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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 8, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PST

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-- >> attacks on u.s. citizens are unacceptable. >> we think our mexican and u.s. law enforcement efforts to find these innocent victims, the task force is to ensure justice is done. do you know how many people currently working going about their lives will lose their jobs some. >> inflation is extremely high and it is hurting the working people of this country badly. he is constantly pointing to china as a critical competitor to the u.s. why w >> we need a more comprehensive approach to mitigate these threats. >> live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster and bianca nobilo. >> it is wednesday, march 8. 9
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3:00 a.m. in eastern texas and matamoros where authorities are working to learn more about the deaths of two of the four americans kidnapped last week. all four were found tuesday. >> a man is in custody in connection with the kidnappings, but officials vice president said if he is tied to a criminal group. the white house condemned the kidnappings. >> attacks on u.s. citizens are unacceptable no matter where or under what circumstances they happen. and we'll continue to work closely with the mexican government to ensure justice is done in this case. >> meanwhile the two survivors are being treated at a texas hospital. eric williams' wife says he was shot in both legs. and mcgee was not injured and is doing okay, obviously traumatized. rosa flores has the latest
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developments. >> reporter: two of four missing americans are receiving medical treatment after being kidnapped in mexico. after what a u.s. official tells cnn was a case of mistaken identity. two members were found dead and one of the survivors is severely injured with a bullet wound to his leg. according to u.s. and mexican officials. in the party of four, latavia mcgee and eric williams survived. >> and we extend our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of the deceased. >> reporter: they crossed the border from brownsville into matamoros, mexico on friday for a medical procedure. they drove a white minivan with north carolina plates and got lost while trying to locate the medical clinic where they were headed. before they were able to locate the clinic, disturbing video shows the aftermath of the
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kidnapping as heavily armed men loaded them into a white truck and transported them into various locations to evade capture. the mexican president says that those responsible will be found and punished. a u.s. official familiar with the investigation told cnn that they believe a mexican cartel kidnapped the group after mistaking them for haitian drug smugglers. the state department has issued its highest level four warning, don't travel to the state where the group was abducted. >> there are many people who cross over that border for these medical appointments. >> attacks on u.s. citizens are unacceptable no matter where or under what circumstances they occur. >> reporter: mcgee and williams are now under the care of the fbi and u.s. officials are making arrangements to bring home the bodies of brown and woodard. >> we want to see accountability
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for the violence. >> reporter: the building behind me is where we believe that the americans are receiving medical treatment. the hospital has not issued a statement with the patient's condition. the fbi for its part saying that this is an ongoing criminal investigation and it is working with federal law enforcement partners who here in the united states and mexico to get to the bottom of who did this. the fbi also saying that they are working to recover the deceased victims back to the united states so that they can reunite them with their families. rosa flores, cnn, brownsville, texas. and police in brownsville say the kidnapping should not define mexico, but when people go to this part of mexico for work, vacation or a medical procedure, there is always an element of risk. >> here in brownsville, a lot of people go to mexico for doctor visits, veterinarian, dentist, prescription medications or sometimes even just to go to dinner. it is something that has not changed. there is hundreds of people that
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go through the bridge daily. and right now i think that everybody is a little bit more apprehensive, but i'm sure that that won't stop several people that need to go to their doctor visits. >> this is a state that is home to the gulf cartel, so it is a very violence criminal organization. but typically you see these attacks among themselves and what you see a collateral damage like we saw with this woman who was shot in this confrontation with the four americans. typically americans are safe as long as they are there during the day. typically the criminal organizations don't want to get into this kind of publicity, but the danger is always there. that is why the state department has the alert to be careful when you cross into mexico. especially in this part of the country. hits just keep coming for fox news. new revelations are emerging in court filings tied to a massive lawsuit for promoting lies about
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the 2020 u.s. presidential election being stolen. >> in an email, fox corporation chairman rupert murdoch admitted in january of 2021 that maybe sean hannity and laura ingraham went, quote, too far. >> murder to being rejected conspiracy theories. paula reid has further details from the transcript. >> reporter: and i have one of the excerpts right here. he is asked have you ever seen any credible evidence to suggest that dominion was engaged in an effort to steal the 2020 election? he says simply no. and he is asked, have you ever believed that dominion was engaged in a massive and coordinated effort to steal the 2020 election. again he says no. and he is asked you never believed that dominion was involved in an effort to tee legitimize and destroy votes for donald trump? murdoch says i'm open to persuasion, but, no, i've never seen it. truly remarkable.
