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tv   Reliable Sources with Brian Stelter  CNN  April 18, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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hey, i'm brian stelter live in new york and this is "reliable sources" where we examine the story behind the story and figure out what is reliable. this hour, as the eyes of worl fix ate on minnesota and in our week of unrest, sara sidner and miguel marquez will be here to share what it is been like to be caught in the middle. plus them earthing red news blue news divide about covid vaccine and now the media must be a bridge. and later speaking of divides, my interview with the former prime minister of australia who said these men, the murdocks, have created a quote/unquote market for crazy. hear malcolm turnbull's unique
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perspective coming up. but first, another mass shooting. actually two of them overnight. in kenosha, wisconsin, overnight, three dead and two injured at a confrontation at a bar and in columbus, ohio, one dead and five others wounded at the vigil for a victim of a previous shooting. rather than feeling numb to this, let's break the cycle. try to imagine the pain. the hot lead of a bullet tearing through tissue. shattering bones. cutting through blood vessels, pulverizing organs. it is heinous devastation to human bodies, all too common in america. somehow accepted at normal, unacceptable pain and devastation. so i want to ask how could the press impress the coverage of gun violence? how could we bring it home? let me try a few suggestions and then bring in three reporters who have more to add. number one, for me, this subject is covered shooting by shooting,
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episode by episode, when it needs to be covered wholistically. think about it, most coverage happens when we know the least. think about the first hour after an attack. when the tv coverage is full of speculation. by the time the facts are clear, many people have moved on. so that is number one. number two, the language around shootings. sometimes it misleads. the phrase active shooter creates an impression that the mass murderers take place over a lengthy period of time but more often than not the damage is just in just a minute or two. so by the time the news starts covering a so-called active shooter, the activity is almost always over. the gunman almost always either dead or in custody. active shootings are real but the terminology ends up misleading viewers when they hear about it, say 30 minutes or an hour later. modern weaponry means carnage in the blink of an eye, in a minute or two and the language
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sanitized that fact. and wounded could be scarred for life and paralyzed and the experience of waking up to a new death toll from a new shooting spree as within indianapolis this week. "the new york times" calling indy the third massacre in three months. there is the front page. and "the washington post" today highlighting the lives lost by showing all eight victims on the front page. we call these mass shootings but maybe mass killings is more accurate. just like boulder, just like atlanta. but all of the attention paid to mass shootings and mass killing merit some scrutiny because some spasms of gun violence get days of coverage and others don't. this nonprofit research group called the gun violence arc hiv is helping to change that. the archive scours news coverage and tracks every crime. reminds us that most gun deaths are suicide or single homicides and mass shootings are practically every day.
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the cnn map tells that story and here is the key bit of language. cnn considers a mass shooting it four or more people excluding the gunman are shot and wounded or killed. so there is coverage of mass shootings, there is coverage of the day in, day out gun violence that claims one life at a time but can't be overlooked. there is coverage of police killings and they're on videotape often. and we don't know whether to trust the police in their accounts of what happened. but every time we want to have a broader conversation about the crisis, there is another new shooting to move on and cover. but the broader conversation is necessary so let's bring in three experts on this. cara pope is the editor who is leading initiative to improve coverage of guns an shootings. ab clayton is from the guardian and recently wrote that everything about america's gun
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debate is wrong so we'll ask her about that and also with us is cnn senior reporter oliver darcy. abe, let me start with you. you cover this every single day. what is one way that america could improve coverage of gun violence? >> yeah, i think it is really important that reporters spread their time and attention on gun violence equitably. so often the shooting that get the most attention are those with a certain level of surprise value that happened in white or suburban areas and they garner a lot of attention because so many americans could say this themselves, i have been there and i could have been here and when you are talking about a shooting in a place like oakland, philadelphia, or chicago, people don't see themselves in those places and there are still a very racist idea that gun violence just happens there. it is a natural biproduct which has not true. so it would be helpful for reporters to cover it that way, as a racial injustice and to put
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the same level of attention and focus on the lives that are being lost in daily incidents of gun violence that we do in these high-profile mass sootings. it is really an equity issue. >> you about why some shootings get hours and hours of wall to wall coverage and others do not. we need to see why that is. kyle, you have a project called the inevitable news. le let's look at what this means. there is fill in the blank stories where every mass shooting, every massacre has a death toll and location and something about the suspect and it all starts to blur together. what are you all trying to accomplish with the inevitable news? >> well i think you set it up well, brian. there is simply wrote about this, there is a pattern to the coverage. there is a saneness over and over again and there is a tendency to focus on
