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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  June 14, 2021 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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biden wants to go in with a strong position. >> he said he talked to them about what he was going to say to pputin. he consulted them. this is a new president trying to turn the battleship around and say we are headed in a very different direction with putin. they have rape in the past. it's not pleasant. it's not pretty. biden said i don't want to tell you what i'm going to tell him, except he told us what he's going to tell him. he said where we can cooperate, we will. if you don't cut this stuff out, we're going to respond. now you remember in helsinki, president trump stood up and said i believe that putin had nothing to do with election meddling. that's clearly not where joe biden sits right now. in terms of navalny, he couldn't have been clearer. he says that russia has little or no attention of abiding by
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basic or fundamental human rights if navalny dies. that's a striking comment from the president of the united states and then what does the united states do in our relationship. i think there's a lot on the table here and biden knows it. i think he wants it. >> before that, our colleague asked do you still and the standby your comments that he's a killer. as you noticed, he did not want to directly go there and answer that. it's clear he was choosing his words carefully but he was saying the message loud and clear. josh, i want to bring you in. global opinion columnist, biden met with putin before. what is your view? is he at an advantage? >> yes, i do think biden set the table here by meeting with almost every nato allied leader before sitting down with putin and that was designed to put the wind at his back so he could represent not just himself but the transatlantic alliance. there are a lot of differences
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inside that to be sure. we had a long history in the united states of having a relationship with russia that's con contentious. that's called walking and chewing gum. it's the stuff of diplomacy that we're really missing in our politics for the last four years because the trump administration k was so chaotic and nobody noo what was going on and he was saying different things than his national security. maybe our competence can be our advantage. >> kaitlan, i want to bring you back in here. >> he's bright. he's tough and i found that he is a, as they say, when used to
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play ball, a worthy adversary. >> a worthy adversary. what do you make of that? >> reporter: i think this is president biden's way of setting himself up for this meeting and how he's going into it. they are days away. he maintained his stance putin is a killer. he turn back to note he was responding to a question in an interview he did with abc news. he says he doesn't think that calculus that he believes putin is killer plays a factor of them going into a meeting. he doesn't feel like the playing field is level. i think these are maneuvers you have seen putin use. he's trying to outsmart them or
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embarrass them at times in public settings. that's part of the calculus going into the press conference. why they weren't having one, sided something about the free press being able to ask questions. he said it's because he didn't want their meeting and sit down to be judged by their interactions at that press conference. whether or not they shook hands or tried to embarrass one another. i think he's recognizing the kind of world leader that putin is and he's going to be sitting down with. the white house do not expect any deliverables to come out of this meeting. >> on that note, what metric would be considered a success at the end of this meeting.
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as we heard from kaitlan, the white house is trying to set a low bar for expectations. >> i think that's smart going in. in some ways it's the tone. it's the massive shift from what we saw from donald trump siding with putin -- >> over u.s. intelligence. >> over the u.s. intelligence folks in terms of what happened in the 2016 lelection. it's the posture of the united states and biden embodying that election. going in with the wind at his back. all of these leaders cheering him on. that's what he said. he said every one is happy. all of those leaders from nato and the g7 are happy he's having this meeting. i think that's pretty much what it is. a return to normalcy coming out in a press conference and underscoring this idea that america is back. america is leading. america is part of the world. america wants to uphold and cheer lead a democracy. we sort of have a problem with our own democracy here.