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and right now both sides of the historic case are asking a judge to resolve it in their favor without a trial. if that doesn't happen, this will go to trial in delaware on ina 1 april 17th. there is nothing like this and evidence like this again not helpful for fox. and tucker carlson was caught bashing trump in private text messages september shortly before the attack on the capitol. he texted that he hates trump passionately and called his behavior demonic, destructive and disgusting. >> and tucker is also facing criticism for cherrypicking video from january 6 and down playing the violence. carlson says that it was neither an insurrection nor deadly. >> and he accused the media of lying about the death of brian sicknick who was assaulted by
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rioters and died the next day. sara murray reports. >> reporter: after fox news attempts to white wash the deadly attack on the u.s. capitol, even some republicans are setting the record straight. >> yeah, there was an attack on the capitol. >> i think that breaking through glass windows and doors to get into the united states capital is a crime. to somehow put that in the same category as a permitted peaceful protest is just a lie. >> i think it is [ bleep ]. >> reporter: tucker carlson using curated clips to falsely claim there was no insurrection. >> they were house seers. >> reporter: and kevin mccarthy gave carlson exclusive access to thousands of hours. >> and mccarthy is every bit as culp able as mr. carlson. >> reporter: and as tom manger tore into the program for its
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offensive and misleading conclusion. the program conveniently cherrypicked from the calmer moments of the videos. and the commentary fails to provide context about the chaos and violence that happened before or after the tense moments. >> it was a ins ta smistake in for fox news to depict this in a way that is completely at variant with what our chief law enforcement official here at the capitol thinks. >> reporter: the chief also defending brian sicknick who was attacked with chemical spray and physically fought members of the mob after carlson questioned links with his death and the insurrection. >> here is footage of sicknick -- >> reporter: and the day after he died from a series of strokes. the medical examiner said he died of natural causes but all that played out on january 6 played a role.
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and secrethis family says organizations like fox rip our wounds wide open and we're sick of it. and another carlson claim, that the qanon walked back without pushback. but prosecutors say that officers completely tried to get him and others to leave. but officers felt outnumbered and wary of confronting them. this as the justice tent still works to hold rioters to account for the attack that day. >> we have charged more than 1,000 people with their crimes on that day and more than 500 have already been convicted. i think it is very clear what happened on january 6. >> reporter: and donald trump proclaimed let the january 6 prisoners go and offered his thanks to carlson and mccarthy. and kevin mccarthy says he has no regrets about releasing this footage to tucker carlson claiming it was in the interests of transparency. sara murray, cnn, capitol hill.
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kevin mccarthy is also down playing the violence of january 6. here is what he said tuesday defending his decision to give the footage to fox news. >> i continue to hold that my job here is to make sure all the transparency comes out and that is exactly what i'm doing. just like all of you covering news, people can interpret it the way they want. but the fairest way do it, instead of trying to clip it or do something else, allow all the transparency so everyone can see so january 6 never happens again. >> and comments from the days after, mccarthy described the violence in different terms than tucker carlson. >> they scaled walls, they brought ropes. a couple died. they were scaling the scaffolding. they overtook the place. one officer got killed. others got broken arms. you don't understand what was transpiring in that moment in
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that time. people were hanging there ropes. when i got back into my building, i found the straps that they had. i don't know if they were coming to try to kidnap somebody or whatever, but they were well planned for it. >> mccarthy says he will release the january 6 footage to all media organizations but he didn't say when. acting chief of the u.s. federal aviation stadministrati will appear at a hearing. the committee wants to know how they certify new airplanes. >> and this is in the wake of two crashes that killed more than 300 people. the fatal crashes raise safety questions about the faa's airplane certification program. investors on wall street are hoping to regain ground after a dismal day. pretty positive at the moment.
