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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 24, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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also saves you time by canceling subscriptions you no longer want and getting you lower rates on your book. rocket money to start saving today. eva longoria searching for mexico premiere sunday at 10 on cnn, by invent help call 1 807 1. oh oh! oh two. oh do you have an invention idea, but don't know what to do. next call invent help today they can help you get started with your idea. call now. 807 100020. welcome to all of you watching us here in the states, canada and around the world. i'm kim brian hooper ahead on cnn newsroom china is the second largest economy in the world and
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continues to grow. we are going to have to, in some circumstances engage constructively with china. we do not trust tiktok will ever embrace american values. values for freedom, human rights and innovation. she would be willing to testify and she would support her testimony with documents and evidence and corroboration with witnesses. out of fear, a lot of anxiety, a lot of anger towards monterey county. it was a matter of time before i was back in the building with some of the greatest athletes in the world. from cnn center. this is cnn newsroom with kim bruun hoover. it's friday, march 24th four am at the pentagon, 11 a.m. in syria, where they've been tipped for tat airstrikes after a deadly attack on u. s personnel deployed to fight isis. the pentagon says it launched a retaliatory strike targeting a
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group affiliated with iran's revolutionary guard in the eastern part of the country that followed a drone attack on u. s forces in northeast syria that killed a u. s contractor. and wounded six other americans. let's bring in cnn's international diplomatic editor nic robertson live in london. so nick, what more do we know about the drone attack? well, it's not the first time iranian proxies based in syria and iraq, for that matter have targeted us personnel. this is the deadliest attack in a least a couple of years. the united states has always been in the position of saying it would respond, and we've had this statement from lloyd austin, the secretary of defense, and he says, very clearly that we take all uh, measures to defend our people and will always respond at a time and place of our choosing. no group will strike our troops with impunity now the
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retaliatory strike is by the united states is being described as proportionate. it's being described to avoid casualties potentially here, meaning civilian casualties, collateral damage and to avoid escalation. there are reports of ambulances in the east of syria around the town of duras, or in a in a rural neighborhood and smoke seen rising from some buildings there. okay? what we've seen in the past when the u. s. has responded to attacks on its basis and troops in the past by by iranian process that those strikes have tended to target that ammunition stores now it's not clear what has happened this time. it is still a developing situation. we don't have a clear side of what precisely have been the targets, but it's very clear from the united states perspective that iran and iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps will behind the proxy that
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that that took part in this attack and to give some kind of context here, according to us officials, since 2021 there have been 78 such drone and rocket strikes on u. s bases inside syria by iranian backed proxies , so that's an average of sort of one attack every 10 days, so the attack, not out of the ordinary. the distinguishing feature, perhaps that it has caught that it has caused deaths. yeah absolutely. alright thanks so much. nic robertson in london. in the coming hours. president biden will get the red carpet treatment in ottawa before addressing canada's parliament. it's his first official overnight visit to america's northern neighbor since he entered the white house . canadian prime minister justin trudeau and his wife greeted biden and the first lady at the prime minister's residence late thursday. the two leaders are expected to discuss a range of security issues in the coming hours. buying more address
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canada's parliament this afternoon. we get more now from cnn's paul newton inaudible. it is not an exaggeration to say that canada and the united states, two of the closest allies that you will find in the world, having said that president joe biden and prime minister justin trudeau do have policy disagreements are going to try and iron out some of those over the next few hours. key here, though, is the united states wanting canada to step up when it comes to defense spending. as the united states has made clear this is not the same geopolitical reality that it was before russia invaded ukraine, and they are looking to canada to do its part. also top of mind, though, is china and what both countries call a more aggressive posture from that country. chinese interference has been top of mine in canada, and i want you to listen now to my interview with justin trudeau just hours before he met. with joe biden. take a listen on china. we've seen balloons in the air over canada. we've seen
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buoys in the arctic. um, what do you think? are the chinese motives in those issues specifically and what do you hope to learn from the chinese balloon now in u. s hands, i think one of the things we have to remember is china is the second largest economy in the world and continues to grow. um, we're going to have to in some circumstances engage constructively with china, like we did around the conference and biodiversity that we coasted with them in montreal. there's issues around climate change that we should be working as a world together. there's other places where we're going to have to be stiff competition to china in terms of market access in terms of investments in the global south, we need to be able to show that the western democracies are there to make those investments and there is competitive to china, but there are also areas in which we're going to have to directly challenge china whether it's on human rights, whether it's on security behaviors, whether it's on cyber attacks are our concerns like that we're going to have to continue to be wide
