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tv   Inside Politics With Abby Phillip  CNN  March 5, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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rvice designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts. saving you up to 60% a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. trump's dark vision. >> this is the final battle and if they win we no longer have a country. >> the ex-president regals the maga faithful with promises for
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supporters and threats against his enemies. >> i am your voice. i am your justice and retribution. >> crime and punishment. president biden ignites a firestorm inside his own party over violence in the big cities. >> the president believings in ma making sure the streets in america are safe. remembering bloody sunday in selma. as the nation grapples with how to reconcile its present and history. >> black history matters. welcome to "inside politics sunday." i'm abby phillip. donald trump offered a dark and ominous preview of his third presidential bid. at the conservative political action conference trump gave one of the darkest speeches of his
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political career. promised to reward the supporters and punish his foes. >> in 2016 i declared i am your voice. today i add i am your warrior, justice and for those who have been wronged and betrayed i am your retribution. i am your retribution. >> he described this next election in near apocalyptic terms. >> the sinister forces trying to kill america have everything they can to do to silence me and you. and to turn this country into a dumping ground for radicals. this is the final battle. they know it. i know it. you know it. everybody knows it! this is it. either they win or we win.
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if they win we don't have a country. >> he 'em to sized that this is his republican party. >> we had a republican party that was ruled by freaks, neo-cons, globalists, open border zealots and fools. but we are never going back to the party of paul ryan and jeb bush. >> we'll discuss this and more with the great panel. hans nichols, eva mccannn and tom swilic. this is not a surprise that trump would go dark, go negative and go hard to the right as he launches his third presidential bid but this was especially darker. seemed to be great care made to choose language that would
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enfle. relitigating the past election. successful candidates look forward. he is looking back wards. we had to get through a primary. donald trump is not only running against joe biden and china in some ways, against the major leaders of his party and the past. it is interesting to watch that play out. >> this is his stomping ground. cpac by all accounts was really stacked with trump loyalists. he won against desantis 62 to 20%. that may not be broadly reflective of the republican party but a show of force that the campaign wanted.
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>> absolutely. this used to be a venue where the mainstream of the party and the grass roots of the party joined together to test out sket policy ideas and connect with voters but this is the politics of personality of one man. i question the strategy here in terms of the focus of the conference to position republicans for being competitive in a general election. some panels at the conference including the biden crime family why true stories of january 6. the prosecuted speak why they stole it from us legally. in the country speaking to voters these are not the concerns. >> this is a good opportunity to bring this up because a thing that got attention is from someone that i would hazard to say very few people watching know who this person is but got
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a speaking spot at cpac. >> there can be no middle way in dealing with transgenderism. and especially for the people that have fallen prey. it must be eradicated from public life entirely. >> michael knowles is a right wing commentator for the daily wire but his not the only person saying that this week. the idea to target transgender people is an idea of where the party is going. >> a biggest theme of the conference. across the speeches whether greene, gorka, other people on the stage talked about accusing democrats, falsely accusing democrats wanting to mutilate children saying that doctors
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should be punished giving gender affirming care to people and demonizing transgender people and a theme across not just cpac but the wider republican party and seen this week in tennessee bills passed to criminalize gender affirming care for minors and a big part out republican heading into 2024. >> back to eva's point that is this what people in the country want from their government? is this a top issue for americans? it doesn't seem to matter in the republican party. >> there is a name for michael knowles' rhetoric there calling basically for the government to eradicate transgenderism from
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american life. that's the american kind. i think it's important to call it what it is. the fact that this is featured at a major american conference is a huge wake-up call for americans and journalists. i want to lightly disagree with hans and his sort of assessment of trump looking to the past and very much looking to the future. welcoming at the context running for president, he will probably be indicted. running for president for the past but the signals here donald trump looking to the future suggested if indicted they pour into the streets. his allies including graham suggested on television if he is indicted that violence would follow and this type of rhetoric saying this is the final battle,
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good versus evil, i'm here for retribution, looking to the violent future if the law comes for him. >> i think you are right to lay out the potential issues to come up. i don't think we know that he will be indicted but -- >> likely. i think we can say likely. but we don't know. >> i don't know. >> he raised the likelihood he would not go anywhere if indicted. >> would have been surprising to say the opposite. i think we would be surprised if donald trump said if the doj comes out i'll put the politics aside. we would be surprised on that. to me the interesting thing is there's not been within the republican party the big fight between donald trump and the other finalist and needs to happen. >> here's rich lowrie in
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"politico" saying there's no way around trump but through. if you listen to the other speeches, nikki haley, mike pompeo at cpac nobody wants to take trump on. >> she is acknowledging that republicans lost the popular vote and i just think that this argument doesn't have the ing ingredients for success in a general election. how are republicans going to make a general election pitch when they are not talking about pocketbook issues? something that they have criticized democrats for and waging a war on these cultural battles that aren't top of mind for many americans. next for us, an unexpected decision from president biden that shocked the fellow democrats and exposed deep cracks within his own party.
