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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  November 25, 2022 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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happening now, the walmart gunman's death note is revealed, daelg his grievances and railing against colleagues who mocked him. also tonight, we're learning more about former president donald trump's problematic dinner with rapper kanye west at mar-a-lago, which also included an outspoken holocaust denier. and team usa heading into a do-or-die match after their game against england ended in a dramatic job. welcome to all our viewers here and around the world.
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i'm alex marquardt. wolf blitzer is off today. we begin this hour with new clues about the mindset of a mass killer as the nation reels from a new round of deadly shootings. our brian todd has new details on the walmart gunman and the death note that he left behind. brian, what are you learning? >> alex, this information coming to us tonight from city officials in chesapeake, virginia. they released contents of a so-called death note that was discovered on the suspect's phone. much of it was about his grievances with fellow employees. >> he just had the gun up to my forehead, and it's just really hard. >> tonight, chilling new details released by police reveal that the man who killed six walmart employees bought his weapon that very day. city officials say the shooter had no criminal history and that he legally bought the gun he used, a 9-millimeter handgun.
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he describes the grievances writing, his associates were laughing and mocking him, saying they, quote, gave me evil, twisted grins, mocked me and celebrated my downfall the last day. that's why they suffered the same fate as me. he also writes, i wish i could have saved everyone from myself. my god, forgive me for what i'm going to do. police say none of them were his victims and the names were redacted for privacy. cnn reached out to walmart to inquire if the shooter had any complaints against him or had ever been disciplined or demoted. walmart said there is nothing that can justify taking innocent lives. one survivor told us that she had been warned about the gunman. >> i heard from the very beginning that he was the one to watch out for. >> reporter: the city also released the identity of the youngest victim now identified as 16-year-old fernando chavez-baron. the teen had just started
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working there and was trying to save up to buy gifts for his mom. with two people still in the hospital, dozens gathered thursday to pray for the victims. as the community struggles to move forward, this survivor can't stop reliving the terror. >> the sound of the droplets, da-da-da-da. it replays and replays and replays and replays of how much blood was coming off the different chairs. it was making a rhythm, it was one of the most disturbing things i will, i think, will never let go of that. >> reporter: the mayor of chesapeake has announced that a vigil for the victims will be held at city park in chesapeake on monday evening. meanwhile at this time, walmart still not answering cnn's questions about whether any
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disciplinary measures had ever been taken against the shooter or if any complaints had ever been made by other employees about him. alex? >> brian todd, thank you for that report. appreciate it. the latest mass shootings are weighing on president joe biden over this holiday weekend as he renews calls for a ban on assault weapons. cnn's arlette saenz is in nantucket. he makes these new demands for greater gun control. >> reporter: yeah, alex. president biden spent part of the day today here in nantucket where he attended the annual christmas tree lighting and visited some shops. but it was on thanksgiving day yesterday that the president once again called for congress to pass a ban on assault weapons. this is something president biden has painted to over and over in the wake of mass shootings. but he's also running up against the political reality that the votes don't exist in the current congress and likely won't exist in the next congress as republicans take control of the house to get such a measure
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passed. but yesterday he spoke to reporters and talked about his frustration when it comes to the sale of some semi-automatic weapons and his desire to pass more gun legislation. >> the idea we still allow semi-automatic weapons to be purchased is sick, just sick. it has no, no social value, zero, none. not a single, solitary rationale for it. >> reporter: can you do something about it during lame duck? >> i'm going to try to get rid of assault weapons. >> during the lame duck? >> i got to make that assessment as i get in and start counting the votes. >> so the president saying there that he needs to assess and count the votes to see if he would be able to pass an assault weapons ban. it stalled once it made its way over to the senate. now, it does come as polls have shown americans do want to see
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stricter gun laws in this country. and also in the wake of that shooting in colorado last weekend, president biden and first lady jill biden spent part of their thanksgiving holiday on the phone with the two owners of club q, that lgbtq night club where the shooting took place. biden expressed his condolences to the owners as yet another mass shooting has unfolded in this country. >> an uphill fight for the president as time runs out. let's get more on all of this with cnn senior law enforcement analyst charles ramirez, ryan lizza, and cnn contributor. thank you all for joining me this evening. we have lots to discuss. chief ramsey, i want to start with you. chesapeake authorities releasing this so-called death note we just heard our brian todd reading some of that. the shooter detailed his grievances. he references god and satan. when you hear what's in that note, what stands out to you? >> well, i mean, clearly he had
