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tv   New Day With Alisyn Camerota and John Berman  CNN  April 2, 2021 2:59am-4:00am PDT

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the moments when paramedic as, rifd and george floyd came into focus. n. lay terms, i thought he was dead. >> when mr. floyd was no longer offering up any resistance from the officers -- >> prosecutors are looking into a relationship with a woman that began when she was just 17. >> sex trafficking from a relationship with one minor is a serious offense in and of itself. but to facilitate that type of activity, it just makes it a hundred times worse.
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>> this is "new day" with alisyn camerota and john berman. >> we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and all around the world, it's friday, april 2nd. john berman is off. john avlon is here. good to see you. happy friday. >> there was more gripping testimony and audio from witnesses in the derek chauvin murder trial. jurors got to hear chauvin explain himself, his version, of what happened during the deadly encounter with george floyd. in a phone call to his then-supervisor, chauvin made no mention of pinning george floyd's neck under his knee. that supervisor taking the stand saying the police officers should have stopped restraining floyd when he stopped resisting. there was also tearful testimony from george floyd's girlfriend about their relationship, how they met and how they both struggled with opioid addiction. >> also developing this morning, the growing scandal surrounding florida republican congressman matt gaetz. federal investigators are examining whether his
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involvement with young women who may have been recruited online broke sex trafficking and prostitution laws and whether gates used federal campaign money and drugs in his deal with these young women. sources tell cnn that gaetz bragged about his sexual exploits with fellow lawmakers, showing them nude pictures, even on the floor of the house of representatives. but we begin with the trial that is gripping the nation. josh campbell live in minneapolis with our top story. josh? >> good morning to you. the defense here was dealt a serious blow yesterday. a retired senior officer testified that the use of force against george floyd should have stopped once he was under control. that witness and others providing new insight into the death of george floyd here in minneapolis last may. the critical moments after george floyd was taken away in an ambulance are coming into focus. as prosecutors share the audio of a call just after
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then-minneapolis police officer derek chauvin removed his knee from floyd's neck. >> we had to hold the guy down. he was -- was going crazy. wouldn't go in the back of the squad. >> chauvin spoke to david pleoger who took the stand on thursday. >> did he mention anything about putting his knee on mr. floyd's neck or back? >> no. >> did you get any sense from the defendant how long this restraint lasted? >> no, i didn't have any idea. >> pleoger who has since retired recalled driving to the scene after speaking with chauvin. he asked officers to get information from witnesses. chauvin's response? >> we can try. they're pretty -- all pretty hostile. >> reporter: pleoger testified it wasn't until after they arrived at the hospital that he learned chauvin had placed his knee on george floyd's neck. >> do you have an opinion as to
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when the restraint of mr. floyd should have ended in this encounter? >> yes. >> when is it? >> when mr. floyd was no longer offering up any resistance to the officers, they could have ended their restraint. >> reporter: the two medics described in detail the life-saving measures they tried to floyd. paramedic derek smith checked floyd's pulse and pupils while chauvin still had his knee on floyd. floyd did not appear to be breathing or moving. >> did not detect a pulse. n. lay terms, i thought he was dead. >> even then the paramedics had to ask chavin to remove his knee. when they stopped the ambulance a few blocks away to revive floyd, floyd's heart was still stopped. they never regained a pulse. the court also heard emotional testimony from courteney ross, floyd's girlfriend of nearly three years. she told the story of how they
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met at the salvation army shelter where floyd worked. >> he said, can i pray with you? this kind person just to come up to me and say, can i pray with you, when i felt alone in this lobby. it was so sweet. >> reporter: chauvin's defense focusing on floyd's alleged past drug use arguing it was drugs in his system that killed him, not chauvin's actions. they questioned ross about i an overdose that sent floyd to the hospital just months before his death. >> you had not known he had taken heroin at that time? >> no. >> it was your belief that mr. floyd started using again about two weeks prior to his death, correct? >> i noticed a change in his behavior, yes. >> reporter: ross shared the couple's struggle with opioids. >> we got addicted, and tried
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really hard to break that addiction many times. >> reporter: it's important to note that an autopsy report said that drug use was significant, but listed floyd's cause of death as heart failure during that restraint. people may be wondering, what is it like inside that courtroom? i was in there yesterday. seated behind derek chauvin. he remains still throughout much of the trial but interestingly, whenever his own audio and video was played for the courtroom, his voice coming through those speakers, he started fidgeting wildly. his feet almost out of control. for their part, the jurors have remained laser focused in this trial. i've been involved in a lot of trials. i've never seen a group of jurors so focused on the exhibits, the witnesses. this group no doubt understanding the gravity of the decision that awaits them in this trial that is being watched around the world. >> it's so helpful to have you in the courtroom to give us that kind of color. thank you very much. we'll come back to you in the program. joining us is cnn legal
