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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 21, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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plus buy now and pay overtime with a firm at birth .com. eva longoria searching for mexico sunday at 10 on cnn. captioning brought to you by meso book .com. we offer a free book on mesothelioma call for the free book and receive so much more call 1 808 31 37 100. hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world. you are watching cnn newsroom and i'm rosemary church just ahead inside marilyn lago. donald trump is preparing for a
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potential indictment. but new reporting by cnn this hour shows the former president's legal troubles. run much deeper than alleged hush money. the feds big decision just hours away what to do with interest rates amid a bank meltdown, jittery markets and high inflation. plus after the sheep putin meetings in moscow how the blooming friendship between russia and china is testing the united states. live from cnn center. this is cnn newsroom with rosemary church. good to have you with us, and we begin with a major legal blow to donald trump in the investigation of classified documents that his merrill lago estate sources told cnn the justice department has convinced a district court judge that trump may have committed a
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crime. this is important, of course, because it means trump's lawyer in this case, even corcoran can no longer claim attorney client privilege. in his testimony, cnn's evan perez has more. a federal judge has ruled that former president donald trump used one of his defense attorneys in furtherance of a crime or fraud related to existence of classified documents at mar a lago. sources tell cnn that the ruling from judge beryl howell makes clear for the first time that the justice department is arguing that trump himself may have committed a crime, and george howell believes that prosecutors have met the burden to require trump's attorney, evan corcoran , to testify to a grand jury, meaning he can't claim attorney client privilege. to broadly declined to answer questions from prosecutors, sources say howl in her sealed ruling determined that prosecutors were able to show corcoran's legal services were used in furtherance of a crime. the justice department is still
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seeking corcoran's testimony after he cited attorney client privilege as well as testimony from another trump lawyer, jennifer little, cnn has learned. trump's lawyers have sought emergency intervention from the appeals court three judges from the d c circuit court of appeals have moved very quickly to respond as they're still considering whether they put the decision from howell on hold. evan perez, cnn washington . now to a cnn exclusive, stormy daniels attorney says communications between his client and a trump lawyer have been turned over to the manhattan district attorney. the exchanges raised the possibility that trump's counsel joe tacopina, may be sidelined from the case. tacopina denies any confidential information was shared with his office. the district attorney is investigating trump's alleged hush money payment to daniel's, just before the 2016 election.
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the grand jury in that case is expected to resume its probe in the coming hours. despite trump's prediction tuesday came and went without an indictment or an arrest of the former president. prosecutors are weighing charges that trump falsified business records and violated campaign finance laws. a small handful of demonstrators showed up outside the prosecutor's office in new york after trump called for protests . meanwhile trump's former vice president says he thinks any possible indictment is politically motivated. i think in this instance i would discourage americans from engaging in protests if, in fact the former president is indicted. i understand the frustration. i've i. as i said this past weekend, i if the president is in fact indicted by the manhattan d a. that appears to me to be a politically motivated prosecution. the new york investigation is just the
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tip of the legal iceberg for trump. he could be indicted at any time. cnn's paula reid has more on the former president's challenges. right now. former president trump is facing no fewer than four criminal investigations investigation concerning the former president's ongoing the case that seems to be putting trump in the most immediate jeopardy. the manhattan district attorney's investigation into hush money payments to porn star stormy daniels. did you know? $30,000 payment to stormy daniels. no no case involves potentially falsified business records and possible campaign finance violations, something that would have surprised trump back in 1999. nobody knows more about campaign finance than i do. the payments to daniels were facilitated by cohen in the final days of the 2016 campaign . the access hollywood tape it just come out when you're a
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star. they let you do it. you can do anything, and daniels was allegedly trying to sell her story about sleeping with trump money to stay silent. yes, um the story was coming out again. cohen trump's former fixer and personal attorney, became one of his primary antagonistic. what mr trump is he is a racist. he is a con man. and here's a cheat , has met with the manhattan da's office 20 times that appeared before the grand jury twice to testify about a $130,000 payment to daniel's to silence her about an alleged affair with trump. president trump denies any such affair now , almost seven years later, the case may be coming to a conclusion. but while this particular investigation maybe the most imminent, legal experts say it's far from the most consequential, trump is also facing a dual pronged special
