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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  April 22, 2021 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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>> as we all were. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. >> welcome to "the lead" today. i'm jake tap per. we start with our national lead. a nation grappling with weather and how to move forward on policing reform as well as matters of social justice in combating racism. today a few miles from where police officer derek chauvin was convicted of murdering george fl floyd, a different family and a different community saying their final good-byes to daunte wright, killed by police last week during a traffic stop. police chief at the time said an officer, kim potter, mistakenly grabbed her gun instead of her taser and fired at wright, killing him. the officer has since resigned and later was charged with second-degree manslaughter. wright had been pulled over for an expired tag on his car.
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then the officer realized wright had outstanding warrants and tried to arrest him. like the floyd matter that began with a $20 bill or like with eric garner with began with him selling loose cigarettes. a minor infraction escalating into a white police officer killing a black man. daunte's aunt in an emotional interview asked this morning why do we have to keep burying our babies? >> why? why did he have to die the way that he died? you know, my family has to still come to grips with that. the black community is very accepting and we accept all. but to keep having our nephews, our sons, our fathers, our brothers and stuff taken from us for no, no reason at all is hard. >> just moments ago at the funeral of daunte[t!v wright, fy lawyer ben crump and civil rights activist reverend sharpton spoke about the police
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reforms they believe are urgently needed. >> it's too often that traffic stops end up as deadly sentences. it's time to bring a new date when we don't have to videotaup when we see a badge, to know that they're there to serve and protect, not treat us like we've been convicted. >> we also just heard from the wright family, and understandably very emotional. >> yeah. look, the wright family and george floyd's family have become very close. the wright family today, very difficult to say good-bye to their 20-year-old son, brother and nephew. a young child, father of one. and the funeral was as much a
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good-bye, very difficult good-bye to daunte wright as it was a rally for many others who have died at the hands of police, while:s!ñ they were in police custody or while they were being arrested. all of it raising that concern about equal justice, equality under the law, policing and how police, when they approach an african-american. why? why so often is that different than when they approach white americans? his mother could barely get words out to talk about his son and say good-bye. his mother was frustrated that the roles should be reversed. her son should be saying good-bye to him -- to her. >> my son had a smile that was worth a million dollars. when he walked in the room, he lit up the room. he was a brother, a,e'jokester. he was loved by so many. he's going to be so missed.
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>> the former police officer kim potter was charged so quickly with manslaughter. we saw the murder conviction of derek chauvin in the death of george floyd. for the wright family, for families across minneapolis, minnesota and the country, it it it feels leak there is' went dough open no,' window into the lives of black people and policing. and the hope is that window will stay open and it will lead to long-term reform. jake? >> miguel marquez, thank you so much. two additional, quite different but unfortunately both deadly police killings continue to have serious questions about policing, especially the use of force. especially when it comes to people of color. cnn's jessica schneider is taking a closer look at us.
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some of the video we're about to bring you is rather graphic. >> four shots fired by columbus police officer nicolas reardon, reigniting a national debate of what constitutes reasonable force. >> this is a failure on the part of our community. some are guilty, but all of us are responsible. >> police body cam video was released less than six hours after the fatal encounter tuesday afternoon. it shows 16-year-old ma'khia bryant pushing a person toward the ground before she lungs toward another person wearing pink with what appears to be a knife. that's when officer reardon fires four shots, killing bryant. the video prompted questions about how police are trained to react to a situation like this. columbus police chief saying officers were taught when to use deadly force. >> what i can say is when officers are faced with someone employing deadly force, deadly
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force can be the response the officer gives. >> but what about the how? on april 11th, a minneapolis area police officer shot and killed daunte wright. police say she mistakenly used a gun instead of her taser. [ bleep ] i just shot him. >> reporter: back in columbus, the police chief there pushed back on the idea that his officer could have resorted to a taser instead. >> if there's not deadly force being perpetrated on someone else at that time and also may have the opportunity to have cover, distance and time to use a taser, but if those things aren't present and there is an active assault going on in which someone could lose their life, the officer can use their firearm to protect that third person. >> reporter: as for where to shoot, officers were trained to aim for the chest, the largest area of the body. >> we don't train for the leg.
