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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  November 23, 2022 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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convinced. back to new york city where preparations for the macy's day parade are under way. >> the giant balloons are being inflated today. this is happening on new york's upper west side. some new balloons are joining the march. characters"despicable me". it's sad to see them before they're inflated. >> they look so deflated. >> they look deflated? >> yes. get it? >> yes. papa smurf is returning, the pillsbury doughboy and one mr. sponge bob square pants. >> i like papa smurf. >> are you watching? >> i'll get up early. "the lead" starts right now. >> happy thanksgiving. america has had more than 600 mass shootings this year
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alone. "the lead" starts right now. tragedy before thanksgiving this time in a virginia walmart. sources say the gunman was an overnight manager opening fire on employees. we are live from the scene of another heartbreaking shooting. and sources say the justice department is looking to question former vice president mike pence as the criminal investigation into donald trump heats up. plus a powerful moment at the world cup. how a protest from players spoke volumes without them ever saying a word. authorities are beginning an update on the deadly stabbing deaths of four university of idaho students. let's listen. >> too small. and every tip will be pursued. so far this information has helped investigators build a picture of the areas of interest and the relationships these four had with each other and our community.
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we still believe there's more information to be gathered. which will continue creating a window through which we view this case. we all want to understand why this happened. and what drove someone to do this. the families of those involved, and our entire community, deserve to know. we ask anyone with any information related to what happened with these four who were in our community, their interaction with others and whether they expressed concern or commented about someone or something strange to get that information to us. even if you don't believe it is relevant, investigators will review and determine if and how your information builds the picture. sometimes, what a video or picture doesn't show is equally as important as what might be there. information on how to submit
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tips and updates on the investigation can be found on the moscow police department web page. we continue moving forward to understand why this occurred in our community. and seek answers to bring justice for the victims and their loved ones. because they deserve it. i personally want you to know we care, and we will continue to work hard to get these answers for these individuals. at this time, i'd like to introduce captain roger lemire for an update on what we can currently share about this investigation. >> good afternoon. i'm captain roger lemire with the moscow, police department. i want to assure you, first off, that the lost of xana, kayleigh, madison and ethan remains the
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highest priority for the moscow police department. we will continue putting all of our resources into investigating and solving these murders. investigators are prepared to work through the thanksgiving holiday to continue their efforts. i also want to express our sincere appreciation to the idaho state police, the fbi, the university of idaho and the sheriff's office for their assistance. i want to thank the community of moscow for their outpouring of support through this incredibly difficult time. today i'm going to recap in brief what we know. i'm going to provide some new information, and i'm going to address some rumors. on the evening of november 12th, into into the earnly morning hours of november 13th. kayleigh and madison arrived home at approximately 1:45 a.m. after visiting a local bar and a street food vendor.
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ethan and xana were out in the community and they arrived home at approximately 1:45 a.m. two surviving roommates who were also out in the community a arrived home at approximately 1:00 a.m. later, on the morning of november 13th, at 11:58 a.m., a 911 call was placed. the call reported an unconscious person. the call originated from inside the residents. and the surviving roommate's cell phone was used. during that call the dispatcher spoke to multiple people who were on scene. moscow police officers responded and found two victims. two on the second floor, and two on the third floor of 1122 king road. the results of autopsies indicated that the four were stabbed multiple times and were likely asleep during the attack. some had defensive wounds, and
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there was no sign of sexual assault. we do not believe the following individuals were involved. the two surviving roommates. the male seen in a grub truck video circulating on the internet. a private party who drove kayleigh and madison home. any of the individuals who spoke to the dispatcher on the 911 call. we're also aware of a male who madison and kayleigh had called several times the morning of november 13th. and we do not suspect that individual. detectives have canvassed the neighborhoods looking for evidence, video evidence, physical evidence, and they've contacted numerous residents to see if anyone saw or heard anything. they continue requesting tips. they can be sent to our tip line or called into our tip line.
