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tv   Inside Politics With John King  CNN  March 17, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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hello and welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king in washington. thank you for sharing another busy news day with us. a bailout of a bank by the banks, for the banks. the biggest banks toss a $30 billion lifeline to the
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struggling first republic, the hope is that this massive cash infusion will calm markets and stop a panicky selloff. plus trump special koubl takes sweeping steps to get questions answered. subpoenas for workers from trump's communication handlers to the staff member caught on video helping move boxes in ask out of a storage room. and next week china's president makes a state visit to russia. the trip has consequences for ukraine's war of survival, and it happens the day the hague issues an arrest warrant for the russian president. up first, another bank saved from ruin. 11 banks, $30 billion, that's how much money is and how many lenders it took to save first republic from going the way of silicon valley bank. $5 billion from bank of america, wells fargo, jpmorgan and citi, $2.5 million from goldman sachs.
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this deal from the mega banks included behind the scenes talks between the treasury secretary, the fed chair and the jpmorgan chase chief. the goal, the rescue returns markets to normal and convinces you at home that your money is in safe hands. let's get straight to our business correspondent christine romans. the goal is normal. it's noon on friday after a roller coaster week do we have normal? >> we have the best normal in a week and a half. a source inside those talks telling me painting the picture of 48 hours is remarkable. the ceo of jpmorgan chase going down to d.c. for meetings with jay powell and the treasury secretary. they begin brainstorming about what to do about first republic. the source describes this as the biggest example of a bank that could go down and shouldn't go
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down, a first class bank being taken down unfairly. they worry about a chain reaction. it was the treasury secretary who came up with the idea of banks infusing capital into this bank and quickly everyone agreed by the end of the day you had four big banks committing to $20 billion. the next days was the sales jobs to get everyone on board, pull together and show your confidence, this source told me, was the message to other banks. they quickly had $30 billion in 2 days raised for first republic. the idea is to show confidence in the banking system, and specifically, in first republic to prevent some kind of a chain reaction. but also the goal here was not to have the taxpayer involved. this was not to be a bailout. this is the industry stepping in here. >> so as we watch it play out, number one, we're watching the markets. down a bit today. it's dangerous to base it on one day. but we're going to watch the banking system throughout the weekend. ask then the fed meets on
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tuesday. some who say let's have some calm if call a timeout. >> what a balancing act for jay powell. a week ago issue number one was inflation. today it's balancing too high inflation. triple what the fed would like to see. with what we have seen in the banking system because of interest rate increases over the past year. european banks raised rates 50 basis points yesterday. signaling their banks are strong and their inflation fight is still a really important priority. i growing consensus is fed might do 25 basis points. may not pause. it's got to show wall street and the american public it can do both things at once. it can have an eye on the banking system and keep fighting inflation. >> we have a weekend to get through before the tuesday
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meeting. we'll see if anything changes. grateful for the reporting. let's continue the conversation. with me to share insights is dena of "the new york times." you just heard christine romans going through this wow of bringing jeremy dimon in with the fed chair and getting the other banks to sign on. if you look at the past few weeks, $153 billion borrow ed from the discount window. $12 wl from this emergency lending facilities. that's not normal. that's not normal. the question is when you look at numbers like that, meetings like this, how do you put this crisis into context? >> this crisis is unfolding clearly, but i think that the important thing to know about that discount window number in particular, that big jump in borrowing that we saw from the banks is we know that silicon valley bank tapped the discount window. i reported that. and we know that first republic tapped the discount window. there's some hope that some of
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that what we have seen in the numbers is actually reflection of the turmoil we have already seen and not necessariesly broader turmoil across the system is. now that said, obviously, we are seeing broader turmoil across the system. so with the fed looking into the situation, they have to think you can't make up your mind today. it maybe friday afternoon, the week before the meeting, we would basically have a playbook and know what we were doing, but we're looking at an event where they are just going into next week completely uncertain about what the world looks like. >> to that point, we just show on the screen, these are three banks and their stock since last friday. if you look at first republic, you see the spikes. that's a hospital monitor, the patient is jumping around a little bit. we started on monday thinking what is this week going to bring us. at noon on friday, where are we? are we back to a situation where whether it's big invest torts can can think tree top to tree