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mental health issues, there's no question about that. there was some degree of planning or at least thought that went into this since he wrote the note. but what's most disturbing, and not most disturbing, but certainly one of the most disturbing parts of this entire story is the fact he was able to buy a gun in the morning and use it to kill people in the evening. i mean, there's no waiting period in virginia. people get their hands on these guns just too easily. and that's a problem that's got to be fixed. and that, to me, is very, very disturbing. >> jennifer, to that point, virginia doesn't have a waiting period law. how effective are waiting periods when they are instituted? >> waiting periods are, you know, thought to give people a cooling-off period. if somebody buys a gun with the need to use it immediately, the thought is that this is an impulsive buy, that it could be fueled by anger or some kind of life crisis. the idea with a waiting period
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is that if you wait a few days, maybe that crisis will blow over. waiting periods are actually really helpful when someone is suicidal. unfortunately, very few states have them. there are also gun owner licensing laws that function as a waiting period. but fewer than ten states have them. >> ryan, the president clearly very fired up, very angry about these shootings, now pushing for an assault weapons ban with very little time left before the next congress. for the past two years, democrats have controlled both the house and the senate. so why couldn't he get this done? >> i mean, few people have been involved on this issue as joe biden, if you think about it, was instrumental in the 1994 crime bill, which had an assault weapons ban in it. and that expired after ten years. and congress has not been able to get it passed ever since 2005, i guess is when it
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expired. and then of course in the obama administration as vice president as we really saw mass shootings start to rise, you know, he was part of that effort with obama that just was desperate to get gun safety legislation, and didn't accomplish too much in those eight years. you know, he's had one of the rare victories on this issue, on the democratic side as president last year. i think the assault weapons ban, a lot will depend, just to throw out crude politics of this, is what people think it will do to the chances of raphael warnock in the georgia runoff on december 3rd. warnock has beat an nra-endorsed candidate last time. he is where most democrats are on gun issues. it's not like he's sort of joe manchin or as conservative as some of the most conservative democrats. but i think it will depend between now and that race how
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democrats think pushing any gun measures in the senate will affect his election chances. >> that's an important part of the political discussion. jennifer, republicans, of course, set to take control of the house. so what options does the president have with congress divided to push more gun violence reform? >> well, even with the slight majority in the senate, we all know that's not enough to overcome a filibuster. president biden has allocated unprecedented amount of federal funding to community gun violence prevention. and community leaders actually wanted to do more. they want to see him establish an office of gun violence prevention in the white house that shows that it's a priority. but, other than that, there is not much he can do. i see now he's focusing on assault weapons. but most shootings are perpetrated with handguns. and implementing the kind of background checks that have kept gun violence at bay in so many other countries isn't really part of the political equation right now. >> yeah, the gun used at the walmart was a 9 millimeter
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pistol. the statistics are just staggering. there have been more than 600 mass shootings in this country in this year alone. chief ramsey, are you frustrated with the inaction from lawmakers which then puts this nearly impossible burden on law enforcement to stop these attacks? >> well, i mean, i'm pi've passd the point of frustration years ago. i have no faith in our congress really moving forward with any kind of significant gun reform. we're talking about assault weapons here in terms of mass shootings. assault weapons are used on the streets of our cities every single day. it is not unusual to go to a crime scene and find 30, 40 shell casings or more on the ground. each one representing a bullet that's flying down a street in an urban area. i mean, what are we doing? the gun violence is just
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incredible. and i doubt if anybody's even tracking that. to note just how many times assault weapons are used on the streets of our cities. and nothing is done about it. people complain, people talk about it. this time next week we'll be talking about something else. we don't stay focused on the issue long enough to do anything about it. so, i really -- i mean, what the president said, he's right. i think they should be banned. but will anything happen? absolutely not. >> all right, folks. we have to leave it there. thank you so much for your thoughts on this incredibly important subject. and just ahead, we will go live to ukraine at a desperate moment for many residents suffering from power outages caused by russian attacks, here in "the situation room." effortlessly resesponds to both of you. our smart sleepers g get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night. provoven quality sleep. only from sleep number.
