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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 15, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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that wa warm welcome to tho joining us in the united states and around the world. >> and just ahead on cnn news "room" -- >> this is the united states property, we obviously don't want to see anybody getting their hands on it. >> this type of behavior from the russian pilots is uncommon and unfortunate and unsafe. >> we didn't have snow all winter long and now the biggest storm of the year. >> this snow is very heavy, wet and dense. it is sticking to all the trees and power lines. >> in the wake of this banking crisis even as it seems to be receding from the brink, there is recognition that perhaps the fed will have to change course. >> live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster and bianca nobilo. >> it is wednesday, march 15th,
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in washington white house officials say the u.s. is taking steps to ensure that an air force drone hit by russia in the black sea doesn't end up in the wrong hands. >> the pentagon says russian fighter jets intercepted the surveillance drone on tuesday flying near it for 30 to 40 minutes before forcing it to crash. >> based on the actions of the russian pilots, it is clear that it was unsafe, unprofessional. but what we saw again were fighter aircraft dumping fuel in front of this uav and then getting so close to the aircraft that it actually damaged the propeller on the mq-9. we assessed that it likely caused some damage to the russian aircraft as well. >> u.s. european command says the drone was conducting routine operations over international waters and the white house calls the actions of the russian pilots reckless. >> somebody could have gotten
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hurt. nobody wants to see that happen. and it could lead to m miscalculations between two militaries operating not obviously in ukraine together but certainly in proximity in the region. and we don't want to see the war escalate beyond what it has already done to the ukrainian people and so this is clearly -- this was inappropriate, unsafe, unprofessional conduct by the russian pilots. >> rushrussia's defense ministr denies they ever came into contact with the drone. oren lieberman reports that this is not the first time that american drones have flown in the area. >> reporter: all of this plays out early tuesday morning in international air space over the black sea when the u.s. says its mq-9 was intercepted by two russian fighter jets. that part is not that uncommon. it has happened in the past. what is extremely rare is what
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happened as it played out over the course of 30 to 40 minutes. the russian fighter jets according to the pentagon repeatedly flew around and in front of the u.s. drone, dumped jet fuel in front of it and even collided with it damaging the propeller and forcing the u.s. to take down it own drone in international waters in the black sea. the national security council coordinator for strategic communications john kirby told cnn that the u.s. took steps to protect its equities, but it is unclear what that is, whether that was some sort of self-destruct or some other step to protect it. the drone has not been recovered partially because there is no u.s. naval asset in the black sea to have carried out a recovery. so the u.s. took some step to protect its own mq-9 reaper drone, but unclear how that is. the u.s. is summoning the russian ambassador to the u.s. and carrying out at least a 30 hint conversation at the state department.
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russia giving an entirely different version of events saying that there was no collision, there was no russian jets firing at that u.s. drone. but russia saying that it does not want confrontation. so at least it looks as if the response to this right now will be in the diplomatic lane. the national security council saying that it will repeatedly and continually as it sees fit fly surveillance drones and other assets in international air space as it has the right to do as the russians have the right to do. so the u.s. saying that it will continue to do what it has done and will do which is fly in international air space in the black sea. we'll see how it develops at such a sensitive time. oren lieberman, cnn, pentagon. and salma abdelaziz is here with more. oren saying it is a isensitive e and this is the first time that u.s. and russian aircraft have come into contact since the
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beginning of russia's invasion of ukraine. obviously the u.s. very concerned about escalating this conflict further. how have the russians responded? >> well, they have a very different their difference of events. they say no physical confrontation took place whatsoever over the black sea. the kremlin says that it detected an intruder over the black sea, that is their language, and that russian jets in the area were scrambled, that they saw the drone in whatever form and that the drone went into an unguided flight without any physical contact with the russian jet and because of that lowered its altitude. and russia is saying that it is the united states that is be saving in a reckless way, it is the u.s. that was dangerous and has no business flying so close to the russian border. take a listen to how the russian ambassador to the united states explained it. >> this drone can carry 1700 kilos of explosives.
