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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  April 11, 2021 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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hello again, thank you for joining me, i'm fredricka whitfield. the u.s. breaks a new coronavirus vaccine record as a surge in michigan becomes a reality check for the nation, the cdc announcing this more than 4.6 million people received a shot on saturday. shattering last weekend's record. the u.s. administered nearly 22 million doses in one week, which is more than the population of the single state of florida. but the threat from the coronavirus remains high. michigan is in the middle of another wave, nearly 7,000 new cases just yesterday, and now there's word that fema is sending a new batch of vacci vaccinators in the state. polo sandoval is in detroit. michigan governor whitmer is begging the biden administration for more vaccines, are there any indications that that might
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happen on the horizon? >> they say that at least not right now. what we did is we actually heard from governor whitmer this morning on cbs's face the nation, echoed what was said on friday, they are not giving up on those efforts to try to convince the federal government to increase the amount of doses, vaccine doses that they are receiving here in the state of michigan, especially as they continue to see these numbers, infection rate currently at about 18%. so when you look at the graphic, when you look at the chart you can see that that -- those trends continue to go up. it's not just infections but hospitalizations as well. those numbers we're seeing at the hospitals now, getting very close to what we saw at the beginning of the pandemic. so what we heard from the governor right now is that she will continue to try to convince the government to increase their doses, though the biden administration has said that perhaps right now is not the right time to do so, especially with the potential impact on vaccine supplies. take a listen. >> by and large they're doing a
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great job. i would submit, though, that in an undertaking of this magnitude with such consequence, it's important to recognize where there might need to be some adjustments along the way. right now we know we've got greater capacity, we could get more vaccines in arms and when there is a surge, we think that it's important that we go to -- we rush in to meet where that need is. what's happening in michigan today could be what's happening in other states tomorrow. >> governor whitmer really using this opportunity to try to get that message across to the federal government, and this comes after just last week they readjusted their daily goal of vaccinating about 50,000 people a day, to 100,000 people a day, and michigan state officials say they've been able to successfully meet that goal recently. and of course they want to aim even higher but in order to do that they're going to need more vaccinations. as you mentioned a while ago, fred, they did receive word yesterday they will be getting more boots on the ground here, courtesy of the federal government, more fema
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vaccinators, folks in michigan saying thank you for that, but what we really want are more vaccinations to cover more ground and try to counter these numbers that continue to rise, even today. >> all right, polo sandoval in detroit, thanks so much. let's talk more about all of this. joining me is dr. rob davidson, an emergency room physician based in michigan, dr. davidson, good to see you. you were on the front lines of this pandemic. so what does this surge in michigan really look like, who is it impacting the most? >> we're getting just more numbers. our hospitalizations and our hospital system in west michigan have gone up four fold in just the last two weeks. we know in our emergency department we've seen more and more folks, you know older folks over 65, largely have been vaccinated, at least with one dose so we're seeing younger people now, people in their 50s, certainly with preexisting conditions. but when they get hospitalized they are just as sick as the people we were seeing in the fall, the people we were seeing in the summer. this is still a very real
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pandemic. this is still a very dangerous virus. we're advising people to continue to do the public health measures we've been seeing all along. >> i know we're going to talk about the shortage, the request for more vaccines, but have vaccines opened up to everyone, or at least including those under 50 in your state? >> they're open to everybody 16 and over. so everybody where it's approved through the eua, they're open, i have a 17-year-old son getting his first shot on wednesday, so hopefully, as that opens up, we can get more shots in arms, you know, i concur with the governor, more doses would be great, but getting some more people doing vaccinations on the ground is helpful and probably reallocating. we have pent up demand in some parts of the state. but in rural parts of the state, largely republican, conservative parts of the state, they're having challenges filling up vaccination slots so, you know, there's still that resistance out there that's kind of the hangover from the trump messaging and the republican messaging we've seen the last year. >> you and governor whitmer want
