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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  March 6, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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which would protect lawmakers from certain law enforcement actions aimed at their legislative duties. kaitlan collins joins us with this first on cnn reporting. pence has indicated publicly that he would try to resist complying with the subpoena. >> yeah. he said it was unprecedented, unconstitutional. we had an idea they were going to try in some way to block it. it's notable because of the way they are trying to block it. they are citing that speech or debate clause, saying those are the grounds they are arguing that mike pence should not have to fully comply with the subpoena from the special counsel, jack smith, who is investigating not only the classified documents situation at mar-a-lago, but the january 6th investigation. jack smith wants to speak to the former vice president and wants documents related to that. i am told pence's legal team filed this motion friday night seeking to block this, asking a judge to block this subpoena. that notably came the same night
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that trump's legal team also filed a motion to fight the subpoena on the grounds of executive privilege, basically that the president and his senior aides can have internal communications that don't have to be shared. this is a separate matter pence's legal time is trying to block it on. pence's team did not comment, nor did the justice department. what i'm told pence is doing with this is basically trying to block the testimony they believe is related and pertains to his legislative actions on that day, how he was acting as president of the senate. that could potentially cover a pretty broad swath of his testimony. they're not saying he won't testify overall but that is the argument they're making. we'll see if the former vice president is successful in that. he has written a book where he talked about things that happened leading up to and on january 6th that could potentially complicate this fight when it comes to the former president and to pence
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himself with this motion. turning to our national lead now, the national transportation safety board is sending investigators to springfield, ohio, after a second norfolk southern train derailed in that state in just over a month. the epa and ohio officials say there were very small amounts of hazardous materials in the derailed cars, but the crash is once again raising concerns about the safety of norfolk southern trains and trains in general in the united states. cnn's jason carroll is in springfield, ohio, near the site of this second derailment. >> gates came down. all of a sudden right after that, it just started crashi in >> reporter: another norfolk southern freight train comes off the tracks, this time in springfield, ohio. >> when i looked up, all kinds of debris was shooting out underneath the train. i started recording. you could see the train get off in the gravel and start collapsing and banking up.
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>> reporter: there were 212 cars on the 2 1/2 mile long train. 28 derailed. no one was hurt. four derailed tankers did contain residual amounts of chemicals, though county officials say nothing spilled on the ground. >> there are no hazardous materials that have contacted the soil, been exposed to the air or contacted any of the water sources. >> reporter: today, the ntsb visited the crash site as part of its investigation into this latest derailment. >> we will look at management practices and policies. we'll reallyig of an accident investigation is usually immediately available. it's how we got here. that's what takes time. >> reporter: this is the fourth train derailment in ohio since november and the second by norfolk southern in the state in just over a month. more than 3 hours away in east
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palestine, ohio, the cleanup continues as contaminated water and soil are being removed, though heavy rains have caused some delays. there, a faulty wheel bearing overheated, causing a fire. subsequent toxic spills forced many from their homes and is still causing health concerns. >> the railroads continue to enrich their executives at the expense of public safety and health and lay off workers and compromise on safety. the fact ohio's now had four derailments as of yesterday in the last five months, east palestine was the most serious, but we still have questions about these other derailments too. >> reporter: norfolk southern says safety is of the utmost importance and today announced a six-point plan that includes installing more temperature sensors, the first near east palestine. this, as the investigation continues into what caused the
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derailment here in springfield. jake, as you can see, the rail cars out here in springfield still on its side. investigators have been unable to remove it. ntsb is here on the ground. they are with county and local officials as well as a representative from the rail company. ntsb saying it's too soon at this point to be talking about what caused this derailment. jake. >> speaking of the ntsb, jennifer hammondy is with us, the chair of the ntsb. let me start with the question on a lot of viewers' minds. what do you say to americans who read about constant train derailments and plane near misses and wonder what the hell is going on? >> that's a great question,
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jake. it's really tragic what's happening right now. we are investigating many of these tragedies, whether it's a near collision in our air space or on the ground or whether it's a derailment. we will get to the bottom of all of this and issue safety recommendations. one thing i can tell the viewers is, our aviation system is the safest in the world. it is the gold standard. when it comes to rail, generally our rail system is safe. certainly we would not want to see more tankers on our roads, where thousands of diane diae annually. >> your agency is sending investigators to west central ohio to investigate this second train derailment by norfolk southern. what are you specifically looking for? what are you hoping to learn? >> right now the team is on the ground.
