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tv   Inside Politics With John King  CNN  April 28, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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kate. >> they did not know because he did not testify. fascinating, an important conversation. thank you for bringing that to us. thank you all for joining us at this hour. i am kate bolduan. john king picks up our coverage right now with "inside politics." hello and welcome to "inside politics." i am john king in washington. thank you for sharing an important day with us, a busy hour ahead, any moment a north carolina judge will rule on whether or not to release the cam footage, and an autopsy says sheriff deputies shot brown five times including once in the head. we will bring you that ruling as soon as it happens. first, the president addresses a joint session of congress for the first time. it's both a challenge and an
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opportunity. a chance to remind the country of a consequential first 100 days and to convince the country to buy in into an ambitious agenda that includes a massive expansion of government power. the house chamber will look like anything but normal. only 200 will attend. 1,600 is normal. and justice john roberts will be the only justice, and there's this important history to soak in. for the first time two women will sit behind the president, vice president kamala harris and speaker nancy pelosi. and biden enters tonight in good standing with more than half of the country. it's in disputable the covid fight and economic recovery are in much better shape as biden
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approaches 100 days, using that goodwill to sell much of his agenda and the government's role in it. the pandemic, the economy, immigration, and the insurrection, police reform and gun rights. your white house correspondent, phil mattingly gets us started with key details of what we will hear tonight. >> the president behind closed doors and being expected to be working on the final edits, and as you noted a broad speech, a number of topics and the history just seated behind it for the first time the speaker of the house and vice president are women. one of the through lines you will see in the speech throughout all of the different topics that he hits on is the idea that government can work. have you seen this administration and you have seen this president really push forward the idea of the federal government getting more involved in the u.s. economy and u.s. public health system and u.s. society, and perhaps when democrats were in charge you have seen over the course of the
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last 30 or 40 years, and that's going to continue and the president will look back on the first 100 days, whether it's 215 million plus vaccine doses delivered, and it has worked up to this point and americans should trust him that his big ambitious proposals going forward will also work if they give them a chance, and the centerpiece will be the $1.8 trillion proposal he will be laying out tonight, and it's extensive and it's what they are calling the human infrastructure plan and you are talking about hundreds of billions being directed towards childcare, and the pay for, certainly objections will object to out of hand, and the tax rate doubling for those making more than $1 million. the president is willing to put tax rates on the table and
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believes they can win the fight when it comes to increasing taxes on the wealthy. there's lot to go when it comes to this proposal and the $2.25 trillion infrastructure proposal he put on the table when it comes to congress, and one thing to pay close attention to, two items that won't be mentioned tonight, the expansion of medicare and the plan to cut prescription drug prices, and it's what progressives lobbies in the last two weeks to get in the plan and they are not in the plan, and democrats have changes they want, too, john. >> not just a fight with republicans ahead, but a fascinating moment for the president. let's take a look at how the country views the president at this big moment. let's walk through some of the numbers. 53% of americans approve of the president's job performance as he approaches the 100 day mark and this big speech tomorrow, and this is ten points better than president trump was at this point in his presidency.
