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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  March 23, 2022 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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gram doses provided a similar immune response to two 100-gram doses. but it was not that effective in preventing infections by the omicron variant. despite that, moderna plans to ask the fda to authorize use of the vaccine for ages 6-11 in the coming weeks. -- captions by vitac -- the united states declaring russia has committed war crimes in ukraine. "the lead" starts now. a theater sheltering innocent civilians and a children's hospital, these are some of the targets of russian strikes turning ukrainian neighborhoods into dust. president biden about to land in brussels for what could be some of the most important meetings of his presidency. a face to face sitdown with key allies ratcheting up the pressure on vladimir putin.
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and a handful of republican senators go all in on attacking judge kentanji brown jackson, accusing her of being soft on crime as she tries to land a seat on the supreme court. welcome to "the lead." i'm pamela brown in for jake tapper. we begin with breaking news in our world lead. the biden administration formally accusing russian forces of committing war crimes after evidence mounting daily before our eyes. a theater in mariupol with the world children spelled out in large letters. on two sides, visible from the air. yet with 1,200 women and children inside, ukrainian officials say russia dropped a bomb on that building. and just today, russia strikes again destroying civilian areas. they beg forred for body army saying 58 ambulances have been fired upon. and in southern ukraine, new
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video shows cruise missiles launched off the coast of crimea, bombarding a key port in ukraine. a new video from a drone shows what's left of mariupol. this was once a neighborhood. now much of it charred by fire, as you see. i want to bring in cnn's sam kiley. he's in kyiv. despite the gains made in the capital there, is there a sense of how long that may last? >> reporter: i think that's the absolutely key issue, pam. the ukrainians have now more or less for about the last ten days have been trying to conduct a counter offensive to try to push back forces, particularly in the west of the country. they've had a degree of success. so today, for example, they claim that they had captured more than 80% of the suburb of irpin. you'll recall, that was the northwestern suburb where there were so many tragic images of
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refugees fleeing the russian invasion across the destroyed bridge, across the river, very precarious crossings and of course the tragic deaths, among others, of a whole family of four in a russian mortar attack. the russians are being pushed back, according to the ukrainians. they're being helped by flooding of the river which is making combat operations for the russians harder and i have to say, it's been a ferocious fight. we're a good ten miles from that location and we can their bombardment no doubt going in both directions. and even here, some small arms fire. very ferocious fight going on. 80% of that town recapture, according to the police. we've put out video of themselves patrolling but this could go the other way at any time. but makariv, much further west, down a crucial road out of the city to the west has also captured, according to the ukrainians yesterday, they are saying they are trying to set up
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a series of defensive lines to prevent the russians coming in. the key issue is can they hold their lines against not just the russians but the belarusians, if they come as may be anticipated by certainly western analysts and here in ukraine. military people really concerned if belarus joins the war, that may tim the balance of numbers and fire power and make kyiv vulnerable once again, pam. >> all right. we'll continue to look at that question. a new estimate about russian losses may help explain how ukrainians have been able to make these advances near kyiv. >> reporter: so these russian losses figures have come from nato officials. they are reflecting basically on the ukrainian claims of having killed some 14,000 to 15,000. that's the top end of the nato estimate. the lower end is about 7,000. and then there is a formula where you multiple by two or
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three, the numbers of killed to estimate the number of wounded and captured. that would take up to 30,000 or 40,000. if 30,000 or 40,000 russians have been taken off the battlefield as a result of putin's invasion, that's a total force of 190,000 gathered for the invasion. a lot of those people would be logistics troops. this would be a major blow indeed to the russians. they've already lost five generals. so there's some evidence that they are really getting hammered here and there. they do have more men and more weapons to draw on. >> all right. sam kily in kyiv. thank you so much. new video shows a closer look at some of the destruction in mariupol. a man says a russian strike is to blame for this building on fire that destroyed a giant steel factory. and another video shows the aftermath of that fire. all the machinery destroyed along with much of the major city in south eastern ukraine. i want to bring in maxine, the
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deputy in mariupol, and he is currently in western ukraine. first off, i want to know, how are you doing? i can't imagine how it must feel to know what has happened to your city. >> it's terrible. totally terrible. this is not, looks like our city. it will be about three weeks ago. it was the city with great streets, new buildings, newer design of parks and all that. now it is totally ruined. the most problem, not even the buildings. the most problem, the citizens. 200,000 or so are still in the city. and their situation is like hostages because russians want,
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won't let the humanitarian convoy go into the mariupol. they stop it and for last two weeks, they don't pass it. so it is a great problem and the situation is so terrible that some people now going out of the city buy food. it is about 80 kilometers from mariupol but they go anyway under the shelling in the cold because they don't have food. they don't have water. there are no electricity, and no cell connection. so mariupol is in total catastrophic situation. and all world needs to get, to act now to help duplicate mariupol. if they didn't, it will be not about thousand of dead.