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eyed and clear about the threat that china poses and wants to pose to the stability of our democracies. both the president and prime minister, though, do intend to make news during this visit, and one of them has to do with the regular migration hot topic in the hemisphere. it seems that there is a deal. for canada to take in migrants legally from the united states. now in the southern hemisphere. canada has been having trouble with irregular migrants. those across that illegal border points coming into canada and as those numbers spike, they wanted the united states to be able to close its side of the border. but in exchange canada has now agreed to take in migrants directly from the united states. politician, cnn auto. now to the unprecedented level of legal pressure surrounding former u. s. president donald trump in the classified documents probe. a federal grand jury is just hours
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away from hearing what could be significant testimony from trump's attorney, evan corcoran , a new order from a federal appeals courts of corporate must provide more testimony and turnover. handwritten notes regarding mara lago and the possible mishandling classified documents. now. there's been intense speculation this week over whether trump would be indicted and arrested for his alleged role in a scheme to pay hush money to adult film star stormy daniels before the 2016 presidential election. janet cnn's anderson cooper spoke exclusively with clark brewster , attorney for a stormy daniels about her expectations going forward. here's some of that conversation. i think more than anything she desires that, uh, that the truth be told, and denials and the in the accusations of dishonesty cease , so i think she's more interested in the resolution of this being determined upon the truth rather than anything else , she doesn't have any control over. how this is prosecuted or
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brought to a jury in any way. she simply is there and willing to support and tell the truth, whichever way decides to go. in new york. grand jury investigating the hush money scheme is expected to reconvene on monday. cnn's paula reid has more on what the panel's been hearing and what to expect in the coming days. we've learned that the district attorney's office is in a holding pattern right now as they contemplate what their next move should be in this ongoing hush money payments investigation. now the grand jury did not meet to discuss trump related matters on thursday, while they did convene it is not unusual for a grand jury to hear information about several different cases, and we know at this point on monday, the grand jury will return and here additional evidence in the trump probe. then they may even hear from an additional witness . they have to decide. we're told whether they want to bring in a new witness to rebut testimony. for monday by attorney robert costello. costello's appearance was done
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at the request of trump lawyers and his role was to attack the credibility of his former client , michael cohen. cohen is, of course, a key witness in this investigation. i spoke with costello and asked him what happened in that grand jury room that would force prosecutors to have to possibly bring back another witness to rebut his testimony. he described his experience in the grand jury room as being at times contentious, he said before his appearance he had given prosecutors hundreds and hundreds of documents. but when he was testifying, he was only asked about six of them, he says, and during his examination , he asked the prosecutor. why aren't you asking me about more of these documents? they went back and forth. at one point, costello even turned to the grand jury and said, look, guys. you need to get your hands on all of these documents, and he says five or six grand jurors nodded in agreement, costello says he has not heard from the district attorney's office since his appearance on monday. and when i asked whether there was any witness that could go in and rebut or refute things, he said.
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he replied to me and said that is impossible. so we'll see what happens. on monday. polar read, cnn, new york. well time may be running out for one of the most popular social media platforms in the u. s. lawmakers on capitol hill grilled the ceo of tiktok on thursday about their concerns that the app is harmful to children and a tool used by the chinese government to collect data and spy on americans. one congressman even called it a cancer, many lawmakers and the administration or pushing to bend the app in the u. s. tiktok ceo, denied any link to the chinese government and said he's seen no evidence that beijing has access to the data of americans, but his testimony seemed to fall on deaf ears. we get more now from cnn's manu raju. your platform should be banned. tiktok ceo shout to getting a bipartisan b rating. you well know that you cannot protect the data and security of this committee or 150 million
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users of your app. because it is an extension of the ccp. can i respond? chair we're gonna move on testimony that spanned hours to try to convince the house panel that the popular social media app is not exploited by the chinese communist party and that its parent company by dance is a private firm with 60% of it owned by global investors. us user data he maintained, is walled off by what tiktok calls project texas something the ceo argues, cannot be accessed by the chinese government. now that's what we've been doing for the last two years. building what amounts to a firewall. the seals of protected us user data from unauthorized foreign access. the bottom line is this american data stored on american soil by an american company overseen by american personnel, but lawmakers not buying it. i still believe that the beijing communist government will still control and have the ability to
