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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 7, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PST

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hello and a warm welcome to our viewers joining us in the united states and around the world. i'm bianca nobilo. >> and i'm max foster.
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just ahead on cnn -- >> they were buying medicine and they were caught in a confrontation. >> i would have told him don't go any further. >> more close calls on the ground and more runway incursions experts say are the result of an overloaded system. >> and it was just a big shake. >> they accuse the united states of plotting to create an asia pacific version of nato that could risk a repeat of a crisis breaking out in the region. >> live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster and bianca nobilo. >> it is tuesday, march 7, 9:00 a.m. in london, 3:00 a.m. in
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eastern texas. matamoros, mexico where investigators are working to track down four americans believed to have been kidnapped by a mexican cartels. >> and two families in south carolina have identified them. a relative contacted the fbi on sunday as soon as she found out the group is missing. they haven't spoken to their loved ones in days and are hoping for the best. >> felt a little uneasy because i told them i had a dream, so i'm just checking on you. that is what i told them thursday. and then friday morning, i texted and i didn't get anything. >> the waiting is the worst part. it has its advantages and disadvantages, but however no news is good news. that is the way i'm staying with it. no news is good news. >> mexican officials say that
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they have activated federal and local resources to find the missing americans. josh campbell has the latest. >> reporter: special agents are working with authorities in mexico to locate four americans who were kidnapped after traveling from texas into mexico. the fbi says a group opened fire on these americans eventually taking them captain. a u.s. official tells me this appears to be a case of mistaken identity, that law enforcement believed that group of cartel members mistook these americans for haitian drug smugglers. as far as why the americans were there, a source tells me officials believe that they were there to obtain some type of medical procedure. of course it is not uncommon ca travel to mexico for lower priced drugs or procedures. and they found inside the vehicle receipts indicating that there was some type of medical procedure planned. i want to show you this video.
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and this is graphic. a source says this is the aftermath of the incident where you see gunmen taking a group of people, putting them in the back of this white truck. cnn cannot independently confirm that those individuals being loaded in the vehicle are indeed the americans, but a source says this is related to that incident. as far as where this goes next, the mexican government says that all agencies within the federal government as well as state authorities are working with their u.s. partners in order to try to locate these americans. the fbi has announced a $50,000 reward for information leading to the location of these americans as well as the identification of their captors. josh campbell, cnn, los angeles. the u.s. state department is assisting the fbi and other agencies involved in the kidnapping and says that americans should not travel to this part of mexico. in we' >> we're standing railroaded for
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any assistance and we remind americans about the existing travel guidance, travel advisory remains at level 4 and we encourage americans to heed that advice. >> cartels are active in matamoros but there are options to get help. >> the fbi has no legal authority on the ground, they can't run the case. but what they can do is leverage the relationships that they have on the ground with the mexican federal police, with the state police, with other agencies. and there are other agencies there on the ground at the embassy who work through the ambassador. you've got cia, nsa, dea, you've got a lot of resources that can be brought to bear and information that can be fed to mexican authorities that can help they will to who is behind this, what is behind this where they are. you've got a really dynamic picture on that border.
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picture brownsville, the rio grand, and matamoros right on the other side of this border. this is a town where you've got immigrants being run by smugglers who are coming up from south america, from central america, and from mexico where the gulf cartel along with its drug business has an entire network that brings those people across the border. now you also have immigrants from haiti who are being smuggled in through central america and up into mexico and haitian networks that are trying to bring them across as well. the gulf cartel does not like outsiders, does not like competition, does not like anybody who is not kicking back. >> officials in rochester, new york are investigating the deaths of two people caught in a stampede at a concert. eight others were injured. police say a large crowd started pushing toward the exits sunday night. a lot of people say they heard what sounded like gunshots. >> going toward the door to leave out and everybody started
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rushing back so we started running. >> doing a lot of pushing and shoving. i was one that was on the ground. thank god i did get up. but you know everybody wasn't so fortunate. it was a different experience, very scary. never been through nothing like this. >> the city's mayor says it is too early to say what led to the incident. authorities are investigating what the proper safety measures were and were they followed. and there is growing concern about aviation safety in the u.s. after a series of estimates in -- incidents in the air and on the ground. latest was a man tried to open an emergency exit door mid flight before attempting to stab a flight attendant in the neck with a broken metal spoon. >> that man, francisco torez, was tackled by other passengers
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and zip tied according to a woman on the flight and immediately taken into custody once the plane landed. torez told law enforcement he was trying to defend himself because he believed the flight atten attendants were trying to kill him. we've been doing a lot of these stories. >> certainly have. >> it is a safe form of travel. >> so you keep telling me. i always make sure that i have something that can subdue an unruly passenger, of course tsa approved. and there was a collision between two united airline flights at boston ologan airpor. one clipped the tail of another. and a passenger described the harrowing moment. >> we were just loading everybody on the plane and then the whole plane started shaking and there was a plane that pulled out of another gate, a tug was pushing it back and the
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wing on that plane clipped the back wing of our plane. >> you cancan you describe whatt like? >> the whole plane went like just a pretty big shake. and in florida on february 16, an american airlines flight was forced to abort an initial landing because an air canada flight was taking off from the same runway. tom foreman looks at other recent near disasters. >> reporter: an engine bursting into flames, smoke filling the cab in and an emergency landing. all alarming to passengers on this southwest flight from cuba to florida which had to turn back after hitting birds. >> explosion. a lot of smoke. >> people were screaming, not knowing what to do. kept trying to breathe and it was filling up with more smoke.
