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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 6, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PST

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does slide to the alleghenies, to the catskills, the poconos, and parts of i-95 in the morning hours so that could slow down the commute for sure. this is not a major storm. this is 1 to 2, to 4 inches of snow across the entire area. temperatures across the north are going to be colder than normal. down across the south, ridiculous, ridiculous more high temperatures again. 3,000 record high temperatures expected by the end of the week. think of atlanta, georgia, all 80 degrees again today. i did my gardening this weekend. i have my chives, my mint and my rosemary, all in the ground, all ready to go. >> oh that sounds delightful. i'm not there yet, i've got five more weeks here and deer to contend. nice to see you, chad myers. >> thank you. >> thanks for joining us, i'm christine romans. "cnn this morning" starts right now. ♪
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>> another scary moment in the air. it is monday, we're glad you're with us. good morning, everyone. we begin with what you just saw, a southwest flight taking a terrifying turn. the cabin filling with smoke. we'll tell what you forced that plane to make an emergency landing. also new, a violent group of protesters stormed the construction site of a proposed meese and firefighter training senter in atlanta. what's behind the demonstrations. plus -- watch what you say. words hurt. you know, anybody that says
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words hurt has never been punched in the face. >> perhaps the vevent of the weekend, chris rock finally addressing what happened with him and will smith on that oscar stage. he comes out swinging. we'll get to that in a moment. we begin with protesters attacking the future site of a training facility that happened in atlanta last night. this is video capturing the moments that hundreds of protest ez swarmed the construction site wearing camouflage and masks. they threw rocks, bricks, and mol molotov cocktails. opponents nicknamed it cop city. tension has been escalating there for months. >> actions such as this are not tolerated. when you attack law enforcement officers bhshgs, when you damage property, you break the law. this was about anarchy. this was about the attempt to
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destablize. >> it was about 35 protesters. here you can see police -- you can see fireworks being shot at some police officers. that facility sparked protests for various reasons, environmental active iss are fighting to preserve the forest. others think it will increase militarization of police forces. police detained 35 people. we'll have a lot more on that throughout morning. also the fbi is seeking the public's help in the search for four american who's have been assaulted and kidnapped in mexico. they were taken on friday after they crossed into mexico driving a white minivan that had north carolina license plates. after entering mexico, gunmen fired at the passenger, all four americans and then put in another vehicle and taken away by the armed men. investigators are offering a $50,000 reward in the case. a southwest fleiss from florida forced to make an emergency landing.
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>> man, look at all the smoke. birds killed the engine. the cabin filled with smoke. the pilot decided to turn around n a statement, southwest says, the pilot safely returned to havana where customers evacuated the aircraft via slides. we comment the swift, professional actions of our pilots and attendants. over the weekend, the clearest view we got of what a trump-desantis primary showdown could look like in 2024. the two men delivered back to back speeches over the weekend. trump was at the conservative conference known as cpac outside washington. desantis at the ronald reagan library in california. now they are both going to be heading to iowa just days from now. of course, florida governor ron desantis has not announced formally he's running for president. he seems to be auditioning and positioning himself as a leading
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rival for trump's bid for re-election. we're covering all of this. kristen, we're getting a better look at the republican field. all of this is really starting with trump himself giving this speech at cpac on saturday where he vowed to be a retribution, i believe, is what he argued to gop voters. >> well, that's right. we're seeing now is that this 2024 presidential hopeful field is really becoming more and more defined. it's going to continue to do so as the hopefuls meet with donors and travel across the country to determine their future and future of the party can move beyond donald trump. we're never going back to the party of paul ryan, karl rove and jeb bush. okay? >> reporter: as the gop primary just storts to take shape -- >> thank you so much! >> reporter: with republicans barrelling toward a battle of the direction of the party, former president donald trump drawing a line in the sand. >> i am your warrior. i'm your justice. and for those who have been
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wronged and betrayed, i am your retribution. >> reporter: the ruckus reception for trump at the conservative political action conference which included a wide victory in the event's unscientific straw poll demonstrates his support with part of the gop base. >> the popularity with trump are reduck lus. >> the only one that can pull us through. >> while he remains a clear front-runner for the party's nomination in 2024, the third run for the white house facing fresh challenges including on going criminal investigations of the handling of presidential documents and his role in the attack on the u.s. capitol. trump telling reporters he would not exit the race even if he is indicted. on stage, paint ago i dire picture of the 2024 election. >> this is the final battle. either they win or we win.