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it sounds like they're at their organizational meeting, where they will begin to ask for factual information from the different entities that are there, whether it's state and local or the railroads. we'll start evaluating the track. we'll look at the point of derailment and the rail cars. what they're doing on scene right now is looking at the perishable evidence. that is everything that goes away once we release the scene and the railroad cleans up. we'll get that evidence. then we'll begin to collect the information that we could collect at any point and start really looking at the investigation and gathering facts. >> the epa and other emergency responders on the ground in springfield have determined there was no hazardous spill from this train derailment. several of the cars derailed were empty or had minimal toxic product. there were a few ethanol and propane tank cars on the train.
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this could have been much worse, but it was not, thankfully. are the safety guidelines in place for trains right now good enough? or are we going to keep seeing these derailments? >> that's something we're going to look at in our investigation. the great thing about the ntsb, we are separate and independent of the department of transportation. we conduct federal oversight. we'll look at regulations, law and see what's missing and report that in our final recommendation report. >> the train that derailed saturday had 212 cars with two crew members on board. is that an adequate number of crew members, two for a 212-car train? >> that is a great question. that is a really long train. as you said, it had 28 cars of hazardous materials. there was a spill of a nonhazardous material, polyphene, about four dump trucks worth that had to be
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cleaned up. but two crews can be a really small amount, especially if something happens on the train in route and they have to inspect a rail car or axel. that can be quite an endeavor. we will look at that as well. >> there have been two train derailments in ohio in the span of a month, both from norfolk southern, which made billions of dollars last year and is also doing billions in stock buybacks for shareholders. does it concern you about the safety of norfolk southern trains and are they spending too much money on things other than safety? >> well, overall train derailments per million miles has gone up slightly. that is always a concern. there's always a concern for safety in transportation. we can do more when it comes to rail safety. for norfolk southern in
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particular, we will look at their management practices, their policies. we'll also look at safety culture. that's an important part of this, to make sure there is a robust, comprehensive, strong safety culture in the railroad. that will be part of what we look at. >> i hear from americans all the time who think, you know what, the fix is always in, these companies make billions of dollars, these rail lines make billions of dollars and then they lobby congress so they have to do very, very little in terms of safety and then what happened in east palestine is just the natural result. what's your response to that? >> well, we have seen improvements over the decades in rail safety, certainly over the last several decades we've reduced the number of accidents. we can do so much more. frankly, it should not take an act of congress to improve rail safety. the ntsb has rail worker safety
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on our most wanted list of transportation safety improvements. over 250 recommendations on rail safety that haven't yet been implemented. so actions should be taken now and it shouldn't require an act of congress to do so. but if action isn't taken, that's what has to be done. >> norfolk southern announced today it will reform its hot bearing detecters that detect whether or not the bearings of the train are heating up too much after your agency said in a report that the east palestine train derailment was caused by the train's wheel bearing overheating. are you satisfied by the company's plan to reform these hot bearing detectors? >> it's a good first step. i imagine we're going to have many more recommendations. i imagine we'll have some urgent safety recommendations. we've sent off the pressure relief valves and devices off to testing to check those. we're going to look at the tank cars. there were 15 tank cars d.o.t.
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111 tank cars that don't have the type of fortification that other tank cars do. so we'll look at that as part of this investigation as well. >> just to explain to our viewers, you say there's the most wanted list of train safety, 250 recommendations. you've issued them already, is that what you're saying, and you're waiting for the railroads to do this on their own voluntarily? how does it work? >> our recommendations, at the end of our investigation we issue a safety recommendation. then those safety recommendations are looked at by those who receive them. it could be the federal railroad administration. it could be other portions of the department of transportation. could be the railroads, could be firefighters or state and local entities. so we have over 250 that are still on our books that are open, some of which are open unacceptable status, because there has not been movement on those. but we're going to continue to
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advocate for those. when the ntsb ends an investigation, that doesn't stop our work. we then spend the rest of our time advocating and pushing entities to implement those recommendations, because that's when real safety change occurs. >> right, but they don't have to do it, right? >> no, they do not. jake, on that point, many people don't understand why the ntsb doesn't have regulatory authority. if we did, we would have to do cost benefit analysis. what we owe to the american people is what occurred, regardless of cost, regardless of feasibility, what happened and what would prevent it from happening again. then the other entities like fra, fimsa and others can take a look at it and see if they want to implement it. we continue to advocate for those recommendations to see them implements. >> sounds like you should get regulatory authority.
