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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  March 13, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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controversial aspects of an already very controversial texas abortion ban. three women are currently being sued for wrongful death by a texas man because they allegedly helped his ex-wife obtain abortion pills. leading this hour, concerns over the stability of the u.s. banking system even after the fire de federal government intervened. president biden trying to calm the markets by insisting taxpayer money will not be used to bail out investors in the silicon valley bank. several regional banking stocks taking hift today. we'll start with richard quest. the biden administration is scrambling to try to store confidence in the u.s. banking system. regional bank stocks tumbled to all-time lows. are you worried this could spark a banking meltdown? >> that is the fundamental fear,
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jake. it is unfounded. for several reasons. firstly, the banking sector overall is much better capitalized than it was in 2008. there have been huge changes. a full-scale banking meltdown crisis, is it possible? maybe. is it likely? absolutely not, so the experts say. i was talking to one such expert here in israel where i am. the tech sector which has been so badly hit by all of this. i spoke to the venture capitalist of the viola group. he said it's not a system at risk, but when it comes to runs on banks, today they can be much faster than you think. >> run on the bank of the world of internet is very quick. but i do believe it's an isolated, specific event. i don't think it will have huge impact. this is not 2008.
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>> reporter: putting that into wider view, it's certainly going to hit the technology sector because tech borrowed from these institutions, but the speed at which the regulators moved shoring up the depositor savings making it clear investors won't be bailed out. there are risks, jake, but at the moment they should be well contained. >> richard, should americans be worried? also, on that line, what could make this worse? >> reporter: the very reason these two banks went belly-up in the first place. they are stuffed to the gills with bonds, government bonds, corporate bonds, which were all bought in better times when yields were low. you know how bonds work, jake. as the yield goes up, the price goes down. it's an inverse relationship. interest rates have gone up, and the value of all these bonds
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have gone down. that's the problem at signature. that's the problem at svb, and that could be the problem at all these other banks. they could have too many bonds, their assets could have diminished. we won't know. the fed is still raising rates, so there could well be a couple more hiccups before this is over. >> richard quest in israel for us, thank you so much. right now president biden is announcing a landmark agreement with the governments of the u.k. and australia to develop a fleet of nuclear-powered submarines. let's go to cnn's jeremy diamond in san diego where they're speaking. this fleet would theoretically strengthen naval forces in the asia-pacific region. at the same time china is aggressive in bolstering its own navy in the same region. what's the significance of this announcement and what have you
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heard from president biden so far? >> reporter: jake, president biden says this announcement shows democracies can deliver for the world. he said it will help jump start australia's undersea capabilities. president biden is underscoring that because the timeline for delivering these submarines is now the early 2030s. three virginia class submarines with the possibility of purchasing two additional ones. that's a decade earlier than experts expected when the partnership was first announced about a year and a half ago. president biden only mentioning china in passing. make no mistake, the very clear subtext of this announcement and the reason for its existence is the fact that china has this growing military presence in the indo-pacific and this partnership is expected to serve as a counterweight to all of that. beyond that, jake, it's important to note that president biden is pursuing a multi-pronged strategy as relates to china. yes, he's taking moves like this to try to counter china's
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military moves in the region, but he's also seeking to normalize diplomatic relations, military communications which china has been reluctant to re-establish with the united states. u.s. officials say that raises the risk of miscalculation. as president biden looks for steps to counter china, he's also looking for ways to try to reduce those risks of miscalculation going forward. >> jeremy diamond, thank you so much. our national lead. enraging environmentalists, the biden administration approved a massive oil drilling project on alaska's north slope. it breaks a biden campaign promise to end new oil and gas drilling, but it does please alaska's bipartisan congressional delegation. the white house is making the move over progressive democrats and environmental groups who say it will hurt the climate goals as well as the planet. cnn's rene marsh joins us with details.