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influence what you do. and so this idea of this project texas is simply not acceptable. i have seen no evidence that the chinese government has access to that data. they have never asked us. we have not provided. you know what i asked that question. i find that actually preposterous. tiktok is used by more than a billion monthly active users worldwide, including 150 million in the united states. us. officials believe the chinese government can infiltrate by dance since it is under its jurisdiction, even though there is no public evidence that the chinese have used it to spy on americans. i ask you again, mr chu. has bite dance spied on american citizens . i don't think they're spying is the right way to describe it . the biden administration wants tiktok's chinese owners to sell their stakes in the company, something the chinese government opposes. tiktok is a subsidiary of biden's, which is founded by a chinese founder and by then is a chinese company. bytedance owns many businesses that operate in china. or is it not a
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chinese company? congressman? the way we look at it, it was founded by chinese entrepreneurs how you look at it, but lawmakers also attacking the car. content on the app, including disinformation in violent videos, even showing some that encourage suicide. your technology. is literally leading to death. congressman i'll just like to if respectfully, if you don't mind , i would just like to start by saying is devastating to hear about the news of yes, as a father myself. this is surging. yes or no. we're getting reaction from the chinese government. cnn's anna coren is live in hong kong so and as one might expect. there has been strong opposition from beijing to the idea of a sale after yesterday's hearing in washington. so what are they saying? well came a short time ago, china's ministry of foreign affairs addressed the congressional hearing over tiktok's future in which, as we just heard, then us lawmakers are seeking a nationwide ban, saying this was a xenophobic witch hunt. now the strong
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language really reveals beijing's dismay at the accusations that were hurled at the ceo of the popular chinese owned social media app during his five hour grilling on capitol hill. lawmakers accusing 40 year old harvard educated ceo shows each you of being under the influence of the chinese government through the beijing based parent company, bytedance now, even before the hearing, china's commerce ministry told the media that it would firmly opposed any for sale of tiktok, which is what the bindon administration has demanded if the social media app is to survive in the united states. the chinese government considers tiktok's algorithms and technology to be sensitive and critical to its natural interest . but let's have a listen to the mofa spokesperson a short time ago. i want to stress the chinese government attaches high importance to and protects in accordance with law, data, privacy and security. we have never asked and will never ask
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any company or individual to collect or provide data information or intelligence data located in other states through means that in violation of local laws yesterday to repeatedly tried to allay those national security concerns over the app. he said tiktok was an independent company that wasn't influenced by china. in his testimony came, he tried to distance himself and tick tock from china tall order, stressing that he's singaporean. he lives in singapore with his wife and his two children. and that, of course, is the base for talks headquarters spoke extensively about project texas $1.5 billion plan to store american user data on domestic service run by texas based software giant oracle. the aim being to insulate us data from the reach of the chinese government, but u. s lawmakers as we heard a highly skeptical of the plan because under
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chinese law, chinese owned businesses are required to provide customer information at the government's request. but i think what's really interesting is that tiktok will likely challenge any attempt by the us to ban the app when the trump administration tried back in 2020. tiktok was ultimately successful in quashing that attempt, kim yeah. so many americans use it will be fascinating to follow. what happens here in accordance thanks so much appreciate it. alright still ahead as protests continue. israel's ultra far right coalition government passes a new law, which makes removing a prime minister from office next to impossible rely from jerusalem. ukrainian orphanage sits empty efforts, children were taken the russia now cnn investigates what happened there before they moved away. please stay with us. introducucing the new sleep numr climimate 3 60 smart bet only smart but in the world that actively cools. warms and
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your dishes. 24 hours later, when your dishwasher is full, let finish quantum. clean your dishes. if the stains are gone, your lasagna is on finish. i'm jill and i've lost ÂŁ56 on galo barry and i've lost ÂŁ42. jill and i were a team is she tells me to do something i usually jump on board was doable. it's realistic and it's something we can do the rest of our lives. when you find your reason to go on. pull. you passed the doubt, pain and past your limits matter what we go on bio freeze. ukraine says at least two people are dead after a massive russian attack in the sunni region, officials say russia pummeled the area northeast of kharkiv overnight, using rockets, artillery and guided bombs. the attacks left nine people injured and inflicted significant damage. meanwhile, or field.