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but that's just me. coming up, numbers out of iran, where officials say they're investigating the suspected poisoning of 5,000 school children, mostly girls. then, trapped and cut off, more than 15 feet of snow has buried entire communities in the united states where people are running out of food and medical d medications. my customer really s car's advanced safety system. [alarm] >> instructor: veer r right. [ringiging] >> instructor:r: and slow down. >> tech: so when he got a crackeked windshield, he turned to safelite. we're the experts at replacacing glass and recalibrating your vehicle's camera, so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly to get you back on the road safely. >> instructor: and that means a lot! >> tech: schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ if you're turning 65 soon or over 65 and planning to retire... now's the time to learn more about an aarp
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we're back with our world lead. today, iran's so-called supreme leader called the suspected poisoning of hundreds of iranian schoolgirls a, quote, unforgivable crime, although iranian officials say they're investigating. so far no one has been arrested. on saturday alone, cnn verified dozens of new poisoning across ten provinces in iran. investigators try to pin the girls' symptoms on anxiety. >> reporter: furious parents outside an education office. [ crowd chanting ] >> reporter: challenging iranian authorities desperate for
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answers. after what is believed to be the worst day of incidents of suspected poisoning at girls schools. these videos were filmed on saturday, which marks the start of the school week in iran. girls and their families have been speaking out about incidents of suspected poisoning, the numbers of incidents in the dozens. then over the weekend, dozens more. cnn was able to verify these new incidents using video and witness testimony across ten provinces. the u.s. and others are calling for iran's authorities to investigate these incidents. speaking to cnn, medical sources say they have been barred by hospital administrators of sharing details of symptoms and test results even with the patients' parents. we dubbed this doctor's voice for his safety. >> i'm inside iran. my phone is being monitored. i can't share any more with you. >> reporter: iran's interior
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minister, after months of vague statements, now says suspicious samples have been found and are being assessed at laboratories. parents, though, say they don't trust authorities to investigate. >> translator: to hell with this country and its rulers. we would be better off without a leader. this is our country. they don't know what they're doing. they don't even have medicine. >> reporter: all the incidents began in a similar manner as described to us by students. a noxious smell and then -- >> translator: i felt dizzy and fainted. i had heart palpitations. all of us had identity symptoms. palpitations, my hands and legs were numb and frozen, i was shaking, we had tears coming out of our eyes. wit >> reporter: with no one so far held to account and parents no closer to answers, many continue to risk their lives to challenge iran's authorities. what is so upsetting for these
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schoolgirls and their parents is that, while they are risk everything to call authorities to account, they're faced with this shifting narrative that both investigates will move forward but also the dismissal of so much of this as merely hysteria and rumor. >> the torture centered used by the iranian regime were used to brutalize protesters into submission. now the senate foreign relations committee is calling for an investigation. what do we know about the scope of that investigation? >> reporter: well, our investigation found at least three dozen black sites across iran, and we were working with an awareness that given the sourcing on this, begin the fear that so many people face, that that was an incredibly conservative number. what the senate foreign relations committee is calling for as the u.s. government's lead on foreign policy, is that the u.n. takesin this and try ae
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scope of that beyond what we were able to do with the resources available to us. those we're speaking to, those who have spoken out to us, though they see this as an incredible step forward, they are so heartened by this call on the part of the senate foreign relations committee. they really feel vindicated. >> amazing reporting as always. thank you so much. coming up next, the mayor of jackson, mississippi, joins me as his city discusses overtaking part of the city's court system and legislation he called modern-d-day apartheid. after farmer's dog, she's a much h healthier weigh. she's a lot more active. and shshe's able to join us on our adventures. get started at new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you imdiately get your shortlist of quality candidates,
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. in our politics lead, this hour the mississippi state senate is considering a controversial bill that critics call the 21st century jim crow. the area near the capitol government buildings right now in jackson has its own district patrolled by capitol police officers. republican lawmakers in the state house have passed a bill that would expand that specially designated district to encompass about a third of jackson's population, including the densest populated white neighborhoods and also some of the city's most affluent. this would also set up a separate court system for that district. jackson as a whole is 83% black. critics of this move say it's basically the white minority of the city taking control from the black leaders of a majority black city. it's a move the city's mayor has called racist and likened to
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apartheid. omar jimenez is live in jackson. the state senate has made a few key changes to the house bill. how are residents reacting to those changes? >> reporter: we just got out of a hearing with some of these residents and city leaders voicing concerns about how to address public safety here in jackson, where violence has spiked in recent years. more specifically, they were voicing concerns about this bill. now, some of the key changes from when it was first introduced on the house side to where it is now on the senate side is, rather than having a single district with state-appointed judges and an expanded jury diction of this capitol police force, that jurisdiction now expands city wide. you still have judged appointed by state leaders, which are majority white, instead of elected judges in a city that is more than 80% black. therein lies one of the major issues. that jurisdiction of the capitol