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what is the white house saying about this change in policy and, frankly, broken promise? >> the administration is saying our hands were tied due to the courts, due to legal restraints, pointing to the fact that conoco phillips, the oil company leading this project has held these oil drilling leases for decades now. they didn't feel they had the legal standing to take those rights away. however, cnn spoke with environmental lawyers who would beg to differ. more detail on what exactly was approved today. this is a major oil project, again led by conoco phillips. it is in the northwest region of alaska, very remote land. it's on federal land. it holds up to 600 million -- i'm sorry -- 600 million barrels of oil. but it would take several years for this oil to make it to market because the infrastructure has not yet been put in place. by the administration's own estimates there would be a release of the same amount of
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planet-warming greenhouse gases as roughly 2 million gas-powered vehicles added to the road, just to give you a sense of what the environmental impact would be. this issue has really divided alaska natives. there are two sides here. some say this is a victory because it would bring revenue into the state. the other side saying this is an environmental disaster in the making, jake. >> rene, the white house is trying to temper some of this with some of the land and water in alaska. tell us about this. >> on the same day we heard about approval of the willow project, they also announced they would be making the u.s. arctic off limits for future oil and gas leasing. that would mean some 16 million acres that would be off limits for the future. they're saying they're building a firewall to prevent future oil
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an gas drilling in this region. when you talk to climate activists, they're all not satisfied with this, because they're still looking at the approval that happened today which they say will have a dramatic impact on what we're trying to do here, which is curb greenhouse gases. >> let's discuss the politics of this. this decision angering environmentalists, pleasing a lot of people in alaska who want the revenue and the jobs comes at the same time biden seems to be taking more conservative moves on other issues against the d.c. crime bill, for example, stricter rules, asylum rules for migrants crossing the border. do you think this is part of a strategy, or is it just kind of happening that way? >> i think it appears to be part of a strategy. i'm one of these people who thinks -- there are a lot of people who think it's bad policy and good politics. i think oil is a fungible
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commodity that will be produced around the world and we're safer and cleaner about it. it inoculates biden against a lot of charges for 2024. this is the kai that killed the keystone pipeline. he gets to say i'm look for smart oil development where we can. it puts teeth behind the rhetoric about oil companies refusing to drill. >> let me just read you this quote from ed markey, a progressive from massachusetts. he calls this move a disastrous decision. quote, this decision not only leaves an oil stain on the admini administration but slows our progress in the fight for a more livable future. biden has done pretty well in keeping the progressive left on board, even though he's not really actually a member, you know what i mean? >> climate science is undeniable at this point. alaska is facing the challenge of jobs now or saving the rest
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of the planet later. alaska had 90-degree weather, 90 forest fires this past summer, glaciers melting. no one wants to see it coming from alaska into the lower 48. >> there won't be climate refugees coming out of alaska. >> this is my point. jobs are disappearing. they're disappearing because there are no more fish. >> my wife goes to alaska a lot. i think you're taking -- tourism is not disappearing. >> not now. this is a constant decision we see. a decision now versus 15-20 years. someone from maine can take that longer-term view. someone from alaska, the problem in front of me right now, not the idea of what will happen 15, 20 years down the line. >> i think the framing you brought up is a little misguided. lots of americans very angry about high oil and gas prices, inflation and the rest.