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and we live in partisan polarized times. 53% approve and 43% don't approve. democrats love president biden, 93% approve. republicans, not so much, 91% disapprove. this is a key piece. look at this. the president has the middle of america, if you will, 43% of independents say they disapprove, and then right now the electorate are giving him the benefit of the doubt. on the coronavirus fight, to be at 66% approval means a number of republicans, a decent number of republicans saying president biden is doing a good job with the coronavirus, and 31% disapprove, and above water on racial injustice, a big issue in the news including today, 54% approve and 39 disapprove, and 51% approve of president biden's handling of the economy so far,
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and 42% disapprove. underwater, areas of concern for the water tonight on two issues he will talk about. immigration and gun policy. there the majority of americans disapprove so far. where is the president standing the best among communities of color, among moderates and college graduates and women. that's where joe biden is strongest. where is he weak? non-call edge degree, men, whites and conservative. you would think largely the trump coalition, president biden has a lot of work to do to win them over there, if he can. campaign promises, so far the american people think this president, 6 in 10 americans think he's doing a good job of keeping his campaign promises, and by and large 6 in 10 americans say this president is
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keeping his campaign promises so far. let's bring into our conversation right now to share their insights, a republican pollster among the co-founders of public opinion strategies. this is the world we live in, right? joe biden is not going to have an approval rating like george w. bush or barack obama because we lived in polarized time. you focus on the middle of the electorate. why is that so important and how strong is this, 57% approval among independents? >> very strong, and even stronger, 60% among independents on covid, and we have independents for the first time positive on the economy, and they are the ones most worried about the economy. that could be game changing. if the president can hold his approval on the economy and keep the democrats aheads of the
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republicans on the economy, that could change the economy in the next two years. >> one of the president's challenges tonight is to try and convince americans who are vaccine hesitant, and when you look at a map a lot of them live in rural trump america, and will they ever listen to joe biden, and can he ever win them over? >> just 7% of republicans approve of biden, and the same amount of democrats approved of trump in 2017. this is not a country -- these are not two parties that are really open open to reaching across partisan lines.
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the president will have a difficult time convincing rural america and convincing conservatives and republicans to take the vaccine. i mean, if fauci can't do it, biden sure as heck is not going to do it. what this is, i think the presidential numbers are positive for trump, but they are extraordinary soft. >> biden. >> he's making a transition from not being not donald trump to being joe biden, and there are soft spots he will have to worry about in the coming months. >> i want to bring in another question about that, because the president is not trying to only win over republicans and democrats, and presidents have to make choices and this president rebuffing liberals that wanted to expand the medicare, and he said let's not create the single payer system, and he's saying let's not get the government into negotiating drug prices, and pushing back
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against progressives at a time james carville is trying to tell democrats that wokeness is a problem, and he said we came within 42,000 votes of losing, and so let's not have an argument about whether or not we are off key in our messaging. president biden in one way he benefits right now because he's not viewed of idealogical, and is james carville right, are democrats at risk of wondering too far left? >> no, democrats are not at risk of going too far left. right now you have a record number of people, democrats and independents who want to see a role for government and a president that wants to show that government can deliver checks and shots and help small businesses and be a partner in improving america and getting us back on our feet. one of the things that is really part of the solid base for the
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president, and i disagree with neal a little bit here, but i think the platform is quite strong and it's based on a lot of personal characteristics too. a solid majority of voters including independents see him as honest, caring, uniting the country and working effectively and keeping his promises, and that's quite a platform to run from. i think this platform is quite strong. the thing about -- the media wants to have divisions within the democrats, and 93% of democrats are in agreement and they are wondering who the other 7% are, and this agenda has a lot for everyone in it, and he's making huge progress on a lot of fronts. democrats are completely united and that's where democrats will stay. >> so i want to bring up -- >> john? >> come on in. come on in. >> yeah, there's no question. i think americans view joe biden as being liberal, and even
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though you can cite a couple questions where he has not embraced the conservatives, the issue down the road is going to be spending. his achilles hill right now is china, immigration and guns like the poll shows, but i am not sure america's pocket books are -- i think he's bound to lose in 2022 the political battle on spending because that's going to be the issue. >> the issue right now, he's going to sell this as he's raising taxes on the wealthy, and i covered bill clinton back in the days he did that successfully politically, and if you look right now, if you look at the 54% that think economic conditions are good today. this is the metric, as we go from now into the second 100 days, can biden sell his ajenna and he has to sell the american people and trust him to do this and raise taxes on the right people, if you will, and that will be his argument out there. this is the north star. if the economy continues to
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approve is that not the beacon of this president into the mid-term election cycle, and neal, to you first. >> your own data shows americans think the economy is going good right now, and it will be ten points lower, and the jury is still out on this thing and people are concerned about the economy down the road. >> you get the last word? >> i think that the economy and creating jobs is the single most important thing the president can do and that's what he's doing and he's making sure that they are jobs that work for families and make for strong and thriving families and that's important, and it's a broader dialogue, and people don't care how much we are spending but they care about who is paying for it, and they respond to the language that say the healthiest americans and wealthy corporations are not paying their share, and we have a
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pandemic and zoom and amazon and the big corporations don't pay taxes, and something is wrong. these are the most profitable corporations in our country, and joe biden will right that wrong and make sure everybody is taxed properly including the big corporations. >> thank you. it's the 30th anniversary month of neal's firm, and happy anniversary. come back for tonight, that's at 8:00 p.m. eastern. up next for us, how the gop deals with president biden and its own selcivil war, but first george w. bush's historic change. >> tonight i have the high prim lidge and distinct honor of my
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own, to begin the state of the union address with these words, madam speaker.
