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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  March 2, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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three, two, one -- full power. and liftoff! >> isn't that always fascinating? >> always. >> such an awesome place. >> are you a spacey? >> i love cape canaveral. >> have you been there? >> i have. they get scrubbed a bunch. so you go and you wait. >> you probably -- didn't president trump go? >> yeah. >> i used to remember going to cape canaveral and you see all the alligators and stuff. >> yeah. >> i don't think you're supposed to get that close. that's a whole other thing. wait, we're on television. good morning, everyone! so four astronauts blasting off to the international space station after a successful spacex launch this morning. first we have this a suit cause packed with an explosive discovered at a pennsylvania
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airport. the suspect arrested by the fbi. what we're learning about the device that was found hidden in his luggage. >> also, university of georgia football player who turned himself in on charges related to a deadly car crash that killed a teammate and staff member after the team's national championship victory. >> also, u.s. intelligence with a new report on what is known as havana syndrome. for years american diplomats and spies around the world have been complaining of mysterious symptoms. they're oftentimes debilitating. what's a foreign adversary to blame? we have the answer. lot to get to. we'll begin with this. the tsa intercepting a suitcase packed with an explosive device before loaded ton a plane. it happened at the airport in it allentown, pennsylvania. the bomb squad rushing into the scene there. and the fbi later arresting this man seen on surveillance video. here's the breakdown of what happened. the fbi saying the suspect arrived at the airport monday morning and checked in his suitcase. after an hour, about an hour
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later, investigators say tsa agents found an explosive device hidden inside of that suitcase. according to the fbi, the suspect left the airport when security started calling for him over the intercom. the fbi's bomb technician who responded to the scene says the device was circular, wrapped up in wax like paper and plastic wrap and hidden in the lining of the baggage. he says there were two fuses, quick fuse designed to ignite explosives quickly and a so-called hobby fuse that burns slower. straight now to our senior law enforcement analyst and former deputy director of the fbi. good morning, andrew. -- andy, i should call you. this is really scary stuff. what is your impression of the device allegedly found in this -- his name is muffly. in his bag, what sort of damage could these materials do? >> don, i think you have to describe it as a fairly crude device, not particularly well
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organized. however, potentially incredibly lethal. what the device had as you describe were two fuses that need to be manually lit. what it lacked was an initiation device like a cell phone connection or timer that would have enabled muffly to ignite the device while in flight. now that doesn't mean it wasn't dangerous. that compound that he used, that commercial grade firework can be ignited with heat, friction and things like that. so it certainly could have gone off in the luggage hold. if it had, it could have caused, you know, a hole in the side of the plane, snag coomething that have brought the plain down. >> it was found in the lining of his suitcase. what do you make of that? >> that is a great piece of evidence for the prosecutors. because the fact that he basically secreted the item inside the lining, tried to, you know, obscure its ability to be
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found or picked up on luggage searches getting on to the plane is just an indicator of guilty mind. it wasn't just in his bag. he didn't just, you know, forget and leave his bomb in his bag by accident. he actually hid the thing in the lining. so it's really going to be one of the facts that they use against him and they need to follow on the prosecution. >> andy, one thing that stuck out to me is the police chief talked to cnn and said he actually had several interactions with this person. he said they were minor in nature, drug in nature, domestic issues. basically, nothing stood out to him. he said i don't think he's radicalized or anything. i think he's an idiot to be honest with you. but what are the signs someone like this would look for for someone to bring something like this to the airport? >> that's a very, very hard thing to look for. he clearly, this guy is a troubled person. a lot of run ins with the law. prior criminal offenses.
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but without any clear signs of radicalization or connections to groups that may want to do harm to an airplane, it is tough thing to look for. i think what we have to take way from this situation is the good news story here, if it there is one that, the processes, the safety and security measures at the airport worked exactly as they're supposed to work. the machines picked up the existence of this device and more importantly, the people running the machines are tsa officers saw the hit. think investigated it thoroughly and found the article there and took appropriate steps. that's a good news story. >> and now he faces justice. thank you. appreciate it. >> also this morning, sevethins after it happened. you can see there is food, paper, luggage, basically everywhere. it was a lufthansa flight that had to make an emergency landing at dulles international airport outside of washington, d.c.