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top. >> two choices, the take the first. the treasury, the reserve is, the fdic, all but said instruct her going to do whatever it takes to keep the system stable. they are guaranteeing the deposits of all depositors small and big. institutions running into trouble, federal reserve is setting a fult to lend to banks that need the liquidity to pay off their depositors and those are secured by the treasuries and mortgage securities they own. the government has organized this effort by the large banks to come in and help out first rep republic. i think it's very clear that the u.s. government has the banking system's bank and, as such, we
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should all feel comfortable that while there's going to be a rot of drama here, we're going to get through this reasonably well. >> the other thing i will say, it's important for people to recognize on a daily basis, we're seeing ups and downs is and all around. just take a look at the stock market. the stock market today is pretty much where it was a week ago before this all began. so despite all the drama, the market itself -- i use that as a brom terse, it feels like it's hanging in there. >> that context is critical. reading a piece of yours that jumps out at me. there's policy, there's economic factors, there's politics involved. the chair blocked efforts to uncollude a phrase mentioning relate toir failures. the treasury department and the federal depositive sut insurance corporation. does the chairman of the fed not think there were failures or not want to put that out there because of how it might impact
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the confidence in the markets? >> he did not want to put that out there because he wanted to keep the focus on what was in a statement. they actually the next morning released an announcement that it is looking into supervision and regulation at the fed and what went wrong with silicon valley bank. i think there's been some acknowledgment that something might have gone awry here. it was interesting the timing there. it was clear the focus in a statement the fed thought should be on what the government was doing while the politics of this were already starting to play out. and it's better to sort of signal what happened at the outset. i think we have seen democrats coming out and messed this up. they were overseeing the fed and the fed chair was overseeing it when this mistake happened. and so the buck stops with hum. >> it's connected to politics. you have seen a number of people
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asking if this was a community bank in my state. would the government do the statsame thing for a small bank in my state or the government rushing to help a bank out in california. is there a fairness question at risk here? or do you see the government acting even handedly the way secretary yellen put it if they have a risk of systemic failure, the government is going to jump in. if you don't see the threat that high, maybe not. >> i do think say the market closed today and another bank fails, that's a possibility. there will be a small bank. it won't be a large bank. i do think the government, the fed, the treasury shoulddeposit institution just like they did for silicon valley bank. in this environment, it's a very uncertain environment. people are really nervous.
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it's a systemic crisis. this that kind of context, i think it's appropriate and necessary for the government to guarantee all depositors, big institutions, small institutions, everyone in between that their money is good. if they deposit it, they are going to get their money back. >> it's a critical context. appreciate it. i'm sure we will continue this conversation as we get into next week. up next for us, breaking international news. an arrest warrant for vladimir putin. the details, next. plus russia and china schedule a big summit. they will meet next week. the war on the agenda as well as rising tensions with the united states. ♪
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now to a summit with enormous global consequences. the chinese president will meet with vladimir putin next week in
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moscow. it's a chance for both presidents to compare notes on rising tensions with the united states. it's the first face to face meeting since russia invaded ukraine. washington says beijing is debating whether to help putin on the battlefield. china says this is all about peace. on the same day we get word of the schedule canning the summit, also an indictment from the hague charging vladimir putin with war crimes in ukraine. let's begin our coverage with will ripley live from taiwan. the two presidents getting together already a summit of huge consequence. now with the news against putin from the hague, but from xi's perspective, the united states says he's considering giving putin battlefield weapons. the chinese say not at all. we want the to talk peace. >> they are not saying not at all. they are saying the united states is the one that's throwing all the weapons in the
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battlefield. they kind of deflect the issue while justifying what they call russia's legitimate security concerns, refusing to criticize russia for the unprovoked invasion or even call it an invasion. and so they might say that in the naum of peace, they will provide russian troops with ammunition and weapons. you can find all sorts of justifications, if you need to, it you're xi. he's going to go off. this is his first overseas trip since he got this unprecedented third term surrounded by yes men, allowing xi to pursue his own ambitions and the worry here is taking this island is one of the ambitions in the medium term or down the road. we don't know a timeline, but xi wants to do it. and therefore, by offering support and potentially weapons for putin, it would certainly add moment youum to the movemen.