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tonight, many ukrainians are in the dark without power or heat as temperatures across the country fall and the war rages on. our international correspondent sam kiley is on the ground in a very dark zaporizhzhia in eastern ukraine. we have seen wave after wave of russian missiles targeting critical infrastructure. how widespread are these
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blackouts? >> reporter: well, they've been extremely bad in the last 48 hours, alex, with up to 10 million people affected. the government saying that 6 million people will be affected at the moment, and they are hoping to get something up to normal service returning. but what that means nowadays in ukraine is four to six hours of scheduled power cuts for many people each day. in other words, they are managing to generate what they need to keep the country's wheels turning. but nothing excessive or nothing in excess of that. they are able to get, they hope, by the weekend, enough heating, power, and above all, water pumping around the city because the water systems rely on electricity to keep the civilian population barely getting by, i would say. i mean, the conditions here are not yet full-scale winter. it's not the minus 10, 15
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degrees centigrade that we can expect to see later on in december, january, and february. and that is the period that is going to cause most concern. and it is for that reason that the ukrainians are saying they want better air defenses, they want to be able to get the sort of state-of-the-art air defenses available to nato and other western partners and allies such as what the israelis have in terms of iron dome and similar systems. because they want to be able to keep their skies clear of these swarms of cruise missiles, especially, but also the more primitive shahad-136s they got from iran, both of which are able to get through. if the russians do get some of these through and cause the targeting of the humanitarian situation to continue to decline, alex. >> we just saw the dramatic retreat of russian forces from the city of kherson, the residents of the city survived the months-long russian occupation. but they are still being
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targeted by these russian forces. >> reporter: they're certainly being targeted. and i think we can anticipate and certainly the government now local authorities, military authorities are anticipating an even greater level of targeting just across the other side of the dnipro river where the russians have retreated to. they are bombarding kherson city, killed seven about 36 hours ago in a series of rocket and missile strikes. we were there a few days ago. there was incoming thumps constantly all day long. and that level of bombardment's increasing to the extent that they're trying to accelerate voluntary evacuation of civilians from that city. and they've also begun the evacuation of one of the major hospitals there for fear that patients could be targeted as a result of this russian bombardment. >> sam kiley, thank you for all of your remarkable reporting. let's go to russia where president vladimir putin is
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acknowledging the deadly death toll of his forces in ukraine. he met with the mothers of russian soldiers who have been fighting there and also dying there. fred pleitgen has more on that meeting from moscow. >> reporter: the russian president meeting those he knows are a backbone of the combat effort in ukraine. soldiers' mothers, many of whom have lost their sons. >> translator: my heart bleeds and my soul freezes. dark memories cloud my mind. i cry and cry, and i hear my son saying that we will see each other one day. >> reporter: putin eager to show empathy. >> translator: i want you to know that i personally, the entire leadership of the country, we share your pain. we understand that nothing can replace the loss of a son, a child, especially for a mother. >> reporter: as the war in ukraine what russia calls the special military operation drags on and casualties mount, an
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increasing number of wives and mothers are calling on russia's president to help their husbands and sons. valentina heads the russian soldiers mothers committee and says her group and many others were not invited to meet the president. >> translator: why didn't they take these women who recorded the videos? how many are there? 50 people, put them in the hole not close to putin. no, they wanted to hand-pick others. >> reporter: the russian military says it has mobilized more than 300,000 russians from september to november. but complaints have been mounting from old rusty weapons to a lack of food and poor housing conditions as this video uploaded to social media purports to show. >> translator: this is how we live, no command, no offices, nothing. here you can see how the window was fixed.