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analyst areva martin, a civil rights attorney. also lapd police sergeant cheryl dorsey, the author of "black and blue." i want to play for you chauvin's call to his supervisor. so this is where he's recapping what has just happened. a man has just died under his knee and here is how he communicates that to his supervisor. >> yeah, i was just going to call you and have you come out to our scene here. not really, but we just had to hold the guy down. he was -- was going crazy. wouldn't go in the back of the squad. >> yeah, so what you heard there was, he was going crazy. he wouldn't go in the back of the squad car. doesn't mention that his knee was on his neck for 9 minutes
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and 29 seconds. what did you hear, sergeant? >> so we hear an officer lying to his supervisor, and we know that he was trying to mitigate and minimize that use of force. he wasn't forthright when he didn't give all of the details. he's already trying to dissuade the supervisor for looking for witnesses once he arrived on scene. yeah, the crowd thairks not really cooperating. they're really uncooperative and they're unruly and mr. floyd was, you know, crazy. flailing around and we couldn't get him in the black of the police car. all a lie because he was in the back of a police car and we know that he was under control once the handcuffs went on. so once the handcuff goes oeverything else that happened after that is problematic and going to be hard for them to explain. >> areva, speaking of a supervisor, we heard testimony from george floyd's -- sorry, from the officer's supervisor yesterday and i want to play
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what he said. take a listen. >> do you have an opinion as to when the restraint of mr. floyd should have ended in this encounter? >> yes. >> when is it? >> when mr. floyd was no longer offering up any resistance to the officers, they could have ended their restraint. >> that was after he was handcuffed and on the ground and no longer resisting? >> correct. >> we've heard from his supervisor, from the emts. how significant is it that we haven't heard any members of law enforcement to date defend derek chauvin. >> i think it's very significant, john. you know from reporting on these cases, in these high-profile cases, typically we see police officers come to the aid. they come and support the actions of police officers. we haven't seen that in this case at all. and yesterday we saw this sergeant who work forward the police department, not a paid expert, give devastating testimony about the use of
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force. we knew it was coming. we know it's a central part of this case in terms of excessive force. it came earlier than expected. if you note the defense attorney didn't seem all prepared for it. in fact, had to object a little later in that testimony as to voir dire of the sergeant to try to establish that foundationally he wasn't in a position to give that use of force testimony. the judge let him give that narrow opinion that once the handcuffs were on, the restraint should have ended immediately. it didn't, and, therefore, leaving the jurors hearing that excessive force was used against mr. floyd. very devastating for the defense's position. >> you're not a lawyer, but it's not going well so far for derek chauvin. it doesn't appear to be. there's nobody defending his position. there's nobody justifying what he did. all that's happening so far is that everybody else on the stand is showing their humanity, showing their empathy, showing their guilt over what happened,
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and he is being, at the moment, depicted as a psychopath to tell you the truth. but who knows what happens when the case turns and when the defense makes their case. would you expect police officers to come to his defense? i mean, what is the dynamic among that group of police officers that we see in that video from your eyes? >> well, for the officers that were on scene, certainly they acquiesce misconduct. the people under oath who are testifying under the penalty of perjury are speaking truthfully and honestly about the use of force and the fact it was unnecessary. so no one can defend the indefensible. and we hear now from credible professionals who you cannot argue with. when a paramedic says that was a dead man. he was kneeling on. you have to believe him. when a firefighter, although off duty, says i could have rendered aid and they wouldn't allow me, i could tell the man, mr. floyd, was in distress. they wouldn't allow me to
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intervene. you've got to give weight to that testimony. so what mr. chauvin did was indefensible and no police officer in their right mind is going to acquiesce what was misconduct and ultimately murder. >> sometimes the lack of defense is an indication it's indefensible. areva, at the opening of this week, we heard the defense try to demonize george floyd. try to other him. particularly by raising the spector of drugs and saying that maybe that is what led to his death. but we saw the prosecution had a judo move that yesterday by putting his girlfriend on the stand to talk about their shared struggle with opioids. i want to play that clip for you. >> both floyd and i are -- our story, it's a classic story of how many people get addicted to opioids. we both suffered from chronic pain. mine was in my neck and his was
