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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  April 18, 2021 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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>> he's okay. >> and that was the right way to handle it. >> two male subjects shot. >> the training was intense and part of the training says the chief -- >> drop the knife. >> is never to use a gun or a taser unless you absolutely have to. >> if you identify the person and they get away you're going to still find them. there's still time. slow things down. >> it's going to be okay, everything's going to be all right. >> gary tuchman, camden, new jersey. hello again, everyone, thank you for joining me, i'm fredricka whitfield. another night of mass shootings in america. gun violence in this country is a public health emergency. last night's shootings bringing the total number of mass shootings in the last month to 47. 47 cities and towns where americans have lost family members and friends to senseless
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violence. >> when you see people getting killed, i mean, in this last month, it's just been horrifying what's happened. how can you say that's not a public health issue? >> so overnight near kenosha, wisconsin gunfire broke out at a tavern leaving three people dead and two others seriously injured and in columbus, ohio, one person died and five others were injured when someone opened fire in a parking lot. the group was gathered to told a vigil for someone who had been killed there, the mayor tweeting enough, put down the guns, we must come together to end the violence that is tearing our community apart. president biden, echoing that frustration friday. >> every single day, every single day there's a mass shooting in this -- in the united states if you count all those who were killed out on the streets of our cities and our rural areas. it's a national embarrassment, and must come to an end. >> and we're learning three people are dead at the scene of
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a shooting in austin, texas. police saying residents should continue to shelter in place, but the shooting appears to be a domestic incident. all the while minneapolis and the nation for that matter is bracing for verdicts coming soon in the derek chauvin murder trial. that city and much of america will be on edge until jurors reach a decision possibly this week, closing arguments tomorrow, that tension was frightening -- was on frightening display, rather, this morning when minnesota national guardsmen and police were targeted in a drive-by shooting. no one seriously injured but officials are worried there could be more violence to come. sara sidner is standing by in minneapolis, sara, tell us what you've learned. >> reporter: we understand that two national guard members have minor injuries, that is from the shards of glass and one was taken to the hospital.
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we also can tell you that as far as the tension goes, if you look at businesses here, you look at any of the government buildings here, the ones downtown have been boarded up and each day more and more and more buildings are boarded up downtown looks like the green zone in baghdad, almost, when you look at all of the things that have been put up, razor wire, barbed wire, you have huge concrete barricades surrounding the courthouse. that's been there for quite some time but that is getting larger and larger. the area in a they are barricading off. it is clear that the government officials, anyway, do think that tensions are high enough to do extra measures. and part of those extra measures was to bring in the national guard. there was a plan very early on to bring in the national guard when we were very close to the verdict. but they showed up earlier, and part of that was because of yet another police shooting here that ended up killing daunte wright, the 20-year-old who was in his car, they were trying to arrest him, he slipped out of the arrest, got in his car, and
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the officer who has now been charged, kim potter, ended up shooting him as he was trying to get away. and so we're in this state right now where you have this george floyd alleged murder and you have the person on trial for that, and then you have yet another shooting in the middle of all this. it couldn't have created a more tense situation in and around this city. not just in minneapolis, in brooklyn center, and beyond. the tensions are extremely, excruciatingly high. >> sara sidner, we'll be watching, thank you so much from minneapolis. >> thanks, fred. the derek chauvin trial is at the heart of a fierce national debate about race, policing, that will continue long after the verdicts are handed down. whatever happens, it could be a defining moment for this country. i want to bring in now cnn legal analyst areva martin. so good to see you. so tomorrow we are to hear closing arguments, cities are preparing for verdicts, worried about how the public might
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react. what are you bracing for this week? >> i think we have to be prepared, fred, for not just to see protests happening in minneapolis, but really all over this country because what we saw last summer after george floyd was killed, we saw protests erupt in every city in this country, and really outside of the country. so we see all of the extra measures that are being taken by officials in minneapolis. that's happening in other cities throughout this country because everyone, i think, is so afraid that if there is an acquittal of derek chauvin, that the community activists, advocates who have been on the streets for months are going to take to the streets to protest what they believe will be, and i think we all will believe to be, injustice, a travesty of justice in an acquittal. >> the public has been assessing what it has seen, what it heard during this trial, the jury has to now -- the jury has a big job. it has to now determine which