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whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. a fresh reminder today, an important day, a house gop restreet this week reminded us the party has quite a bit to sort out. there was hope that today would offer a temporary break from the family feuding, so there could be a clear republican response to president biden's big speech tonight. officially the republican response will come from senator tim scott of south carolina, and it's the party's only black republican, and he promises to respond with his party's optimistic vision, and he may
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have competition, and president trump will join the conversation. you spent much of the past week at this house republican retreat that was set up to try and foster a sense of unity that instead highlighted all of these divisions at the 100-day mark. if you had to describe republicans as they try to counter the new democratic president, how would you do so? >> i would say struggling, john. this is something they did on the campaign trail and they were not able to find a label to get to stick and a line of attack with biden, and even after 100 days of biden in office they have not landed any punches on him. ted cruz tried to call him boring but radical and that did not gain traction, and i talked to one house republican that said it's hard to hit somebody that reminds you of your grandpa. that speaks to the fact that biden makes it hard to attack, and he's different than his
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inflammatory predecessor, donald trump, and we are getting biden in more limited and controlled doses, and b, republicans like biden on a personal level and they are reluctant to demonize him, and biden had been doing outreach to capitol hill with republicans and while it has not yielded much bipartisan progress, republicans you talk to when they walk away from the meeting don't have anything bad to say about biden, and instead they are focusing attacks on other democrats in the party like aoc and nancy pelosi and tag biden to those democrats as part of their strategy. >> sorry, i have to interrupt this conversation, and we have breaking news courtesy of "new york times." federal investigators just executing a search warrant on the home of the former trump attorney, rudy guiliani's new york apartment. what do we know, paula? >> according to the "new york
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times" federal investigators have served this search warrant on the former mayor and former president trump's personal attorney. this is an extraordinary move to serve a search warrant like this. the report also says they may have seized his electronic devices. now, "the times" reports this is part of the ongoing investigation into whether or not trump was lobbying the trump administration on behalf of ukrainian officials while those officials were also helping him to dig up dirt on his client, the former president trump about his rival -- then political rival, joe biden. this is a pretty extraordinary development. i have tried the former mayor and his phone is currently off. again, a major development in the ongoing investigation. >> so paula, as we try and get more details, let's walk through for current viewers, he's the close personal friend and personal attorney for a long time, and i believe that
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relationship has ended, of the former president, donald trump, and this is a new york u.s. attorney's investigation that has been going on for sometime that goes back into the trump administration in which sometimes it caused some tension with the justice department back in those days because the new york office wanted independence to carry on its work. >> yes, there are several investigations into several people in the former president's inner circle, and this specific investigation by a federal prosecutor is now overseen by a different justice department, and according to the times the current justice department was okay with serving this warrant. like you said, though, it's extraordinary because he's not only the former mayor of new york, but he's also the former attorney of the former president. this is a major development in this investigation. >> worth noting, let's try and walk through some of the history in the sense that two guiliani
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associates were already under indictment, and they are trying to retrace steps, and rudy guiliani, he had pro russia ties that makes the web even deeper? >> yeah, it does, and it's a case a lot of people have not thought about over the past six months, and it has gone dark since his two associates were charged. it's significant to serve the search warrant and seize the electronic devices, and what are they looking for? what kind of information do they think would still be on those electronic devices that they could potentially gather in the residents in new york to help with the ongoing investigation, but not good news for the former mayor. >> not good news at all. let's bring in jonathan for perspective. i was just going to have
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conversations with you about donald trump, just when republicans want to make the case, and now you have the investigation, another reminder of what i will call the ethical stain and the ethical questions of the trump presidency. >> yeah, i was going to say, yeah, the obvious link here between the conversation we were having before this breaking news and the news itself is the entire democratic theory of the case is to keep running against donald trump, and to not let the republicans turn the page and focus on biden and the excesses real and sperceived of the left and they keep reliving the battle days of donald trump. that's what we are going to see the rest of the year into the mid terms, democrats trying to keep waving that bloody flag, running against trump, and then the republicans trying to turn the page not so much towards biden, by the way, but towards what james carville referred to