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i think that really is what they going to try to do tomorrow. i think they are smart to lower the stakes and say they probably won't be any deliverables, any signing ceremonies or anything like that or agreements with putin. >> i wonder talking about democracy, biden alluded to this. democracy is being challenged in many ways in an unprecedented way. does that put president biden in weaker position? >> he was asked that question by the washington post. you're on elections being challenged at home and talked about the phony populism and the republican party and how it's being diminished. there's a lot of controversy over whether that's true or not true. here he is trying to say, look, unless we defend democracy, this russia trying to become an threat to us when he's looking at what could be an existential
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threat at home and the question is, how do our allies respond to what's going on in the united states. i don't think we really know the answer of that. what he was trying to do today is say we're here. we're back. we're strong. we got it. i think everybody is probably nodding and saying, well, let's just see how this gets handled back in the united states but also they are glad he's there. >> they have also, like you point out, there's been a bit of whiplash for them. >> they are also treading carefully. i want to bring you back in because president biden said the u.s. will respond in kind if russia couldn'ts to act aggressively. we also know and we just heard it from the energy secretary that russia is in the united states power grid. russia has an aggressive cyber
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operation. what could they do to respond in kind if russia continues to act aggressively that couldn't continue to elevate into state of war? >> it's a great question. you have two types of action. you have the covert actions and the overt actions. the biden people say we're respond. time plays of our choosing. that's indicating they going to be some covert actions to respond. i think what the public and what congress are calling for are for some overt actions. some sanctions on individual who is are directly responsibility or directly supervising some of these units and some of these russian entities that are attacking us. that are attacking our infrastructure and our companies. i think that the farther you go up with the sanctions, the more biting they get. i think that has to be the next step if this doesn't stop. i think the only way to really communicate that is have at the leader level. that's why the biden putin meeting can be valuable. biden can tell putin what he
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really cares about. what he really cares about is protecting american democracy and american companies but things like syria. you mentioned where they can work together. the president of the united states said yesterday, he called it libya. he was talking about syria. any way he was talking about humanitarian in syria. this is another thing that will be on the agenda that i've written about. you talk about how we can deal with a vrussia that will be autocratic. putin will always be a killer and wish us harm. we have to be frenemies because there's lots of things in the world where we will work with them one way or another. >> if you remind us what the circumstances are around this meeting. we know under president trump, we both covered that. he would sometimes ditch the note takers during the meetings. if you would remind us what we expect to see and what happens next for president biden before that meeting with putin? >> reporter: we're in some of
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those meetings. they would only have a note taker and trump took his notes afterward or only have translarts in the room. we asked the white house who they expect to be in the room when biden and putin meet. they have not told us yet. i think that really speaks to how last palesminute the negotis really are going to be. we expect them to go until the last minute in geneva. we have been told they do expect a smaller session and one bigger session. the smaller session does appear can be a one-on-one between the two leaders. they were one-on-one for quite some time. we know he did want to talk to the turkish leader about putin. we'll likely see how that ends up the day of.
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i don't think we'll get a lot of concrete information on that before hand. tomorrow he does have the eu summit as well. the white house really says all of this building to that sit down with pew tip. they said he's meeting with the allies and president biden saying he's not heard from a single world leader that doesn't believe now is the time for the united states to meet with russia. we'll see if that's still the understanding after the summit 4 happens. >> jeff, i want you to join us now. you were there. you were there questioning the president, asking him about his personal vies of putin. what was your take away with his response? >> pampamela, it's clear that president biden still views putin as a killer. i asked president biden that. he laughed as well.
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he went on the say that indeed he does but that does not really change anything. president biden stayed here at nato really until -- he's one of last leaders here, if not the last leader here talking to variety of world leaders, most of whom are in the region. who have some direct dealing or a concern with russia. this is something he's been gathering information all day long. he said if russia finds it's in their own interest, he hopes they will agree to cooperation in some respects. how will you ever trust vladmir putin. he said you verify first and then trust. the play on ronald reagan's
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famous line. president biden said as far as he is concerned, he will verify first and then trust. there's no question what happens at the meeting on wednesday will set the tone for the relationship between president biden and vladmir putin. he's the fifth american president to meet with putin. we'll see if biden is any different. >> that's why the first question questions to reporters were focused on the subject. we did glean a little bit about biden's mind going into it. thank so much for the great discussion there. as biden repairs the meet putin, there's new potential war crimes by russia. mass killings and torture carried out by russian mercenaries abroad. the story you'll see only on cnn. the terrifying warning from the fbi, up next.
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76% of 23andme health customers surveyed reported taking healthier actions. ♪ because they know health isn't just a future state. health happens now. this father's day, get $50 off health + ancestry kits. breaking news in our politics lead.