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aspects of which charges have the burdens been met. i mean, what is it going to be like for that jury in your view? >> tremendous pressure, obviously, even though the judge has instructed them not to watch the news, not to pay attention to what's happening, they are in the heart of, you know, where the protest movements had been happening for months now so they know the gravity. they know the weight of the decision that they have to make. and i can't help but think about the 17-year-old bystander, the video that went viral that, you know, gave us an opportunity to witness those 9:29. she testified, fred, that she felt so much guilt because she didn't do more to intervene. i'm wondering if jurors are also having, you know, those same feelings and thinking, as the final arbiters of what happened to derek chauvin, if they feel a greater sense of responsibility to hold him accountable. >> good point. so we are seeing, you know, tensions being manifested in so many different ways across the country. and apparently police have now tied some vandalism in
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california to a defense witness in this trial, someone apparently spreading animal blood on an address that they thought was his, you know, and a statue at a nearby mall. there was also a sign reading oink, oink. what does this tell you about the climate of that i think so and the pressure that comes with being a juror, being a witness, particularly in a high profile case. >> what it says, fred, is the country is fed up, particularly the african-american community with what appears to be no action. we keep seeing senseless murders, violence against african-american communities and latino communities. there's a sense that nothing is changing, despite all the protests, the george floyd policing act is dead loclocked
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congress, there's some movement at the local levels but not enough being done to address this form of policing that got us where we are today with this george floyd killing and people are saying enough is enough. so no violence is acceptable, and clearly testifying in a trial should not make someone the subject of violence. but i think this country has to come to grips with the fact that these band-aid solutions are no longer going to be accepted by the public and people want to see wholesale transformation and reimagining of policing in this country. until that happens, unfortunately, i think we're going to continue to see the kinds of acts that you described. >> it's been a tumultuous last few weeks during the trial, at a p multi-waterhouse for the year and beyond. we're talking ray shard brooks in the wendy's, and wright in brooklyn center, minnesota, different circumstances, all police-involved shootings in the past year, all publicly debated about why police shot and killed in these instances. so where do, in your view, the
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answers lie? in how to stop this cycle. >> first of all, calling it out, i think we have to acknowledge that there is a different standard of policing when it comes to black and brown communities. we have to acknowledge the structural racism that is inherent in our justice system. we can't fix what we don't acknowledge, what we're not willing to acknowledge, and i think that's the first step. and then we've got to see, at the national level, at the executive level, at the department of justice level, i mean, encouraged by merrick garland saying he's going to reinstitute consent decrees. we saw under the last administration a complete elimination of those consent decrees, where the department of justice goals -- identifies systemic racism and forces those police departments to make some changes. it's not the perfect solution, but it definitely is one step in a continuum of solutions including, you know, rethinking how policing is done, particularly in communities that are overpoliced at this point and we see that in black and
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brown communities and people are quite simply fed up and they're tired and sick and tired, you hear this a lot, fred, of being sick and tired and i'm just hopeful that the outcome, that derek chauvin is found guilty, i think the robust case that was put on by the prosecution merits a conviction in this case and that this begins a much more serious conversation about changing policing in this country. >> sick and tired of being sick and tired. it's a refrain that is repeated, you know, and has been for too many years. areva martin, thank you so much, appreciate it. >> thanks, fred. so much more to come, in the cnn newsroom, the biden administration sends a warning to russia. there will be consequences if opposition leader alexei navalny dies. also ahead -- >> are you going to get the vaccine? >> no. it's detrimental to your health. >> it starts going into conspiracy theory type stuff but i believe it's bill gates and them trying to kill us.
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this just in, more than 50% of the adult population in the u.s. have now received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine. the latest numbers from the cdc show that more than 209 million doses have been administered in total, about a quarter of the population is now fully vaccinated. and experts say about 70% of the population has to be fully vaccinated before we reach herd immunity. but vaccine hesitancy remains as serious of an issue across the nation, and evangelicals are among those most skeptical. some of that reluctance is being fueled by an influential pastor who is actively discouraging vaccinations. cnn's ellie reeve went to louisiana to find out wow.