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counsel investigation. it is in the public interest to appoint a special counsel examining both the former president handling of classified documents at mara lago and possible obstruction to walk down. to the capital and his involvement in the events leading up to the storming of the capital. on january 6th. jack smith's case is the most important because it's the constitutionally most significant to the country, and that's not the only investigation related to the 2020 election and its aftermath . in georgia. fulton county d a funny willis is looking into trump and his allies efforts to overturn the 2020 election. i just want to find 11,000. 780 votes. in that case, a special grand jury returned a report recommending multiple indictments and the is still deciding on whether to bring charges here in manhattan have a deadline. the statute of
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limitations in this case expires in may. so it's now or never for the district attorney. read cnn, new york. the us federal reserve is set to announce its decision on interest rates in the day ahead. most economists are predicting a modest quarter point hike meant to curb inflation without upending the bond market and hurting the banking industry. meanwhile wall street is breathing a sigh of relief as the u. s treasury secretary is hinting at more support for small banks. janet yellen says the government is willing to guarantee more deposits if the meltdown continue. news. the steps we took were not focused on eating specific banks or classes of banks. our intervention was necessary to protect the broader u. s banking system. and similar actions could be warranted if
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smaller institutions suffered deposit runs that posed the risk of contagion. the dow gained more than 300 points on tuesday . the s and p finished up one and a third percent and the nest ac added more than 1.5% let's take a look at the futures market ahead of two of wednesday's opening bell. i should say and all looking pretty flat there. joining me now from ann arbor, michigan is justin wolfers, a professor of economics and public policy at the university of michigan. good to have you with us. your pleasure. so even with us markets ending in positive territory tuesday, does it make economic sense for the federal reserve to raise interest rates in the coming hours? given the u. s banking system is still a little shaky and looking for additional support for small banks. look i think the simple view is you can't do two things
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at the same time and to try and reduce financial distress would be a force for lower interest rates, while trying to reduce inflation would lead them to higher interest rates. on the other hand, and this is actually my belief. when you have two tools. you can do two things at the same time, and that's what the fed has, it can fix the question of financial stability by providing liquidity to the financial system. it's opened huge lines of credit this making sure there's lots of money in the vaults of small and medium sized regional banks. and then the same time it can raise interest rates because there it's trying to rein in spending by, say, businesses, opening new office parks and new factories. so we two tools. you can do two things, and i think that's what we're going to see. well what's your sense? then? of how how the feds will respond. they will raise the interest rates but by a very small amount. do you think well, i should say rosemary. if i was really good
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at predicting this, you'd have to pay a lot of money for my opinion. um, but we want this for free. well look at that, huh ? i'll get you hooked on the freebies first. um i think the fair is gonna try and do two things. it wants to send a signal that it's doing all it can to protect the financial system, and it's been remarkably successful. and the fact that financial markets today look a lot like they did a day or two before anyone had heard of silicon valley bank is testament to that. inflation remains high , and it needs to continue on its path to defeat inflation. there is a little bit of an argument for slowing down just to get a sense of what all of this will mean for the real economy. but at the end of the day, we got to remember that silicon valley bank was a pretty small bank, and most people who need loans are going to be able to get them and so hopefully this is just a little hiccup along the way. so with this interest rate decision looming large how does the federal reserve make that economic
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calculation of how much to raise interest rates in order to bring down inflation while while not spooking the markets. yes so the good news for viewers is that already inflation is down from the alarming levels that a lot of people have fixed in their head. there's a funny thing the way we calculate inflation. it's about the rate of change of prices over the last 12 months, so that calculation tells us a lot about what was happening six or nine or 11 months ago. when we look at more recent figures it looks like inflation has come down to say four point something percent, so definitely not a crisis. the bad news, though, is a couple of months ago, it looked like it might have been trending downward. that no longer seems as clear and so what that tells the fed is what it's done so far has not been enough to get inflation on a clear downward trajectory, so it's probably going to continue to push up rates for at least another meeting or so. and while the u. s markets closed in positive territory tuesday, apparently a little more confident about the banking