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as the wokism and extreme. that's going to be the catch next year, which of the two sides is more extreme, the trump regime or the woke democratic party. that's the battle we are going to see, and i am not sure joe biden is central to that battle, necessarily. >> jonathan, stay with us. paula reed, i want to talk about the legal complexities. this is a huge problem for rudy guiliani, and he has known he was being watched for quite sometime and it's a problem for the circle and the ethical cloud and stain of the trump administration, and he was scornful of the lock her up tone of the trump crowd, and you inherit a high investigation, and it's delicate for them politically? >> incredibly difficult and
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incredibly delicate, but you can't turn a blind eye to evidence you have of criminally wrong doing, and they inherited a significant portfolio of legal questions about the former president, about his family, about his associates and they have to make these careful decisions about which ones they want to pursue. now, according to the times the justice department under the previous administration had blocked efforts to issue this kind of search warrant for mr. guiliani's phones, and this shows a pivot and a shift in the approach to this specific investigation. >> on the importance of that point, let's bring former prosecutor, ely into the conversation. you have given approval, and as paula just outlined smartly, a new administration is in town, and i want to get to some of the politics, or the intersection to
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the politics in a minute, but what does it tell you that they decided to execute a search warrant against such appear high profile american? >> it tells me this investigation is real and it's serious and ongoing, and it's growing. in order to get a search warrant as a prosecutor, you have to be able to show what is called probable cause. you have to write up a document that shows why there's probable cause to believe that you will find some evidence of a crime at the location you are searching, here, rudy guiliani's residence, and then you have to take it to a judge who has to agree you have shown probable cause and some efvidence of a crime here, and this would have had to have been approved at the higher levels of the d.oj, and you nee a special permission to search an attorney's home, and he was the long-time personal attorney for the former president. i think it's a very safe bet that this was approved at the
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highest levels of doj. >> so then now walk us through the moment, if you will. you mentioned you have to have an active investigation and new evidence and progressing, and if "the new york times" account in saying this step was approached and it was don't go there, and then now they are saying, do it, what does that tell you? >> it tells me something we have already known, that doj was politicized under donald trump and particularly under bill barr. i think we saw repeated examples of doj intervening in cases to help and protect donald trump's political and personal friends and allies. look no further than roger stone where doj intervened in his sentence, and michael flynn, doj intervened in the case itself, in his very convictions. there's an established history of the prior doj using doj as a political weapon and political shield. i think this search now -- look,
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it has been approved not just by prosecutors but by a judge but there's clearly real merit to it. >> jonathan, come in on the politics and remind our viewers if they are trying to forget how important rudy guiliani was in the orbit of trump, and this was testimony in the impeachment case, where rudy guiliani was trying to get a remarkable u.s. ambassador in ukraine, and whether it's politics at home or an alleged scheme abroad, rudy guiliani is central to protecting trump? >> he's his person lawyer, his confident and long-time friend and fellow new yorker, and i think somebody who -- john, as you mentioned, it's kind of lost to history because of the second impeachment, but he was a key player in the first impeachment because of his active effort to try and find dirt on hunter biden in the ukraine that would
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damage joe biden in the democratic primarily, potentially the general election, because, john, the donald trump campaign and trump white house did not want to run against joe biden but wanted to run against a more liberal opponent, and the president was impeached for those efforts. rudy is central here. he was never in the trump administration, but i think it's fair to say that sort of one of the most prominent influential figures that was not on the payroll but close to then president trump, john. >> paula reed, for more of the legal perspective, there are things we know and always things we don't know, and i say that in the context that we know two former guiliani associates are already facing federal charges and the question is what did they know about guiliani's role, and what evidence did they know, what would investigators learn
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that might lead them to more? and then the justice department shuts down because of the investigations of political people are off limits in the closing days of the election, so there's some knowledge where we could base the idea that we know they were looking at this and then there's another part of we're not sure, and so this could include materials we don't know about? >> yeah, and the heart of the investigation or questions about whether or not rudy guiliani were lobbying on behalf of ukraine or officials in ukraine, and if you lobby on behalf of a foreign entity, you have to disclose that to the justice department, and it came up in the trump administration specifically with people in his inner circle, like paul manafort, questions about whether or not some of these people were working on behalf of foreign governments and not disclosing it, and that goes to the heart of the case and certainly one of the questions that his two former associates
