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tv   CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto  CNN  August 10, 2022 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ good wednesday morning, i am alex marquardt in today for jim sciutto. >> so glad to have you. i'm poppy harlow.
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we have a lot for you this hour, and we're following several major stories. >> president biden is about to sign a pact act, a major piece of legislation aim at expanding resources and benefits for millions of benefits exposed to those burn pits and other toxic substances. we'll take you live to the white house in just a moment for the signing. >> and it is just an extraordinary legal week for former president donald trump as he faces several major investigations. right now former president trump is sitting for a deposition with the new york attorney general's office, and this is in connection with a civil investigation into his businesses' finances. it does come just two days after the fbi search his florida home known as mar-a-lago. the justice department was concerned trump had not returned sensitive documents. we have former details about how the president may frame his defense. let's begin this morning at the white house where president joe biden is about to sign that
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extraordinary legislation,ed pact act. john harwood is there. in the last hour we spoke with ro rosie torres who pushed for this legislation. she's at the white house. what more are we expecting to see? >> as you said, alex, this is a very important piece of legislation that expands access to va care for large numbers of veterans who were exposed to toxins that are admitted by those burn pits. it changes the presumption for certain medical ailments nah establishes the presumption that it is service-connected if they were exposed to burn pits and it expands research. this ended up having large bipartisan support. of course, veterans are a very celebrated constituency of the united states, but it was a long slog to get the legislation through and the effort to push it over the finish line was not just led by celebrities like jon stewart. it was also led by people who
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experienced -- the family members of the people who experienced those toxins including as you spoke to rosie torres about the widow and daughter of heath robinson who was a combat medic who died of a rare form of lung cancer. they walked the halls of congress trying to make this happen and those two are going to be introducing president biden before he signs this today. >> yeah. >> we will bring those remarks, john, to everyone live because this was a 13-year fight, a battle just to get in the doors, into the offices of members of congress to make this happen. thank you. >> president trump is sitting for a deposition with the new york's a.g. office. k kara skinnell, and this could be a long time coming and what questions the president will
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ask. >> it's been wide ranging and it's focused now into whether the president and the trump oe organization provided misleading information to insurance companies and tax authorities and in doing so those individuals and entities were misled. the questions here are expected to focus on the financial statements and what the former president's role was in the preparation of them and then the ultimate providing of them to these different entities. the big question of the day is will the former president answer the questions or will he use xer -- exercise his fifth amendment right to not incriminate himself and not to answer the questions. he's been advised that he should answer the questions because he's addressed his role in preparing the financial statements in previous civil litigation. other sources say he's getting some advice that he shouldn't because of a looming criminal investigation by the manhattan district attorney's office and the d.a.'s office can use the
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testimony that trump gives today as part of their investigation. the stakes here are very high. as you noted, this has been an extraordinary legal week with the fbi executing a search warrant in mar-a-lago on monday and then an appeals court saying the house ways and means committee can receive the former president's taxes and he's been trying to shield those taxes from anyone trying to be the former president to not release them after being elected? a big week and a lot of investigations that he's facing with the house january 6th investigation as well as the justice department's investigation into the activities around january 6th and efforts to interfere in the transfer of power. alex? poppy? >> six different probes as we just showed the viewers. kara, thank you for the details on this one. the fbi's search of mar-a-lago came after authorities believed the former president or his team had not returned documents that they had requested or other materials that were the property of the
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government. >> cnn justice correspondent evan perez is with us now. the two sides, the feds and trump lawyers have been speaking for quite some time. we know they had a meeting with mar-a-lago back in june. president trump insisted in his statement that they are cooperating. how much of a surprise is it, this raid at mar-a-lago? >> it's a strange credulity that these guys were claiming how much of a surprise this was. going back to the time line we know back in may of 2021 is when the archives first approaches the trump team that they believe there were boxes of classified information that should have been returned that were not and they needed to know where it was. and so you can take through the next year or so where you have this discussion again in june where they are told again that they believe there are documents that needed to be returned to the national archives. these are presidential records and classified information and the justice department believed that had not been properly returned and obviously, seven