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the specific areas we're interested in are detailed on maps on our city website and our facebook page. but as stated earlier, generally south of taylor avenue and the area west of u.s. 95 over to the arboretum. we have heard mentioned that kayleigh stated she may have had a stalker. detectives have been looking into that and at this point unable to corroborate the statement although we continue to seek information and tips regarding that report. no suspects have been named or arrested. and we continue looking for what we believe to be a fixed blade knife used in the murders. we have not released the names of any of the subjects who spoke on the 911 call and we have not released the call itself. any online reports of the victims being tied and gagged
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are not accurate. regarding the resources that we have put forth in have investigation. the moscow police department has four detectives, 24 patrol officers, and five support staff dedicated to this investigation. the fbi has 22 investigators in moscow and 20 additional agents assigned in various locations as well as two members of the behavioral analysis unit. the state police has 20 investigators, a public information team, a forensic services and crime scene team and 15 uniformed troopers who have been valuable in helping provide community patrols and safety patrols. we very much appreciate their support. this is our highest priority. it will remain our highest priority. we owe that to the families.
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at this time i would like to introduce colonel kendrick wills from the idaho state police. >> thank you, captain. and thank you for those in attendance today for your attendance, we really appreciate this. what has affected moscow and the community here has affected all of us as idahoans. we have a way in idaho that the communities come together in tough times and this is one of those tough times. leads from the community are important. and as the captain spoke, no tip is too small and we urge anybody with any information whatsoever to please provide that to help us solve this case. the lead agency of this case is moscow police department with chief fry and his dedicated team of professionals. and the idaho state police's role is to support them and their good work here.
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there is a lot of efforts going on behind the scenes. i'll explain why it's behind the scenes in a moment. but what can't be seen isn't always known of what we do in law enforcement. i'd like to explain that in a moment. but the state police and the fbi continue to provide resources to this investigation. i would like to speak for a moment if i could, not about this specific case but rather an overview of how cases are investigated so maybe it'll give a sense of the why of the timeline here. we understand you want answers. we want answers too. but these take time and if i could explain just a minute about the process here of what we go through just generally in investigations. so we use, in advanced investigative techniques and crime scene processing. when a call comes in, the first officers respond to a scene, and once they have their work there and determine that they need additional investigative
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assistance, then they call investigators to come and help process that scene. oftentimes it requires a forensics team to process the scene. when i say process the scene we're looking for any evidence that may be able to help us to find the person or people responsible for what we're seeing. so we're collecting biological evidence, latent evidence, whether it's shoe prints or tire marks or anything like that. we're trying to collect that evidence. we do that through photographs. we do that through 3d mapping to be able to map the scene. we identify and we mark evidence and then we collect that evidence. and then we look for any evidence that may -- we think may be helpful. and once that is done we package all that evidence up and send it off to forensic laboratories to be analyzed to see if it can provide clues of what's happening. all of this takes time. the reason this is important to
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understand it's important that while this is a tragic circumstance we find ourselves in, in law enforcement we believe we owe this to the surviving families to get this right. so we're not willing to sacrifice speed for quality. we do testing for blood, we do latent print processing, any documentation for anything at the scene so we can reconstruct that scene at a later date. if i could share just a few statistics of this particular crime scene. at this crime scene we collected 103 pieces of individual evidence. we took approximately 4,000 photographs. we've conducted multiple 3d scans of the resident. and we have hundreds of hours used by technicians and investigators, including our forensics team and detectives from multiple agencies. we've processed over 1,000 total tips and conducted 150 interviews. i hope that you understand that
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gives a little bit of a perception of just how complex this case is. we have the utmost confidence in this investigation and that this investigation will be done right. we ask you and the public to please remain patient as this investigation unfolds. and please, rely official sources of information. we really appreciate the media's assistance. we know you have a job to do. we know you're professionals and do it to the best of your ability. we're thankful that you're here because without you we could not get the correct information to the community that could help us solve this. so i can't overemphasize how much i appreciate and we appreciate in law enforcement your willingness to do this. what you are doing matters. and it matters in what we are committed to doing and that is to the best way we can think of to honor these victims and these families is to conduct this investigation correctly. finally i'd like to share that
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i've been in regular contact with idaho's governor, brad little, throughout this investigation. governor little is making available up to $1 million for expenses related to this ongoing investigation. as you heard the resources that are here in moscow and throughout with this investigation, you can see that those expenses would add up quickly. like all idahoans, governor little is deeply saddened by the loss of these four bright and promising young lives. and he's making sure the state of idaho provides all of the resources possible to ensure that the person or persons responsible for this are brought to justice. and now i'd like to turn the time over to the university of idaho president, scott green. >> announcer: g >> good afternoon i'm scott green. we appreciate the words of kind
