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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  April 11, 2021 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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you are live in the "cnn newsroom." i'll jim acosta in washington. serving up insults and peddling the big lie, donald trump, still sounding like a sore loser, desperate to rewrite history and
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speaking to a room in mar-a-lago last night trump called the results bs, slammed his own vice president for certifying them and worked in less than flattering remarks about mitch mcconnell. one new york lobbyist said it best when he told the new york post trump made grievances into the entree. jane boehner is sounding the alarm about the future of the party, especially in the wake of the capitol suction. >> it was sad. revolting. i couldn't watch it anymore. >> did it make you angry? >> oh, yes it made me angry. >> and was there anything you can do? >> no. >> in the book, you write about political terrorists leading to actual terrorism? >> yeah. >> is this the outgrowth of the mind you have been describing? >> yes, in question. this is the most extreme example of political terrorism. >> would you say donald trump is a political terrorist?
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>> donald trump is a product of the political divisions that we have seen grown in our country over the last 20 years. >> he's a product. but he also knew how to play the justice describe you describe. >> he has a little different style than i do. >> cnn's donie o'sullivan is live in miami, florida. donie, what else did trump have to say? he had a lot to say, it sound like. >> jim, yeah, not surprising he did have a lot to say. he said republicans don't fight as hard as democrats. here's what he said about mitch mcconnell. he said if that were senate majority leader chuck schumer instead of a dome son of a pipe mcconnell -- when trump said that about mcconnell, a person in room told kevin that was met with applause. he said that pence failed him
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for certifying the electoral college results and refusing the yes turn them and he made clear he did not accept the results of the 20 to election as nd can vad and said everybody should be calling the coronavirus vaccine the trumpcine. he wants it to be calling the trumpc ayene noting when he took the vaccine himself he did to the do it publicly. i was talking about supporters in that time who were hesitant about the vaccine but trump wasn't hesitant. had that come out at the time, that might have come out and changed the hesitancy we have seen from trump supporters. i think the big thing we saw out of mar-a-lago last night was the continuing per pet situation of
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the big lie of having the former president of the united states coming out and saying he does not accept the results of the election. it is that conspiracy theory that enables basically everything else. it enables the justifications and the reasons for people who took part in the january 6th insurrection. and then it also leads into the more crazy conspiracy theories like qanon. it is that central big lie that is still going to be this major, major challenge for the republican party. jim? >> if only there were a vaccine for the big lie. donie o'sullivan. joining me now, april ryan and alice stewart. alice, trump cost republicans the house, the senate -- white house, he incited an insurrection, he was impeached twice. he's more than willing to trash members of his own party. we heard how boehner feels about it. why are republicans still flocking to mar-a-lago to hear him speak? >> there are several reasons for that. if you look at the surface,
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three big standouts for this past weekend, certainly with regard to fund-raising, with regard to sort of a family reunion, but also a way to build the base. but, jim, the underlying current that we are seeing here is the new reality. it is not the reality show of the apprentice. it is the fear factor. fear by many that they will get on the wrong side of trump. fear that they will suffer in unz fun raising if they do so, and fear that the president will come out and speak out against them. and some fear they could lose their position within the party. that's a big factor. because the president, with all the faults, he does have strong support from the base. and republicans understand the goal to winning moving forward is to keep that base on board, but also to reel in the people that we lost in this last election. >> but he still sounds the biggest loser, april, and trump aide jason miller told the "new york times," quote, all roads lead to mar-a-lago and to that
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point the campaign arm of house republicans is using an aggressive tactic to push online donors to commit to monthly contributions saying on line, incredible, it says we need to know we haven't lost you to the radical left. if you uncheck this box, this is what it says on screen, we will have to tell trump you are a defector and sided with the democrats. in other words, if you don't let them take the same amount of money out of your bank account every month you are being disloyal to the president. what do you make of that. >> it is a bully tactic and it is illegal, as we know, and as we have seen. it was wrong to and he has to give back that money. at the end of the day, jim, people are afraid of the bully former president. you even saw sly, sylvester stallone to went to mar-a-lago. people are afraid of him because he will call them out.