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since then there was a subpoena for surveillance tapes of the area where these records were being kept. prosecutors wanting to make sure what was the security around this classified, this sensitive information? obviously, that's what leads to this search and why the justice department takes this extraordinary effort to go and retrieve what we now know to be an additional 12 boxes and not including the 15 that were brought earlier. really tells you that they've been having all of these discussions and they were not satisfied that either they were not being told the truth or that they were going to be able to get these documents that they needed needed to receive. >> do you have any details on how the former president and particularly his legal team may frame his defense? >> yeah. you're beginning to see a little bit of this and his allies are going out there talking about how obviously he's a former president and he had, when he was president the power to
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declassify information. so they're saying there were no classified documents to be received. listen to kash patel. >> president trump was a transparency president. president trump on multiple occasions in the white house declassified whole sets of documents and i'll remind you and your audience in october of 2020 he issued a statement declassifying everything from the russia scandal and the hillary clinton scandal and not to mention in january when he issued declassification orders at the white house. when the president says that, that's it. he's the sole authority on declassification. >> i'll remind viewers, when the president says it, it doesn't just make it so. the president went to court and said just because the president tweeted it doesn't make it. that's his own justice department that said that. look, it is going to be their
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legal defense and it will be interesting to see what prosecutors believe they have evidence to prove that this is not so. that these documents that they went to retrieve and that the fbi went to get at mar-a-lago this week, poppy and alex are still classified and sensitive national security information. >> if there are charges that will be a fact question for the jury to determine. evan perez, thank you very much. >> let's bring in abby philips and anchor of "inside politics sunday." abby, let me begin with you and the republican response. it has been very loud. there have been people calling this a banana republic to marco rubio saying i don't believe they are calling for documents which is notable given his position on senate intel and the fact that we know that part of the reason they went in for these documents were for national security reasons, but i wonder if you think any of that
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will quiet at all without some answers from doj, without some unsealing here of details about what led to this warrant? >> i'm not even sure that the department of justice providing a whole lot more information will change the fundamental reaction that we've seen from republicans. what republicans are recognizing especially the establishment republicans who we know based on their past statements and public statements are not huge fans of donald trump, but they're recognizing that this is not something that is going to be tolerable to the republican base, to the trump base and so in some ways they don't have a choice, but to raise questions about the wisdom of this action on the part of doj, but also to rally behind trump, and it's really put them in a tough position because it's accelerated by many accounts, trump's thinking about when he might announce for president and it's also likely to harden the support that he has with his base and i don't think that
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anything -- >> abby, i apologize to interrupt you, but i do have to get to the east room for a consequential moment. the president will sign the pact act. you will hear from brielle, her husband died as a result of his exposure. >> ten years post-deployment from iraq my husband heath began the biggest battle of his life. a terminal stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis due to toxic exposure from a burn pit in baghdad. we quickly learned about warriors who battled their own burn pit illnesses before heeths and the warriors who were still fighting for their lives alongside him. today, i want to remember heath for the man he was an immediate friend to anyone who crossed his path.
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the person who would instantly drop what he was doing it help a friend or a strange or the street. the guy in the room who had a special glow and warmth to him. a soldier as strong as an ox, physically and mentally, the ultimate cuddler and protector to our sweet little girl brielle, and a leader with a strong warrior ethos to all those who served under him. i'd like to thank every member of congress who supported and voted for the pact act. all of the veterans organizations who helped raise our forces on capitol hill, and all of the advocates like john field and jon stewart for your support. [ applause ] >> we being not have done this without you all. ours is just one story, so many militaries have had to fight this terrible emotional battle.
