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tv   At This Hour With Kate Bolduan  CNN  March 22, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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right. the skiers etiquette is that's your fault, because they can't see you behind them. so be interesting to see as we hear these different sides. so look, i mean, there are no cameras right? there's only this witness testimony of a man that was with terry, a friend of his saying, yes, gwyneth paltrow was the one that barreled into him. and now gwyneth team and her family and we expect our children to say no. he's getting into her. so where is this going to land? it's going to be up to the jury, right? but gwyneth many people are wondering if she's going to testify, and that's what we are looking out. for. if we're going to see that this week, yes loss, thank you very much. thanks to all of you for joining us today. i'm erica hill. and i'm john berman at this arrow with kate baldwin starts. right now. hello everyone at this hour, the federal reserve's big day to raise or to hold and what are the ripple effects from all of that, plus new moves in separate investigations into former president trump with eyes on a new york city courthouse and his
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palm beach house and ukraine's president, visits the front lines of his country's war against russia as the pentagon steps up its timeline. for sending new weapons their way. this is what we're watching at this hour. thanks for being here. i'm kate baldwin. we begin between a rock and a hard place, which is where the federal reserve seems to find itself. right now. a few hours from now we're going to find out if the fed is going to raise interest rates again in its efforts to fight inflation, or if they will hold steady and take a pause if you will, following the worst banking crisis since 2008 some of the smart minds expect the fed to raise rates by a quarter point. but the collapse of silicon valley bank and the subsequent fallout is clearly weighing heavily on federal reserve chairman jerome powell, adding to the complicated picture that is the u. s economy today, new data out on the housing market, which has been under pressure for months due to rising mortgage rates, let's start with matt eagan on today's big decision from the fed map.
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what options? does the fed have? unfortunately don't really have any good options here. i mean, if they do nothing, they risk looking scared and maybe inflaming inflation. but if they raise interest rates they could actually add to the pressure in the banking sector. i do not envy jerome powell today. goldman sachs and others think the fed will pause and just survey the damage before doing anything else. but over the last 48 hours or so consensus has emerged among investors that the fed is going to go ahead. and raise interest rates. at last check. there's about an 86% chance that the fed is going to raise rates for 1/9 straight meeting. now, this would be away from powell in the fed to show that they really mean business when it comes to trying to get inflation under control. listen to what former obama economist jason furman told julia chatterley earlier today. i think the best move is 25 basis
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points. i think that's what they will do had it not been for the banging turmoil that would have been an open and shut case for 50 basis points. so if furman is right here, that means that benchmark interest rates will go up to the highest level since september of 2007 right before the great recession. more importantly than the level of rates is how fast they're going up. the fed hasn't moved this aggressively against inflation since the early eighties. under paul volcker, you can see rates are going almost straight up. so what does this mean for everyone at home? well if the fed raises rates again, it means higher borrowing costs mortgage rates they've already spiked near 20 year highs. it's never been more expensive to carry a credit card balance. it's gotten more expensive to finance the purchase of a loan or take out student debt. the other real impact here, of course, is that the fed is trying to cool this economy off, ideally without breaking something, of course, kate. the bank failures in the
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last 10 days suggest that fed already has broken something. matt it's good to see you. we'll see what comes in the next few hours joining me now for more on this as we wait for the fed's decision is diane swank, she's the chief economist for the global financial services firm kpmg. it's good to see you again, diane, what do you think the fed is going to do today? well, i'm actually on the side of a pause, even though that's a minority view at this point in time because of the tightening. we see that consumers, households and companies are facing across the board. we're seeing not only tighter credit conditions, but likely to see even tighter credit conditions for small and midsize companies . i think that's very important because they're the backbone of employment gains in the u. s. economy nearly four and five new job openings are from companies with less than 250 employees and as credit in that part of the economy. to me dries up. you're going to see a much more rapid contraction in economic growth, and i think that's something the fed has to take into account what's already in the pipeline
