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tv   CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield  CNN  April 4, 2021 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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hello again, everyone, thank you so much for joining me and again, happy easter, i'm
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fredricka whitfield. we start this easter sunday with the race to vaccinate and efforts by health officials to ward off a new covid surge this at a time when americans are gathering to celebrate the holiday. churches like st. patrick's cathedral in new york seeing long lines of people waiting to get in to attend mass at 50% capacity. there's reason for optimism, more than 4 million vaccinations were administered in the u.s. on friday, setting a new record, and bringing the seven-day average past 3 million a day. however, the average of new cases is rising above 60,000 once again. and as the u.s. closes in on 555,000 deaths from the disease health experts warn we are not in the clear just yet. >> at this time we really are in a category 5 hurricane status with regard to the rest of the world. at this point we will see in the next two weeks the highest number of cases reported globally since the beginning of the pandemic. in terms of the united states we're just at the beginning of
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this surge. we haven't even really begun to see it yet. >> another reason health experts are worried, millions of americans are traveling. the tsa reporting a record number of air passengers on friday. cnn's evan mcmorris-santoro is at la guardia airport. cases are on the rise but that doesn't seem to be slowing down travelers. >> reporter: that's right, fred. right now you can see it doesn't look very busy, but there is plenty of evidence that travel is becoming more normal for americans again. yesterday was a 24th straight day of more than a million passengers at airports since this pandemic began. which is a big deal, a large number of new travelers. people are acting as though things are back to normal. but standing in the airport it isn't back to normal. you have to wear a mask when you're in the airport. these social distancing markers are still on the floor if you want to stand around inside the airport you have to go six feet apart. the idea is to keep people safe
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stiff because this pandemic is still very much with us. i spoke to a traveler earlier today about why she was traveling today and what she thinks is driving this increase in travel. >> i feel like because people are just probably like just tired of being at home. you get tired after a certain point and they're like, oh, whatever, i guess some people have gotten the vaccine, they're like oh, yeah, we can go out now, it's a lot easier with the vaccines. >> reporter: so now fred the cdc says if you are fully vaccinated you can travel at relatively low risk to yourself but they say please don't travel if you don't have to because there's this virus still spreading and i can show you in a graphic about 18% of the american population currently are fully vaccinated according to the federal government. that's a good number. we've had record vaccination days but still it's only 18%. if i show you this other map of america and the cases rising and falling across the country, you can see there are plenty of states where cases are falling or staying flat but there are also plenty of states where those cases are going up and
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that is what people are worried about, another surge coming. so as americans are looking at all of this and seeing this ability to travel again, getting back out there, we're seeing other signs that they're doing that, delta airlines, which had kept its middle seats open because of social distancing throughout this entire pandemic due to capacity concerns is now ending that policy starting today, that's a month earlier than they expected to do it because of the capacity, people desiring to fly so much, we're seeing these kind of things happen even as the cdc is telling people, look, this virus is still very much with us, cases rising across the country and even though it fools nice, the weather's great, you want to get out, they say you really shouldn't unless you have to. >> people want to be optimistic but they're hearing experts say please be careful. evan mcmor ris, thank you so much. tomorrow morning the nation will hear more in the trial of derek chauvin, the minneapolis police officer accused of killing george floyd.
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this week will be just as hard to watch after days of tearful eyewitness accounts detailing the horror of watching floyd struggle under the knee of chauvin. chauvin has pleaded not guilty and faces up to 40 years in prison if convicted of the most serious charge, cnn's senior national correspondent sara sidner reports. >> on may 25th of 2020, mr. derek chauvin betrayed this badge when he used excessive and unreasonable force upon the body of mr. george floyd. derek chauvin did exactly what he had been trained to do over the course of his 19-year career. the use of force is not attractive. but it is a necessary component of policing. >> the defense and prosecution's duelling arguments in a case the world is watching. >> i can't breathe.