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high-profile mass shootings and that is not the majority of the gun violence that is in this country. what we're trying to do is to get people to focus on in between, focus on what happens between these big high-profile events and in which 100 people die in america every day from gun violence. i think a good model, we think about this as the coverage of the covid, where you have -- if you remember early on there was a focus on people who were dying and then i think the media did a pretty effective job early on in the pandemic getting to the systemic and structural issues. why are certain groups of people more likely to get sick and die. why are infection rates disproportionately in people of color and why are health care inequities all around the country and there is a fairly, i think impressive, part on the media to focus in on underlying issue for why the treatment is different. and it is just not focusing on the headline of who is dying and
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i think the same thing needs to happen here. this is an epidemic of gun violence in this country that has been going on for decades and decades and i think we need as an industry need to focus on that, focus on dedicating the type every day into covering this crisis rather than just covering these mass shooting events. >> so in newsrooms, there are conversations about covering this as a public health emergency and that is what you're saying needs to be done. it is a public health emergency. oliver, we're getting ideas on how to cover, and what about police involved coverage and the horrified video of the chicago, what could be done to improve that coverage? >> i think reporters are now finding themselves in an interesting conundrum. look, brian, most people want to believe the official police narrative when the police give a news conference, they want to believe that they are forthcoming with the facts. the problem is that we're seeing in the last few weeks and over the past few years, that video
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actually ends up undermining the official police narrative and we learn later on that the police weren't forthcoming with the facts. so i think there needs to be some perhaps skepticism introduced into the initial accounts of what police say particularly when it is involved one of these fatal shootings where it is basically the police giving their side of the story an the person with the other side is unfortunately dead. >> abe, is that an ongoing problem in gun violence more broadly? >> i do, yeah. i think it is really important, when we talk about a police killing, the only narrative out there is the police and it is important to look at that with is this scrutiny. and when we are talking about an issue of community violence, often rarely is there enough information that the police provide to do anything really meaningful. so i think it is incumbent on
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recorders to not just put out a press conference, it reduces someone's humanity to man so the on x block which is quite dehumanizing and to counter those narratives with stories from families, with stories from violence intervention workers rather than just leaning into what police say, which often when it comes to issue of community violence isn't much. so it is really the job of reporters to go beyond that and ask questions, why do they think this is happening if you're going to go to the police, really scrutinize what they think is the root cause of community gun violence and then add in voices from the people who really know what is going on the best, the folks who have been living in these cities for decades and can really give you a full picture that goes so far beyond the criminal justice system and equally if not more valuable. >> and we need more reporters like you on this beat full time. who can bring everybody else along. thank you. alver, stick around. coming up, news about a new
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generation taking over top newsrooms and a disturbing story that we just learned about this weekend of a cnn producer arrested in minnesota for doing her job. now she was covering one of these protests and really wrongfully treated by the police. we're going to tell you about that. sara sidner and miguel marquez join us live from minneapolis next.
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rely on the experts at 1800petmeds for the same medications as the vet, but for less with fast free shipping. visit today. welcome back to "reliable sources." in america, john al gon said we couldn't process one police killing before there is another. there is three on average since the start of the derek chauvin trial. as seen in chicago, in the
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heartbre heartbreaking case of adam toledo these are split-second life and death decisions debated for months because of the availability of video. that is the x factor and was not available decades ago but it available today. let's go to minnesota where reporters have been in between protesters and police working to tell the story of unrest there without getting caught up in the action. there have been cases of reporters harassed, assaulted and arrested in brooklyn center in the last week and there are real concerns about how police are treating journalists there. on tuesday, cnn producer carolyn sung was thrown to the ground and zip tied even though she identified herself as a journalist and showed her credentials. sung is asian-american and kept speaking in english but still a trooper yelled at her, do you speak english and she was searched and ordered to undress and ordered to put on an orange uniform.