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>> will ripley in taiwan, thank you. the hague wants vladimir putin this handcuffs. moments ago the criminal court issuing an arrest warrant for the russian president on war crimes charges. let's get more details with nic robertson. tell us more. >> the charges stem from the fact that russia under putin's direction and the leader of one of the principle children's charities in russia have taken ukrainian children out of ukraine, separated them from their families and transported them to russia and implanted them into russian families. this is at the center is of this alleged war crime. this is astounding that a leader of a g-20 nation, the leader of a country that sits on the u.n. permanent security council is being charged with being a war criminal. so these are very serious charges. the implications for president
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putin are serious. he would have been expecting to travel to the brick summit in august in south africa. the g-20 leaders summit in india in september, this puts those moves into question. undoubtedly it's not likely to touch down in europe any time soon, but wherever he travels in the world, the nation is going to be friendly to him. and is not going to turn him over to the icc. there are some medium-sized names out there on the watch list who had charges put against them, thinking the former president of sudan has essential ly been on the lam from the icc for the last 13 years. there are about 15 people that fall into that category. no one close to the stature of putin. a very clear signal that president putin's moves from now
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on are much more limited. he used to take pride in that. >> no more. we'll watch how it plays out. certain isly a stain on the reputation of putin nic robertson, appreciate the reporting there. let's get insights on this moment in ukraine and the relationship. our military analyst cedrick lei ton is here. xi goes to moscow. the united states says its intelligence shows the chinese leadership is thinking about helping putin with weapons. other hull tear assistance on the battlefield. the fact that xi is going, the chinese deny that. their only interest here is peace. the fact that he's going at this moment, does that tell you that a decision could be at play? >> i think so. one of the key things to note is on the one hand we're talking about we godon't know the intelligence community says they have no idea that china is providing lethal aid to the russians at this point. however, there are reports out there that there are shumts from
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russia and they are making their way into the ukrainian theater on the russian side. so as a former intelligence officer, the chinese are already providing lethal aid in some form to the russians in ukraine. and that's something that goes against everything they have been saying and also goes against what should be happening for neutral peacemaker. >> so at a big summit from an intelligence perspective, if that's the case and doing it under the table, do you just continue that, or does xi decide to publicly acknowledge it? essentially standing next to putin, sending a message not just to president zelenskyy but to the nato alliance. >> that would be one course he could potentially take. that would slolidify his specia relationship with poout on that side of it, but it would also damage his ability to serve as a neutral broker for any kind of peace deal between ukraine ask
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russia. and if he does that. >> we talked about the aggressive russian behavior, we have the pentagon map of where this took place and where the drone was. the red dots on the bottom left of the screen there where it says the drone was buzzed, then knocked trt sky. the united states, we know from flight tracking software, there's been other drones up since including today. we also know from u.s. officials they are reassess is sing. so how do you go about do we continue to do this, can we do this in a safer way, i'm not sure that's the right word, is there a better way to gather this intelligence in a way that doesn't look like you're blinking. the russians are bullying you from the sky. >> that's an excellent point. you had the chairman and the secretary of defense say very
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specifically we are not going to be bullied out of the sky. we're going to continue our flights. we're going to continue to do these things. the other thing is sayings, okay, let's reassess this. make a safety judgment. they are doing a cost/benefit analysis. all of these types of missions always get a cost/benefit analysis. any time something like this happens, you may end up with, hey, maybe we need to do this a better way. we have other collection assets to do this. but in this case, politically, it looks better if they continue these missions, even though they might be risky. >> quickly in closing, slovakia will provide with mig 29s. but not now. what's the cig is kans of that? >> it's significant because this is the first time that we're adding to the ukrainian air force. we being nato in this case. so slovakia decided the migs. possibly 24 more after that.
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so that's significant from a combat capability standpoint. battles like bakhmut could go in ukraine's favor because of these aircraft, if it's done right. >> grateful to help us understand it. up next, detailing a dramatic development in the special counsel's investigation of the former president. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david! connect with an advisor to create your pepersonalized pla. let's find the right investments for your g goals. okay, great.t. j.p. morgan wealth managagement.
