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tv   CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera  CNN  October 19, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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pushed the congress and country always to rise to a higher purpose, reminding us why we are here. as he said whenever he saw that we were not living up to our founders' vision for america and meeting the needs of our children for the future, we are better than this. you're live in the cnn newsroom. i'm ana cabrera in new york. 24 days after democrats announced a formal impeachment inquiry, there are now hairline cracks in the republican resistance to impeach. to be clear, no sitting republican congressman is calling for impeachment proceedings. but a growing number of leading voices in the party are sounding off against president trump. and that includes congressman frances rooney of florida, who also revealed today he is not running for re-election. the cracks come after a week of chronic bombshells from the impeachment inquiry and
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elsewhere, including the withdraw of u.s. troops in syria, abandoning a long-time ally of the u.s., the kurds, and the announcement trump plans to use his own resort in miami to host the g7. and finally, the admission that there was a quid pro quo when the u.s. withheld ukraine's military aid. that admission came from trump's acting white house chief of staff, mick mulvaney, who later tried to walk it back. but he's on video saying one of the reasons the white house withheld ukraine's military aid was to get ukraine to investigate democrats. cnn white house correspondent jeremy diamond joins us now. mick mulvaney has a meeting today at camp david. is impeachment on the agenda? >> that's the story consuming washington right now, particularly the white house and capitol hill. mick mulvaney, the acting chief of staff, has now put himself at the center of the latest
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developments on that storyline, with that stunning admission a couple days ago from the white house briefing room podium that there was indeed some kind of quid pro quo, that at least the reason for withholding that security aid was in part being driven by the president's desire for ukraine to investigate democrats as it relates to the 2016 election. but of course, ana, there are other issues also on the table, particularly because a series of decisions by the president in the last week have really sparked some concerns among republicans in congress, namely -- so beyond the impeachment inquiry, you have the president's decision in syr syria as it relates to u.s. troops there. then you have the president's decision to hold the g7 next year, which is slated to be in the united states, at his own property in miami, florida. the white house still insisting that that property was simply the best one that they could possibly find to host that g7 summit. ana? >> and to think that was just a couple days ago. seems like light ages away from
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what we learned that announcement. thank you, jeremy diamond, at the white house for us. it all started with a promise. >> at some point, i'm going to be so presidential that you people will be so bored, and i'll come back as a presidential person, and instead of 10,000 people, i'll have about 150 people and they'll say, but boy, he really looks presidential. >> remember that? so presidential, at some point. well, this week marked 1,000 days of the trump presidency. and what did we see? we saw the president of the united states go on twitter and rail against the speaker of the house as having something wrong with her upstairs after a meeting on syria descended into name calling. >> what i witnessed on the part of the president was a meltdown, sad to say. >> he called her a third-rate politician. this was not a dialogue. it was sort of a diatribe, a
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nasty diatribe not focused on the facts. >> we saw the reports. he referred to his own former defense secretary, jim mattis, as the world's most overrated general. >> i'm honored to be considered that by donald trump because he also called merrill streep an overrated actress. so i guess i'm the merrill streep of generals. >> we saw the fallout from the president's sudden decision to pull u.s. troops from northern syria. the invasion by turkey, the killing of the kurds, the escape of isis prisoners, and a land grab by syria's dictator, bashar al assad, and his enablers, russia and iran. and we saw a president who wants us to believe everything was fine. >> so i view the situation on the turkish border with syria to be for the united states that ste