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more vaccines but in the meantime the biden administration says they're sending more cdc, more fema personnel for contact tracing and testing. is that good enough, at least for the short term? >> listen, like the governor, i'm thrilled with what has happened thus far, and if they say they'll send 50,000 we'll want 100,000. if they say 100,000, we want 200,000. we always want more because we think we can get more in arms and we can do more good but understanding this is a country of 50 states, and we want to avoid outbreaks in other states as well. so, you know, getting those people on the ground is helpful and hopefully we can free up some doses and get more vaccinations here so we can get them in arms. >> let's broaden it out. many states are beginning to fully reopen their economies for the first time since the pandemic began. i want you to listen to what texas governor greg abbott had to say about all of that today. >> when you look at the senior population, for example, more
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than 70% of our seniors have received a vaccine shot, more than 50% of those who are 50 to 65 have received a vaccine shot, i don't know what herd immunity is, but when you add that to the people who have acquired immunity it looks like it could be close to herd immunity. >> i know you're nodding no. that is incorrect. i mean, texas, with a 19% full vaccination rate, is not anywhere near herd immunity. so what do you do with information like that that seems to permeate and confuse a good number of people? >> i mean, he should have stopped with i don't know what herd immunity is. that's true. he doesn't know. it's where 70% to 90% of the entire population is vaccinated. it would be great if the senior population were all walled off in their own space and only coexisting with one another, then they would have herd immunity. they're not protected until the community is protected and that doesn't happen until we get that
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70% or 80% number. so i disagree with governor abbott. disagree with other governors who have decided they want to open up and pretend like we're at the end of the tunnel, we're in it, we see the light but we're not going to get there as quickly as we could unless they listen to the public health experts and do what's right. >> yeah, listen to those of you in the science and medical arenas, still need 70% to 80% to have that herd immunity. dr. rob davidson, thank you for your time, appreciate it, be well. >> thanks, fred, you too. all right, and this breaking news, cnn is learning more about an incident which caused a blackout at an iranian nuclear facility. according to iran's atomic organization the incident was a quote terrorist action. cnn's senior international correspondent frederik pleitgen live for us from berlin. >> reporter: terrorist actions of the iranian's belief, some sort of foreign power is behind all this in an effort, they believe, to try and derail some
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of the things the iranians had been doing with their nuclear program. since the trump administration put those heavy sanctions in place against iran the iranians have been expanding their nuclear activities rather than curtailing. they've been enriching more uranium to a higher level. one of the things that happened yesterday is that iran had its national nuclear day, and what the iranians did is they unveiled some new and they say more powerful and more efficient centerfuges to let them -- now the iranians for their part have not officially blamed any other country for what happened, they acknowledge obviously there was an incident there. they're calling it terrorism. it's the head of iran's -- who's doing that, calling it a terrorism, and saying that iran reserves the right to retaliate. there is some chatter going on in israel with some folks saying
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it might have been the israelis behind it, maybe a cyberattack, maybe some sort of other attack. impossible to confirm at this point in time. but of course fed reca it comes at a very important time right now with the iranians unveiling new things about their nuclear program but at the same time at least negotiating in the same place once again with the u.s. to try and bring the nuclear agreement back on track to bring the u.s. back into that agreement, and lift sanctions against iran but also to bring iran back into compliance and we know, of course, fredricka, that the israelis have been very much against bringing that nuclear agreement back into full swing, bringing -- and bringing the u.s. back into that agreement as well. certainly this incident comes at a very, very important time right now between the u.s. and iran, and generally, of course, the whole situation around iran's nuclear program in that entire region. >> complicated indeed, thank you so much, fred pleitgen, appreciate it.
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still ahead a u.s. army officer suing virginia police after they pointed guns at him, sprayed him with pepper spray during a traffic stop. video of the encounter straight ahead. and texas lawmakers preparing to consider sweeping election bills that would restrict voter access. i'll speak with the election administrator of harris county. . bam, 12 months of $5 wireless. visible. wireless that gets better with friends.