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it is about hundreds of thousands of dead. >> innocent people. just the depths of desperation, what you are describing there, those still trying to flee the city. your country's president, volodymyr zelenskyy, said despite your city being reduced to ashes, he refused to surrender to russia. how do you hold on when putin appears to have the advantage and intent on taking it over? >> it is hard to say we understand even if this city was stranded. there are no, after that. in villages which russians already taken, they start to take men, and get it to the so-called dpr army. there are no peace after the surrender. it is only more continuous and more casualties it will be. so it is only way to help
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mariupol citizens. if to duplicate mariupol with the help of our allies. there are not any other options. it is pity but it is not looking like with putin is to surrender. >> all right. thank you again for coming on and sharing your story. we wish you the best. >> thank you. they could be some of the most important meetings. presidency so far. a live look at brussels where president biden is about to touchdown with the warning for america's allies. and then devastating storms stare through the south, picking up and tossing school buses and houses like they're toys. nobody told you? subway's refreshing with better ingredienents, better footlongs, and better s spokespeople. because you gotta you gotta refresh to be fresh should all underarms be the same? so, what is wrong with these? whether they're waxed. natural.
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live pictures here of air force one in brussels. as president biden arrives, his administration is formally declaring the russian forces have committed war crimes. that ahead of president biden's high stakes meetings with world leaders that start tomorrow.
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cnn's kaitlan collins is in brussels as nato allies try to pressure putin to end his invasion. >> reporter: president biden arriving in brussels as he seeks to ratchet up the pressure on russia. >> i'm going to tell you all i have to say. i'll say it when i get there. >> reporter: biden set for a full day with urgent talks with allies as he delivers a message about the use of chemical weapons in ukrainian. >> i think it is a real threat. >> reporter: after the meetings, he is planning to announce new sanctions on hundreds of lawmakers and new efforts to crackdown on attempts to invade existing ones. >> that announcement will focus not just on adding new sanctions, but on ensuring that there is joint effort to crack down on invasion, on sanctions busting, any attempt by any country to help krush basically undermine, weaken, or get around the actions.
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>> reporter: biden could also announce he is sending more troops to eastern europe to reassure western allies after the pentagon presented him with options before he departed washington. >> that is something he will discuss with his allies on thursday. >> reporter: the nato ally said it expects to increase the presence. >> with major increases to our forces in the eastern part of the alliance, on land, in the air and at sea. >> reporter: ahead of his address to nato, volodymyr zelenskyy has continued his appeals to other nations for more assistance. cnn has learned the first deliveries of the $800 million in new military aid from the u.s. have started to arrive in ukraine. >> we have seen indications that the ukrainians are going a bit more on the offense now. they have been defending very smartly, very nimbly, very
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creatively. >> reporter: now, pam, as you see, president biden has just landed in brussels. he will be greeted by belgium's prime minister. tomorrow starts the full day of very intensive meetings to talk about what's happening in ukraine. of course, this comes as the national security adviser told reporters on the trip here that there has been this intense back and forth between the united states and european allies over their dependence on russian energy. talking, of course about, the concerns they have, given the leverage that it gives russia and how to affect energy. and of course, president biden will hold a press conference tomorrow night where he will update reporters on everything that happened in this long day of meetings, pamela. >> all right. kaitlan collins live from brussels. thank you so much. a rare and revealing moment. cnn gets exclusive access to the meeting with the russian general where pentagon officials say he
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taking a look, a live look here at president biden on the tarmac in brussels, belgium. he is there for an emergency summit with nato. he'll be meeting with some key allies soon. and in our world lead, a cnn exclusive inside look at a russian military leader getting
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unusually emotional while meeting with u.s. military officials last week. in the document, u.s. officials said it revealed a revealing moment from a russian general. and defense officials say this could hint at growing morale problems inside putin's armed forces. >> reporter: with russia's war in ukraine stalled, and the u.s. saying morale is a problem for russian forces, cnn has learned of a rare meeting in moscow between u.s. and russian military officials, which according to a u.s. readout of the meeting, contained a quote, revealing moment from major general evgeny, a general with extensive experience dealing with americans. as the meeting ended, an attache on the u.s. side casually asked about ilyin's family in ukraine.