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and then after more than two hours, attorneys were able to intervene and secure her release. these details come from the letter that was sent last evening from dozens of media outlets sent to state authorities calling for change to make sure these sort of things couldn't deep happening. you could see the headline from usa today about police rounding up journal iists and taking pik of their credentials and the police are vowing they will not do that again. minnesota governor tim walls is expressing regret for some of the episodes in the past week. and an embarrassment for the mistreatment of journalists and they must be allowed to safely cover protests an i've directed our law enforcement to make changes to make sure the journalists don't face barriers. bottom line is that unrest is no excuse to violate the first amendment. and all of this is unfolding while reporters in minnesota are bracing for the verdict in the derek chauvin trial, closing
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arguments expected to begin tomorrow. with me lou live in minnesota are the cnn correspondents sara sidner and miguel marquez living the story and telling the story about it every single day. you were with carolyn sung, you were not detained or arrested but the problems have been going on through the week. there was a pike of a water bottle being thrown at your crew, it seems like protesters trying to create trouble. this is a story that went viral in right wing media and claim that cnn was covering it up which is ridiculous but tell us what happened. >> it was no cover-up. there was a lot of things happening at the brooklyn center police station, the main body holding a rally focused on the eyes on prize and there were a few protesters at the gates to the police station yelling at the police and then we -- there
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was the law enforcement behind the gates and we wanted to show all of that in our live shots and tell people what was going on there. we even moved because some protesters didn't want to be on camera so we moved to accommodate them. and then another smaller group of protesters came around and started sort of shouting us down. they had a loudspeaker, shouting us down and wanted us to move to a place where we can't see the protesters that were taunting the police and that is when this water bottle gets thrown at one of our guys. he stumbled back, fell over -- tripped over a curb but it heightened everything. we started to figure out how to make an exit because it was just getting too intense there. but we didn't want to look like we were running that is when somebody hit me with a boughter bottle an we started moving toward our cars to continue to pelt us with whatever they could find. we got in the car and we took off. i cannot blame them for being angry. but a lot of people are very angry, suspicious of the press, the corporate media, all of those things come into this and
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it is just one of those situations where it was intense, there were people who were angry at everything and everybody and we happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. >> tensions amongst the protesters and between the police and the press as well. this is a photo journalist whose finger was broken. you could see there he said he was shot in the hand with a rubber bullet by the police in brooklyn center and the impact broke his ring finger in two places. so we have assaults, harassment, arrests, and sara, that brings me to you, how do you navigate what is -- a six or seven nights of unrest in some ways depictable as it gets dark, it gets uglier there. how do you navigate it. >> you navigate it by doing your job. you're out there to show what is happening and out there to show what is really going on. and i do want to speak to something. we heard from the governor that he deeply regrets the misconduct
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of police that occurred against journalists in particular. and so when you hear that, we've heard this before. our reporter omar jimenez was arrest by state police here and we heard the regret before. so what changed, exactly? nothing. nothing changed. the police are still treating journalists, throwing them to the ground, the fact that they ask carolyn who is an excellent producer who cares deeply about the stories that she goes out and covers, fact that they were asking her after throwing her to the ground, do you speak english, what is that tell you about the mentality of the police that grabbed her? it is not okay and it should not be a regret. it should stop. it should change. now what they're doing it the journalists, they're also doing to some of the protesters who had nothing to do with the violence as well and she should speak on that as well. when you have a situation when you are in the a kettle, where police surround everyone, so no
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matter which way you try to leave a venue, you're going to be face-to-face police, they could either let to you go to your car or what they were doing was jumping out and snashing people and throwing them to the ground. now the other side of this is that police were in a situation at one point where they were getting things thrown at them and they reacted. but the way that they're reacting seems to be extreme compared to the things that are happening to them when they're in full riot gear. and so seeing that happen, it is our job to be out there to show everything that is going on. what is happening to the police, what the police is doing to people and what the protest is all about. because this protest is ultimately about the pain of somebody who was shot and killed for no good reason. >> and sara, you were -- there was a moment in one of the coverage where you were talking with a man that said the media, the press just makes this worse. that moment went viral this
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week. what do you say to that, the idea that the press make this is worse? >> look, we're out here to tell the story. if we don't show up, guess what happens in we get slayed for not being there to show what is going on. so there is this dichotomy that we are constantly juggling and there is a reality if there are cameras there, then people are shown sometimes, it encourages more people to an area that may have nefarious ideas, so that that gentlemen i said, look if you want to talk about the issues, let's talk about them, right now, your life on tv. he did not believe me. but he a platform to the world at that moment in time and that is all we're doing. is we are here to reflect what is going on in the society. and to be perfectly honest, everybody has one of these, they have their own little tv station. so if we weren't there, trust me, it would get out. and that is what is changed. is that the media, whether you call it mainstream media or not, everybody has their own little
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tv station and they're all broadcasting all of the time. so attacking us isn't doing a whole lot of good. and as i said then, we're not going away. i'm not leaving. this is my job. that i care about the community as well and i want to tell the stories. both the good and the bad. whatever it is happening. >> and miguel, you were just in indianapolis covering a massacre and now in minneapolis. how do you personally process all of the pain of these stories? >> it's -- it does take a toll. and i have ta toll. but i'm incredibly worried about minneapolis an and across this country whenever the verdict comes down in the derek chauvin trial. covering the brooklyn center protests and being here, being in new york, being in baltimore over the years, everybody has the story.