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and how that's going to affect the economy going forward and inflation. yeah i want to ask you, economist. i'm sure you saw these remarks economist mohamed larry and he thinks a pause would be a mistake, and here's his reasoning for this, in part , he says, i think the fed is going to have to decide between two policy mistakes, hit the brakes too hard and risk a recession or tap the brakes and a stop, go pattern and risk having inflation well into 2023 . he fears the result of a pause now will be stagflation. what do you think of that risk? i think that's a lower risk than mohammed does. and i'm a great friend of muhammad ali aaron and think very highly of him. but on this point, i disagree because i do think the tightening that's already in the pipeline is going to be enough to also make it no longer conflict between financial stability and inflation. that what we're talking about is already a tighter credit market that will stem inflation. i think what the feds concerned about is the non linearity. that's a big word to
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say. basically that you know, at some point in time there is a star. how that breaks the camel's back when it comes to this tightening, and i think we're starting to see that in broader credit market conditions in the fragilities that we've seen globally more recently, so interesting. diana and most or all indicators of recent and i guess we needed to find recent these days because things have changed so much in the last two weeks, but most indicators have suggested that the economy is still strong, meaning the fed may still have work to do when it comes to kind of tempting, tamping down inflation, though we did see home prices fall for the first time in a decade with new data out from february. what do you think this data point is telling us? well, i think it's one indicator of how unaffordable housing is at the moment, and i think that's important. there's still very scarce supply, though, so i do worry about how much housing prices can fall to be more affordable without doing any damage to hustle balance sheets. this is not the situation we're facing in 2008 and 2009, and
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there's long legs before that shows up in terms of inflation, i think with the broader data issue yes, we do have strong data. we also had a big revision to data that showed that inflation stayed more resilient than we thought in the fourth quarter, even as consumers were pulling back, and i think the important issue here is how hard it is to measure an economy that moves this rapidly and the fed has to take that into account as well that some of the data signs that are showing how strong the economy as are likely to give back a little bit of that strength as we move into spring and summer, just because of how hard it is to measure this kind of rapid changes in the economy. it's so interesting. always great to have you, diane. thank you so much. thank you. so there is also movement today in two separate investigations involving former president donald trump in new york city. a grand jury is set to reconvene today as they wait is the wait continues to see if they decide to criminally charge trump for
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his alleged role in a scheme to pay hush money to stormy daniels and also falsified business records around those payments. there is also news on the justice department's special counsel investigation into trump's handling of classified documents, sources telling cnn a federal judge is now convinced that trump may have used one of his own defense attorneys to break the law. there could be real ripple effect effects from this ruling that just came in paula reid is watching all of this. you see yours is now let's start in. let's start in new york with this investigation into the hush money payments to stormy daniels. do we know why the grand jury was brought back in today? if they're meeting today, it's because it's one of the days that they typically meet, and kate, i can tell you with full confidence. we don't know what's going to happen today. we don't know if they're going to hear from additional witnesses. we don't know if they're going to vote on a possible indictment. we've been able to say through our reporting with such certainty over the past several days really over the past, maybe 10 days about what was going to happen in this investigation, but when it comes to today, it's
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just not clear if they have wrapped up their work. it's not clear where prosecutors are at following this somewhat unexpected testimony from robert costello monday because this is a prosecutor's show. it's a grand jury, and that was a defense request. did witness what we do now, though. if they vote to indict the former president this week. any initial appearance they want to wait until next week for that, and the choreography here would be an indictment would be voted out will be filed under seal. defense attorneys would be notified. you might want to look on truth social to see any potential leaks at that point, and then they negotiate this self surrender. but today we're watching. we continue to talk to all of our sources to figure out exactly what could happen today . how is donald trump? responding to all of us was interesting because he's really leaning into all of this. he to fully embrace the idea of an arrest, of course, speculating that he was going to be arrested yesterday. well calling for protests and fundraising on truth social in between those post so he clearly believes his team believes this can help him politically. now i think intelligent minds can disagree