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he said the stoic demeanor suddenly became flushed and agitated. he replied, he was born in ukraine and went to school in donetsk. and then said the situation in ukraine is tragic, and i am very depressed over it, before walking out without shaking hands. the attache wrote in the readout, the fire in his eyes and flufterred demeanor left a chill down the spine. meetings are typically scripted, but the two attaches said they had never witnessed such an outburst by russian counter parts at an official meeting. the readout concludes, at the very least, it is clear that morale problems among russian forces are not limited to front line troops. the readout describes only tim pregss of the u.s. officials, and does not definitively explain ilyin's behavior. they are typically too sensitive
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to be made public. >> readouts at this time are important because they give us an insight, a potential insight into what the russians are really thinking. it also shows there is some kind of a morale problem within the russian hierarchy and it extends possibly all the way to the top. >> reporter: the russian ministry for defense did not respond. but the kremlin has denied reports of low morale among its forces in ukraine. >> it would probably have to doubt this information. you have to doubt it and you have to think twice, whether it is true or not. >> reporter: as russia faces stiff resistance from ukrainian forces, if the americans are correct and morale is an issue, it is a challenge the russians can ill afford. >> we've seen increasing indications that morale and unit cohesion is a problem. and yes, it absolutely translates into potential military effectiveness issues.
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>> reporter: so one russian general, flushed and agitated, according to the americans, just another mystery about what really may be going on behind kremlin walls. pamela? >> barbara starr at the pentagon with this exclusive. thank you so much. let's discuss with cnn military analyst and retired army major general james spider marks. this is clearly a rare and revealing look at the sensitive meeting between russian and u.s. military officials that barbara just laid out. what is your reaction to it? what does that say about morale in the russian military right now? >> well, on several levels, what it tells you is that the incredible foreign officers in the attache office are doing their job effectively. we have this war in ukraine and you have u.s. military personnel dealing with their russian counter parts on a real-time basis to elicit this information. that's good news.
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number one. number two, it tells you distinctly that the russians have a very deep problem. the information we're getting from reports from the field, from your contributors and your anchors on the field you get which are phenomenal, and then reports coming from other sources really indicate the russian forces at the troop level, the soldier level, are really having some very difficult times understanding what their purpose is. the russian military deals in tasks. this is what i want you to do. the u.s. military and our nato partners deal with tasks and purpose. why i want you to do it. the russian soldiers don't have that. we've seen some incredible videos. some of the russian troops driving into a gasoline station and then ransacking the place because they don't have their own chow. they're probably walking away with food they can't get from their own logistics supply. that's a significant problem. >> yeah. and it's a big reason why this invasion clearly hasn't gone according to plan for russia.
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i mean, you as officials say they've seen indications that some soldiers are suffering from frostbite due to lack of cold weather gear, fuel, food, other logistics problems. tell us more about that. why do you think that is? clearly, given what we knew leading up to this invasion, this had been in the works for a while by vladimir putin and those around him. how can this be? >> yeah, two things. first of all, hubris. i think putin thought this would be a cake walk. 48 hours. i don't need a senior command and control commander because i'm going to go take kyiv. it will take me a couple days. kharkiv, you'll fall immediately. and down south, we'll get mariupol and kherson and eventually we'll waltz our way over to odesa. that's hubris. a misunderstanding, a strategic miscalculation that is huge.