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-- strategically brilliant. >> we saw the extraordinary letter he sent just three days after his phone call with the president of turkey, a letter that included linines like, let work out a good deal, don't be a fool, i'll call you later. >> this had such an adolescent quality to. i immediately called my research assistant and said, see if this is fake. >> this letter he handed out to all of us at the beginning, which if he hadn't handed it out himself, i would have thought was not a real letter. >> and we saw the white house admit that, yes, the president did hold up aid to ukraine because he wanted them to investigate political opponents. >> and i have news for everybody. get over it. there's going to be political influence in foreign policy. that's going to happen. elections have consequences. >> oh, and in the middle of all that, we saw the president decide that the best place in
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the entire united states to hold next year's g7 summit was at his own property. trump national in doral, florida. so we come back to where we started. >> i'm going to be so presidential that you people will be so bored. >> are you bored yet? with us now to discuss, cnn politic political commentator, s.e. cupp. also, bill crystal. s.e., you wrote in an op-ed this week. >> yeah, only one thing has had the ability to unlock the vice grip trump has held on congressional republicans. wasn't russia. wasn't ukraine. it wasn't tariffs. it wasn't some of his personal pick dill lows. it wasn't some potential criminal activity. it was syria. whether it was last year in 2018
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when republicans very vocally, immediately, and almost in unison came out against his threats to quit northern syria at the time or now. 129 house republicans voted against president trump's withdrawal from syria. that's stunning. and you have to take -- you have to take note of that. okay, if this is an issue around which so many republicans have suddenly found a backbone and are this comfortable calling him out, it must be really, really bad. so i'm not sure that this won't be a turning point. if you were a republican who may be on the fence, may be secretly thinking, i don't know how much more of this guy i can take, well, this might just be your excuse to break ranks. >> bill, yes, there was syria, but what mick mulvaney said at the white house podium seemed to be enough for at least one republican lawmaker to announce publicly he'd be open to considering impeachment and former gop governor john kasich said it was the final straw for
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him. listen. >> you're saying at this point you're not ruling out the possibility this is an impeachable offense for the president. >> i don't think you could rule anything out until you know all the facts. >> if you're asking me if i was sitting in the house of representatives today and you were to ask me, how do i feel, do i think impeachment should move forward and should go for a full examination and a trial in the united states senate, my vote would be yes. >> bill, do you expect to see more of this? >> i think they should be. i wouldn't overstate the odds. there's a ridiculous resolution that's been introduced in the house by a republican condemning adam schiff. >> to scensure him. >> really bizarre. 120 republicans have co-sponsored it. such a ridiculous gesture. it's silly and really offensive almost. but that means 27 republicans haven't. that's 27 republicans resisting peer pressure on an issue that's
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directly related to impeachment since that's what schiff is being censured for. i think mulvaney's thing is very interesting. i was thinking, why is mulvaney not doing what every white house spokesman does, deflecting? he was in the middle of it. who was the person that held up the military aid? the defense department had the list done. everyone was circulating this around the government to make sure it was done correctly. then suddenly it gets stopped in the white house. mulvaney stops it. they get no explanation. the defense department is so worried that this is illegal because if congress appropriates the funds, you're supposed to give them out. they have the defense department general counsel write a memo saying he doesn't know what's going on. the defense department has done its best. so that was mulvaney. mulvaney knows. why is he so angry there and sort of arrogant instead of just trying to deflect the issue? because mulvaney was in the middle of it. he knows why he stopped that military aid. because donald trump told him. and what donald trump said to