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system. is the crisis over yet, or do you foresee more trouble ahead with some of these regional vulnerable banks? i think what? what i feel confident to say is for those people who are worried about widespread financial problems affecting all sorts of institutions and the bank that you and i might be banking at. i think that appears to be pretty much off the table. silicon valley bank was pretty unique. it was a bank whose depositors were largely uninsured. at a bank that took a lot of big bets, and there are very few banks that are in that category, so there may be a couple of other stragglers who are in that sort of a situation, but they're small, and the federal government already is making it clear that they're gonna stand behind and help depositors were that to be the case, and so i feel quite confident we're not going to see a broad based financial crisis. i feel less confident about whether you know another one or two or even half a dozen banks might go down along the way, but not really
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important players. justin wolfers, always a pleasure to have your analysis many things. it's good fun, mate. well the u. s state of california is in cleanup mode after yet another atmospheric river dumped heavy rain across the state. los angeles alone has received more than 24 inches of rain, nearly 200% of its average rainfall since october. heavy rain paired with hurricane force winds has made the situation a recipe for disaster in many cities. storms have uprooted trees and destroyed power lines with more than 170,000 customers without electricity right now, and many are still under threat from high winds across the rest of the southwest region. travelers in san francisco were delayed more than three hours because of the wind on tuesday, snow is still a concern with nearly white out conditions seen in some parts of the state. in the coming hours
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school workers across the second largest school district in the u . s plan to hit the picket line for a second straight day that word from the service employees international union, whose leaders are calling for more respect and a dignified wage from the los angeles unified school district. so far, contract negotiations have failed to reach a resolution. the two sides spoke out as the strike got underway. enough s enough. that's right was the truly values and it's serious about reaching an agreement. they must show workers respect they deserve yeah, enough of empty promises. this is the result of a crescendo of frustration that goes back many, many, many years. this new team has inherited these conditions we are negotiating, and i remain hopeful that we'll be able to have a legitimate conversation that may result in a precedent setting contract. the school
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workers want more full time work opportunities and equitable wage increases. the union is seeking a 30% wage increase. and still to come. the west watches with a skeptical eye as the russian and chinese leaders tout their deepening ties and supposed peace plan to end the war in ukraine more on their talks in a live report just ahead. my name is brian de e lalo. i teach ap d hohonors economics in pittsburg, pennsylvania. financial well being to me is knowing that i can be free to do the things that i love to do. i hope when i retire someday they say that guy made this place a special place to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the community. scout is protected by
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watched talks between the russian and chinese presidents in moscow have ended with pledges for stronger ties and the touting of a supposed peace plan put forward by beijing to end the war in ukraine, but the u. s and western allies have ridiculed that plan, saying it's nothing more than a one sided deal that would give vladimir putin cover to continue with his war of choice. as for those talks, putin and xi jinping signed a joint declaration tuesday to deepen their partnership. she says he has built a close relationship with putin and that relations between russia and china are crucial to the world order. later they held a toast at a state dinner where putin declared. relations between the two countries are at the highest point ever. cnn's
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matthew chance is following developments in has more now from moscow. with a drum roll a grand entrance for the russian. chinese president now on center stage. the kremlin pomp and ceremony, underlining the crucial importance to moscow. this visit, president putin is isolated and sanctioned over ukraine, but he still has she jinping at his side. chinese diplomatic and economic lifeline vital as russia cut off by the west. thompson. we're ready to support chinese business, replacing western enterprises that have left russia, putin says. the two leaders also spoke
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of a new gas pipeline to china and signed more than a dozen deals to further connect the two countries like it or not. russia and china are becoming increasingly aligned. and it's not just raising concerns in the west. in moscow, hints at a deep seated russian mistrust of chinese expansion. on the one hand, she's visiting is good, she says. but knowing that eastern ways we should be careful. on russian state tv. there's a similar warning. china can have only one ally. this guest tells the house. china itself. but it's the war in ukraine. not the wisdom of embracing china over shadowing this summit. there's been no mention of china providing military aid to russia. but the kremlin says a controversial
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chinese peace plan was thoroughly discussed. a senior ukrainian official tells cnn talks are now underway to get the chinese and ukrainian leaders on a call. but there are serious doubts. jinping who calls putin his dear friend, is enough of an honest broker to bring the warring sides together. china which is itself at odds with the u. s. really wants peace between russia and the west. matthew chance. cnn moscow. let's go live to hong kong now. and cnn's kristie lu stout, good to see you, chris do so what does this signed joint declaration between xi and putin signal for future china russia relations and, of course for the rest of the world. yeah in first i do want to update our viewers as merry as we have learned that
