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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 20, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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ow. >> superhero sequel, "shazam "fury of the gods" number one. a former horror franchise takes number two. >> there's a darkness inside of me. ♪ it followed me here. >> that's "scream 6" last week's number one. jenna ortega stars in this one. a legendary sports spin-off takes number three. >> you see that man right there? do you remember him? >> michael b. jordan peace "creed iii" has outearned the first two "creed" movies. thanks for joining me this morning, i'm christine romans. "cnn this morning" starts right now. good morning, everyone, we are good morning, everyone, here are the five things you need to
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know for monday, march 20th. donald trump making a push to avoid criminal charges. in the stormy daniels case, one of his allies will testify before a new york jury today, and this all comes as trump claimed that he will be arrested tomorrow but the timing of any potential indictment remains unclear. >> a lot more on that. and another roller coaster week for financial markets began as a major bank takeover is announced. swiss relagulators announced ub is buying credit suisse. asian and european markets are down. vladimir putin playing host today to chinese president xi jinping. the two leaders are set to meet in moscow, a critical moment for russia's war in ukraine, days after the war crimes arrest for
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vladimir putin. a state of emergency has been declared in miami beach. unruly crowds, the city's mayor is calling the situation untolerable. ted lasso is headed to the white house. jason sudeikis and the cast will be there to talk about the importance of mental health. "cnn this morning" starts right now. good morning. >> it's interesting "ted lasso," jason sudeikis, they talk about mental health, they talk about therapy, and now he's going to be doing it from the white house today. >> don't be surprised if you see a guest appearance from the podium today. welcome back, poppy harlow. hope you had a good day off.
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a lot happened over the weekend. >> it did. saved it all for you. >> very big news that she broke. let's begin with the latest legal moves playing out in manhattan as a possible indictment looms over donald trump. the former president says he expects to be arrested as soon as tomorrow until the stormy daniels hush money case here in manhattan. trump's legal team is a making a last minute push to discredit the district attorney's star witness and that is michael cohen. just hours from now, the manhattan district attorney is bringing in cohen's former lawyer to testify before this grand jury. this is at the request of trump's legal team. our kara scannell is outside the courthouse. good morning. is this unusual that this is happening today? the former lawyer of michael cohen is robert costello. >> reporter: yeah, good morning. robert costello is set to appear before the grand jury today. sources tell me that this is because costello reached out to
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the district attorney's office and lawyers for former president trump saying that he had information that would co contradict what michael cohen is saying. michael cohen who pleaded guilty to federal campaign charges years ago said he made these hush money payments to stormy daniels in coordination with and at the direction of former president donald trump. the key question is what will costello be telling the grand jury today whether he appears before them later today. he's appearing at the request of trump's attorneys. trump's attorneys believe the d.a. is bringing him in for optics, more than an impact. michael cohen was told by the district attorney's office to be on stand by. he said on msnbc over the weekend, he was asked to be on hand in case they needed him as a rebuttal witness, once sure if he would go before the grand jury. >> is the idea that costello will refute what michael cohen
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has said? >> reporter: the idea is he's going to contradict what cohen said. costello represented cohen when cohen was aligned with president trump. cohen had meetings with him. whatever he told him at the time, you'll remember michael cohen said publicly he made these statements on his own, that he did it, you know, because he didn't want the former president to be embarrassed. cohen has pleaded not guilty to federal crimes relate to go that, and prosecutors have brought in witnesses. that is the idea, costello would say what cohen told him privately which would cotra disin -- contradict what he's saying now s . >> the d.a.'s team needs to prove it was trump, and it violated federal election laws. there's a lot to get to trump here. what do we know about trump claiming that he's going to be
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arrested tomorrow. the d.a.'s office said they never said anything of the sort to trump's team. >> reporter: i think there's just a lot of anticipation seeing a number of these witnesses going before the grand jury. michael cohen was in two days last week as we have been discussing. he's the star witness, the person that connects the dots. there is no decision that has been made yet by the d.a.'s office. a lot of that is anticipation or speculation of what might happen. trump ahead the comments overthe weekend. the d.a.'s office, alvin brag, the district attorney said an e-mail to his staff saying they will not tolerate attempts at intimidation, and they are in contact with local, state and federal officials to make sure security is in place, no one at the office should be intimidated or threatened. >> kara scannell, thank you for the reporting. >> lots of speculation about what could happen. we have new reporting on two