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police force would expand city wide meant to strike an agreement with the jackson police force. i want you to listen to the district attorney over the area of jackson along with the mother of a man killed by a capitol police officer and why she believes this expansion is not a good idea. >> it's laughable to talk about new bills doing new things when we have not addressed old problems. the problem is not the police department as a system we're not funding to get the system working. >> i know there are bills that this legislature has introduced that will expand capitol police's authority, possibly to the entire city of jackson. that terrifies me and angers me. >> reporter: there is a lot of anger around this. look no further than t-shirts we've seen that it's "jackson versus everybody," which is how
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many residents feel. proponents of this bill, including its republican sponsors, say this is needed to keep jackson safer and increase and bolster resources towards judges or a judiciary that haven't seen as much investment to keep up with the pace of what they've had to deal with. opponents say there are better ways to address concerns than this. >> omar jimenez, thanks so much. let's bring in the mayor. thanks so. much for joining us. the state senate version of the bill would remove the creation of this new unelected court system for parts of jackson, where a majority of the city's white population lives, which you likened to apartheid. but the state senate version does still expand state control over other parts of jackson. are you satisfied with the changes made to the bill by the state senate? >> when i think about this bill in both of its forms, i think about the legal principle which
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means it is flawed in its very nature. even with the changes, it is still an attack on black leadership. it still is a trojan horse cloaked in the notion of public safety, where it is not evidence based, where it looks to not only fail to support the needs of the city that have been enumerated for many years. we have asked the state legislature for support in terms of ballistic technology to close cases. we've asked the state for support of our 21st century realtime crime center that helps officers when a crime is actively in progress. we have asked for support of violence interruption programming and credible messenger programming, all which have been denied and have met a deliberate indifference or willful disregard of jackson's needs. in order to have evidence-based solutions, you would need to know that the overwhelming
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majority of our violent crimes in jackson are interpersonal. so that is a very difficult matter to police. so we're trying to intercede or stop this cycle where people are taking permanent solutions to temporary problems and bring other resources and other forms of intervention to the table in order for it to help residents. >> one of the bill's chief sponsors, trey lamar, denies any racial motivation, saying the bill is an effort to address crime in jackson is soaring and there's a backlog in the courts. how do you respond? >> first and foremost, we just listened to the testimony of cliff johnson today of the macarthur justice foundation, that did an actual true data d comparison of the backlogs in comparison to other counties in mississippi. you find there isn't a significant backlog in comparison to other places.
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trey lamar, when asked why he felt that judges needed to be appointed rather than elected, he said, well, we simply want the best of the best. that feeds into the notion of inferiority. that feeds into the notion that this largely majority black city is not smart enough or equipped enough to know who best represents them and there is no evidence based rationale for the create of this district. if you take the first version, we would need to ask from trey lamar, while his version of the bill selected the most densely populated white portion of the city. jackson is 85% black, but that encompasses 86% of the white population of jackson. was that mere happenstance? there are no state facilities within that district. he is using the trojan horse
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that has been used historically on a number of occasions in order to disenfranchise, in order to abuse largely black populations. >> what would you say to a constituent who says, mr. mayor, i hear you and i agree i don't trust the motivation of these individuals, but jackson recorded the highest murder rate in the country for a city of over 100,000 people in 2021, crime is a huge problem in jackson, i'd rather have something than nothing and they're not going to fund what you're asking for. this at least would provide some relief for the police that exist in the area that will not be included in this? >> what i would say is their concern is my concern. that is why we continue to look for new solutions. that is why we not only recruit more officers, but talk about and build the institutions that i told you about, such as our realtime command center, which we've done through our own resources. we've joined in with wells fargo
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bank and national league of cities to create an office of violence prevention and trauma recovery so that for every new officer we're bringing on additional interventions, bringing in social workers and mental health experts to help curtail some of the challenges we see in our community. our sharpest rise in violence has been among our youngest demographic. instead of doing a curfew whether there isn't detention centers to hold people, nor does it truly get to the root cause of why young people find themselves in vulnerable places at vulnerable times. how do we have people who are specialized in the area of working with that population so that we teach, train and support young people, that they don't take permanent solutions to their temporary problems. we can talk about it, continue not only in addition to the things that i mentioned, other sports that help our police department. what we don't want to do in a moment of crisis is reach for a solution which is worse than where we find ourselves.