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>> within three months of announcing his presidential bid, trump advisors taking steps to position him for a protracted campaign, building out a platform including an education plan heavy on culture war proposals. >> our public schools are taken over by the radical left maniacs. >> reporter: the former president is set to dial up the travel in the coming weeks with an event in iowa next weeks after desantis plans to visit the key nominating state. while he is not expected to launch a bid until may, trump and his team have been digging into the potential rival record for months. one area of focus, desantis filed for entitlement programs. >> we're not going back to people that want to destroy our great social security system. even some in our own party. i wonder who that might be. >> reporter: facing criticism from trump and democrats, he
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says republicans won't mess with social security. >> we won't mess with social security as republicans. >> even as trump takes aim at desantis, other hopefuls seeking to draw contrast with the current leader of the pac. >> if you're tired of losing, put your trust in a new generation. >> we should look for larger than life personalities and find power in the rooms like this one. >> reporter: but one potential candidate officially step being back from the fight. >> i didn't want to have a pileup of a bunch of people fighting. right now you have more of them you have the less chance you have for somebody rising up. >> now, of course, not everybody agrees with governor hogan. we expect this to be a he relatively crowded feel. it might be why so many people have yet to endorse. in a recent phone call between former president trump and his former white house press secretary sarah huckabee s sanders, he asked for her
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endorsement and she said not yet. >> they're waiting for the field to take shape. notable development there from larry hogan. thank you. let's talk about this a lot more with john avalon. he is reporting on extremism in politics since a book you wrote a decade ago. let's start where kristen's piece ended. larry hogan saying that on cbs, writing this piece and the times explaining why he's not doing it. but other republican governors disagree that it will be a multicar pylon. >> he's one of the most popular governors, hogan, in america. >> that's the poin point to remember. we talk a lot about -- there splent of evidence of how divided we are. we forget most popular governors in america have been republicans in blue states. larry hogan, charlie baker in particular, phil scott. those are the people you want to run for president. they have the ability to unite
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across partisan lines. hogan now realizing there is not a place for him in the republican party, bowing out before a fight saying this is not the one he's taking on. i think that's a loss for the nation. >> trump is making his speech. he was headlining and really basically the major political force there. there is no room for any of the republican hopefuls. he made a comment that stood out to me about what he believes is essentially his 2021 message is going to look like. >> in 2016, i declared i am your voice. today i add, i am your warrior. i'm your justice. and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, i am your retribution. i am your retribution. >> it's so interesting to see that be his message when steve bannon said essentially there is no time for on the job training. when you look for who's going to be the nominee in 2024, what is this going to be? >> i covered a lot of cpacs as
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we all have over the years. it's been described as the star wars bar of american politics. it's a fringe group that got fringier. you cannot deny the fact it has a lot of pull within a certain sway of the republican party. the fact that donald trump ran away with the poll, the fact he's leading with that message of retribution i think is what we need to keep our eye on that ball. it is easy to treat trump as a side show. because if you look at his, you know, posts on truth social, if you look at that rambling, 145-minute lie filled speech, urd say you'd say this is someone that is not well. yet, we need to concede set front-runner for the republican nomination and the more crowded the prime air yishgs mort likely he is to win. there is a darpgser there are firebomb that's he is throwing simply because he is somebody who is under multiple investigations right now.
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somebody that tried to overturn our democracy. that is not a disqualifier. i think we need to be wide eyed about that. >> we won't go back to the campaign in 2016. we should go back to the inauguration speech. that seemed very carnage and depressing. i wonder how much of an appetite does the american public have for that? when you look what the happened, the january 6 insurrection and speaking of, "the new york times" is reporting that fox news' ceo said they should have change the kocoverage of the election results for bigger ratings saying this, listen this is what "the new york times" reporting. one of the sad realities. if we didn't call arizona those three or four dawedays followin legislation day, our ratings would have been bigger. is that a fair assessment of a news network? >> not even a little bit.