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him was not, you know, i've suddenly discovered a great interest in the overall problem of corruption in ukraine, and we need to really use this as leverage. he told hip, look, that investigation into the bidens isn't going toward as giuliani wants and so forth. stop the aid. i think the mulvaney thing is an important moment that shows how clear the inappropriate action by the president was, and it was by the president. this isn't one of those issues where it was someone else did something and maybe the president knew about it. maybe the president condoned it. it was the president. >> and so on one hand, you see some vulnerability now within the republican ranks breaking potentially with this president. yet, you know, congressman rooney, who we heard alongside kasich, rooney just announced he's not seeking re-election. then kasich, when i pushed him, asking are you saying should he be removed from office, he wouldn't go there. >> yeah, we're not there yet. we are not at breaking point. that's clear. but again, i think this
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confluence of events, these pressure points for republicans, he's almost taunting republicans. every time he goes out and says something in politic, and worse than in politic, celebrating turkey's ethnic cleansing of the kurds. every time he says something like that, he's daring republicans, leave me now. are you ready? is this the time? and it just so happens that that mechanism is currently on the table. it's impeachment. and again, when you take a vote for impeachment, you don't have to raise your hand personally and say, it was this, this was my breaking point. so who knows. all of this is happening at once. and if you're a republican, again, who's maybe a little hesitant, there's so many excuses now, good reasons now for you to really think seriously about this in a way that i don't think a lot of republicans ever had through mueller, through russia, even ukraine. i think they were like, well, this is bad, but this isn't impeachable. and this is partisan. when it comes to syria, i think this was a bridge too far
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finally. >> i have to ask you about the bizarre feud between hillary clinton and congresswoman tulsi gabbard and jill stein. clinton saying gabbard is a favorite of russia. she said stein is a russian asset, to which stein replied this way. >> no, i am not a russian spy. i think this is a completely unhinged conspiracy theory for which there's absolutely no basis. in fact, not for myself and not for tulsi gabbard, i think it's really outrageous that hillary clinton is trying to promote this crazy idea. you know, you can't just slander people. you have to present some basis in fact. >> bill, does this sort of side show just play into trump's hands? in a way, it clinton acting like donald trump by spouting conspiracy theories? >> well, to be fair to hillary clinton, she said correctly that tulsi gabbard is a favorite of
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putin or assad, certainly. doesn't mean she's a spy or an asset. jill stein, i don't know, she hung out with putin. trump immediately defended jill stein. i was struck by that. maybe hillary clinton should have been a little more careful. i think it was an off-the-cuff remark. i don't think it changes anything. but the bringing together of syria shows the real world consequences of having donald trump as president and having him liberated, really. there's no jim mattis. there's no -- none of the senior people who were there in the first couple years whom republicans could tell themselves, you know, trump is a little wacky. he wants to do illegal things, but don mcgahn stops him and jeff sessions stops him. no one stops him. so syria shows the real-world consequences of trump unleashed here at the end of a thousand days of his presidency. doral shows the incredible brazenness of the corruption. and ukraine shows genuinely, i think, illegitimate use of u.s.
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foreign policy for plolitical ends. >> s.e., final thought? >> the hillary/stein/tulsi thing is so bizarre. for hillary's part, so unwise. i don't think she needs to make these outlandish -- i mean, bill is right. tulsi is a favorite of russia's and certainly assad's, but she doesn't have to go this far. it feels to me like hillary is sort of in burn it down mode. just burn it down. i mean, her aides are, you know, giving these cute, you know, kind of responses. well well, if the nesting doll fits. >> i mean, how does this help the democrats in any way? >> it doesn't. it doesn't. and you have to be wondering if you're a front runner -- i mean, tul tulsi is polling at 1%. hillary elevating her almost. if you're a real front run we are a chance of winning, i think you're worrying that hillary
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might be unhelpful in this as this thing goes along, if she continues wading in like this. >> all right. s.e., bill, good to have both of you here. tomorrow, jake tapper will interview congressman frances rooney. that will be on "state of the union" at 9:00 a.m. just ahead, bernie sanders hosting his first rally since recovering from a heart attack and receiving one of the most coveted endorsements in the party. why alexandria ocasio-cortez says sanders is the candidate to beat president trump. you're live in the cnn newsroom.