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>> reporter: in boston, a trifecta of trouble. federal authorities say a man attempted to open an exit door on united jet coming from elos angeles and allegedly tried to stab a flight attendant with a broken spoon before being tackled by other passengers. and on the ground two planes collided as one was being pushed back from its gate, all of that just a week after a lear jet almost litt edcollided with ano jet. >> there is a lot of runway alerting systems and they have a lot of advisory programs, but despite all of the efforts, runway incursions are increasing. statistics are headed wrong way and it is the most dangerous thing in aviation today. >> reporter: and still more trouble. last week a lufthansa plane carrying among others actor math
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new mcconaughey and his wife ran into severe turbulence. she posted i was told the plane dropped almost 4,000 feet, seven people went to the hospital. a different passenger said -- >> suddenly there was a big drop and everything just flew everywhere and it was a huge mess. and i saw the attendant on my right basically hit the ceiling and was completely horizontal. >> medical emergency landing runway 6. >> reporter: and in yet another case of violent turbulence, a private jet over new england was hit so hard one of the three passengers, a woman from maryland, died. >> all the information i have about the emergency is possible laceration, requesting medical assistance. >> reporter: and the national transportation safety board says moments before the turbulence that plane also experienced a problem with its trim control. >> they were in the process of diagnosing that when they
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received a momentary in-flight upset. and so this is something that we are investigating. >> reporter: some of these incidents may just be coincidences, some may point to deeper problems. but they all underscore how the airline industry is still stumbling long a bit as it tries to bounce back from some trying years. tom foreman, cnn, washington. conditions across the u.s. have been either hot or cold over the past few week. you can tell i have meteorological experience. with record high for the month of february in some places and winter storms elsewhere. at least 13 million americans were under alerts on monday. >> forecasters are predicting even more changes as a cold snap could bring snow as low as the southern appalachian mountains. states in the southeast could be in for a rude awakening with abnormally warm temperatures set to plunge at least 15 degrees.
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and california continues to bear the brunt of winter storms, nearly two weeks of snow that hasn't melted in some areas, some counties are declaring local emergencies. and more snow is on the way. >> northern parts of the state can could see up to 3 feet of snow. and trapped residents in southern california are getting desperate as they wait for government help. tensions are starting to run high. camila bernal has more from san bernardino county. >> reporter: residents here are still frustrated and so upset just because of how long this entire process is taking. there are people here that have been at their homes for more than ten days without being able to leave, without access to food, a grocery store, a pharmacy. here behind me is the only grocery store in town and the roof collapsed because there was so much snow accumulated at the top of the grocery store that it no longer is open. and so people have to rely on
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donations. this community is coming together as you can see here behind me, they brought firewood and the problem is that i talked to other people who told me, look, i can't even turn on my fireplace because there is so much snow. so the ones that can, they are here trying to get anything they can to make their lives a little bit easier. i've talked to people who are stuck higher up in the mountains who tell me, look, i can't even make it to the places where they are giving out these donations. and so that frustration just accumulates day after day after day. here is what some of the residents have told me. >> there has been 13 -- this will be 14 days. and, yeah, we had a full freezer and refrigerator. and they are getting down there. >> i'm feeling frustrated. i feel like i'm in prison. it is scary, frustrating and frightening. mostly -- just gets my anxiety going up more so that i cannot control obviously.