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in his back. >> were you surprised to see the prosecution take this approach and do you think it will be effective? >> not surprised by it, john, and i thought it was a brilliant approach. it's called fronting. it's when prosecutors know there's some evidence that's going to come out in a trial that might be damning or may be difficult for jurors to hear. they get it out first. they get it out in their case. they take the sting out of their testimony. therefore, preventing the defense from using it in a way that could be devastating. and i think ms. ross so poised, even though she was very emotional, told a story that so many americans can relate to, which is getting addicted to pain medication because you started out in some kind of chronic pain. so these weren't people that were just on the streets looking for illegal drugs. and i think the way she told the story really allowed jurors to connect with her. and the pain that she experienced, not just for mr. floyd but for herself. and that was really well done by the prosecution and hurt the
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defense's case. >> but areva, do you think the fact she didn't know about his heroin overdose, which is what the defense brought out, do you think that hurts the prosecution's case? >> i think that was a good move on the part of the defense to bring that out. i wish the prosecution had allowed her to tell that part of the story during her testimony, but one thing we should note is the defense's position is that he had an overdose in may in the same way that he had in march. but the problem with that argument is, after that overdose in march, he walked out of that hospital. he was doing just fine. he continued to engage in physical activities. and so the argument that the overdose is the cause of his death, i don't think is going to work and in the state of minnesota, all that prosecution has to prove is that the actions of chauvin were a substantial cause of his death and that gets them to the conviction that they're going for in this case. >> ladies, really helpful. sergeant dorsey, areva, martin, thank you for your expertise.
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coming up, more stunning allegations against republican matt gaetz. what a source says he was showing lawmakers on the house floor and bragging about, as well as all of these allegations. there's more details coming out this morning. [sfx: psst psst] allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! all good ♪ ♪ like an echo in the forest ♪ ♪ (singing in korean) ♪ ♪ like an arrow in the blue sky ♪ ♪ (singing in korean) ♪ ♪ on my pillow, on my table ♪ ♪ yeah life goes on ♪ ♪ like this again ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪
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stunning developments in the growing and frankly sleazy scandal surrounding republican congressman matt gaetz. sources telling cnn he showed nude photos and videos of women he allegedly slept with to fellow lawmakers under the capitol dome. cnn's lauren fox live on capitol hill with the latest. >> well, john, it's very important to clarify here that this is separate from the ongoing department of justice investigation into whether or not matt gaetz had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old. these issues stem from just his time in congress. and there's nothing from our reporting that revealed anything that he had allegedly done here
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is illegal, but i do want to underscore because i think it speaks to his reputation on capitol hill. there were three sources who told cnn that gaetz had a reputation for bragging about his sexual exploits with women. and these sources said that gaetz would show images of women he said he had slept with to his colleagues. two of the sources that cnn spoke with had seen these images directly. and one of these interactions, a source said, happened on the house floor. now another source told cnn that this interaction happened just off of the house floor but, still, at the u.s. capitol. and that image was of a woman and a hula hoop. these nude images were something these lawmakers said they were disturbed by. they were surprised that they were being shown these images, but i just want to underscore here that this is separate from the ongoing doj investigation, and there's no indication that these images were of minors. i think that's another important
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thing to underscore here. this was merely lawmakers talking about the fact that, you know, this was a reputation that gaetz had on capitol hill. again, three sources telling cnn that he had a reputation for bragging about his sexual exploits with women he said he had slept with. >> i'll take it lauren. thank you very much. appreciate that reporting. and all of that is just one sordid aspect of this story. there are also major developments in the justice department investigation into congressman gaetz. sources tell cnn that federal investigators are looking into whether cash, drugs and campaign funds were used to pay for the travel and expenses of the young women the congressman was allegedly having sex with. joining us now, margaret talev. she's a managing editor at axios and legal analyst elie honig, a state and federal prosecutor. it doesn't get any more tawdry
