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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  March 6, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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you ask yourself is are the attackers or the kidnappers prone to violence. we're past that. we know according to the fbi that the moment these americans went into mexico, they were fired upon by this cartel group. so this is very frightening to know that these captors have already shown their willingness to inflict harm. of course the question now is can the fbi and nmexican officials make contact with whoever is holding these individuals and try to seek their rescue. of course, the question is will it come down to money, what type of negotiations will there be. but this is certainly frightening as they work to try to find these americans. >> certainly is. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, gunned down in broad daylight. new video tonight of what ukraine says is one of its own soldiers executed as the camera rolls. this is the wife of a jailed putin critic speaks to "outfront" about her husband's
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fate. plus, ron desantis' wish list. drafting bill after bill in florida. chaos at 30,000 feet. a man tries to open the emergency door and then stabs a flight attendant. just the latest in an alarming number of dangerous incidents on american flights. let's go "outfront." and good evening. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, gunned down, executed in broad daylight. horrific video surfacing tonight out of ukraine, which appears to show this ukrainian soldier allegedly a prisoner of war executed seemingly by russian soldiers after he says "glory to ukraine." now, the video is graphic and extremely difficult to watch. it's horrible to watch. if you've seen it, you can't unsee it. and so what we're going to show you is the moment up until the execution. watch that. [ sound of gunfire ]
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>> you saw we went to black. they're not going to show the moment that the man was executed. but we played those gunshots so you could hear just a sudden barrage of gunshots to kill one man. and what you're looking at now is the aftermath. an image of a body lifeless littered with those bullets. this is what's happening on the ground these horrors of war. and tonight ukraine's president volodymyr zelenskyy responding. >> translator: today, a video has been released showing how the occupiers brutally killed a warrior who bravely said to their faces "glory to ukraine." i want us all to respond to his words in unity. glory to the hero. glory to the heroes. glory to ukraine. >> that horrifying video comes as zelenskyy is sending reinforcements to bakhmut, a city on the cusp of falling to russia.
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after months of war, hundreds and thousands of lives are lost, tens of thousands of lives. fighters with the brutal private army, the wagner group, can be seen tearing down a ukrainian flag and replacing it with a wagner flag. i should just emphasize this is a mercenary group fighting for putin. it would still be a small victory of what's left with a decimated city with little strategic value. and a victory would come at incredible cost. nato intelligence tonight says putin has lost five men for every wukrainian soldier. that flag, as i mentioned that they were hanging there on that monument not even the russian flag, flying atop an unhabitable horror zone. and what is a victory if you can't move forward or defend what you've won? because the head of the wagner
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group said he doesn't have ammo or reinforcements to move ahead. >> translator: i am knocking on all doors sounding the alarm with ammunition and reinforcements, as well as covering our flanks. if everyone stays coordinated without tantrums, then we will seal off the armed forces of ukraine. if this doesn't happen, then we're all [ bleep ]. >> i'm showing you prigozhin says russia needs to work together. but when you listen to the man on the front lines, it is very clear that they are not. it appears to be every man for himself. >> translator: we are not provided with strategy and tactics. we're being sent into assaults. there is no cooperation with commanders, fire support is lacking. weapons from the 1940s are being used, including mortars and guns. in our first assault, six people
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died in one trench. >> six soldiers, one attack, one trench. again, the nato estimate, russia said to be losing five men for every ukrainian loss. meanwhile in russia, the kremlin tightening its grip on dissenters delaying the trial of vladimir karamurza. first i want to go to fred pleitgen "outfront" live tonight in moscow. fred, prigozhin leading this incredibly costly battle for bakhmut tonight. what else is he saying? >> he's saying it's going to be a lot more costly in the days to come. he says that he believes there's still thousands of ukrainians inside bakhmut and many more outside of bakhmut trying to hold them up. and he believes that they are going to continue to offer stiff resistance against those wagner forces and against the russian military even as the russian defense ministry is saying they