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this drone can carry a few bombs. what will be the reaction of the united states if you see such russian drone very close for example to san francisco or new york? what will be the reaction of the united states? for me it is clear. >> now, russian officials also say that the drone's transponders were off and that was a violation of international standards. they say take they have already alerted the international community that this is a special military zone, russia's words, that russia is using in its operations and they are clearly blaming the united states. but the positive here is that both sides say they do not want a direct confrontation. russia's ambassador was summoned to the state department, there was a 30 minute conversation, at least a 30 minute conversation, that the russian ambassador described as constructive. so, yes, absolutely concerned that this could happen again when you have both of these militaries of course operating in this steamily sensitive area.
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but it seems for now both russia and the united states turning to those diplomatic channels to try to resolve the dispute. >> and the approach calls for dealing with these sorts of situations. >> that is what is interesting and maybe concerning about this situation. march of last year, there was an agreement, a protocol put into place, a deconfliction that essentially opens a channel of communication. not to share intelligence of course or details of military operations, but to avoid incidences just like this. and this also happened in 2015 during the syrian civil war and it seemed to work for a number of years to avoid that possibility of u.s. and russian aircraft colliding over areas of conflict. also important to not this is common to intercept each other over the black sea. it has happened several times just in the last several weeks.
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so it is concerning of course to u.s. officials and russian officials that this occurred despite these diplomatic channels and the communication channels, but there is hope i think and an indication from both sides that this will be resolved in the future. >> salma, thank you. and it is interesting when we turn our attention to the recovery of the drone. reaper drones i think cost around $32 million each. but also the russians will be kuehn to get their hands on that technology because it is the surveillance technology that is being used to identify, you know, and scout sensitive russian targets in the war and pass that information to ukraine. >> and any weaponry as well. and hundreds of thousands of people in earn with and northeastern united states are without power after both regions gotcha hammered by separate storm systems. in california, 43 out of the state's 58 counties are under a state of emergency. the full destructive power of winds was on display tuesday when a tree fell on a house in
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redwood city. >> and i started to tell him it looks like it is leaning. there it goes. there it goes. oh, my god. oh! anyway, there goes my neighbor's house. >> no one was inside at the time and no injuries were reported. the rain and snow causing water levels to rise above flooding stage along some rivers and officials are worried about mudslides damaging homes. residents are doing what they can to protect themselves. >> and right now i'm trying to drain my water away to get to my shed and cabin. just trying to survive. >> on the other side of the country a nor'easter is on its way out, but it is leaving behind a lot of snow. derek van dam has this report from worcester, massachusetts. >> reporter: an intense nor'easter is bringing heavy
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snow, winds and coastal flooding across the northeast. >> we expect that it will come back with a vengeance and as the front pushes everything out, the wind will pick up. >> 2 to 3 inches falling every hour. >> reporter: parts of new york and new jersey under states of emergency. >> this is a meaningful storm. >> reporter: and the new york state department of transportation doing what it can to keep the roads clear. from fir >> first of all, don't drive if you don't have to. when there is weather, you have to good yourself time. >> reporter: a delta air lines airbus partially exited off a taxiway according to the company. delta did not confirm if the incident was storm related. however winter weather did cause a ground delay at laguardia through the day. >> hopefully we're not stuck overnight. >> reporter: hundreds of thousands are without power across the northeast according to power outage.u.s.
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>> you know, respect the crews and their work areas. >> reporter: winter weather forcing school districts in massachusetts to close. >> stay home and stay safe. >> reporter: the nor'easter is forecast to continue over parts of the northeast into wednesday. >> just get enough food to last a couple days and dig out maybe next two days and go from there. >> i'm alive in spirit and i love the snow, i love all the weather. i live in new england, come on. >> reporter: now that the system will pull away, we believe conditions will improve wednesday, the sun may shine, but the threats still remain. heavy wet snow on branches could bring down more power lines and that means people won't necessarily have heat if they remain without power. derek van dam from worcester, massachusetts. back to you. and britley ritz has the latest forecast. what can you tell us? >> in the luxury of the studio.