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than these investigations. and it just gets worse. every day we find out more about what the doj is looking into. can you just break it down for us in simple terms. what is congressman gaetz being accused of here? >> first of all, wow. i mean, when a new case comes into a prosecutor's office, a supervisor has to decide which unit am i going to assign this to. i don't know where this one would go. it could go to the child protection unit, the narcotics unit, the corruption and campaign finance unit. as much as matt gaetz has turned himself into this clownish figure, i do want to stress, first of all, there's a lot of facts we still need to know. second of all, these are very serious charges. the most serious charge here is the allegation that he transported young women, young girls across state lines for sexual purposes. if that is proved, he is looking at a ten-year mandatory minimum sentence and there's no parole in the federal system. so we're talking about very serious charges here. let's see how the investigation plays out. but matt gaetz is in a very,
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very difficult position right now. >> it is young women. it's 17 -- it's not young girls. it's young women as far as we know. 17 is the youngest we've heard. just want to get that out there . >> i want to talk about the politics of this. congressman gaetz has an outsized representation. he was one of ex-president trump's most biggest, most public defenders. yet he seems to be isolated within the republican congress. two examples of that. one, in 2017, this is a little stunning and perhaps foreshadowing, mr. gaetz was the only member of congress to vote against a law that gave the federal government more power and money to fight human trafficking. the second thing has to do with the current alignment of people rushing to his defense which seems to be isolated to marjorie taylor greene and jim jordan. what does this show about the way he's actually regarded by his republican colleagues? >> -- obviously, the criminal investigation is a much more serious matter for the congressman, but from a
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political perspective, he's in a situation where he's not only sort of universally loved by the house democrats, by the democrats in congress, but he doesn't have a lot of friends inside the republican caucus and part of that is because he's been such an agitator against leadership. kind of political stunts. so on and so forth. he's got a couple of members in the house freedom caucus and you've seen the republican leader, kevin mccarthy, kind of, you know, take a step back. he's not exactly defending him. he hasn't -- he's not stripping committee assignments yet. democrats pushing for that. but look, the more, the faster these revelations are -- dribs and drabs come out about the scope of the investigation, plus sort of the parallel revelations. there are a lot of members and staffers in congress right now very eager to tell stories about his behavior in congress. so while these are sort of parallel revelations, they are all, you know, one is going to
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feed on the other and that's the moment that we're in right now. >> elie, let me read matt gaetz's statement last night to "the new york times" about this. matt gaetz has never paid for sex. matt gaetz refutes all of the disgusting allegations completely. matt gaetz has never, ever been on any such websites whatever. allegedly there are websites where you can pay women to go on dates with you. matt gaetz cherishes the relationships in his past and looks forward to marrying the love of his life. that's -- i believe he's engaged. one of the things i've heard in congress is, well, you know what, if this gets bad, it might go to the ethics committee. no, if this goes barksdd, he's looking at what? >> the ethics committee is the least of his worries. child sex trafficking, trafficking a person under the age of 18 across a state line for sexual purposes has a ten-year mandatory minimum. i.d. theft, which is another allegation. that he was involved with this guy greenburg and using people's
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driver's licenses and personal identifying information. that's a two-year mandatory minimum. deadly serious penalties. another important point here. matt gaetz will not have the ability to claim this was a politically motivated witch hunt because important detail. this investigation started during the last couple of months of the donald trump administration. >> that is an essential fact to not buying into the idea this is a witch hunt. i want to go deeper into politics. there are scandals and sub substance. the battle lines are being drawn between the biden administration going all in to pass this massive infrastructure bill. on the biden side, not only did they have their first cabinet meeting but biden deputized a small number of cabinet officials to sell his infrastructure plan. these included pete buttigieg, energy secretary jennifer granholm, marsha fudge from hud, marty walsh and gina raimondo. they were playing on the front lines to sell this bill.
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on the republican side you're seeing a lot of opposition despite members wanting things for their own districts. some of the opposition and framing seems to be symbolized by mitch mcconnell in a statement he made yesterday. >> he's a first rate person. nevertheless, this is a bold left-wing administration. i don't think they have a mandate to do what they're doing. >> what's fascinating there is you see mcconnell calling president biden a first rate person but saying his administration is far left and he's going to block it. how do you see the politics of this playing out? >> the politics of this are really interesting because the idea of infrastructure is really popular, you know, in a bipartisan fashion. and i think, keep an eye on that word infrastructure because what you heard mcconnell say, the idea that republicans are going to fight this every step of the way, i think you're going to see both parties start to avoid the word infrastructure. republicans are talking about tax increases.
