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tv   Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  October 16, 2019 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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and insults the democrats. >> i see a pattern of behavior with speaker nancy pelosi. she storms out of another meeting. trying to make it unproductive. the other democrats stayed and had a very productive meeting. >> speaker pelosi said the president had a meltdown. our coverage on cnn continues right now. happening now, breaking news. walk-out. congressional democratic leaders abruptly leave a white house meeting on syria after what they say was an insulting tirade against them by president trump that included calling the house speaker speaker pelosi and i'm quoting now, a third-rate politicians. giuliani investigation. new details of the federal probe into president trump's potential lawyer. sources are now telling cnn that it includes a counterintelligence investigation of giuliani's ukraine business ties. taking heat. elizabeth warren comes under
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fire from democratic rivals in the cnn/new york times presidential candidate and tonight they reveal how much they've raised and bernie sanders picks up endorsements. and kim's high horse. kim jong-un on horseback riding a white horse in the snow. know-covered field on a sacred mountain. but experts say it may be more than propaganda and could signal kim is about to do something big. i'm wolf blitzer and you're in "the situation room." >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. we're following breaking news. democratic congressional leaders walking out of the contentious white house meeting on the crisis in northeast syria triggered by president trump's decision to pull u.s. troops out. the meeting followed an overwhelmingly bipartisan house voto posing the president's move.
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the house speaker nancy pelosi said mr. trump had a meltdown and senate minority chuck schumer describes the president's behavior as insulting saying he called pelosi a third-rate politician and cnn has also learned that the federal investigation of president trump's personal lawyer rudy giuliani includes a counter intelligence probe sparked by his ties to corrupt ukrainian figures. we'll talk about that with mike quigley of the intelligence committee and our correspondents are standing by. but first state to the white house. our cnn political correspondent abby phillip is over at the white house. tell us more about this dramatic walkout at the white house. democrats accusing the president of having a meltdown during this meeting just a little while ago. republicans say pelosi stormed out. what happened. >> reporter: moments ago house and senate democrats came out to the microphones to talk about yet another white house meeting
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with president trump that was derailed by some kind of dispute that seemed to stem from president trump's comments with house speaker nancy pelosi. the democrats say that this was about the president being unhappy that republicans have been bucking him on syria. republicans say this was about the democrats being focused on impeachment. here is a little bit of that back and forth. >> he was insulting. particularly to the speaker. she kept her cool completely. but he called her a third-rate politician. he said that there are communists involved and you guys might like that. i mean, this was not a dialogue. it was a nasty diatribe not focused on the facts. >> what we witnessed on the part of the president was a melt down. >> when he started calling speaker pelosi a third-rate politician. >> i wish you were a politician mr. president and then you would
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know the art -- >> the speaker tries to make everything political. her own statements were unproductive, to storm out of a meeting which i've watched before during other crisis. it is really not the ability of a speaker or the style how a speaker should carry herself out. >> reporter: wolf, it is not just the democrats who are unhappy with the president's moves on syria. this issue has caused a rift with senate republicans namely one of the president's biggest defenders, senator lindsey graham. take a listen to some of the back and forth between graham and the president just earlier today. >> he's not listening to his commanders. he's not listening to his advisers. he's not -- he's making the biggest mistake of his presidency by assuming the kurds are better off today than they were yesterday. >> lindsey graham would like to stay in the middle east for the next thousand years, with thousands of soldiers and fighting other people's wars. i want to get out of the middle east.
