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tv   New Day Weekend With Victor Blackwell and Christi Paul  CNN  October 27, 2019 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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sleep? not promise. prove. and now save up to $400 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. only for a limited time. isis leader abu bakr al baghdadi is believed to have been killed in a u.s. raid. >> the remarkable feat taking out the world's most wanted man. >> a u.s. official says abu
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baghdadi detonated a suicide vest during the operation. president trump is expected to make an earlier announcement earlier. he tweeted something very big has just happened. president trump is lashing out at john kelly. >> i said whatever you do, don't hire a yes man. someone that won't tell you the truth. if you do, i believe he'll be impeached. >> reporter: press trump saying john kelly never said anything like that. if he would have said that, i would have thrown him out of the office. >> announcer: this is cnn breaks news. i'm christi paul. >> i'm martin savidge in for victor blackwell this morning a u.s. military raid in northwest syria. >> sources say he detonated a suicide vest as u.s. special forces closed in. we are told his location was based on cia intelligence but we have going to have wait for dna
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analysis to wait and confirm that it is, indeed, al baghdadi who died. >> he has been in hiding five years and declared the isis caliphate in 2014. >> president trump is expected to make a major foreign policy announcement, according to the white house, at 9:00 a.m. eastern time. last night, he tweeted, quote, something very big has happened, unquote. we want to show you video of syrian activists show part of the raid targeting al baghdadi. cnn cannot confirm the authenticity of this video but take a look. >> you see those -- those big burst of light and the explosions you hear. there is a witness in syria who described to cnn describing several helicopters and war planes and gunfire they said about an hour last night. >> now we have this video from
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iraqi state tv and they say that it shows the aftermath of the raid in northern syria that is believed to have led to the death of the isis leader. you can see there is not much left. >> we have this covered from all angles. ryan brown is in washington and kristen holmes and nick paton walsh is in irbil, iraq. we start with ryan brown who is getting new information about the special ops raid. >> we are learning how dangerous the raid was in northwest syria where the u.s. military doesn't really have a presence. we are told the cia was the one who provided the critical intelligence where al baghdadi was located leading the u.s. military with the confidence of this high-risk raid. they have a military presence in eastern syria but doesn't usually operate in the northwest, say, a few drone strikes the last few months. so, again, a lot of other actors
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in that area. there are russian forces and regime forces and various rebel groups close to the regime, some have strong extremist ties so they have to have 45high confidence in the intelligence to launch this raid. the u.s. military led the raid from the kurdish democratic forces, the u.s. allies in the area. turkey was notified of the operation for the purposes of deconfliction because it took place close to the turkey board. they sent in a u.s. special operations team deep into unknown hostile territory, so they had to have very high confidence. we are being told during the operation, the target al baghdadi detonated an explosive believed to be a suicide vest
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which will make the identification more challenging as they attempt dna or identification that he was killed. the u.s. officials we have talked to have high confidence at this stage that he was the intended target aeand that he w killed in this operation. >> ryan, do we have any indication how the u.s. forces are? in other words, is everyone accounted for and were there any injuries? >> we haven't heard anything official yet and we are still working to get that information. one of the key factors is the officials we talked to have underscored the reason this operation was able to be carried out successfully was the presence of the u.s. military in syria, something has been in question, given president trump's view of the u.s. military's role there. he has expressed the desire to pull troops out. he seems to partially reversed that but the u.s. underscoring without that foot precipitatpri without the presence in the region, this kind of operation would have been impossible. really underscoring from the u.s. military's point of view the value of having at least some sort of military presence in syria to carry out operations
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like this. >> ryan brown joining us there, giving us an update from the vantage point of the pentagon, thank you very much. >> you bet. we want to go to our white house accordance kristen holmes. the president is expected to address the nation in a couple of hours at this point. back in october. 2012, seven years ago, the president had tweeted stop congrating obama for killing osama bin laden. the navy s.e.a.l.s killed osama bin laden. is there any expectation how the president will frame this killing? at the end of the day, a lot of people are saying this is a victory here. >> reporter: to start at the top white house officials are being very cagey and keeping the details of this announcement close to the vest. that is not surprising with something of this magnitude. they want the information to come from president trump, to come from the commander in chief. during that we will learn when he learned about this raid if he signed off on this raid.