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this plays into it. the idea that people in the lower 48 want lower energy costs are going to be upset about this, the same people who are yelling about drill, baby, drill, they're going to be pleased by this. it's good politics. alaska has gotten warmer, i agree with that. climate change is real. i agree with that. treating this as they do with every attempt to drill for oil as an absolute catastrophe i think plays badly for democrats who want to seem like they're mainstream -- >> let's talk about the other big move, the president seeking to reassure the country in calm financial markets after the failure of silicon valley bank. they say it's not a bailout. obviously a loaded term because of what happened in 2008. what do you make of how they're trying to manage this crisis? >> i think in terms of the basic politics of this, jake, the proof of sort of the impact of what biden is doing here is going to be this larger effect
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on the economy. whether we're still talking about this in three months or six months, i think there are a lot of folks in washington who hear the word bailout and get very nervous. the younger people directly affected by this today is quite small. if it stays quite small, i don't know voters in six months, 18 months will care. much, much greater risk is they do not act sufficiently or they act foolishly and suddenly this becomes a much, much broader issue or because of the concerns that richard laid out earlier in the segment about the affect of inflation on banks like this one and others -- of traelts on banks like this and others that the fed takes on inflation in the same reason and that is a campaign issue. >> we've seen politicizing of this already which i don't mean as a criticism necessarily. but president biden saying president trump signed into law a weakening of the dodd-frank bank requirements, and then we
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saw nikki haley who is running for president slamming biden for what she called a bailout. then governor desantis said that he thinks the bank's failure, silicon valley bank was about the fact that the bank was too focused on dei, diversity, equity and inclusion programs. take a look. >> this bank, they're so concerned with dei and politics and all kinds of stuff, i think that diverted from them focusing on their core mission. >> what do you make of that? >> i make of it that ron desantis is thinking about running for president and he's going to do it on the bank of the, quote, unquote, culture wars. on its face, if businesses can't adhere to their core mission and also consider treating people fairly and equitably and addressing any deficiencies they might have on those measures, then what are we saying about
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the ability of businesses and industries to adhere to their core mission. they should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time. there's no evidence here that silicon valley bank, that their dei programs had anything to do on what was essentially just a run on a bank that quite frankly all banks are vulnerable to. of course smaller banks will be more vulnerable. the real issue is about whether congress and president biden will move forward with new regulations because we should focus on what is really happening and not kind of the culture wars that are perhaps going to help someone politically. >> it's so much easier for ron desantis to talk about culture wars than to speak about regulation or the deregulation that has helped in the wake of dodd-frank some of these banks get a little bigger than they should be. >> look, i think what the republican party would love to find is the dei equivalent of sill lynn draw, the big renewable energy company in
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2010, 2011. they could say this is what left the economic management gets you. there's no evidence this is what happened at silicon valley bank but i do think you'll see ron desantis and other folks in the party sort of hunting for that woke capitalist syndrome. >> if you other a hammer, every problem looks like a nail situation. i haven't seen any evidence that dei programs -- there was an op-ed in the "wall street journal" saying if it wasn't just 12 white men on the board, because the board talked about its diversity -- there's a lot of extrapolation out of nowhere. >> it also seems, again, a way to make it a problem -- diversity being a problem. there's no evidence of that, but that could have real impact because there has been a conversation about diversifying boards and creating more diversity in general around different sectors that
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minorities are not well represented in. so now there's a convenience to say, look, if they hadn't been so focused on diversity, maybe this wouldn't have happened. there's no evidence of that, but that can undermine efforts to focus on diversity moving forward. >> desantis whiz in iowa over the weekend so he might have had politics on his mind. coming up, will he or will he not be charged? an update on the biggest abortion fight since roe was overturned. why the judge tried to keep this hearing under wraps. stay with us. how? the lower the temp, the lower your bill. tide cleans great in cold and saves money? i am so in.. save $150 when you turn to cocold with tide. lily! welcome to our third bark-ery. oh, i can tell business is going through the “woof”. but seriously we need a reliab way to help keepveryone connected from wherever we go.