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i think lindsey should focus on judiciary like the do-nothing democrats. >> reporter: now republicans and democrats are alike are alarmed by the president's language. he's comparing the kurds -- saying they are no angels and using some of the talking points that is being employed by the turkish president erdogan about the kurts but we're learning from a letter that president trump wrote to erdogan to deliver a sharp message saying don't be a tough guy. don't be a fool. encouraging him to not continue with the military operation in syria and whether it will work we don't know. in a few hours mike pence and mike pompeo are heading to turkey to try to broker a ceasefire and their job made more difficult tonight by the president's own words today, wolf. >> abby phillip at the white house. more now on the other breaking news. the newly-revealed counterintelligence investigation of president
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trump's personal lawyer rudy giuliani. our senior justice correspondent evan perez is working this story. european getting new information from the sources. this is very, very sensitive material. >> it is, wolf. and look, we knew that there was a component of this, a criminal investigation looking at rudy giuliani's ties to allegedly corrupt ukrainian figures but we didn't nope there is a counterintelligence aspect to this investigation going on for a lot longer than we realize and certainly this makes it a much broader investigation into what rudy giuliani has been doing in ukraine than -- than anybody had a good picture of it. and we got some indication of this from a new york lawyer, named kenneth mccallen who spoke to sarah murphy and said the fbi came to him in february or march and started asking questions about his ties to the associates that were indicted last week and rudy giuliani and the concern that was raised was there was a
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counterintelligence concern with regard to rudy giuliani. so what we've learned is that essentially this investigation -- this part of the investigation is looking at whether or not giulianis with either wittingly or unwittingly part of a foreign influence operation targeting the white house. targeting the president because obviously rudy giuliani is very close, the personal lawyer of the president of the united states. so the question is, how much of this does rudy giuliani know about, is it just these business interests that he has, was he aware of what this was -- what was happening behind the scenes or was he just being used by these people in ukraine and beyond. we don't know. >> and amidst all of this, yet another giuliani associate was arrested today. >> right. and so this is one of the four people who were indicted as part of the case that we first emerged last week. his name is david correia and he was out of the country and turned into the fbi when he landed today at jfk. he and another one of the four
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are due in court tomorrow. the other two are expected to be in court next week. and, look, what this tells us is that there are many more parts of the investigation including the former congressman pete sessions who has received a subpoena from this investigation and it is clear that this is -- again we were told this is an investigation that is not over and more things coming. one indication of this is that there could be more charges coming as a fact these people are getting subpoenas and there is more investigation to be done. >> evan perez, thanks very much. there is also breaking news up on capitol hill where we're learning new details of the latest closed-door testimony in the impeachment inquiry. our correspondent manu raju is working that story for us. what is the latest? >> reporter: behind closed doors today michael mckinlly who resigned as a top adviser that testified about the circumstances of his resignation and he discussed his concerns that mike pompeo, the secretary of state, did not show support
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for the ousted ambassador to the ukraine marie yovanovitch. yovanovitch had been targeted by rudy giuliani, rudy giuliani association afts and had been bad-mouthed by the president himself. but according to our sources who are familiar with this testimony, michael mckinley made clear he went to mike pompeo and urged the secretary of state to issue some sign of support for yovanovitch, asked him repeatedly to do so but was only greeted with silence. and that was a key reason why he ultimately resigned from the post. now this comes amid the democrats push to investigate exactly what happened both in the circumstances of the yovanovitch resignation and the lead up to the fateful july phone call between president zelensky of ukraine and president trump where trump urged the ukraine government to open that investigation. we're told mckinley did not say he had any contest with -- contacts with rudy giuliani but there will be questions tomorrow when the key witness, gordon sondland, the ambassador to the
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european union does come and testify about all of the discussions that occurred around that phone call. so a lot more ahead after today's key testimony, wolf. >> manu raju on capitol hill. more on this. democratic congressman mike quigley is joining us, a member of the intelligence committee. thank you for joining us. we have a lot to discuss. but first this truly extraordinary meeting at the white house today. completely derolfed -- devolved the president and storming out. what is your reaction to this? >> first of all, speaker pelosi can take care of herself. and i think you could make the case that she's the most successful female elected official in our country's history. so that is fine. it blinds us, i think, momentarily to the bigger issues here and that is that the united states has backed out of a commitment to the only troops really fighting isis on the