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believe this city is almost completely surrounded. one of the things that we're seeing on the ground here is that that standoff is getting more fierce. russian troops allegedly advancing in close quarters combat. moscow's defense ministry released this video of what it says are airborne units assaulting ukrainian positions. and russia's defense minister is keen to show he's taken the reins of what the kremlin still calls its special military operation. sergei shoigu handing out medals to soldiers on the front lines. good luck, success, and come home alive, his sparse words to the troops. but progress remains slow for the russian army, except in bakhmut where the defense minister's arch nemesis yevgeny
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prigozhin of the private wagner military company is leading the charge. prigozhin advertising for new recruits. >> translator: fellas, bakhmut is behind me. join the strongest private army in the world. take the side of justice. >> reporter: despite what the u.s. and ukraine say is a massive attrition rate among wagner mercenaries, prigozhin claims he is the one handing vladimir putin victories. and he warns russia could lose the war if he doesn't get the ammo and the fighters he wants. >> translator: if wagner group retreats from bakhmut now, the whole front will collapse. today wagner group is the cement that holds it together. we're pulling in the whole ukrainian army, grinding them up and destroying them, not letting them focus on other parts of the front line. >> reporter: and while prigozhin was busy this weekend trolling ukrainian women by sending them champagne from a defunctry nearby, he also made clear that
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they are there to stay. after wagner group takes bakhmut, we will continue to defend our country, and the wagner group does not care what some other departments want. >> reporter: while some believe the infighting could become a problem for vladimir putin, he tells me russia's leader is fully in command of the situation. >> i am sure he is totally controlled by kremlin. it is low of him to criticize official governors, official leadership of ministry of defense. but putin lacks the glance. he simply observes the situation. >> reporter: and, erin, back to that situation around bakhmut. the adviser to zelenskyy's office which has been on your show, he says that he believes in the end of things, the holding of bakhmut will be a big success for the ukrainian military. he says it's helped to hold the russian army up, to also grind
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the russian army down, but also offer the ukrainians the chance to train their military, equip their military for a possible counteroffensive. we know from president zelenskyy himself tonight that the ukrainians not yet ready to give up bakhmut. >> thank you very much, fred, reporting live from moscow tonight. "outfront" now, retired air force colonel cedric leighton. and, colonel, i appreciate your time. you've seen the video of what appears to be that ukrainian prisoner of war executed in a barrage of bullets. and it brings home the reality of the horror on the ground right now. it just is one horrible, horrible thing happening. and there are so many more like it. >> yeah, that's for sure, erin. one of the key things about this war is this utter brutality. we have to remember the russians are not following the laws of war, the laws of armed conflict. they are not handling this in a just way. that is really one of the reasons that the ukrainians are fighting so hard for their land. >> and you just heard fred
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talking about the chief of staff sort of for zelenskyy who was saying that they think bakhmut will be a big success for ukraine. and i mentioned the nato analysis showing russian troops dying in bakhmut five to one in terms of russians to ukrainians. the ukrainian defense ministry says it's seven russians to every ukrainian. every one of these is a human life. but what do the ratios mean for the battle that ukraine is still, as fred makes clear, determined to fight in bakhmut? >> well, clearly the ukrainians have had a great deal of success in america in those ratios, whether it's five to one or seven to one. clearly indicates that the ukrainians have done a much better job from a military perspective. the key thing to remember, though, is that ukraine is about one-fourth the size of russia in terms of population and in terms of the military. so with these ratios -- >> you're sort of treading water. >> yeah, they're treading water.