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enjoy the go with charmin. guaranteed to fit or your money back. you can framebridge just about anything. and we have. uncle murray's medals. a lucky pencil. man with peach. words of wisdom. a million custom framed pieces and counting. you can framebridge just about anything. and black and latino army officer is suing two virginia police officers alleging they used excessive force during a traffic stop captured on body cam video. second lieutenant nazario seeking more than a million dollars in damages after the police pointed guns at him, pepper sprayed him and pushed him to the ground. one of the officers said he pulled him over because he didn't have a license plate although the officer later became aware of a temporary plate taped to the inside of the rear window based on his police
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report. cnn's natasha chen joining me now. natasha, the video of this incident is very difficult to watch. >> reporter: yeah, fred, our viewers should know that this video can be disturbing, and you're going to see it from three angles. two of the angles from body cameras worn by the two police officers in windsor, virginia, about 30 miles west of norfolk, and the third angle from the personal cell phone of the man they pulled over, a man, as you say, who is black and latino, as well as a lieutenant in the u.s. army. 6:30 p.m., december 5th, 2020. lieutenant nazario driving in his army fatigues through the small town of windsor, virginia saw flashing lights in his rearview mirror. he wasn't sure why he was being pulled over, according to his lawsuit he slowed down and put his blinker on, indicating his intention to pull over. but didn't do so for another minute and fort seconds which he later explained was nrd to find a well lit area. >> driver, roll the window down,
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put your hands out of the window. turn the vehicle off, put your hands out of the window. >> reporter: hearing these different commands while sitting in his car with his seat belt on he began recording from his own cell phone and put his hands out the window as ordered. turns out officer daniel crocker had not seen the temporary license plate taped to the back win of his brand new chevrolet tahoe and seeing tinted windows and a driver not stopping right away crocker decided it was a high risk traffic stop. but this was never explained to nazario who for several minutes continued to ask why he'd been pulled over. >> what's going on? >> how many occupants are in your vehicle? >> it's only myself. why are your weapons drawn? what's going on? >> get out of the car now. >> i'm serving this country and this is how i'm treated? >> i'm a veteran too, i don't know, get out of the car. >> reporter: body camera footage shows officer joe gutierrez, gun drawn, unfastening the velcro around what may be his taser at this time.
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>> what's going on? skbloo you're fixing to ride the lightning, son. >> he thought ride the rightening meant he could be killed. >> i'm honestly afraid to get out. >> you should be, get out, now. >> i have not committed any crimes. >> you're not cooperating at this point right now, you're under arrest for -- you're being detained for obstruction of justice. >> for a traffic violation i do not have to get out the vehicle. you haven't told me why i'm being stopped. >> reporter: the officer tried to open the driver's door. in his report he wrote, quote, when i a attempted to unlock and open the driver's door the driver assaulted myself by striking my hand away. but in his own footage he's not seen striking anyone. crocker's report says at this point gutierrez gave several more commands to comply with orders or he would be sprayed with his oc spray, but no such warnings could be heard. gutierrez just sprayed nazario
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still without either officer having told him exactly what he was pulled over for. >> that's [ bleep ] up. >> get out of the car now. >> i don't want to reach my seat belt -- >> take your seat belt off and get out the car. >> you made this way more difficult than it had to be. get on the ground. >> can you please talk to me about what's going on. can you please talk to me about what's going on? why am i being treated like this? why? >> you're not cooperating, get on the ground. you're going to get tased. >> reporter: the officers handcuffed him and stood him back up. he told them his dog was in the backseat and choking from the pepper spray. medics arrived and the conversation mellowed. >> two minute traffic stop turned into all this. >> reporter: he explained why he didn't immediately pull over. >> i was pulling over to a well lit area for my safety and yours. i have respect for law enforcement. >> reporter: but gutierrez said that wasn't the problem. >> race relations between minorities and law enforcement, i get it. so like i told you, as far as
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you not stopping, because you were uncomfortable and you wanted a well lit spot, lieutenant, that happens all the time. ha happens to me a lot. and it's -- i would say 80% of the time, not always, 80% of the time it's a minor at this time royal while the officers couldn't understand why he didn't get out of the car as strucked -- nazario said he didn't know why he was being stopped. >> i never looked out the window and saw guns blazing immediately. >> gutierrez eventually told nazario he had a conversation with the chief of police and was giving him the option to let this all go. >> there's no need for this to be on your record. however, it's entirely up to you. if you want to, fight it and argue, i don't mean disrespect, okay, you have that right as a citizen. if that's what you want. we'll charge you, it doesn't change my life one way either way. >> reporter: he says doesn't change his life either way. whether the lieutenant is charged, but now clearly with