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he called mitch mcconnell mcconnell an s.o.b. that's not the first time. when he was president he called those who took a knee about police brutality, deadly police brutality -- he called them, who happened to be black nfl players, sons of bitches. that's not the first time. he is a bully. we also know mike pence will not be on the ticket if he does run for president. he called him president. at the end of the day, this man, this former president, still has power, because what he says causes the base to stir up against those who he is against. that's why you are seeing people flock the mar-a-lago. that's why you are seeing people give money, even if it is illegally. >> alice, former house speaker john boehner, he is not a member of the trump base. he is saying in this new book, even ronald reagan could not get elected in today's republican party. do you agree with that? >> in some degrees, yes. and as you -- you had a great
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interview with harry reid yesterday. he said john boehner calls it like it is. he doesn't hold any punches and says exactly what's on his behind. john boehner is in some degrees rightful the current face of the republican party is not emblematic of the republican party of years old. but that is just what we are seeing in terms of tone and tenor. i truly believe the heart and soul of the republican party is the way it was back in the ron reagan era. it is about limited government. it is about free-market capitalism, strong on immigration, religion, pro-life, second amendment. that's what we need to get back to, focus more on the policy and get away from the personalities. because the brash abrasive personal that we had over the last five years cost us the house, the senate -- and the white house. so if we can focus more on the poll sees the and get back to the ronald reagan era, that is a winning formula moving forward.
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>> yeah, and april, i spoke to harry reid, as alice just mentioned. here's what he told me about the republican part's embrace of trump let's listen. would you like to see the republican party continue to embrace donald trump and in the way that they are right now? would that be good for the democrats were they to continue to do that? >> yes. >> can you expand on that? >> well, what is going on with the republican party now is not republican party that was defined over the many years as a party of conservative thought, fiscal integrity. so i think that the republican party need to under where they are. and i think their being where they are is only good for democrats. >> what do you think? is he right? >> he's absolutely right. donald trump, when he was president, and after his
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presidency, is rallying the democrats to go to the polls. and democrats are winning because of donald trump. and that's why you are seeing all of these anti-voting rights efforts, and restrictive efforts. but i will go back to something that alice said. alice said, you know, right now the party is a party of reagan. maybe, to an extent. but it's also a party that's anti-browning party. this is a party does not like the browning of america. this is a party that's cheating at the polls. this is a party that's doing anything, by any means necessary, to continue the try to win so there are a lot of underhanded tactics that we see that have been placed in courtrooms, that have been placed in the court of public opinion as it relates to the republican party and their efforts to try to get anything pushed through that they want. so the democrats are rallying, getting more people. you have got stacey abrams and
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more bringing the fight against this at the polls. >> al april right? this is a republican party that's against the browning of america. you are from georgia. they had this voter legislation that was just passed recently. what do you make of what april just said? >> i disagree with that strongly. the republican party certainly has lots -- lost crucial races in the past year. donald trump lost, but he also received 8 million more votes than he did in 20 is. so we are having more republicans coming to the table. but the key is the keep them on toward and bring in the people that we lost. i commend stacey abrams 100% for the work that she did. her and people like la tasha brown rallying voters in georgia. they won two more senate seats. hats off to them for the good work they z. i see that more as their strong efforts and democrats coming out in the state of georgia as opposed to
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republicans who are sitting at home for any other reason for the fact that they didn't like the way that president trump handled the election. they didn't like the fact he questioned certification of the election. and they certainly did not like the way that he treated some of the constitutional officers in the state of georgia. so that was a big factor in why republicans didn't come out more than anything. the tone and tenor of this presidency was the biggest factor. >> with a about texas? the effort to suppress the black vote in houston. let's did there. >> you know, ladies, we have to leave it at that. but april and alice, i think this is just a preview of coming attractions. we will have you both back to talk about this. next time, you know, you were a little nice to one another on this one. next time we can sharmen the differences and have you balk to talk about all of this. testimony in the trial of derek chauvin moves into its third week tomorrow. the defense will likely present their case this week.