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we have no supplies or provisions, no food. they said survive on your own, it's up to you. >> the logistics turned out to be completely unprepared for what has been happening for nine months. the front line is long, there are a lot of units. there are a lot of people there. and the army should feed, d pro care. >> reporter: russia doesn't regularly update its casualty figures. but it's clear many families are grieving. this a ceremony for fallen soldiers in the irkutsk region. >> translator: they are true heroes. they did it in the interest of our state, in interest of all of us, of our fatherland. >> reporter: and the russian president knows more mothers and wives will have to sacrifice as there seems no end in sight to the war in ukraine. >> reporter: we also saw the very combative side of vladimir putin today as well. on the one hand, he said that
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russia used to live by others' rules but that that was not changing. obviously saying that russia used to live by the rest's rules. he also said that right now russia was on a path of purging and reinvention. and he believes that right now the war in ukraine was not actually against ukrainians but against those financing and resupplying them. obviously, vladimir putin clearly believes that he's in a full-on confrontation with the west and certainly, at least today, showed absolutely no signs of backing down. >> and he knows what a powerful force mothers can be. fred pleitgen in moscow, thank you very much for that report. coming up, a holocaust denier and an erratic celebrity dying with 2024 presidential candidate and former president donald trump. that's coming up next, here in "the situation room." compleletely... on its head. bringing legendadary design...
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tonight, we are getting a new window into former president donald trump's willingness to associate with highly controversial figures, just days after he announced his 2024 run for the white house. let's bring in cnn national political reporter. we have trump hosting rapper kanye west, or ye, at mar-a-lago down in florida, as well as an outspoken holocaust denier. what more do we know about this dinner? >> this started bubbling up on social media when ye was posting about his meeting with donald trump at mar-a-lago this week. he was spotted at an airport walking through an airport with nick fuentes is a holocaust denier. he has been condemned by the
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antidefamation league for anti-semitic comments. his white nationalist rhetoric. but kanye basically put up a video saying that the three of them had had dinner along with others at mar-a-lago. and he claimed that trump had been impressed with fuentes. we saw the former president push back on this today on his truth social platform. i'll just read you what he said. he said this past week kanye west called me to have dinner at mar-a-lago. shortly thereafter he unexpectedly showed up with three of his friends whom i knew nothing about. we had dinner on tuesday evening with many members present on the back patio. the dinner was quick and uneventful. they then left for the airport. and trump, just a short time ago, also posted again on truth social, saying that, essentially, that there was no
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anti-semitism expressed at this dinner, and adding that he didn't know nick fuentes. but of course we have seen this pattern from the former president whenever when he is associated with controversial figures, he tries to distance himself from them. and, of course, at the bottom of all of this, he is hosting kanye west at mar-a-lago, his private club, someone who has recently been engulfed in controversy over his own anti-semitic remarks. so, it's pretty hard to imagine that the former president missed all of that, alex. >> stay with us, i want to bring in two others to this discussion. cnn senior media reporter and our senior law enforcement analyst, the former fbi deputy director. guys, thank you both for joining us. oliver, let's put aside for a second the fact that apparently people can just show up to dinner with a former president, and he didn't know about it. but this isn't -- nick fuentes
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is a very well known white nationalist holocaust denier. to the point about a pattern, do you think that trump is trying to have it both ways when he associates with people like fuentes and then kind of puts out a half-hearted apology? i think it stretches credibility to say he didn't know who this is. nick fuentes is a pretty popular figure on the far right. i find it hard to believe that he and his advisers didn't know ahead of time who this was. and i also find it hard to believe during dinner that it didn't become quite clear how radical fuentes is. this is a very vocal person when it comes to expressing extremist ideology. he was out there praising the taliban, for instance, for taking over afghanistan, saying it was a positive development in the world because he finds their christian conservative world