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this video widely shared online, all three of their lives are inevitably changed. cnn has not yet been able to reach either officer at this time, it's not clear if they have legal representation for this lawsuit. cnn has also reached out to windsor police and windsor town leaders and we have not yet heard back, fred. >> let us know when you do, natasha chen, thank you so much. joining me now to discuss, chief, charles ramsey, a cnn law enforcement analyst, also a former police commissioner of philadelphia, and former washington, d.c. metro police chief as well, good to see you, chief, oh, boy, i mean, how disturbing. >> thank you. >> how does it hit you? >> well, it is disturbing. i mean, you know, first of all, it's not uncommon for people to want to pull over in a well lit area, particularly minorities, black, la tee owe, what have you, women, i actually told my wife that if she's ever stopped,
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find a well lit area in order to pull over. he didn't increase his speed. put on his flashers, that's an indication to me that he's trying to send a signal he's going to pull over. it's less than a mile when he did pull over and of course the officers, you hear them toward the end of the video trying to explain everything, if they had done that up front. i mean, that's how you deescalate, just tell -- you know, this is why you're being stopped. i mean, that's not a hard thing to do. >> the idea is the deescalation happens before the pepper spray. >> yeah. >> before the handcuffing, so the order seemingly is all wrong what i'm hearing you say. >> exactly right. >> so, you know, of course we all understand that being a police officer can be a very dangerous job, but what does this exemplify to you about the actions and the words that are recorded and how was lieutenant nazario perceived to be a threat? >> well, i mean, words matter and it's easy to escalate a
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situation as a police officer. i understand the need to be cautious. it's nighttime, you don't know exactly what it is that you have. but, you know, initially mr. nazario is complying and does put his hands out of the window which should lower the temperature to tell him, you know, this is why you're being stopped and so forth. that really didn't happen. just a command that was given, guns drawn, you know, he's seeing it from one perspective, they're seeing it from another, and the whole thing could have been avoided, had they actually taken time to really explain why he's being stopped. he actually had a temporary tag in the rear window, and apparently they missed that. so what the motivation for the initial stop was i have no idea but it certainly could have been handled better. >> it was a brand new car, so new paper tags, and nazario has filed a million dollar lawsuit and we have reached out to -- cnn has reached out to natasha
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chen has reached out to the city, the jurisdiction, and the officers for response, we have not received that. all right, let me ask you now about the derek chauvin trial, resuming tomorrow. and we saw an unprecedented number of police officers, you know, take the stand against chauvin. listen to what ben crump, an attorney for the floyd family, told me yesterday. >> i pray that it sets a precedent that more police officers will come from behind that blue wall of silence and tell the truth, you know, they say the people in our communities marginalized minority communities all the time. we want you to tell the truth when you see something bad happen when people commit criminal acts. we're saying to the police officers, we want you to show us how it's done. >> do you believe that these testimonies that we saw in minneapolis do help set a new tone and perhaps promise, you
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know, a change? >> well, first of all, there's more testimony against fellow police officers than you would imagine, but normally it happens during arbitration hearings, which are not televised, they're not criminal, serious misconduct. but certainly not criminal. this is a very high profile televised criminal trial. derek chauvin's actions were so far out of line with policy, with training, that, you know, i just don't see how a police officer could actually testify and say that that's okay, what he did was acceptable. it's not, now i'm sure the defense will try to find somebody, and, i mean i guess you could find somebody to say anything. but, you know, yeah, i'm not surprised that they testified against him. >> so especially in the midst of this derek chauvin trial, this is notable, now, to maryland becoming the first state to repeal powerful law enforcement officers bill of rights setting new rules for when police may
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use force. how significant is this and is this the beginning of possible reform in other states too? >> it could be. you know, the -- a police officer's bill of rights, i've never been in favor of it. i've always opposed it. it really does create a lot of problems in my opinion in a lot of areas. i'm not familiar with maryland's particular bill of rights. everyone is a little bit different but in some cases for example your ability to be able to question an officer who's been involved in an incident, like a shooting or any other incident is very, very limit. all those kinds of things. officers should have rights, there's no question about that, but that's what the united states constitution affords. to go beyond that, in my opinion, is where we start to run into problems. >> and apparently that move in maryland means civilians would now, for the first time, be able to play a role in police discipline and would also mean restrictions on no knock warrants, just to name a few.