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that's much less popular than infrastructure. democrats will be talking about the individual components of this plan which are much more popular than the word infrastructure. and you saw anita dunn, the senior white house adviser, refer to some of that in a memo to democrats that we reported on a couple of days ago putting out polling about how popular to retrain coal miners or build a particular road or bridge. and so this is where the debate is going to fall, but the republican position makes it pretty clear that democrats are going to have to try to budget reconciliation. they'll not get those 60 votes. so they'll need to do a maneuver to get 51 votes. that's what democrats are increasingly going to be focused on is holding together that coalition of moderate democrats who are resistant to a lot of spending. progressive democrats who say this is a drop in the bucket. we need five times this much spending. that's where biden is at. >> thank you for laying all of that out for us. we appreciate it. now to a coronavirus update.
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more and more states are reporting cases of the highly contagious variants. so we have the latest for you on what the math looks like of this pandemic. ♪ (car audio) you have reached your destination. (vo) the subaru outback. dog tested. dog approved. at heinz, every ketchup starts with our same tomatoes.
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breaking news. at least 48 people are dead and 150 injured after a passenger train derailed in a tunnel in eastern taiwan. local media reports that several of the carriages hit a tunnel wall and were ripped apart from the impact. video shows the rescue operation under way with passengers stuck on top of the train being helped down. an unknown number are still stuck in the passenger cars. we'll stay on this. this morning, alarming new statistics show the pandemic is again getting worse. yesterday the united states reportedly nearly 80,000 new coronavirus cases.
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over 40% of the new cases were reported in these five states. health experts attribute it to the spread move to variants. cdc reports over 13,000 variant cases in the united states. joining us, william haseltine, president of the access health international, a former professor at harvard medical school. good to see you. why are cases spiking in michigan to such an extent? >> well, first, let me say that i've never been more optimistic about our ability to end this pandemic or at least control this pandemic. our vaccines are working better than we ever expected them to do. they are preventing infections, which is a big surprise at a very peculiar piece of news. they are working for young children, which is also good. and they are being tested for infants and above. so all that is good. that comes at a time right now before easter where there's a tremendous spike. and why is that happening? there are two reasons. fundamentally, it's our
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behavior. we are getting together. we're not wearing masks. we're ignoring public health advice. and it's starting in michigan, which is exactly what happened this time last year. it's really distressing to see that people aren't following the advice. and it's happening at a time when we have what i call covid 21, which is not covid-19. it's far more transmissible. it is affecting younger people. the majority of people going to hospitals, not just getting fa infected, going to hospitals are under 60. and many of them are between 30 and 20. so this is not what was happening before. it's a different virus. more transmissible, more lethal, and more dangerous to the young. >> professor hazeltine, i think it's hard to quantify how much of this is human behavior and how much of it is the variants because, i mean, here in the northeast, we're in states where people are pretty compliant. i live in connecticut. i see everybody masked up.
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restaurants are still socially distancing. and yet, connecticut is spiking. and so, i mean, i hate to -- i hate to blame this just on bad human behavior because if you look at the map, there are orange and red pockets, which are the hot spots, everywhere. so i think it's just that the variants -- these variants are, as you say, hitting people who are not yet vaccinated and is much stronger. >> well, i'm speaking to you from connecticut, too, and my experience may be a little bit different. i see young people behaving very differently from what you just described. so i think it's a very complicated situation that it's a combination of the virus, and i will say, this is not a time to relax because this is a much more dangerous virus. you're absolutely right there. much more dangerous and much more lethal. it's getting younger people, and they are filling up the
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hospitals. not the older people. that's a big change. and it can get young children, too. it's a combination of our behavior. i think what's making everybody extremely nervous is the fact that this is a pattern we've seen before. it starts in the northeast where it's colder and people are still inside and clustered a little bit more. but it doesn't end there. it ends in the midwest and in florida. and in texas. that's what we've seen before. so i am with a group of people who are really concerned about both behavior and especially behavior with this new virus. >> you make a great point. that's a great point. we need to reinforce to our young kids, our children and teenagers and college age kids that's what's happening. professor hazeltine, thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> thank you. another emotional day in court at the derek chauvin murder trial. what was the prosecution's strategy in calling george floyd's girlfriend to the stand?
