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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper  CNN  October 13, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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hisamitsu. heating up. house democrats subpoena more top trump officials ahead of a busy week of testimony in their impeach. inquiry. >> the president is violating the constitutional separation of powers. >> but as democrats rev up their presidential probe, are republican senators standing by the president? we'll talk to red state senator kevin cramer ahead. and going low. president trump steps up his campaign schedule using rowdy events to exercise his rage. >> unconstitutional, [ bleep ]
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impeachment. >> will the politics of division work a second time around? i'll speak to former presidential candidate and governor john kasich ahead. plus, debate strategy. 2020 candidates get another chance to change the race on stage this week. >> i have something that's different from all of my competitors. >> but will did be enough? presidential candidate mayor pete buttigieg joins me to discuss in moments. hello, i'm jake tapper in washington where the state of our union is just trying to keep up. president trump is attempting to defend himself on two fronts this weekend. first, he's railing against the impeachment inquiry led by democrats in the house, and we have breaking news on the conflict in syria. the defense secretary, mark esper, announced this morning that the president is now ordering most of the remaining u.s. forces to withdraw from the northern part of that country in the wake of
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unrest caused by the president's initial order for some u.s. student members to pull back from the turkish bofrdrder in syria. that removal of surface members comes amid the disapproval of withdrawal, even though some gave the green light on removing themselves from the syrians. the situation has become increasingly desperate. civilians have been killed. more than 130,000 people in the region have been displaced and horrific videos are surfacing showing kurdish civilians slaughtered. the army told the syrian diplomat, quote, you have given up on us. you are leaving us to be slaughtered. joining me now, 2020
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presidential candidate mayor pete buttigieg. thank you for joining us this morning. i want to start with president trump's move to withdraw u.s. troops from syria. you called the move shameful, but you also said the u.s. needs to, quote, put an end to endless wars. i understand you don't like the way president trump has done this, but if you were to pull troops out of syria, how could you ensure u.s. allies like the kir kurds that they would be protected? >> that's just it, it doesn't mean ending engagement around the world. often it means we help stabilize to keep the peace so conflicts don't break out. but look what's happened here. it is not even a strategy or policy. it is the president systemically destroying american alliances and american values, and that makes america worse off. look, the 21st century is going to be filled with these kinds of
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messy, asymmetric conflicts, and we need to make sure the u.s. is up for helping our allies. it's horrifying to see what is emerging not just in terms of what is being done to kurds, but in terms of isis fighters now being released exactly as we were warned would happen. we're seeing the first reports of atrocities, too. what's even more disturbing, to me as a veteran, is hearing from soldiers who feel that they have lost their honor over this, who feel that they're unable to look in the eye allies who put their lives on the line to fight with us. if you take away a soldier's honor, you might as well go after their body armour next. that's what the commander in chief is doing right now. >> so under a president buttigieg, u.s. troops would stay in syria, is that right? >> if that's what's needed in order to protect american interests and avoid a repeat of isis emerging, sure.
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think about it this way. it's very clear the way for us to get out of an open-ended open conflict with ground troops forever in afghanistan is to reposition and end up only with a very limited special operations and intelligence presence. that's exactly what we had in syria, and the president is pulling it out for no clear or good reason in a way that is not going to serve american interests, especially not with isis fighters now being liberated as a consequence of these militias being betrayed. >> the syrian democratic forces are calling on syria to intervene and stop these turkish attacks against them in northern syria. reports suggest that syria is even bracketing u.s. forces with artillery. if you were commander in chief, would you be able to threaten or use force against turkey, an ally, to protect the kurds? >> if i was commander in chief, we never would have allowed this
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situation to emerge in the first place. this is an example of how total lack of leadership from the white house has caused not only our strategic adversaries like russia or, in many ways, china to be able to do things they wouldn't have if we were showing more leadership, but also our allies. you look at the behavior of saudi arabia. you look at the bhaehavior of turkey, which is supposed to be a native ally, and clearly when the president green lights bad behavior, that's what you get. we had leverage and we could stop this. in fact, we were stopping this until the president made this reckless choice for no clear reason that is undermining american credibility. and one more thing that's happening is it's undermining the idea that america has a leadership role. under this president, america is being turned into just another country, just another country out there scrapping for advantage, not showing leadership, not in an exceptional position to shape outcomes around the world, and the consequences of that are
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terrible, both for american values and for american interests. >> let's turn to the house impeachment probe. a new poll this week show one in six americans think president trump's presidency should be decided at the ballot box and not impeachment. 58% at the ballot box. given how close we are to a 2020 election, how would you explain to a majority of americans that they shouldn't be the ones to get to decide the future of trump's presidency? >> there are also a majority of americans who support impeachment and removal. this is not something you can do by poll. this is a constitutional process to protect the integrity of the presidency itself. it's not just about holding donald trump accountable for abuses of power. it's about making sure that a future president ten years or a hundred years from now looks back at this moment and draws the lesson that nobody is above the law. and at a moment like that, public opinion is just going to have to follow the lead of the