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investigations, starting with the hush money case we have been talking about. you have been talking to a source about what this is going to look like if trump is indicted. you said arrested on truth social saturday. the likelihood is he'll be indicted. what are you hearing what that's going to look like, how it's going to play out? >> this is a snapshot in time, at the time we speak to sources, very fluid and things could change. at the time i spoke with my source. my source says if this indictment does happen, trump is expected to surrender. he would be processed and arraigned at the courthouse like any person that has been arrested. that includes finger printing and a mug shot. there could be accommodations in place to process trump quickly, getting him in front of a judge as soon as possible. now, trump is calling on his supporters to protest. my sources telling me there's extreme concern about security and new york city officials are actively making plans to handle potential crowds after the former president said that he had possibly -- would be
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arrested and the manhattan district attorney is saying his office will not be intimidated. they're taking every single precaution that they can. >> that's what's happening in new york, which everyone is watching closely. we're talking about the merits of the case, there's also the georgia investigation still very much underway, and your reporting is what that could look like coming out of fulton county. what are you hearing. >> they believe this is the one that poses the bigger risk to donald trump, the one in manhattan they don't think is as big a risk. this is a new one, i spoke with a source about knowledge of the investigation. in connection with with donald trump's effort to overturn the 2020 election. they have been looking at phone calls, e-mails, texts, documents, and testimony from inside and outside the states. why is that important? because this underscores the
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idea that the push for trump was not an organic grass roots effort that started inside of the state that it was something other and possibly others who are involved, much bigger people who are involved. investigators have at least three recordings of trump pressuring georgia officials including this one. take a listen. >> so look, all i want to do is this, i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> so the question is, why then, potential racketeering charges. those racketeering charges allow prosecutors to bring charges against multiple defendants. f fani willis could make the case trump and his allies were part of a criminal enterprise. and original designed to take down the mafia, here's what she said about it over the summer in
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an unrelated case. watch. >> the reason that i am a fan of rico. i think skjurors are intelligen. they want to know what happened. they want to make an accurate decision about someone's life. rico is a tool that allows a prosecutor's office and law enforcement to tell the whole story. >> trump denies criminal wrong doing, and claims willis is politically biassed. my source says the d.a. could make decisions on charges this spring. expect them by spring. the ajc, the "atlanta journal-constitution" spoke with fo five jurors anonymously and one said a lot is going to come out sooner or later, and it's going to be massive. >> marc short, the chief of staff to pence, the fact that the case is going forward benefits trump because it sets him up to argue the georgia
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investigation, the federal investigation into january 6th are politically motivated. >> and that's, you know, you saw what trump released this weekend saying that the manhattan district attorney's investigation and possible indictment that's politically motivated. he's said that about fani willis, he called the d.a. racist. he's going to use every every tool to down play the two incidents and of course we have the documents as well that's coming up. there's a lot here. again, just remember, these are a snapshot in time. when we speak to these sources, that is what's happening at the moment. this is unprecedented. this is all being negotiated at this point. >> it remains to be seen. good reporting. we are also following another major story this morning. shares in credit suisse have plunged after it agreed to a take over from their rival, ubs is switzerland's largest bank.
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it agreed to buy credit suisse in a bid to slow the banking crisis. ubs is paying $3.25 billion for its ailing rival, 60% less than what the bank was worth when the markets closed on friday. credit suisse has face add crisis in confidence. it came to a head when we saw shares collapse some 30%. that in turn prompted authorities to have a backstop for the second largest bank. fears of the collapse gripped the global markets which brings us to the news conference yesterday when the suisse finance manager said this. >> the bankruptcy of an important bank will have irreparable turmoil in switzerland and throughout the world. the federal council, ubs take cover of credit suisse has laid the foundations for greater
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stability in switzerland and internationally. >> let's bring in our chief business correspondent christine romans. 167-year-old institution. credit suisse. >> a household name. >> soon to be no longer, in a fire sale to its biggest rival, percent on the dollar, and by the way, the suisse government said you don't need to ask the shareholders. >> it will happen because it has to happen. >> you heard her say stability. i heard confidence and stability over and over. that was two hours of press conference yesterday explaining how they were going to take cr credit suisse and sell to ubs, and g again and again you heard how important credit suisse is to the global system. it has a systemically important bank with ties to the major
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economies and industries. the fed issuing a statement saying they welcome this. look, u.s. regulators, uk regulators, international regulators, up all weekend watching these developments. making this point, it's important. u.s. banks, the capital liquidity positions are strong, and the u.s. financial system is resilient, close contact between all the banking capitals, and the financial capitals of the world. >> they got here for different reasons. this just fear leading to this really around the globe. >> and credit suisse had a lot of problems and scandals over recent years. it was the current moment of flailing confidence that is how we got here. can i show you what we've done here? this is only over two weekends. the fdic backs signature bank deposits. remarkable there, trying to stop a run on u.s. banks.