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it's a small target. >> that's not real world, real life. we do train to shoot central mass. >> reporter: in elizabeth city, north carolina, after sheriff's deputies shot 40-year-old andrew brown jr. while attempting to serve a warrant, there's body cam video but has not released it yet. >> i'm just hoping that the video footage for me, that video footage will speak volumes. i want to see what happened. there's no way -- there's no reason, in my personal opinion that a warrant should end up in a man being dead. >> seemingly endless succession of incidents where black people have died at the hands of police. >> our community expects reform from us. we need to look at a first responder model but a second responder model.
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look at things in our police department where we'll have mental health officers, professionals who will go on these crisis calls. >> reporter: implementing a new training model that emphasizes de-escalation and stresses mental health when responding to a situation, the icat training model, being embraced by many police departments across the country. in, of course, what's become this moment of reckoning. jake? >> jessica schneider, thank you so much. let's discuss this further with dmitry roberts and part of president obama's national task force on 20th century policing. let me start with what we saw in columbus, ohio, and the shooting of ma'khia bryant. the interim police chief said if an officer is faced with someone deploying deadly force, deadly
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force can be the response, end quote. is shooting to kill with a gun the only possible solution? >> that's going to be dependent on each type of incident that the officer encounters. you can't give one blanket answer for the event. if we're talking about the one in question, it was clearly in the middle of a deadly attack with a knife toward the other individual in pink. i don't see had an other choice the officer had, other than to try to stop that attack and save the life of the woman in pink. some people talk about a taser. taser is not 100% effective all the time. it's a useful tool but is not designed for use in a lethal force situation. he had no■qj choice but to stop that attack and save that other individual's life. >> obviously each of these police shootings we're talking about is different. each one has different situations, different
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circumstances. when you watch these incidents play out, over and over and over again, even though they are different, do you think there needs to be reform or do you think that the system is broken? >> well, there's no question that the system is broken and needs reform, but how do we get to that reform? the simple answer there is the better use of technology and really a contactless way for police officers not in daily force situations, but in situations where there can be a peaceful de-escalation of these things so they can bring this to a sensible resolution unlike what we're seeing in these incidents over and over again. >> do you disagree with him when it comes to what happened in columbus, ohio? >> i do, but don't get me wrong. i respect him and all the other
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officers that may have a different opinion. but i speak from my experience, and that experience is from working in one of the highest crime areas in this country. and what i can tell you, myself along with thousands of other chicago police officers and of other officers around this country deal with situations like that on a daily basis and nobody ended up dead. i didni give any verbal direction. i didn't see him closing distance. but at the end of the day, i've said this cer before, jake, ands worth saying it again. it takes a level of courage, it takes a level of commitment and it takes a level of dedication to get involved, wear the badge and do the job right. in my opinion, people dying unnecessarily, especially our is country, just not the right way to do anything. that's not to take away from what the policy on these departments say, but that does not mean it's morally andecl) ethically right. when you find yourself at the hands of another child dying, i
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can't see how we justify any of this. >> roberto, new york city mayor bill deblasio suggested that every police officer in the united states, every one, should be retrained with a focus on de-escalation. what do you think? >> i don't necessarily disagree with that. i think that that's an ongoing issue in police departments across the country. when i was on the task force, that's one of theçh!g things the recommended to retraining and re-emphasize for our officers the sanctity of life, use of force only when it's a last resort and only a reasonable amount of force proportionate to the threat being faced. and once that threat is remedied or dissipated then the force lessens. you need to use de-escalation to try to prevent force. it's not just a tactical move where de-escalate, talk soft. it's how you treat people from the get-go.
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you stopkijñ someone on a traff stop, you treat them with respect not barking at them from the get-go. you treat them respectful and professional and that will go a long way to keeping things peaceful. >> dmitri, do you think we're in a different moment in this country where there might actually be an opportunity for the kind of change that you've been seeking? policing reform, criminal justice reform in the wake of derek chauvin being found guilty of murder? >> well, we better be, jake. if not, our children, our citizens as well as our police officers are going to continue to be injured and killed in the wake of incidents and they don't have to be. so, this is a call to not just my fellow officers, but to the country and say let's not further polarize these issues more than they've had to be. let's bring our reasonable, sensible solutions to the table and let's move forward in a way that keeps all parties safe.