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but president trump, himself, all he will has said so far is a very cryptic tweet saying something very big has just happened. so as we will wait for details of that, we are also starting to piece together what his day looked like yesterday and i do want to note something that i found very interesting. president trump went golfing yesterday at one of his resorts in sterling, virginia. the white house often does not say whether or not he is golfing when he goes to the resort. around 9:00 p.m. last night, they sent out that he went golfing and with his partners, two of them of note, senators lindsey graham and david perdue. lindsey graham is a trusted adviser on foreign policy and david perdue is a senator who sits on the armed services committee and a close ally of president trump so we will see if they knew, when they knew and reached out to their offices and i'm waiting to hear back. but as you said, if this is confirmed, this would be a win for president trump. this comes at a time in which
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his foreign policy has really come under scrutiny and attack, not just from democrats, but from members of his own party, really slamming his decision to pull troops out of syria, troops that were conduct the counterterrorism missions in that region. so, again,, you know, we will hear nick say it later and say it all morning this is a huge year's long manhunt and president trump is going to announce, if it is confirmed, it will be viewed as a win. the white house, again, wants this to be viewed as a win. >> still, it's interesting as you point out that president likely signed off on this mission at a time when he was receiving so much criticism even from members of his own party. yet, he apparently kept his mouth closed and his twitter account silent on this particular issue until last night, of course. >> reporter: absolutely. i do want to point out there that senator lindsey graham is one of the biggest critics of president trump's decision to withdraw troops from syria saying we were leaving the kurds
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republican senators so president trump taking this criticism saying he thought he was to go the right thing, while potentially knowing about this raid at the same time or knowing this was going to happen in the near future. we know usually operation of this magnitude it takes weeks in advance, if not longer, to prepare for but, of course, we are still learning details how this came together and we expect to know more once the president takes the stage at 9:00 a.m. >> knowing about that raid does not necessarily mean he knows the outcome. it could have gone either way. thank you, kristen holmes. cnn international correspondent nick paton walsh is in iraq. do you know anything more from your perspective there and what people are telling you? >> reporter: we understand from social media videos of what seems to be the scene that we are talking about, a raid which
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seems to have begun with helicopters to some degree, the sound of heavy gunfire suggesting that possible u.s. ground forces were initially deployed as a part of this assault and an hour of bombardment infant area, most likely to clean up whatever occurred after the killing of baghdadi. the body taken by for identification most likely and it seems from the video we are seeing nothing left much in its wake. so that will be possibly the job in the hours and days ahead of u.s. officials precisely working out what they can glean from what they retrieve from that particular area and now the bigger questions come about how did he end up being there, so close to the turkish border, and why are u.s. officials say they informed turkey ahead of the raid that it was happening, but turkey didn't participate in that raid? that suggests to me, yes, certainly the turkish and u.s. relationship have sustained the damage that we publicly have seen it sustain the past few
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weeks in the fight against isis. you have to imagine the vision of dozen or so possibly u.s. aircraft flying along or through or near the turkish border saying the americans are doing more in detail about it and we don't know how much they were told and when. then them continuing on the doorstep of their nato ally to kim the world's most wanted man and extraordinarily perilous circumstances. regime occasionally is bombing with the turkish military is across the border and could mistake you for something hostile. a lot of risks potentially here but the man was eventual got. what is the death of al baghdadi mean for isis? that is the broad question, the answer to which which we probably won't know. certainly he was the author of the group's twisted ideology and
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he encouraged its members to spread brutalized videos of massacres of murders across the interpret using social media. he saw the possibility their message is more infectious like a virus online encouraging those sickening videos we saw for a number of years. as he died he probably looked back on a massively reduced isis caliphate the area they controlled and more or less reduced to zero but still had firl fights in the deserts of syria and many more all over the world but they were fractured and broken and their attacks they claimed the responsibility for in the west were beginning to look a little bit more fractured. still, the author of that ideology no longer with us and the u.s. in the hours ahead more likely to detail how they pulled off this extraordinary military defeat. back to you. >> you framed it so well last hour saying isis had an obscene
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worship of violence and they are still operating in libya and africa and iraq and what remain also of this group is still to be seen. white house is lashing out at president trump's former chief of staff john kelly. kelly says he warned president trump that he might face impeachment if kelly was replaced with, quote, a yes man. coming up, a pretty blistering response from the white house to that. plus, police in texas are on the hunt for a shooter who opened fire in an on-campus homecoming party in greenville. two people are dead and at least 14 hurt so a live update is coming up. dayquil severe. the daytime, coughing, aching, stuffy-head, fever, sore throat, power through your day, medicine.