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then the suisse national bank! explain this. this is important for people. >> an intervention among central banks and currency markets. this is liquidity swaps. making sure the banks have access to u.s. dollars so you can keep the financial system going. we always have this, but this is making more of it available. it's a sign, a vote of confidence, and letting the world know there will be liquidity in the banking system. >> christie romans, thank you, what a stunning weekend. >> it's going to be a rocky week, i think, too. >> no question. >> we have much more on how the biden administration is handling this banking crisis that is ahead. donald trump is calling for protests. if he is indicted here in new york. but other top republicans have a different message. what they're saying ahead. chinese president xi jinping has landed in russia for his three-day meeting with president putin. what could come from this high
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then own it support your immune system with a potent blend of nutrients and emerge your best every day with emergen-c donald trump urged his supporters to protest taking our nation back. the hush money case, one of trump's lawyers warning of quote mayhem, but some top republicans have different messages. watch. >> i don't think people should protest this, no. and i think president trump, if you talk to him, he doesn't believe that either. he's not talking in a harmful
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way and nobody should. nobody should harm one another in this. >> it is going to cause mayhem, paula. it's a very scary time in our country. if this is what we're doing in this country, you better secure the premises because it's dangerous. people are going to get upset. >> let's bring in cnn political commentator, errol louis. good morning. you have some republicans saying don't protest and don't do it. you have attorneys saying this is wrong and that's what you should expect. what do you make of this, and the nypd is preparing. >> what they call mayhem in is the -- the streets is what we call tuesday. anybody thinking about coming here to cause disruption should be aware that there were 2,000 capitol police on january 6th. there were 35,000 members of the nypd and they've got drones and submarines and, you know, if people want to come and protest,
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that is their right. if they want to cause disruption, they can try. just as a matter of simple fact, it's the nypd and if you do come here to do that, you'll be out numbered, out gunned, out manned, you'll be out fought. i wouldn't expect mayhem in that sense. but, you know, look, i've seen a lot of demonstrations. people have protested outside the courthouses. the nypd, which handles 400 parades a year, they know how to do mass demonstrations. i don't think we'll have disruption that stops the vi if functioning or anything like that. but obviously there will be a lot of people that are upset if indeed the former president is arrested. >> and there's a concern inside trump's circle among some of the members, maybe not all of them, it dere-- what about this idea e
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hearing from people like marc short or other lawmakers that they believe in the short-term this could politically be beneficial to trump. he gets to have an image walking into the courthouse. i'm told he might make a speech after. >> it's an interesting idea. if they believe that, they should celebrate the prospect of an arrest, if they think it will help him politically. i don't think it will help him politically. on january 6th, however misguided people may have been or factually off base or riled up by the rally that proceeded the attack, they thought something important was at stake, the outcome of the election and the leadership of the country. in this case, what are you going to risk your freedom for, so that trump can get away with hush money payments to lie about cheating on his third wife? i mean, this is not serious stuff on one level. this is not really a public dispute on another level. it's really just a question of did he break some laws in the context of doing what is broadly admitted to have been some
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pretty sleazy personal behavior. if people want to go to jail for that, you can do that, but i don't think of it as sort of analogous to january 6th in that sense. there are a lot of people that think that, you know, any other person than donald trump would have sort of been able to do this, and there would be no misdemeanor charges. there would be no particular investigation. falsification of business records. if you do a google search. there are a lot of people who get in a lot of trouble for doing that, at least in new york. if at a minimum that happened here, the evidence is overwhelming, i don't think that's in dispute, there were false entries made about whether payments to michael cohen were legal expenses. he says it didn't happen, and he went to prison to prove the point on one level. i think it was rudy giuliani who first disclosed to the public that these payments had been made. a lot of this is not in dispute. it's document heavy. i don't know if this is going to
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be one of these long dragged out, you know, sort of cases where we wonder what was in people's minds or anything like that. it all seems to have been laid out. >> switching gears to how the biden administration has been handling this banking crisis. christine just explained what happened over the weekend with credit suisse. one of the big reasons credit suisse came to the brink over the weekend is because of what happened here in the united states. a real fear about the stability of the banking sector. i want your response to what republican governor, potential 2024 candidate, governor sununu to jake, about he handled this. >> it says to the other banks out there, if you don't manage your investments wisely. the federal government will back your play. that incentivizes worse management, higher risk by other banks down the road because we have set this precedent going forward. >> jake asked him how he thought the administration was handling
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it. he was very critical, and this administration, the biden administration does not want anyone using the word bailout around this. they're very sensitive to that. >> it's not a bailout. there's something wrong here for sure. putting aside the political spin that, you know, you just heard, there is a problem here because if you're doing business with a small or medium sized bank, you have incentive to go to a big money center, too big to fail, systemically important bank, it's going to be the megabanks, c citibanks, j.p. morgan chase that are going to get a whole lot of business. >> they already have. >> that's why they're systemically important. it's going to make it harder for installer and medium-sized banked to do business, and ultimately that kind of concentration will lead to higher fees, worse deals. i think it's amazing, look at the front of the journal today.