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ukraine could soon go on the offense in mahmoud as russia's all out push on the city runs out of steam. that's from a top ukrainian general who says russians have taken heavy casualties around mahmoud in recent months. ukraine warns that russia is still mounting hundreds of attacks every day across the eastern front line. meanwhile president vladimir zelensky visited an energy facility in the her son region on thursday. he also addressed the european council from a train, saying ukraine could win the war this year under some conditions, serious yeah, sure, not. she's vanished paper. if there is no delay or stagnation in our cooperation if our efforts are decisively direct towards ukraine's victory, the victory will be already this year. time matters. not only months and weeks, but also days , the faster we act together, the more lives we save. cnn has tried to verify moscow's claim
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that no ukrainian children have been forcibly deported to russia. president vladimir putin is facing an arrest warrant from the international criminal court based on allegations that did happen. david mckenzie went to an orphanage in southern ukraine to find out more. approaching the southern front line in kherson. in the liberated city. many have fled. it's deceptively quiet. until the relentless terror. the often indiscriminate , almost daily russian shelling. we've come to investigate very deliberate horror of the russian occupation. so the children who stayed here were under five years old. mostly this orphanage had more than 40 children here. elena was a nurse here for 17 years. not a single child is left open. i feel emptiness,
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emptiness. everything is just stopped. she says. the children had everything. they were so happy. the children were happy. now it's just silence. and small reminders of them. their names still on each locker, children's home is now a crime scene. brelo warned us to collect their clothes, says elena, the russians and collaborators called in the evening and said to prepare the children for the morning busses arrived at eight. heartbreaking scenes captured for russian propaganda shared on a russian mps telegram channel. the bewildered children taken from their beloved nurses in october, transported to russian occupied crimea or russia itself , say ukrainian investigators, but instead of hiding this alleged war crime russians advertised it. children will be taken to safe conditions in crimea, he says. i'll definitely
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go and visit. investigators said was part of a premeditated russian mission to take ukrainian children even targeted hospitals. there was a lot of pressure by the russians to take these children, weren't you afraid, watching? it was scary, very, very scary. so much pressure says all appeal alaska twice a day they demanded. we show them lists of the kids to take to russia, poland, her team came up with an extraordinary deception. the head orphans in the icu forged medical assessments, saying healthy children were severely sick. even faked an emergency ventilation, she says. we understood that the russians and collaborators would not forgive us, she says. we knew there would be serious retribution. we understood this, but they took the risks and managed to save children. and a critical care nurse took it a step further.
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tatiana says she fell in love with one of the orphan children . she worked desperately to keep the child of the list. are you adopting kira? nice to meet you ? we met them at home and ukrainian mom with her treasured ukrainian child, kira. kira is almost ready to walk. what does she mean to you? kira nada. she means everything to me, says tatiana. just don't even know to be honest, i can't imagine my life without kira. ah! this awful war has given her a precious gift. david mckenzie, cnn casson. nato could soon get another member country. on thursday, the president of finland signed a law giving approval for the country to join nato move recently adopted by the country's parliament. it
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comes just one day after sweden's parliament gave similar approval to join nato last may. both finland and sweden indicated their intention to join nato after russia invaded ukraine. previously both countries held non alliance status. israel's right wing government passed a new law on thursday, which makes it next to impossible to remove the prime minister from office. yeah. critics slammed the bill as crowds again expressed their anger with prime minister benjamin netanyahu's plans to weaken the judiciary. journalist elliott gotkine joins me now from jerusalem. elliott the anger on the streets isn't going away tickets through what we're expecting today. it isn't going away. i mean today. i suppose there aren't any protest plan today, but there are more wide scale protests planned for saturday evening has as they have been for the past three
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months. and yesterday was an incredibly interesting day, not just because of the protests which, although they are largely peaceful, there was still more arrests, scores of arrests that took place and some clashes between police and protesters and protesters and right wing supporters of the government. but the most interesting things actually happened in the afternoon sometime in the afternoon, israeli media started reporting that defense minister gallant a key ally of netanyahu , from his own liquid party, was planning a press conference in which he would call publicly for a halt to this judicial overhaul , which has sparked all of these protests and such anger against the government. subsequently there was a note rather cryptic note that came from the prime minister's office, saying that netanyahu would be making an important announcement later that evening. subsequently gallons press conference was canceled. he was summoned to meet with prime minister we learned and then prime minister netanyahu addressed the nation. there were hopes that perhaps
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all of the stars were aligning and that some kind of compromise perhaps a pause or halt to this judicial overhaul was going to take place. even financial markets are optimistic with the israeli shekel strengthening by more than 2% against the us dollar, a very big change for just one day, but all those hopes of some kind of compromise with dashed when netanyahu addressed the nation just before nine pm israel time last night effectively, he said that judicial overhaul will continue now we tried to mollify some of his critics. he said that his judicial overhaul will, in his words, respond to both sides restore the balance between the authorities and preserve the individual rights of every citizen, he said. he added that there will be no unlimited override law reference to his judicial overhauls plans to prevent the high court from overall striking down any laws passed by the israeli knesset, but that law was still proceed in some capacity, and at the same time the government is hell bent on passing through laws that would enable it to choose