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what we saw with daunte wright and with derek chauvin and george floyd, those are the extremes. those have the very tip of the iceberg. it is the every day interactions between african-americans and the police forces just like we saw in virginia with lieutenant nazario, the fact that we have the cameras and they're there, it is very, very difficult and it is going to be -- it is been a tough week and i'm really afraid it is going to be even a tougher one. brian. >> miguel and sara, thank you both for being there. coming up, the fox news information universe, is it more like a black hole. you have to hear a former world leader's blunt words about fox's owners. that is on the other side of this break.
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what happens on fox news in the u.s. effects the entire world and the murdoch media empire spans that world as the viewers in the u.k. and australia knew. malcolm turnbull ripped into rupert murdoch in a recent parliamentary proceeding. it is quite rare to hear him speaking out so bruntly against the murdochs and i waned to know why. watch. >> the murdoch media empire has enormous political power. it is the most potent political force in australia. it does not operate as a
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conventional news or journalistic operation any longer. it is influence in the united states and britain and all of the country where's it is to be found is now utterly partisan. it is more like a political party but the only members are the murdochs and as you know it is driven populous right wing agendas, denying climate change, supporting extremism on right of politics, of populous politics to the extent most irresponsibly at all you might think, supporting the proposition that joe biden has stolen the election and not legitimately elected president and that was directly connected to the sacking of the -- the assault on the united states capitol. a shocking event and one of the darkest days in america's
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political history. >> you, mr. turnbull, seem more disturbed by the attack on the u.s. capitol than a lot of people here in the united states. a lot of conservatives are trying to deny what happened and pretend it wasn't that bad but i appreciate that you saw it for what it was. >> well it was an assault on democracy. it was -- and you see, what murdoch has delivered, largely through fox news in the united states, is exactly what vladimir putin wanted to achieve with his disinformation campaigns. turning one part of america against another. so exacerbating the divisions that already exist in american society. and undermine the trust americans have in their democratic institutions. that is the objective, that was the objective of the russian disinformation campaign and that is exactly what is being delivered from -- by fox news and by other players in that
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right-wing populous media eco-system. and it is in effect, what they have created is a market for crazy. they've become unhinged from the facts, that is now basically, they've worked out that you could just make stuff up. they -- everyone talks about and complains about social media, but what is being done by curated media, mainstream media, including and in a particular fox news, has done enormous damage to the united states. i mean the question you have to ask yourself is, is america a more divided country than it was before? thanks to murdoch's influence? the answer must be yes. do americans have less faith in their electoral institutions, in their legitimate institutions of
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government as a result of murdoch, yes. now that is a terrible outcome. that is a terrible outcome. >> you said he's created a market for crazy. i've never heard someone say this like that before. a market for crazy. and if this clip is re-aired on fox news, they'll say you're insulting all of trump supporters and conservative america and they would say that is -- that is going to harm your cause. you have thought about what the right way or most effective ways are to combat the so-called market for crazy? >> look, when somebody tells lies and pred -- and spreads information and you call them out, you are calling out the liar not the people that have been taken in by the lies. they're the victims. right. so murdoch has to take
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responsibility for what he has done. you know, politicians take responsibility, they come up for election every few years. the power that has -- the power that is exerted by murdoch and in such a partisan way, i mean this is -- look, i've been involved in the media business most of my life, since the mid '70s, early '70s in fact, and i grew up with newspapers that, some of them, went more to the left, others more to the right. but they basically reported the news straight. and on election day they would say, that for this party, or vote for that party. fair enough. and now what you have now with murdoch and you see it fox news and americans don't need an australian to tell them this, is what you see is undiluted propaganda. >> murdoch was relocated near
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you, and relocated to sydney or thereabouts. and so i wonder, why you think that is and whether the two of you should get together and try to hash this out? >> well, look, i've known locklan murdoch for many years an i've spoken to him and his father about -- in fact i know pretty much all of the family. i've spoken to both of them about these issues in the past. i would say that locklan is more right wing than his father. more extreme and i think that the bottom line is they enjoy the power. a lot of people assume that peep are attracted to power simply for the purpose of doing something. that is a very generous assumption. many people in the media, in business, in politics are