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attorney general merrick garland is meeting with cnn and new york times. there's still lot we don't know. i will bring in cnn evan perez to help us better understand this. what do we know about this meeting with media executives and the attorney general today? >> that meeting just got under way just a couple of floors above where i'm sitting. you can believe the media executives are going to be pressing the attorney general for what permanent changes might be made as a result of the seizures of these reporter records but he's also dealing with another fire that's already sort of burning which has to do with the seizure of records belonging to lawmakers, who knew about it. it appears that everybody that you and i some of our colleagues have been calling, nobody says they knew about the seizure of
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phone and e-mail account information belonging to adam schiff, eric swalwell as well as some family members. what we know is the attorney general has asked lisa monaco, the deputy attorney general to go looking for where the bodies are buried here in this building. i'll read you part of the statement issued this morning from the attorney general. first time he's said anything about this. he said, political or other improper considerations must play no role in prosecutorial decisions. any failure to live up to them will be met with strict accountability. he's asked them to look for this information and investigate everything that's happened and if during that process there's things that were done
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improperly, he will make fixes immediately. >> i noticed looking at the statement, he didn't talk about the don mcgahn seizure. he was the white house counsel back in 2018 when doj seized his records. what more do we know about that? >> we don't know a lot. we know that a lot more about the seizure of records belonging to lawmakers and reporters. we don't know what information apple turned over to prosecutors who made that request and question have not been able to figure out what this investigation is about and who authorized it. perhaps there's a change of seizure is a high profile person is being targeted and the prosecutors and agents are working the case. they need to be able to tell the bosses up high to get proper approvals. >> the mystery continues as we
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try to piece this together. evan, thank you for bringing us the latest there from the justice department. i want to turn to our politics lead. fbi warning to lawmakers that qanon followers may start targeting them with actual vie li -- violence. it's a story you'll see on cnn. what's behind this warning? any new intelligence? >> this is a two page report obtained by our colleague and what it says is that some adherence of qanon, the conspiracy theory will start taking matters into their own hands in a violent way because a lot of what they believe would come true has not come to pass. things like president trump reassuming the presidency back in march. that was never going to happen. this is rooted in the belief that the deep state of the global elite are running a
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satanic child sex trafficking ring that's referred to as a kabal by the followers of qanon. because of the predictions that are just crazy, have not come true, some may noi w turn to violence. it says, some domestic violent extremists of qanon will likely believe they can no longer trust the plan and they have an obligation to change from serving as digital soldiers, including harming perceived members of the cabal such as democrats and other political oppositions instead of waiting q's promised action that's not occurred. the report does go onto say because some are disillusioned and they may believe the movement and seeing less of this material online because the stuff is getting kicked off the major social media sites but there's, what the fbi is calling a fork in the road.
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some will leave and hopefully go back to their normal lives and others will become more extreme and possibly turn to violence. >> you hear about this warning and think what about january 6th. weren't there qanon members there engaging in violence. >> fbi said there were 20 people who took part in january 6th who are self-described adherence of qanon. there probably are a lot more. the most persistent threat are white extremist who is are disillusioned and believe donald trump was robbed and believe january 6th was a good thing. there's a lot of overlap between a lot of the violence we have seen and these adherence of qanon. >> thanks so much. appreciate it. coming up, vladmir putin couldn't say alexi navalny's name earlier or he could but he
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in a world lead, president biden is laying down a marker ahead of meeting with russian president vladmir putin saying
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in russian opposition leader alexi navalny died, it would be tragedy. >> navalny's death would be another indication that russia has little or in intention of abiding by basic, fundamental human rights. it would be a tragedy. it would do nothing but hurt his relationships with the rest of the world, in my view, and with me. >> cnn chief international correspondent clarissa ward joins us live now. you have been following the story closely for months. the kremlin says nooefavalny is on the agenda. the white house says biden will be bringing it up. what are you hearing? >> reporter: looks like this will be a face off.
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the russian president views it as an internal, domestic issue. not something that concerns president biden. president biden feels very strongly that it does concern him. when he was pressed on this topic by nbc news and their line view with president back to you tin, president putin refused to say navalny's name or give any assurance that he would not die in prison. take a listen. >> will you commit that you will assure that alexi naefl will leave prison alive? >> i perceive from the premise that the person you have mentioned t same kind of measures will apply. not in any way worse to anybody else who happened to be prisoner. >> his name is alexi navalny. people will know that you -- >> dointi don't care. i don't care. >> reporter: there you heard it. i don't care. this is shaping up to be
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something of an awkward confrontation with both of the leaders drawing their line in the sand on the issue of navalny. >> how are nato allies responding to biden's meeting with putin? >> reporter: well, you heard the president saying that everybody is very positive about it. that everybody he spoken to had come forward and said they were very glad that he was going to deliver a tough message to p putin. i think that's the most important thing. there are member states that wanted to hear an assurance from president biden that it was going to be a stern message and that he did have the back of other nato member allies. some of whom view russia as an existential threat. >> you have some exclusive reporting about russian mercenaries in the central african republic facing multiple allegations of war crimes including torture, rape and murder. what else did you learn?