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so many veterans are still battling burn pit illnesses today. too many have succumbed to those illnesses as well, and i am honored to be with the father of another military family that understands the ultimate sacrifice like we do. our commander in chief, president joe biden. [ applause ] [ applause ] >> please -- please have a seat. danielle, thank you. before i begin today i want to say a word about the news that
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came out today relative to the economy. actually, i just want to say a number. zero. today we received news that our economy had zero percent inflation in the month of july. zero percent. here's what that means. while the price of some things go up, went up last month and the price of other things went down by the same amount. the result, zero inflation last month when people were still hurting with zero inflation last month. the economists look at a measure of inflation that ignores food and energy prices and they call it core inflation. that's about the lowest amount in several years, several months. when you couple that with last week's booming jobs report of 528,000 jobs created last month and 3.5% unemployment, it underscores the kind of economy we've been building. we're seeing a stronger labor
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market where jobs are booming and americans are working and we are seeing signs that inflation may be beginning to moderate. that's what happens when you build an economy from the bottom up from the middle out. the wealthy do well and everyone has a chance. it gives everyone a chance to make progress. now i want to be clear, with the global challenges we face from the war in europe to disruption of supply chains and pandemic shutdowns in asia, we could base additional headwinds in the months ahead. our work is far from over and two things should be clear. first, the economic plan is working and the second is building an economy that will reward work. wages are up this month, provide opportunity and help the middle class and still have work to do, but we're on track. the second point i want to make is we need to pass the inflation reduction act right away and that's the most consequential thing that congress can do to keep our progress on inflation from getting better, from getting worse and moving in the
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right direction. it will bring down the cost of prescription drugs, health insurance, premiums and energy costs. it will make big corporations just pay their fair share, and nothing more than their fair share and it will reduce the deficit without raising a penny in taxes and people making under $400,000 a year. it's far from done in an effort to bring inflation down, but we're moving in the right direction, so some good economic news today and some work ahead. now to the reason we're here and the most important reason that we've assembled in this room in a long time. danielle, when you were here for the state of the union i'd hoped that you'd be back for this bill signing. it turns out, that's working and mom, i remember how strongly supportive you were of this from the very beginning all of the way when i met you at a book signing a long time ago, and i am just in awe of your family's courage.
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i really mean that. through the pain you found purpose to demand that we do better as a nation and today we are. brielle, you know, i know you miss your daddy, but he's with you all the time. he's inside you. he's going to whisper in your ear lots of times when you have hard decisions to make. you'll wonder what daddy wants you to do and he's going to be there. he's going to be there for you. you see the guy that you're sitting next to? that's my grandson. his daddy lost to the same burn pits and he knows what you're going through, but guess what? you're going to do this and you'll be really, really strong. it's hard to take care of mommy and a grandma, but you've got to do it, okay? all right. to the veterans and families here today and for all those around the country, we can never fully thank you for your service and your sacrifice and that's not hyperbole and that's literal fact. less than 1% of you, less than 1% of you risk everything to
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defend 99% of the population, 1% risk 99%. we owe you, you're the backbone and you're the steal and you're the very fiber that makes this country what it is and that's not hyperbole. that's a fact. as a nation, we have many obligations and i've been saying this for a long, long time. we have many obligations and only one truly sacred obligation to quip those we send into harm's way and to care for them and their families when they come home. that's -- we have a lot of obligations and that's a truly sacred obligation we have. today -- [ applause ] >> today we're one step closer to fulfilling that sacred obligation with the bill i'm about to sign into law. this is the most significant law our nation has ever passed to
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help millions of veterans who are exposed to toxic substances during their military services. you know, secretary mcdonogh can tell you, i was going to get this done come hell or high water. this was the first thing -- as a lot of staff knows that's true. it's part of my agenda that i announced in the state of the union address. i announced four things that all americans can agree on. one was beating the opioid epidemic. two is tackling the mental health crisis we face as a nation as a consequence that's an epidemic and three, supporting our veterans. big issues that unite us. we're always being told that democrats and republicans can't work together. when i ran i said one of the reasons i was running was to unite the country and i was criticized for being naive. that was the old days, you used
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to be able to do that. i don't believe it. we never have failed to. there are a lot of issues we can disagree on, but there are issues we can work together on and this is one of those issues. so many of you here today remind us that we have fought for this for so many years. veterans, surviving families and surviving family members and advocates like rosie torres and jon stewart and jon, i want to thank you again. i wanted to come up and hang out in the capitol steps and the secret service said i would be a pain in the neck. at least we did a little video on there, but what you've done, jon, matters and you know it does. you should know. it really, really matters. your refusal to let anybody forget, you refused to let anyone forget and we owe you big, man. we owe you big. [ applause ]
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[ applause ] >> all the rest of you, you never gave up the fight. you never quit. you never stopped no matter what you were told. think about it. think about how distant this looked five years ago, seven years ago. i also want to thank senators tester and jerry morgan. by the way, if you're in a fox hole and you want someone with you, you want tester in that hole with you. where are you, john? is john here? [ applause ] the only problem is john may try to bring his combine in the fox hole with you. john bozman and kristen gillibrand and tacano and all of the other members of congress who supported this bill, many of
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whom are here today. all of the members of congress, please stand. [ applause ] >> you know, we learned a horrible lesson in vietnam which many of you fought. after vietnam how harmful effects to exposure of agent orange took years to manifest itself in our veterans leaving too many veterans unable to access they care they needed and deserved. that's why i along with others co-sponsored the agent orange, that led the groundwork for how the va addresses environment alex poesh yenvironmental exposure for the bill i'm about to sign. they were breathing toxic smoke from burn pits.