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view to be something to aspire to. so, even if he didn't know who he was prior to dinner, i'm sure he got a good sense of who he was during dinner. and take kanye west with a grain of salt. but kanye west is out there saying that he was very impressed with his views. and, outside of all of that, he has one of these things. he could get on truth social right now and condemn nick fuentes. instead, he's really just downplaying this dinner. >> i should correct myself. it wasn't an apology. it was some sort of explanation that the former president doesn't really apologize. andrew, in terms of the danger here, how worrying is it, do you think, that the former president is really elevating parteople l this? especially when the threat of domestic violent extremism is so high? >> it's a great question. i think you have to go back a little bit to understand that for decades in this country, people who held and espoused the
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sorts of views that nick fuentes does kind of exist in a nonexistent political backwater. you couldn't go out publicly and say these sorts of things. i mean, you could, you have the right to do that. but you're pretty quickly denounced. the reason they're so prominent now is because people like donald trump and other political leaders in this country have done things like met with people like this or responded to their invitations to speak at conferences or met with them and accepted them as dinner guests in their home, the private club of mar-a-lago. those sorts of actions validate these people and validate their views in a way that allows this toxic spread to grow. and this is what people like nick fuentes thrive on. he needs that sort of highly visible validation and acceptance by the absolute highest level of political leadership, in this case in the republican party anyway, he uses that to engender new supporters,
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new viewers, new readers of his materials. that's how they get their views out to a wider audience. that's how they recruit more people and supporters. and that's why we're in the situation today where domestic extremist violence is at levels we have never seen before because these things that used to be relegated to the backwaters are now accepted and discussed right on social media and on regular media by people like that. >> yeah, it's just mainstreaming hate, it's as simple as that. at the same time, we've got twitter of course taken over by elon musk, more far-right voices have been allowed back onto the platform. what is the latest there? >> yeah. well, nick fuentes is actually one of those people who's been banned from the platform. and seemingly one of those people that would be covered under this general amnesty that elon musk says will occur next week for people who haven't broken the law but who have been banned from the platform. so i think you might be seeing
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twitter get a lot more chaotic. you talk about people used to being confined to dark corners of the web. twitter is a place that platforms some of those people, and they were eventually banned, but now it seems that musk is going to allow them back onto the platform and give them voice. >> we only have a couple moments left. but regarding the potential dangers of these types of people being on this more mainstream platform, how worried are you about these changes? >> you know, all of that, alex, conveys that sort of legitimacy and validation and gives them a megaphone to attract more viewers and more supporters. and the snowball continues running downhill. it's a very dangerous situation. >> it is indeed. andrew mccabe and the rest of you, thank you for your time and expertise, really appreciate it. just ahead, a game watched around the world, how team usa pulled off a dramatic draw against england in the world cup. stay with us.
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no goal. a dramatic tie at the world cup soccer match between the u.s. and england today. england's captain admitting that it was not our best performance, he said. while u.s. players said they weren't too disappointed with the final 0-0 score. let's bring in our cnn sports analyst to break down this match and other stories swirling around qatar's first world cup. i want to talk first about that highly watched dramatic u.s./england game. a lot of close calls, a lot of opportunities for the u.s. to score. they weren't able to. but do you think this team, which is quite young, showed
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promise against england, who was much more heavily favored? >> absolutely, alex. if anything can be a victory when it's a 0-0 tie, this was it. the u.s. has to feel really good about this. and i think american sports fans are sophisticated enough about soccer to understand that something like a 0-0 draw can actually be a good thing. that's the case for the united states, an incredibly young team. england is one of the favorites to win the whole thing. england obviously one of the dominant powers in men's soccer. the u.s. is not. and for the u.s. to play so well, to have chances actually to win, frankly, the united states controlled play for a lot of that match and could've won it. and christian pulisic, of course, the star of the u.s. team, getting so close to a goal hitting the crossfire in the 33rd minute. there were opportunities, alex, for the united states. and the hope is for this young american team, they can build on that, they can build on that excitement, enthusiasm in their final match in the group, which