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its own judges for the supreme court as well to put allies in charge of the supreme court, so ultimately this judicial overhaul is continuing, netanyahu said. look, we're just doing what's going on in canada and new zealand in the united states. they're democracies. we're a democracy to all he's doing is strengthening democracy right now, though, kim is actually in london to meet with the prime minister, no doubt that will prove a welcome break. all right. we'll keep watching elliott gotkine in jerusalem. thanks so much. french president is embroiled in perhaps the most volatile political crisis of his career, and it's unlikely to end any time soon. the country has been gripped by rolling strikes and nationwide protests since the beginning of the year when he announced plans to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. government officials estimate more than a million people joined thursday's demonstrations . most were peaceful, but there were some clashes with about 80 arrests reported sanitation workers on strike. you can see there the garbage is piling up.
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so ahead safe in the arms of a border patrol agent will show you how one of one year old boy wound up bending on a bridge from mexico to the us stay with us. newew vibrant from air wick, our first fragrancess infused with two times more natural, essential oilil. itit's our most amazing true to nature fragrance experience ever new, vibrant from a wick is 100% real milk just without the lactose taste great and are ice coffees to which makes waking up at five am to milk the cows a little easier . mm able saysor you, it's more like 5 15. mom. really every parent knows when it's time to go into protect mode, laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness, causing bacteria detergents leave behind is good , sanitized is better. we
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wellcare medicare. done well. jason sudeikis joins jake tapper cnn primetime tonight at nine. welcome back to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada and around the world. i'm kimberly huber. this is cnn newsroom. here are some of today's top stories. us contractor was killed thursday after a drone strike struck a maintenance facility in northeast syria. five u. s service members and another contractor were wounded in the attack by suspected iranian affiliated drone. in response,
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us president joe biden authorized precision airstrike in syria. canadian prime minister justin trudeau and president biden will have a bilateral meeting friday. buying will then address parliament in ottawa and the attorney for former president donald trump is expected to testify before a federal grand jury today. the case involves the possible mishandling of classified documents by trump. one year old boy abandoned on a bridge between the us and mexico has been saved. have a look here. surveillance video shows what border patrol agents describe as a smuggler swimming along the colorado river, dropping off the child on the bridge, then running back to the river. just a few minutes later, you can see the border patrol agent drive up in a white pickup truck. to rescue the boy. authorities say the child has been identified. he's from guatemala, and he's been placed in the care of health and human services. residents of a california town. we're told thursday they could
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go back to their homes after flooding forced them out there in california town of povero was evacuated more than a week ago after storms led to severe flooding and broken levee. authorities warn residents to be cautious when turning since there's no drinkable water and wastewater treatment system is down. officials have placed portable toilets and hand sanitizing stations throughout the community. about 20 million americans are under flood alerts the sour the impacted areas stretch 1000 miles from the plains through the ohio valley. some are facing the threat of severe weather, as well as cnn meteorologist derek van dam with the latest expansive area of flood alerts covers over 20 million americans. this stretches from the mid mississippi river valley right through the ohio valley. and if you were to lay a ruler across these advisories and watches the stretches over 1000 miles, with major metropolitans included within these alerts. cincinnati indianapolis, st louis just
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outside a little rock and oklahoma city as well. now dotted within this are flash flood warnings and flood warnings as well as flood watches. so really a considerable amount of rain. if you look at this radar estimated rainfall accumulation here within the past day or so you can see that narrow band of yellow and orange. that's where we've already picked up between 2 to 4 inches of rainfall. weather prediction center. picking up on that flash flood risk they've enhanced. this is new overnight. they've enhanced that moderate risk a little bit further to the north and east to include southern portions of illinois. and then i want you to notice on friday how that heavier rain band starts to shift into the ohio river valley. so this area we're going to focus our attention on for friday afternoon and evening, cincinnati louisville, paducah. this is an area that could pick up an additional 2 to 4 inches of rain with the potential for locally higher amounts as well. of course, on top of the flash flood threat. the heavy rain is severe thunderstorms as we tap into that rich moisture from the gulf of mexico and high pressure
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to the north kind of squeezing it in the middle. we've already seen several reports of hail, and some of these hailstones have been impressive. look at this coming out of texas over two and three quarters of an inch size diameter hail. that is just incredible. so let's take you through and show you the timing for the severe weather impact as we head into friday afternoon and evening, we'll see a line of thunderstorms form eastern arkansas into western tennessee and mississippi and then we'll start to see those thunderstorms roll right into saturday morning as they push eastward. here's a look at the friday threat. we have a moderate risk of severe weather portions of louisiana, arkansas and western mississippi will keep a closer eye to the sky. if you're located in jackson, or perhaps into little rock. back to you. california's drought conditions are improving following the recent atmospheric river fueled storm systems. but even with all that rain, it's not enough to wipe out the state's severe water crisis, cnn's stephanie elam reports.