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because i was vice president and chairman of the foreign relations before that i was in and out of iraq over 20 times, and all of those places and you could actually see some of it in the air. burn pits the size of football fields, an incinerated waste war such as tires, poisonous chemicals, jet fuel and so much more i won't even mention, and a lot of the hooches and a lot of the places where our soldiers would sleep in were a quarter mile, half mile away from it and where they ate their chow. it was there all of the time. toxic smoke, poison spreading through the air and into the lungs of our troops. when they came home many of the fittest and best warriors that we sent to war were not the same. headaches, numbness, dizziness, cancer, my son beau was one of
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them. beau's son hunter is here today as i mentioned earlier and his father in law my good friend from high school, along with the commander of the national guard when beau was there, and i want to thank them for being here, as well. to us and to many of you in the room, if not all of you, it's personal. personal for so many people like danielle and brielle, sargence 1 of the class heath robinson just 39 years old. 39 years old and they held his hand for the last time at age 39. the pact act is the least we can do for the countless men and women many of whom may be in this rheaume, for all i know who suffered toxic exposure while serving the country. it expands health care for veterans harmed by toxic exposure. it empowers the department of veterans affairs to move quickly to determine service members' illness and related military service to see if they qualify
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and for families of veterans who died from toxic exposure means a stipend of $2,000 a month. it means access to life insurance. home loan insurance, tuition benefits and help with health care. it means new facilities, improved care and retention of health care workers treating veterans. this new law matters. it matters a lot. it matters a great deal because these conditions have already taken such a toll on so many veterans and their families i've directed the department of veterans affairs to treat all 23 presumptive conditions as in this law as applicable the moment i sign this bill. i'm urging the veterans of those decades of war to promptly file for your claims. the va will move as quickly as possible to resolve your claim, and get you the benefits and the care you've earned. now i want every member, every
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service member, every veteran, every family member to know how to access the law. just go to file the claim and apply for your va health care now or go to your local va hospital or reach out to the veterans service organizations many of whom made this happen as well with disabled veteran -- disabled american veterans to the american legion, to veterans of foreign war. if you need additional assistance, if you need additional assistance, just call. call. this law becomes on top of my administration's efforts to pioneer ways to link diseases and help more veterans get the care they need. we're building a more com comprehensive database. expand the eligibility for veterans suffering for nine
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respiratory cancers. earlier this summer i signed nine veterans bills into law that will do everything to provide mammograms and screenings for veterans who serve near burn pits who develop cancer and conditions from the world war ii nuclear program. we're not stopping just here. secretary mcdonogh and the department of veterans affairs are a part of my cancer moon shot initiative to end cancer as we know it and today i am proud to name dr. monica -- let me get it right, doc. brit -- betanioli. i better get it right because i married dominic giocapa's daughter. she's a leading cancer surgeon from a family of generations of
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veterans and please stand, doc. [ applause ] >> they're all working as one team. we may be in separate departments, but it's one team. and perhaps one of the most important things we're doing and helping to bring down the rate of suicide among veterans. an average of 17 veterans died by suicide every single day. 17. it's an absolute tragedy and demands not a whole of approach and a whole of country working together. so let me close with this, as commander in chief i've always had your back, i promise you. that includes finally, al zawahiri as deputy of 9/11 and it includes --
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[ applause ] includes always fighting for the care and benefits you've more than earned and more than deserve. this law -- this law is long overdue and we finally got it done together. together, and i don't want to hear the press tell me democrats and republicans can't work together. we got it done and we got it done together. god bless you all. your the backbone and the spine of this country and may god protect our troops and now i'm going to walk over and sign that legislation. [ applause ]