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>> the first week in testimony in the former officer's murder trial began with jurors seeing the entire bystander video that was followed by a long line of eyewitnesses. >> my instincts were telling me that something is wrong. >> jena scurry called a police supervisor as she watched the treatment on floyd on the street's surveillance camera. >> i did call the police on the place. >> why did you do that? >> because i believe i witnessed a murder. >> reporter: donald williams was watching from the sidewalk. the professionally trained mma fighter was overcome we motion -- with emotion as he heard his own phone call. >> murder, killing himself. >> 61-year-old eyewitness charles mcmillan was there too. >> you can't win. >> i'm not trying to win. >> reporter: he says he begged floyd to comply. >> i can't breathe. >> stop moving.
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>> mama. mama. >> reporter: mcmillian dissolved into sobs when he saw that video from that day. >> still happening. i don't have a mama either. i understand him. >> reporter: an off duty firefighter, an emt walking by on may 25th, 2020 testified she begged officers to let her check floyd's pulse or check it themselves. >> there's a man being killed, and i would have -- had i had access to a call similar to that i would have been able to provide medical attention to the best of my abilities. and this human was denied that. >> reporter: some witness's faces were shielded from the public, only the jury saw them, because they were all minors when they witnessed floyd's
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death. the teen who took the video that went viral and her 9-year-old cousin who testified anonymously. >> it's been nights i stayed up apologizing and apologizing to george floyd for not doing more. >> i saw that officer put a knee on the neck of george floyd. i was sad and kind of mad. >> reporter: a former cashier who accused floyd of paying for cigarettes with a counterfeit $20 bill testified too. >> i took it anyways and i was planning to just put it on my tab. until i second guessed myself and as you can see in the video i kept examining it, and then i eventually told my manager. >> soon after police were called. >> george was motionless, limp, and chauvin seemed very -- he
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was in a resting state. >> i saw you standing there with your hands on your head for a while, correct? >> correct. >> what was going through your mind during that time period? >> disbelief and guilt. >> reporter: none of the bystanders knew george floyd at the time, only one person who testified this week did. they met at his job years ago when he noticed she was crying. >> floyd had this great deep southern voice, raspy. he's like, sis, you okay, sis? and i wasn't okay. >> reporter: they dated for nearly three years. she testified that they shared many things, including an addiction to painkillers. >> floyd and i both suffered with opioid addiction. we got addicted. and tried really hard to break that addiction. many times. >> reporter: chauvin's attorney
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pounced, pointing outs floyd's drug use, his argument floyd didn't die from chauvin's actions but his own drug use and pre-existing medical issues. >> it was your belief that mr. floyd started using again about two weeks prior to his death, correct? >> i noticed a change in his behavior, yes. >> reporter: the jury also heard from a slew of emts and police, both current and former. when emt derek smith arrived on the scene chauvin was still on floyd, even though floyd was unresponsive. >> i thought he was dead. >> reporter: but smith said that he and his partner along with an officer worked to treat floyd. two officers criticized their fellow officer's treatment of floyd. >> do you have an opinion as to when the restraint of mr. floyd should have ended in this encounter? >> yes. >> what is it? >> when mr. floyd was no longer offering up any resistance to the officers, they could have
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ended the restraint. >> what is your -- you know, your view of that use of force during that time period? >> totally unnecessary. >> reporter: lieutenant richard zimmerman testified he is the most senior member of the minneapolis police force. he's been there 35 years. now the head of homicide. chauvin's attorney intimated that the lieutenant may not be in the best position to judge patrol officer's decisions. >> you're not out patrolling the streets, making arrests, things of that nature? >> no. >> and it's fair to say your experience with the use of force of late has been primarily through train ing? >> yes. >> he shows up on scenes after an incident occurs but still with all of his years of experience he did not mince words when asked if the officers used excessive force that day. >> pulling him down to the ground facedown, and putting your knee on a neck for that amount of time is just uncalled
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for. i saw no reason why the officers felt they were in danger if that's what they felt. and that's what they would have to feel to be able to use that kind of force. >> reporter: witnesses like lieutenant zimmerman there have been clear, pointed and at some points emotional as you've seen for this week of testimony, it is a powerful case that the prosecution is bringing, but we have to remember that in this country you are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law, and we still have not yet heard the defense's case. that will be coming up in a couple of weeks. >> okay, and then this week, sarah, the expectation is it will get more technical, that prosecutors will bring in toxicologists, medical examiners, et cetera, right? >> reporter: yeah, and, you know, there's one person we haven't heard from that we expect to hear from, that a lot of people are waiting to hear