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this "new york times" article by peter baker is details and, you know, conversation inside fox news, among executives in the days after the election. they're lamenting the fact they followed the facts. he followed a zoom. >> they got the receipts. these are not characterizations of comments. they're comments. >> these are the news folks who are saying, you know, maybe we should have considered talking about -- >> in some ways, bret baier is the person they point to to be the real news anchors. as a contrast to their opinion anchors. what this conversation shows is mark is saying, well, in this trump environment, maybe we shouldn't follow the facts so fast. that's incredibly dangerous. this is not a news organization. this is a partisan operation primarily. but the fates of fox news, the fear they have of their base, the fear of losing rate chgz is also about greed is a parallel
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to what we're seeing inside the republican party right now, the fear to confront donald trump. it's a form of a syndrome. they're fear to tell the truth. that's not just bad for the republican party, that's bad for the republic. that's what we need to focus on right now. >> good morning. >> good. >> more on that. a lot for a monday morning. >> a month after the toxic train accident in east palestine, another train derails. >> also, the russians are on the cusp of seizing a ukrainian city. there is intense fighting that is continuing. the defense secretary austin just weighed in on this moments ago. we'll tell you what he said. thanks for being our superhero. only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor—you're an owner. giving you flexibility to follow your dreams. that's the value of ownership.
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lloyd austin saying that if the ukrainians decide to reposition west of the city, he would not view it as a strategic setback. meantime, the russians are encircling and squeezing bakhmuit from three sides as they struggle to keep the strategic road open. let's go live to kyiv. fight has been going on for more than seven months now. i wonder if ukraine will be able to turn it around and keep the city. >> i think the aim is just to hold it for as long as they k this is their tried and tested strategy. we've seen it in other towns in
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this war so far. none of a bat this will long yet. whatever the cost to them in so far as et wears down russian ability to continue waging this war and whatever the cost. >> reporter: ukrainian forces giving all they can to defend bakhmuit. or what's left of it. after the longest battle of the war, one of the oldest cities lies in ruins. >> translator: no decisions were made regarding withdrawal. we're holding the defense. >> reporter: aband beyond by 0% of the population, only those who couldn't leave before are left. the intense fighting means that only 5 to ten people a day can now be evacuated, compared to the 500 to 600 a day when the
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evacuation started at the end of february according to the city's deputy mayor. the russians throwing in all they have at the city says the deputy mayor. heavy artillery, mortar fire, air strikes and a substantial commitment of ground forces both regular soldiers and mers on aries. but russian advances have come at huge cost. wave after wave of russian soldiers have been stoentent tor deaths. they accused russia off exaggerating their gains. a life line for defenders. one ukrainian commander tweeting there are many ways still to get into the city. analyst has questioned the importance of bakhmuit. that didn't stop moscow's intense campaign to capture the city nor ukraine's fight to keep
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it. the unceasing barrage of artillery fire have not killed or forced out most of the civilians, it has taken a huge toll on ukrainian soldiers too as the battle turns to street fighting. but ukraine continues its fierce fight for victory even as russian forces continue to close in on a city that is already a word for ukrainian resilience on the battlefield. what's most remarkable is that more than 100 years after the end of world war i just how much this looks like some of the early battles of that war, trench warfare, heavy artillery and wave after wave of inexperienced soldiers on both sides being sent to their certain death. it's happening in europe again. >> reporting from kyiv, thank you. also this morning, a second norfolk southern train derailed in ohio. just over a month after the east palestine derailment. hard to believe.
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new video shows the moment this happened in springfield, ohio. 80 miles north of cincinnati. the of the 20 cars, the 20 train cars that derailed, four of them were empty tanker cars carrying what they say were very minor amounts of residual product. the tank cars are not hazardous. they do not pose a risk to the public. jason carroll is live in springfield, ohio, at the site of this derailment. it's kind of hard to believe this has even happened. we're still talking about the cleanup from the last derailment. what do you know? >> well, norfolk southern continues to say that safety is their number one priority. but as you said, given this is the second derailment within a month, i think you can understand why a number of people here in the state of ohio are saying that this is a rail company that needs to do more to show that the rail line is indeed safe. the latest derailment happening on saturday just at about 5:00. camera captured just as the
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trains began to derail and in all, some 28 of the 212 trains derailed state officials say. no hazardous materials were released. the train was carrying materials such as propane and ethanol. those cars that contained those elements did not derail. during the briefing they gave a little more detail of what they say happened here. >> after the research, they did a recon of the site. they found nothing smild on to the -- spilled on the ground and very minimal material on the cars themselves that dried very quickly. there is no spillage on to the ground or into the waterways at this time. >> transportation secretary pete b buttigieg saying no hazardsous materials were released. given this is the second derailment within a month of the
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folks in east palestine still trying to put their lives back together after that toxic train derailment, cleanup effort there still under way. the ntsb said that particular train derailment could have been avoided. ntsb officials will be on the ground here this morning to get to the bottom of what happened here. kaitlan? >> all right. we'll stay with you, jason, to make sure we know what the officials are saying on the ground there in springfield. something a lot of people watched over the weekend, certainly the talk of the weekend for many people. chris rock coming out swinging in his netflix comedy special. >> y'all know what happened to me, getting smacked by suge smith. >> all right. more of what he said ahead. plus this -- ♪ rock 'n' roll says farewell to lynyrd skynyrd's guitarist gary rossington.