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>> reporter: and we've seen people coming for donations all day long. there is food being offered, water bottles, formula, food for pets. that was one of the concerns that i kept hearing over and over again. people who say look, i'm running out of a lot of supplies and i don't know how many more days that i can go without. authorities saying that they are making progress. they say that so far they have been able to essentially clear about 85% of the roads in this area. the problem is there is a lot of side streets that are still blocked off because of the snow and many of the residents telling me that that is why they can't leave their homes, they are wanting for this entire process to move a little faster, but as of now authorities are saying that they have to wait. camila bernal, cnn, crestline, california. former u.s. vice president mike pence is asking a judge to block a grand jury subpoena for his testimony about january 6. a source says he claims to be
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protected by a clause. >> and former president trump also wants to block mike pence's testimony claiming executive privilege. the special counsel wants to hear about mike pence's interactions with trump leading up to the attack on the capitol. and u.s. federal reserve chairman jerome powell will meet with lawmakers and he will testify before the senate banking committee today and house financial services committee on wednesday. powell is expected to defend the string of rate hikes meant to curb inflation. >> and his testimony is certain to move the markets especially if he hints at more belt tightening. as you can see, things are looking good. florida lawmakers return to work today and republicans in the sunshine state are anxious to deliver on the culture wars agenda of governor desantis, that is coming up. plus china takes a swipe after swipe on the u.s. from the
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sidelines of a major political event while warning of catastrophic consequences. and the fierce battle for bakhmut as ukraine pledges to continue to defend the city. >> this is the last successful emergency evacuation mission by the bakhmut police. we need to go faster an officer says. the russians can clearly see us. and i'm the founder of the stay beautiful foundation when i started in 2016 i would go to the post office and lirally fill out each person's name on a label and now with shipstation we are shipping 500 beauty boxes a month it takes less than 5 minutes for me to get all of my labels and get beauty in the hands of women who are battling cancer so much quicker
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national peoples congress is under way in china and comments from sidelines are capturing the most attention. >> foreign minister warned that conflict is inevitable if the u.s. doesn't change course. he accused the u.s. of trying to change china's development and called relations with russia imperative. kristie lu stout is joining us. provocative language for many in the west. >> reporter: very provocative with china effectively blaming the u.s. for the frayed relationship. earlier today on the sidelines of the national peoples congress in beijing, we did hear from the
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new foreign minister and amid the worsening relations, he issued very, very strong words. for example, he said that the united states ways plotting an asia pacific version of nato which would be a repeat of crisis in the region and he had a warning directed squarely at the u.s. take a listen. >> translator: if the united states does not hit the brake but continue to speed down the wrong path, no amount of guardrails can prevent derailing. and there will surely be conflict and confrontation. >> reporter: now, on the war in ukraine, gin gang said peace talks should take place as soon as anything and that china did not supply weapons to either side and china should not be underestimate and china would work for peaceful reunification.
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and we heard very interesting comments from xi jinping monday in which he directly accused the u.s. and its allies of containment. let's bring up the statement for you. he made that statement to a group of chinese entrepreneurs and he said the u.s.-led western countries have implemented suppression against us and it has brought severe challenges to china's development. and this diplomatic rifts a we've been calling it is continuing to deepen over just a whole range of issues from the war in ukraine, from the balloon incident, from taiwan and the u.s. military support of taiwan, even over access to technology like artificial intelligence and chips. and we heard the work report delivered by the outgoing premier and he said that china needs to double down on self reliance in the technology industry. back to you, max. >> okay, thank you.
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ukraine is vowing to keep up the fight to defend the eastern city of bakhmut even as russian forces press on with their efforts to encircle it. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy says he's ordered the reinforcement inside the city. >> russian forces have been making gradual gains. new video shows fighters with wagner mercenary group taking down a ukrainian flag and planting their own flag on top of a tank monument in the eastern part of bakhmut. fierce fighting in bakhmut has complicated evacuation efforts with few civilians making it out each day. alex marquardt takes a look at one successful mission. >> reporter: racing into the warzone. white knuckle drive toward the middle of bakhmut. this is the last successful emergency evacuation mission by
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the bakhmut police. we need to go faster an officer says, russians can clearly see us. this team called the white angels grab civilians who have been trapped. throwing belongings in the back. there is a cat. someone else with a guitar. the fighting raging nearby, the residents told to hurry up and get in and sit anywhere they can. as they hold on tight, the rescue mission speeds away from the smoldering city. ahead there is smoke from a russian strike. getting grpedropped off safety,y say everything is blown up in bakhmut, even inside his apartment. they have survived months of brutally intense assaults. russia has made gains trying to encircle bakhmut and surrounding
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it on three sides as ukraine desperately tries to depends them off. today we met bakhmut's deputy mayor at a makeshift aid center. he tells us it is verydepends tm off. today we met bakhmut's deputy mayor at a makeshift aid center. he tells us it is very hard to persuade the civilians left there to leave. they say they have no where to go and have no money. it is hard to survive there, he says. it is not life, it is survival. drinking water is a big problem. walking to the well is dangerous, he says. shells landing on your head all the time. all he now feels he tells us is fear. and sadness. everyone here knows how hard it will be for ukraine to hold on to bakhmut. his elderly mother with disabilities didn't want to leave but he managed to convince her. i don't know if my house is still standing, she tells us. very painful thinking about those still this bakhmut. her eyes well up.