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front lines, our allies the kurds and as a result the isis now has free reign. we betrayed a close ally and that makes us less safe in the future. on foreign policy, i remember what emerson wrote, to have a friend you need to be one. does anyone in the world now think that we're a trusted ally. >> the white house just released the text of the less letter that the president said -- that the president sent to erdogan of turkey among other things saying in the aftermath of the earlier decision by the u.s. to pull out troops, saying don't be a tough guy, don't be a fool. what is your reaction to that? >> you know, i'll be honest, i saw this online first. i got a copy of the letter. i actually thought it was a prank, a joke. it couldn't possibly come from the oval office. it sounded all of the world like the president of the united states in some sort of momentary lapse just dictated angrily whatever was on the top of his
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head. these are extraordinarily serious issues. and an extraordinarily dangerous part of the world. and for him to write this and to also say that it didn't effect us is ignorance at the highest level. the fact is everything is connected. and places across the world can impact us here. they affect our allies and the willingness to help us. that makes us less safe. but clearly isis is willing to come here and do damage and willing to go and kill our allies as well. so he's wrong on all points of this and it is particularly scary that there doesn't seem to be any guardrails on foreign policy on this president. >> speaker pelosi also said that emerging from the white house meeting that impeachment -- the impeachment inquiry didn't come up during the course of the meeting. but do you think that is what is agitating the president right now? >> i think a lot of things are agitating the president right now. i don't think there is anyone there who pushes back that he
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listens to. and i think as a result you see this helter skelter foreign policy and his ark-- and his actions on the local level. but the house and senate could do more than one thing at a time. the impeachment inquiry moves on but in the meantime we're passing important legislation on a daily basis. >> turn to the latest in the ukraine scandal. how significant is it, congressman, that federal prosecutors are conducting what is being described as a counterintelligence investigation into the president's personal attorney rudy giuliani. >> i'm not aware of the investigation. but if it is true, it is absolutely no surprise. how can anything go wrong. rudy has absolutely no security clearance. he has no foreign policy experience. my questioning, the head of our intelligence community said he didn't know what rudy was doing. secretary pompeo apparently didn't know what he was doing. so it is shadow government and what role rudy was playing is perhaps known only to rudy and
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the president of the united states. as a result, i think he can be taken advantage of. i think he could be a target. and it is a concern beyond the fact that i believe they were doing things contrary to u.s. policy. >> your committee heard today more testimony this time from one of the secretary of state mike pompeo's key advisers, michael mckinley who just resigned the other day, what sort of context did he provide? >> i'm following house rules now and i can't testify -- i can't talk about what was testified today. i know others might have already. but i'll just say this, none of the testimony seems to contradict any way by anybody what we've learned in the whistle-blower's complaint and the transcript that came out of the white house. the president of the united states bullied one of our closest allies and enlisted the department of justice to help in that manner. but as far as how anyone testified, i can't talk to that. >> congressman quigley, thanks for joining us.
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>> thank you. stay with us. we're going to have much more on this afternoon's dramatic walk-out by democratic leaders during a white house meeting with the president on the syria crisis. ♪ we would walk on the sidewalk ♪ ♪ all around the wind blows ♪ we would only hold on to let go ♪ ♪ blow a kiss into the sun ♪ we need someone to lean on ♪ blow a kiss into the sun ♪ we needed somebody to lean on ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ all we need is someone to lean on ♪
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we're following multiple
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breaking stories including democratic congressional leaders complaining a late afternoon white house meeting deteriorated into a nasty diatribe by the president. the speaker nancy pelosi said the president had in her words a meltdown. let's bring in correspondents and analysts and gloria, listen to steny hoyer, the house majority leader what he said following the meeting in the white house driveway. >> i have served with six presidents. i have been in many, many, many meetings like this. never have i seen a president treat so disrespectfully a co-equal branch of the government of the united states. >> what do you think? have you ever seen anything like this emerge, the way the president of the united states is smearing nancy pelosi? >> i think he's done it before to nancy pelosi. honestly, this is just devolved
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into fistfights every day. and it is sad to watch. and then congressman mccarthy, ken mccarthy the minority leader came out after this meeting and just said that pelosi was politicizing the meeting and it is not how a speaker should comport themselves and her behavior was unbecoming and concerning to him. what does that mean? >> you know what concerning to me, that there are people dying in syria and while this -- this comic tragedy -- tragic comedy is going on, there are people dying because of what the president did in withdrawing our troops. and i don't know who is at fault. i don't know what the circumstances here -- but that should be, i think, the priority in trying to deal with this situation. >> i was saying as i was watching this, i i'm so lucky