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so chris rock hits back with words in his netflix special. of he saved most of the material for the last ten minutes. but then there was no holding back. we have this report. try to do a show tonight without offending nobody, okay? i'm going to try my best. you know why? you never know who might get upset. >> chris rock on stage and hitting back at will smith. nearly a year after the infamous oscar slap. >> people always say words hurt. that's what they say. you have to watch what you say. because words hurt. you know, anybody that says words hurt has never been punched in the face. will smith practices selective outrage. >> rock suggesting smith's
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response to his oscar's joke about whi wife jada pin ket smith's hairstyle is more about their relationship than his. zbll she hurt him way more than he hurt me. >> rock covered a wide range of topics including addiction, abortion, and racism. but left some of his sharpest lines for smith. >> y'all know what happened to me, getting smacked by suge smith. i love will smith. my whole life i loved him. my whole life i route for this. [ beep ] okay? and now i watch emancipation just to see him get whooped. >> referring to his movie "emancipation." smith said he worries this laugh could impact "emancipation's" success. >> my behavior was not acceptable. >> he ended the special with this final blow. >> how come you didn't do
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nothing back? >> i have parents. you know what me parents taught me? don't fight in front of white people! >> stephanie elam, cnn, hollywood. for more now, let's bring in our cnn contributor and she is also the host of entertainment tonight. good morning. very early morning in los angeles. we're so happy that you're here. michelle, this was the event of the weekend. interesting that how netflix billed this. we'll get to. that let's talk about. that i want to know the response from hollywood this morning. this seemed not only personal to will smith but also to what happening in our culture as we talked about selective outrage. >> yeah. i mean, you know, chris rock is snoen for th-- known for that t provoking comedy. he went there with this one. there have been mixed reviews. not just in hollywood. i think a lot of hodllywood
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respects his art and appreciated that for what it is. but i have seen a lot of mixed reviews from people. some thought it was extremely funny. there are people who just didn't like it at you will. there are some who said i'm not going to watch it. some people are saying, well why is he revisiting this? why can't we just move on? and, you know, then the response is, well, he really hasn't said anything about it publicly until now. and this is the time he picked to do that. so there has been a lot of conversation back and forth since the live special on saturday night. >> i can read a quote from "the new york times" to you? it says this felt like comedy as revenge. what do you think of that? >> listen, around the way they would call it getting your lick back, don. and i think that's exactly what he did. he said i'm not going to fight him with my hands. i'm going to fight him on the stage. i'll fight him with my words and with my comedy. and everyone knows that chris rock is the best at this comedy. i think he probably did use that
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a little bit as his revenge stage. >> he didn't shy away from bringing up what was -- talking about jada pinkett smith. he made that a point of this special as well. >> you know, it's interesting, kaitlan. i do think that if you were having conversations in private circles with all of that, i think you probably did hear that narrative. that, you know, the slap wasn't about chris. the slap was about everything else that will was going through. and that was just a vessel. that's not the first time i heard it. you know, chris just decided to speak on it publicly. but i think those were private conversation that's people were having because i don't think anyone really thought that joke and that moment was what sent will over the edge hike that. i think, you know, he's even kind of spoken to that.