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i just want them all to survive, she says. that is my only wish. alex marquardt, cnn in eastern ukraine. ukraine's president is promising his country are find those responsible for killing an unarmed ukrainian soldier. officials in ukraine have been lashing out against moscow after video emerged on social media which appears to show the execution of a p.o.w. allegedly in russian captivity. here is part of that video and a warning, it does contain graphic content. >> salma abdelaziz is following the developments and is here with us in london with the latest. this is not even the first time that we've seen this kind of horrific video that allegedly is showing torturing and kill going of prisoners of war. obviously with the geneva
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convention, prisoners of war cannot be tortured or killed. what more are we learning about this video and what action might be taking? >> this chilling video is being shared widely among ukrainians who see it as yet another illustration of the mercilessness of russian troops on the ground. and as you mentioned, this is a potential violation of course of the fgeneva convention and president zelenskyy promises to take them to justice. >> translator: today a video has been released showing how the occupiers brutally killed a warrior who bravely said to their faces glory to ukraine. i want us all to respond to his words in unity. glory to the hero. glory to heros. glory to ukraine. >> the final words uttered by that soldier, glory to ukraine, that has been repeateds as a slogan as a moment of defiance
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even in the face of death, his last moments. and what is interesting to note about this conflict is simultaneously while ukrainian forces are fighting this war, while president zelenskyy is leading this battle, he is also simultaneously collecting evidence for a potential international trial to bring any potential violators of international law to justice. and we've seen that taking place just in the last few days. he had visits from international partners, they are working on setting up a center by the hague by the icc. and from myself being on the ground, if you arrive at the site of a building or mall that has been struck by russian artillery, you will immediately see investigators arriving on the scene collecting that evidence. and so for the family of this victim that you see in that video, absolutely horrifying for them to witness this, but there is hope that there could be justice. and what you will hear kyiv say
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over and over again is that there can be no peace in the future unless we bring that justice, unless we bring that accountability. >> salma abdelaziz, thank you so much. unions and opposition party say they are hoping to bring france to a halt with new nationwide strikes that are under way right now. you are looking at workers demonstrating currently. they are furious over the government's pension reform plans which would raise the retirement age for two years to 64 for most people. >> and this is the sixth round of demonstrations just this year. huge disruptions to public transportation are expected and the main education union says around 120 schools will be closed in paris. just ahead, we'll have the latest developments from saturday's train tderailment in springfield, ohio as investigators begin their work. and iran is offering new explanations for why thousands
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of schoolchildren have fallen sick over the past few months. stay with us for details. neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indndicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think b bigger.
