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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  April 1, 2021 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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may his memory be a blessing. thank you very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." you can always follow me on twitter and instagram or tweet the show @cnn sitroom. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, damning testimony from derek chauvin's supervisor saying there was no reason to use force on george floyd after he stopped resisting. george floyd's brother, the family's attorney ben crump are my guests. and the investigation into congressman matt gates, sources said he showed his colleague nude pictures of nude women he slept with. and could president trump face criminal charges. let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, damning
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testimony tonight from a minneapolis police sergeant who arrived on the scene after george floyd's arrest. a sergeant, who is officer derek chauvin's supervisor, saying chauvin had no reason to keep his knee on floyd's neck after floyd stopped resisting. >> sir, based on your review of the body worn camera footage, do you have an opinion as to when the restraint of mr. floyd should have ended in this encounter? >> yes, sir. what is is it? >> when mr. floyd was no longer offering up any resistance to the officers, they could have ended their restraint. >> that was after he was handcuffed and on the ground and no longer resisting? >> correct. >> chauvin's restraint on floyd did not end. chauvin was still on floyd's neck when paramedics arrived. this is what paramedics told the jury. >> from what i could see, i didn't see any breathing or movement or anything like that.
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>> i didn't see any chest rise or fall on this individual. >> what did his condition appear to be to you overall? >> in lay terms, i thought he was dead. >> of course, we know that chauvin kept his knee on floyd's neck for about three minutes after they said there was no heart rate detected. all of this came as george floyd's girlfriend spoke today, telling the jury about floyd, a person she described as a man of faith, a father, but also a man who struggled with addiction. >> our story, it's -- it's a classic story of how many people get addicted to opioids. we both suffer from chronic pain. mine was in my neck, his was in his back. >> sarah, you were there in the
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courtroom today as prosecutors got at the core of their case, which is whether chauvin used proper use of force. >> reporter: it is the heart of this case. all of the witnesses brought the emotion, brought what it felt like to be there. that was incredibly powerful. but the heart of the case is whether or not these officers did the job they were supposed to do, and reassessed as they were dealing with this subject, as they called george floyd, whether they were doing their job or whether they went completely overboard. what you heard today from the sergeant, who was there as a supervisor for the officers that evening, they did not do their job properly. >> yeah, i was just going to call you and come out to our scene here. >> reporter: the jury heard new audio of officer derek chauvin
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talking on the phone to his supervisor. >> we were trying to hold the guy down. he was -- he was going crazy. he wouldn't go in the back of the squad car. >> reporter: from the witness stand, he recalled chauvin's recalling of the events omitted events. >> did he mention putting his knee on floyd's neck or back? >> no. >> reporter: he soon arrived on the scene, and then went to the hospital with chauvin and other officers to check on george floyd. >> someone approached me and told me he passed away. >> do you have an opinion to when the restraint of mr. floyd should have ended in this encounter? >> yes? >> when was it? >> when mr. floyd was no longer offering resistance to the officers, they could have ended their restraint. >> that is after he was hand
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kufd and on the ground and no long erier resisting? >> correct. >> when did you first meet mr. floyd? >> reporter: she testified the first time they met she was upset and mr. floyd consoled her. >> he was like, you okay, sis? and i wasn't okay. >> reporter: ross eventually became george floyd's girlfriend. >> we had our first kiss in the lobby. >> reporter: in their three-year relationship, she testified they both struggled with prescription pain pill addiction. >> we both suffered with opioid addiction. we got addicted and tried really hard to break that addiction
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many times. >> reporter: the defense honed in on where the drugs came from and the timeline of their drug use, including an overdose in a hospital visit for floyd before his death. >> you did not know he had taken heroin at that time? >> no. >> it was your belief that mr. floyd started using again about two weeks prior to his death, correct? >> yes. >> reporter: in redirect, prosecutors highlighted floyd's history and built up tolerance for opioid pills. >> obviously, he didn't die, right? >> no, he did not. >> he was okay after using them? >> yes, he was playing football, hanging out, eating. >> reporter: this video introduced in court "today" showed the moments paramedics into the ambulance.