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telling folks about idaho potatoes. and i want it back. what is it with you and that truck? we are staying on top of the breaking news. sources telling cnn it's believed that isis leader abu bakr al baghdadi is dead and killed normally the syria and turkish border. >> we want to show you video and it's not running yet but cnn can't confirm that is the raid that targeted al baghdadi. according to a military official baghdadi detonated a suicide vest as the forces carried out the raid. president trump is expected to make a major announcement about foreign policy coming from the white house in a news conference that is happening in a couple of hours now. actually, less than two hours.
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al baghdadi's death is a major blow to isis when lost its last syrian stronghold back in march. >> sam is joining us from the border there. what is the reaction there? >> reporter: the turkish authorities say they were involved in this and confirmed by the pentagon in deconflicting with the united states but not directly involved in this raid. in terms of the reaction inside syria, most people would be somewhat relieved with the death of the head of the snake, if you like, of the so-called islamic state, unusual place for him to have been hiding, though. the area that he was in just a few miles inside syrian territory from the turkish border is heavily controlled by al qaeda affiliates. those affiliates actually split when isis was formed from isis back in 2014 and, indeed,
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engaged in quite a bit of combat around raqqah. the alphabet soup of this military tan militants can't accomplish who is fighting for whom and baghdadi might have been with friends even though in a rival enemy group he was hiding. being so close to turkey whether his family was trying to get out of the region and try to go anonymous at least for a while inside turkish territory, that would have been highly problematic for turkey. nonetheless i think what is really important about understanding this is that while the head of the snake has been cut off, there is a hydra. 12 million people under the rule
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of baghdadi, himself. he is now dead and the territory has gone largely from isis rule but the ideas remain but that makes them, once again, direct kind of brand competitors, if you like, with the previously formed al qaeda which is never intended to control territory. so ultimately with the death of the so-called leader, this represents a very symbolic powerful body blow to the so-called islamic state but not in any way lightly to undermine its ideology cal infestation. the video he put out in april to his followers to break out of prison where many thoups of fighters and many, many more family and children of the fighters are still being guarded by the kurdish allies, former allies of the united states, now largely abandon. so those people still remain a potent threat. >> that is an extremely
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important point to keep in mind, especially in the weeks and months coming forward. sam kylie, thank you. in texas this morning, other breaking news. police are looking right now for the man who started shooting at people at an off-campus college party in greenville, texas. this happened overnight. we know two people are dead, at least 14 people are hurt, and three of whom are in critical condition. >> let's get to cnn correspondents ed lavandera who is near the scene in texas for us with the vem latery latest. >> reporter: the investigators here tell us before midnight about 750 people inside this party venvenue outside of greenville, texas and sheriff's office was called because of complaints of the parking along the highway. sheriff's deputies were here
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handling that situation when the gunshots erupted. two people were killed and 14 people wounded or treated in area hospitals. we have heard from one hospital saying three of those patients are in critical condition. now, investigators here in hunt county say that most of the people attending this party have not been cooperative so far with investigators to kind of get some information on who this gunman might have been. investigators say the gunman in the chaos was able to get away from the scene so the manhunt for that person still continues here this morning. investigators say they don't know what the motive might have been or what led the shooting to erupt here at this party venue and that, so far, the people who are here are not cooperating. >> ed, can i ask you do they have anyone, not in custody necessarily, but anybody that they are talking to or have all of these college students been able to leave and now they are just trying to talk to some of
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the people that are in the hospital? >> reporter: investigators say they are trying to talk with the people who were here at this party and what we have been told here initially is that they are not getting much cooperation from the witnesses who were here at this crime scene. whether or not they have been able to talk to, you know, just how many of those people they have been able talk to is not exactly clear but in the initial hourps hours of this investigation and hunt for this killer, it sounds like investigators are struggling to get concrete information to get clues who might be behind the shooting. >> so surprising when you got 750 people there as well. >> true. >> ed lavandera, thank you for the update. we continue to follow the breaking news out of syria as we learn more about the u.s. raid that is believed to have killed isis leader abu bakr al baghd
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baghdadi. next we look at the history of that group. ain! ughh! vicks sinex. breathe on. but you don't feel good.