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about the strength of the case here in manhattan, and i think it's also fair to say it's certainly not the most consequential case. i won't speculate on the evidence because we don't know all of it. but compared to the other legal threats he's facing. it's certainly a more minor cases we've seen as you mentioned with the special counsel. i mean, there you have a special counsel trying to get through attorney client privilege and an investigation about possibly mishandling classified materials . so all of this is accumulating . and while he wants to embrace this idea of being a victim of the deep state of aggressive prosecutors, it's unclear whether voters are going to see it that way. or if they'll just kind of see this accumulation of drama, and we've seen some of his campaign rivals seizing this into saying, look there's no palace intrigue in my in my governance, exactly, for example , rhonda santis, so it'll be interesting to see if he's right about fully embracing this. and as you have been doing so wonderfully for quite some time. now everyone can just pump the brakes, brakes and speculation until when the d a decides to move the d a will decide to move and we will find that out here
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as the same thing with the special counsel as we're getting a reporting there. it's good to see you. thank you so much, paula. so joining me now for more on this is marc short. he is a former chief of staff to vice president. mike pence, also former legislative affairs director for president trump. it's good to see you mark the new york times on when it comes to the possible indictment possible criminal charges against donald trump in new york city. the new york times is reporting that he's telling folks that he likes the idea of having to do a perp walk, potentially. and if he if he's arrested here's some of their reporting, it's he's even mused openly about whether he should smile for the assembled media. and he has pondered how the public would react and is said to have described the potential spectacle as a fun experience. it was your new you're coming on today. i was wondering your take on. would you want a candidate that you're working with doing a perp walk? well, it's a great question, kate. i think obviously the answer is no. and i do think that the former president trump has always been a great counterpuncher, and i think there's part of him that did does view this as a political asset because he can use it to paint the other, more serious legal jeopardy. he faces
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either in georgia or the department of justice is they're all politically motivated. see? look at what the d a in manhattan. is doing. having said that i've seen some people like lindsey graham and others say this will certainly guarantee donald trump's renomination. i don't know, kate i it's hard for me to think that after seven years of the ups and downs around president trump that there's going to be your pokemon primary voters somewhere that's going to wake up tomorrow and say, you know what now that he's been indicted for giving hush money to a porn star. now i'm all in. i'm gonna vote for him. i think that's a far stretch. and so yeah, i kind of to your answer original question. i certainly think it's not beneficial to any candidate to, uh to be indicted, much less for something like paying hush money to a porn star on that. you've said, you know, it could help him and maybe benefit he could benefit from it in the short term, but in the long term, does it hurt him or said maybe a different way? does this work to benefit another candidate in the long term? well, i think that
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there's a sense that at some point that that the drama of this becomes a burden. it gets too much so, in instance, if they're going to also facing diamonds in georgia, also at department of justice, i think that you look back to the 2020 election and there are a lot of voters candidly who were really excited about the record of the trump pence years and all four years of what we accomplished on tax reform was done at the border was done and taken on china. and i think they're excited about many of the judges that were confirmed, but in many cases you look at at at focus groups and voters said i was just exhausted from the drama. and so i think there is a sense that this begins to build up over time, and i think it's counterproductive to the former president's ambitions to try to reclaim the nomination again. let me ask you since you mentioned focus groups. i wanted to ask you about focus groups as it relates to mike pence. mckay coppins with the atlantic. he just put out a new piece. on republican focus groups over a period of time that he was able to observe and they his take as they had a blistering take on mike pence. the headline of