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from relentless rain, too suffocating snow. widespread flooding. even tornadoes and fierce hurricane force winds from us california's wet season has been anything but normal with at least 12 significant atmospheric river fueled storms sweeping into the state since december, wiping out much of the oppressive multiyear drought, according to the latest u. s. drought monitor report. california's conditions improved for the fourth week in a row, more than a third of the state still falls in drought conditions. but compare that to december when nearly all of the state was in some level of a water deficit, a dire situation that held for nearly two years. since october. 1st parts of northern california have measured 150 to 200% of their normal annual rainfall. on the
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first full day of spring, five daily rainfall records were broken in the los angeles area, including a downtown measurement that had stood for 130 years. in this year in nevada mountains, snowpack, california's frozen reservoir continues to expand to unprecedented depths. southern sierra is approaching 300% of normal, marking a level never reached since formal record keeping began in the 19 fifties. while many reservoirs that previously held just a fraction of their capacity are once again water, abundant, officials say it's not enough to completely pull california out of drought. the only thing which isn't going to recover this year will be groundwater levels because groundwater basins have been depleted due to many years of drought. and that depletion is too large to refill in a single year, even if it's a very wet one. people say to you that they
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don't need to conserve water anymore in california, what do you say to them? well we have this little thing called climate change in which in most years we will have hotter and drier conditions we expect in the relatively near term, say 2040 or so mother nature will have cut our water supplies and in the 10 to 20% range, depending on where you're located, so despite all of this rain and snow scientists say climate change is demanding californians rethink how we consume and conserve water and i'm standing by the los angeles river in 13 months ago, i came here to talk about how bad the drought was. and what a difference a year makes. because you look out there now, where we were standing is completely underwater now and the vegetation in the middle of the river. has been bogged down by all of the water coming down and speaking of the vegetation because there has been so much precipitation. we are going to see a lot of vegetation start to sprout up around the state. but
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as these hot dry months get here , all that vegetation is going to dry out, and that means we could be in for a very tough fire season. stephanie elam, cnn, los angeles. students and teachers in los angeles will be back in the classroom today after a three day strike by education workers. the union representing low wage workers, like bus drivers and cafeteria workers is demanding a 30% pay increase. the new agreement was not reached, but talks between the union and the los angeles unified school district continue. l a unified is the second largest school district in the u. s. items that once belonged to a convicted murderer are now up for auction ahead. we'll have a look at some of the top selling possessions of former attorney alex murdoch cigarettes. introducing new sweeeet and savory c crepes fora limitedd time. buy one get one
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ever ingredients to help you lose fat get lean, absolutely free, rugged 21321. eva longoria searching for mexico premiere sunday at 10 on cnn. actress
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gwyneth paltrow could take the stand friday in a trial over 2016 skiing accident. terry sanderson accuses her of crashing into him while skiing at a utah resort. he said the collision left him with serious injuries, including brain damage and four broken ribs. he's seeking $300,000 in damages. paltrow countersued, claiming sanderson skied into her. she's seeking $1 in damages plus attorney's fees. sanderson is expected to take the stand friday, and his lawyers say paltrow could, too, if there's time. colorado dentist accused of fatally poisoning his wife with arsenic has now formally been charged with her murder. cnn's kyung lah has the story. colorado dentist james craig appeared for the first time in court charged with the first re murder of his wife shackled, having traded in his dental scrubs for a jail uniform. prosecutors say the denver suburban area dentist murdered 43 year old angela craig, his wife of more than 20 years by
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making and feeding her poisoned protein shakes. my name is dr jim craig, and i practice that summer brooke dental group for nearly 20 years, craig had been a licensed dentist. joint facebook page shows the couple sharing images of a happy family on vacation. the busy parents of six children investigators say beneath this veneer, craig's dental practice had been in financial trouble and the marriage was long troubled an affidavit saying craig had engaged in a new extramarital affair. this makes me sick, real seem like something that he could ever do to her, but police believe the murder was planned. craig's search history on his computer show phrases like how many grams of pure arsenic will kill a human and top five undetectable poisons that show no signs of foul play. police say on march 4th, a package with arsenic was delivered to the craig's home. two days later.