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atra atra -- are attracted to power for its own sake and asking them why do you want to exert this power is like saying to somebody, why do you want to have sex? it is an urge. it is a -- so the power, the influence, that is what turns them on. and it is very, very dangerous, i saw the relationship between rupert mer dock and donald trump and i've never seen a politician as deferential to murdoch as trump was, and it was -- it was clearly a very symbiotic relationship. murdoch knew very well, i know this, he knew very well what trump's short comings were, he didn't think he was qualified to be president, but once he thought he could make him president, and have that influence over him, to what end, he did so. and so you ended up again, where did you end? you ended with an assault on the
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congress. you ended up with a country that were a third, so i recently saw of the public, believe that biden was not legitimately elected. in defiance of all of the facts and all of the reality. now that is a -- that is a -- that is the type of outcome that vladimir putin could only dream of having achieved. but it was done by rupert murdoch and lochlan and their organization and they are not held to account at all. but they should be. >> and speaking of the murdochs, the family divide is starker than ever. lochlan's younger brother james who left the family business in disgust signed an open letter defending voting rights and lochlan defended tucker carlson and dismiss the the call to action after carlson invoked the racist white replacement theory. a tale of two brothers and who
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will be in charge in the future. coming up, covid confusion due to right wing media chaos so how you could go through the disinformation. laurel bristow is next. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee... yeah i should've just led with that... with at&t business... you can pick the best plan for each employee and only pay for the features they need. new dove men deodorant is different. it has 48 hour protection. and a plant-based moisturizer... that cares for your skin. odor protection that works new dove men plant-based care.
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they call is the vaccine wall. it is the wall we hit when every american who wans a shot has a shot. when supply exceeds demand and in some places that has happening as the u.s. hits another milestone with 50% of americans now getting at least one dose of a covid vaccine. good news. but here is the but. "the new york times" said more rural republican countries are showing a glut of supply, meaning unused doses and doing the math and finding the least vaccinated counties have something in common. they're home to a lot of trump voters. this is a public health challenge for sure but is it also a news literacy problem. let's ask laurel bristow, she's hosting a new series on tiktok
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called "viral", trying to reach people where they are with accurate information about science. laurel, what is the literacy problem when it comes to coronavirus? >> i think the literacy problem when it comes to coronavirus is that there is just so much information out there coming so quickly that people aren't used to trying to interepret what yo need to pay attention to versus what are things that are likely updated or changes later on. >> people want absolutes and want to know what to do, when to wear the mask and when not to and the science keeps evolving. >> absolutely. it is important to remember that people that work very closely on these issues are going to avoid speaking in absolutes because things will update and change as we get more data and information. that is why it is always really important to remember, too, that if something that you read or see seems too good or too bad to be true, it probably is. >> what are the lessons learned from coverage of the j&j pause? there was this alert 7:00 a.m.,
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one day this week, big breaking news, then i think folks took a step back and recognized how exceedingly rare these blood clots apparently are. what are the lesson learned for the news media here? >> i think the important thing to remember with the johnson&jns situation, is it a sample that watching for these sort of things work really well and we're pausing to investigate and the reason for the pause was lost in the drama and the care that happens with the idea of blood clots which was really to be able to inform providers of what to look out for in these extremely rare instances so they could be properly treated. >> and it just seems like we have to recognize that change is part of the scientific process and things will keep changing and that means what you heard a month ago, you have to be open to new information? >> absolutely. it is one of the biggest points that i try to drive home especially with my work on the
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show viral on tiktok, is that things will update and science requires patience and people need to allow room to change as we get more information. >> so what is a news consumer to do? be open to new information and what sources do you recommend? >> i absolutely recommend that people try to get their science news from journalists who have a proven track record of covering this sort of thing with so much information we've seen a lot of dabbling of outside groups that miss the point of press conferences or science briefs that are available to them. >> laurel, thank you very much for being here and thank you for what you do. >> thank you so much for having me. >> after the break, the resolving door is really spinning. big news out of abc, cbs, reuters just this week. we're going to tell what you it means, next. personalized wealth planning and unmatched overall value. together with a dedicated advisor, you'll make a plan that can adjust as your life changes, with access to tax-smart investing strategies that help you keep more of what you earn.