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chinese leader xi jinping has left russia. the visit is over. he is now on route to china. this is, according to the chinese state broadcaster cctv, but to answer your question, you know, let's just look at what's happened over the last couple of hours while in moscow, these two leaders the proposed and presented themselves as peace brokers playing up china's plan for peace in ukraine again. this is a plan that calls for a ceasefire and talks, but it does not include any calls for russia to back out of occupied territories inside ukraine now it was drawn up without any involvement from ukraine. it has been roundly criticized by the west, including the united states and nato. and we heard on tuesday from the ukrainian president. he added that a ceasefire was not in ukraine's best interests. in addition to all the talk about peace jumping , and vladimir putin also emphasized their deepening relationship and it was certainly unfold display you had the tuesday's state dinner, the two leaders, they raised a toast and put in proclaim that russia
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chinese relations are at the highest point ever. and we also heard from xi jinping, who touted their close economic ties. take a listen. woman sensual being far beyond. we have signed a joint statement to deepen our comprehensive partnership and strategic engagement as we enter a new era and a joint statement on the development plan for key areas of chinese russian economic cooperation for the period up to 2030. we already knew that their ties were closed. since the invasion. china has been buying russian energy that, you know, listening the impact of western sanctions and put in his announcement, russia is ready to increase uninterrupted oil supplies to china. he points out that russia is the fourth largest supplier of liquefied gas to china, and that those supplies will expand and put an also said that moscow would support chinese business in replacing western enterprises that left russia so back to you , rosemary. alright many thanks to our kristie lu stout joining
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us live from hong kong. well, it could be one of the most consequential defamation lawsuits in recent history, dominion voting systems, says fox news tossed about the truth aside or tossed it aside and pursuit of better ratings, the latest on the billion dollar case that's next. sunday on cnn evening of high praise and highh comedy. the kennedy center presents the mark twain pririze for american humor celebrating adam sandler with special guests . jennifer aniston, chris rock, barrymore, conan o'brien, apatow and more. the mark twain prize for american humor are celebrating adam sandler. sunday at eight exclusively on cnn. wells fargo, presenting sponsor of the kennedy center, mark twain prize. new chasing business premier card is made for people like sam who make everyday products design smarter , like a smart coffee grinder
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actually worth. then they auction it to their network of professional buyers. get more for your jewelry with worthy .com arianna vogue at the supreme court, and this is cnn. welcome back everyone. the dominion voting systems lawsuit against fox news will go back to court in the coming hours as both sides try to convince the judge their case is strong enough to avoid a full trial dominions, says fox news and its parent company defamed them by pushing conspiracy theories that the 2020 election was rigged against donald trump, shutting down talk of fact, checking those lies. the technology company accused as folks have letting its host run wild because quote the lies were good for fox's business. jessica schneider has more. fraud is something that is real that just
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took place two weeks ago, the air words of tucker carlson and other fox news hosts at the center of $1.6 billion defamation case brought by dominion voting systems, lawyers for the voting machine and software maker telling a delaware judge today the fix was in arguing that fox producers and hosts new the claims that dominion rigged the 2020 election were false. even when they continually booked guests like sidney powell, who perpetuated the falsehoods, dominion voting systems, the smartmatic technology software and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here as well, not just dominion were created in billions of invented the whaler. at the direction of hugo chavez to make sure he never lost an election after one constitutional referendum came out the way he did not want it to come out. maintains it is proud of its 2020 election coverage and that it is fully
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protected by the first amendment, arguing it can't be held liable for airing newsworthy allegations from public figures. and there are other aspects of this fraud that at this point, i really can't reveal this is really enough is enough to overturn any election judge will now determine whether to decide the case on the claims already presented to him or if the case will go to a jury trial next month. the decision comes as a fox news producer is suing the network for allegedly coercing her into giving misleading testimony during the deposition for the dominion case , abby grossberg's lawyers saying fox news had its lawyers misleadingly coach manipulate and coerce miss grossberg to deliver shaded and or incomplete answers during her sworn deposition testimony. fox news, responding that attorney client privilege prevents it from commenting on the claims, but the producer is now on administrative leave from the network. if the defamation case goes to trial, dominion wants to put fox corporation chairman rupert murdoch on the stand as well as his ceo, son, lachlan.