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support we've been receiving from our alumni and friends as well as many others who have taken time to reach out. people are donating to the victims' gofundme pages and buying personal devices for our students and looking for other ways they can help. this is what it means to be a vandal. in the last 24 hours we have sent updated communications to our students, employees, parents and alumni. and in those communications we discuss campus security, services available to students and employees, our plans for remote and live instruction to close the semester. >> you've been listening to this press conference from authorities there in moscow, idaho on the death of four university of idaho students, and what's really noteworthy here is how we didn't really learn much at all. they still have no idea why this happened, they don't have an
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idea of a who, they do not have a weapon. they're still on the lookout for a fixed blade knife. they have put in so much work between the idaho state police, moscow police and fbi and other jurisdictions as well. so far they just appear to not be able to find any information about who did this. although they are issuing this plea for people to share any information they say that it can be helpful even if people think the information may not be helpful. it's something that may actually lead to a break in the case. we're going to continue, of course, to follow that story in the coming days. i do want to turn now to our other top story which is a big development in the justice department's investigation into donald trump. prosecutors hope to question former vice president mike pence in the criminal investigation of trump's attempts to stay in power following the 2020 election. "the new york times" maggie
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haberman was first to report this. what can you tell us about what the doj wants from pence, maggie? >> the doj is interested in talking to him in connection with the january 6th investigation that as we know has been going on for some time. but he's the only person that can answer certain questions about what trump was saying, about trump's mindset. about the final phone call they had the morning of january 6th which pence was not surrounded by aides and he can talk about exactly what trump was saying to him and what he was saying to trump. they have interviewed two witnesses who are close to pence, mark shorter his former chief of staff and his former chief of staff greg jacob. this is preliminary, the conversation just began. but if it happens, if pence were to be interviewed, it would be another extraordinary turn in this investigation. >> it would be. and pence, maggie, has made it clear he will not testify before
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the january 6th committee. this does seem to be something different, though. >> that's right. look, pence had expressed some willingness to consider a formal invitation from the house january 6th committee in the summer i'm not sure if that happened but he made clear in the last week and a half he's not interested in doing so. he is said to see this differently a criminal investigation led by the justice department than a select committee led by, you know, house officials. and so, that is said to be governing how he is looking at this. but there's so many unanswered questions still. will there be a subpoena, would trump try to prevent him from testifying. trump has tried with limited success to excerpt executive privilege to keep people from testifying. >> you can't ignore the political implications. this is happening as pence is staffing up for a possible presidential run against trump.
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>> that's right. we were looking at a scenario where pence, the former vice president, could be a witness against donald trump, the former president. one is considering a campaign, one has already declared it, in an investigation that is being led by the justice department, helmed by a sitting president, president biden, who himself has indicated is likely to run for re-election. so this is a very unusual circumstance. we are in uncharted territory. >> maggie, thank you so much for sharing your reporting with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up, america reeling from the second mass shooting in a week. we will go to chesapeake, virginia for what investigators are learning about the suspect in last night's walmart shooting. moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash.
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the country is reeling from the second deadly mass shooting in the u.s. in less than a week. six people killed, four wounded in a shooting at a walmart in chesapeake, virginia. investigators believe an employee of the store entered the break room just after 10:00 last night and opened fire on his coworkers. he was armed with a handgun. one employee who made it out of the store safely reacted to the shooting on a facebook live. >> just left out the break room [bleep] come in there started
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capping people up in there. started shooting. i'm whole, y'all. sadly we lost a few associates. it was crazy because you know, where we at, man, i hear all this before. i'm thinking it won't nothing but then i started hearing them get closer so i booked it. i saw everybody run, i booked it. >> and today governor glen youngkin called the shooting a stark reality because it comes ten days after three uva football players were shot and killed on their campus. >> it is a -- just a whorrendou event. our hearts are just completely broken this morning yet again in the commonwealth of virginia. today, our job is to support families, who are facing the unthinkable today. >> cnn's diane gag llagher is
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outside of that walmart in chesapeake, virginia as investigators are learning more about the shooting suspect. >> coward for that. you kill people that ain't done nothing to you. >> reporter: the nation's latest mass shooting at a walmart in chesapeake, virginia. happening just before the store closed for the night amid holiday shoppers. employee kevin harper who took this video says the gunman was a store manager. >> just left out of the break room [bleep] come in there started capping people up in there. >> reporter: tonight, at least six people are dead, and several others injured. >> the manager just came from around the corner, he never entered the break room but he stood in the doorway and just opened fire. to anyone in the room. he looked at me and shot near my head. it was about inches away. i'm not going to lie. there were people just dropping to the floor. everybody was screaming, g gasping, and yeah, he just walked away after that. >> reporter: wednesday the