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would you ever have imagined a bank like first republic would be in this position right now? >> there was always a situation until the united states where we'd have hundreds or even thousands of banks and then you look at european countries, countries like germany, and there would be like seven banks. we're moving more toward that european model. now to see that they can have problems in a place like switzerland tells you that the crisis can creep into, this is the problem with having your eggs in a few baskets. what if you drop that basket? that's a question for economists and business leaders to figure out. if we shift more toward that european model where there are a handful of systemically important banks that have an overwhelming amount of the business in this country, yes, the government is in effect, a partner because you cannot let that all fall apart. you cannot risk, you know, tipping the country over into recession or depression. you can't have millions of people who have uninsured
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deposits that are going to put their money at risk. we're not going to be back to 1982. b -- 1983. that's a question for another day. we are where we are. anybody watching this, you know, your deposits are going to be safe. you might want to think about going to the systemically important banks if you want to worry about it. i should say if you don't want to worry about it. >> we have to go but the big question that many new yorkers have for this week, tuesday, wednesday, if it does happen, what do i do, go to work, take the subway. you cover new york specifically. that's why i'm asking. i know you're not law enforcement. >> it becomes sort of a traffic question, which subway lines are running, which streets might you want to avoid. we have had very big disruptions here, and you remember if you were in town on september 11th,
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within a week or two, people were back at work. the city moves on. >> yeah. >> and we do. errol louis, thank you so much for joining us this morning on set. also, we are tracking major news on the international stage. just moments ago, china's president xi jinping, you see him here, descending the stairs. he's arriving in moscow to meet with president putin. it's the first time he's been there since russia invaded ukraine, and it comes days after the international criminal court issued a war crimes arrest warrant for putin. what the two leaders are set to discuss. that's next. ♪ the only thing i regret about my life was hiring local talent. if i knew about upwork. i would have hired actually talented people from all over the world. instead of talentless people from all over myouse.
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just moments ago, chinese leader xi jinping arrived in moscow. this is his first visit to russia, since russia invaded ukraine. later this morning, he will hold a one on one meeting with vladimir putin. this as western leaders grow wary of the two nations deepening cooperation. ivan watson joins us live. thank you so much for being with us.
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this is such a significant meeting. it comes just on the heels of president putin going to mariupol after he visited crimea. there is so much at stake here, and the west obviously very concerned even though china is billing this as a mission of peace. >> right, and the ukrainians watching this very nervously, and that's because xi jinping and vladimir putin, they keep talking about their friendship with no limits, this incredible basically alliance between russia and china. xi jinping sent a letter to russian-state media. this is the tenth time he's visiting russia since he became president. it will be his 40th meeting with vladimir putin. he had some digs in his letter, thinly veiled at the u.s., calling for a more democratic multi-polar world. what he did not mention at all was russia's invasion of ukraine a year ago. and the ongoing war.
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instead xi jinping referred to this as the ukraine crisis, and claimed that beijing is neutral in this, that he wants peace negotiations and dialogue. he has yet to speak directly with the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy since russia's invasion a year ago. and when it comes to the international criminal court issuing an arrest warrant on friday against vladimir putin for alleged war crimes, well, the chinese foreign ministry has weighed in on that. it is calling for the icc to be objective and impartial, to respect the jurisdictional immunity enjoyed by a head of state, and to avoid pl politicalization and double standards. so take that into context when you discuss china's claimed neutrality in that war. >> and china has at no point throughout this war condemned russia's invasion of ukraine.