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in our national lead, a desperate situation in california as some residents remain trapped by walls of snow. back-to-back winter storms are overwhelming mountain communities. in san bernardino county, emergency crews are struggling to reach people who are running out of food and medication. cnn's camilla bernal is live for us in crestline, california. what are you hearing from residents in areas where grocery stores can't even open? >> reporter: jake, i am hearing so much frustration and so much anger. someone walked by me just a few minutes ago saying, this is a
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mess. it's taking a long time to get all of these roads clear. that supermarket you just mentioned right behind me, this is the only one in this area. of course, the roof collapsed because there was so much snow. look, this community is coming together. there are a lot of people bringing donations. just a few hours ago, they started bringing firewood. unfortunately, i've also talked to residents who have told me, i can't even turn on my fireplace because there is so much snow on top of it. i want to show you some of the piles of snow, just to give you perspective of what locals and officials are dealing with. right now they're saying the priority is cleaning up the roads. they're about 80% done with that work. now they have to go to the side streets where you find the homes where people can't get out because of those smaller roads blocking their entryway to maybe the main road. we've also seen a lot of
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donations, because a lot of these people can't get to these places. neighbors are coming and picking up donations, taking it to people who cannot get out of their homes. i talked to someone who told me i've been here for ten days and i'm starting to feel extremely claustrophobic. someone said i feel like i'm imprisoned here. topping our health lead today, you may have heard of a keto or keto-like diet that's low carbs/high fat. it's hooked nearly 1 in 5 americans. it's clear why if you're trying to lose weight. rec r a new canadian study suggests it probably is too good to be true. what did the researchers discover about the hugely
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popular keto diet? >> jake, what they discovered basically is that for some people, it wasn't very good for their hearts. so let's take a look at what the researchers found. they looked at about 300 people, some of whom were on a keto or keto-like diet, in other words, very high in fat, and some people who were just on a regular diet. they followed these folks for 11 years. nearly 10% of them who are on the keto-like diet had some kind of cardiac event, a heart attack, a stroke, blocked arteries, where has only 3% of the folks on a standard diet had one of those events. the researchers make it clear there are certainly people on the keto diet who did not have heart problems. >> even before the diet became
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popular, doctors recommended it to some children with epilepsy. is there still some usefulness to the diet, if done correctly? >> there is, jake. it really is an interesting beginning to how this rtstarted. children with epilepsy who the drug regimens weren't helping them, they would put them on this diet and it did help some of them. so that recommendation is still there with some children. you have to consult with a doctor, but they have found that diet can help some children who can't find relief from epilepsy with medication. >> elizabeth, cohen, thank you so much. still ahead, almost a year later comedian chris rock is still feeling the sting of the will smith oscar slap. stay with us. and d effortlessly responds to both of you. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restfull sleep per night. proven quality sleep.. only from sleep number. we must finally hold social media companies accountable.
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in our pop culture lead, it
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took almost a year and presumably tens of millions of netflix dollars, but chris rock finally told us . in our pop culture lead, well, it took almost a year and presumably tens of millions of netflix dollars, but chris rock finally told us what he thought, what he thought about will smith slapping him in the face at last year's oscars after rock joked about his wife, jada pinkett smith's hair. it wasn't until the end of the hour-plus long set saturday night filmed live in jada pinkett smith's hometown of baltimore that rock went off on the actor and perhaps more pointedly on his wife. here's cnn's stephanie elam. >> i will try to do a show tonight without offending nobody, okay? i'm going to try my best. you know why? because you never know who might get triggered. >> reporter: chris rock onstage and hitting back at will smith
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nearly a year after the infamous oscars slap. >> people always say words hurt. that's what they say. got to watch what you say because words hurt. you know, anybody that says words hurt has never been punched in the face. will smith practices selective outrage. >> reporter: rock suggesting smith's response to his oscars joke about wife jada pinkett smith's hairstyle was more about their relationship than him. >> his wife was [ bleep ] her son's friend. she hurt him way more than he hurt me. >> reporter: rock covered a wide range of topics, including addiction, abortion, and racism, but left some of his sharpest lines for smith. >> y'all know what happened to me, getting smacked by s huge smith. my whole life i root for this