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angela craig was in the hospital with dizziness and difficulty focusing her eyes symptoms consistent with arsenic poisoning. say investigators. angela craig texted her husband . i had my protein shake, feel drugged. her husband texted back for the record. i didn't drug you three times this month, angela craig checked into the hospital where doctors struggle to understand why she was so ill on her final stay at the hospital. police say james craig had ordered another poison from the computer at his dental practice potassium cyanide. it was delivered to summer brooke dental, where a staff member opened the box and reported what she had found. this was craig's first appearance. he has not yet entered a plea. he has been assigned a public defender. he is next scheduled to be in court next month. kyung lah, cnn, los angeles also in colorado, the denver school board voted to temporary suspend a ban on
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police officers at schools. the decision follows a school shooting that wounded two faculty members earlier this week. local superintendent says two armed guards will be stationed at that high school through the end of the year, but the board says the district doesn't have enough money to pay for additional armed security indefinitely. the superintendent also says he reached out to the alleged shooter's parents. we are. educators came into this profession to support helps students thrive and, most importantly, provide them an opportunity to succeed. i acknowledge that we failed austin as a district. 17 year old austin, lyle was the alleged shooter. authorities found his body on wednesday. according to the autopsy. he died from a self inflicted gunshot wound. items from the home of convicted killer and former lawyer alex murdoch hit the auction block thursday, a large crowd gathered for the chance to bid on possessions from the family's south carolina state. according to liberty auction house. the first item sold were an animal
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trap and collection of animal horns, which both went for more than $700. a furniture set sold for $30,000 and someone paid $500 for a beer, cuzzi. many people were there to bid. others just wanted to peek at items linked to the notorious murder case. murdoch was convicted earlier this month of shooting and killing his wife and son. alright still ahead. two superstars, two different yet impressive milestones. messi and cristiano ronaldo keep finding ways to enter the history books. one more on that coming up. stay with us. hey 100 to 300 today, hundreds. today. today sometimes e thing leads to another ing . then all of a sudden it's on
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to all their games. and they were the best athletes in our house, and there's still a great inspiration to me. so the w. n b a still needs to sign off on brady's partial acquisition of the team. the aces opened the season against the seattle storm on may 20th. soccer superstar christiano ronaldo has broken the all time men's international appearance record. the 38 year old led his native portugal in their euro 2024 qualifier against election signed in lisbon on thursday. the match represents his 197th international game. ronaldo who plays professionally in saudi arabia, is already the all time leading scorer in men's international soccer with 118 goals. and his greatest rival also hit a new milestone. on thursday, argentina's lionel messi scored his 8/100 career goal during a friendly against panama. argentina won two nil. 35 year old messi became the only the second men's player ever to hit 800 just the latest achievement in already illustrious career, and it
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happened in front of a sold out crowd in buenos aires, where the team won their first match since becoming world champions. in december. alright now here's a look at some of the stories trending this hour. look here as zebra went on the run in seoul, south korea thursday, the three year old male trotted down busy roads and back alleys for hours , even passing over some zebra crossings. firefighters heard of the animal into an alleyway where it was tranquilized and returned to the zoo. they're all seeking tourists got a much bigger adrenaline rush than expected when his bungee courts now take a look. wow. who. oh my gosh. well this happened in thailand happened in january, but the footage went viral this week after the 39 year old from hong kong went public with his story. unfortunately as you can see there he was close to the water. when the rope broke and dropped him. he was taken to hospital and suffered some major bruises. that's it for me. i'm
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