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mackay's piece is nobody likes mike pence and let me play for you. mckay was on this morning on cnn. let me play how he explains what he heard from republicans. strong trump supporters were alienated by pence because of his refusal to obstruct the certification of the electoral votes on january 6th less trump inclined republicans said that they felt pence was tarnished by his time in the administration. all of the republicans suggested in one way or another that they felt pence was weak or lacked conviction. does that worry you ? not in the least. i think the evidence belies what mckay's talking about. i mean, just last week, the vice president had sold out events in iowa sold out events in new hampshire. he has several more scheduled there continue to be sold out. he's in demand from all the state parties and, in fact made, the state party's asked him to continue to write fundraising letters with his name signed to him, so the evidence that we see is entirely contrary, and i think it's important note those focus groups that he was talking
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about were commissioned by a group that was never trump supporter. and they were constantly pushing narratives against the trump pence administration over the last four years, so i think it's incredibly biased report and i'm sorry the cnn decided to give him time on the air, but i appreciate you give me a chance to respond because all the evidence we get is entirely contrary to that is the vice president continues to travel the country kate and was instilled to see when the vice president if the vice president ah will decide to jump in the race. it's good to see you, mark. thank you so much for coming on. thanks for having me. appreciate it. ukraine's president surprised troops on the front lines with russia as a fresh wave of attacks hit the country, including strikes that killed several in the capital key we're going to take you to ukraine next long, introducing new sweet and savory crepes for a limited time. buy one get one free. with five flavors that are delilicious any time of day only from ihop download the app free food with every order. think
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brought to you by a d. t mystery. remember march man. in the tournament is going to shine march madness, live on any device anywhere and be ready for anything. ukrainian president alinsky made a surprise visit to troops in the long fought battle line and in the donetsk region today, alinsky's visit is quite a split screen against russian president vladimir putin's visit to mary opal in ukraine over the weekend and more than a foot more than photo ops. there was a fresh wave of attacks on ukraine showing the brutality of this conflict. now is a lynskey himself tweeted this video will show you today showing a russian missile strike on a residential building ends up aritzia. at least one person was killed. in this attack and then in the cap, the country's capital kiev, seven more people were killed in a wave of drone strikes. david mckenzie is in odessa for us at this hour. david what are you learning? what more are you
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learning about these attacks? we look at this awful video kate of this missile, striking residential nine story building and separation, where the authorities say at least six missiles were struck in that area. several were taken down by air defenses, but this horrifying moment of hitting the corner of that building. at least one killed, multiple injured and this is just the ongoing terror that ukrainians have to face from russian bombardments on a daily basis. the ukrainians saying that this was purely residential area now , military assets there. we can't verify that, of course. president zelensky calling it savagery, and you had those overnight strikes of drones in the kiev region in the capital. i have to say just in the last couple of days we've been in and out of prison and that's a city riot on the dividing line between russian and ukrainian forces. and even while we are
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there, you hear the incoming and outgoing artillery. rocket fire . people have left that city in fear for their lives. this is just every single day here in ukraine, you had the president making the surprise visit to back mood or that's the regions of the backboard front lines, according to the ukrainians. speaking to soldiers meeting with injured soldiers showing his leadership right there on the front lines and certainly the strikes of the last few days again. zelensky is calling for more support from the outside world. a example of that kate is that the us government saying they can deliver those older generation abrams tanks to ukraine by the fall more than 30 of them. that will be a significant boost ukrainian soldiers and their mechanized units. since i've been here you do get a sense that there is this need for these weapons and ammunition from the ukrainian point of view to get in as