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they remain a huge buyer of russian oil, helping finance all of this, and one of the things that the west, john kirby here in the u.s. and the white house has been warning against, if china were to come out after this visit, ivan, say there should be a peace deal right now, that would not be palatable by ukraine and the west given that russia has taken more territory than when this all began? >> sure. and has declared that it is annexing ukrainian territory seized since the invasion of last year. and to underscore that, you had vladimir putin on saturday fresh from this icc arrest warnrant, visiting the russian-occupied ukrainian city of mariupol, he landed by helicopter, drove himself into the outskirts of the shattered city and visited an apartment building that the russian government built.
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while he's meeting with residents there, you hear a voice off camera that linguists say, someone was yelling, this is all a show, it's not true. this time last, the military encircled the city, and it was bombing it from land, sea and air, destroying much of it, and i was interviewing residents who were fleeing, who describe spe spending weeks under bombardment, hiding in basements, burying neighbors who got killed by russian artillery in the front yards of apartment buildings. i spoke to one of the women i met a year ago who escaped. she's a refugee over seas. she said seeing vladimir putin in her hometown is like seeing a serial killer return to the scene of the crime. >> of course it is. and that really says it all. sig ivan watson, thank you for the reporting from kyiv. i want to bring in political national security analyst, and david singer for all of the
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perspective on this. good morning to you, and what are you going to be watching for today? do you think there will be any tangible agreements coming out of the summit between putin and xi? >> reporter: my suspicion is it's going to be very caution here. while he was able to negotiate an agreement between iran and saudi arabia a few weeks ago, this was a lot more complex, and he doesn't want to do anything that's going to threaten his very important relationship with putin. i think there are two things to look for -- >> i think we're having trouble with david's shot. we'll see if we can get him back. we want to know the two things david sanger is going to be looking for. this is a critical meeting. we'll see if we can get him back. the respective op-eds we saw from xi jinping and vladimir putin. they were each published in each other's state media, and putin said they would not accept an
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agreement that would not grant russia control of the land it has taken from ukraine, which ukraine has ruled out. >> you see him getting off the plane there. it would be interesting to speak to him as well about vladimir putin visiting mariupol and driving his own car. it's the first time really at this point so close to the pfrot lines in this war. to get what is happening from both of them would be an interesting perspective. in the meantime, miami beach cracking down on night life with a new curfew after a pair of deadly shootings, that's next. bruce willis's wife is opening up about what it's like to care for her husband who is living with h dementia. her message, we'll share that ahead.
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miami beach issuing a state
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of emergency and setting a midnight curfew after a second fatal shooting this weekend during spring break. city officials say the crowds have been excessively large and unruly and plan to discuss more restrictions. carlos suarez joins us live from miami beach. good morning to you. tell us what happened. >> reporter: good morning. the city of miami beach finds itself in the same position it was this time last year. that is they are trying to figure out how to handle the remaining weeks of spring break and the crowds that have taken over parts of miami beach. as you mentioned, city leaders are expected to meet later today to decide whether or not to bring back that curfew that went into effect last night at midnight and lifted at 6:00 in the morning. the city is going to decide whether or not to bring that back through the end of the week as well as the weekend here. now, there were two shootings on miami beach. one on friday night, and the other happened in the early
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morning hours on sunday. both of those shootings ended with one person dead. now, on the shooting from sunday, miami beach police say a man was arrested and charged with first-degree murder. that is something that we have seen take place in years past. that is to say a number of the folks that are causing all of this trouble are people that live in south florida, miami-dade, broward and palm beach. a lot of this is for folks coming in from spring break. we heard from folks that are out here enjoying the time off as well as a business owner and, here's what they told us. >> there are a lot of policemen on bikes, way for security guards, it's definitely more on lock down than it was yesterday. >> they need to shut it all off and take the party off the streets. >> reporter: again, this is something city leaders have been trying to figure out for several
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years. they're trying to strike a delicate balance between its police presence here to deter some of these bad, you know, these bad actors that might be out here, mostly from the south florida area while also still trying to be welcoming. one other restriction is the further restriction of alcohol. yesterday, businesses were not allowed to sell alcohol essentially off premises after 6:00. >> we'll be watching. carlos suarez, live in miami beach, thank you. this morning, we are wishing a very happy birthday to bruce willis. the actor turned 68 on sunday. willis's family announced last month that he has been diagnosed with fron totem dementia.