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>> that's right. it's no secret that russian mercenaries are active in half a dozen countries around the world. they may be guilty of war crimes. we wanted to travel to the central africa republic but refused access on the dprgroundf our previous reporting on the president there. we sent someone to interview witnesses and victims of these crimes. we had to change their name and disguise their faces. i do want to warn viewers that some of this material the graphic. >> reporter: the afterplmath at massacre in the mosque in the central africa republic. at least, 12 bodies are visible on the ground. a woman and a child are among the dead. dozens of civilians had taken shelter in the mosque that day
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after witnesses say russian mercenaries and government troops came hunting for rebel fighters. he was inside the mosque but instead of finding sanctuary p he told cnn they became targets. >> they asked us the take the women and children out of the mosque. six of us walked out with our hands raised. they searched us and found nothing. we had not gone five meters when they started shooting us. i was shot in the right foot. >> reporter: that same day her 15-year-old son was killed by russians firing from the helicopter when he husband went out find him, he was shot down too. >> my husband was buried together with my 15-year-old son. when the burial was over, we couldn't say a word. i was crying.
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my children also came next to me wailing. it was the russians who killed my husband leaving me with children in pain. >> reporter: a confidential u.n. report found that abuses were carried out on both sides but the russians may have committed war crimes and it does not appear to be an isolated incident. over several months, cnn and the independent group have obtained testimony and documents implicating russian contractors deployed to train the central african army in wide range of atrocities during fighting between government and rebel forces, including mass shootings, torture and the burning of villages. in march, it sent details of alleged abuses to the russian and central africa governments. >> brave human rights abuses including rape, summary
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exec execution, targeted killings, torture, forced disappearance, murders and other abuses. we're talk about war crimes here, potentially, are we not? >> yes, we are. we're seeing some of the most serious human rights violations and humanitarian law violations. we're seeing them on a widespread scale. people on the ground are terrified. >> reporter: it's a stark contrast from the story russia tells. in this recent movie, tourist, funded by a company associated with the russian mercenaries, they are lauded as heroic defenders who have liberated central africa. russia's presence in this war torn mineral rich nation has always been controversial.
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even as it has ballooned from 170 contracted trainers in 2017 to around 2300,0 now according a u.n. document with more than 30 bases spread out across the country. 39-year-old teacher shows our camera the scars from wounds he says were inflicted by russian mercenaries at an outpost. they took us to the russian base, tied us up with rope and started to torture us. they used a bayonet to injure my left foot deeply. their actions were evil and bar b barbaric. we are seeing a pattern of behaviors by these russian contr contractors. this happened in other countries. this happened in libya where russian prooivate contractors we involved in a variety of human
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rights violations. >> reporter: for the victims of these alleged crimes, there is little hope for justice. private military contractors are taking illegal in russia and don't officially exist. many locals live in fear of repercussions from a shadowy and unaccountable force.n tried to multiple people. he's also the architect of the famous trfactory involved in th meddling back in 2016. he did not arespond and the russian government did not respond but they did respond to the u.n. working group on mercenaries. letters of allegations saying
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that russian africa republic ar harmed. we can say based on our extense i extenseive reporting that's not true. >> thank you so much. coming up right here, republicans looking to punish progressive congresswoman ilhan omar and the squad. what they are looking to do, next.
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a group of house republicans
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want to censure democratic congresswoman ilhan of minnesota and members of the so called squad after controversial comments omar made last week comparing the u.s. and israel to taliban and hamas which the state department considers a terrorist group. omar later clarified but florida republican congressman mike walt said for members of the u.s. congress to make equivalencies to israel and the american military which puts its own soldiers at risk is shameful and should be condemned in strongest terms. ryan nobles joins me now. what would censuring these congresswomen mean and is it likely to happen? >> reporter: to answer the second question first, it's not likely to happen. what we see republicans doing and it's not this attempt but we're told the house minority leader kevin mccarthy may attempt to bring a privileged resolution to floor that would
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strip congresswoman of her position on the floor. there's another of republicans attempting to censure the congress womg. it's about to make democrats take a position on these comments that the congresswoman has made and try and find a divide between the progressive members of the house democratic caucus and the more moderate and middle of the road members of the democratic caucus. democrats aren't interested in having that public of a fight. this played out on twitter last week but we did see over the weekend both the house speaker nancy pelosi and congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez who rushed to omar's defense, they were on cnn this weekend. both saying both sides have moved past this. they don't want this to become a big problem but we're seeing republicans to continue to sow this discord between the different factions of the democratic conference. >> what more can you tell us about how the house democrats are responding to this?