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>> the information you had as you were initially responding was there was a mouth injury, correct? >> yes. >> reporter: the call was later upgraded. and when they arrived, floyd was unresponsive. >> i thought he was dead. >> reporter: now, here's what you couldn't see. you couldn't see one of the members of the floyd family inside the court today. he was sitting in the back of the court. there are two chairs, one for the floyd family, and one for chauvin's family. no one was sitting in the seat for chauvin's family. but i asked flonese, what is it like listening to this testimony for you and the family? and he said, this is life changing. we are all struggling every day. erin? >> sara, thank you very much. and i want to be joined now by george floyd's nephew, brandon williams. and benjamin crump, who is the attorney for the floyd family. brandon, i want to start with you.
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sara talking about how your family has been there every single day. we all heard that incredibly emotional testimony from your uncle's girlfriend, courtney. and she was very honest and direct about their struggles with addiction. but she also talked about his faith, how much he loved his daughters. do you think the jury got a good and real picture of who your uncle was? >> i would believe so. i actually had an interview, so i didn't catch all of courtney's testimony. but if she know him the way we know him and painted the picture of him, that's the only picture they can paint, despite everything they're saying to tear his character down. he was a great man, he was loved, he loved his family. i'm pretty sure that the jury got that as clear as day. >> that he was loving and he was loved. i mean, it's something so basic and yet so crucial and so human in this. ben, what is your reaction to
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the testimony from the final witness who took the stand tonight that seemed so powerful to me. that police sergeant, the supervisor of derek chauvin, who says the officer should have stopped restraining him as soon as floyd stopped resisting. but that knee remained on floyd's neck for minutes after they could not detect a pulse. how much does this system undercut the defense's point that chauvin did what he was trained to do? >> i think it's devastating to the defense, erin, when you hear his sergeant, a person who knows the policies and procedures intimately of the minneapolis police department, to say, him keeping his knee on george floyd's neck after he was restrained and face down was inappropriate. it's very important that this is all consistent without principles of common sense and
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decency. and most of all, humanity. you don't treat anybody like that if you have one ounce of humanity. obviously, derek chauvin had no humanity, and we believe the jury will see that and come to the conclusion that brandon, his family, and everybody in america who seen this video has come to the conclusion, he was killed from an overdose of excessive force. >> so brandon, one thing over these past few days that we have heard again and again is from witnesses who were there, right? they saw this, or the 19-year-old at the cash register who made the call about the counterfit bill and is now living with guilt for making that call. i just want to play some of them, brandon, for you and for our viewers who didn't see it. >> i stayed up, apologizing and
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apologizing to george floyd for not doing more. >> what was going through your mind during that time period? >> disbelief and guilt. >> why guilt? >> if i would have just not done what i did, it would have been avoided. >> can you sprain what you're feeling at this moment? >> i feel helpless. >> brandon, what sit like for you to hear these witnesses, these people who were there that day who carry this guilt? >> it was heartbreaking. i actually cried. i was in the courtroom on tuesday. and it brung me to tears, honestly. it was very emotional. feeling the energy, and just see the hurt, and see them relive
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that tragic moment. it hurt me and more than anything, you feel for them. if you saw the video, it's clear as day what happened. the only thing you can do is just pray for those young people, especially a 9-year-old that had to witness that. that's a child who is scarred forever. you know, there's no healing from that. therapy can't fix that. so all in all, it was very tough, emotional day. we just want -- we just want the jury to understand and be aware of what happened in that video, just like the rest of the world. >> ben, you know, as the jury hears all of this and eventually will render a verdict, you have warned that the protests we saw last summer could be child's play if the process is not fair.