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just a few hours, prosecutors will start the final day of an emotional week of testimony in the derek chauvin murder trial. joining us to break down the key moments and what comes next, cnn analyst elie honig, former state and federal prosecutor. what was the prosecution's strategy behind calling george floyd's girlfriend, courteney ross. >> if you have a bad fact and know it's going to come out in trial, you have to put it in front of your jury. you called it prosecutorial judo. if a jury hears it for the first time from the defense lawyer on cross-examination, it hits extra hard and this witness was a good example of both of those things. on the one hand, the prosecution did a very effective job using mrs. ross' testimony to humanize george floyd to openly acknowledge the drug use and to put a human face on that drug use. on the other hand, the
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prosecution inexplicably failed to draw out a key piece of information about an overdose that george floyd had just two months before his eventual passing. let's take a listen to that testimony. >> you later learned that that was due to an overdose? >> yes. >> object, your honor. lack of personal knowledge. >> overruled. >> you spent several days with him at the hospital, correct? >> yes. >> so the prosecutor did front the drug use, but they left out that piece and when it came out on cross, it hit extra hard. >> so you think that's actually going to hurt? that one is going to hurt? >> i think that was a failure and it will hurt the prosecution, yes. >> there were paramedics talking about their first take when they got on the scene and could tell from yards away that he wasn't breathing and was probably dead. >> so the common theme of the testimony from these first responders is, yes, as soon as they arrived on the seen it was imminently clear to them that george floyd was in dire medical
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condition or worse. let's listen. >> what i could see from where i was at, i didn't see any breathing or movement or anything like that. >> you didn't see any chest rise or fall on this individual. >> what did his condition appear to be to you, overall? >> in lay terms, i thought he was dead. >> he was an unresponsive body on a cot. the airway was in place so that we could breathe for him. >> this matters because prosecutors want to put george floyd's time of death as close as possible to when he was under derek chauvin's knee. it also matters because the argument is going to be if all these people arrived on the scene and could immediately tell that george floyd had stopped breathing and perhaps was dead, how could derek chauvin possibly have not realized that being physically on top of george floyd? >> that is a key question. all right. the last witness was retired
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minneapolis police officer david ploeger. >> this was really bad news for derek chauvin on the biggest issue coming up now. was his use of force against george floyd necessary and appropriate or was it excessive and, hence, a crime? . let's take a listen to that testimony. >> do you have an opinion as to when the restraint of mr. floyd should have ended in this encounter? >> yes. >> what is it? >> when mr. floyd was no longer offering up any resistance to the officers, they could have ended their restraint. >> keep in mind this is not some outside expert with an academic opinion. this is derek chauvin's former direct police supervisor. it's going to hit extra hard as a result. the defense will push back against this, but that was a very strong start for the prosecutors on that issue. >> what happens next, elie? >> normally judges make prosecutors announce in advance who their next witnesses will be. that is not happening here
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publicly out of security concerns. i think we're nearly at the end or maybe entirely at the end of the eyewitnesses. the upcoming witnesses are going to be two categories. first, people who will talk about police training and use of force, including the minneapolis police chief. that should be a fascinating piece of testimony. and some really challenging cross-examination. and we'll start to hear from medical experts about the autopsies and the cause of death for george floyd. >> all right. elie, thank you, as always. the restaurant industry was among the hardest hit in this pandemic. up next, we're going to talk to restaurant owners who say they need help now more than ever to survive. stick with us. hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this... your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee...