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constitution instead of the other way around. >> i want to ask you about hunter biden, and before i do, obviously i want to make clear that president trump and his allies are lying about joe biden and hunter biden, and obviously the conduct of president trump to ask, push, whatever foreign countries to investigate the bidens have been deemed to be impeachable by democrats in the house. that said, bloomberg is reporting this morning that hunter biden is stepping down from the board of a chinese company and promising to forgo all foreign work if his father is elected president. is that not a tacit acknowledgment from hunter biden or the biden campaign that at least there was an appearance of a conflict of interest here that was valid? >> i think it demonstrates the difference in standards relative to the white house. i mean, here you have hunter biden stepping down from a position in order to make sure, even though there's been noack sa -- no accusation of wrongdoing,
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doing something to make sure there is not an appearance of a conflict of interest, while in the white house there is a walking conflict of interest. you want to talk about family members? in the white house right now you have ivanka trump benefiting if patents from the chinese, you have the president's son-in-law texting with the crown prince of saudi arabia, while meanwhile the president's sons go around the world pretending the fact that their father is president of the united states has no impact on the business dealings that they do. we don't even know if trump's removal of u.s. troops in turkey don't undermine the values. we can't count on the president to face this subject. >> he thinks religious institutions that do not hire or provide services to lgbtq
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people, charities, colleges or churches, should lose their anti-tax status. do you believe that? >> the idea that you're going to strip churches of their anti-tax status if they haven't found a way to bless their status, i'm not sure he understands the implications of what he's saying. that means not only churches but mosques and a lot of organizations who may not have had the same view of various religious principle that i do, but also because of the separation of church and state are acknowledged as nonprofits in this country. so if we want to talk about antidiscrimination law for a school or organization, absolutely. they should not be able to discriminate. but going after the tax exemption of churches, islamic centers or other religious facilities in this country, i think that's just going to deepen the divisions that we're already experiencing at a moment when we're actually seeing more
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and more people motivated often by compassion and by people they love moving in the right direction on lgbtq rights, which obviously is extremely important to me personally. >> mayor buttigieg, thank you for your time today. we appreciate it. >> absolutely. if the house did vote to impeach president trump, they would be able to determine his future as a sort of jury. i'm going to talk to a republican senator about the impeachment inquiry live, next. stay with us.
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welcome back to "state of the union." in the coming months, the president's allies and the senate may be forced to weigh the allegations against him and be called something like jurors in an impeachment trial. many of those office holders are expressing disappointment, if not lack of optimism, with him removing troops from syria. senator, thank you so much for joining me. we appreciate it.
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a diplomat told u.s., you have given up on us. you have left our civilians to be slaughtered. do you support the u.s. president's decision? >> jake, i wish it could be different, i can tell you that, but we don't like many of the president's choices. i hate to oversimplify these conflicted choices, but i think the larger question is were we prepared to stay and fight the turks given the turks seemed committed to coming across the border and establish this militarization zone with or without us staying there. the president, i think, at that point has not so much a binary choice but a decision to make of which plan do we stand with? the turks are not the kind of ally the kurds are, but they are a nato country, as you pointed out, and it's never quite as simple as just a binary choice. >> i'm not sure turkey would have attacked had the u.s.
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remained there. they've wanted to attack for years and they haven't done so. but beyond that, even if what you're saying is accurate, you're voicing support for the united states military retreating, you know, surrendering in the face of the turks. >> sure. we are retreating from that particular area, and again, the turks, while they're not the kurds, are also a nato ally. we can't be in the middle of every skirmish in the neighborhood. the circumstantial standard of the enemy is the enemy of my friend may be standard in the northeast, but i do think the president ran along the promise of getting us out of endless wars. this skirmish between the turks and the kurds is one of those conflicts that's been going on for a long time. the kurds are not a monolithic group, as we know, another thing
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we've tended oversimplify. the question becomes why isn't america's interest at a given time and given circumstance, and while i'm not all on board, necessarily, i'm one of 70 who voted, for example, earlier this year. we often forget about that, too, jake, that the president didn't wake up one day and decide on a withdrawal. he announced a withdrawal nine or ten months ago that was met about the same kind of pushback. >> they are asking most of the u.s. forces to remain because the border got so much more dangerous after he ordered that smaller withdrawal earlier this week. you're on the senate arms committee. were you informed about this? were you briefed about it? >> we were briefed, again, after the last withdrawal announcement and received more information. i felt at that time more comfortable than i did prior to the briefing. i hope that i feel better after
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i get briefed now this week when i return to washington and learn more of the details. because while there is a withdrawal, what i'd like to know is a withdrawal to where? as you know, we have several bases in the region. even though we go a little ways, we don't necessarily go far. what is the strategy should we need to re-engage? i am pleased that the president has put up -- i think it was yesterday -- $50 million for humanitarian assistance, stabilization funds, if you will. i also think the president is doing the right thing demanding more from our uheuropean alliesn area, i'm hoping to be briefed and comforted. >> sir, if you're worried about the isis caliphate, no group has
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sacrificed more to fight isis than the american kurdish allies, and there are reports that isis prisoners are now able to escape because of this decision by president trump. i mean, i understand the idea of wanting to avoid endless wars, but this decision by president trump to withdraw the u.s. special forces within the region, this has created a war now. it was much calmer two weeks ago than it is today. >> it didn't create the war. the war has been going on for a very long timely. >> you make decisions that have an effect for that day. the conflicts, we're not going to solve it by staying there forever, and i think that's the issue. what's in america's best interest, and to be clear, i support the kurds but i also don't want to oversimplify it and make it a binary decision.