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want to bring you cnn reporting now detailing the special counsel's expanding investigation into former president trump and his handling of classified documents. sources tell cnn dozens of staff from trump's marla had go have been subpoenaed. investigators want to learn about what they have seen or heard and if and when they saw classified materials. yesterday capturing a top communications aid entering a courthouse where she appeared before the federal grand jury. they are breaking this news. also here with us. so let's put up on the screen. two dozen witnesses sought in the mar-a-lago documents probe. staff members seen on security camera moving boxes. aids and attorneys, so anybody and everybody who may know shotgun or have seen something about how these documents were handling. >> that's exactly the message we're getting from every source
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we're talking to. and right now, this really is the fullest picture of where this investigation is and it is one that is scouring the grounds of what happened at mar-a-lago since the moment donald trump was leaving office, moving there, classified documents would have gone with him and how were they handled. who saw them. did anyone see them inside his office. the former bridal suite, now the presidential office suite. are they talking to this housekeeper? they are talking to restaurant servers. they are looking to talk to not just the people close, but the eyes and ears of the property as well. that's significant. and it really puts a marker on how far along the investigation has come because we have seen many of these top aids that are recognizable go into the grand jury in d.c. over the course of the many months of this investigation. there are others that
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investigators want to speak with. >> as a former prosecutor, when you see this list, restaurant servers, house kkeepers, then mh higher ranking political aids, people involved in the day-to-day political business, what does that tell you about what the special counsel is trying to answer? is it about how careless they might have been? could they show up in a room. could they be anywhere? questions do you ask the people here? >> it illustrates how factually complex that investigation is. conceptually, it seems easy. but you have to tie in the nex us is to who was in charge in directing what and that does require this kind of ground interviewing of witnesses. ultimately in terms of trump's personal liability, you have to really lock down what kind of nexus is there to him? did he tell someone else? did someone tell him? that goes to the plausible i didn't pack the boxes defense. so to counter that, you have to
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talk to a lot. >> really, whenever you're looking where they are on this and who they are trying to talk to, many of those people that we know of are represented by people who are paid through the save america pac, this pac that supports donald trump. there is one person at the top of the pyramid who has been handling this investigation for the former president and his defense lawyer that the justice department can't get the answer they want from him because he's citing attorney-client privilege say i'm not answerst answering these questions and there is this question of is the court going to force him to answer the questions. they haven't been able to get to it. >> if the attorney is saying you can't ask me these questions and the special counsel needs to go to a judge and say make the attorney answer the questions r you trying to gather evidence from these people that gives you the point that the attorney has to answer the questions if we can give you probable cause. it's not attorney-client
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privilege then. >> and it's always been that n that position. he's a factual witness here. i know it's beyond why he didn't recuse to begin with. and i think it's a strong argument he will compelled to testify. >> we're waiting on a decision on that when the chief judge hands over the gavel to her successor in that position. it would decide on it. >> the old chief decides? >> on the way out. >> we'll come back if that happens. we'll be here. appreciate you coming in. up next, the biden family and business dealings with china. the oversight committee unearthed new details on payments. dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way with aveeno® daily moisture.