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chief charles ramsey, thank you so much, always good to see you, appreciate it. >> thanks, fred, okay, thank you. coming up, the murder trial of derek chauvin moves into its third week, we expect some -- at least one member of george floyd's family to take the stand. more on that next. (vo) conventional thinking doesn't disrupt the status quo. which is why t-mobile for business uses unconventional thinking to help your business realize new possibilities. only one 5g partner offers unmatched network, support, and value-without any trade offs.
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...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. tomorrow will begin week three of the murder trial for derek chauvin, the former minneapolis police officer accused of killing george floyd. the prosecution may wrap up their case this week, which could include calling a member of george floyd's family to the
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stand. adrienne broaddus has been following this trial for us from minneapolis. the family attorney ben crump told me floyd's brother may testify. who else might the prosecution call? >> reporter: well tomorrow we know a medical doctor who was supposed to testify on friday is expected to take the stand. so we will hear from that doctor. but by calling a member from the floyd family the prosecution is essentially ending as it prepares to rest its case, the prosecution will end how it started. they will remind jurors this family member who takes the stand that this was not an incident, but someone's life, ended. this family will be able to speak about george floyd on an intimate level. he was a brother, a dcousin, a boyfriend, a father. we've heard the video, and on that video we heard floyd call out, not only pleading for his life, saying he couldn't
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breathe, but also saying tell my children i love them. and the family member will be able to speak about his love for his daughter intimately. the family member will also talk about floyd's upbringing and why he relocated from texas to minneapolis. and that family member can talk about his chronic pain. because keep in mind, the defense attorney eric nelson has been arguing the case that floyd's drug use paired with underlying health conditions led to his death. chauvin, derek chauvin that is, has been charged with second and third degree murder and second degree manslaughter and he's pled not guilty. >> adrien broaddus, thanks so much. still ahead, a texas republican official calling for an army of pole watchers in predominantly minority communities in houston as state lawmakers prepare to vote on sweeping election restriction bills, i'll speak with an
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elections administrator from a key texas county, next. ed, how much you'll need, and build a straightforward plan to generate income, even when you're not working. a plan that gives you the chance to grow your savings and create cash flow that lasts. along the way, we'll give you ways to be tax efficient. and you can start, stop or adjust your plan at any time without the unnecessary fees. talk to us today, so we can help you go from living.
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video from a presentation by a harris county republican official is surfacing online leeked by the voting rights advocacy group common cause. >> we're trying to build an army here of 10,000 people in harris county that are motivated and highly competent folks to serve as election workers and poll watchers, i'm trying to recruit as a precinct chair about 30 people in my precinct that will have the confidence and courage to come down and hear, in these areas, where we really need poll workers. because this is where the fraud is occurring. >> so those areas highlighted
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with the red dot are predominantly minority communities in houston that that person describes as the problem areas. the harris county republican party says the video, quote, blatantly mischaracterizes a grassroots election worker recruitment video to bully and intimidate republicans. currently texas has 49 bills moving through the state legislature that could potentially change, or at least limit voting rights. i spoke about this with chris hollins a clerk who came to prominence after voting to expand rights during last career's election cycle. >> not only are the republicans recruiting poll watchers to go in and intimidate folks in black and brown communities, and calling this a 10,000 person brigade with obvious military connotations there, the other thing that's troubling is they ask people to have courage as this these areas are dangerous for regular folks to go and
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spend time. and so this is troubling on so many levels. but what's even worse is that these laws that are being considered in the state legislature would empower these poll watchers to actively intimidate voters without any sort of consequence. >> i want to bring in now isabel longoria, harris county elections administrator. isabel, your position was just created last year. how concerned are you about at least this one measure that did pass the texas senate, what are your concerns about where it's going next, and what your job is going to be like from this point forward? >> yeah, i came in last year under former clerk hollins to head up things like the 24-hour voting which will be eliminated with these bills to head up things like drive through voting which will be eliminated with these bills, getting people mail ballot applications in the middle of a pandemic, eliminated by these bills.