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from, and that is the chief of police, the chief is expected to take the stand. he is on the witness list but i do have to tell you the witness list is really long. there are 400 potential witnesses. it is not likely that they will all be called but we will start hearing far more technical type of testimony in the next week. >> all right, sara sidner, thank you so much. from minneapolis, appreciate it. fantastic reporting. >> sure. corporate america fights back against new voter restrictions, the senior vice president of uber joining me live, coming up. ♪let's make lots of money♪ ♪you've got the brawn♪ ♪i've got the brains♪ ♪let's make lots of♪ ♪uh uh uh♪ ♪oohhh there's a lot of opportunities♪ with allstate, drivers who switched saved over $700. saving is easy when you're in good hands.
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that's the planning effect, from fidelity. so what do you love about your always pan? the non-stick? incredible. the built-in spatula rest? genius? i just learned to cook and this pan makes it so easy. republican lawmakers upset with coca-cola's response are calling to remove the company's products from their offices at
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the georgia state capitol in atlanta. atlanta is also coke's hometown. the beverage company isn't alone in its displeasure with the law, more than a hundred companies are speaking out against restricting voter access to the polls. cnn's matt egan has more. >> reporter: ceos are speaking out ton republican efforts to restrict voting. the leaders of more than a hundred companies including target and uber issued a statement on friday, vowing to oppose legislation that would deny eligible voters the right to cast ballots. the ceos say that voting should be safe and accessible to all voters, and that a strong democracy is good for business. texas based american airlines says it strongly opposes a texas bill that would place new restrictions on voting. all this comes after some atlanta-based companies base boycott threats over their initial response to georgia's controversial voting restriction law. both coca-cola and delta have
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since escalated their criticism of that legislation with delta ceo ed -- calling it unacceptable, wrong and based on a line. after those comments georgia state lawmakers threaten to revoke a tax break for delta. business leaders clearly face a difficult balancing act here. they're under pressure, sometimes enormous pressure, from old customers, and employees, to make a stand. at the same time they don't want to alienate some of their more conservative customers and they don't want to invite a backlash from local politicians. this issue is not going away, and nyu studies say bills have been introduced in 47 states with provisions that restrict voting. fred, that means many more ceos are going to have to decide whether or not to speak up. >> matt egan, thank you for that. so the corporate fight against the georgia law actually got started when former ceo of
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american express and ceo of merck challenged black corporate executives to join forces to challenge the law and lawmakers. among the 72 black executives who signed the letter pledging to protect voters rights, tony west, the chief legal officer at uber, joining me live from new york. mr. west, good to see you, thank you for joining me. h happy easter. >> happy easter. >> -- until it was passed and then he was blown away, and then he and mr. chenault last sunday started emailing and texting execs just like you. how will your collective commitment and clout help protect voters' rights? >> well, that's right. they reached out and reached out to a number of folks because i think what they recognized is something that we've all collectively recognized that
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access to the ballot box is essential to the health of our democracy, that the economic opportunity, the innovation, you know the diverse talent that powers american companies, that all depends on a healthy, well functioning representative democracy. for our country to succeed economically it's important for corporate america to speak up whenever the basic tenets of our healthy democracy are threatened, whether it's georgia or the other measures mentioned in the report of 44 other states, any measures that would restrict access to the ballot box, that's our obligation. >> so you're speaking up, you're making a commitment to carry on this fight, but the letter doesn't say anything about boycotts. but by taking a stand, are you concerned that customers and other businesses may boycott you, uber? >> well, look, i think when it comes to uber, uber has always stood for expanding access. access to movement, access to economic opportunity, and for several years through our rides
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to the polls program we've stood for access to voting and now that we've joined with other companies in speaking out in opposing measures that make it harder, not easier, we're doubling down on that commitment. you know, we've worked with others, to support the civil rights community and the faith community and their legal challenges to the georgia law, we're recommitting ourselves to efforts like the get out the word vote that we've done -- >> oh, i hope we really didn't lose that signal. i'm waiting. just in case we can reconnect. no, we really did just lose that signal. when we try to reestablish, and hopefully with success, with tony west, we'll bring his comments back to you. thanks to tony west there. all right, still ahead, president biden's infrastructure plan involves much more than just money for highways and bridges, how the president's proposal could help fight gun violence next. nobody dreams in conventional thinking.