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if chauvin is found guilty on maybe one count, not all three counts, but not everything. is there any way justice would be served? should the american public accept whatever verdict this jury rendors? >> well, we believe in due process of the law. and we don't ever want to say that anybody should be guilty until proven innocent, because they do that to too many african-americans in america. so we always want equal justice under the law. and we believe as long as the process is fair, erin, and that they give the same consideration to george floyd that they give to this white police officer, that they will come to the conclusion that he should be held criminally libel for the death of george floyd. and we will trust the good faith
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and providence of the jury to arrive at that conclusion. we believe that the evidence is there. >> ben, brandon, thank you both very much. >> thank you, erin. >> thank you. and next, the defense in the case is trying to argue that george floyd was in bad health before his arrest. but his girlfriend took the stand and said that is not the case. >> pushups, pullups. >> sources telling cnn that congressman matt gaetz showed nude pictures of women he slept with. we'll look into whether he used cash and drugs dealing with young women. and pfizer's vaccine and how long it may protect a person from variants of the coronavirus.
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unintelligible? >> i don't remember that. but -- >> would you disagree if i said that in the transcript, that's the transcript? >> no. >> "outfront" now, my two guests join me. our legal team covering this came. ariva, do you think this line of questioning made an impact on the jury? >> i think it's the only line of questioning that this defense team has. we know they're going to try to hit home on this whole drug use. i think the problem with the argument is, mr. floyd did have an overdose in march, but he survived. mr. floyd did use drugs, but he was able to live a normal life and engage in physical activity. and we saw that videotape just before this incident where he's in cut foods and engaging in conversation, moving about. we saw him sitting on the ground talking to the police officers. so to believe this argument from
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the defense, you have to believe that somehow on may 25, at 8:30, the use of drugs that otherwise had not killed him, killed him on that day, and i don't think that's believable. >> here's part of what she said about their drug use. >> we got addicted, and tried really hard to break that addiction many times. >> how long of a period did this struggle go on for you, for both of you? >> addiction, in my opinion, is a life-long struggle. so it's something that we -- we -- we dealt with every day. >> you've talked about the strategy of, you know that chauvin's team is going to make a big, big deal of floyd's drug use, so the prosecution has been doing that ahead of time. put it out there, have everyone
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know everything there is to know. how did it play out today? she was very direct about all of it. >> by and large, erin, i think it was a very effective use by the prosecution of just that strategy. if you know there's a bad back for you, you know the jury is going to hear it, get it out there. don't let it come out on cross-examination. she was an effective way to do this, because she humanized george floyd as a human being and humanized their drug use and struggles with addiction. but the prosecution did not bring out with her on direct exam the fact that he had overdosed and gone to the hospital. the first time the jury heard that was on cross-examination by the defense and it hit extra hard as a result. so they had the right idea, they didn't execute it well, though. >> that is an interesting point. areva, you make the point that floyd was able to do other things while battling addiction. the defense has not only indicated they'll talk about
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drug use but say floyd was in poor health, talk about a heart condition and say those were key factors in his death and chauvin couldn't have known. but floyd's girlfriend talked about that. she talked about him being a very active person. here's how she talked about that. >> floyd liked to work out every day. he lifted weights, far more than anything i could lift every single day. he did situps, pushups, pullups. that was in the house. >> how effective was that, areva? >> i think it was very effective. we see that. we see a george floyd who is very lean and very muscular. so this notion that somehow he would have died but for the knee on the neck is a very difficult argument for the defense to make. particularly when you pair that with the testimony from the sergeant today about the use of force policy, and the