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that's okay. all right. >> we have been listening there to president joe biden speaking at the signing of a major piece of legislation, the pact act which he's about to sign. he's speaking there to brielle robinson, the daughter of a service member who died as a result of toxic exposure. you heard president biden in his remarks referencing his son beau who he himself was exposed to burn pits in iraq and then died of brain cancer. this piece of legislation expected to help around $3.5 million veterans which poppy, biden called a truly sacred obligation and this was bipartisan legislation. it did become the victim of political bickering and was held up by republicans, but it eventually did pass and it was pushed through after an uproar. poppy, this is a truly momentous piece of legislation. >> it really is, and as we saw the president hand the pen he signed the legislation with to brielle, we will always remember
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her father who died just as the president said 39 years old from that exposure and he's right, alex, this is an example of congress working. this legislation passed in the senate 86-11 after a bit of of a hang-up, but congress worked for the american people and it's important to note that. i'm glad we could bring that to everyone and we also have this news just in to cnn and former president trump releasing a statement following his deposition with new york attorney general -- with the new york attorney general's office. the president saying he took the fifth. he declined to answer any questions. questions. we'll talk about that next. so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly. don't wait--schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repapai, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ add downy to your wash for all the freshness and soness of home. even when you're not at home. feel the differee with downy.
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in a deposition today with the new york attorney general letitia james. that happened this morning. she and her team are investigating the finances of the trump organization. >> and he is facing many legal woes this week. there's also the appeals court that ruled that house lawmakers can get their hands on his tax returns. a judge ruled his former attorney rudy giuliani to testify to a georgia jury for his scheme to overturn the 2020 election. wef been learning new details about the fbi search at his mar-a-lago residence in florida. >> let's pick up where we left off and abby philip i left you to get to the important signing at the white house and there is news from the former president explaining why he pleaded the fifth and it's important context because we'll all remember in 2016 as it pertained to the investigation of hillary clinton's e-mails he said if you're innocent why are you taking the fifth. now he says in this statement,
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abby, i once asked if you're innocent why are you taking the fifth. now i know the answer to that question, the former president writes when your family, company and all of the people in your orbit have become the target of a politically-motivated witch hunt you have no choice. what do you make of this? >> first of all, this is very much related to the earlier conversation and the argument mr. trump is making is that he is being targeted politically from all sides and that's the case he's making to his base to engender even more support and this plays into that. just a quick note because as you were reading that part of trump's statement it did remind me of the fact that hillary clinton, in all of the investigations that she was involved in that trump himself said she should have been locked up for did testify publicly and privately on these matters. trump, on the other hand has
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tried really aggressively to avoid being under oath in these circumstances and this is just the latest case of that. >> david, let's pick up on that. it's not just president trump and his family calling this a witch hunt and you have top republicans and lawmakers who are saying that these series of events from the fbi search to his deposition today which he answered no questions and now possibly congress getting his tax records. how -- what can be done, do you think to convince so many millions of americans that all of this is lawful, that it's not a witch hunt? >> he's going to have -- this is so entangling and it's hard to sort it all out, but earlier this week that the fbi agents swept into mar-a-lago and got all of this information out and everything like that, one had the feeling that the government was doing something that was impossible for everybody else to do and that was create donald trump as a sympathetic figure.