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>> oh, yes. and we have already picked up feet of snow. some of these locations nearing 4 feet. 43 inches in beacon, new york which is just south of poughkeepsie. and in massachusetts, just 14 miles between paxson and shrewsbury, paxson 21 inches and 3.1 in shrewsbury. and we still have snow falling, quite a bit falling in parts of northern new england this morning where it is dropping visibilities down now to roughly about 9 miles. but i've seen it as low as 7. so visibility down, snow falling, slick roadway, travel not advised out here. snow continues to fall through the morning and into the afternoon especially across northern new hampshire and vermont. these areas will likely pick up through the higher elevations another foot of snow on top of what we've already picked up. widespread about another 2 to 4 inches. regardless it is heavy wet snow.
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and when we factor in the wind gusts of over 50 miles per hour, more power outages will become a problem because it weighs down the power lines and also likely to see some tree limbs breaking off. so keep that in mind too if you have to go out and about. on top of it all, we still have that original atmospheric river, so flooding is still a big problem in california. along the foothills of the sierra nevada and down along the southern coastline of california this morning where areas have already picked up inches of rain, daily records have been broken especially down toward l.a. and san diego. flood watches are still in effect as of now. they will slowly start to expire through the morning. a quarter of an inch an hour is expected in places like l.a. and down into san diego. you will see the yellows, that is a heavy an.
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that will be and on going situation and once we move into the latter part of the morning local time, the rain starts to taper back and we watch the system continue to track farther east and all of the moisture here sets up for the threat of severe weather across parts of the southern plains here in the upcoming 24 hours. >> britley, thank you so much. and we're also keeping a close eye on u.s. futures to see if they will keep momentum from the day before. and this is how they are looking at the moment. they are swinging around a bit. >> markets surged and bank shares rebounded tuesday capping several days of turmoil on wall street. it comes as u.s. federal authorities have launched an early investigation into the collapse of silicon valley bank. sources say the justice department and securities and exchange commission are looking this to the bank's failure and, as by senior executives. >> moody's says that it is
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downgrading its outlook for the entire u.s. banking sector placing six banks on review for potential credit rating downgrades. but some hopeful news for americans, because february's inflation data shows that prices have cooled off for eight straight months. last month it dropped to 6% compared to january's 6.4%. clare, so much to take in here. we shouldn't get too excited about the markets rising because moody's is saying that there is still a fundamental problem. >> and if you look at european markets, they have opened down and of course u.s. futures are mixed. we'll see volatility around this. here in europe the ecb meets and they could raise rates. so all that going on. but meanwhile i think what moody's has done is interesting because it shows that despite those emergency actions by the federal government which really did stave off so far at least more back runs, there is still concern about the health of the banking sector as a whole and
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especially as the fed raises rates which given the inflation data that we got yesterday, despite it being lower for an eighth straight month on an annual basis still sticky. core inflation if you strip out food and energy is still up on a month by month basis. and of course it is still triple the fed's targets. so that did raise the likelihood in the eyes of the market that the fed will raise rates next week by a quarter percentage point. and that increases the pressure on the bank balance sheets. >> and you have a balance one day and then it falls more the next day because something comes along. >> there is a lot of skrut anywh scrutiny on what happened at silicon valley bank and the justice department seeming to be investigating the s.e.c. that is pretty standard. and bigger picture question around regulation, could congress reverse some of the
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roll back of dodd-frank that we saw under president trump. so all of that is causing jitters. and as i said, you know, there are still concerns that the interest rate risk on bank's balance sheets in the u.s. is higher for example than it is in europe. something that moody's also pointed out. >> clare, thank you. after a rash of near collisions at u.s. airports, the federal aviation administration will hold a meeting today to address all the dangerous close calls between aircraft. the washington area event is set to bring together investigators, regulators and representatives from major airlines and labor unions. >> the u.s. transportation secretary pete buttigieg and acts faa administrator billy k nolan will deliver remarks. >> it is hard to figure out how to connect the dots except to say that this appears to be a system that is blinking red. flashing red lights indicating
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that there is a system that is on the edge of something much worse. you know, there is an expression in aviation, the rules are written in blood. kind of a morbid expression, but the idea is that accidents lead to rules which make things safer. let's hope in this case we're talking about a series of near misses that ultimately lead to making things safer. bottom line is that on the runway is a difficult place to be, it is a very challenging place to be, it has always been very dangerous. the faa has focused on it for years. but it appears that people have gotten a bit lackadaisical. what we don't have the capability of doing in this country is adding concrete, making new runways, making more space for planes to land at these very busy airports. that is kind of a nonstarter in most locations. and that is where the choke point is right now. let's hope that pilots, air traffic controllers and for that matter the ground crews redouble their efforts to make it safer.