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requirement that once a subject is in handcuffs and no longer resisting, you stop the action, you stop the restraints. that didn't happen in this case. so, again, i think it was a great day for the prosecution. they proved their case, and this witness, courtney, a lot of courage it took for her to give that testimony. not only about george floyd's drug use but her own addiction. >> for sure. she brings up the retired police sergeant, who was the supervisor on duty the night floyd died. i want to play again what he said when explicitly asked about chauvin's use of force. >> sir, based on your review of the body worn camera footage, do you have an opinion as to when the restraint of mr. floyd should have ended in this encounter? >> yes, sir. >> what is it? >> when mr. floyd was no longer offering up any resistance to the officers, they could have
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ended their restraint. >> that was after he was handcuffed and on the ground and no longer resisting in >> correct. >> well before chauvin stopped doing what he was doing. this is his supervisor. when they say chauvin did what he was trained to do, and you heard chauvin on tape defending that, his supervisor is saying no. >> this witness is really bad news for derek chauvin, because this sergeant gave us the very basic, but very important principle. of course, police are entitled to use force. of course they are entitled to restrain someone resisting. however, the restatement has to stop when the resistance stopped. the key question is not was derek chauvin ever justified in restraint, but can they justify that 9:29. this sergeant said no, it was excessive force. and this isn't an expert with an academic opinion. this is derek chauvin's former supervisor. so this is going to be a big problem for derek chauvin as this trial moves on. >> both of you, thank you very
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much. we'll talk to you again tomorrow. next, the breaking news we are just getting about the investigation into matt gaetz and the feds looking at whether he had a relationship with a 17-year-old and whether his involvement with other young women broke laws. and president trump loved to brag about his wealth. could those statements help determine whether he faces criminal charges? if you're 55 and up, t- mobile has plans built just for you. switch today and get 2 lines of unlimited and 2 free smartphones. plus you'll now get netflix on us. all this for up to 50% off vs. verizon. it's all included. 2 lines of unlimited for only $70 bucks. and this rate is fixed. you'll pay exactly $70 bucks total. this month and every month. only at t-mobile. how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need.
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breaking news. new information tonight as to how the investigation of congressman matt gaetz began. two people briefed say he's being investigated as to whether he had a relationship with a woman that began when she was 17 years old. 17-year-old girl. and federal investigators are now also looking at whether gaetz used cash and drugs in his dealings with young women, plural. evan perez broke this news. evan, look, this is all -- a lot of sor sordid stuff to be investigated. what more are you learning? >> reporter: this is an investigation that began as part of another that was looking into a florida politician that matt gaetz is friends with.
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his name is joel greenberg. as part of that investigation, investigators obtained information from a witness who said that they saw gaetz and greenberg in the office on a weekend looking through fake i.d.s. now, that's key, because that information ended up -- or at least some of that information appears to be part of the allegations that are being brought against greenberg. he's facing trial. he's pleaded not guilty, but he's facing charges that include sex trafficking and making fake i.d.s allegedly for women that he was trafficking. now, we don't know whether that -- those i.d.s have anything to do with the current investigation of matt gaetz, but we know that at least it comes around the time that federal investigators began looking at matt gaetz and possible allegations that he was involved with sex trafficking. so now we have this investigation that is still ongoing. it is being led by prosecutors
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here in washington, public corruption prosecutors. as you noted, one of the things they're looking at is whether he used campaign funds to provide cash, and drugs to young women that he was -- that he was having relationships with. and one of the relationships was an underage 17-year-old girl that he was involved in. again, gaetz has denied that he did anything wrong here, that he had any relationship with a 17-year-old. and he says that there's some kind of extortion plot against him. but that is a completely separate matter. this is a serious investigation that, as we have noted, began in the late sames of the trump administration under bill barr and it continues. >> evan, thank you very much. of course, bill barr knew about it, as evan says, and briefed multiple times on it, as well, according to our reporting. also tonight, multiple sources are telling us that gaetz bragged about his sexual
