of course, is any support that any country and ukraine
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right now has in the us is promised for the years to come. definitely not. it's a task for ours to keep informing people telling people sharing the truth with them. the international criminal court has issued two warrants of arrest last month, the sec brought war crime charges against putin, accusing him of illegal really deporting ukrainian children to russia, the first formal charges since he invaded ukraine. they have been kidnapped, deporting them to russian federation. and forcefully put on them either through this horrific re educational camps, schools or putting them into strangers, families. it's a criminal act, which is spanish, a ble by the most harsh sentences. older ambassadors, previous ambassadors before me, man, man, man, man, man. yeah she is the first female ukrainian ambassador to the u. s. said that in some ways women are better suited as diplomats and especially as ambassadors. yes
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because i think women are, uh peacemakers and peacekeepers. i think women are always trying to forge partnerships, she says her husband is a huge source of support. could you do this job without a partner? who who gets it? it would be much more difficult. the expectations society has from women are still i think higher, so the majority of people still expect that you know, it's woman that has to has to take care of children. it does take a certain kind of man. to be comfortable with a wife, who is as high profile and as important as you are. well, strongman. my husband is definitely one of them. i don't think intimidated. by strong women in the mother of four, has two school aged children who live with her and washington. they understand what this fight is about. they had to probably
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grow up a little bit faster during this year, and most ukrainian children did. it's a source of inspiration for me. i learned a lot from my kids right in the middle of georgetown. ukraine's embassy sits in the heart of georgetown in a historic building that was once home to revolutionary war. general forrest president george washington visit in this very room. this is the room where washington and others drew the outlines of what became dc america's capital. very proud. especially now when we fight for our independence. own. a building that has seen people who fought for your independence is remarkable. we'll be right back. mm. popcorn. d disaster darling, we need pololy grip before crispy popcorn. letet's x this power holdiding seal givess
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