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things in texas are hard already for elections administrators who are non-partisan and sworn to uphold the law and they're only getting worse with measures going through the texas legislature. >> let's expound a little bit more on what you just spelled out in this bill, which is also called senate bill 7. and how it would limit early voting hours, ban drop boxes and drive through voting among other things. how would that impact voting in harris county which in terms of square miles it really is quite sizable and i think a lot of people don't understand just how big harris county is. >> yeah, harris county, we have about 5 million residents, about 2.5 million registered voters, which is larger than some of our smaller states. here in the country. and we don't take that lightly. you know, the responsibility of getting 2.5 million people voting safely in the middle of a pandemic is one we took very seriously. by offering things like drive through voting, the idea came because if you can do groceries, drive through, if you can do
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banking drive through, why can't you do that in person voting drive through, 127,000 people used that in november and we used it in july of last year, we used it in december of last year. we're going to use it may of this year. it's something that is working, that voters like, and it's being taken away without explanation. we also had -- go ahead, fredricka. >> no, i was just going to -- no, you go ahead, your point is probably much better than my question. >> 24 hour voting. so it's something we expanded in late night hours, again like grocery stores and other entities were doing with the pandemic, how can we get temporal equity, make voting accessible. we had shift workers on our side, election workers trained following every step of the law, i stayed up for 36 hours straight to make sure every law was followed and we saw that of those over hundreds of thousands of folks that use voting after 7:00 p.m. into 10:00 p.m. into
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late night hours, medical workers, first responders, that the majority of those voters, were black, latino or asian-american in harris county. that's what i'm concerned with is that the things ha are being attacked are not -- no one's asked me what are all the things you've done, it's just the things that were used publicly, the things used safely, the things that our voters love and are desperately asking us to protect for some reason elections administrators who are being creative, who are following the law and keeping our voters safe are somehow about to be punished with those senate bills, on top of which, you know, to that former clip, are going to allow those partisan poll workers who are -- wol watchers, sorry, who are already allowed in polls to have hidden cameras. >> to videotape, that's intimidating to a lot of voters. i can't imagine anybody wanting to be videotaped as they are asking questions, or are about to vote. so with all of that, and what
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you and many others experienced in this last elections cycle, no proof of widespread fraud usually legislation addresses a problem. what do you see these 49 proposals addressing, what are the problems that they are proposing to fix? >> nothing here in texas that needs to be fixed. frankly, concerningly, i think it's a race to the bottom that we're seeing across southern states like georgia. and like other laws. in other states that are just saying i'm not quite sure what problem they're fixing but they're saying something, some conspiracy theories happen and we're going to scatter shot this across the south and hope for the best. >> harris county elections administrator isabel longoria, thank you so much and all the best to you and be well. coming up, an officer's split second decision that saved a man's life as his wheelchair was stuck between the tracks as a train approached that heroic
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in alabama in 1981. >> that morning, one of my does sips called and said they believe it's michael. it's him. that's all i could say was it's him. i was just numb. i couldn't believe that this was happening to us and i looked outside at my mom's door and it was people everywhere. i mean, everywhere in the neighborhood they had come from far and near. my sister cynthia hamilton, she went to identify the body with my husband. >> all he had done was left his mom's house that night to walk to the service station to buy a pack of cigarettes.