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an unnamed passenger told "washington post" that the plane went into, quote, free fall basically just as the dunner service had gotten under way. people and food went flying into the air. one person was badly hurt. they were taken off the plane in a wheelchair. the faa has said they will investigate the incident adding it to the many that they're looking into. >> scary stuff. >> california governor gavin newsome declared state the emergency in 13 counties amid a powerful winter storm that dumped 7 feet of snow in that state. residents grappling with so much snow that we're running out of space to put the snow.
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it could take a week to reach some areas. of. >> these are the trails. we created just to get out of the house down to the street. it seems like every time we failed. it comes right back. >> we're not a city. the we're unincorporated. we need help. people are trapped in their homes. they cannot get medicine. >> in the sierra, nevada, an avalanche struck a three story apartment building. thankf thankfully there were no injuries. in yosemite, that reopening is postponed. 40 million people across the south are also breaking for a severe storm outbreak. strong tornadoes, large hail and flash flooding all expected. the severe storms are beginning this morning in central texas. they'll intensify this afternoon and move northeast towards the mississippi river overnight. the storm prediction center is warning a few long lived intense tornadoes are also possible today. >> now to the war in ukraine this morning.
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secretary of state anthony blinken meeting with sergei lavrov. the meeting comes as tensions remain high over ukraine and russia's suspension of the new start treaty, deal that caps the u.s. and russia's nuclear weapons. last time blank enand lavrov met in person is before the russian invasion. the meeting happening as russia continues to pum mel the city i eastern ukraine. sirens can be heard constantly. soldiers there now tell cnn that they fear that they can be in the line of fire next. alex was there filing this report. >> this is the road on the way to this area. cars, military vehicles, bombing up and down this road going to and from the front. you see this armored vehicle right here. the peace sign for victory. there are still some people
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here, not too many. but some of the hearty residents have stayed behind. this is the shop. he is here grilling meat. he actually fled two months ago. he has opened up a shop selling basics like bananas, beat root and candles. there is another man here who we just met whose daughter is still in bakhmut, one of the thousands of people asked to evacuate but are still in the city amid this incredible fighting. there is so much destruction in this town. we were further in the center of bakhimut. this is one town over from bakhimut with large number of people at a bus stop waiting for a water delivery that never came. every few moments you can hear explosions. the sound of what we believe to be outgoing or tillry fire.
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ukrainians firing at russian positions. we spoke with an older woman who said that there is so much flying over their heads that she is scared all the time. they're so close to the russian positions -- that's more outgoing artillery fire -- they're so close to the russian positions that they can walk there. we also spoke with some ukrainian soldiers like these ones who man one of those artillery positions. they told us that there has been no order to pull back from bakhimut. if they're fighting, because if they give up bakhimut this soun will -- town will be next f russia were to take bakhimut that they would have another foothold in this reejgion from which to pus further into eastern ukraine. >> fascinating report there from
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alex. the fighting has just been ferocious. we'll stay with him as we're monitoring what is happening there. no withdrawal yet. >> the biden administration approved a potential $619 million weapon sales to taiwan. that is a move that will make the tensions already under way between the united states and china worse. the state department says is a move that is necessary to enable it to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability. all that amid concerns with a possible future attack. china is not happy with this. they say they firmly oppose the move. they will take, i'm quoting, firm and forceful measures to protect its sovereignty given china claims the island as its own. taiwan's foreign minister is responding to it all of this saying, quote in, the face of china's continued military expansion and provocations, taiwan will continue to elevate its self-defense capabilities.