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both have already given depositions in the case with rupert murdoch, acknowledging fox news hosts endorsed election conspiracy theories and then saying, i would have liked us to be stronger in denouncing it in hindsight. fox news is resisting efforts to put rupert and lachlan murdoch on the stand there, saying it would create an undue hardship for both of them and would only result in a media circus. both sides will be back in court on wednesday. if this case does go to trial, that trial will likely start sometime next month. jessica schneider, cnn willington, delaware. boris johnson enraged britain's when word broke that parties were being held at 10 downing street in the midst of the uk's covid lockdown. now the fallout from party gate could cost him his political future will take a look on the other side of the break. when you're ththe leader, didisaster cleanup and restoratn . how w do you make likike it? r even happened happen. fire it
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ever ingredients to help you lose fat get lean, absolutely free, rugged 321321. good morning, everyone we do begin with breaking news this morning.
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welcome back everyone. former british prime minister boris johnson will soon face hours of televised questioning that could determine his political future. he will be asked about these so called party gate scandal at issue whether johnson misled parliament about parties held while the uk was under a severe covid 19 lockdown. in written testimony, johnson said, and i'm quoting it is clear from that investigation that there is no evidence at all that supports an allegation. ocean that i intentionally or recklessly misled the house. if the committee finds johnson's deceptions were deliberate, he could be suspended from the house of commons and potentially lose his seat in parliament. bianca nobilo has more mr johnson, you make the rules. surely you must have known that they were being broken johnson out of office, but not the spotlight. the former prime
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minister to be grilled on live television by a panel of lawmakers on the scandal that destroyed his premiership party gate, hubris and arrogance of a government believed it was run wolf for them and another role for everyone else. johnson will once again have to answer questions about these damming photos, evidence that he and members of his government attended gatherings within 10 downing street while the country was under covid 19 restrictions as the allegations hit the british press, johnson categorically denied any rules were broken. oh guidance was followed completely certainly break their rules guidelines were observed. there was no party, but johnson was forced to apologize after an internal report showed rule breaking did occur and he was fined by the metropolitan police take food responsibility for everything that took place on my watch. the key question being considered is
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whether johnson deliberately misled parliament when he was prime minister. if found guilty , johnson could be suspended as a member of parliament, potentially triggering a by election where he could lose his seat. stymieing his efforts to grow his reputation as an international statesman or return to frontline politics. johnson maintains he did not intentionally mislead parliament and has submitted a dossier in his defense, where he claims the inquiry is highly partisan. his supporters say that he will be vindicated and they see it as an opportunity to clear his name. but wednesday is a make or break moment for boris johnson's turbulent political career and legacy. his critics hope will snuff out any chance of a political comeback. double o cnn, london. i'm rosemary church for our international viewers. world sport is coming up next and for those of you here in
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north america will be back with more cnn newsroom in just a moment to stay there. when aspspirin etta told me that my d dangerous was ready. i waso excited. i love the confidence. i love that. i can blast this beautiful smile and make the world smile with me. i would totally say aspen down changed my life. dental makes new smiles affordable right now get 20% off dentures. we do anything to make you smile. schedule your consultation today. let's get started. no. where's your mask?