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bernie sanders is pushing past his recent health scare. the democratic presidential hopeful headlined a rally in new york today almost three weeks after his heart attack. he officially received the endorsement of one of the party's rising stars. >> when the federal government decided to discriminate and abandon my queer family and friends, bernie sanders was putting his career on the line for us. >> cnn's ryan nobles joins us from queens, new york, where that rally took place just a couple hours ago. ryan, what's your big takeaway there today? >> reporter: i think the message here was loud and clear, ana. that is bernie is back. he said that many times. that was the hashtag that was trending on twitter today. what was interesting, ana, was that sanders did not back away from these questions about his
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health. he wanted to make it clear to everybody that was here at this packed park and people watching at home that he is up to this challenge, that his health is okay, and that he can handle the rigors of a campaign and the presidency. take a listen. >> i am happy to report to you that i am more than ready. more ready than ever. to carry on with you the epic struggle that we face today. i am more than ready to assume the office of president of the
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united states. >> reporter: sanders will get back on the campaign trail in a big way. he heads to iowa later this week. that caucus set to take place in a little more than a hundred days. sanders still has $30 million in his campaign war chest. he is someone that will still continue to be a force to be reckoned with in this democratic primary. ana, those questions about his health will certainly linger, but sanders did his level best to try and get past them here in this huge rally today, the biggest rally of his campaign to this point. >> showing vibrancy, energy, and obviously his signature passion. ryan nobles, thank you for that reporting. we have new developments in syria today, just as the trump administration praised the supposed cease-fire, turkish-backed forces were still actively attacking kurdish soldiers. we'll have the latest when we come back live in the cnn newsroom. at t-mobile unlimited talk, text and data is just 30 bucks a line for 4 lines. and now you can get it on our newest, most powerful signal.
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the cease-fire is not holding in syria. that's what two u.s. officials are telling cnn. today, one official blamed turkish-backed forces but isn't clear if they violated the deal
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with the blessing of turkey's government. meanwhile, president trump's most important ally in congress is slamming his decision to pull u.s. troops. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell writes in "the washington post," withdrawing u.s. forces from syria is a grave stra teejing mistake. it will leave the american people and homeland less safe, embolden our enemies, and weaken important alliances. but at a rally thursday, the president didn't seem particularly worried about the fate of the syrian kurds or the region. >> sometimes you have to let them fight a little while. then people find out how tough the fighting is. these guys know. right? sometimes you have to let them fight. it's like two kids in a lot. you got to let them fight, then you pull them apart. >> cnn's senior investigative correspondent drew griffin has been looking into the president's relationship with the turkish leader as well as his business dealings in turkey. here's his report. >> reporter: it is the question
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not even whispered anymore in washington. why is donald trump allowing turkey's leader to seemingly do whatever he wants? and with a self-promoting businessman in the white house, one theory focuses on donald trump's business in turkey and point to this braggadocious statement he made during the height of his presidential campaign. >> if i have a little conflict of interest because i have a major, major building in istanbul, and it's a tremendously successful job. it's called trump towers. >> reporter: the truth is, donald trump doesn't own trump towers istanbul, he owns a licensing deal. in 2008, a major turkish developer agreed to pay trump in a multimillion dollar deal to use his name to build two towers, a residential and an office building, along with a shopping mall underneath. trump's daughter ivanka helped with design, picking out the finishes, as trump said at the opening in 2012. trump towers istanbul is not owned, developed, or sold by the
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trump organization or any of their current or former principals or affiliates. it is a trump property in name only, and that name continues to pay him. during the presidential campaign, financial disclosures by the trump campaign stated income from trump istanbul between $1 million and $5 million. last year the president's financial disclosure brought that figure down to $100,000 to $1 million. a source familiar with trump's business telling cnn the fee fluctuates on condominium sales and the strength of the turkish economy. and despite trump telling turkish reporters in 2012 that he was looking to do something else because this has been so successful, a trump organization official says that never happened. there was nothing else in turkey. there are no new projects. what happens developed, a sort of bromance between turkey's strong man, president erdogan, and president trump, who's
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envious of erdogan's powers. >> i think the reason the trump/erdogan relationship works is because erdogan has a political man crush on trump. the other way is also true. trump also seems to be quite infatuated by erdogan and his governance style. >> reporter: he has just released his third book on turkey. >> erdogan has been able to build a base that adores him. i think in some ways, trump perhaps wants to copy that model inside u.s. politics. but at the same time, the leaders get each other because they're both strong men. they both want to make their nation strong. >> reporter: it's a relationship that dates back to at least 2012 when then-prime minister erdogan attended the launch of trump towers istanbul and ivanka trump made sure to publicly thank him. since taking office, trump has hosted erdogan twice at the white house, met him in japan. the two men share another connection, sons-in-law who participate in governing