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>> the meeting is happening as we're learning about another near collision incident that happened at reagan national airport outside washington, d.c. on march 7th. >> republic airways flight crossed a runway that united airlines flight was using to takeoff. listen to this exchange between the control tower and the united pilot. >> that was the 7th near collision accident since the start of the year. fame faa investigating. there haven't been collisions, so maybe the system is working. >> if you are a nervous flyer like me, they say flying continues to be in safe and chances of being in an accident on a plane are one in 1.2
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million, which i think is higher than i would like, but a fatal accident is 1 in 11 million. facebook's parent company meta plans to lay off another 10,000 workers this year marking the second massive round of layoffs in just four months. between this round and the 11,000 who lost their jobs in november, meta has cut its workforce by 25%. >> and mark zuckerberg explained the decision writing last year was a humbling wake-up call, the world economy changed competitive pressures, and our growth slowed considerably. at this point i think that we should prepare ourselves for the possibility that this new economic reality will continue for many years. >> and they continue to focus their energies on the metaverse. >> yes. we'll see. layoffs also coming for employees at tyson foods.
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the meat and poultry company says it will cut nearly 1700 jobs as it closes two plants in may. >> tyson says it is part of an effort to boost profits pointing to weakness in its poultry operations. the ceo said last month that the company is focusing on efficiency moving forward. and with gun violence in the united states reaching staggering levels, police across the country are preparing for the inevitable next attack. we'll have an inside look next. and plus a u.s. regulatory agency proposing a new rule to protect people from dangerous chemicals in drinking water. we'll have details. and this -- >> they know that if i come to power, there y will be held accountable so they don't want me alive. >> clashes in pakistan as police try to arrest former prime minister. details ahead.
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ban assaults weapons, do it now. enough. do something.
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do something big. >> president biden calling out congress demanding that they take action to reduce gun violence in america. his frustration was visible as he visited monterey park, california the scene of one of the mass shootings earlier this year. >> the president announced an executive order and acknowledging the limitation of that measure if lawmakers can't come together to take some action. >> let's be clear. none of this absolves congress the responsibility -- from the responsibility of acting. to pass universal background checks, eliminate gun manufacturers immunity from liability. >> police leaders have joined the call for new gun restrictions from congress, but with the prospects of that looking increasingly slim, officers are preparing for what seems to be inevitable, the next mass shooting. and josh campbell reports.