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>> as all of you know, there is a $90 billion backlog of what the taiwanese have already purchased to make that island indigestible and to achieve deterence by denial, by convincing the chinese communist party they cannot accomplish objectives through the use of force. >> this now overnight, spacex and nasa launch aid crew of astronauts to the international space station. watch. >> five, four, three, two, one -- full power. and liftoff. it never gets less amazing, really. the crew six mission is carrying three astronauts and one cosmonaut for six months. it was originally supposed to
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launch monday. you'll remember that was scrubbed due to a last-minute issue with the ground system. kristen fisher joins us now. good morning. it's off. finally launched. finally launched, this was a picture perfect launch. one of the most spectacular launches that you can see from the kennedy space center. you saw nasa spacex fix that issue with the igniter fluid for the engines. they got that problem fixed. the weather cooperated and held. and there you see two nasa astronauts, stephen bowen, a veteran. this is his fourth space flight. that is the commander of the mission and a rookie lifting off to the international space station shortly after midnight last night. along with a russian cosmonaut and an astronaut from the united arab emirates. this is going to be a very
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diverse, very international crew. they're going to be arriving in 24 hours. it goes to show what you they're doing, a ton of experiments. you look at some of your segments right before i came on. but that partnership between nasa and russia space agency at the international space station still holding quite strong as this launch clearly shows. >> it continues. great to see. coming up, jogeorge santos defit on capitol hill despite the lies he pushed about his past. now there are new questions about the treasurer. some republican officials say they never heard of. the conference build is the largest gathering of conservatives in the world kicked off yesterday. but could cpac be a key test for 2024 candidates? what if they're not all actually
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there? we'll talk about this next. >> it caused the most influential gathering of conservatives in the world. the speeches will be serious and the people trying to dance at the after party will be hilarious. but this is nice after each speech there will be a q&a. ', y & a. celebrate every kiss. with up to 30% off engagement, wedding and anniversary rings. only at t kay. ♪ ♪ expeence the elevation of electrification at the invitation to lexus sales evt. ♪ alleies don't have to be scary. (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief!
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internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. tlnchts are new questions about george santos campaign treasurer. he does not serve as treasurer for any state or political committees saz typical you would see. the congressman's office is not being forthcoming on all of this. here to help us with what we do know, our reporter is joining us. some people made a joke, does this person even exist given all of the lies they've been told from george santos and the campaign. what do we know about this person? which is actually a really important role in it a campaign
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and in a congressional office. >> exactly. this is the person responsible for filing the financial reports. we asked george santos yesterday. he said, you know, he wouldn't comment on this. we e-mailed the address associated in the file. he deposit get a response back. they have the new york state election officials. we asked if he is associated with any political campaigns in new york state. they say he is not. we reached out to the spokesman of nassau county. that is part of george santos' district. they said never heard of the guy. that's according to the spokesman. he said the head of the gop party out there also is unfamiliar with him. so then we went to the apartment building. it happens to be the same apartment building that george
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santos' sister had lived in up until january. she lived there. but she hasn't lufd there for a month. they went there. no one lives in the building. there are three businesses in this mixed use building. they said no one by the name of andrew olson works for their businesses. we really came up empty in trying to find him. we talked to some campaign finance experts and asked them about this. and one said he never seen before that the complete mystery that who the treasurer is for a sitting member of congress. you know, so the question still remain who have he is. hopefully he'll respond to us or santos will provide more clarity. it certainly is interesting that we don't know a lot about the person or where they came from.
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there are dozens of political committees for someone known in the field. >> typically, for a campaign, you actually know this person. maybe they work for someone else in the past. there have been so many lies from george santos i think at this point people just kind of expect it now. but if you're lying about who your campaign treasurer, is does it carry any greater weight? it's not just like lying about a pet fund or the charities that he put out there. if there are financial filings that come, have the signature of someone that is not there, that raises a lot of questions. it is all part. he is under investigation, multiple investigations looking at this very issue, the financial filings.
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>> thank you very much. >> many republican lawmakers are in maryland this morning where former president trump is gearing up for a crucial test for the 2024 campaign headlining the annual conservative political action conference or cpac. the largest and most influential gathering of conservatives in the world. it is where they come together to debate ideas, establish a vision for the party. it's where reagan laid out the vision of america as the last best hope of man and a city upon a hill. it is also known as a must stop event for presidential hopefuls. sarah palin and paul ryan and donald trump. you're going to be surprised that a lot of big names aren't going this year. they formally announced a 2024 run. mike pompeo will appear. of they won't see likes of ron desantis and mike pence, glen youngkin not scheduled to show
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up. the conference got under way yesterday. they said the attack is false and they deny any improper behavior. we're evaluating legal options for response. let's talk about cpac and more with our political director and the host of cnn's political podcast. what do you think about the fact that take desantis out with a big new book, not going. pence, not going. is cpac losing its pull? >> i think one is the allegation that's you just described. >> they don't want to be associated? >> not the year necessarily to go to the convention. the more political thing going on here is seeding this to donald trump. i've been covering this conference for years.