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>> anti-mask and anti-government. >> reporter: as more and more americans are getting vaccinated resistance remains strong in one group in particular, white evangelicals. it's driven by distrust in government, misinformation and political identity. this is not a fringe group. a quarter of americans are evangelical. >> you do not give me me rights, sir, whether you're a politician, a president or a doctor. >> i would rather die free than i had live on my knees. >> reporter: how is it living on your knees to take a vaccine? >> you're bowing against your convictions. >> reporter: he live streamed himself going under house arrest last spring for refusing to close his church during lockdown. a survey of evangelical leaders find most are willing to get the vaccine --
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>> if you break your arm or something, would you go to doctor? >> sure i'd go to the doctor and get it set and wear a cast. >> at some level you trust some doctors. >> yeah, we do. >> reporter: so can you explain where the line? >> the line is in this vaccine, number one, the virus has been a scam from the beginning. it's always been politically motivated for mail-in ballots and voter id. that's what has got a new administration in the white house today. >> white evangelical christians are more likely than other religious groups to believe in certain conspiracy theories like that trump won the 2020 election. according to a study by the conservative american enterprise institute but conspiracy about the covid-19 vaccine can affect everyone else because public health experts have told us around 70% of the population needs to get the vaccine to reach herd immunity. and 28% of white evangelical christians say they definitely won't get it with another 6% saying they'll only get it if
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forced. >> you have a 99.6 survival rate why do you want somebody to contaminate your bloodstream with someone that may or may not hurt you. >> there is a tendency within white christian nationalism to want to believe these kinds of conspiracies. it reenforces us versus them. the problem is, the people who are feeding that fear have an incentive to keep stoking that fear, because people keep clicking and people keep listening. >> is the appeal of your sermon that the pandemic is scary, the virus is scary, and so you're telling scared people, you don't have to worry about any of that stuff, like come to my church and god will make sure you don't get this virus? >> yes, i promoted that. >> reporter: why are you giving them false hope? >> that's not false hope. >> reporter: who i know the? >> what's false is our lying politicians. >> reporter: several people told us they started coming here after they saw him on the news for keeping his church open and
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liked his message. >> i was worried about not going to church. and going back to alcohol and drugs. >> reporter: the aim for this whole shutdown was the church because we're the radical right. we don't believe in gay marriage, we don't believe in abortion, all that. >> reporter: are you going to get the vaccine? >> no, it's detrimental to your health. it starts going into conspiracy theory type stuff but i do, i believe it's bill gates and them trying to kill us. >> i feel like, and i know it works medically, but when you put something in you to help you stop from getting it, that just doesn't work for me. i've never liked the idea of that. >> reporter: donald trump, i love him to death, would vote for him again. but when he was talking about getting the shot, i said, you can have it all you want, i don't want it. >> reporter: are you going to get the vaccine? >> oh, i did it already. >> oh, you did? >> this is my first one and i've got to go back and do the second one. i got the vaccine. >> reporter: okay, cool. >> there's a political group that wants to apologize for
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being americans. >> reporter: he preaches conservative politics but his congress rekbags is unusually diverse compared to typical churches, he buses in people from all over town. one reason why i think it's interesting the two positions who have the importance of desegregation and your opposition to the vaccine is that many of the people you minister to, which is admirable, are poor people of color. >> yes. >> reporter: those people tend to be most at risk for covid. so why not encourage them to take the medicine that will protect them? >> not only do i not encourage, i discourage. i don't know anybody in my church, black, brown, el salvadorian, mexican, who had the virus. >> your father said he had the virus, your father and mother told me they had the virus. >> that's all right. maybe we had it, and maybe we got it. >> reporter: you also said your grandfather got the screen. >> and i'm opposed to that. i did not promote that. i think it was foolish for taking the vaccine.