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we are continuing to follow the remarkable news that is breaking out of syria this morning. sources tell cnn that isis leader abu bakr al baghdadi is believed to have been killed in a u.s. military raid in northwest syria. >> defense officials are saying it appears that baghdadi detonated a suicide vest as u.s.
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forces moved in. we are told that president trump will make a major announcement at 9:00 a.m. and he tweeted last night "something very big has just happened!" >> ben wedeman is in beirut. sfa as far as the significance of the overall twisted cause of is isis, does this change the trajectory of those people you have spoken to? i mean, they still bought into the whole thing, right? >> reporter: yes. many of them, most of them did express loyalty to the islamic state. few of them, however, actually mentioned abu bakr al baghdadi by name. he was elusive figure and only appeared once in public and july 2014 when he delivered a sermon
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in mosul. unlike bin laden, he didn't make frequent audio or video messages and didn't give messages to isis online publication. so he was a very low profile figure. isis, as an organization, as a group, has affiliates all over. for instance, it's got them in west africa, in libya and philippines and in afghanistan and operate independently of the leads-of-what is known as the islamic state of iraq and syria at its height was about the size of great britain and rolled over as many as 12 million people and that is gone. even in the absence of the so-called state that actually controlled territory, back in august, the inspector general of the pentagon put out a report saying that they still believed there were between 14 and 18,000
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isis fighters still on the loose between iraq and syria. removing one man symbolically is extremely important but in practical terms, we will have to see. it's clear that isis, for instance, baghdadi was wounded in may of 2017, the u.s. officials believe, and it's plausible that starting back then a succession process was already in place. so removing one man doesn't necessarily mean that isis, as a phenomenon, as a network of terrorist organizations is about to disappear. >> yeah, they would have been, obviously, realizing he was a target and you have to have a chain of command and they probably have a second who is already in command. ben wedeman, thank you for the insight. >> thank you. the white house pushing back today on claims from former
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chief john kelly that he warned president trump he risked being impeached. coming up the words of advice that kelly says president trump ignored. the leader of isis is believed to be killed in a u.s. special operations raid. we will have the latest after this break. when i got my dna results, it opened up so many doors.