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start today at today we're learning that donald trump's attorney recently met with manhattan prosecutors to explain why the former president should not be indicted in the stormy daniels hush money case. that case alleges that trump authorized his former fixer, michael cohen, to pay stormy daniels $130,000 in the days before the 2016 election so she would stay silent about their alleged affair. cnn's paula reid has been following the case. this is not about the money or the affair apparently. it's about where the money came
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from. >> hush money, not a crime. extramarital affair, not a crime. prosecutors are looking at whether documents may have been falsified. this is whether records were falsified about how michael cohen was reimbursed for the money he gave to stormy daniels and whether this is concealing a campaign contribution. if it was, this could be a more serious case. the former president's legal team said they met with prosecutors. a pretty standard case when you get to this point in this investigation. they were trying to figure out what the theory of the case was. they said prosecutors didn't give specifics on exactly what kind of charges they want to bring forward. what's interesting, you're seeing today the trump legal team i think for the first time really connecting the fact that the former president has declared another run at the white house to a legal case. they're arguing it's politicized, because they're only going after him because he's, quote, leading in the polls. not surprising they're making that connection. also not surprising, he will not
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testify before the grand jury. >> michael cohen came out of the manhattan courthouse and confirmed he met with the grand jury. what do prosecutors want to hear from him? >> he's at the center of the case, facilitated these hush money payments. state prosecutors looked at this previously. federal prosecutors have looked at this. of course, he has pleaded guilty to nine federal charges including campaign finance violations, and he was sentenced to three years in prison. now, he does get a little upset when we point that out and raise questions about his credibility, jake. look, it's not just the federal charges. it's also the fact that for the past several years he's given dozens, probably hundreds of public comments about how he wants the former president to be charged. his book was titled, "revenge." as we have reported and others have reported, any good defense attorney will seize on that president when he saw him and his attorney lanny davis going in and out of the courthouse, we
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heard a much different tone. look, i'm just hear to answer the questions. i'm, quote, not seeking revenge. it appears he's caught on to the fact that his last statements might undermine his credibility. >> paula reid, thank you. cnn's manu raju is live on capitol hill. manu, how is senator mcconnell doing after his fall? >> reporter: he hit his head on wednesday night, was rushed to the hospital, has been at the hospital ever since. we just got a statement from his office saying he has been discharged from the hospital, but also suffered a minor rib fracture. that was also discovered from his fall. he's being treated for both. according to a statement from his spokesperson just moments ago, it says leader mcconnell's concussion recovery is proceeding well, and the leader was discharged from the hospital today. it says, at the advice of his
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physician, the next steps are physical therapy before he returns home. it says over the course of treatment, the leader's medical team also discovered he suffered a minor rib fracture on wednesday for which he's also being treated. the statement goes on to thank people for the well wishes as he eve received them over the course of the past several days. it's unclear from the statement when senator mcconnell will return to washington. the senate will return to session tomorrow. it does say he'll be spending a period of doing physical therapy and inpatient rehab facility before he returns home. unclear how long that will take. of course, jake, this all happened last wednesday night. he was at a hotel in washington at an event hosted by his super pac. he slipped and fell, hit his head. was rushed to the hospital, was treated for a concussion ever since then. concerns about his health. he's 81 years old,
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longest-serving party leader in history. by all accounts, his recovery is going well. discharged from the president who, will continue rehab but also suffered a minor rib fracture. >> manu raju, thank you so much. coming up, the new legal test of one of the most controversial aspects of the quite controversial texas abortion ban. stay with us. the monster, the outlaw... and you can't forget about the boss. sometimes- you just want to eat your heroes. the subway series.s. the greatest menu of all timeme. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david! connect with an advisor to c. let's find the right investmes for your goals. okay, grt. j.p. morgan wealth manement. new kombucha business... ... i thought there would be a lot more kombucha... ...and a lot less business. inner voice (graphic designer): as a new small business owner... ...i've learned that trying to be the “cool” boss... a lot harder when you're actually the “stressed” boss. inner voice (furniture maker): i know everything
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lead, a hearing will be held wednesday in the fight over an abortion medication approved by the federal government. a federal judge in texas is considering a lawsuit seeking to ban the drug nationwide.
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let's bring in cnn's jessica schneider. we've known about this lawsuit since november. there have been a lot of questions especially recently about when and if a hearing would happen and if the judge was trying to keep it quiet. >> that's exactly right. the judge just announced that this hearing will, in fact, be wednesday at 9:00 a.m. central time. there were all those reports over the weekend that the parties in this case had a status conference on friday and that this judge said he was going to schedule the hearing but wasn't going to put it on the public docket until maybe tuesday night because he was concerned about protesters and other people coming to the courthouse. this courthouse is in amarillo, texas, just a few hours' drive from dallas. it has been really a hot point, a real focal point for protesters because this is probably the biggest case regarding abortion rights since the overturning of roe v. wade last june.