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>> reporter: shots fired midday on a california college campus. the start of a rampage by an active shooter as students and teachers flee for safety, responding officers engaged the gunman. following him into the school library. police resources flood the campus by air and ground, specially trained s.w.a.t. officers begin arriving on scene. and then the tanctical teams moe in. an officer radios that the threat has been neutralized but the work is far from over. a calvary of firefighters and paramedics staging nearby rush into triage and administer first and i had. this is only an exercise. an empty college campus on spring break turned into a simulated warzone as police and first responders hone their life saving skills. this type of training has become the new normal at an i think a
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of endless mass shootings in the united states. >> we study them, we read about them and we learn what went well and what didn't. >> reporter: the l.a. sheriff says continually planning for a mass attack is a reality for law enforcement in part due to inaction in washington to regulate dangerous weapons. >> we do challenge our leaders at a national level to do more about guns, to to more about mental health so that we don't have to do this over and over. >> reporter: it is a sentiment that has been heard from police leaders across the country. >> we're outgunned, outmanned, we're outstaffed. we do need responsible gun legislation. >> reporter: a rare moment did follow the tragic shootings last year at a supermarket in buffalo and at raab elementary in new valley, taand they voted to expd some background checks and dedicated millions to public safety programs. but other measures pressed for
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remain stalled including national red flag laws, universal background checks and assault weapons ban. many have long been advocating for a ban including the chiefs of police who say the criminal use of semi automatic assault weapons pose a grave risk to our officers and the communities they are sworn to protect. a group recommending college campus officers also support as ban on military style assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines for civilian use. >> the irony is not lost on law enforcement, the very politicians who say they support the police and are against crime are the same politicians who deny us responsible gun reform legislation. >> reporter: president biden reiterated his calls for gun reform during a visit tuesday near the scene of january's mass shooting in monterey park, california where a gunman slaughtered 11 before taking his own life. >> i'm determined once again to
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ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines. let's finish the job. ban assault weapons. ban them again, due it now. enough. do something. >> reporter: but with major reform legislation on hold, it remains up to the police to continually prepare for the day that they may have to risk their own lives to stop a gunman. >> we don't want to happen, statistics tell us that it will happen. but here we sit ready to respond to anything that may come our way anywhere we're called. >> reporter: josh campbell, cnn, los angeles. for the first time the u.s. environmental protection agency is proposing a national drinking water standard for so-called forever chemicals known as pfas. water systems would have to monitor for six specific chemicals and notify the public about pfas level. in a >> the chemicals can cause
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serious problems like cancer and obesity and liver damage. epa director says if implemented the new rule will save lives and reduce illnesses. the state of ohio has filed a lawsuit in federal court against norfolk southern. the lawsuit alleges that the company violated state environmental laws when one of its trains derailed inest palestine last month unleashing toxic chel cals. chemicals. >> and this derailment was entirely avoidable. and i'm concerned that norfolk southern may be putting profits for their own company above the health and safety of the cities and communities that they operate in. students at wellesley college in massachusetts have voted in favor of opening admission to all nonbinary and
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transgender applicants. the private liberal arts school was founded in 1870 and has about 2300 students. it is notable alumni include hillary clinton and first female u.s. secretary of state madeleine albright. and the first presidential primary almost a year away, but a new cnn poll is giving us a glimpse at who is leading the pack among republican voters, that is next. plus heavy rain and snowfall in california is raising concerns about flooding and mudslides in the state. we'll have a report from monterey county. oubt. past the pain, and past your limits. no matter what, we go on. biofreeze
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if you are just joining us, let me bring you up-to-date. the white house says officials are working to ensure the u.s. drone allegedly hit by russian fighter jet over the black sea doesn't get in the wrong hands. pentagon and white house officials call the actions of the russian pilots reckless but russia denies hitting the drone. and in the coming hours the federal aviation administration will host a meeting to address the dangerous close calls between aircraft at several u.s. airports. the meeting comes after another close call was reported at reagan national airport outside washington last week. the storm in california is bringing heavy rain and snowfall raising concerns of possible floods and mudslides in some parts of the state. meanwhile repairs continue on the breached levee which was the cause of so much flooding. veronica miracle reports. >> reporter: this is the 11th atmospheric river to hit california, about 30 million people are under a flood threat.