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we would go every year. it is the perfect place to get the sense of the conservative pulse and which presidential candidates are doing a better job in the early stages. but has become less about a measure of the conservative movement and more a gathering of the maga crowd. a lot the of the candidates are saying why am i going to play on donald trump's turf? let him have the conference. in fact, there is this competing event right now going on, club for growth, all those folks are going down to florida to cozy up with some high dollar donors. >> you're right about that. there is this thing on "the washington post," an interview that cpac used to feel you were part of something that really mattered and what conservatism means. he first became acu chairman. it got so nutty. it's a pep rally for trumpism. >> yeah. i don't -- i mean, i'll leave it to others to describe it as nutty or not.
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it has in the trump era become a place for diehard trump supporters to gather and express their love. if you look it at the speaking roster of speakers -- >> marjorie taylor-greene. >> it's a parade of trump loyalists. even some that have his names, perhaps. it is -- it is the maga conference more than it is a conservative movement conference. >> it's so interesting. it's a political reporter in it washington covering cpac is light a right of passage. everybody goes. you can talk to all of the people. trump is not the face of cpac. he once skipped it because so furious with how they treated him. i was interesting in something that karl rove said. he believes that ron desantis is smart to skip it because they do the straw poll. zunt ind it doesn't indicate who is the nominee. he seemed to agree there is a decision for it, for desantis. >> yeah. i'm sure that plays into some of the strategy here.
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that is not the nominee than it is. but it does capture the pulse of the room, right, of those attending and who organized and got the folks all lined up to participate in the straw poll to get free media buzz at this stage of the campaign. not wanting to play that game is a wise decision for folks. >> we talk about paul ryan. >> yes. >> fox news -- fox on the fox news board, we know from a lot we learned in this deminion lawsuit this week that he went to rupert murdoch and others and said all the lies, et cetera, we have to get ahold of them. but there are words and then there is action. staying on the board. i thought it was fascinating that charlie sykes obviously editor of the conservative website really pressed him on this podcast. let's take a listen. >> is there a red line for you at any point where you say i cannot be associated with a company that does this?
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>> i think fox is part of the conservative movement. i want to see the solution or the problem. i think it's going to have to be a part of the solution if we're going to solve the problem in the conserve tough movement. >> we should note this is before the deposition transcript that became public. but still, the point here is, you know, paul ryan's position is, well, fox has to be part of the solution to the problem. what do you think? also what about the accountability of board members? >> i think both points are important. charlie sykes and paul ryan have a long history. paul sykes has wisconsin ties. and there is a relationship there where he was really pressing him on the accountability piece. and whether or not there is a red line. i thought -- and paul ryan should be held to account for that. he should answer those questions. but i thought what he said about fox being -- needing to be part of a solution is fascinating. you are not happy with the current state of your party if you're paul ryan. you're looking to transform your
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party beyond this moment, beyond trump's grupip on it, all of it right? so he sees this as we can't do that. we can't move the republican party to a place that is broader, more representative across the country. it is so part of the republican party, it is such a critical piece. that when it is selling lies, viewers are believing the lies. the party gets infected with lies. and so his pieces -- well, fox needs to be part of whatever we're doing. can't just erase the fox -- >> i think that's -- he makes an important point. needs to but will it? ? and they can't -- you see what i'm saying? the pull that it has over the party and so many viewers is a question of what is it willing to do? they never self krekts at all.