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chesapeake police chief provided a timeline how it unfolded. >> our dispatch center received the first call at 10:12 last night. the first officers arrived on scene in two minutes at 10:14 and entered the store two minutes later at 10:16 and the scene was declared safe by 11:20 p.m. >> reporter: police say the gunman who died at the scene was a 31-year-old manager on the overnight shift. authorities say he was armed with a handgun and multiple magazines. what remains unclear is why. >> we don't know at this time. the investigation is still ongoing so there's no clear motive at this time. >> i am new but i heard from the beginning he was the one to watch out for. he was just stand offish. >> reporter: the city said two of the victims were found in a break room. another near the front of the store, three others died at the hospital. this woman's relative who works at walmart was injured in the shooting moments after he started his shift. >> he went in at 10:00 p.m. at
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night. his wife received a phone call about 10:18 saying that he had been shot. he clocks in at 10:00. so he hadn't been there ten minutes. >> walmart released a statement saying it is shocked by the tragedy. they're praying for those impacted. this is the second mass shooting in virginia in two weeks, something virginia governor glen youngkin calls horrific. >> this is a horrendous event, it's a horrendous senseless act of violence. >> reporter: and just a few moments ago, a handful of employees returned here. they were escorted by law enforcement to get their vehicles. it's the first time they've come back to walmart since they survived the shooting themselves and their co-workers and friends were murdered. one man told me he hid under the table until the shots stopped and then he ran outside. he echoed what you heard the
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woman just now say. that the gunman had displayed odd or threatening behavior in the past. we heard it from other employees, other people who survived the shooting. but every one of them said they had no idea and could never have imagined it would have ended like this. >> truly senseless indeed. diane, thank you for the report. i want to bring in cliff hayes, a virginia delegate who represents the chesapeake area where the shooting happened. there's no words for this. we're sorry for what you and your constituents are enduring today. how is the community doing? >> well, brianna we appreciate you covering the story. but the community is trying to grapple with the why. it's very heavy. it's a load to carry mentally, even if you weren't physically here. so i can only imagine what those workers of walmart went through
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during the turmoil of that incident while they were actually going through it. i can only imagine. >> yeah. i cannot imagine and you said they're grappling with the why. as an elected official, as so many other elected officials are trying to think about how do we stop this from happening, right? i know back in 2020, when democrats controlled all the levers of government in virginia you ushered through universal background checks, a requirement about lost or stolen guns being reported. you limited handgun purchases. you passed a red flag law. those are a number of measures. what else needs to be done? what else can be done? >> well, there's a lot that needs to happen. and i think it starts with leadership of all parties, all parties involved, we as leaders to understand that these issues are not mutually exclusive.
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in other words, it isn't just about making sure that we handle the issues of mental health concerns, and it's not just that we need to handle issues with regards to gun control. we need to get in a room, sit down, and begin to talk about why is it that here in the united states we can be on a list of the top 64 or 65 wealthiest nations and yet we find ourselves at position number eight when it comes to violent homicide, land ghandgun killings. when you compare us here in this country to european union, we're something like 23 times more likely for these incidents to occur here. and compare us to other places, australia, it's somewhere in that same neighborhood, 22 times
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more likely to happen here. there's something wrong when folks are turning to these measures to solve problems. i know we keep hearing in these reports that this is the second time that these type of shootings have occurred. the problem is, we only focus on the deaths. >> yeah. >> and i can tell you, even within my -- even within my own family, within the last month, we've had two brothers that we buried weeks apart because of senseless gun violence. somebody shot them, killed them. they were young african american men. before that, i had a cousin that wouldn't kill a fly, wouldn't bother anybody. he was just going for a walk and somebody riding down the street decides to just spray a gun and
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shot him. he didn't die. fortunately. but what is wrong with us in society as we count that as a success? that he got shot but he didn't get killed. >> no, it's -- >> we definitely have changed the measure and where our focus needs to be is on uplifting our communities, dealing with these issues of mental health while at the same time understanding that a proliferation of guns everywhere and anywhere is something that we need to definitely sit down to the table to begin to figure out. >> you are right. these are unacceptable outcomes, whatever the outcomes. we're so sorry for the loss of your community and the personal loss in your family. we thank you for being with us today. >> thank you so much, brianna. in colorado springs the shooting suspect appeared in
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this court for the first time today after allegedly killing five people and injuring more than a dozen at an lgbtq plus club. nick watt is joining us live from outside the courthouse. what did the suspect say at this hearing today? >> reporter: brianna, very little, name, then yes if asked if they watched the video regarding their rights and then no when asked if they had any further questions. the suspect appeared by video link from this jailhouse behind me. the suspect was seated, slumped, slurring, bruising around the forehead from where that young naval officer and transwoman kicking the suspect in the head to forward that attack. the defendant's lawyers say the suspect now identifies as nonbinary. the da was asked if that would have any impact on the investigation or the prosecution, his answer, no.
