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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  October 21, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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good evening. co chris cuomo is off tonight. there is new reporting in "the washington post" on conversations with putin, as well as viktor orbon and the president. in them, the two foreign leaders sought to reinforce the president's notion of ukraine as a dysfunctional, corrupt state, a country that russia has invaded. this was happening as his tv lawyer, rudy giuliani, was pushing conspiracy theories about ukraine to the president and with hundreds of millions of dollars in american military aid on the line. i spoke about this and more with democratic congressman and house intelligence committee member jim himes. congressman, what do you make of "the washington post" reporting the idea that vladimir putin might have helped color president trump's view of ukraine? it does seem another example of something that at this point is shocking but i guess not surprisi surprising. >> yeah, i read that story and i guess i'm not surprised. i didn't happen to be in that particular moment of the
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temperature. i'm not at all surprised if that is true. if vladimir putin has every interest in causing our president to believe that ukraine, apparently all the things that the president believes, it's a corrupt country beyond repair, if putin can have the president thinking and the president of grhungary has its n reasons, it can drive a wedge and allow putin to succeed in controlling half of that country, retain crimea and do whatever he wants in ukraine. >> at least part of what the post is reporting comes from what george kent told congress an investigators last week, you said you weren't there for that part of it, you're on the intelligence committee, can you say -- i don't know if you heard anything that kent said. did you find him to be a credible witness? >> um, i did.
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i did. in fact, of all the witnesses that we have interviewed, kent was remarkable. kent is one of those people with near photographic recall. when you ask him a question, he can tell you dates, times and locations. so truly a remarkable guy. i mean, again, we've had this experience on a number of occasions with different witnesses. when you have an opportunity to spend a lot of time with our professional diplomats, you get a feel for what just incredibly high caliber people they are. >> the "post" cites a former white house official who described the struggle to contest the influence of putin and giuliani and the kremlin al lied prime minister of hungry, quote, over time you see a wearing down the defenses" and saying to the "post," mattis and kelly, who had been able to kind of limit the damage that putin could do with this president, without them being around, the president is more susceptible to a putin or to from the president
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of hungary, who the presidentmepresident met with without anybody present. >> my guess is the president talks with rudy giuliani more often than president putin or prime minister orbon. i almost worry more about rudy giuliani because as we know, you only need to look at rudy giuliani's twitter feed to know he trades in these conspiracy theories, about the dnc server being in ukraine. rude rufd whispers those things in the president's ears. foreign policy is really, really hard. victories in foreign policy are measured in inches. so when rudy giuliani calls up the president, as i'm sure he
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does and spews crazy conspiracy theories about the president's enemies, no question in my mind who the president listens to more acutely. >> "the washington post" does make a point of saying that according to the sources, neither putin nor the hungarian prime minister sought to use the biden family to turn the president against ukraine but the newspaper also says that the whole thing basically reinforced what president trump thought and make it more difficult for the others to support the ukrainian government despite the fact that they were under attack from russia. >> this is one of the ugly themes in this presidency with respect to our foreign policy. of course putin, very savvy individual with a background in intelligence and manipulating people, of course he's going to know how to manipulate our president. we just saw an example of erdogan manipulating our
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president into a nearly impossible position where republicans, criticizing him. we've seen the north korean dictator, rather than being subject to sanctions and difficult initiatives by the united states, the president is in love by his own statements with the dictator of north korea. so, i mean, again this is just -- it's not hard how to figure out how to use flattery, to use conspiracy theories, to be on his team in such a way that you pretty quickly get donald trump on your side and i this i world leaders recognize that. >> congressman, thank you. >> thank you, anderson. >> let's talk about this with kerrey cordero. do you have agree with congressman hynes this provides a road map for any world leader to influence the president and he's highcy susceptible to influence? >> i think it does, anderson. it highlights how impressurable, how malleable the president is. it's an issue that speaks really
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to his intellect, to his character and to whether or not he is so impressionable by these outside leaders. and it also speaks to how much he looks to aauthoritarians or other strong-men-type government leaders and how he is unduly influenced by their views in particular. >> the idea that you worked in national security. the idea that, you know, mattis and kelly and others who used to be in the white house were able to kind of keep the president from being influenced by a putin or somebody like orbon but essentially those people are all gone and now the president is taking advice from putin. what kind of impact does that have on the security of this nation and also the kind of entire, you know, national security establishment who is powerless in the face of somebody who is willing to, you know, just talk one on one
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without anybody in the room with putin or orbon? >> this is a central problem of the trump presidency. there were people in the national security community who thought they could go into this administration and that they could influence the president, that they could change his world outlook, that cooler heads were prevail, that he would listen to advisers who are experienced in national security and foreign policy. and three years in what we're seeing is that he doesn't. instead he constantly chases out individuals who have experience, who have spent decades in national security, who actually know what they're talking about. he doesn't trust the u.s. intelligence community, so he has marginalized the advice of his senior intelligence officials, including the director of national intelligence, which now is in an acting capacity. so he's pushed out the people with experience and he's left with people who don't have experience. so what we've seen is now several different examples. we can go back to him appearing to believe putin over the
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intelligence community on 2016 russian interference, kim jong un when it comes to nuclear weapons in korea, erdogan when it comes to the kurds in syria, where he believes these straw men over the advice of national security officials. >> coming up, two views of the president's abandonment of the kurds in syria. adam kinzinger and leon panetta. also later, we'll talk impeachment with former republican presidential candidate john kasich.