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>> -- never self corrects as all. >> why is a news organization have to be part of the solution for a political party? imagine if someone said cnn needs to be part of the change for democrats -- have they lost -- i mean -- >> it is -- you have to deal with what is, i think. you call it a news organization. >> or media organization. >> i don't think a news organization's mission is to sell lies to its viewers. the owner of this company just under oath said that's exactly what some of the hosts were doing. it's hard to fit night a traditional news organization. i think it's been a long time since it's been that. it is the part of the life blood of the republican party. and we have seen the grasp on republican voters. i just think paul ryan is right to note that whatever this next iteration is, fox is probably going to have to figure out how to be a part of that. >> absolutely are. you saw rupert murdoch talk
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about that too. you're the best. >> thanks, guys. appreciate it. >> well, we talk about nfl top prospect turning himself into police after being charged in a fatal car crash that killed a teammate and team staffer. new details next. i'm a vegas hotel. i know what you're thinking - it's cool, i don't want anything too serious either. just a fun, spontaneous thing. i'm lookining for someone who will let loose. dress s up a little. see a show. order the steak and the lobster. some people say i'm excessive, but who cares. i'm just looking for a saturday to remember, and a sunday by the pool. think you can keep up? okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. together we support immune function. supply fuel for immune cel and sustain tissue health. ensure with twenty-five vitaminsnd minerals, and ensure complete with thirty grams of protein.
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welcome back. university of georgia football player jaylon carter surrendered to police last night. he is charged with two misdemeanor counts of reckless driving and racing. this stems from a fatal car crash in athens, georgia, last month that killed his teammate and team employee. we've been following all of this. what can you tell us, nick? >> good morning. this shocking development coming just minutes before he was expected to speak to reporters at the nfl combine in indianapolis. ca carter turning himself into police. this may draw into jeopardy carter's future as a potential number one pick in next month's nfl draft.
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new details in the death of a player and team employee. jaylon carter at the scene and spoke to police the night of the accident. carter and lecroix appeared to be racing at high speeds when lecroix lost control of the vehicle in the early morning hours of january 15th. following celebrations for uga second consecutive national championship. >> just heartbreaking coming off of a celebratory week, the entire bulldog nation is at a loss. >> according to documents reviewed by the atlanta journal constitution, carter left the crash scene before the police or emergency medical workers arrived. when he returned an hour and a half later, he gave shifting accounts of the wreck as an athens police officer questioned him about whether he was racing the car that crashed. lecroix was driving at about 104 miles per hour and her blood
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alcohol level was twice the legal limit in georgia. according to the athens clark county police, the evidence demonstrated that both vehicles switches lanes, drove in opposite lanes of travel and overtook other motorists and drove at high rates of speed in an attempt to outdistance each other. he was in the car with lecroix and thrown from the car and died at the scene. lecroix died later at the hospital. wilock's parents were celebrating their sewn hours earlier. they received a text from of the coaches of the accident. >> he's not going to get married or have kids. he's not going to live his dream. >> carter is now facing misdemeanor charges of reckless driving and racing. in a statement after the warrants were issues, carter wrote, it is my intention to return to athens to answer the misdemeanor charges against me. there is no question in my mind that when all the facts are known, i will be fully exonerated.
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the uga star is projected to be top nfl draft pick. he is set to appear at an nfl event wednesday. an empty podium stood where he was supposed to speak. >> and uga's head football coach kirby smart responded to the charges against jaylon carter calling them deeply concerning. especially as the community continues to grieve the loss of devin wilock and chandler lecroix. nick, thank you for the reporting. let's discuss more. joining us to talk about this is senior college football writer for the atlantic is nicole araba. thank you for joining us. this is a fascinating story. what do you think about this? that's what's so stunning and shocking about a bombshell like this dropping during the nfl
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combine. this sis the biggest job interview that they're ever going to have. then you have something like this happen that causes a lot of concerns. you have go handle this. and they're just two misdemeanors. there is a number of different outcomes. you have to make sure there are no other charge that's come, potential civil suits. there is a lot of legal issues he needs to work through before a team will feel comfortable drafting him and spend a lot of money to make him the face of the organization. >> the one of the main points you made is about accountability. misdemeanors and questions to answer. you maintain, there is a lot to be known about accountability and responsiveness, especially in a critical moment. >> i would like to know. a lot of people would like to know a lot more information about that night, what led up to the incident, led up to the racing and also again, that information about what did jaylon carter do when the police needed to talk to him? did he leave the scene as a.j. reported and the report came
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back? and what were all the decisions. you're talking about trusting someone to be the face of your nfl organization. and also what happens when tragedy strikes? how do you handle that? how do you become accountability for your actions in that situation? i think a lot of people, a lot of questions about everything that unfolded that night. >> can i ask you this enwhat exactly does this mean for the draft? >> does this throw everything into chaos but certainly moves things around? >> well, we have seen with the nfl, if you're good enough player, sometimes it doesn't matter what happens off the field. they have even documented cases in the criminal system.