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quickly as possible as they gear up. for possible counter offenses to push russians away from those lines and possibly limit the impact of these civilian trust strikes. okay? david thank you for that. joining me now from much more on this from the white house as the coordinator for strategic communications and the president's national security council, john kirby, john. thank you for being here. let me ask you about this missile strike that we now see video of ins apparatus. i mean, ukraine says that it was a deliberate attack on a residential building. do you believe that it was targeted to kill civilians as ukraine believes it certainly could be. i mean, we don't have, you know , tactile information specifically about that strike, but it's obviously right out of the russian playbook to target civilian infrastructure into to show no regard for avoiding the targeting of civilians, so it absolutely could be. and how ironic that the day after president xi and president putin in moscow, talk about peace and talk about trying to find a way
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for a negotiated settlement and the cessation of hostilities and the day after that mr putin launches drones and missiles that at least two different cities inside ukraine hitting civilian targets. it just shows you how instance here mr putin is about any effort to try to end this war and one thing one way that ukraine says it needs to end this war is more firepower from the united states. we've learned that you all will be sending patriot missile systems and the abrams tanks to ukraine faster than originally planned. is it because john they needed more urgent urgently than originally thought or the ukrainians proving quicker studies on these systems and initially thought that's really a combination of things. i mean, first of all, we have always had a sense of urgency of getting weapons in the ukrainian hands as fast as possible since the beginning of the war, actually, since before the war started, but yes, i mean, as you train the ukrainians, and you see how well they are reacting in that it does. it does give the system a little bit more confidence that you can move a little bit
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faster. and of course, we wouldn't be doing our jobs, if with every package was with every capability, we weren't looking at ways to tailor it to try to get it into their hands a little bit soon. so that's a good thing. it's a good thing if you can accelerate the delivery of, say, tanks or other missile systems, we want to make sure these weeks and months ahead are going to be critical. kate we want to make sure that the ukrainians have everything they need in order to be successful. the fact that they are proving quick studies and we have our own reporting on the ground and forts still support still from my colleague seeing this and hearing this from commanders on the ground, saying that they are proving very quick studies ukrainians does that indicate any change in position on the request for sending over f 16 jets. is the president more inclined to start moving in that direction? there's no change to our policy on 16th. at this time you heard the president talked about this very, very plainly. that's just not going to be our focus for right now. we're focused on kate again in these weeks and months ahead. it's going to be sort of what we call
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the forays, armor, our artillery , air, defense and ammunition. and if you just look at the packages we've sent and just recent days and weeks, in fact, just a couple of days ago, you'll see that we're making good on those commitments because that's the kind of fighting we expect that they're going to be doing here in and again when spring. when the weather gets better. it's going to be more open terrain combined arms warfare, and so we're really kind of front, loading those kinds of capabilities for them. the nato secretary general said yesterday. he hasn't seen any proof that china is delivering lethal weapons to russia. yet jinping left the these meetings with putin also without any public promise that he will be supplying them weapons. despite the request, do you think that china is closer to that? after this these three days, this three day visit to russia? really hard to know for certain, kate. we again see no indication that they're moving in that direction or made a decision in that regard. we don't think it's in china's best interest. it certainly would not not be consistent with what president xi has said himself.
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about what the results he wants to see coming out of this war in ukraine, so we obviously don't want that to happen. just haven't seen any indication of it. the took the major step of putting out an arrest warrant for president putin for war crimes. in december, john and you know you well know this congress changed longstanding legal restrictions to now allow the united states to better help the with its investigations and prosecutions as it relates to the war in ukraine. the new york times is reporting, though, and i've had many conversations with folks about this now that the pentagon is still blocking the administration from sharing evidence with the over their own concerns. is president biden planning to direct the pentagon to change that position and provide that evidence? we've been clear from almost the beginning that we're going to assist in international investigations into war crimes and atrocities, and that includes the one being done by the president benjamin consistent on that and we're going to continue to do that.