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and putin is in the intel business and he totally blew it. that's phenomenal. and then the second thing is that as a result of that, these soldiers came ill prepared for any of that. they thought they would be living off, they would get into kyiv and immediately be welcomed and they would have an opportunity to be replenished in short amount of time. that has been totally exposed. and these russian soldiers, i've been cold, i've been hungry, wet, shot at, and i have to tell you. that is an incredible lack of leadership when you can't unscrew and loosen those problems and get support to your front line troops to get them to do the mission and to understand why you're doing it. it is a total collapse of the russian military. >> yeah. to understand why you're doing it. that sense of purpose clearly is missing. major general marks, thank you so much. >> thank you, pam. judge kentanji brown jackson facing another round of grilling from senators in her confirmation hearing. why one democrat says some of
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topping our politics lead, another round of heated questioning at the confirmation hearing for the president's supreme court nominee. as jessica schneider reports, judge kentanji brown jackson has been facing unscathing scrutiny over her record. >> good morning, senator. >> reporter: as the questioning of supreme court nominee kentanji brown jackson winds down, republicans seem to be ramping up their criticisms of jackson's judicial record, her sentencing decisions in child pornography cases continue to be
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a flash point. senator lindsey graham saying she is giving assume vigs instead of jail time. >> you think it is a bigger deeternal to take somebody on a computer look at sexual images of children in the most disgusting way is to supervise their computer habits, versus putting them in jail? >> no. i didn't say that. >> that's exactly what up. >> senator, i wasn't talking about versus. >> you just said you thought it was a deterrent to supervise them. >> congress has directed courts to consider various means of achieving deterrence. one of them, as you've said, is incarceration. another, as i tried to mention, was substantial periods of supervision once the person -- >> democrat patrick leahy emerged saying graham's questioning went, quote, beyond
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the pale. >> lindsey graham has gone twice the amount of time allotted to him. he wouldn't let her answer. he kept interrupting her. and i couldn't help but think, was this aimed for this hearing or a political campaign? >> reporter: an indepth look into it. a group of retired federal judges including two republican appointees sent a letter to the committee saying jackson's record on sentencing is entirely consistent with decisions from judges around the country. but republicans have not found that reasoning satisfactory, continuing to press their belief that jackson is, quote, soft on crime. >> there is at least a level of empathy that enters into your treatment of a defendant that some could view as maybe beyond what some of us would be comfortable with, with respect to administering justice. >> reporter: nobody said to them, do you understand that
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there are children who will never have normal lives because you sold crack to their parents, and now they're in a vortex of addiction. do you understand that, mr. defendant? i was the one in my sentencing practices who explained those things in an interest of furthering congress's direction that we are supposed to be sentencing people so they can ultimately be rehabilitated. >> reporter: and judge jackson continued to stress her near decade of experience as a federal judge. >> i approach cases from experience, from practice, and consistent with may constitutional obligations. >> reporter: and judge jackson made some news of her own today. for the first time she pledged in confirmed, she will recuse herself from an affirmative action case involving harvard that will be heard by the supreme court sometime in the fall. jackson serves on harvard's
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board of overseers, and said she would recuse herself from any decision that could be there that would question if she would be able to fairly hear the case. now we know that she will not. >> all right. thank you. let's discuss with our panel. i'm going to kick it off to you first. we just heard jessica report on all this. republicans have hammered judge jackson on how she sentenced child pornography cases. here's more from that heated exchange with senator graham this morning. >> you think it is a bigger deeternal to take somebody who is on a computer looking at sexual images of children in the most disgusting way is to supervise their computer habit, versus putting them that jail? >> no. i didn't say versus -- >> that's exactly what up. i think the best way to deter people from getting on a computer and viewing thousands and hundreds and over time, maybe millions, the population as a whole, of children being
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exploited and abused every time someone clicks on is to put their ass in jail, not supervise their computer usage. >> senator, i wasn't talking about versus. >> you just said, you thought it was a deterrent to supervise them. i don't think it is a deterrent. >> what do you make of that line of questioning? >> so he is really being reductive talking about how defendants are sentenced. defendants can both get jail time and assume advised release. he made it sound like it was all or nothing. and he made it sound like she she was wanting to see them under supervision. at the end of the day, congress created rules for sentencing. congress created guidelines that can be followed with what she did in alliance with judges across the country. if anyone in the senate does not like that, they ought to change the federal sentencing guidelines and restrict what judges can do.