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will cleric chauvin himself take the stand? benjamin crump the attorney for george floyd's family joins me next. you are live in the "cnn newsroom." to meet the world's needs while creating a cleaner future for all. at chevron, we're lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations, investing in lower-carbon technologies, and exploring renewable fuels of the future. we work hard to care for the homes we love. but it's only human... to protect the one we share. we work hard to care for the homes we love. you said you'd never get a dog. you said you'd never let her on the couch. or the bed. you said you'd never do a lot of things. like get two dogs. but you never knew all the things a dog could do for you. and with resolve you never have to worry about the mess.
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and we never upcharge you for high quality. harry's. available in store and at any week three of testimony in the derek chauvin trial begins tomorrow. here's a reminder of the devastating testimony jurors were left with before breaking for the weekend. >> in terms of manner of death, you found then and do you stand by today that the married of death for mr. floyd was, as you would call it, homicide? >> yes, i would still classify it as a homicide today. >> the activities of the law enforcement officer resulted in mr. floyd's death. there is no evidence to suggest that he would have died that night except for the interactions with law enforcement. >> both the hen opinion county chief medical examiner and a veteran forensics pathologist
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saying under oath that george floyd died as a result of chauvin's knee buried under his neck. ben crump has been representing the family throughout the tile. great to have you back. do you think that testimony we just heard there -- and there was other expert testimony that we saw throughout the week -- do you think that's going to be enough to convince every juror to convict? you know, that has always been a concern, that there might be one juror that could stand out. but what do you think? >> well, jim, i think it's very compelling the evidence that was presented. i think the state is presenting a very strategic display of evidence to hold derek chauvin criminally liable for killing george floyd. just the fact that you heard those police officers, including the police chief, come and say before a jury in a court of law that what this police officer did violated policy and violated our ethics is very rare, jim,
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when you have police coming in front of the blue wall of silence to tell the truth when it is a marginalized minority that has been abused by law enforcement. so i believe in my heart that derek chauvin will be convicted, understanding completely that the american justice system has broken my heart on many occasions. >> and chauvin's defense attorney was able to get the hen opinion county medical examiner to say under oath that the level of fentanyl in mr. floyd's system could have been fatal in another context. let's listen to that and get you to comment then on the other side. >> had mr. floyd been home alone in his locked residence with no evidence of trauma and the only autopsy finding was that fentanyl level, then, yes, i would certify his death due to fentanyl toxiisity.
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again, it is context dependent. >> do you think that comment there gives the jurors in the room to find reasonable doubt -- could they find some reasonable doubt in that comment? >> well, you would never know what a jury is going to do. but understand what was the last comment from the medical examiner. everything has to be put in context. when you put it in context, what we witnessed on that video for derek chauvin putting his knee on george floyd's neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds, and every other person testifying that he died from positional asphyxiation, and even the medical examiner himself concluded that despite the defense's attempt to distract, the jury is hearing compelling evidence, medical evidence, to corroborate what they already saw with their eyes and heard in
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that courtroom consistently. i will say this, jim. i have been a civil lights lawyer for the balance of my entire professional career. but i have been black all of my life. and so i know that we can never take for granted that a police officer will be held accountable for killing a black person in america unjustly despite whatever evidence we have. >> and some of the most compelling testimony this week came from that renowned pulmonary expert dr. tobin. everybody was talking about this after he testified. let's listen. >> on the right image, you see his knuckle against the tire. and to most people, this doesn't look sarbly significant. but to a physiologist, this is extraordinarily significant, because this tells you that he has used up his resources, and
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he's now literally trying to breathe with his fingers and knuckles. >> just incredible. did the floyd family expect this testimony to be so emotional? how did that -- how did the family respond to that testimony? >> well, they were thankful that dr. tobin presented such powerful testimony. but it was very, very emotional for them. for us, george floyd is a case, it's a cause. he's a hashtag. but for them, jim, that's their family. that's their blood. you know, his brothers grew up sleeping in the bed with him, and he always protected them. and so to watch those videos and not be able to protect him when he needed them the most is just very emotional for them on so many levels. but i will say this. dr. tobin completely destroyed
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the defense's theory that it was a trace amount of drugs or a health condition. he said even a healthy person who had no issues whatsoever -- if he had to deal with what he witnessed on that video, they, too, would have died. >> and as you know, benjamin, you know that the defense is likely to present their case this week. and they are expected to go after floyd's character, drug use, and so on. how are you preparing the family for what's ahead? obviously, they have had to deal with an awful lot up until this point. but i imagine this is going to be a big test for the family. >> you are correct, jim. it's going to be a very big test for them because they are going to hear their brother their father their loved one called everything but a child of god.