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we're going to work with ukrainian authorities, including their attorney general, to document this evidence to analyze that and to preserve it for these international tribunals going forward. we have stayed committed to that that's not going to change. but do you dispute the reporting? and what i've heard is that the pentagon is hesitant and his blocking, handing over some evidence over to the well, i'm not gonna get into the press reporting on this or internal interagency discussions and deliberations. what i can tell you is this administration and this president is committed to making sure that we hold russia accountable for these war crimes and these atrocities. in fact, we've we've labeled them as crimes against humanity. and we take that seriously, so we're going to make sure that that evidence is preserved and analyzed. it's made ready for a range of international bodies that are might likely will be looking into this going forward. real quick back to russia and china. because i know you said this yesterday, i believe on cnn, saying that what china should be doing is talking to president zelensky. if they want to be if they want to be a peace
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broker. do you have any indication that china is that there's any they're any closer to setting up a call setting up a visit? you know, i know. obviously, the united states is using that understandably as a marker of if you mean it. show it. do you see any any movement there after he's now left moscow not aware of any decisions made by the chinese to do that, no statements that they've made. that can point us to that, in the note to a degree of confidence in that, but you're right. we think if you're going to take the time to go to moscow, and you're going to take the time to sit down president putin and get his views on this war of aggression, he started to also talk to president zelinsky. you got to get the ukrainian view because no effort to end this war if it does come down to a diplomatic process, no effort is going to be credible or sustainable without ukrainian input without ukrainian acquiescence to it without ukrainian support. president xi is serious about wanting to see a negotiated end to this war. he's got to have that conversation with president zelensky. we've been encouraging them to do that for quite some time, and we hope that that will happen. yep. words and actions.
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they do matter in this. it's good to see you, john. thank you for your time. you bet. a massive strike that's closed more than 1000. los angeles schools has now entered a second day what these school staffers are demanding and what the school district is saying in return. that's next. when you hahave auto glass damage trust safefelite will replace your windshield and recalibrate your advanced safety systems, so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly repair, say flag replace next on behind the series tharun with the champ was magical, tender chicken, the peppercorn ranch. i love my rings cherish that lunch forever . subway series the greatest menu of all time. tina used to worry about bad breath now. swishy time their breath mouthwash for 12 hours, fresh breath and it's non burning.
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than half a million children in los angeles about 30,000 school support staff from the nation's second largest school district. there on the picket line, they're demanding better pay better treatment and better hours standing alongside them in solidarity. now is the 35 35,000 , members of the districts, teachers union and also now the white house is weighing and urging both parties, the union and the school district to find a quick resolution to all of this. joining me riot right now is austin beutner. he's a former superintendent for that school district. los angeles unified it's good to see you again, austin. the unions asking for 30% pay raise $2 and that plus $2 an hour over the next four years. what do you think is going to happen here? i hope those who are doing the work in schools get fairly taken care of , and some context matters. recall we spoke repeatedly during the pandemic. these are the people who made sure los angeles got fed. they made sure every student had a computer and internet access. they made sure
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everybody got a covid test and everybody got a covid vaccine and as a result los angeles students were the only ones in the nation to see improvement in both math and reading and 4th and 8th grade. these are our heroes now. an average wage of $25,000 they're struggling to get by los angeles are very expensive place to live, and i think when the district has record revenue record surplus, it's time to treat people fairly and take care of those who are doing the work in schools. if they've been negotiating. i mean for something like a year now, why do you think it got to this? i don't know. it shouldn't have if the district has the money, which i think they do with the record revenue record surplus, take care of people treat him with respect to make sure they provide you provide them with the love and attention that they did for the entire community. it shouldn't have gotten to this point. i think as soon as everybody can be back in schools, nobody wants to see a strike. but these are the people who they're the glue. they hold the school together and we should be taking care of them.