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that chris didn't deserve that ire. it was about a lot of other things. >> he also in this special talked about where you won't see him doing certain interviews or crying. let's listen to that moment. >> but i'm not a victim, baby. you will never see me on "oprah" or "gayle" crying. you will never see it. never going to happen. >> i guess that's addressing sort of why he chose this forum to finally speak out on it. but did you -- what did you make of that? >> okay, poppy, did anybody think that when that moment happened and that it happened to chris rock that you weren't going see him address this on the stage in some way, shape or form? and if you know his comedy, you knew that he was going to go for it. i will say this though. when he was on stage and list ebbing to it and going through it, he did still seem extremely
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angry. and it almost seemed -- you know, also that he was putting a lot of the blame on jada. he was mad. he's still mad. he's probably going to stay mad for longest time. i can't put myself in those shoes. i don't know how i would feel if i was slapped publicly on the oscar stage by another actor, one that i considered, you know, he says how much he loved will smith. he considered him a friend. i don't know how i would feel. and i don't know if a year later that i would be completely removed from it. i think we saw a little therapy being worked out for himself on that stage saturday night. >> so, so, so smart that analysis. and i'm not surprised what he said about you're not going to see me going on and pretending to be a victim. you know, i'm not a victim. you can't say you're not a victim and then criticize megan markle for doing something similar. i wasn't surprised that he said that. we didn't even get to the meghan markle part and the prince harry
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part. >> gosh, there is so much. so much in that. it wasn't just the will smith, you know, it wasn't just will and jada. he went -- his outrage hit a lot of different topics. >> yeah. >> it's always a pleasure. hope to see you more. thank you. >> yes, indeed. see you. all right. also this morning, a major loss for the music industry. ♪ turn it up ♪ >> those first cords synonymous with american rock 'n' roll anthem "sweet home alabama." the guitar is gary rossington, lynyrd skynyrd's last surviving member of the band passed away. no cause of death has been given. he battled heart and health issues over the recent years. "sweet home alabama" such an anthem. and lynyrd skynyrd was inducted
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into the hall of fame in 2006. he will be very missed. >> new this morning, a cnn investigation exposed secret sore tour senters in iran. now the senate foreign relations committee is demanding action. > a wave of pioison attacks schohoolgirls. what the iranian government is now saying.
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angry parents are turning out in droves in tehran and other cities across iran challenging that regime demanding answers after a wave of suspected poison attacks on hundreds of schoolgirls across the country. some parents are calling the targets and deliver attempts to keep their girls from getting an education. let's go to our reporter covering this for us. she joins us from london. good morning. this is really a significant development over the weekend. these are parents enraged,
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demanding answers from the regime. >> absolutely, poppy. and at huge personal risk. we have uncovered evidence that highlights the extent of the risks parents are taking. take a look at this furious parents outside an education office. challenging authorities, desperate for answers. afterwards believed to be the worst day of incidents of suspected poisonings at girls' schools. the videos were recorded on saturday. for months now, iranian schoolgirls and families are speaking out about incidents of suspected poisoning. the numbers of incidents reported to cnn in the dozens. then over the weekend, dozens more. cnn was able to verify these new incidents using video and
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witness pm across ten provinces. the u.s. and others are calling are'the authorities to investigate the incidents. but speaking to cnn, they have been barred by hospital administerors from sharing details of defendant results even with the patient's parents. we dubbed this doctor's voice for his safety. >> i'm inside iran. my phone is being monitored. i can't share any more with you. >> iran and interior minister now says suspicious samples have been found and are being assessed at laboratories. parents though say they don't trust authorities to investigate. to hell with this country and rulers. we would be better off without a leader. this is our country. they don't know what they're doing. they don't even have medicine. >> all the incidents begin in a similar manner. as described to us by students. smell and then i felt dizzy and fainted. i had dimness of vision and
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heart palpatationses. all of us had identical symptoms, palpatationses, my hands and legs were numb and frozen. i was shaking. we had tears coming out of our eyes. >> reporter: with no one so far held to account and parents no closer to answers, many continue to risk their lives to challenge iran's authority. >> the u.s. state department last week called for iranian authorities to investigate these incidents. as you see there, people inside iran do not trust authorities. not only to investigate this but with the lives of their children, poppy. >> and before you go, now here in the united states the head of the senate foreign relations committee is calling on the united nations to investigate what cnn's investigation has uncovered are these secret torture centers across the country. is that right? >> absolutely. and we have been hearing from some of our source this is morning and they feel it's a huge vindication for the huge