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to move or talk or hallucinations while falling asleep or waking up cause sleepiness during the day to doing activities while not fully awake that you don't remember the next day like walking, driving into making or eating food, worsening depression, including suicidal thoughts may occur. most common side effects are headaches and sleepiness. cubic. ask your doctor if it's right for you. i'm jill and i've lost £56 on goal. oh barry and i've lost £42 and our a team is she tells me to do something i usually jump on board was doable . it's realistic and it's something we can do the rest of our lives. colorado dentist james tolliver. craig is expected to be formally charged on thursday in connection with the fatal poisoning of his wife , angela craig. meanwhile an arrest warrant affidavit shows the growing body of evidence
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against him. cnn's josh campbell has the latest. colorado dentist now preliminarily charged with first degree murder, accused of killing his wife by poison believed to have been given to her and protein shakes. i love to make dentistry easy for people. tolliver craig seen here in this promotional video for his dental group, was arrested sunday by aurora police. his wife, angela craig, died wednesday after being hospitalized for a third time in a month, this time complaining of severe headaches and dizziness. the 43 year old mother of six soon had a seizure went on. ventilator and was declared brain dead. her sister told investigators. angela claimed she'd been drugged by her husband before authorities say a forensic analysis of a computer at his dental practice show premeditation in the weeks before his wife's death and arrest warrant affidavit. states craig used in office computer to research multiple undetectable poisons and make internet searches, including how many grams of pure arsenic will kill a human and youtube searches for
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how to make poison and top five undetectable poisons that show no signs of foul play. craig also allegedly used a new email account to order arsenic online . that's very evidence and then if the autopsy results to forensic results show that she was poisoned, there's arsenic in their natural question is going to be. you know what other source could have come from? two days after the package of arsenic was delivered to the greg's home, angela craig went to the hospital, complaining of dizziness and eye problems. that day. authorities say they recovered screenshots of text messages between the couple showing angela messaging james craig, i feel drugged. his response. given our history, i know that must be triggering just for the record. i didn't drug you i am super worried, though you really looked pale before i left symptoms of arsenic, toxicity or generally, gi related death from arsenic toxicity is typically related to problems with your heart leading to a dysrhythmia and the heart's
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inability to effectively pump up blood. investigators say. james craig also had potassium cyanide delivered to his office before his wife's death, one of his business partners, mentioning the suspicious purchase to a hospital nurse who alerted police. neighbors of the couple stunned by the alleged murder, and the arrest just makes me sick. real seem like something that he could ever do to her, has reached out to the public defender representing craig for comment. we have not yet heard back. authorities say they expect he will be formally charged this thursday. josh campbell, cnn, los angeles. law enforcement in south carolina now say they are investigating the death of a 19 year old man as a homicide. the body of stephen smith was found on a remote road in hampton county in 2015, investigators now say there is no indication it was a hit and run as the initial police report said smith's former classmate, buster murdoch
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, released a statement on monday denying any involvement. he is the son of alec murdoch, who was convicted this month of murdering his wife, maggie, and some poor when it's paltrow is fighting an injury lawsuits stemming from a 2016 skiing accident in the u. s. state of utah man claims the actress knocked him down after losing control on his skis and that he suffered a brain injury, broken ribs and more poultry says the man actually hit her as he was skiing downhill. the man is seeking more than $300,000 in damages, down from three million originally. oh, is countess. doing for just a dollar plus attorney's fees. tennis superstar novak djokovic says he has no regrets after giving up the rank of the world's number one men's tennis player he ceded the title after choosing to miss two big tournaments in the us this month. djokovic is not allowed to travel to the us
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currently because of his decision not to be vaccinated against covid 19. he told cnn's becky anderson. he's still hopeful about other tournaments. no i have no regrets learned through life that regrets on only hold you back. and basically make you live in the past, and i just don't want to do that. i also don't want to live too much in the future. i want to be as much as in the present moment. but of course, think about future create a better future. so i congratulate alcaraz absolutely deserved to come back to number one. it's a pity that i wasn't able to play indian wells, miami i love those tournaments had plenty of success there, but at the same time it is. it is the conscious decision i made and i knew that there was always a possibility that i won't go and it is the current state or current situation that i hope will change. for later this year for the u. s open. that is the most important tournament for me on the american soil, and the