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formal charges expected december 6th. we spoke to a neighbor and friend who said this suspect had not once mentioned being nonbinary. >> thank you for that, nick watt. what glen youngkin the governor in virginia promised as a candidate versus his tone now. flight cancellations. and look out for a brand new cnn series ahead called "tis the season". >> christmas movies and specials are always about someone who has lost their faith in human kind regaining it. "christmas story" is one of the best movies about nostalgia, family and christmas. >> i watch it every year at least twice. it's the script of my life. >> it's hard to beat "home
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police wrapped up an update on the student killings at the university of idaho. i want to bring in natasha chen. there was some q&a after this press conference. what was the takeaway? >> reporter: the takeaway is that there is a lot of information that police are not willing to share with the public, because they say that it could very much affect the investigation and they're trying to protect this. which is frustrating for the people asking the questions. one of those questions from the press was about why they can't share who was being targeted that night. to shed some light on potential motivation here. put the public at ease, if there is a nugget of information like that that could help. here's what they said in response to that. >> we have the integrity of the investigation to preserve. and we feel like that information is integral to us in how we conduct our investigation.
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releasing that to the public may or may not flood us with a lot of information that's not relevant or specific to what we're looking at. >> reporter: we also learned that they have collected more than 100 pieces of evidence about 4,000 photos taken, and did multiple 3d scans of the evidence, of the site. processed more than 1,000 tips and interviewed 150 people. in addition, they are in contact with the governor of idaho, who has made a million dollars in expenses available for this investigation. i want to point out that the captain did say at the podium that in some ways this took our innocence. referring to the fact that this is a small town, a small college town where there have not been a murder between 2016 and 2021. so this is definitely a very big case and very serious one and they're trying very hard to get this solved. >> they do have a lot of man
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power, we did hear about that. natasha thank you so much. live for us from moscow, idaho. the georgia supreme court reinstating a six week ban on abortions. many women aren't even aware they're pregnant when they're six weeks along. the ban was struck down by a lower court last week and the latest ruling temporarily reinstates the ban while the state supreme court considers an appeal. in our politics lead. back to today's other big political development. the doj seeking to question the former vice president in its january 6th investigation. let's talk about this. so look, pence is a witness, right. he is a witness here. he's also staffing up for a potential presidential run against donald trump. how do you see this playing out? >> it's really difficult to see right now a constituency for vice president mike pence -- former vice president mike pence. but i thought the article was interesting because it was difficult to tell where exactly this was coming from. it's hard to imagine that this
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is necessarily being linked by the doj. if it's by, you know, coming from pence's world, i know -- it noted that a number of people who are familiar with the former vice president's thinking said he may be open to talking to the doj. and so, ultimately i think that -- you're shaking your head. at pence for talking to the doj. but ultimately i really think this could be headed towards a subpoena. it's hard to imagine that pence is going to willingly talk to the doj without that being handed to him first. >> brianna, i wouldn't want to be mike pence. he made -- he cut a deal with the devil six years ago, and he just can't escape. every day, week, month, he's ensnared by trump and now he wants to run for president. he cannot escape. >> at this point, is talking to the doj going to really further hurt his political ambitions?
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if you're someone who supports former president trump, you've already dismissed mike pence, wholeheartedly. if he doesn't want to talk to the doj, they have to subpoena him, perhaps it'll drag it out and he'll try to maneuver this way. i think at this point if you don't like mike pence because of january 6th whether or not yhe talks to the doj isn't going into your decision making. >> i wanted to ask you overnight, another mass shooting. just a few hours from where we are now. now you've seen two in less than a week. one in colorado springs, the other one in virginia uva, about ten days ago. i want to listen to what the republican governor of virginia glen youngkin said back when he was campaigning in 2021 and then this morning. >> we will protect the second amendment and our right to keep and bear arms.