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suddenly he looked like he was being done in by all these forces and now when he goes and takes the fifth, you know, he's back to who he was, very unsympathetic and very much show me, tell me the truth about what you're doing and i think he's misplayed his hand and maybe it will provide temporary protection for some of his people, but in the end he'll have to come clean in one environment or another and it would be so much stronger if he could tell us what's going on, not only in mar-a-lago, but what's going on in these other fronts so that the country could make a judgement, a balanced judgment. it's very hard to make balanced judgments about donald trump because he surprises you frequently, i'm afraid on the down side. >> just, abby, amid the increasing calls from republicans of all stripes to release the affidavit behind the
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warrant to give the details on what led to the search at mar-a-lago is the reality that that warrant was shown to either, you know, to folks close to former president trump that were on the premises that day, and sometimes as our ellie honig pointed out on the air there are details of the potential underlying crimes that got the judge to allow them to get the warrant. so someone saw it and may have a copy of it on team trump and could put it out there. >> yeah. >> right. >> i think that's exactly where my mind went as david was talking. the trump attorneys have access to some further information about what the subject of the warrant was and they are not releasing that information because it works to their political advantage to make this as opaque as possible. the argument here from trump is pretty simple. this is a witch hunt. this is a miscarriage of
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justice. this is, you know, a third world regime going after me, but i think more information here will be clarifying about what is going on and it may not be to trump's advantage. i mean, if what we have reported is even just the scope of it all and just a question of how he handled classified information and government property that should not have been taken to mar-a-lago and trump believed that those infractions should be treated very harshly. it would be in everyone's best interest to know more. >> yeah. >> the trump aides and his lawyers could say more, but they're not doing it because it helps them politically for this to be a little bit of a black box at the moment. >> david, bouncing off of that, you've worked alongside many dojs. they are -- it is certainly not
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uncommon for them at this stage in an investigation to not say anything, but do you think it would be in their interest to not have this as much a black box as abby was saying and put out something that while it might not be complete, might be clarifying. >> i think it would be enormously helpful if the department of justice was more transparent and would give us more information about what this is. i realize that the doj traditionally does not give out any information. it's quite secretive during these stages of procedures, but we have an unprecedented situation in which the home of a former president has been invaded, in effect, by the government in search of documents and that's so unprecedented. it seems to me there ought to be -- we shouldn't apply the solitary standard that we don't say anything.
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when something comes along like this which really goes to the erosion of trust and government, it's important for the doj to say, okay, we took the unprecedented step of going in and now we'll take the unprecedented step of what it's all about. i do think abby is right and it will help enormously and it would remove the sense that trump is a sympathetic figure. that's not who he is in reality, think, and the way this is now playing out, he's more sympathetic than we've seen him in other situations. >> if there's anything that all of us, everyone can grow on is that this is truly a unique moment. abby philip, david gergen, thank you for joining us this morning. as the inflation reduction act gets ready to face lawmakers we'll hear from the bill gates' clean energy organization on how this legislation could finally allow green energy to really take off. that's coming up.
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the house rules committee will meet today to discuss the inflation reduction act that just passed the senate. a final house vote expected this friday. the health care climate and tax measures include $369 billion in climate funding and aims to slash u.s. greenhouse gas emissions 40% by 2030.
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with me now is the executive vice president of breakthrough energy which was founded by bill gates and previously led the white house counsel of environmental quality, it's great to have you, given your work now and your experience on the obama white house. bill gates wrote that op ed this week calling this the single most important piece of climate legislation in american history, and i'd like your take on how consequential this is given the fact that it's not an executive order that can be overturned by a future administration. this is locked in. these are decades of baked-in incentives for the private sector and interestingly as our bill weir pointed out, not as many sticks as during the obama administration. more carrots, right, to incent people to put their money to work. >> absolutely. this is all about incentives. it is a big deal if we can get it through the house of representatives and you're right that it is passed through the senate and hopefully this week the house takes up that action
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and if it happens it will be the most comprehensive piece of climate legislation that the u.s. government has put in place which is a big deal on three fronts. it's a big deal for climate. we're seeing the impacts of climate all over the country and the floods in kentucky and the heat waves in the pacific northwest and the wildfires and this bill brings us closer to being able to reach those goals by investing in the technologies and the solutions that we know we need to get there. the second thing is it's fantastic for the economy. it takes what we are so good at in this country which is being the engine of innovation and ideas and having entrepreneurs who tackle hard things and it allows us to turn those innovations on energy into american industries and something that the rest of the country -- the rest of the world is trying to do, and it puts us in a leadership position on that, and then it's really good in terms of energy security, right? we are all witnessing the price volatility at the pump that the heating and cooling bills and what this does is say we will