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this room are the reason for that. it's been one of the most successful united caucuses we have ever seen. and you all stick together, thank god. >> a message of optimism and unity. president biden rallied house democrats with that this week huddling to craft a winning 2024 agenda at the annual retreat but unity very quickly gave way to division. he will block the d.c. crime law. the president supported i statehood and home rule but not the changes that the d.c. council put forward. as for the mood within the caucus, here's a little snippet of jit. a lawmaker said cannot trust the white house. another told cnn the white house
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"f"'d this up royally. another said people are rip roaring pissed. one would have thought we got more of this in the two years of the biden presidency and we did. there was democratic unity and seemed to be exposed by the d.c. crime bill and it's really collided with the politics of crime. aoc tweeted criticizing president biden. this ain't it. she says. d.c. has a right to govern itself. if the president supports statehood he should act like it. he should respect the government of d.c. as elsewhere. >> this echos the sentiment from
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the actist base where democrats look like they go in one direction but crumble under the pressure of republican talking points. i think what i am hearing is the message that this emits is that we think that these core constituencies are expendable. we are not that worried about the folks in d.c. we will avoid getting bludgeoned by republicans on this crime issue and recently the decision to weaken asylum in this country. right? the message that they send is that they're not all that concerned about action on the doors and also registering folks of color ahead of 2024. >> this is really a proxy war about crime and dealing with crime.
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the context if you haven't been paying attention is that the city council passed this bill and the mayor a democrat vetoed it and overruled her. >> i fully support a fair reading and update of the criminal code. but i think after so, so many years of working on it i want to look residents in the face and that we didn't make carjacking penalties more lenient, didn't make the environment for police trying to take guns off the streets even harder. >> i'm sorry. >> yeah. jump in. crime is definitely an issue in washington. she is sensitive to it as mayor and about the anger from democrats is that many of them
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were mad that the white house didn't tell them that they were going to do this and cast a vote that could be politically damaging to them and wish they knew. >> crime ticks up and politicians get attention. president biden did in the tweet. they are both wrong. the real thing that's amazing about this and a thing that has democrats the most upset, self governance, cohesion. i got an education researching this reform. d.c. has a carjacking statute with 40 years minimum. they get 15 years. this bill moved to align with real world sentences and the new maximum is 24.