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a few percentage points -- what would you call them? >> a tenth of a -- >> or yes. chairman of the u.s. federal reserve will be back on capitol hill today before the house financial services commit at the. jerome powell says inflation is still too high and bigger than expected interest hike is coming. matt egan has the details. >> reporter: so jerome powell is essentially saying that this war on inflation could drag on, perhaps into the summer. and here is why. despite the fed's best efforts to cool things off, the economy gotcha off to a very hot start this year. hiring boomed in january. retail sales skyrocketed. and here is the big problem, inflation remains way too high. and in fact if you look at the fed's preferred inflation metric, it shows that while price gains have cooled off in the past nine months, they unexpectedly heated up in january. and inflation remains well above
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the 2% that the fed is targeting. listen to what powell had to say about what all of that means for interest rates. >> although inflation has been moderating in recent months, the process of getting inflation back down to 2% has a long way to go and is likely to be bumpy. as i mentioned, latest economic data have come in stronger than expected which suggests that the ultimate level of interest rates is likely to be higher that be previously anticipated. >> reporter: in other words, more tough medicine is probably on the way. remember the fed has already raised interest rates eight straight meetings. it lowered the dosage of the inflation-fighting medicine in the last two meetings, but after today's hearing investors are pricing in a growing chance that the fed goes big again with a 50 basis point rate hike later this month. and that did not sit well at all with wall street. markets were little changed
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before powell started speaking but by the end of the day, they closed town sharply lower. for main street all this means higher borrowing costs. mortgage rates are creeping closer to 7% again. credit card rates, they have never been higher. and at the end of the day, the big problem is that the more the fed has to do to tame inflation, the greater the risk that they do too much and they accidently slow the economy right into a recession. max and bianca. the ceo of starbucks is set to testify about the coffee fwo giant's labor practices. hourld howard schultzs that agreed to speak as lawmakers were considering whether to subpoena him instead. >> at issue is the response to a growing wave of unionization at stores. schultz says he doesn't agree with the push for workers to unionize. starbucks is accused of using illegal methods to prevent
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unions from forming but more than 280 starbucks have successfully unionized over the past year. head of cyber command say tiktok presents a national security concern. >> and he told lawmakers that is due to the way it collects data on people who use the social media platform and the fact that it secensors information. and this would give the biden administration new authority to ban the app used by tens of millions. >> the fear is that china could force tiktok's parent company to hand over americans' user data. the ceo insists the company has never received such a request from the chinese government nor would it comply with one. the bipartisan redistrict act does not target tiktok specifically, but seeks to rein in those that could possess risks.
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>> instead of playing whac- whac-a-mole, we need a more comprehensive approach to mitigating these threats posed by these foreign technologies from these adversarial nations. >> safe to assume that the ccp is willing to lie about its spy balloon and cover up origins of the worst pandemic in 100 year, they will lie about using tiktok to spy on american citizens. >> i think what tiktok said is interesting because the concern is that under chinese law, chinese companies have to hand over data to the government if they ask for it. and he is saying even if we were asked for it, we wouldn't hand it over. which in theory would alleviate the concern. >> but it is not the only concern. chris wray said he doesn't like the fact that country which values aren't shared with the u.s. could have influence to manipulate algorithms and push
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content to the american audience. so multiple concerns. a day after chinese leaders lashed out at the u.s., we're getting a very diplomatic response from the biden administration. plus ukraine says its forces are repelling nonstop russian attacks on bakhmut. the latest on the fierce battle there just ahead. and millions on the west coast of the u.s. are looking at more winter storms and wet weather. >> california is once again under the crosshairs of yet another atmospheric river, this time it will be a milder system that will move in that will have flooding repercussions across the state. i'll describe the threats coming up. and effortlessly reresponds to both of you. ouour smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per nighght. proven quality sleep. only from slsleep number.