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i knew if we were patient we could reestablish connection. he's back with us now, senior vice president and chief legal officer tony west of uber. thanks so much for hanging in there with us, mr. west is one of 72 black executives who have signed a letter committing to fight the georgia new voting law. all right, so let me ask you, you know, the mlb, they pulled the all-star game from atlanta over this voting law. the all-star game was expected to bring in around $100 million to the local economy. and atlanta's mayor says, yes,
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that's a hurtful loss, but it's the right kind of fight to be in. while georgia governor kemp calls that a mistake and he will not bow to pressure. listen. >> major league baseball put the wishes of stacey abrams and joe biden ahead of the economic well-being of hard working georgians who were counting on the all-star game for a paycheck. >> i can't say that i like it but i certainly understand it, and it is really probably the first of many boycotts of our state to come, and the consequences of this bill are significant. >> so it's not just georgia, right? i mean, you and other corporate execs are also plotting fights in at least 43 other states where there is under consideration 250 restrictive voter bills. how do you go about this? >> well, look, i think, you know, american businesses have always made their voices heard
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in our democracy on all kinds of critical issues, tax policy, infrastructure, you name it. and that's very appropriate because if our nation's going to thrive it's important for us to be competitive in the world. but we also need to make sure that our voice is heard whenever the health of that democracy is threatened. so it's very important, and very appropriate for american corporations to lend their voice to this particular issue. and it's important to remember, the right to vote, this is not a partisan issue. this is not a democrat or republican issue. this is an american issue. there is nothing more american than standing for fair, free and equal access to the ballot box. and one other thing i would add is we can't think about this issue disconnected from the history of voting in this country. last summer in the wake of george floyd's killing we heard droves of companies make statements that black lives matter, that was the right thing to do, similarly we cannot look
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at these kinds of voter restrictions and not recognize the history in this country that for decades black voters have been disenfranchised at the ballot box, black lives have to matter, not just in the context of a police encounter, they have to matter at the ballot box as well. >> so am i also hearing you say that it's particularly incumbent upon companies to be engaged, especially if they have diversity, inclusion kind of outreach programs, they have to say something as it pertains to something like the basic and most important right that americans have, which is the power of the vote? >> that's exactly right. they have to -- they have to speak up and then they have to take a stand. for us at uber, this has -- this is really about access. we've always been about access to movement, access to economic opportunity and for several years we've had this rides to the polls program, which has meant access to voting. and in terms of that in the last election we worked with a number
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of local get out the vote groups, including groups in georgia to make sure that people could fully participate in the democratic process, and so being for voting is as american as it gets. being for an inclusive representative democracy, i think, is as american as it gets. and if you're serious about being an anti-racist company, and we have been very public about that commitment, free, fair and equal access to the ballot box, that is essential to achieving racial equity and we'll continue to support efforts to do just that. >> perhaps now, more than ever, employees are finding out that they have power too, it's not just the company executives, but, i mean, delta's ceo just earlier this week said they heard their employees after delta initially said we support the law, and then they heard from their particularly georgia-based employees who
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said, hey, wait a minute, and then the ceo says delta kind of corrected itself and said, okay, now we -- we want to find some distance between ourselves and this law. and back what is our employees are saying. what is your message to employees and how they need to find their voices if they haven't already? >> well, look, one of the great things about what has happened over time is the employee base, the talent that powers american companies, that powers economic opportunity in this country, that is increasingly diverse, and those voices are important and it's important that when those diverse voices get around decision-making tables in companies around this country, that they make those experiences and their voices heard and known, and i think that is exactly what you are seeing here. and frankly, you know, for a lot of us this is very, very personal as well as it is professional, like you,