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escapades to colleagues in congress, showing off photos of nude women he said he slept with to other lawmakers. so, i just want to be clear that there's no indication that these pictures are connected to the doj investigation, which includes cash, drugs, underage women, this is a separate thing. but what more are you learning about? >> reporter: that's right, erin. no indication that these allegations are connected in any way, but this is certainly significant on its own. our hill team tonight is reporting that the congressman, congressman gaetz garnered a reputation for showing off nude pictures of women, nude video of women that he claims to have slept with and often times these lawmakers are seeing these photos they say on the floor of the u.s. house. one source telling cnn "it was a point of pride for him." now the congressman has not responded to these allegations
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yet. certainly, this adds another layer to a very complex situation for the congressman, albeit separate but serious allegations. >> certainly, yes. let me ask you one other thing. gaetz is trying to divert attention from the allegation of sex trafficking a minor by talking about a separate investigation. he's trying to conflate these whole issues, this extortion. evan says these all are very different things. tell me what you're learning. >> reporter: that's right. he is trying to conflate them, confuse them, make it a little bit more complex. we've seen him over the last 24 hours in pushing back on these allegations, pushing instead these claims of extortion. >> it is a horrible allegation, and sit a lie. >> reporter: congressman matt gaetz is drawing in his family. >> on march 16th, my father got a text message demanding a meeting wherein a person demanded $25 million in exchange
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for making horrible sex trafficking allegations against me go away. >> reporter: claiming the allegations involving sex trafficking and prostitution are actually part of a $25 million extortion plot. >> the fbi and the justice department were so concerned about this attempted extortion that they asked my dad to wear a wire. >> reporter: his father, don gaetz, backing that up, telling politico he wore an fbi wire on more than one occasion. documents obtained by cnn show the alleged extortion involved a bizarre proposal to don gaetz to help his son, in exchange for money to fund a search for a kidnapped and presumed dead fbi agent in iran. the gaetz family is no stranger to the spotlight. with three generations of politicians. at the center, don gaetz. >> because of this governor, because of this speaker, now she'll be able to practice medicine in florida. >> reporter: a wealthy businessman with upwards of a $20 million fortune, made
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through a for-profit hospice company. >> jeb bush is the new florida. he is the new america. he is the new republican party. [ applause ] >> reporter: congressman gaetz and his father served in the florida statehouse together for six years. >> they were just a political dynasty, and they dominated that region. >> reporter: among locals, matt was nicknamed baby gaetz, a nod to his father's early influence. but political observers say his father's name and money have only been part of his success. >> matt gaetz says political gifts in this era of smash-mouth politics, that you can't ignore. i didn't necessarily see a lot of that in his father. he brings a whole -- a new set of skills that are completely -- he's made it his own. it's not a family brand from
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matt gaetz's point. >> reporter: matt gaetz grew up in this house, used to film the movie "the truman show." >> in the mid '90s, one day some producer just shows up in a golf cart and tells my mother they want to make a movie in this house starring jim carrey. >> reporter: his mother is partially paralyzed after suffering complications while pregnant with his sister and opted not to terminate the pregnancy. the congressman said that's contributed to his anti-abortion stance. last year, the congressman announced he has a secret known biological 19-year-old son that he's been parents for years. >> i just couldn't be happier and prouder of the young man he's become. >> reporter: and, again, the fbi is investigating a potential extortion crime, but that is not specifically related to the other investigation and two sources tell cnn there is a separate federal probe looking into whether gaetz had a
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relationship with a minor, whether his involvement with other minors broke sex trafficking laws, prostitution laws. and gaetz's lawyer declined comment for this story and gaetz denied these allegations. >> thank you very much. i want to go to dave eaerin burnett ronberg. i know that you have >> i know that you have known matt gaetz and his father for a long time. you served as a state senator when matt gaetz was a state representative. so are you surprised by all of this? >> good evening, erin. thanks for having me. yeah, i am surprised, because you don't expect anyone you know to be investigated for child sex trafficking. this is a serious crime that could be punishable by life in prison. especially for someone like matt gaetz, who is fearless in attacking people. he is an online troll who will go after people and has a list of enemies a mile long.