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that i have a third grader. because i could -- i know how to handle this. i know how to read this. which is just let them do it and focus on what does matter and jeffrey, you're exactly right. which is is frankly obviously why the president is so suppo t suppose -- is so upset, because it is not just the democrats despite keb mccarthy coming out what he felt like he needed to say standing on the white house driveway after a very odd and contentious meeting. but the reason he had to do that and the reason this is so uncomfortable to say the least for the president is because of the blowback that he's getting, not just from democrats, but from republicans. >> your third grader is much more well behaved. >> i think you're right sometimes. >> he lost the rote in the house. a majority of republicans voted against him. >> this was a resolution that passed today in the house of representatives by a vote of 354
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to 60. 354 to 60, twice as many republicans voted against the president as opposed to those who stood by the president. >> and that is, jeffrey, on times for the past for the past two and a half years saying i'm waiting for the republicans to speak out against the president. and it happened. and with a very loud volume given that the numbers that you just put out there and that is what this is all about. because they think that he is damaging american national security anden -- and endangering americans because of the snap decision he made is allowing for isis to reconstitute and could potentially hurt -- >> the speaker emerged from that meeting a short little meeting saying the impeachment issue never came up during the course of the meeting but it is clearly very much on the president's mind. one thing for him to smear and berate the speaker of the house outside of the white house when he's not with her. it is another thing to go after her face-to-face. but listen to what he said only
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a couple of days ago about the speaker. >> i used to think she loved the country. she hates the country. because she wouldn't be doing this to the country if she did. she hates the country. nancy pelosi hates the united states of america. because she wouldn't be doing this. >> she hates the united states of america he says. >> look, every indication that we've had including from some reporting on capitol hill is that the president is very obsessed with this. he's taking to calling mitch mcconnell two to three times a day, the majority in the senate to try to figure out how to corral and make sure that republicans stay on board with his message and he's very, very much obsessed with the idea that -- that he believes republicans aren't nearly as united in defending him as democrats are in attacking him and so that is -- that is foremost in his mind and you see
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that reflected in the comments. >> the white house press secretary, stephanie gresham issued this statement. the president was measured, factual and decisive while speaker pelosi's decision to walk out was baffling but not surprising. she had no intention of listening or contributing to security issues and democratic leadership chose to storm out and whine, everyone else chose to stay in the room and work on behalf of this country. >> well if i had relatives among the kurdish allies whom we are betraying and condemning to death, i would really feel wonderful about this whole exchange because nothing is helping these people. they are in desperate need and fear for their lives. there is a possible genocide going on in syria and this nonsense is going on. i wasn't there. i don't know what happened. but we know that there was no progress toward resolving this situation.
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>> and can i say, the democrats are giving a completely different readout of this meeting. and according to reporting by manu raju and it doesn't sound, according to the democratic readout, that the president was measured, that when chuck schumer raised general mattis and quoted general mattis about isis reconstituting the president went off and -- cut schumer off and called mattis his forther defense secretary the most overrated general. you know why. he wasn't tough enough. i captured isis. mattis said it would be two years and i captured them in one month and went on and on and called nancy pelosi a name and it got nasty and she decided to leave. so when we get more of a complete readout from both sides we're -- they're never going to agree. but it doesn't sound measures. >> we'll take a quick break but current fighters with air coverage, the kurdish fighters did most of the heavy lifting in destroying the caliphate, the isis -- the forces in syria.
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we're back with our kroi-- correspondents and analysts. elizabeth warren way up there in the polls now. she came into the presidential debate last night with a target on her back and clearly showed. watch this. >> your signature senator is to have a plan for everything except this. >> you are making republican talking points right now in this room. >> saying this is a rules problem is ignoring the reality that americans see around us every single day. >> senator warren i want to say i was surprised to hear you did not agree with me. >> i want to give a reality check here to elizabeth because no one on this stage wants to protect billionaires, not even the billionaire. >> i went on the floor and got you votes, i got votes for that bill. >> senator warren is more focuses on being punitive -- >> at least bernie is being honest here and saying how he'll pay for this and that taxes are going up and i'm sorry, elizabeth, but you have not said that. >> i don't think the american people are wrong when they say that what they want is a choice.
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>> your idea is not the only idea. >> how do you think she handled herself. >> well she was certainly under a barrage and she didn't give an inch. and she continued to say in terms of medicare for all and she supported bernie sanders but was going to figure out that there would be such a cost reduction that the american public would love it. and it is clear that that affected her campaign today because mj lee is reporting that the campaign said tonight it is starting a range of options for paying for medicare for all leading open the possibility the candidate may dif urge from bernie sanders. bernie sanders came out and said, yes, i would have to raise taxes. >> including on the middle class. >> and as klobuchar said she was dancing around and all night about it and i think you -- you going forward have to have an answer that to that question.