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will likely be asked by -- about by federal investigators, and they are trying to figure out why he was paid and what he was doing and whether he made the proper disclosures. >> help me walk through the legal parts of this and then i want to bring in david for some of the political parts. i think it's important that you explain the conflict of interests, it's polite term used here. on behalf of ukrainian officials who at the same time were helping mr. guiliani search for dirt on mr. trump's political rivals including president biden, then a leading candidate for president. if true, right there there's an obvious conflict of interest. what more? >> yeah, not only is there a conflict of interest, john, but there's a potential crime there as paula laid out, the foreign
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agents registration act requires anybody lobbying a u.s. government up and including lobbying the president to register as an agent of the foreign country. rudy guiliani and donald trump have had their wires crossed throughout the trump administration, and rudy was a key figure in both impeachments involving donald trump, and let's remember there are two guiliani associates are under indictment, and part of that case relates to money from fraud guarantee, and that's the name of the company, and for reasons we don't quite know, and that could be part of what the southern district is investigating here. >> david, the political circle of life, if you will here, is quite remarkable. many americans know rudy guiliani as being mr. trump's personal attorney, and he's also known as the new york mayor, and
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he was being tough on crime and tough on the mob federal prosecutor in the attorney's office in new york that just served a search warrant on him? >> i don't know many people that have served as the u.s. attorney that later in life gets a search warrant executed in some investigation. but you are right to note the trajectory here. think about what we are talking about. rudy guiliani was the image of law and order at the beginning of his political career, and that's what brought him to the mayor's office and then obviously 9/11 expanded his global recognition and national reach, of course. yes, it was this involvement with donald trump that is this chapter of rudy guiliani's career, so when you look at the path to go from the guy who was tough on criminals to be potentially being looked at here for having committed a crime as
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it relates to his work in the trump administration or around the trump administration, that's not short of an astonishing trajectory of any political figure. >> again, we have to be careful here, and this is a search warrant executed, and every american has the presumption of innocence, but for a search warrant to be executed on such a high profile person it tells you about the investigation, that prosecutors would do this, a, only if they deemed it necessary and, b, if they could make the case to not just their bosses but to a judge and perhaps to public opinion down the road where they built a wall of evidence saying they have to do this. >> yeah, this is a personal attorney to a former president of the united states. the big question is, what exactly were prosecutors looking for? what are they going to be trying to find on the devices they allegedly seized? what were they looking for in that the home? what was the current focus of the investigation? the fact that the biden justice
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department has given this a green light signals there's likely significant evidence to support this move because as we noted earlier in the conversation, this is delicate, this is delicate for an administration that would very much like to move on. so from a legal perspective, we are going to be asking our sources specifically what are prosecutors looking for in the electronic devices in this home and what is the focus of the investigation, and would that give us a sense of the legal jeopardy facing the former mayor. >> and walk us through what you can and cannot, a, find in the devices, and b, and i am not saying anything nefarious happened here, and you can delete but can't eliminate in many cases, correct? >> exactly, john. cell phones increasingly are keys to criminal cases, because anything that may be contained in your cell phone is usually fair play, when you do a search warrant like this as a prosecutor, you will do what you
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ask the judge to do, to dump the phone, to send it off to fbi forensics, and they will find all the e-mails and apps and texts, and people think they can delete but it's not gone. the fbi is very much able to resuscitate those communications, and it's not enough for a prosecute kor to s hey, judge, we think there's evidence of a crime here, but they have to articulate it. there's a document, a piece of paper right now in the southern district of new york courthouse, and i am sure it's under seal so it's secret, but a judge has signed a piece of paper where the sndy, the office rudy guiliani used to run, and it says here's the crime we are looking at in rudy guiliani's residence. >> probable cause warrant here, and probable cause high for any american and higher for the president's personal attorney,
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and federal authorities are executing a search warrant today on the upper east side apartment of the president's long-time personal friend and attorney, former new york city mayor, rudy guiliani. stay with us. front desk. yes, hello... i'm so... please hold. ♪ i got you. ♪ all by yourself. ♪ go with us and get millions of flexible booking options. expedia. it matters who you travel with.