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the american forced were pelted with rotten fruits and vegetables. the kurdish forces were encouraged to eliminate many of their own defenses as a sign to the turks they were not a threat. the sense of betrayal felt by many kurds -- >> when you have $10 billion worth of airplanes shooting ten miles in front of your line, it much easier to fight. but with that, they were a good help. >> the president also improbablely claimed our relationship with the kurds is good and when asked about reporting he's now considering leaving a limited number of troops in syria. the president say, and i quote, we do not think it's going to be necessary. i spoke it to congressman adam
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kinzinger. >> the mixed signal we continue to get that the need or lack thereof for forces there, what significant n signal does that second to the rest of the war? >> not a great one. we're in a fog of war, not the actual war but confusion of information. the question as americans is what is our role in the world? if our role is to just come home, well, that's one thing. but i think, frankly, we have all the great things we have because we've understood that we have a much bigger role than that, one that we can uniquely play. when you send conflicting messages, we're leaving, we're staying, the kurds aren't great, the kurds are fine. i think it makes our allies question, it makes our enemies question, our resolve and frankly it's not a good things in the long run. >> it's extraordinary when you just think about relatively speaking the small number of u.s. forces who have been in
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syria and the outsize importance that they have played in keeping, you know, turkey from invading, helping out the kurds. you know, it's not as if this is the number of troops which are in afghanistan, for instance. >> yeah, that's what's been actually pretty confusing to me. some of these advocates, the early advocates against intervention so people like senator rand paul use examples and people that support him use examples of just use special forces and let all the locals do the fighting this is the model for that. this is exactly what, you know, not having to put 100,000 u.s. troops in looks like. this idea that it's an endless war, it's a commitment beyond what we're tapeab ablcapable of we have a crisis of confidence in this country and it's one we have to change. >> mike pompeo today was talking about the u.s./kurdish alliance. listen. >> we gently took down the
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threat of the caliphate of isis. it was to the benefit of the u.s. and to the benefit of the world. the commitment that we made to roarke alongside them we completely fulfilled. >> he said we fulfilled. i'm not sure the kurds would agree with that assessment. and the kurd, not to take anything away from u.s. special forces certainly, but the kurds were, you know, they lost 11,000, 10,000, 11,000 people. we were doing training, logistical stuff, air support, all sorts of incrincredibly key important things. to say that we both did it and we fulfilled the obligation. do you buy that? >> not really. i agree with what he said in terms of we had a common enemy, we fought the common enemy. i think where the disagreement comes is not -- first off, isis is not defeated. i'm afraid that they're reko
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reconstituted as we speak, even psychologically. if you're going to leave syria, when you're there, you have a seat at the table and you can help determine what the future of syria looks like and we didn't do that. now by tweeting one morning and making the decision to leave, the kurds feel left behind, we're confused in terms of what the future is, our enemies are confused and our allies are confus confused, whereas we could have taken the last few months to a plan. we had one with turkey that was working and stick to that. >> i read something in "the new york times" this weekend that i was really stunned by. i hadn't read before in all the research that i'd been readi reading according to "the new york times," the u.s. actually encouraged the kurds to dismantle their defenses in northern syria as a way to show the turks they weren't a threat, which they did at our request only to then be desseerted by t u.s. that is a particularly galling fact.