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decisions. in february, trump sent his son-in-law, jared kushner, to turkey to discuss middle east strategy. in march, erdogan admitted my son-in-law has a working bridge to kushner and discussed how his son-in-law and kushner text each other. last week the white house announced erdogan will visit the white house again next month. that was before the current backlash over trump's decision to pull troops out of syria, before trump imposed sanctions, and before turkey's assault on kurdish forces. now the strategy and mutual admiration between these two leaders is being challenged by the same issue, how to appear strong to their base while also trying to prevent yet another middle east war. drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. just ahead in the newsroom, after a week full of revelations in the impeachment probe, more republicans are breaking with the president. but with the 2020 election just a year away, is impeachment gaining any ground with voters?
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51%, that's how many americans now approve of the house's impeachment inquire into president trump. according to a new quinnipiac poll, that's up 10% from a similar poll taken in august. with us now, a cnn senior political writer and analyst. and the man who knows all the polls and the numbers and always doing that number crunching -- >> if i wasn't doing number crunching, i probably would just be a circus gymnastics guy. >> you would probably take a vacation day. >> that has never actually happened. how dare you suggest i should do that. >> that is the truth. let's talk about the numbers. >> i think this is rather important. you mentioned the quinnipiac university poll. the thing i like is you show multiple numbers showing the same thing. there's quinnipiac, pugh
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research poll. they also suggest something similar. you see a majority support the impeachment inquiry into president trump. but it's more than that. there's some sort of question as to how is this affecting his approval rating, how is it lining up with it. what you see right now is that the amount of people who oppose the impeachment inquiry line up well with president trump's job approval rating, while the number of people who support the impeachment line up with his disapproval rating. >> so when it comes to this majority supporting the impeachment inquiry, is that trending upward, or is it flat? what are you seeing? >> i think this is rather important. what we saw previously, before the impeachment inquiry started, just 41% thought it was a good idea back in august. when the impeachment inquiry started, what we saw in september was that 52% thought it was a good idea. now we're seeing that trend line flatten out. it seems to be flattening out around 52%. so a majority of americans support the impeachment inquiry, but it's not a super majority, and it seems to be holding on at this point.
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>> that's on the inquiry itself. the majority of americans support the inquiry. what about where the public stands when it comes to actual impeachment and following through and removing this president from office? >> i think this is rather important, right? essentially, what you see sometimes is people mixing up these two numbers, but in fact, that's not exactly what's going on here. people are making a difference between the impeachment inquiry and removing trump from office. so the percentage of americans who impeach and remove from office is about five points lower than those who currently support the inquiry. about 47% of americans say they support impeaching and removing trump from office. so there is some potential movement there, but there is, to me, in my mind, still this group of people, this core group of people, this key group of people, it's a small group of the public who say, we support the inquiry, but let's see where it goes from here. they're saying there's not enough evidence right now. let's see as the inquiry unfolds whether those people move over to that camp saying we want to impeach and remove trump from
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office. >> people are hearing you say that like, wait a minute, wasn't there a poll from gallup that said majority of americans support removal from office? are you talking about averaging the polls? >> that's exactly right, ana. this is so important. we really want to average across polls. i can show you a poll from gallup that says, you know, a majority of americans want to impeach, remove trump from office. then i can show you a quinnipiac university poll that shows the opposite. in fact, the plurality of americans do not want to impeach and remove. i think it's rather important that we need to average across these numbers. that was why in that opening question you asked i was so keen on points out we have multiple polls showing that people want to support the impeachment inquiry, but we're not there quite yet with impeach and remove question. that's the real question going forward, whether or not these investigations will show enough that the majority of americans across numerous polls support impeaching and removing trump from office. >> obviously very important because of the political process that it would take for the
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president -- >> voters at the end of the day are the people who vote in and vote out the elected politicians. they're going to listen to those voters. so far that's why you haven't and a lot of republicans move, because the vast majority of republicans do not support the impeachment inquiry, nor do they support impeaching and removing trump from office. >> thanks as always for breaking it down. >> i try. >> good to see you. two years before a pair of deadly plane crashes, new internal messages are revealing concerns about those boeing 737 max planes. what federal regulators are demanding now. you're live in the cnn newsroom. . because we make our meat with the good of the deli and no artificial preservatives. make every sandwich count with oscar mayer deli fresh. billions of problems. dry mouth? parched mouth? cotton mouth? there's a therabreath for you. therabreath oral rinse and lozenges. help relieve dry mouth using natural enzymes to soothe and moisturize.