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fredricka, i have my roots in georgia. my father was born and grew up in a family of sharecroppers in rural georgia, a little town called cuthbert, my mother was raised in huntsville, alabama. voting in our family has never been taken for granted. it's a very personal thing as well. it's important when we see restrictions like that, to stand up and speak out. >> that's right. all right, tony west, senior vice president, and chief legal officer of uber, thank you so much for being with us. thanks for hanging in there with all of our technical snafus. one day it will be smooth sailing again, that's the hope. thank you. all right, a massive facebook hack, more than 500 million users' information put online this weekend, including mark zuckerberg's cell phone number. we'll talk about that next. a fund that invests in the innovations of the nasdaq-100. like this artificially intelligent home system.
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see results at
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the massive $2 trillion american jobs plan, the infrastructure package includes funding for road repairs, job training upgrades to public schools and hospitals and expansions to broad band internet access and in order to pay for it biden wants to increase the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. also included in biden's infrastructure plan is $5 billion for community-based violence prevention programs. so good to see you, fatima, joining us right now. >> thank you for having me. >> and happy easter. >> happy easter to you. >> how would this money help organizations like yours fight violence. >> gun violence is the leading cause of death for african-american boys and men, and the second leading cause of death for latino boys and men and it's a cycle of violence,
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within five years of a violent injury, 30% to 40% of victims will return to the hospital with another violent injury. violence is a public health crisis, this $5 billion investment scales strategies that break cycles of violence that use public health approaches. >> can you tell us how this pandemic particularly has impacted communities across the country when it comes to violence? >> absolutely. so of course the covid-19 pandemic has impacted all communities, but we all know that there is a disproportionate impact in communities of color. those same communities have been significantly impacted by spikes of violence. in fact, in 2020 we saw an estimated 4,000 more homicides than in 2019, according to the gun violence archive. so violence has significantly been impacted by covid. >> what kind of tools do you believe this kind of money will help you access that perhaps you
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haven't before, because -- and particularly now we're still in the midst of the pandemic, and this proposal also comes in the wake of mass shootings in atlanta, colorado, and california. >> that's right. so we use a public health approach, meaning we break cycles of violence further upstream. there are a number of strategies that address this, mediation, intensive life coaching to name a few. i work on hospital based violence intervention, to share about that, i'm going to tell you about an foreign minister man named sherman who was shot in oakland, california in the mid-90s. while he was recovering in the hospital friends from his neighborhood came to him to plan retaliation but sherman told them no, he wanted to change his life. so after he healed he partnered with doctors and returned to the hospital to share his own experience with other victims of community violence to encourage them to break the cycle and
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imagine a new life going forward. breaking the cycle isn't easy. so hospital-based models provide wrap around care including housing, employment, mental health support, and my organization, the health alliance for violence intervention expands these programs in over 80 cities in the u.s. this funding, again, would help scale these initiatives, and ensure that the resources that victims need, and those who are at greatest risk need, will be provided at the level that they need it. based on the burden of the problem. >> and, you know, i'm listening to you describe so eloquently, so many ways in which, you know, violence is impacting communities and i can't help but also think about what we're seeing in this trial of derek chauvin and all of these eyewitnesses, while they may not have been directly impacted, meaning, you know, cut down from the violence, they were witness to the violence and look how it has impacted their lives, how they are saddled with grief, you know, nightmares.