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jake? >> roberto, one of the issues i keep hearing from members of the black community both on air and off air is how come we in this country continue to see white killers like dylan roof, taken in peacefully, while we see people guilty of the smallest of offenses, like eric garner selling loose cigarettes, ending up dead? what do you say when people ask you that, if they do? >> i think that they're making everything based on the small portion of the picture. there's no argument that law enforcement has a despisparate impact on minority communities but the way that's painted in social media is that that's the only place that occurs. there are a lot of people of noncolor that are killed in
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police actions. i'm not excusing it, i'm not saying that's an excuse for bad behavior. but it's such a complex, large picture that you can't look at just one little element of it and paint that across and say this is what's occurring. there are a lot of people who get injured or, you know, have deadly accounts with law enforcement that are not people of color. but you don't hear about that. >> but, of course, a lot of innocent white people get killed to is not a good way -- >> no, i agree with what you said and i agree with what dmitri said. >> we have to take this moment while we're here and change the narrative. we are both law enforcement officers here andyqs we went ou every day and tried to preserve the sanctity of life. and that is disproportion ate
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against plaque people at hands of white police officers. there's no scenario where that's okay. i, as well as other african-american police officers dealt with these situations in the same way. we have to bridge the cultural divide here. there is a big cultural divide. when a white police officer is such in fear of a black person because of the color of their skin that they pull out their gun first before they think about anything else, that is the root of the problem. and that's where we have to focus on these issues. as i said before, jake, we have to clean house. how do we clean house? there are racist elements of officers in agencies. there are a level of racism and division in this country that we need to take out of our ranks. not just in the military. not just in the government, but in our police agencies throughout this country. that's where we have to start. we can have all the tools in the world. if somebody's intent is to harm somebody they don't like or have biases against, we can have the
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greatest tools in the world and will still have the same problem. >> dmitri roberts and roberto, thank you for coming on today. and thanks to law enforcement officers as well. the fate of johnson & johnson's vaccine in johnson & johnson's vaccine in the u.s. could be determined, l how quickly it could potentially return. that's aahead. can te financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪ spray, lift, skip, step. swipe, lift, spin, dry. slam, pan, still...fresh move, move, move, move aaaaand still fresh. degree. ultimate freshness activated when you move.
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. thank you! hey, hey, no, no limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ in the politics lead and on earth day, an ambitious goal from president biden, who pledged to cut u.s. greenhouse gas emissions in half or more by 2030. he's using 2005 levels already trending down as his baseline, but still biden made the pitch while he had the attention of leaders of many of the most powerful nations including china and russia, putting pressure on those leaders to follow suit as cnn's kaitlan collins now reports. >> we really have no choice. we have to get this done.
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>> reporter: with a sense of urgency, the u.s. is setting its sights on a u.s. ambitious climate goal. >> this is the decisive decade that we must make decisions that will avoid the worst consequences of the climate crisis. >> reporter: pledging to cut greenhouse gas emissions in at least half by the end of the decade, almost doubling the goal set by former president obama. the new goal for fossil fuel use would transform almost every sector of the american economy and could set the stage for a partisan showdown. >> when people talk about climate, i think jobs. within our climate response lies an extraordinary engine of job de creation. >> reporter: biden's pledge is a sharp 180 from his predecessor, who often denied science and defiantly walk ed away from the paris climate accord. >> a very unfair act for the united states. the paris accord was not designed to save the environment. it was designed to kill the american economy.