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he's got a bull's-eye on his back, so it's surprising that he would put himself out there. if you live in a house full of fine china, you don't want to flail around your arms. i just got to wonder what liz cheney is thinking about. he flew thousands of miles to campaign against a republican leader, liz cheney, in her district, after she voted yes on impeachment. well, what's the correct pronunciation for shotten freud in wyoming? >> it's complicated for people to understand. you've got child sex trafficking investigation that could involve election funds and cash and drugs in one investigation. any extortion attempt is separate from those facts or whatever they may be. and now we're learning that gaetz was known for bragging about his sexual ex escapades t
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lawmakers on the house floor. does that surprise you at all based on how he acted when you knew him? >> well, he was very brash. he was outspoken. he liked to gig people and liked to destroy them in debate. he was a very good debater and cut you with his words and pour salt in the wounds. but as far as that kind of conduct, i didn't see it. i was on the senate side, he was on the house side. his father was a well respected senator and became the senate president. he's an politician that everyone respected. so they could not be more different. as far as the conduct you're saying, there's always rumors around about this kind of thing, but i didn't see it firsthand. >> right, right. let me ask you about the allegations investigators are looking at that he may have used cash and drugs in his dealing
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with young women and looking at whether any federal campaign money was used. but this is a lot, and we're going to find out what happened or not. how much trouble could gaetz be in if these allegations are true? >> oh, he could be in a world of hurt, erin. i think the investigation he has to worry about the most is the one of joel greenberg. that's his friend who is the former tax collector in seminole county. he's a one-man criminal enterprise. as more comes out, the pressure on joel greenberg to flip on matt gaetz will be immense. you're always looking to flip on the bigger fish, and there's no bigger fish, and so matt is in a whole lot of trouble. child sex trafficking is punishable by life in prison. even if they can't make a case of child sex trafficking, if you have sex with an underage girl, that's punishable by up to 15 years, even fit's just
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solicitation of sex to an underage girl in florida, it's punishable up to five years in state prison, and all these crimes require you to register as a sex offender. >> dave, i appreciate your time. thank you very much. >> thank you, erin. >> dave aronberg is the state attorney for palm beach, florida. next, president trump's comments about his wealth could be used to help prosecutors on whether to file criminal charges against the former president. and we're learning tonight just how long pfizer's vaccine is likely to keep people safe from coronavirus.
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and together, we will get through this, safely. tonight, a deposition president trump gave in prempb could help prosecutors as they decide whether or not to file charges against him. they are examining trump's claims to determine whether he engaged in illegal activity. with the accuracy of his financial records in question, investigators could be informed by statements like this one, where he said "even my own feelings affects my value to myself." but he's often tried to push responsibilities for these decisions on to his chief financial officer, who is facing scrutiny, as well. so it's incredible that his own words could haunt him in a
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criminal way. what more have you learned from your reporting about the possible legal liability trump may face? >> reporter: what's so fascinating about this deposition is it gives you trump in his own words under oath. he's asked how did he come up with the values of so many of his properties? he said he revealed on alan weissleberg. he said he shows me what he comes up with, and i'm not sure i ever said change this or that number. but then he goes on in the same deposition, when he's asked did he ever inflate the value of his own assets. he said not beyond reason. did he ever exaggerate? he said ever does, who doesn't? when asked about the property that the family owns north of new york city called seven springs, that one was valued at $80 million. the next year it was $150 million, nearly doubling. and trump was asked what caused that doubling of value, he said that was based on his opinion.
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he did not have an appraisal. so there's the issue were any types of inflated numbers, manage that fits within the, sort of the squishiness of new york real estate and the rules that allow for there to be range and flexibility in assets or does it cross the line into illegal activity? this is where alan weissleberg is so we. so this is why there's so much interest in what he knows. >> you also, of course, have talked about trump's former personal attorney, michael cohen. we know he's cooperating with investigators. so as weissleberg is at the core of this, could he cooperate too after all this time? >> you know, prosecutors are doing their best effort here to put pressure on him. they have asked questions about his sons. they have interviewed his former daughter-in-law multiple times. she said the questions were focused on gifts and
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compensation they received. and the d.a. office has su subpoenaed his bank records. so they're looking for leverage to see if he'll cooperate. it's not clear he's done anything wrong, so it's not an indication he will decide to cooperate. he's been with donald trump for 40 years. when trump went into the office, he handed over the keys to the company to alan weissleberg and his sons. so they have a long and trusted relationship. big open question if he will cooperate here. i spoke to a former trump employee who said they thought it was more likely that donald trump, jr. could cooperate against his father than alan weissleberg because they're just that close. >> there isn't anyone that we've ever heard of that's been close to donald trump. up next, important new information about how long the protection from pfizer's covid vaccine is likely to last, and a welcome sign of normalcy now more than a year into the pandemic.