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my cholesterol is borderline. so i take garlique to help maintain healthy cholesterol safely and naturally. and it's odor free. i'm taking charge of my cholesterol with garlique. the pandemic has hit the restaurant industry very hard. more than 100,000 restaurants in the u.s. have closed. and those that have survived are desperate for the money in biden's stimulus package. cnn's vanessa yurkevich has more. >> every single month, at the end of the month, hey, we made
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it another month. >> it's really extraordinary to have made it this far. >> i feel so unbelievably lucky to be standing on this side of it. >> reporter: three restaurant owners in new york, chicago and los angeles have made it through the pandemic, so far. something 110,000 other restaurants can't say. but to keep their doors open, they will need access to the new restaurant revitalization fund, part of the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill. >> how critical do you feel like this grant is for you? >> i won't survive without this grant. >> reporter: amanda cohen has owned dirt candy in new york's lower east side for 13 years. two ppp loans later, she's just hanging on. >> what's business like these days? >> business is really up and down. we'll do six covers a night. maybe eight covers. >> so what is six to eight covers a day get you? >> nowhere. >> reporter: which is why the
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$28.6 billion restaurant fund run by the small business administration is paramount. unlike a ppp loan, this grant covers more expenses and doesn't have to be paid back. the sba says it could go live this month, but offers no exact date. >> it's extremely important for us to -- this comes in a timely fashion. >> reporter: joe frillman says the grant money would fund his chicago restaurant till october. without it he makes it to may. some states have lifted indoor dining restrictions, but several major cities like chicago still have them in place. >> the physical limitations of this space and the restaurant, we're actually operating still only at about 25% capacity from what we can do. it's really been a strain in terms of the amount of revenue that we can pull off. >> reporter: at the start of 2020, lynn owned two restaurants in los angeles. today, she's working to save her remaining one. >> it's tough because it's like
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choosing between your children. which one are you going to save? >> reporter: even after closing one restaurant, she has mounting debt and doesn't think the grant will be enough for all her expenses. but it could help bring back some of the nearly 200 people she laid off. >> i think we will need more. but the hope is that you bring back more jobs. >> reporter: hope is on the horizon for these restaurateurs. something that has eluded them for a year. >> once the relief fund passed, i think that was the first good night's sleep i had since the pandemic started. >> hopeful for the first time in a long time to be honest with you. sorry. the -- you work your whole life for opportunities like this. it's been such a roller coaster of emotions for us. >> reporter: vanessa yurkevich, cnn, new york. >> that really drives it home how hard it's been in the restaurant industry. meanwhile, there are growing calls for major league baseball
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to move its all-star game out of atlanta in response to georgia's restrictive new election law. the bleacher report covers that, next. with visible, you get unlimited data for as little as $25 a month. but when you bring a friend, you get a month for $5. so i'm bringing everyone within 12 degrees of me. bam, 12 months of $5 wireless. visible. wireless that gets better with friends. losing a tooth didn't stop you but your partial can act like a bacteria magnet, putting natural teeth at risk. new polident propartial helps purify your partial and strengthens and protects natural teeth. so, are you gonna lose another tooth? not on my watch! my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching ...the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant™ with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks.
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♪ all right. baseball's opening day is in the history books. but pressure is mounting over the all-star game which is still more than three months away. coy wire has it all in the bleacher report. coy? >> good morning. from the players to president biden, there is a push to move the all-star game out of georgia in response to the state's recently passed voting laws. the commissioner rob manfreld says no decision has been made and logistics could be an issue. he's having discussions about relocating the game with the head of the players union and
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team owners. >> i think first and most important, baseball has always been opposed to any law that unfairly restricts access to voting rights. when you think about the game itself, there are very difficult issues. we plan these games years in response, and this game is only three months away. it's one thing to say the game should be moved. it's another thing to figure out how to move it on that short time frame. >> the reigning national league mvp weighing in saying, i think it's a conversation to be had. i think it would be better to keep it in atlanta and use it as a platform. finally, the women's final four tipping off tonight. and coach tara van der veer and stanford keeping the moves light with foosball.
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they go against south carolina tonight. and then the night cap, uconn in their newly crowned player of the year, paige beckers. they tip off against arizona at 9:30. >> i did not know that foosball was a final four pregame ritual. you got to work the wrist a different way. >> foosball is really hard. so are just sports in general. foosball is really hard. >> this is what you're copping to a sports deficiency in? >> the left hand, it's tough. that's all i can tell you. all right, well, "new day" continues right now. first responders who treated george floyd testifying floyd seemed to be gone before they were able to help him. >> he was, i guess, limp. >> i believe you told me that they had tried to put mr. floyd in the car. he'd become combative. struggling with him. he suffered a medical emergency. >> new details on the sex
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trafficking investigation into representative matt gaetz. >> not only does that witness say that gaetz was seen on video, but then greenberg texted the witness and confirmed it. >> the pressure on greenberg to flip on matt gaetz will be immense. >> this is anytime new day" with alisyn camerota and john berman. >> we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and all around the world. this is "new day." john avlon is in. great to have you here on this friday. the derek chauvin murder trial resumes after another dramatic day in court. jurors heard from paramedics who testified they could tell that george floyd was dead by the time they arrived. the prosecutors played never before heard audio of chauvin speaking with his then-supervisor giving his version of what had just happened, but not mentioning the fact that he had pinned floyd's neck under his knee for nearly ten minutes.


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