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a new controversy for boeing's grounded 737 max fleet after those two deadly plane crashes in the past 12 months. the faa is demanding to know why the company is only now releasing evidence of concern from some of its employees about the stabilization system. let me read you a few of these instant messages between boeing workers, and keep in mind these were sent four months before the federal government even approved the max planes for use. when discussing that
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stabilization system, one pilot writes, granted, i suck at flying, but even this was egregious. then about the simulator, it's running rampant in the sim on me. pilot also expresses concerns he unknowingly misled the faa. a co-worker then assures him it wasn't a lie. no one told us that was the case. we should note the system was left out of the pilot manual. a cnn safety analyst, former faa safety inspector, and co-author of "why planes crash" joins us. david, good to see you. lawmakers and faa are demanding answers. boeing says it will continue to cooperate, but has it explained this delay in sharing these really crucial messages, it would seem? so how concerned should the public be? >> well, at this point, i don't know how concerned the public should be more than they have been already because the 737 max is grounded. it's indicating all kinds of internal issues within not only
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boeing but the faa. there's going to be a lot of finger pointing back and forth between the two, to kind of divert the responsibility as to who started this. it really doesn't matter who started it when you've got that many fatalities on your hands. >> so these were internal messages going, you know, back and forth between employees, but if these pilots, if other employees were so worried back then, why wouldn't they have come forward or done so more vocally? >> ana, this is something we've been looking at since 2004. we had a certification process study. i led an aviation rule making committee that talked about the safety sharing environment within the manufacturers, the communications between the engineers and the flight team and the different pressures that they have. the engineers have pressure when they start, but at the end when you're a flight test pilot and you come back and say, hey, i found a problem and this might delay us for years, there's a lot of pressure on that. and the environment needs to be created by boeing, by manufacturers of large aircraft that at that point, it doesn't
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matter what the impact is. the fact is it needs to be brought forward. without that environment where they feel safe sharing that information, it's going to get stifled. it's going to be hidden messages and instant messages between each other instead of really bringing up these safety issues. >> right now there's ongoing testing. there's ongoing tweaks being made. boeing hasn't stopped making the max jets. they're building 42 more of them each month. given all the questions, why wouldn't the company maybe walk away from this fleet at this point? >> well, they've got a lot invested in t ana. you know, the 737 is an amazing airplane. the engines are amazing engines as well. is it too late to walk away from it? i don't think so. i think there's something that can be done at this point to say we need to start over and develop a new aircraft. but you can't just trash that. they have to make this right. if they can't make it right, then it indicates there's much deeper problems within boeing. just for their own credibility, they have to prove they can get this aircraft back in line.