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several major breaking news stories at this hour. feds executing a search warrant
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of the new york apartment of the former new york city mayor, rudy guiliani. first an important case in north carolina. a judge in north carolina just making a ruling over the question of whether or not to release the body cam footage from police in the police-assisted shooting and the fatal death of mr. brown. joe, what do we know? >> reporter: well, we know there are five videos from four body cameras on that faithful day when andrew braun was killed. we know the judge just ruled minutes ago that this video can be disclosed to a member of the family and an attorney selected by the family to be reviewed, apparently, but the video will not be released publicly to the news media. as you know, john, news organizations including cnn petitioned the court for the public release of that video, but the court held here that the media does not have standing to
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go into court and request the release of the video. so as we understand it, the court has given the authorities ten days to disclose this media -- this video to a member of the family and not for public release. the reason why is pretty simple. the law doesn't allow for the news media to go into court and request the release of this video. also, there are concerns here, according to the judge and according to the attorneys who argued the case, that there could be a question of a fair trial for the individuals who are on the video if, in fact, a trial is ordered. so that's the case here from north carolina. back to you. >> thank you for the hustle is the breaking news. let's get quick legal perspective. north carolina does have a unique law. what do you make of the ruling?
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>> they indeed, do. often it's up to the prosecutors and police officers whether they want to be putting out the body cam footage, and the judge has to balance a lot of factors and the judge has a lot of discretion. one thing i think is important to note, though, if members of the public disagree with this there can be an appeal of this decision, so given the stakes here i do expect to see this ruling appealed. >> given the very important stakes and very important interests in the community. we will continue to track it, promise you that. the other breaking news, cnn just confirmed reports earlier this hour, federal investigators served a search warrant today at rudy guiliani's new york city apartment and potentially seized electronic devices belonging to the former new york city mayor and donald trump confidant. what more do we know? >> this is a decision that
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obviously would have had to get approval by the highest levels of the justice department. the deputy attorney general as of last week, she would have had to approve of taking this step under a memo that was issued at the end of december by then deputy attorney general, jeffrey rosen. rosen had been wrangling with the issue in the closing months of the trump administration, and several prosecutors had tried to get approval of the very intrusive and unusual warrant against the sitting president's personal lawyer, and so this is something that got the attention of everybody at the highest levels of the justice department at the time. at that time they decided that there was not enough evidence, and they believed the prosecutors needed more before trying to get this warrant.