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achieve clearer skin with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ i see nothing in a different way it's my moment ♪ ♪ so i just gotta say... ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ now is the time to ask your dermatologist about skyrizi.
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big news this week about the next generation of "newsroom" leadership. there are lots of open jobs in lots of newsrooms. newspapers, magazines, digital outlets all seeing changes at senior executive ranks. here are the nour new faces. near raj milan any will run the stations together. kid god nguyen will become the first black woman to run a big broadcast edition. the first female editor-in-chief and reuters. that's 170 years. there are other vacants that remain. what does all this mean about the future of media and the news you consume? claire atkinson has been covering this, the chief media correspondent for insider. my newsletter sidekick oliver darcy is back with us as well. claire, these appointments, cleanly an effort by a male-dominated profession to diversify. >> absolutely.
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for the longest time, there's been men in charge of the news, and just this week we've seen this amazing tidal wave of change where women and people of color are suddenly in the driver's seat deciding what news we see at a time when the news has never been more important to big corporate america with hollywood on the sidelines and sports shut down. live news is what's brought in the advertising. suddenly big corporate media is having a rethink about what they want from the news divisions. >> there is a critique called the class glif, that women get these top jobs when the situation is quite precarious, when the newsroom is in tough shape. that was the case two years ago when suzanne sar rinky was named the head of cbs news. now she's stepping aside and two new bosses are coming in. what do you make of the issue that these appointments are happening at difficult times for some of these institutions?
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>> absolutely. covering race is an extraordinarily -- very different politicl topic than p. you need somebody who understands that topic. that's reflected in these appointments. we're in a different world where linear ratings are going down. you need people who understand digital and figure out where to get young audiences. these people are being given a shot. there's a feeling that, if things don't work out, they'll get pushed to the side very fast. so the tenure of a news network leader has been very long historically. now i think we're seeing it shortened. susan czar rin ski made a lot of strides in putting women, particularly women of color in top positions. it's a shame to see her go. i think people asking the question why cbs would let go of a very senior black woman who is now going over to abc news.
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these people are become picked because they're the best. >> oliver, let's talk about hat the news leader need to bring to the job. three s's as i see, subscriptions, getting people to pay, also streaming, moving to digital and streaming and, of course, standards at a time when there's a lot of nonsense out there and democracy is under attack in many different ways. reuters said they'll have a pay wall going up, the latest news outlet to come up with sort sort of pay wall. are those the three s's? are those the right ones? >> you're talking about the pay wall. we're in this precarious position where the quality news is more and more being moved behind pay walls. when people pick up their phones throughout the day while picking up the kids from school or on a break at work, they're looking at the stuff that's free, that's easily assessable. i think that's something, a
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dynamic that as journalists we're going to have to confront in the years ahead. >> it's a real challenge. it really is. folks do need to pay for news. it makes all the sense in the world why reuters and others are doing it. you'll see more and more subscription models. oliver, 15 seconds, what are you watching for out of these new appointments? >> i think we've got to watch to see how they perform in launching their streaming platforms and what subscriptions look like. that's the big thing to pay attention to, can they lift the subscriptions on these streaming platforms. >> speaking of subscriptions, thank you both. make sure you're signed up for oliver and i -- reliable sources newsletter, is the link to sign on. on this week's podcast, lisa napoli joins me to discuss her new book, the extraordinary story of the founding mothers of npr. tonight on cnn, the conclusion of the original series, "the
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people versus the klan," back-to-back episodes at 9:00 p.m. eastern time right here on cnn. i'll see you right back here next week. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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