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we're in monterey county, one of the hardest hit communities. and thousands of people here remain without a home tonight. the shelter is at capacity. many of their homes are unlivable potentially for months according to the local sheriff here. if you can believe it, the flooding has actually receded an incredible amount over the last 24 hours. this entire street could only be navigated by boat as of yesterday, but today a lot of that has moved out to the ocean relieving some of the pressure on this community. but there is a lot of cleanup and a lot of people impacted. here is what the local sheriff had to say. >> there is approximately 2,000 plus people that we've evacuated, that includes one school, two mobile home parks and over 800 homes. we're still using high water vehicles to do rescues for people that are finally wanting to leave their homes in different areas mostly the paro area.
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we've done over 230 rescues by boat and high water vehicles. >> reporter: the next concern for the state is because the ground is so saturated that trees could topple, power lines could topple and it could creative an entirely new set of issues. it is also impacting airports like san francisco international airport has had about 33% of their flights delayed. in terms of rainfall, that issue has moved from northern california now to southern california which has recently experienced a lot of wildfires. and so there are concerns of flooding and mudslides down south. veronica miracle, cnn, pajaro, california. and there will be a hearing in an abortion case considering a request for a preliminary injunction sought by medical associations. if the judge grants the request to block access to the drug, it
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could make the pills harder to obtain even in states where medication abortion is legal. a new cnn poll shows that donald trump in a virtual dead heat with florida governor ron desantis. 40% of republican leaning and independents say that they favor trump. 36% prefer desantis. mike pence and nikki haley are 6% support. >> among the qualities they are looking for, 87% say sharpness and stamina. 59% want someone who will keep social security and medicare, 54% want a candidate who they describe as anti-woke. >> interesting because ron desantis position on ukraine is about to be further scrutinized and he says it is not in the u.s.'s vital interest to continue with aid. and he has a military background. so interesting how much that is -- >> woke is definitely the word of the campaign. >> and culture wars seem to to
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well with political parties on the right in western democracies. george santos has filed paperwork formally declaring his candidacy for 2024 even as he faces investigations into his finances. his move tuesday comes after a demand from the federal election commission that he declare his intentions after he crossed a fundraising threshold. how has he crossed it threshold given all the scandal? >> he is resilient. but the declaration doesn't mean that the scandal-plagued lawmaker has to run. santos who has lied extensively about everything has been urged by his fellow republicans not to seek re-election. that is a surprise. this pakistan, taker gas and clashes as dozens are hurt. we're live in islamabad just ahead. adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness-causing bacteria detergentsts leave behind.
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death toll from cyclone freddiey has jumped to 190 in malawi. >> and people there are using shovels and bare hands to look for survives trapped under the mud. and threat from damaging winds and heavy flooding remains high. dramatic standoff at the home of imran kahn. >> he is resisting arrest after failing to appear in court on corruption charges. police have been firing tear gas and his supporters are trying tto protect him. dozens have been hurt in the scl clashes. >> he was ousted in a no-confidence vote last april. he is accused of illegally buying and selling gifts.
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>> cnn interviewed kahn on tuesday. and we'll go live to islamabad. great to have you on the program. two very different sides of the story here. kahn alleging that this potential arrest is part of a plan to try to prohibit him from participating in this upcoming election. obviously the government say they are just following the orders of the court. whose version of events is more credible? >> reporter: we have been getting a lot of different narratives. i spoke to kahn yesterday. and he made his case for why he was going to be ready to go under arrest. he has also said that while i was speaking to him yesterday -- let's have a listen to what kahn said while he was under siege by police in his residence. >> i'm prepared to spend the night in a cell, i don't know
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how many nights. a number of police, you would think it is the biggest terrorist hiding in this house. so the determination is there. and, you know, my only worry is i'm telling my workers that they must remain peaceful. protest should be peaceful. my worry is that if this gets violent, then they would use the pretext of violence to get out of the election. >> police are at the gate. do you think that they will man handle you, are you going to be dragged out, or are you going to finish this interview, wrap up everything, walk out and give yourself up to the police? is that what is going to happen? >> reporter: i want a proper warrant of arrest. and i want to see that my -- my lawyers want to see the warrant. so far rather than showing the warrant, there has been tear gas shelling and everyone in the house has been protecting their face and nose and eyes.