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of course is tuesday against iran. >> yeah, and that will be the last game in the group. so how critical is it that the u.s. win that game to advance? >> it's everything. if the u.s. wins, they move on. if the u.s. doesn't win, they don't move on. so it's about as simple as it can get. the united states needs a victory, not a tie, and certainly not a loss. and that's doable. iran is obviously, playing well. but the united states also is playing well. and after one bad half against wales, the united states had a 1-0 lead and then wales tied it in the first match, the u.s. is really looking good. if they can beat iran on tuesday, they move on to the round of -- the knockout phase. two teams out of group b in this case. if the u.s. wins, they move on. >> iran had a really good day. they actually won 2-0 against wales scoring both those goals
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after the 90th minute. but a lot of the attention when it comes to iran, is focused on the protest against the iranian regime. you'll remember before their first game, the iranian team did not sing their national anthem. that was seen as a protest. do you think these players are feeling not just the sports pressure but the geopolitical pressure and everything that comes with that? >> they certainly are, alex. and the players have acquitted themselves very well not singing the anthem, this time they did sing their anthem. but they have been very supportive of the protesters back in iran. and that takes a lot of courage knowing what could happen to them when they go back home. there have been protests. there have been altercations between fans on both sides of the issue in iran. that's been going on outside of the stadiums during the world cup. so, this is a team that is trying to focus on football and soccer in the midst of an incredibly tumultuous time in
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their country. and they are taking the side of we women and women's rights. and they're speaking out. and in this case they did of course not sing that national anthem. that was a big move by them. this time they did. but, again, the issues seem to be permeating the stadium. and this is a team of young men that certainly understand what those issues are. >> and qatar, the host country, has been very proud of their tournament. but now they've been eliminated from their own tournament. how much of a disappointment is that? >> it's disappointing because obviously as the host nation you want to keep moving on, but not surprising that would have been in many ways a tall order for them to continue on, alex. with all of the issues involving qatar, including human rights abuses, lgbtq rights, the migrant workers who died while they were building these stadiums, it would've been a good story for qatar to move on from the sports aspect and kind of maybe have the spotlight move away from some of those very
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important issues. now that they're going to be out of the tournament, those issues will i think flare up again, as they should. this is something we must discuss as journalists, and of course we will, even as the tournament moves on without the host nation. >> and they were really only in the tournament because they were the host nation. they likely would not have qualified. christine brennan, thank you so much for answering all those questions. appreciate it. >> alex, thank you. coming up, inflation isn't raining on everyone's parade. we'll take you to one of the busiest holiday shopping areas next. and we'll update you on the holiday travel forecast. plus, how did a man go from drinks with his sister to missing from a cruise ship? we have the story behind the coast guard's dramatic rescue. that's next. i'm feeling better. body pain? headache?
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americans are paying more this year for groceries, gas, and electricity. but inflation hasn't stopped shoppers from spending money this holiday season. cnn's alison kosik is in new york. >> hi, alex. the crowd outside macy's in the heart of new york city not letting up on this black friday. you look at the long holiday shopping weekend. it is expected to bring in record number of shoppers from thanksgiving day to cyber monday. 166 million people are expected to go out and spend. black friday is expected to be one of the biggest shopping days of the year, bringing out 115 million shoppers just on one day. more than half expected to shop in the stores. but don't be fooled. even on thanksgiving when people were eating their thanksgiving turkeys, they spent $5.2 billion
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in one day. that is incredible. inflation, though, it is really the elephant in the room for many shoppers. it is cutting into their spending power. they're having to navigate and sort of have a strategy of how they're going to spend. a lot of shoppers that i talked with said that they're really sticking to their budgets and paying more and more attention to those discounts and deals to try to navigate what gifts to buy. still, the national retail federation is upbeat about how this holiday shopping season will turn out. they expect americans to spend 8% more than last year, adding up to 940 billion to $960 billion spent in november and december. alex, back to you. >> our thanks to alison kosik for that report. despite higher gas prices than last year, millions of americans are hitting the road this week. meteorologist jennifer gray is live in the cnn weather center. jennifer, so far the travel to