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>> it is. and that's from what i understand as well is in the joint patrols we were doing with turkey to assuage turkey's fears and assuage the fears of the kurds, which again the united states has the ability to negotiate things like, there the kurds had brought dunn their defenses and then erdogan calls the president. i got to tell you, anybody that actually thinks erdogan would have attacked if the president would have said, look, i'm going to defend my forces with everything in the united states military, they never would have done it. this is turkey. this isn't the chinese military. this is turkey. they would not have made the attack but i think a bluff was called and it worked out. >> i spoke to republican congressman francis rooney a bit ago, who says he not running for reelection. he told me he's fine with the impeachment inquiry and is happy that mitt romney is speaking out. he's not sure where he lands on impeachment, he hasn't seen enough evidence he says. i'm wondering where you stand on those points. do you support the inquiry
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itself? >> i support getting answers to questio questions. when you say impeachment inquiry, the end goal is impeachment and that has a different meaning. i wish the democrats would do this in the open for everybody to see and we could get these answers to these questions. i'm looking at this saying whenever evidence is $ before me, i will make the right decision but i'm not on any of these committees that are dealing with it. i just know what's right, what's wrong. we'll see what the evidence presen presents. >> congressman kinzinger, thank you. appreciate it. >> dig aging deeply now, leon panetta has served as cia director, defense secretary and white house chief of staff. secretary panetta, just generally what do you make of how this whole withdrawal, non-withdrawal is being handled by the white house? we're seeing the administration trying to walk back a broad policy announcement from the president. >> i think from the very beginning this has been a --
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probably the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in recent history. and there is no way when you commit a blunder like this that involves the consequences we're now seeing, there's no way to paint this picture as if somehow everything's going well. >> i want to play something else that the president had to say today about isis. >> i'm the one, meaning it was me and this administration working with others, including the kurds that captured all of these people that you're talking about right now. because president obama was a mess. i went over to iraq, i met with our generals and we figured out a plan and it was done within a month and a half. so i'm the one that did the capturing. i'm the one that knows more about it than you people or the fake pundits. >> he also apparently said a
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similar thing when we first heard this in that meeting according to nancy pelosi he had a meltdown and said general mattis, you know, was overrated and that it was he who did all this. as someone who served as secretary of defense in the obama administration, how do you respond to a president who believes that he is the one who captured isis? >>. >> well, you ever know, we've got accustomed to president trump saying stupid and outrageous things about somehow what he is responsible for and what he has done. the bottom line is i think most americans know the truth. president obama began this policy of trying to go after this isis caliphate, that we developed the policy in working
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with the kurds to assist us in that effort and president trump, to his credit, basically embraced that same strategy and that's what allowed us to be able to ultimately defeat the caliphate. >> i want to ask you about the continuing fallout from mick mulvaney, quid quo pro comments. the president refused to answer questions about whether mulvaney's job was safe. if you had made that kind of mistakes when you were chief of staff, and i'm not sure it was actually a mistake, he was actually telling the truth but in this white house that is a mistake, but if you had countermanncounte countermanded what your boss was say, would your job be safe? >> i can't imagine that a chief of staff could have done anything worse to have hurt his credibility than what he did. he stood up and you're right, he
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did tell the truth that there was in fact a quid pro quo and admitted to it and then he tried to reverse it with a comment that was put out and he's continued to try to defend that remark, but i think it is continuing to undermine himself credibility when he does that. i think he's been badly damaged by what took place, and i would be very surprised if his days are not limited. >> there is breaking news from "the washington post" and they're saying that president trump was taking the advice of vladimir putin with regards to ukraine, a former white house official towed the post, i'm quoting, over time you just see a wearing down of the defenses, describing the struggle to contest the influence of giuliani, putin and orbon, the hungarian prime minister. i mean, that's stunning to me. if he's taking advice from vladimir putin on union crankra
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are in a lot of trouble in a lot of ways. >> you know, speaker pelosi said it best of all, all roads seem to lead to putin and i think there's a lot of truth to that. it's incredible that the president of the united states relies on the advice of our primary adversary, vladimir putin, for guidance on these kinds of issues. russia is our enemy. their intent is to undermine the united states, their intent is to weaken the united states and now they have the capability of through the advice of putin to trump, they have the ability to give our president the kind of guidance that basically plays into their hand. that's what he did in syria.