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welcome back to "cnn newsroom." i'm bianca nobilo. >> and i'm max foster. let's bring you up-to-date with the top stories. officials in u.s. and mexico are working to track down four americans believed to have been kidnapped by a mexican cartel in matamoros. family members say that they were there for a medical procedure. sources tell cnn that they had been caught in the middle of fighting between two cartels. former vice president mike pence is asking a judge to block a grand jury subpoena for his testimony about the january 6
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capitol riot. a source says that he claims to be protected by the constitution speech or debate clause. norfolk southern has reopened the track affected by saturday's derailment in springfield, ohio with traffic at reduced speed. the company has also announced new six point safety plan that was designed in the aftermath of the totoxic east palestine derailment. investigators met with local officials about in springfield on monday and ntsb chair spoke about what her agency would be looking into during this investigation. >> the numbers are trending upward on accidents overall and also for norfolk southern. with that said, we're going to look at norfolk southern's overall accident history, we'll look at culture in the company, safety culture, we'll look at
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management practices and policies. we'll really dig in. so the what of an accident investigation is usually immediately available. it is how we got here, that is what takes time to really dig into and get the facts. florida state legislature will be back in session today with the agenda of governor desantis front and center. we've already seen a major focus on what can and can't be taught in schools and political analysts say that it is all a preview of the 2024 presidential campaign. leyla santiago reports. >> the bill prohibits classroom instruction about sexuality or things like transgender. this is inappropriate. florida is where woke goes to die! >> reporter: one of the latest targets for the florida war on
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woke, the classroom. republicans introducing bill after bill aimed at changing education. >> i believe parents should be able to send their kids to elementary school without an agenda jammed tdown their n throats. >> it is the equalizer and if we erode access to that, we're changing the trajectory of the state. >> reporter: and a wish list of desantis and his allies looking to reshape education from kindergarten to college. on the table, a bill that limits diversity and inclusion education, critical race theory, and also ends protections for tenured faculty. >> no more discrimination. we're going to promote merit. >> reporter: and this proposed legislation bans any requirement to use pronouns deemed incongruent with the person's sex in school and also bans
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classroom instruction related to sexual orientation or gender identity until thninth grade. >> they should not be teaching a second grader that they can choose their gender. that is wrong. >> reporter: and this proposal creates a new statewide standard for ex-education requiring teacher that biological males impregnate biological females. >> we need to teach the basics and when there are things that are injected that are clearly inappropriate, make sure that we're not doing that. >> reporter: this bill establishes universal school choice voucher program and expands who is eligible to receive a school voucher scholarship. >> that basically raises the bar for everyone. >> reporter: with the republican controlled legislature, the bill could act on the list of political victories for desantis to tout as he gets set to embark on a a 2024 presidential
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campaign. >> i think we've gotten it right and it goes back to the woke mind virus that has infected the left and all these other institutions. >> everything is about outtrumping trump. which means the policies are incredibly extreme and not necessarily popular among every floridian. >> reporter: education has become the battleground for students, teachers and for politicians. in about six hours, the mississippi state senate will take up a controversial bill that is being compared to apartheid. republican house lawmakers passed a measure that would expand a special district near the state capital to encompass about a third of the city's population. >> it will be placed under the control of capital police officers. and would also include the most densely and wealthy white neighborhoods and would have a separate court system. >> jackson as a whole is 83% black and critics say that the bill is an attempt by the white minority to gain control. republicans say that reforms are
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needed to stem a spike in violence. still to come, turkey's president now has a challenger in this year's elections. does he have enough support to stay in power or is the country overdue for a change in leadership. plus iran supreme leader calls it an unforgivable crime, the latest into the investigation in the suspected poisoning of thousands of schoolchildren.
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afghan women were barred from attending universities on monday as the new academic year began. some protested their exclusion by reading their books on a sidewalk. >> they were literally out in the cold while male students resumed classes indoors. it follows a decision by the taliban in late december to ban women from higher education. the move has received heavy international condemnation. u.s. state department is calling for an international fact finding mission to
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determine if a rash of suspected poisonings in iran is related to women and girls taking part in protests. >> these reports of continued poisoning of school girls across iran, they are unconscionable. these poisonings need to be stopped immediately. women and girls in iran and women and girls everywhere for that matter have universal human right to education. >> tehran is investigating what has sickened more than 5,000 schoolchildren, mostly girls. the interior ministry reports no sign of dangerous poison in any of the hospitalized students. >> one official claims more than 90% of the students showing symptoms were faerktsed by anxiety. iran edenity health minister says no deaths have been reported and that most children were released from hospital within a few hours. more now from nima elbajir.
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>> reporter: furious parents outside an education office in tehran. challenging iranian authorities desperate for answers. after what is believed to be the worst day of incidents of suspected poisonings, these videos were filmed on saturday which marks the start of the school week. for months iranian school girls and their families have been speaking out about incidents of suspected poisoning. the number of incidents reported to cnn in the dozens. and then over the weekend, dozens more. cnn was able to verify these new incidents using video and witness testimony across ten provinces. the u.s. and others are calling for iran's authorities to investigate these incidents, but speaking to cnn, medical sources say they have been barred by hospital administrators from sharing details of symptoms and test results even with the patient's parents.