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go home was quite easy. but how is the weather going to hold up for the return trip? >> well, it looks like things are going to really intensify over the weekend. if you traveled today, consider yourself lucky because things will get worse as the weekend goes on. we have rain and snow, could see up to a foot of snow across western portions of texas, some portions of new mexico. we have a blizzard warning in effect for west texas, imagine that. but as far as airport delays go, it looks like the big cities are being spared right now. looks like travel is going to be fairly easy until we get into more with heavy rain pushes into places like dallas and houston. and then into the mississippi river valley. all of this rain on sunday is going to head into the ohio valley into the northeast, eastern seaboard, new england. so we will see delays there. saturday, the bulk of the delays will be across the south. as we move into sunday, we pick up more delays and even more lengthy delays in some of the bigger cities, new york city,
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boston, new york could see some delays as we move into sunday. so that's as far as the airports go. but the roads are going to be rough as well, especially in the deep south, the mississippi river valley where all of this heavy rain is falling if you are traveling by car, look out for those wet roads. it could be a bit dangerous traveling home, especially as we get into saturday into sunday. >> monday we could be talking about a lot of travel troubles. jennifer gray, thank you very much. >> thanks. now, ahead, the extraordinary rescue of a man who went overboard from a cruise ship, surviving around 15 hours floating at sea. and we have new video of him while he was still in the water fighting to stay alive. stay with us. oh! and there are more gifts inside. ♪ you got me the head up display. heated steering wheel. the massaging seat. okay, okokay, what next? alexa, turn on holiday lights. this year, give the gift of technology in every buick s(you)v. it's the holidays.
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tonight, the u.s. coast guard has released new video from its rescue of a man who went overboard from a cruise ship and survived for as long as 15 hours in the water.
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cnn's nick valencia has been following this story and has all the new developments. this is just an incredible story, really just amazing that this guy is still alive after spending all that time in the water. what more do we know about what happened? >> reporter: we don't know exactly how he went overboard or what he did to survive the hours that he was in the water. but the u.s. coast guard says the water was around 70 degrees farenheit, and that could have potentially helped keep him alive for the hours he was floating in the gulf of mexico. a miraculous thanksgiving rescue at sea after a carnival cruise ship passenger went overboard. the passenger, seen here waving at a coast guard helicopter hovering over him while he fights to stay above water. the cruise company said the 28-year-old man was reported missing thursday around noon. he had last been seen around 11:00 p.m. wednesday by his sister leaving a bar on board the ship, which had left new orleans bound for cozumel, mexico. >> any point from 11:00 p.m. on
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wednesday on, he could have entered the waterway. so he realistically could've been in the water for 15 plus hours before we were able to successfully rescue him. >> reporter: the rescue operation was particularly challenging. >> understanding we did have a big time delay. the longer that somebody's in the water, the greater the search area is going to be. so time was certainly of the essence. >> reporter: the crew aboard a cargo vessel located him about 20 miles south of southwest pass, louisiana, where the coast guard was able to helicopter in and hoist the man out of the water to safety. he's in the hospital undergoing medical evaluation and is reportedly in stable condition. >> he was able to identify his name, confirm that he was the individual that well overboard. he was showing signs of hypothermia, shock, and dehydration. the mariner who spotted the guest in the water. >> the will to live is something
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you need to account for in every search and rescue case. this man's will to survive leaving even those who rescued him in awe. >> this is one of the absolute longest that i've heard about, and just one of those thanksgiving miracles. >> earlier we checked in with a coast guard and this afternoon they told us that the family was not able to immediately get off the vessel. we don't know exactly their whereabouts or if they have been able to reunite with their loved one. but the man is listed in stable condition and recovering at a hospital in new orleans with an incredible story to tell. >> can't wait to hear from him. thank you so much. i'm alex marquardt in "the situation room." thank you so much for watching tonight. anthony bourdain starts right now.


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