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welcome back. sources are telling cnn that
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isis leader abu bakr al baghdadi is dead. >> they say this video shows the aftermath of the raid. it appears that baghdadi detonated a suicide vest as the military force raided. president trump is expected to have a press conference at 9:00 a.m. and we will bring that to you when it happens. >> looking at other news. one of the the president's former advisers says the white house staff is to blame for the impeachment inquiry that is going on on in the house. >> president trump's former chief of staff john kell said he advised the president hiring a, quote, a yes man, as his replacement saying it could lead to impeachment. kelly left the white house last december amid -- i know the
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white house is pushing back against the claims by kelly and doing so pretty abrasively. >> reporter: that's right. no surprise there. president and kelly did not part ways on the best of terms. the remarks came in a rare interview that kelly gave and i want to play exactly what he said. take a listen. >> i said whatever you do, don't hire a yes man, someone that is going to tell you -- it won't tell you the truth. don't do that. because if you do, i believe he'll be impeached. >> reporter: then he goes on to lamb lament saying -- he did not mention mick mulvaney by name he essential it seems to blame in part for this impeachment probe. this comes after that disastrous press conference that mulvaney
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gave a week and a half ago he did admit to a quid pro quo with ukraine months after president trump saying there was no quid pro quo. the white house pushing back hard here. president trump, himself, saying kelly never said anything like that to him and if he had he would have been kicked off. i want to read this to you from the press secretary stephanie grisham. this is a pretty outstanding remark to make about a four-star retired marine general who is widely respected with intelligence agencies, with the military. but it also sounds a lot like something president trump would say. not clear exactly what she is implying about general kelly's intelligence here, but, clearly, hitting back and hitting back hard. >> and hitting back against a general on the day before a military operation he knew was
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going to be targeting an enemy of the united states. a lot of things that sort of put the president in a good frame of mind when it came to confronting the general here. thank you. house democrats say they are making rapid progress after a round of testimony on capitol hill yesterday. >> yesterday, acting assistant secretary of the state told the committee reportedly he was and aware of this. here is the latest for us. >> reporter: at the conclusion of this eight-hour testimony, specific details in terms of what this top state department official for european affairs philip reeker said to them. but came out of this testimony behind closed doors saying he was hopeful in terms of the direction that the impeachment inquiry is headed. here is what he said. quote.
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we also heard from congressman mark meadows who said this was a good day for president trump. he is a republican. he said that the testimony today provided even more of a reason that the republican argument stands up, saying that there is no reason that president trump should be impeached based on what happened. he also spoke specifically about quid pro quo. let's listen to that. >> i think it was certainly a number of questions they continued to try to convey, is there an impeachable offense here? was there some quid pro quo? now you have another high ranking state department official that didn't provide any support for that algs. allegation. >> reporter: the question is what did philip reeker even know about the elements that would constitute quid pro quo? our reporting is that he was planning to tell lawmakers
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behind closed doors that he had no idea that the trump administration was pushing ukraine to publicly announce that it was -- that it would be investigating joe biden in 2016. therefore, there are elements of the impeachment inquiry that he could not provide new details on. but we are hearing from democrats who said that he did provide some new details. congressman lynch said this. quote. indicate willing there that they didn't go into the testimony with high expectations but there are still new details that philip reeker was able to present them. >> still to come , the hunt for isis leader al baghdadi seems to have come to a bloody end. we will take a closer look at the significance of the location in syria where he was reportedly found and where he died. pain happens. aleve it. with aleve pm.
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breaking news this morning here. if you're just joining us, sources telling cnn it is believed isis leader al baghdadi is dead and killed in a u.s. raid in northwest syria overnight. >> syrian activists say this video shows the military operation near the turkish border but cnn cannot this is saturday's raid. iraqi state tv reports this is video of the aftermath of the raid and defense officials say it appears that baghdadi det detonated a suicide vest as us officials closed in. they say that baghdadi was hiding in the northwest area of syria but cnn has been told that turkey did not play a role in the operation or provide assistance. >> we want to get to cnn chief international correspondent
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clarissa ward. i know you spent a lot of time in idlib and only 13 miles from the turk irbordish borderer. what was your reaction when you heard this? >> reporter: i think many of us were surprised to hear that al baghdadi was hiding out in idlib and not a place for him to hide out because it's under the group that has strong ties to al qaeda, and the province is well known to be the sort of seat of power of al qaeda in the syrian conflict. while al qaeda and isis have a lot in common ideologically, they also have been fighting each other on the ground in syria for many years and see each other as bitter adversaries. it's interesting to me that is where al baghdadi was hiding out presumably in the quagmire of the jihadist groups and old