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and derek van dam has the forecast. >> california under the crosshairs of yet another atmospheric river events. these quote/unquote rivers in the sky have the ability to produce up to 25 times than what usually flows through the mississippi river. it is imperative that we investigate where the plume of moisture originates. notice how it is coming from basically hawaii. this is known as the pineapple express and this is important because it will transport a lot of mild air with this atmospheric river. so as it fluctuates from north to south across the state of california, we anticipate this to be a mainly rain event. of course snow in the higher elevations. but remember we've had already record-setting snowfall for the state of california. so you add liquid precipitation on top of that and the flash flood threat increases dramatically. this is for thursday. sacramento valley, all the way to san francisco and further south, there is a moderate risk
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of flash flooding. and look at the barrage of storms that will batter the state through the weekend and once again into early parts of next week overspreading high elevation snowfall, but more importantly, rain on top of the snow that has already fallen. national weather service issuing flood watches for this entire area, basically central and northern california. so how much rain are we expecting? the potential exists for 3 to 6 inches across the coast and inland as well. but remember on top of that, the high elevation snowfall, that is 8,000 feet or higher, we could be measuring this in feet once again adding to those record-breaking snowfall totals that have already formed across the state. the moisture spreads inland, there is a look at the winter weather advisories. by the way a nonaffiliated winter storm is taking place over the next 36 hours across the upper midwest. head's up omaha to minneapolis/st. paul, plenty of snowfall to you could lead to the fifth snowiest winter season
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in minneapolis history. and to the south we expect rainfall that could lead to flash flooding across the deep south. back to you. and in the hours ahead, officials in memphis are expected to release about 20 more hours of video related to the deadly police beating of tyre nichols back in january. >> this is after the city wrapped up its internal investigation and we learned a seventh police officer has been fired. five other former police officers have been indicted on criminal charges. a spokesperson says no one else is expected to face criminal charges at this time. mississippi state senate has passed a bill that supporters claim will help fight crime in the capital jackson. the plan would let the majority white legislature select judges and prosecutors rather than the residents of the city that has more than 80% black population. >> and legal experts say there are better ways to fight crime and democrats opposing the bill call it an attempt to overrule
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the elected leadership in that city. >> the reason it is wrong is because the constitution of the state of mississippi expressly says that judges shall be appointed. and furthermore we have a provision, a way if you want to have more judges to handle the backlog, we do it every year, we have people come and request additional judges. this county, this district has requested additional judges to be elected and they have been turned down and denied at every turn. and so this is just a racist unconstitutional power grab. >> the bill now moves back to the statehouse, its sponsor says mississippi's governor is in lockstep to make the city safer. and norfolk southern will be the focus of at least two government investigations in the aftermath of two train derailments in the state of ohio. >> there will be a 60 day safsa
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safsafety review and an investigation into the safety culture. it will encampus encompass kuala lampur multiple incidents and three deaths. and in egypt, a passenger train derailed near cairo. authorities say it crashed no a platform after failing to respond to a signal. >> and the transport minister has ordered a committee to find the cause and identify those responsible and limit the damage. ahead, the white house tries to lower the temperature with china after it accused the u.s. of trying to stifle chinese development. and later president zelenskyy is defending his decision to keep troops in bakhmut. we'll hear part of the interview coming up. let it pull you pastst the doubt. past the pain, and papast your limits.
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welcome back to "cnn newsroom." if you are just joining us, let's bring you up-to-date with the latest stories. officials in matamoros, mexico are searching for the suspects of who killed two of the four kidnapped americans. two survivors were found alive and are now back in the u.s. a mexican was also killed by gunfire during their kidnapping. federal aviation administration will appear before a senate hearing. senators want to know about the agency's efforts to reform how it certifies new airplanes after fatal crashes in 2018 and 2019 killed more than 300 people. the white house has approved arm sales to two of its
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indo-pacific allies amid growing tension with china. ties between the two powers are at their worst in decades and china accused the u.s. of trying to contain its development. now the u.s. says it is trying to dial back the animosity as phil mattingly explains. >> reporter: u.s. officials were closely watching the comments from xi jinping, from their foreign minister over the course of 48 hours, but they appear at least initially determined not to engage in a back and forth. however there was no question the very direct rhetoric coming from both president xi and the chinese foreign minister were noticed and seemed intentional. however, when i asked karine jean-pierre what the potential intent was, she made clear that they weren't going to weigh in on what they thought the chinese leaders were actually doing and that their approach up to this point and the approach of
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president biden haven't shifted at all. take a listen. >> the president's approach to china has not changed. an we've been clear, we do not see seek con flipgt and we don't want conflict. what we're seeking is competition and we've been clear about that. the president will always defend american interests, but he has been clear we need to keep open lines of communication. >> reporter: the idea that the bilateral relationship between the u.s. and china is at a very tense moment, certainly not a new one. it has been that case throughout the course of president biden's time in office. and he is constantly pointing to china as a critical competitor to the u.s. and really central component of his framing of democracy verse autocracy. and that is only exacerbated with the chinese spy balloon that biden ordered shot down over the united states, with the back and forth that continued over issues like technology and what the u.s. is trying to do in terms of export controls and sanctions and most recently the