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again, they wanted to get electronic devices. they wanted to get documents. they wanted to go to his residence, to his office. again, very unusual steps and it required a lot more approvals at the justice department at the time, and jeffrey rosen and some of the leadership at the justice department decided there was not enough evidence clearly, and that has been revisited by the new biden add machine administration leadership and they decided it was okay to do the raid today, and it's a big step. not only is he the former president's personal lawyer, john, but just getting, as you know, just get into a lawyer's office means you will get sensitive documents, attorney/client privileged documents where they will have to set up a separate team to review before some of the prosecutors and investigators can even take a look at it. there's a lot of steps involved in taking an unusual step like
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that. >> yes, and that will be fought through the courts, what is acceptable to hand over and what is viewed as privileged. help our viewers understand, the case of rudy guiliani, either they came up with new evidence or they came up with a new standard. remind us of the questions at stake here, two of rudy guiliani's associates already under federal indictment. the question on the table was was his work with the ukrainians, did it somehow lead him into conflicts and violations of federal law? >> right. exactly. the law in question is the foreign agents registration act, it's a law that has been problematic for the justice department. they have had trouble getting convictions on them, and frankly in the mueller investigation, it
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came back in vogue and the justice department has an entire unit set up to do these types of cases and to go after people representing foreign governments and aren't registering as they should with the justice department. the question here, john, will be, and i think one of the reasons why some of the leaders of the justice department had some trouble with this is was rudy guiliani acting on behalf of the russia government or the ukrainian officials at the time that he was doing some of this stuff that he was doing, or was he acting as the president's lawyer? guiliani and his defenders and the former president's team would argue that guiliani was acting as the president's personal lawyer, and it was within, you know, his political work to try and go and get the evidence, which was really intended to tar and to attack joe biden and his family for, you know, as part of his political work on behalf of the
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president, the then president. the issue here is whether that qualifies as a violation of the foreign agents registration act, and whether the lobbying he was doing would qualify as a violation of those laws. so you know, again, i think this is not a slam dunk case. i think there's been a reason why investigators have been working on this and you still see that the case has not been brought, because it's going to be a tough case to bring and you can expect -- you brought it up, you know, the former president, his legal team are likely to go to court and say, well, you can't get this, you can't get that, because they know that there could be some exposure on the part of the former president. >> right, so this will end up before a federal judge, but is the biden justice department playing initial referee instead
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of the trump administration. so a question is, should the president issue pardons, and that was not done. this is the day of the insurrection, this is the rally before the pro trump mob marched up to the capitol, and rudy guiliani was with this president, including the big lie. listen to the end. >> so over the next ten days we get to see the machines that are crooked, the ballots that are fraudulent, and if we are wrong we will be made fools of. but if we are right, a lot of them will go to jail. so let's have trial by combat. i'm willing to stake -- i'm willing to stake my reputation,
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and the president is willing to stake his reputation on the fact that we are going to find crime there. and is biden willing to stake his reputation on no crime is there? no. >> and rudy guiliani and his legal team were made fools of in more than 70 courts in america, and even judges appointed by donald trump said do not come back, you have no evidence. >> i think guiliani was right there that donald trump and rudy guiliani's reputations were on the line going forward with the big lie and they suffered because of it. you know as well talking to those around the trump orbit, rudy guiliani, especially towards the end once we are in the election challenging season, he was a very divisive person
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inside the trump orbit, and they thought the press conference he held pursuing some of this big lie stuff, and then the bizarre press conference in philadelphia, and there were not a lot of established republican election lawyers who were rallying around to the president's call that there was this totally illegitimate election that somehow occurred, because there was no evidence. you cited the results in court and there were many folks inside trump's world that thought guiliani was a bit too far off in the way in which he was trying to stick with the president and pursue the manner in which he was trying to pursue this notion of the big lie. >> quick to sign on to conspiracy theories, and that's one of the questions about the work in ukraine as well. quick to believe that people who had sorted representations in this case, representations with
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russia. walk me through this new justice department, what do they have in place of handling things with such sensitive tea. e this is a cautious justice department, and merrick garland was a former judge, and we have already seen some of the impact of having a judge who takes his time to make decisions. look, that's not a bad thing. it's not a criticism. certainly bill barr was known to come into meetings, sometimes already had his mind made up, and sometimes, you know, on bad information he would make decisions very quickly. this attorney general is somebody who is a lot more careful, and so you have to believe that there's lot more that went into this before this was approved. >> given that kcaution, it tell you something that the warrant was served. thank you for your hustle on this breaking news. thanks for joining us.
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ana cabrera picks up the coverage after a quick break. have a good afternoon. ♪ [music and sound effects played in reverse] our shot.
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10:00 am
hello. we begin with breaking news. federal authorities today rated rudy guiliani's manhattan apartment. prosecutors aobtained a search warrant, and i want to bring in cnn legal affairs correspondent, paula reed, and laura coates is with us as well. what do we


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