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[ bleep ], okay? and now i watch "emancipation" just to see him get whooped. >> reporter: referring to smith's role in the period drama emancipation. smith, who has apologized publicly, has said he worries the slap could impact emancipation's success. >> my behavior was unacceptable. >> reporter: rock not holding back, ending the session with this final blow. >> how come you didn't do nothing back? i got parents. you know what my parents taught me? don't fight in front of white people. >> reporter: stephanie elam, cnn, hollywood. >> here to give us more is leslie gray streeter, a columnist for the baltimore banner. thank you so much for joining us, leslie. so let's start with your opinion piece. you wrote about chris rock's special. you wrote, quote, he insisted last night that nobody was picking on that bitch, meaning jada pinkett smith while he's been picking on that woman from behind the mic since the late
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1990s, unquote. chris rock's special was titled "selective outrage." he accused will smith of selective outrage. you say rock has selective outrage. explain. >> i think so. i think that first of all, if you get hit in the face and you're the one who gets to decide how you deal with it. he didn't hit him. he waited a year. he sharpened his words even though you say words don't hurt. those words were certainly fashioned to hurt, to hit, to do it in her hometown, to do it the week before the oscars. so he selected what he was mad about. not only did he select it, he kind of decided that it was about one thing being will and jada's marriage that he had just snapped somehow. that was it. the final thing. i gotta go. smack chris rock right before i get an oscar probably and nothing to do with anything that he'd said about her. and i thought that's probably not true. >> so i watched the special. i think he's a brilliant stand-up comedian and has been for decades.
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i know you have felt the same way about his work in the past. >> yes. >> it was very raw. he was very honest. i guess from reading your tweets and reading your column, you feel that -- you don't doubt his honesty, but you feel those feelings were kind of anachronistic and misplaced. >> you know, i think you get to feel the way that you feel about something. once again, like i said, he was attacked on nationwide television. however, he's had a year to hone this, to get this right, to figure out what he was going to say, and i thought that some of the things that he said, like blaming things on her, it reminded me -- someone pointed out to me today that jada pinkett smith is in the long tradition of women like yoko ono and meghan markle who are blamed entirely for the actions of grown men. that somehow she's like going, do it, do it, do it. we didn't see that. and trust me, if that had happened, if there was images or video of that, it would be played a long time ago. i don't know about their
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marriage. i haven't met them. i only know what they've told, and they've told a lot. but it doesn't really make a lot of sense to decide that the only thing that this was about was them and not about him. if you're not a victim, like you say you are, why do you keep talking about how much bigger will smith is than you. you were the victim at this moment because you were on the other side of the slap. if you're over it, you're really not. if you took it, maybe you're holding on to things, and once again, you get to. but be honest about that and be honest about what you said about this woman, calling her, as we say, out of her name in her hometown. >> yeah. one of the things that's interesting that i hear you saying is chris rock seemed to say, will smith hit me because he's upset that they have an open smith, will and jada pinkett smith. he's upset with his wife slept with a friend of their son, and that was humiliating and they have this internet talk show where they talk about these things and that must have been humiliating too.
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so will smith was mad at his situation, not at me. but you seem to be saying -- and maybe i'm wrong. tell me if i'm wrong. he's not actually saying that. he just wants to embarrass will smith by mentioning all that. >> well, he might think that. i don't know if he thinks that. i think it was weird because then you don't talk about the history, like you said, saying things about her jokingly or not since 1997. when he says that she wanted him to not host the oscars in 2016 because of the oscars so white boycott that she was a part of. he says this was just about not getting him to do it because her husband didn't get nominated. once again, this makes it just about her and her feels, that she did a personal thing to hurt his career because he wouldn't boycott the oscars just because her husband wasn't nominated. so all of these things were happening to say she started in colorful language, i finished it, but then to slap back at her, ha ha, slap back, last year
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about her hair, if you got beef and you think you handled it, and you still are re-beefing, you know what you're doing, right? you know what you're doing. once again, no one gets to slap you. but it's hard to feign ignorance if you think you've got beef with these people that she started and then go, by the way, look at your hair. >> three incredibly brilliant performers, so it's a shame that it's so much of the talk about them is the beef as opposed to their talent. you always make me think about things differently, so thank you so much. really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> follow me on facebook, instagram, and twitter @jake tapper. if you ever miss an episode of the show, you can listen to "the lead" from whence you get your podcasts. all two hours ready for your to pluck lilike delicious blueberries. our coverage conontinues next wh wolf blitzer in the situatioion room. he's going to talk to joe
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