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very overt warnings from u.s. officials about their insistence that they picked up intelligence that china may be considering providing lethal arms to russia. certainly the relationship is not in a better position and to some degree it has put it in a worse place. but u.s. officials maintain that the point that they want more than anything else at this point in time is just to maintain open lines of communication, in fact president biden himself said that he wants to have a discussion with chinese leader xi jinping at some point. aids have made clear behind the scenes that that potential phone call or video conference has not actually been scheduled. there were no conversations about that taking place. but it underscored that biden wanted to send a message that he wants communication to continue including at the leader to leader level. obviously over the course of the last several days it seems that the chinese are moving in a different direction. but u.s. officials for their part at least at this moment not willing to follow that route, wanting to try to maintain some
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semblance of the dynamic that they have been trying to establish in the wake of the sitdown between the two leaders late last year. phil mattingly, cnn, the white house. during an exclusive interview with cnn, the u.s. ambassador to japan and former white house chief of staff addressed the hostile dialogue and urged china to tone it down. >> china is going to have to realize if you want to be respected, which is what they want, leader of the world, you have to actually respect the people you are interlocking with. you cannot constantly have one hammer. they have had a confrontation or near confrontation with multiple coun countries. >> a u.s. congressional hearing will take place today on the origins of covid-19, the prevailing theory was that infected animals in china passed the virus on to humans but now
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some government agencies in the u.s. are questioning this. in an exclusive interview, dr. anthony fauci spoke to cnn about the potential theories. >> they are talking about information that they have that we don't have privy to. so we don't really know. but i don't think that there is a really correct and verifiable answer to your question. it is just still unknown at this point. there are two theories as we're all familiar with now, one is a lab leak theory, the other is that it was a natural occurrence from an animal spillover. the one thing is that we have to keep an open mind about this until there is definitive evidence. recently both the fbi and u.s. department of energy have indicated that the virus was the result of a lab leak in wuhan. ukrainian military says its forces have been fighting off dozens of russian attacks if and around bakhmut.
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>> and russia says its forces are making gains and the eastern part is under their control. cnn can't independently verify that claim. russian defense minister says a victory in the city will lead to further advances. >> a concern for ukraine and president zelenskyy who spoke with cnn about this decision to continue defending bakhmut. >> translator: i want to start with the battle for bakhmut. the ukrainians have put up a tremendous fight and inflicted massive losses on the russian side. but in recent days russian forces have made critical gains there. why have you decided not to withdraw from bakhmut? >> translator: we understand what russia wants to achieve. russia needs at least some victory, a small victory. even by ruining everything in
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bak bakhmut, killing every civilian there. they need to put their little flag to show that to society. it is not a victory for them, it is more like to support -- to mobilize their society. in order to create such a powerful army. for us this is tactical for us. we understand that after bakhmut, they could go further. they could go to kramatorsk, to other towns in ukraine in the donetsk, in the east of ukraine. that is why our guys are standing up. >> and salma abdelaziz is following these developments and is joining us here in london. we've been hearing about bakhmut for so many months now.
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and it seems -- we've heard this sentiment as well from some members of the ukrainian military that if they can just hang on for a few more weeks or months until they get the leopard tanks, longer range missiles, that might give them the best opportunity. but what are the chances of that? >> this is difficult to imagine that ukraine can hold on to bakhmut for much longer, but we've had many surprises in this conflict of course. what we know as of this morning is that we have this audio message from the head of the wagner mercenary group, the group spearheading this attack, this fight in bakhmut. and in that audio message, he claims that the east of the city has now been taken by russian forces. and that makes sense sort of jives with the video that we saw released yesterday which i just want to pull up for you. and it shows tanks and members of the wagner mercenary group putting their flag up on this monument that is in the eastern part of the city. that has been geo located by cnn.
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now, ukraine's military also gave an update and they say that they repelled around 100 attacks by russian forces and that the new constant attacks continue but they are still holding that line of resistance. but i want to break down a bit what president zelenskyy says to wolf blitzer in that interview about the importance of this city. even he concedes, president concedes, that it doesn't have very much strategic tactical value for russia, that takes symbolic win. but he does talk about the possibility of it giving an open road, that it could be a launching pad to push further into the country. now, military analysts will tell you that is unlikely even if russia is able to take back mute, it makes very little difference on the ground because of just how much they have lost in the months long war that it has taken to take this one city. i mean, it is really mind boggling the definite visitation. thousands of troops killed on both sides. nato says for every one ukrainian soldier killed, five russian troops were killed.
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the cities largely decimated or destroyed. homes and businesses flattened. and you have this now waste land that is being fought over and the military loss in that, you have to think about the weapons that have been depleted over six months. all of that means that, yes, president putin might be able to their a win if they take bakhmut, but it is very unlikely that that win could turn into something more. >> salma abdelaziz, thank you. and you can see the sbe interview at 9:00 p.m. eastern on only on cnn. and israel is cracking down on hamas in two west bank towns. we're live in jerusalem with details on who they are targeting and why. with five flavors that are deliciouous any time of day. only from ihop. download the app and e earn free food with every o order.