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the house oversight committee has found critical new details about biden family business dealings. >> i don't think hunter biden could provide the type of service to generate millions of dollars from the chinese communist party u but i believe his father could. so when they say that joe biden wasn't involved, we don't know that. >> that's chairman james comer there. hundredthen biden's legal team taking issue. take shotgun old and try ies to make it new by wrapping it in a right wing conspiracy. the fact is chairman comer is
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way over his skis suggesting president biden provided some service to the chinese. republicans have presented sezero evidence of that. but it's an important but, the legal team is also wrong to say there is nothing new here. let's walk through the facts. this is the new memo from the accountability committee. they say they are concerned about a $3 million wire from a chinese energy company to a hunter biden business associate. now this is it in the memo. the $3 million is simply not new. senate republicans documented that payment to a business associate november 18th, 2020. so back in late 2020, the senate republicans did document that payment. and they suggested there was something amiss with it. here's what's new. the new house republican oversight committee does detail some new bank records. now in the committee's hands and those records do show of the $3 million payment, more than $1
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million of it was transferred into accounts controlled by the members of the biden family. his brother james and the daughter-in-law, there are bank records laying that out. the committee memo goes on to say the panel still needs to do more investigating to better understand these payments. but again, it's an important but, the committee chairman at leasten seven time this is week appeared on fox news to make clear what he thinks often going well beyond anything the committee has yet to document. >> it's as bad as we thought. it's very concerning it does show a pattern that the biden family was receiving money directly from china. >> it looks like it was influence pedaling. if so, that's illegal. every american should be concerned about this. this is an shl of national security. this shows how deep the biden family was involved in this scheme. the white house was saying it wasn't true, this is a witch hunt. republicans are just digging. now we have evidence. >> a lot of areas of concern here where joe biden has
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actually done things in order for his family to receive this massive amount of money from adversaries around the world. >> with me to share reporting and insights is manu raju, rhonda culver and melanie zinona. the republicans have found some interesting bank records for which they have every right and reason to ask questions why. what is this money about? but when you listen to the chairman, sometimes he conditions it with a lot of innuendo that they already have some evidence that president biden or vice president biden or senator biden did something wrong, of which they have present ed zero evidence. >> first of all, you did a great job laying out all the details out there. it's important context for our viewers. i don't think this memo gets the chairman any closer to the central premise of their investigation. which is that president biden directly benefitted from these payments this any way or he
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somehow directed these payments or took steps while he was in office to enrich his own family members. that's what they said they ought to investigate. it does shed light on whether the family members were trying to profit off their dad's political position. that was a legitimate conversation when it came to the trump children as well. that's separate from what he said he has evidence of. so they are trying to ramp up their investigation and using their subpoena power to go further than what senate republicans did. but as of right now, they have not proven their central pieces. >> it looks like influence pedaling and he often says he raises questions about national security. he's said this specifically whether the president is, quote, unquote, compromised. there's no question hunter biden, it's swampy behavior. it's swampy washington behavior.
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but that they have it on the president or when he was vice president, where is it? >> we'll see what they come up with. to be fair, we are in march of the new congress. they are going to investigate this for the next two years in the run up to the 2024 elections, i'm sure. we'll see what they come up with. they have requested a transcribed interview of a hunter biden business associate. we'll see what happens with that. we'll see if they provide the information they say. but james comer set a high bar. this is not an investigation about swampy behavior about the biden family. that's not a crime. he said this is about the president himself and the president in the words of james comer, is a national security threat. so they need to be able to prove that. he set a very high bar. we'll see if they are able to do that. >> we should hold them to account. we also need to hold hunter biden to account saying there is nothing new. there is new in this report. there's a statement. hunter biden, a private citizen with every right to pursue his own business endeavors, joined several partners with a
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privately owned energy company in china. i have two issues with this statement. he is a private citizen. but he knew his dad was the chairman of the foreign relations committee or president. it sucks for families in public life, but it's a fact. you have to be extra careful. he's not just a private citizen. he's the son of a very important figure. he also says a privately owned company. there isn't in china. that's a fact. >> it's a state-tied energy company. and hunter biden has a lot of problems, including legal exposure, that's much bigger than what house oversight committee would be looking into. a couple things. hunter biden is not a white house official. hunter biden has no role in the white house. as far as we know, having covered the biden administration, he's firewalled from that sort of access. and i think politically, this is