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>> could we have reality here. even if the filibuster is abolished, which is a big if. and the idea there could be 50 votes for abolishing all private health insurance in the united states seems extremely unlikely. so the idea that elizabeth warren is going to be inaugurated next january 20th and then the next day everybody is going to lose private health insurance, come on -- >> she's running on it. i understand that. but i think theme atticly we need to sort of have a little recognition that none of the plans will go into effect. >> you know who will not have the transition is trump. they are swimming in money that they are preparing to spend if -- well whom the nominee but particularly on her to nail her on this issue because they they think it is the best issue and obviously so many of her competitors agree because that is why they went after her. i was told before the debate that she was preparing for this. she knew she was a
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co-front-runner with joe biden and would take incoming like she hadn't before and you could see that she was kind of trying to deflect at every turn. but the fact that mj is reporting that what they thought they could kind of say and then just be done with, which is i will never sign something into law that raises the cost for the middle class. maybe it was too cute by half. >> you think the former vice president joe biden put the roefs involving his son hunter biden to rest. >> i think he hopes so and i think he tried to address it and the candidates are not looking to keep this alive. i think the issue is something that president trump and his campaign are going to keep coming back to. and it is an issue. it is an issue of appearances and i think that is one reason why you saw hunter biden do an interview with abc this week. they understand, i think now, that staying silent and the previous strategy was not really a good one to answer what are i
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think legitimate questions people ask. >> but in the spirit of what dana said about elizabeth warren and health care, just because the democrats are not attacking joe biden on this issue, this is -- the president's entire treat. >> absolutely. >> and that will continue. you're absolutely right. stick around. there is more news we're following. so what is the story behind these very serious pictures of the north korean leader kim jong-un riding a white horse. . so i use my freedom unlimited card. even when i'm spending, i'm earning 1.5% cash back on everything i buy. (shouting) earning on headphones! huh? earning. earning. still earning. always earning. i don't know where you're pointing. not that one! the big one. you can't sneak a good earning opportunity past me. in fact... i've got a hand modeling gig that starts right now. earn 1.5% cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. oooh. my hand looks good. chase. make more of what's yours. my body is truly powerful.
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breaking news. house and senate democratic leaders say this afternoon's white house meeting with the president to discuss the syria crisis deteriorated into a nasty diatribe by the president. the meeting came after the president once again denied he gave a green light for the invasion of syria during his phone call with turkey's president erdogan. our senior investigate correspondent drew griffin is looking into the president's relationship with the turkish leader as well as his kbiz -- his business dealings in turkey. here is his report. >> reporter: it is the question not even whispered any more in washington. why is donald trump allowing turkey's leader to seemingly do whatever he wants and with a self-promoting businessman in the white house, one theory focuses on donald trump's business in turkey. and point to this braggadocios statement he made during the height of his presidential campaign. >> i have a little conflict of interest because i have a major, major building in istanbul and
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it is a tremendously successful job. it is called trump towers. >> reporter: the truth is donald trump doesn't own trump towers istanbul, he owned a licensing deal and in 2008 a turkish developer agreed to pay trump to use his name to build two towers, a residential and an office building along with a shopping mall underneath. trump's daughter ivanka helped with design, picking out the finishes as trump said at the opening in 2012 but that is pretty much it. trump towers istanbul is not own or developed or sold by the trump administration or any of their current or former principals or affiliates. it is a trump property in name only and that name continues to pay him. during the presidential campaign financial disclosures by the trump campaign stated income from trump istanbul between $1 million and $5 million and last year the president's financial disclosure brought that figure down to 100,000 to a
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million dollars and a source familiar with the trump business telling cnn that he fluctuates and the condominium sales and the economy and despite telling turkish reporters in 2012 he was looking to do something else because this has been so successful, a trump organization official said that never happened. there was nothing else in turkey. there are no new projects. what has developed according to sonar chop tye is a bro-mance between turkey strong man tayyip erdogan and president trump who is envious of erdogan's powers. >> i think the reason the erdogan/trump relationship works is erdogan has a political man crush on trump and trump is in fatu ated by erdogan and his government style. >> reporter: chop tye is the director of research at the washington institute for middle east policy and just released a book. >> erdogan has build a base that
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endorsed him and in some ways trump wants to copy that model in u.s. politics but they are both strong men and want to make their nations strong. >> reporter: it is a relationship that dates back to at least 2012 when then prime minister erdogan attended the launch of trump towers istanbul and ivanka trump made sure to publicly thank him. since taking office, trump has hosted erdogan and met him in japan and they share son-in-laws who participate in governing decisions. in february trump sent his son-in-law jared kushner to turkey to discuss middle east strategy. in march erdogan admitted my son-in-law has a working bridge to kushner and dussed how his son-in-law and kushner text each other. last week the white house announced erdogan will visit the white house again next month. that was before the current backlash over trump's decision to pull troops out of syria.