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a little bit more than treading water. but that's the key thing here. it's good for ukraine, but it is not enough to really overcome the numerical advantages that the russians have. >> all right. well, thank you very much. i appreciate it, colonel. thank you. >> you bet, erin. and now we have the wife of vladimir kara-murza. i really appreciate your time here today. his trial was today and his detention period gets extended. what can you tell us about where his case even stands right now? >> good evening, erin. thank you very much for inviting me here tonight. my husband's pretrial detention has indeed been extended. but the actual trial is about to start. it's going to be held within one to two weeks, according to vladimir's lawyer in moscow. so we are waiting for it to begin. >> and, as you do this, i know you think about your husband has
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stood up for what he thinks is right as an opposition leader in moscow. do you think there's any chance that he could be released while putin is still in power? >> i do not believe that the court will somehow decide that my husband is innocent, although he of course is. because there is no justice system left in russia, no independent justice system left in russia. and courts in russia are asham. so i am absolutely convinced that vladimir will be sentenced. the question is to how many years. but even that is really irrelevant under the circumstances. >> you're saying he can put a number on it. >> but as long as putin's there, the number means nothing. i know that obviously he has, as you say, had survived two poisonings. he has been through an incredible amount as an opposition leader. how is he doing right now as far as you understand it? we see him here in these cages
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that they allow someone who is appearing in a trial or any kind of a court hearing to appear in. so that's really the only images we have. how is he doing healthwise, as far as you understand, now? >> he recently spent several daysday in solitary confinement. and while in that solitary confinement, he developed the same numbness in his extremities that he experienced after the second poisoning in 2015 when his peripheral -- when he had peripheral nerve damage. so basically similar symptoms are beginning to -- he is beginning to experience same symptoms. and he did see a neurologist because of all the noise that we made when we learned about his
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condition, his health state. and he was diagnosed with polyneuropathy. so i understand that the conditions of his detention including this solitary confinement are definitely not good for his health after the two poisonings that he experienced in the past. and i understand that the symptoms are coming back, in a big part, because he's being deprived of movement and because of those terrible conditions in prison where he was held in solitary confinement in very similar conditions as alexei navalny with his bed that gets affixed to the wall from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and there is only one small stool in the cell. the only piece of furniture. and no daily walks.
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so that definitely is not good for anyone's health, not to mention someone who went through two poisonings. >> and before you go, the biden administration has just imposed sanctions on a number of russians connected to your husband's detention. and obviously they did this after quite some time. they have finally done it. do you believe at this point that that will change anything? >> well, first of all, i want to say that i am very grateful to everyone who pushed for the sanctions. and i am very grateful to the u.s. government for actually finally adopting them. i believe that, in my husband's case, someone who has been fighting for the introduction of the legislation around the world for over a decade, it is only fitting that such sanctions should be applied to those implicated in the unlawful prosecution and persecution of my husband today.
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as to their effect, i don't believe that they will change the outcome of the trial. but i do believe that these sanctions send a very clear signal to the russian authorities that the situation with human rights in russia is being watched and that the free world is concerned about human rights violations happening in russia. and i am very grateful for that attention. >> all right, well, evgenia, we are grateful to you for joining us. thank you. >> thank you very much. and, next, our first closeup look at the bullet-riddled van driven by four americans who have been kidnapped in mexico. u.s. officials believe a mexican cartel is behind the attack. we're learning more details tonight about that and the missing americans. we'll share that with you after this. plus, florida republicans echoing ron desantis, introducing bill after bill targeting what can and cannot be taught in classrooms. >> the bill prohibits classroom
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instruction about sexuality or things like transgender. and terrifying moments aboard a southwest fight. the cabin quickly filling with smoke after what passengers say felt like an explosion. >> "erin burnett outfront" brought to y you by etsy. for the lifefe you're making, ey has it. shop ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks. u won't take a time-out. one dose of ubrelvy quickly stops migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness.