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but her sentencing is perfectly in line -- >> 80%, right? >> 80%. and because it is child pornography and this is heinous, heinous conduct that gets in people's heads and really excites people. yes, it is splashy at a hearing. but he's really only telling part of the story here. and there is very little to be gained from beating up a judicial nominee. >> that's what they've done throughout the whole hearing. they've used theatrics, very explicit examples, they interrupted her. that was not only an egregious example in terms of what you pointed out from the law but from the perspective of decorum, they said they wanted this to be a hearing where there was decorum. that went out the window. i can tell you, a lot of polling rec recently shows women, particularly white women voters, are disgusted by the meanness they see in washington. so viewers at home watching that exchange will be very disturbed. you saw her trying to answer the question. he cut her off.
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he was rude. he was ruffling her papers. he wouldn't even give her the almost of looking her in the eye when she was trying to answer. it was a completely theatrical confrontation. >> and the mid-terms, of course, coming up. so how much do you think is playing into this? >> i think that's exactly what they were trying to do. throughout this, there have been certain themes. crime, critical race theory and parental rights. we've heard these over and over again. and abortion. she did a very good job, i'm actually prepping a couple of people for other hearings. she did a good job staying in her lane and sticking to matters that would be before her as a judge or that had come before her as a judge. democrats are doing some messaging, too. >> that is true. we're seeing a lot of messaging on both sides. and to your point about staying in her lane, one area that we're all listening for is what she would say about expanding the supreme court.
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that's the hot topic, right? here's what she said. here's her succinct answer yesterday. >> in my view, judges should not be speaking into political issues, certainly not a nominee for a position on the supreme court. so i agree with justice barrett. >> so clearly, declining to give an opinion on this. adam white, i want to bring you in. how did her answer sit with you? that was something you were looking for. >> i was looking for this question and i was glad that senator sass returned to it today. i understand why the judge might not speak directly to that issue. it is based on the lack of legitimacy of the court in the eyes of its critics. the court's legitimacy is important for our system and it is important to know how a judge sees the court's legitimacy.
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so i'm glad they spoke a little more to the legitimacy issue, even if she won't speak directly to the court packing question. >> i guess it is no surprise that she didn't speak more directly. >> i take a slitly different view on it. although your wall street piece, it is really, really good. here's the thing. it is a political question at the end of the day. if congress wants to create a supreme court of 13, 14, 15, 21 members, that's for congress to decide. and it is almost like asking, a friend of ours that, asking her to weigh in on her march madness bracket. yes, it is a matter of great public interest and the answer she gives might bother people, but it just doesn't matter. >> except this is a policy question where judges have a unique insight. they know what it is like to work on a court with other judges. she mostly served on three judge panels. a court of 11 or 13 would change the dynamic of the court. >> but again, the purpose. these hearings is to determine
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her fitness as a supreme court justice. so her role is to talk about the law, answer the questions. but to recognize where we're trying to get into the alleges of political messaging. where, as she said, not something that would be within her purview. and finally, it is adding a black woman to the supreme court does add to the legitimacy of the court. more americans can look at the court and say that court looks like me. maybe i'll pay closer attention and be more interested in what they're doing. >> one really quick point. the fact that we are talking about this is an indication of how successful republicans have been in the hearing. because what she has done is very succinctly and very successfully explained very complicated areas of law but also laid out her resume, background and experience in a really effective way. this court packing stuff is a distraction in getting away from really talking about the nominee. >> all right. thank you so much. up next, cnn gets an upclose
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with the loss of life. how ukrainian authorities are responding to this challenge. >> reporter: the military cemetery stands on a wind-swept field on the edge of the city. rows of graves, a reminder of the stark reality ukraine has lived with for years. >> all these crosses mark the graves of ukrainian soldiers killed fighting against russian-backed separatists in the donbas region since 2014. these are new graves. for ukrainian soldiers killed since russia invaded ukraine on february 24th of this year. my guide here is deputy mayor of the city of dnipro. >> it is a very young man. >> reporter: born in 1997. >> yes, yes. very hard for us.