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that's what he did when he stood up with putin and said he believed in russian intelligence more than our own intelligence when it came to what happened in the 2016 election. this president has continued rather than standing up for america and for what we believe is right, this president continues to cater to the views of an authoritarian government like vladimir putin, and that from my perspective is very dangerous to the security of the united states. >> secretary panetta, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. >> president trump sat down for a new interview. we've just gotten the video. that's next.
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president trump spoke with sean hannity at the white house this afternoon. the video was released. the president defends his handling of the phone call with ukraine now is he center of the impeachment inquiry. >> the president of the ukraine came out and said that was a perfectly fine call, there was no pressure, no anything. one of his top people, i guess one of his heads of state came out and said this was a perfect call. there was no pressure. they didn't even know what we were talking about. to think that they're using that -- now they don't talk about that anymore because that letter was so good. >> the white house transcript, of course, was only released after administration official himself ordered it to be place in a highly classified server. with me scott jennings and angela rye.
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welcome both. scott, the president again talking about how zelensky said it was a perfectly fine call, no pressure temperatu pressure. just looking a tt it as an outsider, do you have any doubt he's a first-time leader, has no experience and he's going to say what he needs to say to get continued military aid for his country? >> well, of course he's going to say what he has to say. the ukrainians need the united states to support them because obviously they're up against the russians and they talked about the fact that they need american weapons in the phone call. so i think he was probably feeling some pressure. whether that's an impeachable offense, you're going to have disagreements about that. the president doesn't think it was, democrats think it was and i suspects they'll impeach him on that and we'll have a difference of opinion.
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the ukrainians, it's full of people with bad judgment and in this particular case they are dependent on the united states for some of their being able to stand up against the russians. >> angela, it's interesting the president hasn't developed his defense of the phone call beyond saying it was perfect. it seems like he must believe that because it was the white house and him who actually released the rough transcript, which has, frankly, caused all of the ripple effects that we are now seeing. >> yeah, i think what's really fascinating here is we continue to expect that donald trump has any type of understanding about how to have an effective foreign policy agenda, that he would have any ethical gall, that he would have any moral, like, responsibility at this point. he's not demonstrated that long before he even began running for president. so i think that's what really fascinating to me is we would
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expect anything different now. i understand why people would say this kind of goes on the pale of what they normally would do but i don't know that it really, really does. i think the issue is donald trump supporters have been desensitized to what is egregious, unethical behavior and now for whatever reason it is -- folks have decided that this particular instance of lack of ethical behavior, responsibility, crashes the threshold of impeachment. i've been thinking he needed to be impeached for long before now. i think it's unfortunate that it's taken us this long because there are more than 3,000 instances of conflicts of interest. this is just one of the latest issues that demonstrates donald trump's inability to be ethical and to be presidential in any way. >> scott, how much of the mulvaney comments coming out, how much do you think that threw a wrench or made more difficult the white house's defense of this whole thing?