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this is a case that this judge is being asked to block an abortion pill. medication abortions make up a majority of abortions in the united states, especially after the downfall of roe v. wade. women in states that currently ban abortion are using this medication, and even in women states that allow abortion, this medication abortion is often used in abortions so they don't have to go physically to the clinic. so a lot of power is in this judge's hands. there's also been a lot of criticism about judge shopping, forum shopping. the group who filed this lawsuit is anti-abortion. they specifically picked this judge in amarillo, texas, because he's the only judge there that oversees any case that gets filed there, and this judge actually has a long history of anti-abortion advocacy before he was named to the federal bench by president donald trump. there's been a lot of controversy, jake, surrounding this case, but also because the ramifications in this case are
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huge. if this judge moves forward as the plaintiffs in this case want, to block this abortion drug, it would really mean huge limited access for women seeking abortions, and obviously at a very fraught time in the overturning of roe v. wade last june. >> good update. thank you so much, jessica schneider. in a separate lawsuit involving the texas abortion law, a texas man is suing friends of his ex-wife for wrongful death after they allegedly helped his ex-wife obtain abortion pills. this is a lawsuit that would not have stood a chance before the u.s. supreme court overturned roe v. wade. now it's a major legal test of laws cracking down on abortion, especially the expansive ban in texas. cnn's whitney wild joins us now. tell us more about what's in this lawsuit. and could these women actually be held liable under texas state law? >> well that is, according to this lawsuit, the multimillion-dollar question.
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this man is ek zooing more than a million dollars in damages from each of these three women. basically what he says happened is in july of 2022 these three women helped his then wife learn the process of obtaining a medically induced abortion and actually helped her procure the abortion pills. quite a bit of detail in the case about how they were able to do that. the main headline here, jake, is that he is seeking to bring this lawsuit under this texas senate bill 8. again, this conduct happened in july of 2022, this is after texas passed this very expansive abortion ban which effectively bans abortion after six weeks. the way the law is set up is that it makes people liable, regular people throughout texas and physicians. the law basically says anybody who performs or induces an abortion in violation of senate bill 8 is civilly liable. anyone who knowingly edge gauges in conduct that aids or ab bets
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the performance or inducement of abortion. it's so broad, jake, it includes people who intend to engage in the conduct described by senate bill 8 could be held civilly liable. there's a floor for the damages in the law, and that's a floor of $10,000. so it's a minimum $10,000 and then anything above that, including attorney's fees. notably, jake, this man in his lawsuit says he intends to go after the manufacturer of the abortion pills. he's saying, okay, who was involved in my then wife's abortion and who is civilly liable. he thinks it's a pretty long list. notably, jake, his then-wife, the mother of his unborn child is excluded from this lawsuit. that is carve out per texas senate bill 8. certainly this is a case to watch because it seeks to solidify the web of liability when it comes to abortion in texas, jake. >> whitney wild, thank you for that update. coming up, a ukrainian city
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captured by russians and recaptured by ukrainians is now in danger of falling to russian troops once again. cnn will go live to eastern ukraine next. we're carvana the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100 percent online now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car whether it's a year old, or a few ars old weant to buy your car so gto carvana enter your license plate answer a few questions and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds when you're ready we'll come to you pay you on the spot and pick up your car that's it so ditch the old way of selling your car
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the chinese and russian governments have, quote, clearly aligned on propaganda about the war in ukraine, according to a top u.s. state department official today, adding that the two increasingly friendly autocracies have spent tens of billions on disinformation and americans are just waking up to the fact. meanwhile, in beijing, china's leader xi jinping closed out the meeting, xi focused on a message of fortitude against the west with words and with weapons. >> reporter: chinese leader xi jinping vows to build the country's military into a great