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they are going to talk about him as a person having an opioid addiction. they are going the try to use that as the basis to say, that's why he died. well, jim, millions of americans have opioid addictions. some of the viewers watching now may know a family member or a loved ones who is battling with an opioid addiction. it's almost epidemic in america. and so are we to believe that just because there is an opioid epidemic that they are going to fall dead even though george floyd was talking, walking, breathing, doing just fine when we saw him in that video and just completely try to disregard this knee on this neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds when everybody out on the scene, the bystanders,ine the person watching the camera at the 911 headquarters said that you are
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going to kill him. take your knee off his neck. and so i believe, despite whatever distractions they offer, as long as we focus in on what we saw occur on may 25th, 2020, that this will set a precedence in america. george floyd's case is a tipping point, hopefully for equal justice for all american citizens so we can make -- when we say liberty and justice for all really mean just that. >> it certainly will be a tipping point. benjamin crump, we will be watching all of this, as you will as well. we will have you back. thank you for your time. coming up, congressman gets a faces allegations of sex trafficking, prostitution, and a relationship with minor. that's next. metamucil psyllium fiber, gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down.
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republican congressman matt gaetz of florida, who is under investigate for prostitution and sex trafficking is now fund-raising off the scandal. in an email to supporters, gets a compares his situation to what former president trump went through. quote, a friend -- here we go. this is what it says here. here we go again, another media folks. do you remember the fake russia hoax, their attempt to frame general flynn? i do. now they have come for me. they have smeared my name all creating a partisan witch hundred all because i dare to stand up with them. joining us, kayte hill, who struck up an unlikely friendship with gets a.
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gets a defend her when nude photos of her were leak on line. it was a scandal that led to her resignation. ins thou. i know you were horrified that gets a invoked your name and what happened to you in that op ed he put out the other day why he wouldn't resign. you called it guess. do you want an apology from congressman gets a? >> i mean, if he is not going to apologize for the scandal to the americans who are embroiled in it, i am not expecting an apology to me. two things. first, i find it horrifying that my own scandal, which involved a consenting adult and his that involves, you know, a person that's under 18, that involves sex trafficking, that involves, you know, all kinds of abhorrent behavior, they are not the same. let's not pretend they are the same. that's one of the reasons it offended me so much. the other thing is that he
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defended me when i had naked pictures that were shared without my consent. and then come the find out that that's pretty much what he was doing, or is certainly accused of doing by multiple people on the floor of the house of representatives. so for me, that kind of -- that shuts it off. those -- you can't -- you can't defend me for the same thing that you are going to do. and you certainly can't compare my scandal to the one that he's facing right now. >> and lot has been made of the fact tgets a is following the trump playbook. denying it, remaining totally defiant. he spoke at a woman's event over the weekend and quoted former british prime minister margaret thatcher. >> i take the words of margaret of thatter to heart. if you want something said, get a man. if you want something done, hire a woman. >> little strange, isn't that, miss hill? >> yeah.
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i mean, certainly the organization -- the quote, unquote, women's organization that invited him deserves as much criticism. but, man, that's a -- that's a level of i don't even know, chutzpah that is just overwhelming to me, that you would, that you would show up at a women's event right now. >> so far, only one republican member of congress, adam kin zinger has called on gaetz to resign. when liz complainy was asked about it today she called the allegations sickening but didn't go as far as kin zinger did. when you compare that to what you went through, do you think there is a double standard for women, but also for democrats? >> well, there is absolutely a double standard. and i -- i resigned before there were major calls for my resignation from my own person because i felt a personal obligation to. i felt like i made a mistake and i owed it to the people of my district, i owed it the my colleagues, i owed it to the
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people that i had let down to not further embroil them in the scandal and to step aside and say, you know, i need the do my own healing, i need to step away from this position of power. and that's the right thing to do n. in case, you know, in men's' case in general when faced with this kind of scandal we see over and over again that they deny, deny, deny, they refuse to apologize and they wait it out. at least in the case of for example, cuomo, we saw that he at least was called on to resign by his democratic colleagues. he didn't, and he probably is -- you know, i think we are going to see him ride it out in the same way other male politicians have. but the difference between republicans and democrats is that democrats at least want the hold our people to high standards. and the gop just circles the wagons and says they are our people, we will protect them and that's that.