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>> reporter: biden rejoined the paris climate accords on his first day in office and promised to reverse trump's policies, moves that world leaders welcomed today. >> i'm delighted to see that the united states is back, is back to work together with us in climate politics. >> i'm really thrilled by the game changing announcement that joe biden has just made. >> reporter: as the president tries to re-establish america on the world climate stage, he'll have to reassure skeptics, sis his envoy john kerry acknowledged today. >> first words out of people's mouths is what are you guys going to do? you destroyed your credibility, left the paris agreement. how can we trust you? what's going to happen in the next four years? >> reporter: biden is convening dozens of world leaders virtually, including those he recently clashed with, like chinese president xi jinping. >> well-being of people in all countries. >> reporter: virtual summit may have made history but it also
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showed even world leaders can have technical difficulties. >> i now turn the floor to the president of federation excellency have load mere vladimir putin. >> how practical this goal they're setting today and whether or not they can really mean it because it's not enshrined in law and he could have a successor who comes around and reverses a lot of his climate policies. john kerry was asked if he believes this is practical. he said it's not only doable, jake, he believes that they will be able to exceed this goal. >> kaitlan collins, thanks so much. that brings us to our earth matters series. president biden is taking many of his cues on climate from nasa. that's right. the same folks currently controlling a rover on mars are
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also using cutting-edge technology to reduce carbon gas that are a danger to our planet. bill weir shows us how. >> science is unmistakable, science is undeniable and the cost of inaction keeps mounting. >> you could call it a renewal of american vows, and despite their massive reliance on coal being even china showed up. join the promise to break an addiction of fuels that burn to save both life and treasure. >> green mountains are gold mountains, to protect the environment is to protect productivity. >> promises are just promises. considering that the last four earth days came under a president who refused to acknowledge the emergency -- >> we're at the cleanest we've ever been. >> those who trust the science have fresh hope. >> the environmental movement in the climate community is very hopeful but very anxious about
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where we go from here. >> even as the pandemic forces rallies with avatars on screens and the capitol lockdown prevents the sunrise movement sit-ins had an forced the promise of a green new deal, there are worries that members of congress and corporate greed will get in the way at every sector of the economy. >> they're worried we don't take it seriously and whatever is proposed will get watered down. >> there are actually very smart people at harvard considering what is called solar geoengineering to emit volcanos to send balloons or rockets to basically long distances. what do you think of that idea? >> as a scientist i think what an interesting process and it mimics what we see with the volcanos and think that could work. as a citizen, so my other hat,
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i'm thinking, no, this is a terrible, terrible idea. >> as part of his effort to inject climate science into every department in government, president biden recently made gavin schmidt the acting head of climate science at nasa. they measure planet cooking solution in the sky, but using windfall planning to ca carbonization. >> it's not oh, well, let's just recycle our plastic stores. no, people are talking seriously about how we cut emissions. and personally that leefbs me with optimism. >> on the 51st earth day, it seems like the age of denial is finally becoming the age of cost benefit analysis and action. for a long activist who closed out the morning session, it's
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about tum. >> you are the ones kroo ating loopholes in your own policies and agreements. you are the ones in the current way of living. >> biden's pledged success will come down to how many around the world understand the enormous cost of doing nothing. >> jake, the insurance company swiss reid did try to put a cost on this and said the cost of inaction by mid-century would be 20% of global gdp to clean up after all those storms. equally sobering if we meet the goals of the paris accords, because there's so much warming already baked in, global gdp will go down 4% regardless. >> bill weir, thank you so much. tune in tomorrow night for a special cnn town hall with the u.s. presidential envoy for
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climate and other members of the climate team, gina mccarthy, dana bash will host the climate crisis tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. can your favorite basketball player convince you to get a covid vaccine if you're inclined not to? the new full-court press by the biden administration, that's next. ♪ the thing about freedom is... freedom has no limits. there's no such thing as too many adventures... or too many unforgettable moments. there will never be too many stories to write... or too many memories to make. but when it comes to a vehicle that will be there for it all.