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the current superintendent, alberto carvahlo. he has put some of the blame on the past administration. i want to play for you what he told cnn yesterday. this is the result of a crescendo of frustration that goes back many, many, many years . this new team has inherited these conditions we are negotiating, and i remain hopeful that we'll be able to have a legitimate conversation that may result in a precedent setting contract. union leaders do and union members. they do not seem happy with how the superintendent has handled this. how do you think he's doing? how do you think he's handling this? well i know he's trying hard. i know that everybody is trying hard to get this solved. it's been a year of negotiation and think about it. if you're struggling to get by, you're making bits more than minimum wage in los angeles and you ask for a raise and you don't hear back for months and months and months. that lack of respect and that frustration i'm sure has boiled over. let's get people back to work. let's treat them fairly and let's move on and
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make sure kids are getting the education they need and serve. they're jumping on a tweet where he mentioned something about a circus as well. what do you how do you think that's played into this? again i think you'd have to talk to those who are picketing those who are not at schools today. i've heard repeatedly. you know this is about respect, treat people fairly and what i saw in schools . i saw people getting up at three and four o'clock in the morning to make sure kids get meals to start at the bus depot and take kids from all over los angeles to whatever school their families chosen to enroll them in. i saw people you can see kind of behind my shoulder. here there's a tile mosaic of a bus. this was made for me by a bus driver during the pandemic, who was not just working with the bus to make sure your kids had computer and internet access. but she was helping an art teacher with their kids and their art project, which happened to tile mosaics and made this for me. these are people who put in the extra time they care about the kids in the community and many of their own
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kids. they live and work in los angeles. it's time we take care of it. i want to talk to you about what this means for the kids, because, as you mentioned, we talked so often during the pandemic, when schools were shut down and what the impact was and everything you were doing because schools were shut down for all of these kids, they couldn't get into the classrooms. um they're forced to stay home again for this three day strike that we hear this is going to be, you know, kids stuck in the middle once again. what do you say about that? it shouldn't get to this point. i think that it's unfortunate. i am sure no one wants to be. it's on a strike. these are people struggling to get by losing a few days pay. is apocalyptic. it's a real sacrifice. i think if we can treat them fairly kids will be back in school will move forward and it's unfortunate it's gotten to this point because everyone knows the best place for kids to be as in school each and every day. yeah when we know that all too well, especially after the last few years. austin thanks for the time. okay thank you for having
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me. thank you. so dominion voting once fox news chairman rupert murdoch to take the stand, the latest from the high stakes hearing next. ready for any landscape challenge right now save $50 on the 57 battery trimmer only at your local steel dealer informant can i wilnot. men think casl. their family i still maintain, knows how it most case what's uque about the abbopandemic defense coalition. our ability to move quickly. it's a community that supports each other. and shares information sequence for the
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hits your supply chain and writer. make sure you're ever delivering freight brokerage to transportation management capacity and dedicated trucks and drivers. closed captioning brought to you by meso book .com. we proudly help veterans with mesothelioma. call for a free book 1 808 220400 or go to miso book .com. at this hour. the norfolk southern ceo is back in the hot seat on capitol hill. facing more questions, his testimony is coming as they are still cleaning up from the toxic train derailment in east palestine, ohio, ohio's governor also spoke out this morning, telling cnn that the community still has a ways to go, and he's pushing congress to step in. listen. out of those two bills. we all be able to get a bill that will will make a big big difference. uh, you know, i
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served many years in the house and the senate. i'm not going to get into the gory details about which version of the bill is better. but we just we need the changes. i think either bill will do a good job. wine is set to visit east palestine as well to see the areas cleanup efforts and how it's looking tomorrow. so dominion voting and fox news they are back in court today, hashing it out in a summary judgment hearing and dominions $1.6 billion defamation suit against fox news. both sides are trying to convince the judge to declare them the winner before the case goes to trial. jessica schneider has the very latest for us, jessica there was this was only supposed to last one day. what's happening in courtland today? yes okay. the arguments ran long yesterday. both sides now back before a judge, and this is a delaware state judge will determine whether he alone will decide this case on the facts that are already out there or if this will, in fact, go to a jury trial. so, interestingly this morning, fox news lawyers accused dominion of manipulating