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its virus vaccine will protect a personal for six months after the second dose. that's all the data that we have. we only have data for six months. vaccine sexperts tell cnn the protection from pfizer and moderna vaccines is likely to last much longer. we will know when we know. an epidemiologist who helped eradicate smallpox, he joins me now. some people look at the headline, the pfizer lasts six months, and they go, that's it? the em if days is that's only as long as they have been studying
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it. how optimistic are you? >> i am very optimistic. i think that six months is a floor and not a ceiling. >> so, you know, obviously, that is going to be great. let me cask you the other question. but now there is these variants, right. here in new york where i am sitting 70% of the new cases sequenced are this new variant that experts have said is both more infectious and more deadly than other advocates. dr. fauci told me he is specifically kurnd about the new york city variant. now there are worries about how vaccines will work against that. do you have those concerns? do you think these vaccines are going to be universally effective? >> i am quite worried about the variants. we seem to be getting many variants and variants of concern almost every week. we have had a variant that clobbers a vaccine, the astrazeneca vaccine is 90%
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ineffective against the south african variant. we have other variants that reinfect people who have had the disease as in brazil and, as you say, with the u.k. b.1.1.7 variant, a variant that is not only more trans-siberian orchestra miscible but creating greater morbidity and mortality. i think we have to have a backup plan in addition to vaccinating everybody as fast as we can. they have to get much better at outbreak containment, detecting of diseases, findk them, ice lighting them and vaccinating them with the vaccine that matches the variant. >> so that point, pfizer and moderna are test ago third shot that's a booster, right. that adds a whole level of complexity anyway to getting people to coming bee back and d it. you are saying we need other vaccines as well as? am i not summarizing it correctly? >> i think it could be that the
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booster does it. i am hopeful boosters will immunize us for everything since the last vaccine we had. but in addition we will have dozens of vaccines and some will match better against certain variants. as you said, if in new york 60 or 70% of the virus is the b.1.1.7, we should be sure that we are having a vaccine used there that is effective against that variant and i think that as the months go by that will become more and more important. >> doctor, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. nice to see you. >> you, too. next, well, what you are looking at here. the latest sign that life in the u.s. is starting to return to normal. (vo) nobody dreams in conventional thinking. it didn't get us to the moon. it doesn't ring the bell on wall street. or disrupt the status quo. t-mobile for business uses unconventional thinking to help you realize new possibilities. like our new work from anywhere solutions, so your teams
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the latest sign that life in the
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play ball. the 2021 major league baseball season is underway. of course, the pandemic wreaked havoc in 2020 on the season. this time it's not just back. there are fans back in the stands. some of them. yankees stadium they lined up early. the team lost 3-2 in ten innings to the toronto blue jays. most teams allowing 20 to 30% stadium capacity with strict mask and distancing protocols. there are some like in texas where they will let them be full. cleaning crews were working around the clock in new york.
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the mets and nationals game was postponed due to covid issues. s true test hi be monday. the texas rangers, they are going to open and plan to play with 100 perseverance stadium capacity. thanks for joining us. watch out front know time on cnn go. ac 360 starts now. derek chauvin had plenty to tell his supervisor from the scene of the arrest that killed george floyd. he had nothing to say, though, about his knee on the man's neck. jim sciutto in for anderson tonight. that's what the police supervisor told jurors today, a day which also saw testimony from george floyd's girlfriend and the paramedics who tried but couldn't revive him. day four of the prosecution's case and continued attempts by the defense to suggest that floyd was a potential threat, ready to spring back up somehow and do harm. the latest tonight from cnn's omar jimenez in minneapolis.