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>> alarm bells sounding in our health lead today as the demand for vaccinations is starting to dwindle, even though the u.s. is nowhere near herd immunity levels. for the first time in more than two weeks the daily case of vaccinations has dropped below 3 million shots per day. so now the biden administration is trying to figure out how to get vaccine enthusiasm back up. >> i know it works medically but when you put something in you to stop from getting it, that doesn't work for me. >> here who hhs recruited to help fight such vaccine hesitancy, walter kim, president national association of evangelicals, wnba, nascar, couple of sharks, secrest and rippa. >> my job now is to make sure every american knows this vaccine is available to them, that it is safe, that it is
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effective and they should go and get vaccinated. >> one report suggests hesitancy means vaccine supply may ha outstrip demand within weeks. early in the vaccine rollout, wait was the worry. >> this is such a precious resource and really this wait list should not be tolerated at all. >> new cnn analyze of cdc data finds through the end in maven, one in every 850 doses went unused, spoiled, expired or wasted. one-third of american adults are now fully vaccinated. dodgers staydium will have a section just for them in the stands. saturday the cdc is with working on updated guidance for the vaccinated. average daily new case counts down 12% in a week. elsewhere on earth, a very different story. in india, an all-time global record, nearly 315,000 new cases reported in one day. >> we're going through pretty
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much the worst possible phase of the pandemic. >> help to safb my mother. i love her more than anything. just one plea on social media. many hospitals, morgues, graveyards are now full. and back here, federal officials are also mulling over whether to keep or ditch that mask mandate on mass transit that's due to expire next month. meanwhile, some states are taking the lead. rhode island, for example, just named a date, may 7th. from then you will not need to wear a mask outside in that state. jake? >>]í6y nick, thanks so much. tomorrow we expect to learn whether johnson & johnson can continue its vac nations in the u.s. we'll discuss the options on the table and more with dr. sanjay gupta, and that's next. ith liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a bit differently. wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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welcome back, and continuing our health lead, j s&p j vaccine's fate could be decided tomorrow when a cdc advisory group will meet to decide whether the pause in distributing the vaccine should end or continue. this is in response to six cases of a severe and rare brain blood clot and whether there was a link to the vaccine. joining us now to discuss, cnn's chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. what are the chances that the j&j vaccine will go back on the market tomorrow but maybe with a warning that in extremely rare cases the blood clot can happen? >> i think that seems like the most likely scenario. we'll see. one thing to keep in mind is
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part of the advantage of having this time over the last week or so is if there are a lot more patients who will declare themselves and say that happened to me as well. in other words was this a needle in a haystack or a tip of the iceberg? we haven't heard of a lot more cases. in some instances where people may have a pre-existing condition, this may serve as a warning to them. that's what they did in europe, by the way. not that the fda always matches what the european medicine agency does. that seems like the most likely outcome here, some kind of warning. >> the white house announced new efforts trying to boost plateauing business rates, offering incentives to businesses to allow employees to take team off work to get vaccinated. do you think numbers are slowing because of a lack of ability to get the vaccine or because so many people remain skeptical? >> well, we've been doing a lot of reporting on this. i think at this point it's still
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a combination of both. there are still some places around the country that are just harder to reach. people have not been able to have the same access to the vaccines. you see vaccine hesitancy, the lack of vaccine confidence. this came out of the polling of the kaiser family foundation. about 61% said either they've had the vaccine, they're going to get it, have no problem with it. the bottom green line are people who say only if needed or definitely not. but that blue line in the middle started off at a high level, down to 17%. that's the moveable middle, people who could flip. and those numbers have been coming down. i think that's where a lot of the focus is going to be. a will the of them want to wait and see, let other people go first and then they'll go. if they flip, and a significant percentage flips, that gets us
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closer and closer to herd or community immunity. >> yesterday a senior covid adviser to the white house andy slavitt told me the cdc is putting together new guidance for vaccinated americans like you and me. how come i still have to wear a mask outdoors, for example? that's a question i asked. what does the science say about what the rules should be for people like us, who are vaccinated? >> well, let me go over some of the numbers. we have data around this now, how likely people who are becoming infected are getting infected outdoors? a small percent across the board. 18.7, that's a number i shared with you earlier, jake, the odds of transmission indoors versus outdoors, almost 19 times more likely to happen indoors versus outdoors. keep those in mind in the back of your mind.rxu lindsay marr writes a lot about this.