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before trump imposed sanctions, and before turkey's assault on kurdish forces. now the strategy and mutual admiration is being challenged by the same issue, be strong to their base but trying to prevent yet another middle east war. wolf today the president's quotes are interchangeable with what turk's president erdogan has been saying about the situation, that the kurds are no angels and that syria and russia should fill the security voids and fight isis and that u.s. should left turkey border to turkey. wolf. >> drew griffin, good reporting, thanks very much. coming up, why these curious pictures of kim jong-un riding a horse could signal potentially something big. (melissa) somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right
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there are pictures worth a thousand words and they may, may indicate that the north korean dictator, kim jong-un, is about to do something big. cnn's brian todd is here with details. brian, these are new photos of kim on horseback. >> spectacular photos, wolf. kim jong-un is seen on a white
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stallion on north korea's mt. pectu this is the propaganda machine in overdrive. given his track record on that mountain, this is likely more than a photo shoot. there's nothing for kim jong-un quite like a ride on a white stallion on a revered mountain top as a means of inspiring his people. this time the north koreans made such an event out of it that they pulled their legendary state tv anchor out of semi-retirement to give her signature breathless news. the state-run news agency released several photographs of kim riding the galloping horse atop north korea's highest peak. it's said he was taking in the first winter snow and called it a, quote, great event of weighty importance. >> it's clear that the north koreans are in full propaganda mode. >> for north koreans, few places are as sacred. located in the north, it's the birth place about 4,000 years
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ago of the mythical founder of the kim kingdom of korea and the kim dynasty has co-opted that story. >> kim jong-un derives his legitimacy from this mythical blood line that they call it. this idea that the kims have descended from north korea and have been divinely chosen to be the leaders of north korea. he says he has pectu blood in his veins. >> i think the way to think about it is a little like camp david. it's where the north korean leader would go to reflect and ponder important moves. >> kim ascended it near the time of the test firing of the largest intercontinental missile. he went there just before giving a chilling order which consolidated his power. >> the most famous instance of kim jong-un going up there was when it was about two weeks before they executed tek in
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2013. >> that was kim's uncle who they had executed with an anti-aircraft gun. he pulled a page out of the putin playbook. the russian president is fond of being photographed on his horse, including a shirtless ride. the two men held a summit this spring. it's unknown if putin coached kim on horseback propaganda but tonight analysts are concerned about what this might foreshadow. >> most likely scenario is that they're going to resume missile tests or nuclear tests because they're unhappy with the u.s.' unwillingness to accept their demands. the most recent level talks fell apart. >> but analysts say the mt. pectu visit could also be a signal that kim could be ready to make a deal with president trump and the clock may be ticking with that. north korea gave an ultimatum that progress on a nuclear deal has to be made before year's end and trump is gearing up for a contentious re-election campaign
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where he's under more pressure than ever for a foreign policy campaign. >> isn't much of the story not necessarily true? >> the north koreans said that's where kim's grandfather had his headquarters when he was a resistance fighter against the japanese in world war ii. analysts say that area was occupied by the japanese at the time so the grandfather could not have been there. the propaganda says kim's father was born on the mountain and that a star rose above the mountain at the time but most historical records show he was actually born in the old soviet union. >> brian todd reporting for us, thank you. more breaking news coming up next. democratic congressional leaders walk out out of the tense white house meeting on syria, accusing president trump of unleashing an insulting tirade against them. we're learning new details.
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mr. trump also lashing out as republican lindsey graham who's warning the president's policy is dangerous and, quote, screwed up. giuliani intel probe. we're learning that the investigation of rudy giuliani's business dealings in ukraine is broader than first thought. tonight even republicans are worried that the president's personal lawyer is a wild card in the impeachment probe. doing the math. we're breaking down new 2020 fund-raising numbers and the takeaways from the democratic debate. i'm ask a presidential candidate, andrew yang, how it all adds up for him and his rivals. and world series bomb. the election isn't the only race transfixing the nation's capital, as the washington nationals win the pennant. will the nats bring home a victory that everyone in d.c. can support? we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room."


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