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considering how much heat liz cheney has faced from matt gaetz, i am shocked even she's not going forth and telling him he should resign. >> are you disappointed in liz cheney? >> i have no -- i have no right to be disappointed in her or not. but i think that it's -- it is just shocking that -- you know, because there are so many reasons that he should resign. you know, even if this piece of investigation is still going on. you have multiple people who have said he was sharing the photos on the house floor. we have got -- you know, he's embroiled in an investigation by the department he overgees, the jish rather committee. it is like the best thing for his district and for the people would be to step aside and say look i have got stuff to clean up and i am going to step away from the public right now. custom is exactly what i did. but we never, ever, ever see men do that. i think that's indicative of the double standard that we are facing. i don't want to say that it's the -- that i did the wrong
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thing by stepping down, but it certainly is clear that, in terms of political expedience, in terms of your political career, i don't know if as a woman i could have ridden it out in the same way that these men seem to do. >> you had a friendship with matt gaetz. i want to ask you quickly, miss hill, i want to know, did you ever see any warning signs of this kind of behavior? there are all sorts of allegations that have been made. was he acting like an out of control frat boy up on the hill as far as you could tell? >> i mean, i didn't have personal experiences like that. i think that -- you know -- i said this before. my judgment when it comes to men has clearly not been the best. but i -- i think that, you know, i saw him as -- there was bantd e friendly wanter. we were on the same committee, we were about the same age. it was actually a bipartisan committee, the only one left on
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armed service. i saw him as bro-y, but i have been friend with guys like that before and it has been harmless. i didn't know he voted against an anti-revenge porn bill in florida. the only one who voted against it. but at the time we are working on getting a federal statute to criminalize the sharing of non-consensual nude photos. he voted goence that recently, too. i think if i had known some of those things i would have had more red flags to begin with and probably my radar should have picked up on it. but, look, that's just what it is, and i have to continue to grow. and i do -- i really do hope that -- this is the piece that i think that i wish for anybody who has gone through a scandal, is that people -- if you admit fault, if you say, i have done something wrong, i'm sorry, then you can learn and grow from it. but if you refuse to -- if you say, i did nothing wrong, i am
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had the going to say i did anything wrong, i am not going to apologize for it, not going to resign, there is no way you can grow as a fern and you can recognize that things you have done in the past have been wrong and problematic. >> it sounds like we are not seeing a whole lot of personal growth from matt gaetz right now. katie hill thank you for your time and your perspective. a preview of a powerful new cnn series, the people versus the klan, premiering tonight on cnn. >> they have got black man hanging from a tree. ♪ the held health on earth you put me through ♪ ♪ sportsnet. >> michael donald was an innocent good samaritan. ♪ smoke, fire, it's all going up ♪ >> no doubt, the klan is behind this. >> that was my baby and nothing they do can bring him back. ♪ won't wave my white flag ♪
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uses unconventional thinking to help your business realize new possibilities. only one 5g partner offers unmatched network, support, and value-without any trade offs. life at the end of the tunnel is looking dim in michigan. the state is seeing a surge of coronavirus cases. the governor, gretchen whittmer is relying on personal responsibility to stop the spread asking but not mandating that people stay indoors. the situation in michigan is a reality check for other states that could soon be the new hot spot as vaccination rates go up and precaution goes down. paul sandoval has more from
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detroit. >> reporter: if ever there was a critical time to double down on coronavirus protective measures in the state of michigan it is aright now. from covid-19 positivity rates not seen since the start of the pandemic to hospitalizations nearing december peak levels, it is not getting any better in the wolverine state. >> with pandemic fatigue, the unique challenge here in michigan of a very sort of anti-coronavirus movement with about half of our population, people who don't want to wear masks, don't want to distance, i think getting vaccine shots in arms is our ultimate defense. >> reporter: repeated calls from michigan leaders to the biden administration asking to increase their vaccine allotments have been unsuccessful so far. >> in every conversation we are having, at every level of the federal government, we are asking for more help for more vaccines. >> reporter: hoping to help curb the rise in outbreaks, the governor asked high schoolsing to remote, youth sports to pause and people skip indoor dining at least the next two weeks. >> please, we double your efforts. >> reporter: these are only