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bullet holes can be seen in the driver's side door and window. it's believed that a mexican cartel mistook the americans for drug smugglers. and it comes as there is video from the scene. i warn you, it's disturbing because it shows people being violently loaded and then being driven away. what more can you tell us about how this situation unfolded, what even happened here? >> reporter: you know, there are very intense moments there. and according to the president of mexico, what happened was these americans traveled to matamoros, mexico, to buy medicine, and they got caught in a confrontation between two groups. and that's what transpired these americans being kidnapped. according to an official familiar with the investigation, it's documents inside the vehicle that those americans were driving that show that these americans were trying to get a medical procedure in mexico. and so that that further proves
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that these americans were not the intended target, that they were not the intended victims of this case. now, back to the vehicle, according to the fbi, the four americans crossed over to matamoros, mexico, in a white minivan with north carolina plates. you will see that it collided with a red vehicle. and you'll see four individuals. now, we're not sure if those are the americans. what we do know is that it's a woman and three other individuals that then are dragged to the bed of a pickup truck. these are very intense and dramatic moments. the fbi has announced a $50,000 reward for any information to try to find the americans, and of course those responsible. >> so, there's just so much we don't know. it appears they have no idea where they are, their status. but sources tell you, i know, that the americans were mistakenly identified as drug smugglers. what more are you learning about that part of it? >> you know, and erin, here's
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why that makes sense. i talked to multiple locals who say that really this is cartel country, and in cartel country, what cartels want to do is they want to make a buck through drug s smuggling and human smuggling. they normally don't mess with u.s. citizens because the u.s. government will then pressure the mexican government to do something about it, which usually means that mexican military or reinforcements are going to be sent to the border, which then stops the cartels from doing what they want to do, which is make a buck through human smuggling and drug smuggling. so what makes sense here is if indeed these individuals, these americans were confused by these haitian smugglers, that would mean that haitian smugglers are trying to get into cartel territory, which doesn't bode well with the cartels. there's still a lot of questions here. we have a lot of questions for both u.s. officials and also mexican officials. but at this point we have very limited information. >> rosa, thank you very much. , and next, the florida
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governor ron desantis now trying to ban everything from preferred pronouns to forcing schools to wait until ninth grade before teaching any kind of sexual education. and it appears there is nobody in florida who can stop this. a man allegedly trying to open the emergency do, then attempting to stab a flight attendant. a closer look at what's happening right now in those aviation scares. ♪ allergies don't have to be scary. (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache d allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it!
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tonight, a ron desantis wish list. florida republicans proposing several new bills aimed at reshaping schools, from banning requirements to use preferred pronouns to eliminating college majors including gender studies. this is fueling a debate that governor desantis is eager to have ahead of an expected 2024 presidential run. leyla santiago is "outfront." [ applause ] >> the bill prohibits classroom instruction about sexuality or things like transgender. this is inappropriate. florida is where woke goes to die! >> reporter: one of the latest targets for florida's war on woke, the classroom.
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republicans introducing bill after bill aimed at changing education. >> i believe parents in the state of florida should be able to send their kids to elementary school without having an agenda jammed down their throats. >> i believe firmly that public education is the ultimate equalizer. and if we erode and restrict access to that, then we are shifting the trajectory of the future of this state. >> reporter: as lawmakers head to the capitol this week, a wish list for governor ron desantis and his allies pushing to reshape education from pre-k through college. on the table, a bill that eliminates diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at public universities, prohibits instruction on gender studies and critical race theory. it also ends protections for tenured faculty. >> no more discrimination. we are going to promote marriage. >> reporter: this proposed legislation bans any requirement to use preferred pronouns in schools, and it also bans classroom instruction related to
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sexual orientation or gender identity until ninth grade. >> they should not be teaching a second-grader that they can choose their gender. that is wrong. >> reporter: this proposal creates a new statewide standard for sex education, requiring teaching that, quote, biological males impregnate biological females. >> we need to spend time on teaching kids the basics and when there are things that are injected, that are clearly inappropriate, make sure that we're not doing that. >> reporter: this bill establishes a universal school choice voucher program and expands who is eligible to receive a school voucher scholarship. >> that basically raises the bar for everyone. >> reporter: with the republican-controlled legislature, the bill could add to the list of political victories for governor ron desantis to tout as he gets set to embark on an expected 2024 presidential campaign. >> i think we've gotten it right on all the key issues. and i think these liberal states have gotten it wrong. i think it goes back to this