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>> yes. >> so talk to me about how programs like yours is also addressing the needs of people who are eyewitness to, or, you know, have also been impacted by violence even if it's not direct. >> you really hit it on the head. violence doesn't just impact victims, it impacts entire communities. so imagine the incidents that we saw in minneapolis happen every day in communities. we're talking about very high concentrations of violence. and the trauma experienced by young people and old in these communities is something our programs absolutely address. we do so through targeted trauma-informed care. we've seen mothers who've lost their sons from gun violence across this country organize, get together, provide grief counseling to those who have shared experiences. this work is life saving and life giving for those who have experienced this trauma and violence regularly.
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>> yeah, while i say not direct i guess it really is kind of direct. you're a witness to it. it is impacting you and many of them are reliving what they experience. so there is, indeed, kind of the direct impact. fatima lauren, thank you so much, the director for health alliance violence intervention, thanks for what you do. >> thank you, appreciate it. this programming note, the new cnn original series "the people versus the klan" tells the true story of beulah may donald, a black mother who took down the ku klux klan after the brutal lynching of her son. it premieres with back to back episodes next sunday, 9:00 p.m. eastern and pacific here on cnn. but when we found out our son had autism, his future became my focus. lavender baths always calmed him. so we turned bath time into a business.
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more than 500 million facebook users' data linked online, including mark zuckerberg's cell phone. >> it's a lot of people, fred, 500 million facebook accounts. this all apparently happened back in 2019, where hackers were able to basically exploit a flaw in facebook's systems where they were able to match up phone numbers with people's accounts, and that gave them access to people's names, date of births, where they live, and in many cases phone numbers. this data has been floating around on the dark web and elsewhere, apparently since 2019
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and facebook says they have now fixed this flaw that was exploited, but of course that doesn't remove the reality that this information is out there. and it was posted over the past week cyberexperts tell us on a hacker form, which makes it very easily accessible for cybercriminals. i want to give you a breakdown of the numbers on the accounts that have been leaked in this way. it says, according to hudson rock, 32 million accounts in the u.s., 11 million in the uk, 28 million in saudi arabia. so, really, a huge data here, and now owe open for haek hackers on the web. >> e my gosh. so what is facebook doing to protect users and allay their fears? >> well, clearly, they are not doing enough when something like this happens.
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questions we have been asking facebook is are they going to tell the impacted users? are they going to notify users? i was speaking to some of the experts who have been looking into this information. and they were actually able to find the phone numbers of two of our cnn colleagues in the system. >> really? >> so it is a going to be a big question for facebook as to are they going to tell users that their data is out there in this way. because this information can be used -- phone numbers, data of births, location, all of this together can be useful for cyber criminals for identity theft. >> my god goodness this. isn't the first time facebook has been in this kind of predictment. all the data that cambridge analytica back leading up to the 2016 elections. i would have guessed measures had been taken so it wouldn't happen again. is this something different?
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>> facebook has brought in a lot of new protocols since cambridge analytic when it comes to security in 2016. obviously things like this are still happening. one of the questions, something we are working to determine is over the past few laws we have been seeing stringent security laws about data coming on line in the european union and also in the state of california. how it might play into those laws in those jurisdictions is something i think we will be learn being in the coming days. >> okay. donie o'sullivan thank you so much. my goodness. what a sight. if you are not hip to this, in egypt last night, 22 ancient egyptian mummies were paraded through the streets of cairo in a procession of epic. the mummies of 18 kings and four queens were moved in custom-made mummy mobiles from the egyptian
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museum where most have resided uninterrupted for over a century. they were moved to a new museum of . what a remarkable choreographed sight. ♪ if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. ♪ it's all included with 2 lines for only $70 bucks! only at t-mobile.