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wall of steel. in his first speech of his unprecedented third term of president, the biggest applause came after xi repeated the pledge to reunite thailand with the mother land. it marks the end of a week-long political meeting that saw xi further consolidate his power and drive home how china needs to fortify itself against america's campaign to contain the country. less than a day after his speech, u.s. president joe biden hosting british and australian leaders to discuss details of the new aukus defense pact seen as a bid to counter china in the pacific. china's new foreign minister accused washington of plotting an asia-pacific version of nato and called america's china strategy a reckless. >> reporter: china's number two
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official, lee, pointing out that treated between the two countries reached a record high last year. one of xi's most trusted proteges, lee is the former shanghai party boss that oversaw the city's brutal two-month covid lockdown last spring. he tried playing down beijing's crackdown on tech and private businesses, calling on officials to support private sector growth. but lee steps into premiership with a tough road ahead. the economy still battered after three years of tough co-exit restrictions, u.s. sanctions and deteriorating diplomatic relations with the west. china's economic and political powers are growing elsewhere. beijing hosted talks between saudi arabia and iran that let to a breakthrough. the two nations agreed to bury the hatchet and restore ties. it's a geopolitical win amid growing concerns about beijing's
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deepening ties with russia and refusal to call the conflict in ukraine an invasion. >> he make it quite clear that he want to restore china's position, china will play a leadership role in the international arena. i would say try to learn from putin to consolidate his power. so he see russia and also putin leadership. >> reporter: beijing is trying to use that relationship to build the narrative that xi jinping is a global problem solver, one who calls the shots at home and aboard. it's significant, jake, that washington was on the sidelines of that saudi-iran reconciliation, considering so long the middle east has been shaped by american diplomatic and military involvement. it's also significant that the new premier tried to lower the
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tensions on u.s.-china relations. but the position of the premier has been diminish ed by xi. it's unclear if he'll have more of a voice to take action or be even more of a yes man. >> selina wang in beijing, through so much. to ukraine, close quarters in the hot spot city of bakhmut where wagner mercenaries are sustaining significant losses. according to ukrainian forces, the wagner troops are fighting with ferocity. a few civilians left are refusing to follow evacuation orders. >> reporter: this is what the war has left of the city in eastern ukraine that the front line has never strayed far from. the police called by a civilian who found this, a cache of
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russian ammunition. six months after they were driven out, russian forces now less than five miles away. you hear those explosions, says the police chief? those are rockets flying towards the civilian population. people here are suffering. yet overcoming the human instinct to run, she and her husband refuse to leave. artillery destroyed their neighbor's house a month ago, narrowly missing them. the worst, she explains, is at night. so she and her husband hold bands, it keeps them safe. this is their home, she says, not the russians. besides, she says, it's getting warmer now. with the rain water they collect in buckets, they will survive. kukiansing was one of the
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strategic wins, but at huge costs. civilians are being evacuated to safer parts. residents leaving the city and its neighboring villages with not much more than their keys, a heavy heart and the hope they will return. a city of around 27,000 now reduced to 2,500 according to police. it's because the main market in the center of kupiansk has been totally destroyed that this makeshift one has been created. the last couple days have been a little quieter. that's why people here are selling what they can while they can. of course we're afraid, she says she now knows the sound of artillery, both outgoing and incoming. we won't go anywhere, she explains. we're not rats.
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we won't abandon our city. if we do, who will take over? the last civilians of kupiansk determined, like some of its buildings, not to be blown away by the shifting winds of this brutal war. jake, so much attention has rightly been paid to bakhmut, giving the ferocity of the fighting, the huge loss of life to both sides, and the extraordinary symbol it's become both to ukraine and russian forces. the point is, for the past couple weeks what we've been seeing is an intensification of russian attacks all along the front line from here in the kharkiv region, further south through bakhmut and to places like vuhledar. the civilians are caught in the crosshairs. what they're trying to do is put pressure on ukrainian forces to prevent them from being able to gather their forces ahead of
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what we expect will be a spring counteroffensive. >> melissa bell in kharkiv, thank you so much. coming up, star of the hit '90s sitcom "boy meets world" is trying out for a new role, congressman. ben savage will join us live to talk about his run for political office.