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i mean, mulvaney has attempted to clean it up. obviously any time you come out to explain something and then you have to later put out a statement to clarify the clarification, that's never a good, you know, situation. do you think the mulvaney thing has done significant damage? because it seems like certainly a lot of republicans were upset with mulvaney's piling on essentially. >> yeah. it certainly cost the republicans the news cycle over the weekend. i don't think whether mulvaney made a mistake or didn't or held a press conference or didn't, i don't think that was going to change what the ultimate outcome was going to be. the house is going to impeach the president. they can't put it back in the tube now. unless something else comes out that we don't know about, he's highly likely to be acquitted in the senate. i don't think this will have a material impact on the final outcome. but any time you're trying as a party to mount a defense of, in this case, a president and somebody on your own team essentially comes and scores an
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own goal makes it more difficult. i this therenk there's frustrat capitol hill because they're doing their level best to defend the president and when your own side makes it harder, i'm sure it's a frustrating moment. by the time the house gets around to impeachment, so much more is going to happen between now and then. >> do you have any doubt that scott is right, that the house will vote to impeach and the senate will go along with that? >> i certainly hope the democrats who are the majority move forward with impeachment and i hope that the republicans in the senate find the moral standing to do the right thing despite the fact that they've benefited from this unethical behavior. i this i what's maddening is there are people who know the hill well, who know politics well but should have some type of moral compass. the fact that all of that can be thrown out the wind open just for the sake of winning a at all costs and telling people to hell
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with spike lee's do the right things, i'm going to do the wrong thing if it gets me to the goal and i hope that scott and my colleagues find it in their heart to do the right thing. >> scott, if the president was using taxpayer money, hanging that over the head of the ukrainian president who is trying to fight a warp and ha a hanging that taxpayer aid over his head to get political dirt on his opponent, is that okay? for any president to do that? >> no, it's not okay and it was not good judgment for the president to bring it up on the call. they see it, i think at the white house, as a matter of u.s. policy that they wanted to, you are know, hold this aid up over what they see is an investigation into corruption. other people see it the way you just described it, which is an effort to get dirt on a possible political opponent, though i have my doubts that biden will be the nominee. i don't think he should have brought it up. whether it's impeachable or not,
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i don't personally believe the should should be impeached. >> sorry to interrupt you but just to clarify, i know the white house is characterizing this as his interest in anti-corruption efforts in ukraine, but the truth is there is plenty of ongoing corruption and reasons to focus on corruption, you know, a fantasy about a server, completely allegations without any evidence against the bidens, that's not ongoing corruption in ukraine. >> well, i mean, the issue with the bidens, you asked the right question at the debate the other night, if it's okay for 2020 biden white house, why wasn't it okay for the 2014 biden white house? i think you framed it in the way that is most appropriate. i don't believe in the server stuff, i don't believe in the conspiracy
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conspiracy theory stuff. i don't believe it's a reason to hold up aid to the ukraine. >> i'm sorry, i'm short on time. more on this question of what republicans will do about this. i'll talk to form a gop presidential candidate john kasich ahead. we're carvana, the company who invented
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critic of the president mitt romney is also a twitter user named pierre delecto. >> the mystery is solved. he is mitt romney and mitt romney is him. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: romney, aka delecto uses qaws 9876 to follow about 700 feel, including family members, journalists, late-night comedians and athletes. his tweets are often trump related and echo much of what he said publicly dating back to the campaign in 2016. >> donald trump telling us he is very, very smart. [ laughter ] >> i'm afraid when it cops to foreign policy, he is very, very not smart. >> when jennifer reuben called trump's recent strategy verging
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on -- "jennifer, you need to take a breath." deelecto again defended romney when joe scarborough pointed out on twitter that trump had admitted to pressuring ukraine's president. says wsj, credible but not certainty. let's see the transcript. and after romney suggested the u.s. was an unreliable ally because trump pulled out of syria, britt hume accused romney of being an unreliable ally again. it was deelecto jumping to romney again.
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delecto tweeting, romney, too, said to post he has confidence in chairman burr. just to make things weirder, when romney isn't secretly posting, he's secretly liking. some of the tweets are dripping with praise, one called romney prescient for saying back in 2012 that russia was our biggest geo political foe. delecto in a sweet photo with romney smiling in a pumpkin patch, the tweet asking who is having the better saturday? and he likes tweets that don't mention mitt romney and the president's removal from office, something romney himself has not yet endorsed publicly. >> i got to leave it at what i said and let the process gather the facts. >> reporter: after online
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magazine "slate" published the report, mitt romney asked if he was delecto, he replied " "c'est moi," it is me." >> we'll be right back. the thought of my symptoms returning was keeping me from being there for the people and things i love most. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira can help get, and keep, uc under control when other medications haven't worked well enough. and it helps people achieve control that lasts so you could experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb.