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>> let me begin with the just shocking stark reality that we have had two horrific acts of violence in the commonwealth of virginia in two weeks. >> what do you think as you see that sort of what he's campaigning on, his promises, meeting reality? >> well, i mean, i suppose he would say those are two different things. you can protect the right to bear arms, but also, you know, obviously don't support mass shootings and that there have to be -- people need to own their guns legally and all these other things. i think it's interesting how he's talking about it, though. he doesn't talk about it being a shooting, talking about it being an event. he seems to be talking around it. it seems like what republicans do with these mass shootings and they just kind of wait them out. because people get very up in arms, say we need to do something, and then it passes and then we have another
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shooting. and they don't actually ever do anything. they just wait everybody out. and then the democrats can try to do something but ultimately they're not going to be able to get the republicans to go along with it. >> i'm a gun owner and a staunch second amendment defender. gun owners have a lead on this. the guy in colorado, red flag law that wasn't enforced. universal background checks, strengthening red flag laws, doing everything we can do before a gun is purchased before a bad guy gets a gun. i think this is an opportunity for gun owners to get that. most americans support all that stuff. >> most gun owners. >> most gun owners. >> and of course president biden said he would like to pass an assault weapons ban. but i don't see that happening with a republican house majority and potentially 51-seat majority for democrats in the senate. even if they gain a seat in the
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senate. additional gun measures beyond what was passed already i think it's no go in congress. >> you have democrats in senate that are middle of the road, like jeanne moos. >> like joe manchin. >> and you have house republicans that aren't going to do anything but investigate and impeach. they won't have time. >> nothing is going to change until voters hold the republicans responsible for this. >> until they make it a priority and say this has to stop we have to change the laws. democrats are clear they want to change the laws, only reason they won't is because of republicans. >> and some democrats that go with republicans -- there are some regional strains we see in this as well. but certainly your point is well taken there. thank you guys so much for the discussion on this important day. a horror in ukraine today, widespread power and water
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outages after a barrage of strikes, including one that hit a hospital maternity ward. we are live inin the region nex. (man) for our not-so-small b business too. (vo) get internet that keeps your business ready f for anything. from verizon.
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topping our world lead, the barrage of russian missile strikes on ukraine's capital and major cities as vladimir putin aims to terrorize the country with a cold, dark winter. matthew chance is in ukraine where putin's ruthless war has taken yet another young innocent l life. the latest target in russia's ruthless missile barrage. ukrainian maternity war pounded from the skies. emergency workers pulling a doctor and a young mother from the rubble. but a newborn baby just two days old couldn't be saved.
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tatiana is the grandmother in unbearable pain. her daughter's face and legs were wounded by shrapnel she says but the lose of the child left her daughter emotionally shattered. another life, another family now in ruins. across ukraine, the roar of russian missiles is tearing up the skies. near the capital kyiv, a residential building was hit. turned into a molder disaster zone. casualties are high with dozens injured or killed as russia tries to target energy infrastructure.parently de -- d
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attempt. another obstacle ukraine is vowing to overcome. >> translator: the task has been set. we will restore all of this and we will get through all of this because we are an unbreakable people. >> reporter: but with power outages nationwide, these are fragile times. shopping operating by flashlight, public transport at a virtual standstill and even hospitals far away from the war zone on emergency supplies. russia's barrage may not have broken ukrainians but it is making them suffer. brianna, tonight the ukrainian government is opening more than 4,000 invincebility points where people can go and get hot food, where they can charge their phones and get on the internet and keep warm as temperatures
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across ukraine really start to plunge below freezing but with no letup in the russian missile strikes, the people of ukraine are still facing a very long, very cold and very dark few months ahead. brianna? >> they certainly are matthew chance live in ukraine. thank you. up next, the silent protests at the world cup today that spoke volumes. age comes with wisdom. and wisdom comes with benefits. dryer's bren okay... you want a soct....
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in our sports lead a powerful sigh llent protest in
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t -- qatar. germany's team lining up with taped mouths. denying us the arm band is the same of denying us with a voice. fifa threatened penalties if they wore rainbow arm bands with the phrase one love to promote human rights. so if you have people coming in for thanksgiving, i know i do right here, they may be cranky when they arrive. this is why. this is what they're dealing with. aaa expecting more than 54 million people to travel 50 miles or more for thanksgiving. now, for air travel, there's actually a lot to be thankful for today. only 45 flights have been cancelled so far today. that's according to flight aware. you heard that right. 45. just night and day from the travel meltdown that we saw this summer. and our coverage continues now "the situation room"