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a problem for the biden white house because this comes at a time when they are trying to message that they are taking a hard approach towards china and they are telling americans like we limit your access to tiktok. if you were trying to make the case that you're taking the high ride and china is a national security threat, whether it's fair or not, whether it's legitimate or not muddies the ability to make that argument. i think it's confusing to a lot of citizens. so the questions if you're watching this, how much should you be worried about this. at this moment, there's absolutely no evidence that anything sleazy that hunter biden did has cross ed into the white house decision. >> that's a key point. donald trump is trying to raise money off this right now. if you look at the actions on tiktok, sending australia, the president is taking some steps right now that have china mad at him. it's not like he's bought by china. and then there's the issue of
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context. the republicans have every right to investigate hunter biden. the question is they have also. dropped the trump investigations. and 2 you look at the grift of donald trump while he was pres president, you have foreign governments spent $750,000 at the trump hotel. trump hosts golf tournament. jared kushner's new fund looks to profit from diplomacy. the republicans, they want to selectively say the biden family. they want to forget that the grift of trump and his family is way up here. >> you have to remember that the house oversight committee has jurisdiction over a lot of things outside of looking into the president or the president's family. there are some parts of the jurisdiction that would include some of the banking issues right now or the classified dlt issues. there are many things they don't
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seem to be focusing on right now that they might want to hear more about. it's going to be interesting to see as they build this case against hunter biden and the biden family investigation as they are saying, how this lands with the american people because a lot of people are with the tit for tat politics. sdwl we'll watch as it comes forward. up next, the gop and its giant ukraine divide. donald trump and ron desantis are likely 2024 rivals, but on the ukraine question, they are on pretty much the same page. al, it will remind you. when it does, aspen dedental is here for you. we offer the custom dental treatmenents you need, all under onone roof, right nearby. so we can bring g more life to your smile... and more smile to your life... affordably. new patients without insurance can get a free complete exam and x-rays, and 20 percent off treatment plans. schedule your appointment today. for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis
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ukraine is getting an early 2024 republican primary spotlight thanks in large part to ron desantis. and now donald trump wants his share of the attention. >> there must also be a complete commitment to dismantling the entire globalist neo con establishment that is perpetually dragging us into endless wars. our foreign policy establishment keeps trying to pull the world into conflict with a nuclear armed russia based on the lie that russia represents our greatest threat. evicting the sick and corrupt establishment is the monumental task for the next president, and i am the only one who can do it. i'm the only one who can get the job done. >> trump releasing that video
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yesterday after several days of conversation where the establishment has gone after ron desantis for saying it is not a vital u.s. interest. he calls it a territorial dispute. it is a giant republican divide. let's add in the other side including the former vice president of the united states. >> i think anyone who believes that vladimir putin will stop if he takes ukraine has another think coming. the war in ukraine is not a territorial dispute. it is a russian invasion. if vladimir putin was able to overtake ukraine it wouldn't be too long before russian tanks would be rolling into nato countries, where our service members would be required to enter the fight. >> it is an argument, debate in the party, playing out in congress and will be litigated as a debate issue in the 2024 campaign without a doubt. >> that's right. the issue of supporting ukraine is of course an issue on capitol hill right now.
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you see polling showing a lot of americans, specifically republican americans, say they don't think we should be as heavily involved and you see that decrease in support. calculating this is going to be a big issue during the primaries, yes, it will be an issue but just talking to the base about ukraine and not supporting it may be a dangerous miscalculation because it doesn't look like people's views on ukraine are very hardened. they can be flexible depending what might happen in ukraine might determine how people feel and if the support goes back up. so using this as a primary political issue might be a bit of a miscalculation. >> it is an interesting question. does it matter to voters. this is your polling. do you support weapons and money to ukraine? only 42% of republicans say yes. 69% of independents do. 79% of democrats. certainly republican support is much lower. the question is, is it a voting issue? right now a lot of the issues illuminating the republican primary contest involve issues
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like education or cultural issues, the woke sort of spectrum of stuff. immigration, crime. i will say this. the numbers are pretty eye popping and they coral late heavily with people who source news, people who watch fox news much more likely to oppose support in ukraine but 80%, 90% of republicans say they still want the u.s. to be the global leader. where does the rubber meet the road? >> what a shift from the bush years. this is remarkable to see how it is playing out. it will be so difficult the next time congress has to approve funding because house republicans are in large part in line with the desantis wing, divided over this issue. i talked to so many this week pushing back on desantis. where do they come down when it is time to fund money for ukraine? will there be a strategic shift? >> the desantis team will be grateful. you called it the desantis wing
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not the trump wing. that is part of the debate right now. appreciate your time. have a peaceful weekend. sometimes- you just want to eat your hereroes. the subway s series. the greatest menu of alall time. meet brett from apartment 2b. he's not letting an overdraft alert get him stressed. he knows he's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fty bucks or less. overdraft assi from chase. make morof what's yours.
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