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tonight the president is urging republicans to, quote, get tougher and fight against his impeachment, specifically calling out mitt romney for not sticking with him. earlier i spoke with congressman francis rooney, who has questions about some of the president's actions and has now said he's going to be retiring when his term is up. i want to bring in another republican, former ohio governor john kasich. he's a cnn senior political commentator. he is not, i can say firmly, pierre delecto. he is the author of it's up to us, ten little ways we can bring about big change, a new book just out. governor, i do want to start out by asking, i'm wondering what
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kind of reaction you have received from fellow republicans or just folks you talk to since saying that you support impeaching the president? >> well, i don't want to overstate it, anderson. i think a lot of people don't quite know what to say to me. but i was on a plane -- i'm here in san francisco, and i stood outside waiting for my colleague to get off the plane. and i had a number of people come up and thank me. they say, we want to thank you for what you've been doing for our country. and it wasn't just one. it was a number. and i don't know if it just has to do with what i've said about impeachment or the fact that i've tried to say that we ought to have people come together and all this fighting and everything, this doesn't make any sense, and we all need to be participating in healing this country. but people are very, very kind, very generous. now, i was on a radio show on friday night, and we had a lot of calls. and they were all attacking me, but that comes with the territory depending on the show. but i would say overall, people have been very kind to me, and i appreciate it very much.
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>> how hard a decision was that for you, a, to come to, and, b, to be public about it? >> it was very, very hard, anderson. you know that. i've been on your show, and i've been on don lemon, and it was agonizing. friday was a really terrible day for me to have to say any of those things. you know, throughout my lifetime, i've learned sometimes when you're a leader, you have to walk a lonely road. and i walked a lonely road from the time i got into politics and most of my lifetime, and it's not always comfortable. but, you know, you've got to be true to yourself. that's what i would like these people in congress to do, and i think you're starting to see a little sense of, wait a minute. i have to look back on my career, and i have to determine, you know, the kind of person that i've been. have i been true to myself? and i think those things are starting to add up in people's minds, and at least they're beginning to express deep concern. >> it's interesting. almost the same time as congressman rooney said he was open to at least an impeachment
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inquiry, hasn't made up his mind about impeachment, he also announced his retirement. it does seem to be that's how these things go. other than mitt romney in the senate, you know, a lot of folks will speak out and then they're getting out of the house or the senate. >> well, mitt's in for five more years, and he's been around for a long time. i think he says, hey, i'm going to let it all hang out, and i'm going to express myself. in terms of congressman rooney, i was shocked that he actually ran for congress. i didn't know him really well, but i knew him a little bit. he was ambassador to the vatican. he's very successful. he's a well-to-do guy. i think what he said is he just had enough of the vicious partisanship and the fighting that goes on. and, you know, anderson, when you keep going to washington and things don't seem to be getting done and everybody's fighting everybody, it creates a vitriolic atmosphere that you have to ask yourself, why am i there? and he doesn't need it. he doesn't need the money. he doesn't need the fame. i give him a lot of credit. i give him a lot of credit for what he did and what he said and
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who he is. >> "the washington post" tonight reporting that the president talking to vladimir putin and the prime minister of hungary, an ally of putin, basically them kind of pushing him on ukraine, you know, badmouthing ukraine to him. is that appropriate? i mean does that concern you? >> well, look, i think that any president has to operate within some guardrails. i mean you have to respect your military. you have to respect the intelligence community. but at the end, you have to decide for yourself what is proper, and you might think back to what we read about with the cuban missile crisis where kennedy basically didn't listen to his generals and his advisers and sought another way and defused the situation. but you must listen to them. you must respect them because they have great knowledge. and you just can't be shooting from the hip and making phone calls and deciding this on your own. you can't do that when it come to international politics. there's too many sensitivities and there's too much that matters and too much at stake to just go off the cuff.
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>> we're certainly seeing that right now with the kurds. governor kasich, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> if you see pierre, tell him i said hi, anderson. >> oh revoir. we'll be right back. >> see you. relationships. when you use location technology, you can see where things happen, before they happen. with esri location technology, you can see what others can't. ♪ sleep this amazing? that's a zzzquil pure zzzs sleep. our liquid has a unique botanical blend, while an optimal melatonin level means no next-day grogginess. zzzquil pure zzzs. naturally superior sleep. at bayer, we're into the golden years. with better heart treatments,
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. that's it for me. i want to turn it over to don lemon and "cnn tonight." don? this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. thank you so much for joining us. and what we've seen and heard from this president just in the past few hours really raises some serious questions about his fitness for office. and not for the first time, okay -- i'm very aware of that, but this is stunning. you may have been at work today. we're going to play some stuff for you. it's not -- it's not just you -- you may not have seen it. it's not just the president of the united states contradicting the fa