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to our viewers and the united states around the world, welcome to "the situation room." students who struggle day after day with too much homework, unfair teachers an antiquated justice system that relies too much on detention and if elected, if i win and you guys vote for me, i would say to each and every one of you, hey, thanks! [ laughter ] >> and just like his character on the hit '90s sitcom "boy meets world" actor ben savage is
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running as a democrat to become a member of congress currently heldly adam schiff and joins me now. being an actor in hollywood seems like it would be a lot more fun than a congressman. why would you want to do this? >> thanks for having me, jake. i'm running because i think we need new and positive leadership in d.c. i grew number a home that was very passionate about politics. president kennedy was revered in my household. we were always told to stand up for our country and complooupts a -- community and i want to see things get done and do good in washington. >> this isn't your first run. last year you ran and lost a race for the west hollywood city council. what did you learn from that and why do you think this will be different? >> that was wonderful for me. it was my first time running for
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office so i certainly used a lot but west hollywood is a passionate community. i had a great time and i think i want to bring my message together to people in washington. >> why do you think you didn't win that race? >> that was my first time running and i was new to the political scene in d.c. -- i'm sorry, in west hollywood and i think i want to bring my message to a larger audience. and see how well we can do, what we're very excited with a positive reception and i think people are very enthusiastic about having some new fresh leadership. >> you were an intern on the hill for late senator arlen specter of pennsylvania, my home commonwealth, back in 2003. what did you learn from that and how did a good democrat end up in arlen specter's office? >> well, arlen specter, as you very well know was different parties based on different election cycles, but he was, you
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know, a historic figure in washington, d.c. it was a wonderful opportunity for me to serve and i just had a wonderful time in d.c. it's, as you know, full of so many passion malt people who love the country and want to fix things and there's an energy that can't be described and, again, i think we need to focus on electing young, passionate candidates who want to bring real change and find solutions to the clunts. >> 2003 was a pretty messed up time in the u.s. senate as i recall. it had to do with the war authorizations, going to war in iraq, weapons of mass destruction, evidence that turned out to not be true. did you gain insight watching that from the inside out? >> i certainly did. i was a college student at the time. i was at stanford majoring in political science and it was a wonderful opportunity to go to d.c. and kind of get a firsthand look at how the system works. i certainly learned a lot and, yeah, it was an exciting time,
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b but, again, i think it's always exciting to be in d.c. we need new leadership who wants to work on solutions. >> crime is a pretty big issue. biden is siding with republicans to stop washington, d.c. from overhaul be its criminal code and restricting the annuals to migrants to seek asylum. do you support what president biden is doing? >> i do support president biden and crime is a huge issue in my district, in the 30th district of california. there's a lot of answers to that, but i'm more in favor of an all hands on deck approach and think it's about investing in the community, providing mental health facilities and providing clinical health facilities, of course, we can talk about that a little more in-depth in you'd like. >> unfortunately, my show is about to end. ben, thanks for joining us. >> i hope to be back on, jake.
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>> follow me. you can tweet the show if you ever miss an episode, listen to "the lead frt from whence you get your podcast two hours sitting there like delicious grapes. our coverage continues with wolf blitzer in "the situation room." he will talk to larry summers. stay with us. ♪ what will you do? will you make something better? create something new? our dell technologies advisors can provide you with theools and expertise you need to bring out the innovator in you. you go by lots of titles. veteran, son, dad. -it's time to get up. -no hair stylist and cheerleader. so adding a “student” title might feel overwhelming.
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♪ ♪ start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. happening now, president biden tries to reassure the nation and deter panic after two historic bank failures in the united states within days. i'll ask larry summers about the federal government's intervention and whether americans' bank deposits are safe. also tonight, longtime trump la laura lawyer michael cohen left the courthouse after testifying in front of a grand jury. this as former vice presiden