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its data to justify that $1.6 billion demand in this defamation case. fox is saying that this billion dollar plus demand it was only concocted to garner media coverage around this case, and they argue that dominion is really worth less than that, since they generated less than $11 million in annual earnings before the 2020 race, so there's still a question as this hearing is going on now. about whether this case maybe could settle before any potential trial. but if it does go to trial that would likely start next month, and the stakes in this case are enormous, both moneywise, but this would also be a major test of first amendment law because dominion is saying that fox news executives and its host knew that they were airing false claims, accusing dominion voting of using its machines and software to rig the 2020 election. then you have fox news and they're saying we can't be held liable for airing what are inherently newsworthy allegations from public figures like rudy giuliani and lawyer sydney powell, who is really at the forefront of these
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allegations. so in recent weeks leading up to this hearing, we've seen explosive inside communications from the hosts, where they talk about how outrageous the claims were against dominion. but they did really nothing on air to temp down on those allegations. interestingly here, kate fox corporation chairman, rupert murdoch has also been implicated . his texts and emails have come out, and now dominion wants rupert murdoch and his ceo ceo son, lachlan murdoch, to testify. if there is a trial here, fox news is pushing back, saying that it would be a hardship for them to actually appear, and it would just create a media circus. so we'll see. kate what will happen? this hearing will likely conclude this afternoon. the judge will then decide whether or not to grant summary judgment. if he doesn't the case will move to a trial, which will likely be at some point starting next month. kate and we will stand by to stand by for updates on this one. thank you so much, jessica. we also have a major update in an investigation in south carolina police now are saying that the death of stephen smith
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is a homicide investigation. now how this turn came about, and why it's tied to the murdoch investigation. a live report coming up next but first, dr sanjay gupta explains why taking quick breaks during the day is so beneficial to your health and today's chasing life. hey there. i'm doctor sanjay gupta, host of cnn's chasing life podcast. you hate the gym. you can't find the time to get there. i know what you mean. here's what might help schedule some quick activity breaks and do them as often as you can. keep in mind that enemy here is sitting sitting for too long can increase your risk of things like diabetes and heart conditions, even certain types of cancer, so just a five minute walk every half hour can help reduce those risks. that's according to a new study published by the american college of sports medicine, and that walk, they say, doesn't even have to be fast. you just need to be up and moving study
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direct today at 803 9 to 7600 or visit coventry direct .com eva longoria searching for mexico sunday at 10 on cnn. this morning. state investigators in south carolina are now treating the 2015 death of stephen smith as a homicide. questions about smith's death were raised during the alex murdoch murder investigation. smith's death was
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reported at the time as a hit and run, but officials are now publicly acknowledging that they do not believe that to be the case. diane gallagher is following this and she joins us now. diane this investigation has been mentioned often in the same breath as the murdoch murders. is there a connection? locate the only real connection that has been made official between the death of stephen smith and the murdoch family is the fact that back in june of 2021, the state law enforcement division announced that it was opening the case into stephen smith's killing because of information it gathered while looking into the murders of paul and maggie murdock. since that point, they have never glean what that information was or what a further connection may have been. but look attorney for stephen smith's mother. sandy said that yesterday the chief of fled, called him and said that now that the murdoch trial is over, they are able to put more
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manpower more investigative power into steven's homicide investigation and also noted that perhaps more people would be willing to speak about anything that they may know. so again. there have been no suspects named in stephen smith killing but back in 2015 when highway patrol was doing an investigation. there were plenty of people who mentioned the murdoch name and including buster murdoch, the only surviving son of alex murdoch. he of course, issued a statement this after this week, saying, explicitly denying it that he had nothing to do with it. he said that this has gone on for far too long. these baseless rumors of my involvement with steven and his death are false, unequivocally deny any involvement in his death. and my heart goes out to the smith family. kate. look her. the family of stephen smith is asking anybody who has any information, please contact state authorities there in south carolina. diane. thank you so much for that. i appreciate it. thank you all for watching at this hour. i'm kate baldwin.
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medicare done well inside politics with john king next on cnn. close captioning is brought to you by audiobook network. others tell your story producing audio book with us earn more profits and find a new audience for your published book produced an audiobook. we handle narration, production and digital distribution 38559. hello and welcome to inside politics. i'm john king in washington. thank you. for sharing your day with us to courts to legal migraines for donald trump in new york grand jury weighs charging the former president for steering money to silence stormy daniels. and here in washington


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