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woke mind virus that's infected the left and all these other institutions. >> everything is about out-trumping trump, which means the policies before us are incredibly extreme and not necessary popular among every floridian but attempting to appeal to a conservative base. >> reporter: education has become the battleground for students, teachers and for politicians. and a bit more context here, erin. let's talk super majority. this is a republican-controlled house and senate. so, in all reality, this should not be too difficult to get any of these bills passed with that republican support. and it's not just florida. this is somewhat becoming part of the republican playbook. let's take a look back a few years in virginia. you really saw the governor there use education, prioritize that parental rights movement, as it calls itself, to really get to this own victory in virginia. we're seeing it here with
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legislators, and this is happening, again, part of the playbook for republicans across other state legislatures. >> leyla, thank you very much. and i want to go now to founder of the group moms for liberty, and the florida state senator, a former high school chemistry teacher, and the first openly gay man to serve in the florida state senate. so thanks to both of you for having this conversation. because people are having this conversation around the country. and right now of course is the focus is on florida. florida republicans, in these bills, would ban the use of pronouns in school that aren't the ones that a child was identified at birth with. i guess the basic question, to understand from your point of view, is why do you think this is something that is worth legislating? >> because schools have violated parental rights all over the state of florida and around the country in this area. they have allowed students under the age of 18 as young as 11 and 12 select their pronouns without their parents' permission or notification. not only their pronouns, but they have allowed them to select
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which restroom they're going to use, where they're going to spend the night in overnight field trips, which locker room they're going to change their clothes in. the institutions in florida and around the country, the education institutions have violated parents' trust. and so it's gotten to the point where these things have to be legislated. >> senator jones, what do you say to that? >> there has not been any, in the state of florida, that we have not seen any outcry for this. we are legislating a farce right now. when it comes to the education of our children, i believe that every parent wants the same basic thing for their kids to learn truth and for kids to understand the world around them. we're sitting here legislating based off of whether kids want their pronouns talked about, whether we want children to be identified as they desire to. these are not things that are on fire here in florida. the republicans right now in florida and other groups are creating a farce that does not
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exist in the state. >> the house bill 1223, which is one of the ones we are talking about here, also prohibits, as the report that leyla was just reporting on, instruction on sexual orientation before ninth grade, or gender identity. now, that's long after many schools in the country teach some sort of sex education, which could start -- which usually starts in middle school. this would be a bit later. why do you feel that is important? >> it's extremely important. but first i'd like to push back against the representative a little bit. this is not a farce. our moms actually have some lawsuits in the state. this has happened to their children. the one thing we can agree on, though, is that all parents just want their kids to learn to read and do math and know history. education is failing in our state and around the country. and we need to focus on the basics and get back to the things that are important in education. >> so, senator are, let me ask you. we're having this conversation about pronouns. in a certain sense it feels like it's a fig leaf for a much
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bigger conversation. why do you think that it is wrong to do what tina suggests, which is to say until a certain age without parental consent a child will be known by the pronoun that is associated with their biological gender at birth? >> well, let's be clear that the spotlight has just shifted to florida on pronouns. and let's be clear. last year they said that k-3 was the grade level where sex education was being taught. they said they didn't want to go any farther. now they said we want to go to eighth grade. what's wrong with a child saying that they want to be recognized as they want to be recognized? parents already have the rights that's already set within law within state and federal law where they have control over their child's education. i am still looking right now for any group, any politician to tell me what schools are there that are calling for these type of laws right now?
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they haven't come into my district. i haven't seen them come talk to the parents within my district. but yet, still, these are the issues that apparently have the entire state of florida on fire to where this is dangerous. buzz what we are doing right now is that lgbtq students are moving within a state where they don't feel represented, they're don't feel as though they are respected. and children and parents are sick of this back and forth that we are dealing with when leaders should be leading in a state of 22 million people to where we should be representing everyone. >> so, tina, i guess i'm also trying to understand, because we're having a conversation about pronouns, and i know there are other things at stake. but if you're going to legislate pronouns, i just wonder what else you're taking out of pandora's box. i know lawmakers are looking to expand parents' ability to veto school material. we're both parents. so what do you do if you just start overlegislating too many things? >> look, this started with
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somebody interjecting in public education that we were going to teach our youngest children that there's 37 types of genders that they can switch their gender daily, that they can switch their pronoun daily. i've had teachers come to me and say i don't know what to do, i am not going to call susie a he today, i just can't do that, i know susie's parents and now i have to lie to susie's parents. the situation we're in, in florida and around the country with these issues is dire. it is a problem and it must be satisfied with legislation. >> senator, what do you say to that? is this happening in multiple places in the state of florida? >> i want them to tell me where -- i want them to tell me what schools and bring forth the children that this is happening. there are children within my district who can't even read. while they are doing this, there are children in my district right now who can't even sleep at night because they have nowhere to live. where is the fight?