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>> reporter: christian leaders on the right have bought into this idea that if i continue to sow this martive where people feel victimized fearful and angry, i can continue to build my audience. i build my own credibility in this group of people that says, yeah, everybody else is untrust worthy but you. >> reporter: i don't understand why you can't say, like, the church was essential, it's so important for so many people? >> the church is essential. >> reporter: what a miracle that we have these vaccines that would allow people to celebrate more safely. >> never will say that. there is no backing up -- >> reporter: it feels like you're taking a political position. >> it's not political at all. i'm not a politician. i'm a prophet. >> reporter: ellie reeve, cnn, baton rouge. i want to bring in a medical
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professor at the george washington university school of medicine. doctor, so good to see you. how do you combat that sentiment? when you were advocating for more people to be vaccinated? >> sure. well, good afternoon. as a member of the black coalition against covid steering committee, and the founding director of the rodham institute i think first you have to meet people where they are. part of the reason of hesitancy or reluctance is that people don't have the information. now, the group that we were sort of focusing on, are african-americans. i think it's also important not to put everybody in the same group, right? because we know that senior african-americans, for example, are getting vaccinated. the group that is more reluctant are the group between 18 and 45. so what we started with first and foremost is education. so we had a recent mass
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vaccination event, guess what? we did seven 90-minute sessions so that people can ask questions. we discussed a lot of conspiracy. >> this is what you did in washington recently, you had a big event where you were able to answer questions and at the same time advocate for people getting vaccinated? >> exactly. we actually ended up vaccinating 886 people, which was amazing, and in ward 8, one of the poorer parts of town, predominantly african-american. the key is this, we did a lot of advance work. we also said we're giving you the best information that we have now. >> what do you mean the advanced work, that involved like this is q&a, we want to answer your questions first, then we're going to bring the resources and administer the vaccinations? >> exactly. and the advanced work leaders were not just the clinicians doing the education. it was the community-based
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organizations that work and serve the people of ward 8. it was a train the trainer, as well as open fora to allow people to ask questions. >> you feel that made the difference in, you know, what became a pretty sizable turnout for people to get their vaccinations, so then what about in the case of what, about 850 deese doses of the johnson & johnson vaccine were administered and of course now there's a pause because of, you know, some of the reports of blood clotting. do you anticipate you're going to hear from many of those recipients of those vaccines who are going to say, wait a minute, i thought, you know, i should feel comfortable about this but now hearing about this, i'm waiting for something to happen to me. what do you say to people who now have new concerns, whether they got the johnson & johnson or whether this is a potential setback for those who had some hesitancy about vaccines overall? >> look, we're in the community for all times, not just prior to
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the event, during the event, but also after the event. so we reach back out to our community-based organizations and said, what are you hearing from, you know, the residents or clients and they said, you know, not a whole lot. >> good. >> i said we need to do a town hall, no, we don't really think that we need to. maybe we can put out a flier. and you know what that comes down to? that comes down to trust, trust of the people were educating them and i personally said i would never offer anything that i wouldn't do myself or recommend for my family. so my niece, my nephew and my brother all got the johnson & johnson vaccine and actually now we're two weeks out and of course the perspective of telling people, one in 7 million deaths, right, versus the death rate. and in d.c., 84% of the people that have died are african-american. i think the approach of being transparent, not being a know it all, making sure that the
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message is coming from people that are trusted from the community. and i would this regarding the evangelical piece. i think that there are lots of evangelicals, leadership, that is actually okay and willing to get the vaccine. i think that they should be the ones that are getting out the message. they're the trusted leaders in the community. >> yeah, so stuck on that number now you gave about 85% of the deaths of covid in d.c. are african-american. in a city that now is looking at the black population between 60% and 70%. that disparity is troubling. >> if i could add one more thing, we got free uber rides, we got free child care, we had food, we had people holistically taken care of. >> all right. >> that was successful. >> all right, very good. doctor, thanks so much. good to see you, appreciate it. >> thank you. when we come back,
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protesters will soon gather again to demand justice for 13-year-old adam taledo who was shot and killed by chicago police, stay with us.
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welcome back. soon marchers will gather in chicago to again protest the police shooting of 13-year-old adam toledo. chicago police body cam footage shows the moment a police officer made a split second decision to fatally shoot the boy after police say he was seen holding a gun at the end of a chase last month. cnn's ryan young in chicago, ryan, what more do we know about
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today's protests, and what are marchers calling for today? >> reporter: well the marchers are calling for action. they want justice. as you can see there's a growing memorial here. people can't understand how this young man lost his life, and of course they've seen the video but so many people feel like something else could have been done. fred, we're hearing that over and over again throughout the community in terms of anger and there's a lot of talk about cpd abuse, there's mistrust in the police department that peace walk should happen in about an hour and a half or so. people are working on a memorial, even as we speak right now. they want adam toledo's name out there, in the news as much as possible. take a look at this video, though, the police department says that he had a gun as he was running away from police and that the officer made a split second decision. this is a terrible video to watch, the police department says you can clearly see the gun in his hand. so both sides obviously have something to say here, but at the end of the day you're talking about a community that
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is mourning a 13-year-old, and fred we hear over and over again that they believe that something should be done in terms of how people are policing in this particular neighborhood and this peace march is about that as well. >> all right, let us know, looking at that tape, it is just so hard for anybody to see, but it is critical in trying to understand what happened and why. thank you so much, ryan young. closing arguments begin tomorrow in the derek chauvin murder trial. and the outcome of this case may shape policing in america. cornell william brooks is the former president and ceo of the naacp, also the executive producer of the cnn series the people versus the klan which concludes later on tonight here on cnn. we're going to talk about that in a moment. it's a very powerful set of stories about this incredible woman. so listen now to these pleas on local officials to target the
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benefits and pensions of officers accused in police brutality cases as a way of punishing and holding them accountable. listen. >> mayors and city council people, commissioners all over this country have got to reign in the police. they have their budgets. they give their overtime pay. they make sure that they have terrific benefits. they can cut off of that out. so it is up to the local city council members, the police chief, not the police chief -- because the police chiefs are mostly intimidated by the police unions, theit is the elected officials. >> these guys keep doing what they're doing because they're not losing anything. they lose absolutely nothing. because the bottom line is taxpayers pay those settlements. you know, the police are not paying those settlements.