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with schizophrenia, i see progress differently. it's in the small things i look forward to. with the people i want to share it with. it's doing my best to follow through. it's the little signs that make me feel like things could be better. signs that make it feel like real progress. caplyta effectively treats adults with schizophrenia. and it's just one pill, once a day, with no titration.
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caplyta can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles or confusion, which can mean a life-threatening reaction or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be permanent. dizziness upon standing, falls, and impaired judgment may occur. most common side effects include sleepiness and dry mouth. high cholesterol and weight gain may occur, as can high blood sugar which may be fatal. in clinical trials, weight, cholesterol and blood sugar changes were similar to placebo. if you're affected by schizophrenia, ask your doctor about caplyta from intra-cellular therapies.
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so jeff, you need all those screens streaming over your xfinity xfi... for your meeting? uhh yes. and your lucky jersey? oh, yeah. lauren, a cooler? it's hot. it's march. and jay, what's with all your screens? just checking in with my team... of colleagues. so you're all streaming on every device in the house, what?!! that was a foul. it's march... ...and you're definitely not watching basketball. no, no. i'm definitely not watching basketball. right... ( horn blaring )
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5-year-old cancer patient lives out his dream thanks to sheriff's deputies inu florida. cnn's ranee kay tells us how they went beyond the call of duty. >> that's a real badge, and you are now a real deputy. all right? congratulations? >> reporter: in manti tee county, florida, there is a new sheriff in town. actually a new sheriff's deputy. his name is gyre maya have a lara. >> we have got this flag. now you are an official members our k-9 unit. >> he is just 5-year-old but he was recently giving given his own badge and deputyized by the
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manatee county sheriff's office after they learned he has cancer. they jumped into action inviting jeremiah to spend a day with him. >> i have a son myself. 11 years old. a little older than jeremiah, but to see him and his strength and what he is going through was amazing to see. to put a smile on his face for that day was worth night how is that, bud? >> good. >> jeremiah got to meet a k-9 dog and check out a high-tech s.w.a.t. vehicle. he even radioed for backup. >> i need backup. >> i need backup. >> you have got the backup. you have got plenty of backup. >> reporter: to see him that day, how much did that warm your heart? >> for us to finally have some happiness and a little break from what became our normal routine. >> reporter: these days their normal routine of treatments and doctor's visits is taking a toll on gyre jeremiah. it all started about a year ago
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when he was diagnosed with stage cowher cancer. his doctors think the cancer started in his spine, then spread. he has had chemotherapy, bone marrow biopsies and stem cell transports and now gets 14 shots a month for immunotherapy. it's a lot for a 50-year-old to handle. so being deputyized really lifted his spirits. >> when his grandr grandpa comes to gift shim he loves to pull him over. >> reporter: all this inspired jeremiah to get better and one day become a police officer. he already has a uniformity and takes a picture with every police officer he meets. what do you like about police officers? >> they protect kids. >> they protect kids. they sure do. that's smart. and you want to be a police officer? and now, when jeremiah returns to the manatee county sheriff's office his new friends couldn't be happier to see him. >> can i have a high five. >> thank you. >> thank you for coming, buddy.
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>> reporter: hugs and high fives for a little boy when he needs them most. randi kaye, cnn, bradenton, florida. >> oh, that is so special. thank you so much for joining me on this easter sunday. i'm fredericka whitfield. the news room continues now with jim acosta. you are live in the "cnn newsroom." i'm jim acosta in washington. if you needed more proof of covid fatigue. look no further than the airport. the tsa is reporting every day for the last three weeks more than a million people have been passing through the country's airports, the cdc saying it is safe for fully vaccinated americans to travel domestically, although non-essential travel is still discouraged. we have you in numbers on vaccinations just in. the u.s. now averaging more unanimous


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