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for our city and for people in ukraine. >> reporter: nearby, rows of freshly dug graves that are so far empty. >> these are preparations in case there are more casualties. >> yes. >> reporter: this deadly war presents a bizarre challenge to ukrainian officials like this person. on the one hand, they have to fortify city defenses and support the armed forces. and at the same time, provide basic services like garbage disposal and running city buses. >> if you look on our street, now we have a clean street. >> reporter: how do you manage a city and fight a war at the same time? it's complicated, he says. we have experience because this is the second war we've fought against russia. the ground war has yet to reach the eastern city of dnipro and its population of nearly 1 million inhabitants.
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sometimes the city looks almost normal, though there is a strict 8:00 p.m. curfew. instead of advertisements, billboards defiantly curse at the russian military. these days, city officials carry guns. this is because of the war you have weapons. >> yes, yes. it is normal for me. >> reporter: why is ronald reagan, his portrait in your office? >> because this guys, he is very charismatical guys. >> reporter: to see another side of the conflict, the deputy mayor brings me here to one of the city' morgues to see a parked refrigerator truck. >> in this frig they have 350 dead russian soldiers. in another morgue, we have 400. i can't open this truck because in this truck, this freeze truck, a lot of dead guys.
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i don't want to show his face, his legs, his, any pieces of body. >> reporter: he says all the dead russian soldiers gathered from front lines across eastern krub are stored here in dnipro before eventually being shipped to kyiv. >> reporter: why is the ukrainian government collecting the bodies of russian soldiers? >> they cannot leave this body on our fields, on our streets, or another place. it is not normal. >> reporter: as we speak, we hear something in the sky. what is that noise? [ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: where do we go? >> reporter: just now we had a little alert. there was a sound that mikhail
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said sounded like a russian drone. wore dead and drones, part of everyday life in ukraine. i should underscore that i cannot independently confirm that there were the bodies of around 700 russian soldiers in two different refrigerator trucks. the trucks were not opened for us. you heard the reason why. it is plausible when you hear the estimates of potential russian casualties coming from the u.s. government, coming from the ukrainian government. an additional issue, a challenge for keeping the buses running on time in dnipro, the deputy mayor that, is because many of his bus drivers have volunteered to join the armed forces because they have previous experience driving tanks in the ukrainian armed forces, and so the city buses have dropped to about 60% of their original mobility.
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>> interesting. ivan watson in in-person roe, ukraine. thank you so much. international lead, the louisiana national guard has been activated to help clean up response from two powerful tornadoes in that state last night. one person died near new orleans. and new video from the cnn air drone shows some of the damage from the more destructive tornado. in some cases, houses were picked up and thrown across the street, while others went untouch. the national weather service said the tornado stayed on the ground for more than 12 miles. there were nearly 60 tornadoes across five states. and the chances of tornados are lower today but more region cosmetic still see storms. we'll be tracking that for you. and coming up from refugee to america's first female secretary of state, a look at the life and legacy of madeleine albright. now, that dream... . her reality.y. nexixium 24hr stops acid before it starts,
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into the former soviet bloc. she also pushed for the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons. albright was an advocate for peace around the world. she received the presidential medal of freedom in 2012. the nation's highest civilian honor. madeleine albright was 84 years old. our coverage continues now with wolf blitzer in "the with wolf blitzer in "the situation room" in brussels. -- captions by vitac -- happening now. breaking news. president biden just landed in brussels for critical talks with u.s. allies about russia's war against ukraine as the bombs keep falling and civilians keep dying. the u.s. now formally declaring that kremlin forces have committed war crimes. this hour, we're getting new glimpses of the widespread destruction from russia's invasion, and a new estimate of the toll on vladimir putin's