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which is mean more than any carjacker gets. the idea that it's lenient. it is not true. the white house did nothing, no work at all, to try to push back gesh against the veto and ran for the hills. >> that's the politics of it. their position is probably if you explain you're losing and also in the context of the mayor of chicago losing the re-election bid largely on the idea of crime. >> and in new york where republicans ousted what people would have considered at the time safe democratic seats because in new york the issue of crime is a big one leading into 2022. the white house has had no real explanation for the reversal which is that they did initially put out a statement saying they
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supported d.c. and not support the attempts by congress to repeal this new criminal code and then this week saying that they were going to allow this veto of the criminal code to go through and when the press secretary was asked about it she really just said, the president can support d.c. home rule and statehood and doesn't support this and didn't really address the contradictions there at all or have an answer when people said how do you square that? >> it's tougher when d.c. statehood is in the democrat party platform. >> there's a process. the administration didn't communicate the position as well as they could have. the quotes at the beginning of the segment all anonymous and i think they will be tv sound
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bites and people own the anger because it is real for the process reasons and also the deep policy differences on how the country should respond and the real causes behind the uptick in crime and where the uptick in crime is. where is it on the murder front and violent crime and other things? the numbers move around but i think the white house -- >> but i have to say what's at play is how people feel about where crime is headed and whether the democratic party is addressing that. >> but there's no idea that the draconian laws are -- >> but the white house has to say what is the solution. >> they have been signaling this for two and a half years. the president made a big issue of funding the police. i spent the white house will be factions that like this debate to make them look tough on crime. >> i think that's the politics,
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first there was the anti-lgbtq push and then crt and now esg. that's about to trigger the first veto of president biden's presidency and stands for environmental social and governance and basically wall street jargon for a company doing well will do good, that is to say minimizing the energy use or treating employees well pays off. the biden administration allowed a rule to allow but not require
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retirement fund managers to consider those ideas but republicans call that woke and say it's putting liberals policies ahead of investment rules and say that rule was a mandate. >> joe biden has said his politics matters more than your retirement and happy for you to take the hit. >> so committed, the president is, to his climate change approach to things and the pipe dream that he's willing to crush the american dream. >> now is not the time to put politics or climate or social justice ahead of financial performance in 401(k)s and other retirement plans. >> we laid out why the idea that this is president biden kind over like forcing investment practices is not true and esg -- i'll go to you, hans. as a former finance reporter.
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esg is supposed to be something that companies want to do if it's good for the bottom line. >> this is a big debate happening for close to a decade. it is really bubbling up now. what's so clear is republicans want to have this fight. they love this conversation. they love going after big business. to the larger problem this is not a country club party anymore and want to be associated with working class americans. we can fly speck on whether the rule mandated or just allows again to the point earlier explains in politics you are losing and we should be aware to the extent the republican party enjoys this point. >> i'm not sure it is a winner
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for republicans. as voters understand this is allowing businesses to make decisions based on potential impact to the environment and climate change republicans are losing millennials time and time again in the last three cycles. they care deeply about climb change and the environment. it is like a top five issue and overwhelmingly voting with democrats and not helping when republicans base continues to shrink with older not educated white people. >> how do we know that young people care about the issue? the market provides products. there's no such thing as woke capital. there is only capital. these products and esg funds are widely available on wall street for two decades because customers want them because they
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make money. young people especially investing, investors ask for the products. so the idea that this is joe biden's agenda, all of this predates joe biden, but the fact that the products widely available in the very, very liberal bastian of wall street -- >> you know who would disagree with you ron desantis who in an op-ed in "wall street journal" wrote this. in this environment the old guard corporate republicanism isn't up to the task at hand. in the environment reflecting to big business surpder it is battlefield to the militant left. he is centering the campaign on the idea it is not enough to lower taxes but take on woke corporations the woke corporations and fine to take
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money from the wealthy individual ceos who fund the republican party and ron desantis. >> i agree with the panelists. this seems shortsighted. as i traveled the country the young republicans care about the environment. on the issue of woke of-ism, th word to mean community aware of racial injustice is weaponized to the degree we don't know what it means. >> it's been rendered meaningless at the end of the day. on desantis, he basically took over the district in which disney resided as retribution and here's what he said as he did that.
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>> we also have people that very much want to see disney be what walt envisioned. i think all the board members very much would like to see the type of entertainment that all families can appreciate. >> one of the board members that desantis apointed reported this week he suggested that tapwater could turn people gay. so disney ought to be creating content that ron desantis likes. >> i don't know where to begin with the tap water thing. >> just to the point these are the types of people he packed the board with. >> again, ron desantis wants to signal to the donors, the base this is the direction he is going in. we will be talking about this for a year and i suspect longer is the republican party moves
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away from -- wall street donors supported the republican party in the past. i got off the phone with jeff banks yet and said the point that the republican party used to rely on wall street. it doesn't go to the republican party now. the republican party likes this fight. they like this conversation we are having every time we talk about this and what ron desantis wants us to talk about. all right. going to try to put factual information on the table in that conversation. next for us, we have a cnn exclusive interview with pete buttigieg. we'll have the details next. ♪wow, uh-huh♪ advantage: me! can't wait 'til i turn 65! take advantage with an aarp medicare advantagege plan... only from unitedhealthcare. i've never been healthier.