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>> reporter: first of all, essentially saying it from the same play book now. they saying they are thankful that omar clarified her remarks and they are ready to move on. just in the last few minutes we saw that representative brad schneider of illinois who is a jewish democrat and among the group of democrats most critical of omar's comments, he just put out a statement saying he plans to bring a resolution to this floor this week to censure marjorie taylor greene, the controversial republican woman for the comments she's made comparing mask man at a times to the holocaust and talking about hitler in those terms. this shows that schneider is much more concerned about green's rhetoric than he was about what omar has to say and he's hopeful that omar has clarified the remarks and they are able to move on. we're not exactly how much people will get involved with this resolution, whether or not that will even be passed on the house floor. this may be a fight that nancy pelosi isn't interested in having. what we're seeing right now is an attempt by democrats to quell
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this up rrising within their ras and talk about things they would much rather talk about which is infrastructure, a police reform bill. we'll have to see if they are successful. >> we'll see to see. thanks so much. a new covid vary iant warni that could impact every one. that's next. his guy in a hat. that's why progressive car insurance covers your pets for up to $1,000 if they're ever in a car accident with you. this mini majorette's gonna march her way right into your heart. -i'm sorry. can we stop? i know that we're selling car insurance here, but, you know, all the cute little animals, it's too much. define "too much." what's wrong with cute animals? -so are we doing this or what? -nah, it's over. [ sighs ] well, someone's got to break the news to mittens. [ squeaks softly ] she's a diva. [ mittens squeaking ] if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. switch now and get 2 unlimited lines and 2 free smartphones. and now get netflix on us. it's all included with 2 lines for only $70 bucks! only at t-mobile.
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to our health lead knew. the roping of america continues with california set to lift most covid restrictions tomorrow but today there are some serious reminders of where we have been and where we could go again if vaccination rates continue to plunge. with the former fda chief warning that areas with low vaccination rates could be inviting the severe new variant that ravaged india as cnn nick watts reports. >> reporter: looks like today we will pass 600,000 people kill by
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this virus in this kcountry. average new case counts are a tiny fraction of the peak but the delta variant could cause more pain. in the united states it's about 10% of infections. it's doubling every two weeks. today in england. >> i think it is sensible to wait just a little longer. >> reporter: they day dlaied reopening due to a delta driven surge. >> this could spike a new epidemic heading into the fall. the vaccine seemed to be effective. >> the real risk is the unvaccinated people who are very, very vulnerable to this variant. >> reporter: in part why president joe biden wants 70% of american adults to have had one shot by july 4th. >> i need you. i need every american to do their part. >> reporter: current projection will fall short in large part because of a stark divide. 14 states already reached 70% and every single one went for
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biden in the last election. not a single state that went for trump has been reached 65%. >> it's exactly where i expect to see it start spreading. it makes me so sad that this virus has become politicized. >> reporter: another potential issue come the fall. schools. >> we have to do better. we have to maintain a level of urgency. >> reporter: in april, 90% of k through 8 schools were open. doesn't mean 90% of kids take the fourth grade. only about 50% attended fully in person in large part because. >> families couldn't handle the hybrid option. they need them in every day or home remote. we need all students to have in person learning every day in the fall. hybrid should not be an option in fall. it can be done. >> reporter: another issue for fall, are there going to be things that only vaccinated people are allowed to do?sbyter
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staff must be vaccinated by september 1 and starting tomorrow in disney land, starting tomorrow, if you're vaccinated, fully, you no longer need to wear mask in the happiest place on earth. >> all right. thanks so much. up next, a cnn exclusive a possible nuclear plant leak that could pose an imminent threat. what happens when we welcome change? we can make emergency medicine possible at 40,000 feet. instead of burning our past for power, we can harness the energy of the tiny electron. we can create new ways to connect. rethinking how we communicate to be more inclusive than ever. with app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions,
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turning to a world lead now. a cnn exclusive. problems at a nuclear power plant in china. as we know china is not exactly the gold standard when it comes to sharing information. what more are you learning? >> the power plant itself is now coming out and saying that the environmental readings at the plant and the surrounding areas are normal and there was an issue that's been resolved. it's been overalhauled. they haven't given us many details about what that means.
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that's stark contrast to what the same company said the the didn't of energy in a memo obtained by our colleague warning of an imminent radiological threat. that sent off some alarm bells here in the united states. one source said it's not urgent. it's something that's caught the attention of u.s. government officials. >> there's so much that doesn't add up and this french company
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reaching out to the u.s. thanks so much. appreciate it. follow me on twitter or tweet the show. our coverage continues now with wolf blitzer in "the situation room." : breaking news, president biden vows putin a worthy adversary. the list of targets keep growing.