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it is a matter of time. i'm convinced that they will come and arrest me. i'm prepared for it. how long i stay arrested, i don't know. but i know what the intention is. they want to get me out of the race. they want to get me out of the match so that they can win the election. >> reporter: max, the government has a completely different -- opposing view point of what he said. that is all from here. the siege continues. let's wait and see how it unfolds. >> sophia, thank you so much. you were rudely interrupted by the honking but the story is not going away. we'll check back in with you soon. and supplies are on the way to the international space station. and coming up, what the astronauts hope to study and how it might help those of us back on earth. i control my septic system. it does not control me. i do not fear 2-ply.
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five, four, three, two. and liftoff. go falcon, go dragon. >> image as here from a successful launch of a nasa and sppacex shipment to the international space station. they are carrying crews and other supplies. >> astronauts will be studying 3d heart cells and tissue which could lead to developing more cardiac drug combinations. also aboard is a project from high school students which aim to help astronauts position cameras in the station's modules. >> i was curious about why they conduct these experiments in space. and apparently it is because the weak gravity that they have up there in the space station helps them to get a different look at organisms. and just enables them to see them in a different way and test the potential efficacy of drugs and other experiments sflp thank you, bianca.
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>> you are welcome. anytime. and meanwhile the james webb space telescope has captured a rare sight. this image shows a star in the sagittarius con tell lstellatioe brink of exploding. >> it is about 30 times the mass of our sun and surrounded by a halo of gas and dust. this is one of the last stages before the star explodes. this helps astronomers understand what happened in the. and in grade school most class work is on spelling and arithmetic, but a weekly social studies assignment inspired one fourth grade class to help make history. >> and they lobbied to make the blueberry as the official state fruit when they realized that
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there was not one. and monday the governor signed it into law. >> to mississippi leaders, i'm a student in elementary school. >> mississippi does not have a state fruit. and our class would like to propose to make blueberry our state fruit. >> house bill 1027 designating the state fruit of mississippi as the blueberry as recommended by this class is now law in the state of mississippi. >> blueberry balloons and everything. it wasn't just the tasty flavor that inspired the kids, it is the major fruit crop of mississippi with production covering some 2,000 acres in the state. >> and you said that you had a personal connection to the blueberry. >> well, we used to pick them in the woods. really wasn't that great a story. >> max is half swedish. also woulblueberries are health. >> i'm a great believer in the
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blueberry. >> okay, good. lindse lindsay lohan has says that she is expecting her first child. she posted the words coming soon and shared that she is quite blessed and excited. >> this is less than a year after lohan shared that she had married a financier. fresh off historic world cup performance, morocco is hoping to host in 2030. they announced that they will partner to make a joint bid for hosting details. >> and they went on to become the first african and first arab country to ever reach the world cup semifinal. that was huge. that was a world cup like no other in terms of like the political significance and historic nature. >> and to have it across africa and europe, pretty cool. >> absolutely. will you be watching? >> definitely. i love the world cup.
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thanks for joining us. i'm max foster. >> and i'm bianca nobilo. "early start" is up next. how do i love thee? ...let me count the ways. ♪ love can get a little messy... good thing there's resolve. love the love. resolve the messss. ah, , these bills are crazy. se has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she os a life insurance poli of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it tcoventry for cash. even a terpolicy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit
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2:00 am
welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. we begin with russia and the u.s. facing off in their first physical conflict since the start of the war in ukraine. russian fighter jets forcing down a u.s. air force spy dron


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