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where is the fight for the mom who can't come to our commission meeting, who can't come to the state senate, who can't come to tallahassee? where are the moms who are fighting for those individuals? until we can have those conversations, we are in a battle not for anything else but for individuals who are in power right now who desire to do it because they can. >> there's a lot -- this is a much bigger conversation than we're having here -- but, tina, just to understand better, are you saying that there's multiple public schools in florida where children are literally being taught that there are 37 or 32 genders and teachers are being told to lie to parents about the child's gender? >> yes, ma'am. in many, many counties, in many, many places right here in my own district in brevard. until the laws were passed last session. i have not heard of it happening this session, this year because the laws have been passed. my own school that i went to middle school with, the teacher has on the door, this is 12 and
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13-year-olds. the teacher has on the door that they need to be called "they/them." that's not a normal person for a singular person. we want to teach children to read. the representative and i are exactly right. and our moms are fighting at the capitol to have the right to raise their children and teach them math and teach them to read. we need to fix this education system. and fighting about these issues is not going to get us across the finish line. >> well, no, these seem like separate things. i'm thinking back in the day, would you want to be misses or miss. is this really any different, tina? >> yes, this is very different because there are two genders. and we need to protect children's innocence. they don't need to be confused with 37 genders at 5 years old. they need to learn phonics. >> senator? >> we're not even teaching phonics in the classroom right
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now. and the school board member should know that. they moved that out of the classroom. it's crazy right now that we are having this conversation with a school board member who should be representing all children. it is unfortunate that we're using children as political pawns. it's also unfortunate that education, which is the greatest equalizer in all of this right now, that we are starting in the minds of children -- and i'm not saying that we teach children things that they should not be learning right now. the but what we should be having a conversation about is ensuring that children feel respected and they feel represented. >> all right. well, thank you both very much for having the conversation. it's important and i'm glad that you could at least come on and have it together. senator, thanks very much. tina, thank you very much. , and next, something out of a horror movie, smoke filling an airplane cabin after an engine burst into flames. plus, is trump becoming the thing he despises most? boring. this is the report that has
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covered trump for many years and was with him all weekend. he'll explain. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...the burning, the itching. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of peop saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years. tremfya® is the first medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis... ...and it's 6 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ask your doctor about tremfya® today.
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tonight, terrifying moments on board a united airlines flight from l.a. to boston. a man tried to open the emergency door before trying to stab an attendant in the neck with a broken metal spoon.
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the jet clipping the tail of another jet before takeoff. and these just add to an alarming list of dangerous airplane incidents we're now all hearing way too much about. tom foreman is "outfront." >> reporter: an engine bursting into flames, smoke filling the cabin, and an emergency landing was all alarming to passengers on this flight from cuba to florida, which the airline says had to turn back after hitting birds. >> a lot of smoke. people were screaming not knowing what to do. and they kept trying to breathe and it was filling up with more smoke. it was very acidy. >> reporter: in boston a trifecta of trouble. federal authorities say a man attempted to open an exit door on a united jet coming from los angeles and allegedly tried to stab a flight attendant with a broken spoon before being tackled by other passengers. on the ground two departing
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passenger planes collided as one of them was pushed back from its gate, and all of that is just a week after a near-collision between two other jets. one a private learjet, the other a commercial jet landing. airports are struggling with this rash of hits and near-collisions. >> they've developed a lot of runway alerting systems, and they have a lot of advisory programs. but despite all the efforts runway incursions are increasing. the statistics are headed the wrong way, and it is the most dangerous thing in aviation today. >> reporter: and, still, more trouble. last week a lufthansa plane carrying, among others, actor matthew mcconaughey and his wife camilla ran into severe te turbulence. >> suddenly, there was just like this big drop, and everything just flew everywhere, and it was
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a huge mess. and i saw the attendant on my right basically hit the ceiling and was completely horizontal. >> we have a medical emergency. landing runway six. >> reporter: and in yet another case of violent turbulence, a private jet over new england was hit so hard, one of the three passengers, a woman from maryland, died. >> that's all the information i have about the emergency is possible laceration, requesting medical assistance on the runway. >> reporter: the national transportation safety board says moments before the turbulence, that plane also experienced a problem with its trim control. >> they were in the process of diagnosing that when they received momentary inflight upset. this is something we are investigating. >> reporter: be assured commercial airline traffic is still one of the safest ways to go anywhere. but some analysts say as the industry tries to claw back from
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the losses over the pandemic, maybe some things are being rushed a bit too much, and maybe some mistakes are being made. erin? >> thank you very much, tom foreman. certainly everyone takes note and sits up when they hear about this. next, senator mitt romney going after trump's nearly two-hour speech this weekend. he just talked to our manu raju and said he simply cannot imagine listening to somebody talk that longed. bruce willis' wife pleading with the paparazzi to keep their distance as the actor struggles with dementia. actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. what's the #1 retinol brand used most by dermatologists? it's neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair® smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. .