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if you have been vaccinated and you are not vulnerable, high risk, you probably don't need a mask outdoors. there is some common sense that comes into play as well. a crowded ourktsdoor setting where you'll be stationary for a long period of time and there's high viral transmission in your community, that's something you can check, then that's going to be mover a risk. more of a risk that you're going to breathe in someone else's air and that that air may contain the virus. that's basically it. so outdoors in general, vaccinated, not vulnerable, probably don't worry about it. but if you're in a high-risk area and are considered high-risk yourself, then a mask is still going to be a good'. >> if you were to go -- you and i are both fans of dave matthews. if you were to go to the dave matthews concert, he just announced he's touring, outdoor events this summer, would you be willing to go, would you wear a mask? how would you handle that? >> yeah. i think so. i think that -- it would be curious to see. i just heard about that, that they're going to have these large concerts.
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where are we in the country at that point? i think in the summer -- what i've been optimistic about for some time is that the rate of transmission at that time may end up being so low that the likelihood of me coming in contact with someone who is actually carrying the virus is going to be pretty minuscule. at that point i would be very comfortable going. if, for whatever reason, one of these concerts -- and he's having several of them, one of these cities has a high varl transmission, i would be worried. low viral transmission, outdoors, i'm not vulnerable, i'm vaccinated, i would be good to go and i would like to go. >> i know you wouldment me, too. dr. sanjay gupta, thank you so much. kremlin critic alexey navalny needs to stop his hunger strike immediately. that's the plea from five of his doctors. we'll go live to moscow next. st. i feel kinder, when nature is so kind to me. find more ways to grow at
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breaking now in our world lead we just learned that jailed putin opposition leader alexey navalny was visited by doctors. his doctors are warning if navalny continues his hunger strike they will have, quote, no one to heal. he started his hunger strike three weeks ago, inspiring thousands to protest throughout russia last night. almost 2,000 protesters were detained. sam kiley is in moscow for us. what are we hearing from navalny today? what condition is he in? >> he acknowledged, it was gratitude, the large turnout that we're seeing across russia in spite of the efforts by the
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putin administration to suppress public demonstrations many thousand people turned out, close to 2,000 detained, down on previous demonstrations in support of mr. navalny. then we have this very dramatic letter from his doctors, as you say there, saying he is in mortal danger, effectively, and asking him to come off his hunger strike. after analysis of the independent physician who did see him, their report suggests he could suffer renal failure, neurological damage even heart failure and is already suffering from some kind of fits. in that context they've asked him to give up his hunger strike. it's not clear, and i've been in touch with his chief of staff in the last couple of hours, whether or not mr. navalny will agree to come up his hunger strike and kind of a moot point
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his demands for independent decisions have been met as he has been seen and moved to a civilian institution. there were lots to play for here but at the same time, his supporters are saying they're going to have another demonstration in qxfavor, in support of his efforts to fight back against his incarceration against the putin administration. >> the question then becomes if he ends his hunger strike to protest the fact that he wasn't able to have independent doctors shall now he does, is he going to continue his hunger strike to protest something else, his incarceration or the fact that putin is repressing members of society, including him? will he continue? >> if you look at his pattern of behavior in the past, he was poisoned with novichok last year, used in the past or blamed on the put u.n. administration
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for attack on, for example, sechlt rgei skripal in england. he then traveled back here with knowledge he would end up back in jail and since gone on a hunger strike. he is intent on ramming himself into confrontation with the putin administration. >> and the more that putin oppresses him, throws him in jail, the more he brings attention to navalny many sam kiley, thanks so much. we'll be right back. how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪
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hills, california. for 30 years he assisted nurses in providing the best care possible for his patients. our deepest condolences to his family, friends and co-workers. may his memory belúha blessing. our coverage continues right now. i will see you tomorrow. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." in minneapolis, family, friends and civil rights leaders are paying tribute daunte wright, the 20-year-old unarmed african-american man shot and killed by police near minneapolis during a traffic stop 11 days ago. his mother lamenting and i'm quoting now, he should be burying me. meantime, questions about the deadly shootings of after rick an americans in the last tw.