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allegiances between people and someone was clearly looking after him and helping him to move through this area. but it's also worth noting that this is a very long ways away from where it had initially been believed that baghdadi was hiding out, which was somewhere along the iraqi/syrian border near the euphrates valley. he potentially would have had to cross through the territory of kurdish and turkish held areas and regime held areas to get to the area where he was. unclear where he would be trying to go from idlib province and essentially a dead-end and the only way to go from there is three miles into turkey but unlikely one could see that is his plan going along from that province. certainly a lot of questions but a very interesting revelation that this ended up being the final hiding place of a
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notorious isis leader abu bakr al baghdadi. >> so many questions. do you think turkey could have possibly known where baghdadi was and i don't want to say -- just somehow was not necessarily telling what they knew to the u.s.? >> reporter: well, you know, it's an interesting question, marty. i think you're right to ask it. idlib is a province that have a lot of forces that are loyal to turkey and work with them test of them. they certainly have a serious presence inside idlib and a number of outposts there if, indeed, baghdad inchts wi was h there and for the turkish officials' part they are being coy and saying they don't
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comment on the intelligence sharing, but the u.s. has been a little more forthcoming and saying turkey had nothing to do with providing the intelligence that led to this operation. but certainly a question as to whether it will be possible they did, know, or have some sense he might have been hiding out there. the other question is how long was he there for? and who else knew? marty? >> clarissa ward, thank you very much. we appreciate the insight greatly. this just in. a cnn turkish official saying al baghdadi arrived at that location of the raid 48 hours before the raid was carried out. the official said, quote, it's a good day for the good guys. unquote. >> just to the point that clarissa was making there. so we know according to that, 48 hours before that strike. when we come back, two people are dead and at least 14 have been treated for gunshot wounds after a shooting in greenville, texas. more on that after this. my joints... they hurt. the pain and swelling.
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this morning as well. police, we know, are looking for the person who shot two people dead and at least 14 others who
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are injured after a shooting at an off-campus homecoming party. this is in greenville, texas. >> the hunt county sheriff's office said they were called to the scene after a complaint about park vehicles and soon after she arrived, shots were fired. the event was not sanctioned by the university. and we are of course also following the breaking news out of syria. sources telling cnn that isis leader abu bakr al-baghdadi is believed to have been killed in a u.s. military raid in northwest syria. defense officials say it appears that baghdadi detonated a suicide vest as officials moved in. this morning president trump is expect to make a major announcement. he seemed to tip his hand last night. he tweeted something very big has just happened. >> we want to tell you more about abu bakr al-baghdadi. before isis existed, he was detained in 2004 for several months at a u.s.-run prison in
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southern iraq. he was later released. two years after that, the islamic state of iraq was created and in 2010 he ascended to the lead of it after his predecessors were killed in an operation. after 2014 isis announced the caliphate and baghdadi declared himself the ruling of more than a billion muslims. he was believed to have been wounded in a 2017 air strike and said to have seeded control at that time for several months due to injury. and then in april of this year, isis released what was purported to tb a new video message from baghdadi, which brings us to this moment. and sources telling cnn he's believed to be dead after a u.s. special operations raid in northwest syria overnight. and as we have been saying, president trump is expected to make a major announcement about foreign policy. the white house has been a bit cagey on exactly what the president will talk about. clearly it's in the aftermath of
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this raid, so we'll possibly get more of an explanation from the president himself. >> that's happening in just about an hour from now. we want to thank you so much for being with us. "inside politics" with john king is up next. >> have a great day. there's the amped-up, over-tuned, feeding-frenzy-of sheet-metal-kind. and then there's performance that just leaves you feeling better as a result. that's the kind lincoln's about. ♪
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this just happened. >> i've never seen anything like this. >> this is a full-blown disaster. >> we must get it right. >> it's life. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. >> welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. thank you for sharing this sunday with us. major breaking news this morning, the world aeft most wanted terrorist, abu bakr al-baghdadi, the leader of isis is believed to be dead after a dramatic u.s. special forces raid in northern syria. we're waiting for president trump. he's due to make a statement at the white house, a rare sunday morning state, one hour from now. this after the president teasing, quote, something very big on twitter last night. the white house not sharing any details yet about what the president plans to say, but a senior official telling cnn the president did order a raid targeting baghdadi. th s


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