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sviolent protests erupted
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after a draft bill requiring certain groups to register as foreign agents. police used water cannon and stun grenades on thousands opposed to the member. georgia's interior ministry says 66 were arrested. >> the bill would force groups to register with the government if more than 20% of it comes from overseas. protestors say it is like the law russia uses to stifle the freedom of press. >> and they refer to it as a russian law. there is concern that this is part of an authoritarian back slide in georgia that would be used specifically to crack down on dissent which is how protestors have viewed the application of the law in russia. unions in france are calling for two more days of protests over the government's proposed pension reforms and rising of
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retirement age from 62 to 64. >> and some are still striking today. and more than a million people nationwide took part in tuesday's protests. the government says that pension reform is necessary to tackle a funding deficit, but legislation has angered workers at a time when living costs are rising. israeli security forces raided a refugee camp in the occupied west bank tuesday targeting the palestinian government who killed two israeli settler brothers. the man killed along with five others. >> and an official says soldiers surrounded the suspect's house and responded with missiles. >> and tensions continue. elliott gotkine is live for us. >> reporter: and this was another raid in the daytime. we've usually been saying these are quite rare, but this is at least a third one so far this year. so they seem to be becoming increasingly common. what happened, the israeli
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defense forces saying that there was a terrorist that killed the two brothers. and then in the gunbattle that ensued, further five palestinians were killed. hamas, the militant group that controls the gaza strip, it has said yes, this man was not only a member of theirs butted in was responsible for killing those two israeli brothers on february 26th. but also hailed the other five palestinians killed yesterday as in its words fighter martyrs. prime minister benjamin netanyahu for his part hailed the operation and warned once again in his words, whoever harms us will pay the price. we've also heard from the u.n. special coordinator for the middle east peace process, he has expressed further concerns about the escalating violence. he has said that -- he has also condemned secular violence against palestinians which we
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saw in the wake of the two brothers being killed when settlers went on the rampage in that same village and also condemning palestinian attacks against israelis. the state department spokesman ned price for his part said that israel had a legitimate right to defend its people and territory against all forms of aggression, but he also called for a deescalation. i suppose what a lot of people are doing is trying to remind you really or palestinians of the commitments that they had in the red sea just the other week in order to deescalate tensions. but that doesn't seem to be happening right now. >> elliott, thank you from jerusalem. and michelle obama revealing her emotional response. what had her in tears. new vibrant from air wick. our first fragrances infused with 2x more natural essential oil.
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look at that scene. it has its roots in hinduism, but other groups celebrate it as well. >> people take to the streets to drench each other in colored powder and buckets of water. and there is singing, dancing and of course lots of food. and some light bonfires the night before. and hershey has announced two new dairy-free products. one is a vegan version of the popular buttercups. and the other a bar with almonds and sea salt. dairy, oats will be used. they will be available later this month. >> brilliant if it tastes good. now to an unsettling new study on the toll stress takes on your body and mind. koor according to research published
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in "open" people with elevated stress levels were 37% more likely to have poor condition. >> oh, my gosh. they have difficulty even reading words on the teleprompter or learning new things. people also found elevated stress levels were more likely to lead to cardiovascular risk factors and lifestyle factors. >> this is all ringing bells. >> but it does make sense because anxiety increases the court sole and your body is focused on panickinging rather than remembering and makes you sleep worse. which is why people should chil. >> just chill out. >> deep breathe. meanwhile -- >> uncontrollable be soing is what michelle obama said happened in the moments after the inauguration of former u.s. president donald trump. former first lady revealed how she really felt on that day. and leaving the white house. in a new podcast.
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>> there were tears, there was that emotion, but then to sit on that stage and watch the opposite of what we represented on display, there was no diversity, there was no color on that stage, there was no reflection of the broader sense of america. i cried for 30 minutes straight uncontrollable sobbing. >> obama also spoke about the size of the crowd at the inauguration after claims by trump. >> you get on marine one and you take your last flight off flying over the capitol where there weren't that many people there. we saw it, by the way. >> this is part of the former first lady's tour for her new book "the light we carry." posters all over london i noticed. thanks for joining us here. i'm max foster.
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>> and i'm bianca nobilo. "early start" is up next. when you find your reason to go on, let it pull you past the doubt. past the p pain, and past your limits. no matter what, we go on. biofreeze
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