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ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. this morning, a cnn exclusive interview with
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transportation secretary pete buttigieg. buttigieg is acknowledging some mistakes in his response to the east palestine, ohio, train disaster and admits he should have gone to the devastated community sooner. the accident created a political fire firestorm. the transportation secretary is a target of an onslaught of professional and very personal attacks from conservative media. >> what is he? 150 pounds wet? not even a size small construction vest construction fits this guy. looks like it's a costume. >> if pothole pete seems lazy and out of touch that's because it is true. >> there is never a transportation secretary so uncaring and almost to the point of evil. >> buttigieg is now hitting back
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telling cnn is rich to see the folks, the former president, the fox hosts, who wouldn't know the way around a tjmaxx if the life depended on it. you think tucker carlson knows the difference between tjmaxx and kohl's? we have the answer to that question. just kidding. >> i don't know. >> just kidding. it is -- it is significant that he's acknowledging the mistake but also going on the offense a little bit. >> yeah. look. what we have seen over the last weeks with the train derailment and before that with the flight delays and cancelations at southwest, any time anything comes up about transportation it is pete buttigieg's fault and a point in the article you don't have that when the price of eggs
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went up. buttigieg obviously ran for president and did pretty well. there's speculation he'll run in the future. made him a target even on things he doesn't control and in sitting with him and in kansas and missouri talking about this you can see the frustration about it coming through. i asked him about that and the criticism and whether he said -- whether he went to east palestine because donald trump went and people think that's why and he said on the record that's bull but use the full word that i won't to keep us from getting fines. >> no fines on cable. it was also interesting in the piece. you talked to a democratic member of congress who will go nameless. nameless in the piece. who says buttigieg's appeal in
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2020 as a fresh face to get past the divisions but this person says it is sad to see him a partisan brawler. he is the most polarizing member of biden's cab innocent. what's interesting is that there's ways that democrats view buttigieg's almost like viral cable news stardom. democrats that doen't really lie him cheer him on. >> yeah. i'm not sure that member is representative of the other democrats in the party and not within the white house. the white house loves to have secretary buttigieg go across the cables especially on fox and something he did trying to make a run for the presidency and view him as a most effective communicators even in a moment like this dealing with the train derailment. also something playing that tucker clip. used the words flamboyant and
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evil. he is talking about an openly gay man by calling him flamboyant and evil and this larger message from fox, from republicans in trying to attack lgbtq and transgender people as the wider campaign message. >> i have to play this from "snl." >> train exploded and who do we blame? who do we blame? we blame buttigieg. pete buttigieg. this was his responsibility. unfortunately he was too busy being a nerd and being gay. dealt with the much more issue of should trains have big poison. >> i mean, the fact that he is gay is a huge part of this. right? >> a thing i asked about was the
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attention to the shoes wearing there. not work boots. they're boots. fancy-ish boots and said that's maddening and got -- his voice got tight and said i'm trying to talk about peoples' lives and solving the problems that the outlets need a choice whether they are covering fashion or whether they cover policy and what happens when people are trying to recover from a disaster like this. >> one of the broader points of this is this is the transportation secretary. most americans have no idea who that person is. here's ray la hood saying he's never heard of this level of criticism against another secretary ever. this is pure politics. it is politics because people think he will run for president.
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>> it is because of his identity. right? he can't change the fact that he is gay and so many attacks are bad fact attacks. one said he and his husband holding the children is what's wrong with america. he can't really argue with that because the terms of the argument are not fair. i will say in the interview with you it is good that he is being publicly contrite to say i did mess up here and then steering the conversation back to the policy but now that we have the republicans' attention let's hold the railroads accountable and something that the republicans in the past did not champion. >> to be clear he did acknowledge that it was a misstep. not just on his part but the white house to not see the politics of this one coming and
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clearly picked up by conservative media as a political issue. coming up, president biden is heading to selma. how looking back at black history moves today's civil rights movement forward. >> we come to selma to be renewed, to be inspired, to be reminded that we mist do t the work that justice and d equalit calls us to do. ♪ ♪ fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. having diabetes can raise a lot of questions. like my morning ride, will it help lower my glucose?