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risks that they took in speaking to us. just to pull out a little bit, it also to put this in context speaks to the ways that the u.s. is now pushing much harder on an international stage. the senate foreign relations committee is the u.s. government's foreign policy lead. and this is a big push on their part to specifically say iranian authorities need to be investigated internationally. it speaks to the u.s. trying to take a harder line on what iran regime is doing to its own people, poppy. >> real questions can be how much access can the u.n. again and what sort of teeth do they have? great reporting as always. thank you. >> thank you. >> alarming shortages of everything from antibiotics and cancer drugs to adderall. we're digging into the shortages. also, king charles inviting harry and megan to his coronation. will they go? harry's new comments about feeling, quote, different, from the rest of his royal family. ♪ we'll dance in the street like nobody's watching ♪
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new this monday morning, the albuterol shortage is used for asthma. a major supplier closed doors last week and it is now putting a strain on the supply chain. joining us now, our cnn medical correspondent. good morning, elizabeth. people who use albuterol are concerned and they have every right to be. >> don, absolutely. this is really a problem. it is especially a problem if you have asthma or some other
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breathing problem and you end up in the hospital. that's where we're hearing about these shortages of albuterol. it is the kind used in nebulizers, the devices that have a mask and plug them in. so not inhalers but nebulizers. we haven't heard about it via concern nebulizers used in home so much, but the concern is that may happen because hospitals are in such shortage and so could trickle down to home nebulizers as well. this is not the only drug in shortage. this number is unfortunately eye popping. in 2022 last year, 160 drugs were reported as being in shortage. now the fda says they're working with manufacturers to alleviate these shortages. but this is a huge problem. it's no the just albuterol, it
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is is aderall and other drugs. >> thank you for that. >> also this rng morning, hundr of protesters swarmed the construction site of a training facility in atlanta. we'll give you a live report ahead. >> also, unexpected surprise for kacie hunt delivering her second baby after just 13 minutes of labor. where? see oint the floor of her bathroom at home. she'll join us i in the 8:00 ho with her incredible story and hopefully a sneak pepeek of her adorable little one.
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this morning, we have confirmation that the duke and duchess of sussex have been invited to king charles' coronation scheduled to happen on may 6. it remains to be seen if they're going to attend. this is amid a new interview prince harry in which he says he always felt different than the rest of his family. max foster is live no london with more. it is notable that they were invited but they're not willing to say whether or not they're going. >> yes. a lot that came out this weekend. this interview wasn't a news interview. it was an interview with trauma experts about grief. harry doesn't talk a lot about the family dynamics which is what he wrote about in that book apart to say that he felt incredibly free having written the book. he also said he felt slightly different from the rest of his family. here's a quote from the interview. i felt strange income this container. i know that my mom felt the same. so it makes sense to me.
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it didn't make sense at the time. i felt as though my body was in there but my head was out and sometimes it was vice versa. so another context here really, kaitlan, for how he feels now as opposed to how he did feel. >> yeah. so the question is he going to go? what is your prediction, i guess? >> well, i heard from the palace they haven't sent out invitations but they vent out the save the date letters and embarrass. one clearly landed in prince harry's inbox. his office told me last night that they have had e-mail correspondents from his majesty's office regarding the coronation and immediate decision on whether the duke or duchess will attend is not disclosed athis the time. of course, tensions very high at the moment. they haven't had the formal invitation either. they have been asked to vacate the official residence by the king. they won't be able to stay there for the coronation -- they will be able to stay for the coronation but not beyond that. i have to say, this is a family
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occasion. there is tension there. but it is also a state occasion. you have to remember that harry is still fifth in line to the throne. he would be expected to have a seat there just because of his place. he still has in the british state. >> yeah. >> we'll wait to see if he decides to go, what that looks like. max foster, thank you so much. >> and cnn this morning continues right now. this is not appropriate. this is criminal activity. and charges will be brought forth to show that. they threw commercial grade fireworks and molotov cocktails, large rocks, numbers of items at officers. much. >> they say criminal activity is unfold right now. good morning, everyone. fireworks, bricks, molotov cocktails, hundreds of protest
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ez swarming the construction site of a police and firefighter training facility in atlanta. what is behind the violent attack? >> also, a bird strike forcing a southwest flight to make an emergency landing. the cabin filled with smoke here. >> and former president trump trying to block his former vice president mike pennsylvania from testifying to a grand jury. will the latest legal tactic work? >> we begin in atlanta. protesters storming the construction site of a police and fire figfighter training session. some carried shields. they hurled bricks, rocks, fireworks and molotov cocktails and torched construction vehicles along with a trailer opponents dubbed it cop city. fireworks explode next to a police officer. tensions have been builting for months between police and protesters. environmental advocates have been fighting to pro serve the


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