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the gettysburg address, as i understand it, was slightly shorter than that. >> okay, so slightly, yes, he's got a sense of humor. it comes as my next guest says trump has become the one thing he never wanted to be, boring. now, it is written that in my decade of covering the event i've never seen it more dead and mckay coppins is here. mitt romney making the humorous comment about the gettysburg address. two hours, i guess it was an hour and 45 minutes to be exact. pretty incredible. but you've been to cpac for a decade and you describe it, you know, despite a mostly full room when the former president spoke as a maga pep rally but still dead. how come? >> yeah, i think that this was the interesting thing this year. in the early 2010s when i started covering cpac the thing that it was known for was
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bringing the various factions of the republican party together and kind of compelling them to noisily compete with each other. so, you know, you had the ron paul libertarians and tea partiers and the social conservatives and the establishment republicans, all sort of in this big raucous debate and that friction was what made it a memorable event. it's what drew a lot of attention. what's happened in the last several years is cpac has been captured by trump and so this past weekend, the whole thing was about donald trump. it really was almost like a three-day trump campaign event. the speakers that were chosen, the swag that was handed out, the media personalities who were broadcasting from outside the ballroom, all of them were kind of these maga luminaries, and, you know, what the result was, you didn't have a lot of the top republicans who were not trump show up at the event. >> like ron desantis. now, you write about and you had great anecdotes about how there was a big area called the maga
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mall and booths selling trump paraphernalia, fake oval office to take your picture in with trump and you talked to a man bragging about a trump item he had then you asked him, you said, hey, where do you think conservatism is going and he answered quickly and didn't say trump. >> he immediately started talking about ron desantis, and extolling the virtues of ron desantis talking about how he's youthful and more energetic and energizing people and then he kind of paused for a moment and then he said, yeah, that's the only name who comes to mind while he was standing in front of this booth dedicated to donald trump and in a way i think that was a microcosm for the whole event, right? while the whole event was set up as a pro-trump event, a lot of the people i talked to would kind of say, you know, trump was good, i liked trump, but, you know, i think his time has come
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and goon. >> i hear the past tense in your voice. you're saying you noticed they were outselling desantis trumps 50-1 but that's unfair and there weren't a lot of desantis hats to buy. >> the organization was essentially rigged the event to be a pro-trump rally but because of that, it was kind of boring. it was predictable, it was dull. it was an establishment event and donald trump was the quintessential anti-establishment candidate. i talked to one college freshman named jack who was coming to cpac for the first time with a group of college republicans and talked about how donald trump was the person who got him into politics and he said but i think his time is done. i like ron desantis. i think that was the overwhelming sentiment at the event. >> all right, mckay, thank you very much. always appreciate talking to you and hearing your latest reporting. next, keep your space. hear what prompted bruce willis' wife to plead with the
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and finally tonight, keep your space. actor bruce willis' wife now asking paparazzi to keep their distance when they see the actor suffering from a form of dementia. >> this one is going out to the photographers and the video people that are trying to get those exclusives of my husband out and about. just keep your space. i know this is your job. but maybe just keep your space. >> very graciously gone. emma heming willis' request after photographers were following him after a coffee run. it was a few weeks ago they announced he was diagnosed with dementia saying his condition has worsened from a year ago when he was diagnosed with aphasia which is a condition which can affect a person's ability to speak. thanks so much for joining us.