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high profile, high paid situations in the nfl. jaylon carter could be that all pro type of defensive tackle. i mean, he is an incredible athlete and specimen. much there is a reason that people have been thinking he could be the number one overall pick. can they stop someone from doing that? you'll see more teams bet him thinking that maybe he does fall a bit in the draft. but he'll have to answer all of the questions. one of the organizations between now and the end of april is going to have to talk themselves into being comfortable with all of this. answering -- getting the answers to the request s that they need and feeling comfortable drafting him. someone will. we don't know if there will be a draft impact right now. when it is this type of player, it is a high risk, high reward situation. >> forgive me, i said the atlantic, i meant the athletic. cameras in the studio may be on the other side of the earth
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sometimes. they're so far away. i can't read. thank you. much it's a pleasure. >> no problem. >> thank you for joining us. have a great day. >> a new report says it's unlikely that mysterious willness known as havana syndrome is caused by foreign add ver tarries. what could it have been? we'll talk to an attorney that represents dozens of people who have experiences havana syndrome. that's next. introducing the new sleep number climate36smart bed. the only smart bed in the world that actively cools, wms and effortlessly responds to both of you.
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terrorism unit takes plots to murder elected officials. we're going to have much more on this breaking news at the top of the hour. also this morning, a new intelligence review found it is, quote, very unlikely that a foreign adversary is to blame for that mysterious illness known as havana syndrome. hundreds of u.s. diplomats, intelligence officers and other government officials have reported strange and debilitating symptoms. it prompted a government led investigation. they had symptoms consistent with head trauma like disneyness or extreme headaches. and in some instances, it shortened careers, caused real suffering or even led to large medical bills. now a year's long investigation has determined there is no credible evidence that an adversary developed any weapon that caused the injuries. instead, there is not really any explanation for the incidents. in the wake of the report, the administration is stressing that the findings don't call into questions the employees who reported these health issues.
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>> the findings that the intelligence community has spoken to today in no way call into question the experiences and symptoms that our colleagues and their family members have reported in recent years. he has repeatedly met with individuals who have suffered, who have reported these incidents. he knows that their pain is real. he has heard their stories. >> for more on this, i want to bring in our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. he looked extensively at havana syndrome. mark, given that you had all the clients that experienced this and say this is a real thing, what do they make of what they heard from the administration yesterday? >> well, good morning. thank you. they feel betrayed. very much betrayed. these are very seasoned
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intelligence military law enforcement diplomatic community officers. when we've been telling the government multiple agencies of evidence that goes well beyond what the public knows and they feel that this has been completely ignored and whitewashed. this is something we're going to continue to push until we get much deeper into the truth. >> mark, you sued to actually get this full report. is that right? >> you're correct. we sued for this a year ago. this report -- it hasn't been an investigation that's been going on for over a years or a period of time. we have been told it had been finished a year ago. the cia challenged how the dni was going to report on it. they sent it back into draft form. we're waiting for the actual complete report to be released to us through the court proceedings which we hope to be sometime later this month. >> did any of your clients get a heads up from either the cia director himself or anyone in
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the administration on these findings before they became public? >> short answer is yes. you know, within hours or the day before, some of the clients who do have relationships with senior officials were notified. in fact, there were going to be stories in the press, i heard, rumors of it for the last couple of weeks. that held off until these individuals could be spoken to. but there are so many that obviously the government was unable to contact everyone. >> >> sanjay, you had this documentary that was a good look, the immaculate concussion, the truth behind havana syndrome and you found these were very real things that people were experiencing? >> yeah, i think there is no question. if you look at it from a medical standpoint, i think everyone agreed, the physicians who examined these patients, the patients themselves, that something happened to them.