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produce more energy here at home and we're going to do it in a cleaner way that costs less money and so us being able to position the u.s. in that way absolutely provides those incentives and those carrots in a way that we haven't done before. >> do you believe given at the same time that this historic move is happening in the united states which is so critically important, china has just said given after pelosi's trip to taiwan, china has suspended the cooperation with the united states including critical climate talks. can real, global progress be made without china onboard. >> look, you need all countries around the world doing their part and you need the big emitters including china, the u.s. and the european union and the rest to do their part. there are possibilities diplomatically to pull those folks closer together, but the truth is each of them have the political and economic imperative to be acting on their own. they want to win this race just as much as we do in the united
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states to build industries and to have markets that thrive, to have jobs for their folks that are looking toward the future and not the past and the clean energy is happening in happening in china and a variety of other places. >> i can ask you if it was worth getting this bill, that improves gasliesing and one called it completely incompatible with maintaining a livable planet. do you agree with that? will one outweigh the other? >> we absolutely believe that the investments that are included in this package far outweigh any of the initial costs and any of the concessions that had to be played to get it across the finish line. as you said at the top, it is the largest package of investments and policies that this government has ever put in place. i've been in d.c. long enough to
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know that in any package like that getting through the congress you have to compromise and there are pieces that some people will love and some will not and on balance, this is the most significant package we've seen. mike boots, it's really good to have you. thanks very much for your time this morning. >> absolutely. >> we'll be right back. so adding a student title might feel dauaunting. national university is here to support all your tititles. nanational university. supporting the whole you. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months.
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welcome back. health care providers have a new way to protect people from monkeypox. it allows the vaccine to be administered through the skin rather than the muscle. >> for more let's bring in chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. good to see you. the goal here is to stretch the limited vaccine supply while there is very high demand. how is this going to work? >> yeah. that's the goal and the way that this might work is to try and basically administer this vaccine in a different way that requires less dosage. a smaller amount for each particular vaccine. so right now basically, you have
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a vial. you have to give the shot, as you say into the area just below the skin. if you give this medication into the skin instead which is called intradermal, you can take about one-fifth the dose. you're essentially stretching that supply by about five times. you can see here, this is the diagram. the covid vaccine went into the muscle and that's the diagram that you see in the needle on the left and subcutaneous, and that is how this vaccine is typically given, this particular idea now which is being out there is being given into the skin itself and it's actually more of a thing that is a wheel, just underneath the skin if you gave the shot this way. requiring one-fifth the dose and that could stretch out the supply and 3 million doses that are necessary in the country. that's 1.5 million people and two doses each. we know there have been several
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hundred thousand, and what's left is 441,000 doses and that's going to cover 200,000 people roughly. if you do the intradermal route you can get closer to 2 million doses which will get closer to a million, just a million people more covered and a couple of caveats and i'll just mention quickly. this is a harder shot to administer and it requires a different needle and it does require training. it sounds easy and injecting something just underneath the skin can be more challenging than injecting it into the muscle or the fact. also, there's not a lot of data this week in order to best test the vaccine you have to understand how it's performing in the middle of an outbreak and that's what they did with the covid vaccines and they trialed it in the midst of an outbreak. these vaccines have been trialed in non-human primates and in the lab, they did well and they were safe and they seemed to be effective and in terms of how well it works in humans that
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data is forthcoming. >> one-fifth of the data injected into the skin. dr. sanjay gupta, thank you very much for breaking it all down. >> thank you very much. thank you for joining us today. we'll see you back tomorrow morning. i'm poppy harlow. >> i'm alex marquardt, "at this hour" with kate bolduan starts right now. hello. "at this hour" donald trump is being questioned under oath in the new york civil probe of his family business and there's also this, a new report shows inflation is cooling off. is it a one off or is it a trend? an arrest has been made in the killings of muslim men in new mexico that had paralyzed that community. this is what we are watching at this hour. ♪ ♪ thank you so much for being here. i am kate bolduan. there are a lot of moving parts in multiple investigations right now into donald trump.