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his wife said as she celebrates his birthday, she is also grieving him. >> today is my husband's birthday. i have started the morning by crying. as you can see by my swollen eyes and snotty nose, i get this me message, people tell me you're so strong. i don't know how you do it. i'm not given a choice. she ended her message talking about how hard it was to put together the video of touching memories with him. but she said, as much as i do it for myself, i do it for you, meaning everyone, because i know how much you love my husband. >> anyone who's ever been involved with either dementia or alzheimer's, it is just painful, and i just listen to her, and i want to cry. i remember my grandmother dealing with that, and she just was not the person that she had been for her entire life, and you mourn her, you mourn them when they're going through it,
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and you mourn them after, it's terrible. so we're all thinking about her. >> absolutely. >> we'll be right back. neutrogena® hydro boost lightweight. clinically proven. 48-hour r hydration. for that healthy skin glow. neututrogena®. for people with skin. (vo) with their verizon private 5g network, associated british ports can now precisely orchestrate nearly 600,000 vehicles passing through their uk port every year. don't just connectour business. (dock worker) righon time. (vo) make it even smarter. we call is enterprise intelligence. research sws people remember ads with a catchy song. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's a little number you'll never forget. did you know that liberty mutual custo— ♪ liberty mutual. ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ ♪ custom home insurance created for you all. ♪ ♪ now the song is done ♪ ♪ back to living in your wall. ♪ they're just gonna live in there? ♪ yes. ♪
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and emerge your best every day with emergen-c march madness has delivered epic cinderella stories. princeton university, still advancing. they beat second seed arizona, and 7th seed missouri. it is the longest run that the tigers have had since 1965. another cinderella team from new jersey, farley dickinson wasn't supposed to be in the tournament. but they got in on a technicality. the 16th seeded knights pulled what's called the greatest upset, upsetting purdue before a tight second round loss. a game winning three-pointer with less than three seconds on
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the clock, leading the 13 seed to upset virginia which was a number 4 seed. the also over the weekend, joining us now is cbs sports college basketball analyst, and former texas tech head coach chris walker who has been up, you know, went to bed a few hours ago. i said fairley dickinson, the fact that they got in on a technicality, and the way we saw them dash a lot of homes. >> meramec won the conference championship, so they call them fdu the 17th seed. they got in. they're the smallest team in the ncaa tournament, and beat the biggest seed. it was the biggest upset spread wise in ncaa history. >> so what should we be looking for? what coshould we be watching,
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besides all of it? is it princeton? >> they're shocking people, playing smart, playing touch. beating arizona the way they did, and beating missouri. i'm embarrassed to show my bracket. at the end of the day, princeton did a great job. some of the story lines, you talk about the kid from virginia, throwing the pass away, and the kid that stole jp, he made a shot of three and 15 consecutive attempts. those stories are just unbelievable. but at the end of the day, kansas was another one everybody was, you know, looking to win and kansas, six straight national championships have never gone past the first weekend. bill self wasn't feeling well, and the last team to repeat was florida in 2006, and 2007, this is the single tournament in the world, and it is difficult to win weekend by weekend. >> alabama is out, right? >> i wouldn't be here if they were. >> the number one overall seed,
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brandon miller, probably the best player in the country, so alabama usually a football school. >> i know, you said when we got here, we don't need alabama. alabama is a football school. >> they win everything. nick saban. give somebody else a chance. >> i have been texting poppy in all caps all weekend about princeton because we talked about this when we made our brackets. i was like, you have to put princeton in next time. they have surprised us. it's fun to watch the upsets. that's the best part of march madness. >> once it gets to a level, programming, they want the blue bloods. to start off, the excitement, they want princeton, and there's something in the water in the new jersey because st. peters, everybody loved the peacocks last year, now it's princeton. and i'm telling you, princeton has a chance. >> has a chance to go how far?
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>> maybe look at my bracket. >> we need a dose of reality. >> creighton, they beat baylor, which was my final four team. i lost them as well. but creighton is really good, have a great coach in greg mcdermott. this princeton team has something special about them. mitch henderson has done an unbelievable job with this group. at the end of the day, cinderella, the shoe stops fitting at some point. >> guess who's coming on the show later, the guy you just named. >> don't tell him i said that. >> you might run into him in the hall. >> sorry, mictch, i apologize. >> i lost indiana. the only team i have left is gone exa-- gonzaga and i'm suppd to be the expert. xi jinping has arrived in russia for a critical meeting
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4:00 am
china has not condemned putin's invasion of ukraine. they are buying russian oil and energy resources. >> russian president vladimir putin made a surprise visit to the shattered ukrainian city of mar mariupol. >> he knows he has to get the morale of troops up in any way he can. >> the former president says he expects to be arrested as soon as tomorrow in the stormy daniels hush money case in manh


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