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organisms have said that they hope that you will be able to play. do you share their confidence more of a hope than a confidence? i would say it's not really in my well. it's not really my hands. that's debatable, because there's always something that i can do. but choose not to and, of course, now, whether i'm going to be allowed to play or not. it's dependent on obviously highest government decisions, so i'm just going to wait and see. djokovic says at this point in his career, grand slam events are the most important. the next is the french open. starting in may, a tournament he has already won twice. japan has won the world baseball classic, beating the u. s. 3 to 2 in the tournament final and denying the americans a second consecutive championship. the us cut the deficit to one run in the eighth inning but lost the game when u. s team captain mike trout struck
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out, basing his angels teammate japanese picture shohei otani, the americans lost the final on home soil in miami, florida this is japan's third world baseball classic title. it's also the first classic hilt since 2017 because of the coronavirus pandemic. and he's going going gone after the cuban team was eliminated from the tournament, one of their players pulled a classic cuban sports move. he defected to the united states. cnn's patrick open has the story. one of the members of cuba's national baseball team apparently did not make the flight home after historic match between the u. s and cuba in miami over the weekend, backup catcher even prieto apparently defected, according to multiple reports, choosing to stay in florida after his team lost 14 to 2 against the united states. i was a game that was shrouded.
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in cold war era attention. this was a historic game between cuba and the us taking place in miami's little havana neighborhood. this is the heart of the cuban exile community in the united states. the community is largely anti cuban government community of people that have had to flee from this island over many, many years, so activists went to this game with signs calling on the cuban government. political prisoners . they chanted protest anthems, knowing that the game would be shown live here in cuba. it was an opportunity for them, uh, this world baseball classic semifinal to broadcast their message here in cuba, the cuban government blasted the atmosphere at this game, saying it was a atmosphere of hate, directed at their players and have the government here, but they have celebrated the players upon their return. even though they lost. it was the best
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showing of the cuban national team in years that included some some members of this team who actually have left cuba to play abroad and were welcome to play . welcome back to play well with this team. but what what happened afterwards is still something of a mystery because this one player even cradle did not make the flight home. he's not talked at this point. we've asked the cuban government for comment so far, they have not. but in years past, they have blasted players who leave on official trips like this one, saying that they are deserters and traitors and often banned them. for turning to this island. four years. patrick ottman, cnn, havana. in the nba . memphis grizzlies star player jama rant has missed nearly two weeks of games after a social media video showing him brandishing a gun. now he says he is trying to better himself. the point guard did not play on monday after completing an eight
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game suspension. moran spoke to the media on tuesday. like i said, take responsibility for your decisions i've made um, that pretty much you know, hurt me to the core. no not like i said, not only affecting me, but it affects everyone around me and my family is organization, my teammates and cause me not to be out there on the floor, which no one thing you know, i love to do the most is, you know, play basketball. the grizzlies head coach says he hopes to have miranda available to play in wednesday night's game against the houston rockets. well, new york knicks legend willis reed has died at the age of 80 read, led the next to two nba titles in the 19 seventies, including one of the most iconic moments in the game's history, suffering from a torn thigh muscle read willed his way onto the court for the crucial game seven of the nba finals. against the l. a lakers in 1970. nba commissioner
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adam silver called read the ultimate team player and consummate leader. thank you so much for your company and was much church. i'll be back with more cnn newsroom in just a moment. you can stay with us. 11. subaru cross track dog tested approved love. it's wha makes subaru subaru chasing business premier card imade for people like sam who make everay products design smarter , like a smart coffee grinder.
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