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recommendations no the mandating sweeping shutdowns from a year ago that made her the subject of criticism and even death threats. >> what is happening in michigan today could be what is happening in other states tomorrow. it is on all of us to recognize we can squash where we are seeing hot spots, it's in everyone's best interest. >> reporter: a detroit area special education teacher wants to see a more aggressive move from the state leaders make the requests requirements. >> i think it fell short that she didn't mandate it. >> i think the reason our numbers spiked is because we have opened up, schools are back. they haven't had an uptick in the sports here. >> reporter: other michiganers stand behind the governor's approach. >> whittmer is a rock star. you know, she's doing her best. it is a pandemic. when it comes down to it, people are either going to take care of themselves and take care of each other or they are not. >> reporter: jordan ross is frustrated that his peers are choosing not to. >> i am seeing a lot of
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students. they know the issues that are going on but they are still choosing to either go out and hang out with friend or go to florida. that's concerning to me. >> reporter: the state's medical executive said 1,000 outbreaks have been lirched to youth sporting events, bars, and k-12 classes. >> we are not able to get information nor identify close contacts. >> reporter: there is also the spread of the highly infection shows covid-19 variant, some 2,200 cases in michigan though experts say there are likely more. >> reporter: officials received word recently that the bide would be sending another round of assistance here to hard-hit michigan. fema investigators, boots on the ground that will assist in actually administering some of these vaccines. officials here on the ground jim say while they certainly
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appreciate any help they can get what they are still after is a boost in the number of vaccine doses that they are receiving here. their argument is that michigan remains unquestionably a national covid hot spot. >> they have got to get that situation under control in michigan no question about it. paul sandoval thanks for the report. prince harry, in his return to the uk for his grandfather's funeral, will that help heal a royal rift in the family? we will go to windsor castle next. rolls in 1r mega roll is 6 and lasts so much longer. enjoy the go with charmin. guaranteed to fit or your money back. [ crowd cheering ]
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an opportunity to mend any relationships. the funeral comes about a month after harry and meghan gave a bombshell interview to oprah. what more can you tell us can a rift be mended here. >>ic what john majors is speaking to is families do come together in a crisis. a real hope that harry and meghan in particular will be able to find common ground in this family crisis perhaps with charles as well testimony duchess of success section isn't coming over. a lot of tension with her. but it would be a first steppingstone if you could see william and hare radiogetting along at this ooechk event. today was about for instance philip's children having their chance to speak with the cameras. we heard from andrew and edward. also the count he is who gave detail about how for instance
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philip passed as well. [ indiscernible ] >> very, very peaceful. [ indiscernible ] people left behind sitting here going it is all. and equally so many people [ indiscernible ] >> sophie there speaking to well wishers at her church. we also heard from princess anne, who sent this photo out today. she was very, very close to prince philip. obviously there is a lot of solace in the way that prince philip passed after a very long and rich life. she spoke for many when she said you know it's going to happen but you are never really ready for it. you know, i think it has been very difficult for everyone, despite his very rich life. >> max foster thanks for that. we appreciate it.
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2:00 pm
you are live in the "cnn newsroom." i'm jim acosta in washington. we begin this hour with disturbing new video out of virginia. a traffic stop that quickly escalated, with police drawing their guns and pepper spraying a black and latino army center in uniform. the army officer is now suing the police involved alleging excessive force. just in, ralph northern is weighing in with this statement. here it is. the governor saying the incident in windsor is disturbing and angered me and i am directing the virginia state police to conduct an independent investigation. let's get to cnn's natasha chen, who has that video that is so difficult to watch. natasha, tell us more. >> jim, i have had to watch this video a number of times to put this story together.


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