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and it was a very specific thing. symptoms that was consistent with con curb but there was no blow to the head or something that preceded it. that's why it was called the immaculate concussion. what we talked to people we is interviewed for the documentary they were surprised by this report. one of the patients who is a doctor himself and was a cia officer, dr. paul andrews, said they have still not investigated the original havana patients thoroughly. and what he said, they keep deflecting doing so specifically. he never released any of that's medical records and they have not spoken to me. so i do not know how they reasonably reached any medical opinions. that's what dr. andrews said. i don't know that there was any new intelligence gathered. they haven't spoken to many of the patients. the other thing is, when you read the report, this could have been caused by other things like unl environmental causes, infectious diseases.
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that is surprising because, obviously, that was considered initially. the issue was that if you have an environmental sort of cause, how is it so targeted then to specific people? the national academy of medicine looked into this. here is what doctor david said. >> we considered a number of possibilities. everything from a chemical exposure to an infection to external stimuli like electromagnetic energy and said, okay, there is precedent for microwave energy causing sound in the head that others don't hear, and that was one argument that said maybe let's walk down this path and see if we can fill out a possible story, a plausible story for microwave energy, and that's what we did. >> so it wasn't conclusive to be clear, but they did consider
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again these other possibilities which were raised as part of this report as almost like new possibilities. so he present ed those findings to the state department several years ago. >> what about the idea that there was a weapon, an energy weapon that was part of this? that was the suspicion that a lot of people who felt this had. that's what they wanted to know more about. >> right. and if you read the report, they say, look, there is no evidence that weapons like can even exist. and i think that part of the report surprised us the most. jessica small and i, the producer and i, dug into this deeply, talking to people who work on these technologies all over the world. james giortodano was called by the state department to investigate this. we talked to him yesterday about do these weapons exist, can they exist? what he said very interesting, the science and technology capable of developing these
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devices is viable and is based on existing u.s. patents, meaning the united states has access to these sorts of technologies. the other countries that have access are china and russia. but i dug into this a little bit more deeply with him when we were making the documentary. here is how he framed it. >> this was occurring throughout the late '60s/early '70s. >> this technology has existed that long? >> yes, sir. >> that's remarkable. >> it's important to understand there is technology has marched onward. the increasing sophistication, capability of the devices has, quote, improved. >> the act of denial system -- >> a recent exam of a directed energy weapon was created right here in the united states as seen in this defense department video. >> long range non-lethal crowd control. >> in 2007 the air force
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research lab released the active denial system, a weapon designed to project invisible waves which tin dues a non-lethal but pain burning sensation. watch as the invisible energy is directed to easily disperse a crowd. >> it's amazing to still watch that video. point being though, kaitlin, the technologies do exist. there is plenty of evidence of it and they exist even here in the united states. >> yeah. you can see why there are still major questions about this. sanjay, thank you for explaining what it is. mark, thanks for telling us how your clients are doing and keep us updated if you get ac tcess that report. next, the fbi has informed the michigan attorney general that she was actually the target of a plot to kill jewish elected officials. we will give you the latest on that plot next. experiencece the exhilaration of the performance line at the invitatation to lexus sales event.
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good morning. news just into cnn this hour. michigan's attorney general the target of a murder plot. according to the fbi and confirmation from the attorney general herself, a heavily armed man threatened on social media to kill jewish elected officials in the state. we have been breaking details on that ahead. a discovery at a pennsylvania airport. a suitcase packed with an explosive discovered before it was loaded on a plane. what we're learning about the suspect and the device that was allegedly hidden inside his checked luggage. plus this. >> just terrifying moments in the sky on two different flights. smoke filling a spirit airlines cabin after a fire broke out and seven passengers hospitalized this morning after severe turbulence on a lufthanza flight from texas to germany. first, we start with that breaking news we told you about out of michigan where the state's attorney general now says she was the target of a


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