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the community, the public is paying those settlements and they get their pension. >> and what do you think about those proposals? is that at the root of trying to hold officers accountable? >> fredricka, that is certainly one root. when we think about this, that our black and brown bodies are young bodies that are not bullet proof but police contracts are seemingly bullet proof a in impenetrable to logic and reason and compassion, which is to say you have a profession where we have little young black men who are killed seemingly with impunity by the police, latino, young men and then in this case in chicago, a boy, a seventh grader, a 13-year-old. and so we need to have a conversation about holding police accountable in terms of pensions, in terms of benefits,
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in terms of the size of their contracts. in terms of qualified immunity. in other words, why should you be protected, both by virtue of insurance, settlements that taxpayers pay out, and at pension for life in terms of your retirement? we've got to bring reason and compassion and thoughtfulness to this because what other profession, what other profession do you get to kill somebody and collect a pension? >> so the officer who shot daunte wright has been charged with second degree manslaughter after police say, you know, she mistook her handgun for a taser when she shot and killed him, but for the victims' family, the charges against the officer can't bring back their son. listen. >> i'm never going to get justice. justice would be bringing my son home to me. just would have been my son driving to the car wash and coming home after that. i'm not going to get that.
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>> for too many families grieving, i mean, what does justice look like? >> well, for someone who has lost their child and we hear this from families over and over again, justice would be resurrection, literally bringing their dead children back to life. short of that, we can't secure complete justice but we can ensure accountability. that is to say those who engage in reckless conduct, who engage in a form of policing that literally violates and subjects people to violence are held accountable. so in other words when a veteran police officer reaches -- allegedly reaches for a taser, which looks different, which feels different, which weighs differently relative to a gun and kills someone in a routine traffic stop, you've got to have accountability. and that may not mean like -- that may not feel like justice in terms of people who've lost their children, their loved
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ones, but accountability could make a difference. >> okay, it's the only thing. let's talk about tonight's conclusion to the people versus the klan. let's listen to some moms talk about the importance of this original series which centers on the little known true story of beulah may, a black mother in alabama who took on the ku klux klan after the brutal 1981 murder of her son. >> why aren't more of these stories told? >> perhaps with this 21st century movement, where we are reminding people that black lives matter, perhaps black mothers might be able to sleep a little easier. i am optimistic. people are ready. >> we've just got to love one another and turn away from all this hatred. >> we cannot forget.
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we cannot forget. and we must continue to fight. >> we're trying to save our children. we're trying to save our future generations. >> so do you share optimism after helping to get this story out there and this mother's plight out there? >> absolutely. my optimism, and i believe the optimism of many people in this country rests not with how small the problem is, because the problem is quite large. >> yeah. >> it has everything to do with how large we deem the courage of people like mamie till back in 1955, beulah may donald in 1981 and so many black mothers in '20 and '21 who are standing up lifting up their voices, demanding justice, going before the courts and the media, pressing the case that we can do things differently. our optimism, our hope literally rests on the courage, the
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conviction of the bravery of ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things in this moment so the film really speaks to a hope that is earned by the sacrifice and commitment of mothers. >> well, you did an extraordinary thing by bringing this to the attention of many. cornell william brooks, thank you so much. >> good to be with you. >> thank you. don't miss this powerful conclusion of the people versus the klan with back to back episodes tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern and pacific right here on cnn.