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in just a few hours, president biden will travel to selma, alabama, to commemorate 58 years since hundreds of young black activists, including the late john lewis, courageously marched across the city's edmund pettus bridge and into history. they were brutally beaten and tear gassed, all for the right to vote. this visit marks biden's third
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trek to selma's annual remembrance, but it is his first as president of the united states. and ahead of today's speech, he used the white house's bully pulpit to send a clear message about history. >> it's important to say, from the white house, for the entire country to hear, history matters. history matters. and black history matters. look, i can't just choose to learn what we want to know. we learn what we should know. we have to learn everything. the good, the bad, the truth, and who we are as a nation. >> this is a moment in which black history is under attack. there are those, you know, in the political atmosphere who basically want to say, we should only talk about the good parts and not about the bad parts. not about the fact that john lewis was beaten nearly to the point of death on the edmund pettus bridge, and people who are still alive today were there to witness it.
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just take a look at some of these headlines that just show how widespread the efforts to restrict black history are all across the country. so this is a moment in which i think history is front and center. >> it is. i mean, the president has oftentimes invoked the civil rights movement, especially when he's talking about the moment that the country is facing, even when he ran for the presidency, to -- and right now, democrats are really trying to push back on an effort, as you noted, abby, in a number of republican states, where they are trying to restrict not just the african-american studies pilot program, arc pp pilot program, they are banning books when it comes to books that talk about racism, books that talk about the history of racism against pl black people in this country. and that's now becoming a bit of a rallying cry for democrats to push back on that. >> this is an opportunity for him, because this trip to selma, while it's important, especially
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selma dealing with the aftermath still of that natural disaster, there is sort of a limited extent to what these performtive acts of solidarity can actually achieve. he has got to use this really to speak to a core constituency. i interviewed black parents in virginia who are really concerned about the way that the legacy and the impact of slavery and racism is taught in this country. and so he has got to speak to that anxiety. >> it used to be that the idea of, let's call it diversity in america was not all of that controversial. maybe you might have disagreed about how you got there, but the idea that it was better for more people to be involved was not all that controversial. and similarly, when we look at selma itself, as a margin, this per performative bit of politics that we see, it's pretty bipartisan. you see democrats and republicans holding hands on the
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edmond pettus bridge, but it feels to me like we are in a moment where the idea of civil rights or the civil rights struggle is politicized more than ever. >> i think it's important to remember what's playing out in this realm that's really not part of the political debate right now. alabama is the source of merrill v. milligan. in the supreme court right now, they heard this case in october. the supreme court is about to decide an section 2 of the voting rights act. the voting rights act passed in 1965, right after john lewis. and his army for civil rights marched across the edmond pettus bridge. now the supreme court is about to decide whether to gut section 2 of the civil rights act. now, alabama has seven congressional gnat districts. it used to have two black-represented districts. alabama republicans made sure that that's now only one. and now the question is, does that stand? it's taking place in alabama right now. and this court has already gut its section 5 of the voting rights act. that very law that passed right
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after that march is under threat and it's in the supreme court. >> and on top of that, here's one civil rights activist who described the situation they're in right now. ron desantis is now using the word "woke" as his southern strategy and that is hard to combat. it's shifted, this debate. >> we will be talking about this in some form or another now until the election day and i suspect after. what you heard from the president of the united states there is, yes, there's performtive politics there, but this is a president that's who's pretty comfortable in front of plaque audiences and understands how crucial it is to his overall coalition. i suspect this is going to be a conversation moving forward. it's a conversation frankly the white house wants to have. and they feel like this is something, "a," that's important to do, as woe've been talking about, as historical echos, but what it means for him going forward. and i don't think we should be surprised by some of the rhetoric from the other side, which i actually think will get more heated, and potentially more coated. >> for sure. >> and honestly, the coding is
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sort of falling away a little bit. they're saying the quiet part out loud in many cases. that's it for us here on "inside politics" sunday. coming up next here on sunday, "state of the union" with jake tapper and dana bash. and dana's guest this morning includes house minority leader hakim jeffreys and new york city's mayor, eric adams. thank you again for sharing your sunday morning with us. have great rest of your day. supply fuel for immune cells and sustain tissue health. ensure with twenenty-five vitamins and minerals, and ensure complete with thirty grams of protein. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. [daughter] slurping n't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be de.
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game plan. president biden tests out a re-election message. >> let the people know who


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