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we dubbed this doctor's voice for his safety. >> i'm inside iran. my money is bphone is being mon. i can't share more. >> reporter: and suspicious samples are being asseted at laboratories but parents say they at any time trust authorities to investigate. >> to hell with this country and its rulers. we'd be better off without a leader. this is our country. they don't know what they are doing. they don't even have medicine. >> reporter: all the incidents begin in a similar matter as described by students. a noxious smell and then -- >> i felt dizzy and fainted. i had dimness of vision and heart palpitations. we had tears coming out of our eyes. >> reporter: with no one so far held to account and parents no closer to answers, many continue to risk their lives to challenge
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iran's authorities. into he made onima elbajir, cnn. and 75-year-old leader of the republican peoples party has been nominated. and if he wins, it would signisignal the end of erdogan's grip. >> and officials are reporting 46,000 people are dead after the earthquake and billions of dollars worth of damage. nada bashir is joining us from istanbul with more. so two different narratives presumably on how to move forward in the aftermath of this earthquake. >> reporter: absolutely. and we have seen vocal criticism from the opposition since the moment the earthquake struck against the government, they say the government didn't move swiftly enough to respond to the devastating destruction which was brought by the earthquake
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and also of course in terms of the response that we've seen following that, hundreds of thousands of people now living in temporary accommodation. and look, president erdogan himself has vowed to rebuild the affected areas within one year, and we're already beginning to see the excavation work needed already in parts of the country, but that has also drawn criticism from the opposition and others say it is simply too hasty, there needs to be more investigations done, more preparations done to ensure this area is safe. and of course this is a country that is already going through a worsening economic crisis, inflation at 55%. people across the country struggling with their day to day expenses. so there is certainly a lot on president erdogan's plate and the fact that this could be the biggest challenge that he has faced over that more than two decades. and for the longest time the opposition has struggled to present a unified front. we are talking about six opposition parties now forming
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this nation. and it is quite a remarkable alliance, it has to be said, we're talking about parties that are center right, far right, secular, all coming together under the slogan of united we will win. they believe that their principles and goals overarching remain the same and they will be able to lead the country into a different future together. so this will be a significant challenge for president erdogan, they have announced the leader who will carry them into that presidential election in may. and of course it remains to be seen whether this is enough to pull president erdogan out of power. >> nada, thank you. we'll be watching that closely. >> and it will be a name that everybody needs to know. he is different from erdogan, some refer to him as turkey's gandhi.
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japan's space agency says that it ordered the launch of its new rocket moments after liftoff. scientists september a self-destruct signal to the rocket when they determined that there was no possibility of achieving the mission. >> and nhk reports the second engine failed to ignite. the rocket was supposed to carry a government satellite into orbit and take supplies to the international space station. it looks like weight watchers is hoping on the ozempic trend. they say that they are buying a service who connects patients with doctors who prescribe weight loss drug and ext. incit includes ozempic. and you hadn't heard about this, but it has exploded in to public
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consciousness. and essentially it slows down the food leaving the stop being and stops your blood sugar from spiking. >> so you feel full. in exactly. >> genius. >> apparently plenty of celebrities are using it, but there don't seem to be serious filed effects. >> the wonder drug that everyone is looking for. the wife of actor bruce willis is pleading with the paparazzi to keep their distance and give them space as her husband battles dementia. >> this is going out to the photographers and the video people that are trying to get those exclusives of my husband out and about. just keep your space. i know this is your job. but maybe just keep your space. >> that request from emma willis comes after a recent incident where photographers swarmed her husband and tried to speak with him while he was out for coffee with friends. >> last year his family announced that he was stepping
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away from a acting after his diagnosis that has progressed in to a form ofi ity dementia. >> and i hope that they listen. >> yeah, and people's health can be affected by that constant attention. and this justin turner is out of the hospital after being hit in the face with a pitch. >> it happened in the first inning of the spring training game against the tigers. turner got 16 stitches. ouch. and red sox are monitoring him for a possible concussion. his wife says that the scans came back clear and he didn't suffer any facial fractures. >> really gets your stomach when you see that. >> and to the nfl, the saints with a new quarterback. derek carr has signed a four year deal worth a reported $150 million. carr was dropped by the raiders in 2014 and spent his entire
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career with the team. he led them to the playoffs twice. and saints head coach dennis allen praised carr's talent calling him one of the most productive quarterbacks in the league. thanks for joining us. i'm max foster. >> and i'm bianca nobilo. "early start" is coming up next. the only smart bed in the world that actively cools, warms and effortlessssly responds to both of you. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep peper night. proven quality sleep. only f from sleep number.
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