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pack of cigarettes. not knowing what was waiting for him. i can only imagine what mrs. done went through. >> joining me right now, erica armstrong dunbar. she's a professor of history at russ ger's university and the national director the association of black women historians. so good see you. i mean, that's unbelievable and so turking. we are talking about the '80s. it has been 40 years since michael done, just 18 years old was killed, lynched by the kkk in mobile, alabama. what do you want people to learn about this very painful crime? >> first, thanks for having me on. i think that this document comes at a very sort of posh moment where we are wrestling still with this issue about and surrounding black life, how
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black life manages, somehow, to survive, through centuries of attack, of intimidation. and so in many ways we see michael donald's murder, his lynching -- we think about something that happens in the '80s. it is far from surprising that it happened. it might of course traumatic, devastating, but the centuries-long history of black, men, women, and children, being lynched is a form of intimidation is far from new. so it wasn't surprising. i think it's a way for us to help contextualize anti-black violent in 2021. >> i mean, this is enlightingening for so many generations because, as you say d i mean, it's history repeating itself. and you know, the form of lynching is seen in so many different ways, depicted in so many different ways in--
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black america's lives. especially now n the midst of this trial, the derek chauvin trial, and people describing george floyd's death as a modern-day lynching. what parallels do you want people to see? >> i think -- i think there are a couple of things that we've got to sort of remember. this is -- documentary is a way to memorialize michael done's life. it's also a way to memorial aye the courage and the strength and the power of his mother, buhla may done. she is the one who was left after his lynching, after his murder, to put together the pieces of her life, and to demand justice, to demand that the men accountable for the murder of her son would be held to task. and she did it at a moment in time when -- and realistically, as the sort of lowest person on
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the socioeconomic ladder. a black woman in the war in alabama? she was not ever expected to bring down the klan. but we take a lesson from that now. and we see black women, black mothers doing the same thing. >> what an exhibition of strength and power in buhla may donald. erica armstrong dunbar, thank you for joining us and helping us to see clearly through this entire story. as you can see, this cnn series, the people versus the klan, which prepeers tonight. back to back episodes, starting at 9:00 p.m., only on cnn. and this juxtaposition with just moments to spare. a police officer's quick actions sab a man's life from an oncoming train. cnn's steph lee elam has the story in this week's beyond the call of duty. >> reporter: with just two and a half seconds to spare.
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police officer erica urea saved a man from certain death. >> i didn't have any other thought in my head, just get him to have tracks. >> reporter: a 14-year veteran of the lodi pleep was on morning patrol when something caught her attention. >> i saw the gentleman on the tracks. he was sitting in his wheelchair, looked like he was wiggling. >> as soon as she made a ushs turn. >> the railroad arm started coming down. >> immediately she was out of her cruiser trying running to the man. >> trying the get him out. i could see him in the distance. initially i thought it is a ways away. >> reporter: as the signals clang the train approaches one of the wheelchair's tires is wedged in the train tracks. >> it wouldn't budge. >> reporter: then she says what the man can't. >> in my peripheral view i can see the train a lot closer. get up, get up, it was coming
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down pretty fast and i grabbed him and i pulled. he fell down and i bent over to try to pick him up and grab him and he slipped. and the train was there. my especially thought was i didn't get him. he's not going down. >> she saved that man's life. no question about it. >> reporter: this officer was working traffic enforcement one block away. >> it was tremendously close. i thought they were both struck by the train. >> reporter: as he arrives, she is pulling the man further away from the track. >> he had a traumatic injury to his right leg. it appeared as if it foot was completely severed. >> reporter: the man is 66-year-old john man mata. his right leg was amp at a timed. in a statement, his family said her courage to save someone's father, gran father skpsh friend, we are beyond grateful for her selflessness. is it scary thinking about how
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close that train came to you guys. >> yes n hindsight. and you look at the video and it was really close. >> reporter: really close, but worth it for a woman dedicated to protect asking serving a commune near where she grew up. >> that's why i became a police officer, was to help. you don't know what impact you have on someone's life. at least in this situation i can say okay, i did help him. >> reporter: cnn, low die, california. >> wow, close call, indeed. >> bravery on display all the way around. thank you for joining us today i am fredricka whitfield. the "cnn newsroom" continues right now with jim acosta. beyond the call of duty. brought to you by novo nordisk. get the truth about weight. uses unconventional thinking to help your business realize new possibilities. only one 5g partner offers unmatched network, support, and value-without any trade offs. ♪
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1:00 pm
you are live in the "cnn newsroom." i'll jim acosta in washington. serving up insults and peddling the big lie, donald trump, still sounding like a sore loser, desperate to rewrite history and


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