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criticism being hurled now. a senior u.s. official says the plan to withdraw from afghanistan will likely unwind an extensive intelligence and covert network that's been established over two decades. what are the consequences, potentially? >> fred, there are very few. that's a para military force which has been decidedly unsuccessful since we invaded in 2001. it's meant to fight the taliban. it's been losing in the field. a para military forces like that are very bad at collecting intelligence. if they're pulled out of there, we're not losing much. and that is not to mention the taliban is a cult, which is almost impossible to get into. they're going to do what they want to do and we're not going to know it until they do it. unfortunately that's been the truth going back to the '90s. it's not a big loss.
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>> sounds like you feel mission accomplished, the u.s. set out to afghanistan after 9/11 to seek out osama bin laden, to dismantle or disrupt al qaeda. that was done. and so now it's time for the u.s. to leave? >> i think absolutely. let's not forget the taliban did not attack us in 9/11. it was al qaeda. yes, you've got the islamic state there. it could rise up again but fred, come on, let's face it, we've lost the war in the sense of pacifying the country. we won at getting osama bin laden. let's get out. mcmaster is wrong. he had many years in the white house to do something about this and didn't. we're losing ground. >> let's talk about russia now. national security adviser jake sullivan told our dana bash this morning that there will be consequences if navalny dies. what could the consequences be? >> well, number one, we could still -- there are more sanctions we could impose on russia on secondary depth
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markets which would hurt the russians. we could send more arms to ukraine. there's all sorts of things we can do. the last thing this administration wants to do is escalate, but there are all sorts of tools in the chest that can be pulled out and russia will pay the price. and it's a question of what's going on in putin's mind? will he retaliate in a major way? will he send more troops into eastern ukraine. we'll have to wait and see. looks like he intends to let this man die in jail. it will cause all sorts of problems. >> seems like that was the objective after he got back the russia. the poisoning didn't work. i don't think anyone expected the outcome to be that welcoming. >> different. >> bob baer, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> we're back in a moment.
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rely on the experts at 1800petmeds for the same medications as the vet, but for less with fast free shipping. visit today. rookie cop in arkansas has seen more on the job than most of the people he protects and serves have seen in their entire lives. cnn's martin savidge has this week's beyond the call of duty. >> when officer l.c. buck shaw-smith. >> how y'all doing. >> reporter: says he knows almost everyone in camden, arkansas. >> hey, vinny. >> reporter: population, 11,000.
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>> good to see you all. >> reporter: it's true. at 91, he has spent more time protecting and serving than many residents have been alive -- 56 years. have you ever missed a day of work? >> no. not just take off. >> reporter: for more than four decades he was a tep with the watchi tau county sheriff's department. >> reporter: first time you retired, how long did that last? >> 30 days. >> reporter: 30 days. so, in his 80s, he became a rookie cop on the camden police department. >> i love to meet people, help peoples, and do thing with peoples. >> reporter: chief boyd woody is buck shaw's boss. >> he was my supervisor. >> reporter: he was your boss. >> yeah. >> reporter: each day starts at
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7:00 a.m. >> i check in 15, 20 minutes ahead of time. >> reporter: you are always early? ? uh-huh. >> reporter: somehow i'm not surprised. >> reporter: patrolling, escorting school buses, assisting investigations. >> i took more people home than i arrested and took to jail. >> reporter: you try to come up in a different way. >> yeah. >> reporter: role model. especially to younger officers. >> some people come looking at policing as they have seen it on tv or in a big city. this is a community. >> i tell them you have got to respect folks whether they have a badge or a gun or not. you have got to be treated right and i want to be treated right. >> reporter: next month, officer smith will turn 92. the town is planning a parade. do you ever think you will retire? >> when the good lord says so.
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>> reporter: officer smith, serving beyond the call, because serving is his calling. and just about everyone in town knows it. >> how are you doing buddy. >> reporter: martin savidge. >> l.c. buck shot smith, a name not to forget. the "cnn newsroom" with jim acosta is next. >> announcer: beyond the call of duty, brought to you by novo nordisk. get the truth about weight. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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1:00 pm
you are live in the "cnn newsroom." i'm jim acosta in washington. we are following breaking news. multiple shootings in america right now. we take you first to austin, texas, where at least three people are dead after gunfire near a large shopping center. police say it appears to be a domestic-related incident, but they are warning people to shelter in place in that area. just in morning, we woke up to the news that three people were shot and killed and two others were injured when gunfire broke out at a tavern near kenosha wisconsin in columbus, ohio, one person is dead and five others were vrd after someone opened fire in a parking lot where a vigil was being hauled. in omaha, nebraska, police arrested two teens after a mal


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