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>> as an aviation expert, could there ever be a point where you would feel safe flying in a max jet? >> i think there is. i'm going up to boeing next week or within the next ten days, and i'm going to look at it myself. i'm going to see what's happening. i'm going to see what the faa administrator dixon is looking at. i'm going to speak with the executives at boeing, and i'm going to make that decision myself as to whether it's safe to fly or not. i'll be back with you on that after i go to seattle. once i go up there, i want to see what they're doing, how they're doing it, and are they not just fixing this airplane? they have things to fix within the organization that i need to be safe with before i'll get on that airplane. >> and how do you think they should go about informing the public of what this is, to satisfy not only the faa and congress, really all of us that it will be safe to travel in a max plane. >> ana, that's a great question. it's a question that nasa faced back when the space shuttles were crashes, when they had the space shuttle issue. they had to go back and examine their entire safety
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organization, what the environment is that they're creating, how they communicate with each other. that was a deep dive. that's exactly what boeing is going to have to do. they need to quit taking these internal people. they've started with the admiral having a separate safety examination. but those people are all on the board. they're boating centric, if you will. they need to come up with someone from the outside to say, we're going to take an independent look at this. normally that would be the faa. at this point, it needs to be the international aviation transport association or someone outside of that organization to say, this is safe. you've done it right. we're back in business again. but without that, i don't see how boeing is going to correct this. >> all right. david soucie, thanks so much. good to see you. on tomorrow's brand new episode of "this is life," lisa ling explores the inner workings of mississippi's fastest growing
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gang and how some are walking away from the brotherhood and turning their lives around. here's a preview. >> so if being royal is about being positive and about this brotherhood, why are there so many royals locked up? >> it seems like especially here in mississippi, it's due to drugs. some people, they think that, oh, man, i can control it, but then it's like after a while, it's just like anything. it takes control of you. look at these jails. probably 60% of people in here right now, if not more than that, are here because of drugs. >> my only motivation was bettering my family. i got a little girl that means everything to me. but i went the wrong way about doing it. i partook in selling drugs. it was quick, easy money. it was fast money. now i'm answering for it. i take responsibility for being one of the brothers that has given my organization a bad name. obviously i'm sitting here in shackles. this is completely against what is represents.
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if people knew the good that's in this, we wouldn't have the rep like a criminal organization. we wouldn't have a rap as a gang because we're not gang. i love this organization. and i'll die for this. >> a brand new episode of "this is life" airs tomorrow night at 10:00 here on cnn. be right back. ♪ sport drumming starts [ referee whistle sounds ] [ cheering ] when you need the fuel to be your nephew's number one fan. holiday inn express. we're there. so you can be too. leave no man behind. or child.
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meltdown. at a white house meeting, democratic leaders walked out on and when they walked out, she said he was the one who had. >> the meltdown, sad to say. >> reporter: well, now the internet is melting down after the speaker decided to use president trump's photo as the cover on her twitter account. on what was national boss's day, fans said speaker pelosi was owning trump like a boss, pointing her finger she was depicted shooting rays that ignited the president. the photo was annotated, pelosi wearing a crown, president trump a jester's hat, the image now joins us classic pelosi moments like the time she clapped at the president and put on shades exiting another testy white house meeting. her legend is looming large. pelosi had a couple of guesses when asked what was happening at the moment the photo was snapped. >> i think i was excusing myself
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from the room. i was probably saying, all roads lead to putin. >> reporter: she argued with the president saying his decision to withdraw from syria leads a void the russians could fill. but people aren't just analyzing the images of speaker pelosi and president trump, they were struck by the body language of the chairman of the joint chiefs, a state department official, and republican congressman steve scalise. >> hanging their heads in shame. >> chagrin and bearing it, read one caption. president trump may call her nervous nancy, but on thursday she called him. >> whatchamacallit. >> reporter: that's president whatchamacallit madame speaker, jeanne moos, cnn. >> it was a meltdown, sad to say. >> new york. >> it's right there. >> i'm ana cabrera, "s.e. cupp unfilter unfiltered" is next.
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