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if you're against donald trump, that's going to be 100% of democrats. there are republicans and democrats considering all angles of this, and i think we need to. yes, nobody has been more favorable than the kurds, particularly with isis. in my view, i think the other problem in that is what about european allies? when are they going to step up? why haven't they taken the isis fighters from their countries? the president needs to push that issue and this may be the only way he can. >> the president apparently under fire by asking ukraine and china to investigate the son of former vice president joe biden, one of his top rivals for reelection. as a hypothetical, because i think people are concerned about the precedent this is setting, would you have found it acceptable if, ahead of the 2012 election, then-president obama had asked a foreign leader to investigate one of mitt romney's
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sons. would that be okay with you? >> well, i think if the corruption involves a former vice president or former president, an administration, but it's something democrats thought they were doing with the mueller investigation. they were pushing hard for that kind of thing. . >> there is no evidence of corruption in this case. >> other than the vice president bragging in front of a video camera about holding up a billion dollars worth of milita military's relationship with the gas company. >> sir, that's not what happened. joe biden and the obama administration and the european union and the international monetary fund and world bank and crusaders in ukraine all wanted this prosecutor who was not
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moving on corruption. they all wanted him fired, and vice president biden did say he wanted him fired, but there is no evidence that had anything to do with the gas company hunter biden was. that's a fine allegation for people to say, but that's not what you just said. >> well, i think erkd, $30 million with zero evidence as well of collusion with the russians would be a little bit frustrating. >> i guess my question is, do you think it's appropriate for a politician to use his position in foreign policy to push. . ly.
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if the political rival happened to be the president of the united states, then the question wass investigated prior to him even bringing it up. there is great integrity in his authenticity which is something people in the heartland appreciate about him. he has these discussions wide open. he released this transcript of the supposed phone call that supposedly had all this quid pro quo which proved to not be true. there was no quid pro quo in the phone conversation, so no doubt the haters will hate and they'll try to create this narrative forever and ever, but ignore the fact that for two and a half years we had to endure a russian collusion investigation that proved to actually exonerate the president. >> i don't know that it exonerated him, but beyond that, i'm just talking about this process a lot of people are concerned about, and in terms of the quid pro quo, i don't think it's been established there was any quid pro quo.
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we're going to have conversation this week with an ambassador abo about, a guy named william taylor, are we now saying the security witness and a white house meeting are conditioned upon regulations, which the european ambassador to the union wrote back, call me. so there was at least a concern that there was quid pro quo. i don't know that it's one, but i think it's worth investigating, don't you? >> if it is, it's worth investigating, and whether hunter biden used the status of his president to fly around on air force ii and gain all kinds of government contracts or positions with companies that hes it --
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>> are you incapable of answering a question whether or not it's okay to ask a foreign nation to investigate his political rivals without bringing up hunter biden. i'm not defending hunter biden and his gigs, but can you say now it's going to be okay for a democratic president to push china or russia to investigate the children or the family of his political rivals. is this now the country we're going to live in? >> i would say this much, jake. i appreciate that we have a president who is very transparent about his opinions and he's very clear about them. he doesn't try to do it co vertly. is he pushing them to do it? i don't get the sense he's pushing them to do it at all. he talks out loud, he expresses what's on his mind and people can take that and twist it any way they want to, but the new precedent for impeachment is we don't like this president that
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just got elected, so we're going to spend too much of our time to tm see us have aly. . these problems where we're surrounded by allies, we need to fix it. whether that comes from the top down, i suspect it's more than likely to come from the bottom up, and i hope that's what happens. >> carl wentz is a good football player. we appreciate you coming here today. >> yes, he is. i'm going to ask if his swing state could flip in 2020. that's coming next. get all the shrimp you want, any way you want 'em. like new sriracha-honey shrimp... ...savory grilled teriyaki shrimp,... ...classic shrimp scampi and more!
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welcome back to "state of the union." republicans in congress seem to have a difficult time addressing the allegations against president trump and some avoid having to weigh in. the same, however, is not true for former republican lawmakers joining me now. former presidential candidate john kasich writing the book "ten little ways we can avoid big change." it's kind of an explanation on how to bring change from what they're experiencing. >> when you think about civil rights, it was bottom up, not top down. when you think about women's suffrage, it's bottom up and talk down. people today are feeling like they don't have a lot of power. but at the end of the day, it's
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what happens where you live. i think it's a book that can inspire the young, the middle aged and our senior citizens to say live a good life. >> is it acceptable for any president, democratic or republican, to use his position to mess with our governor rivals? >> of course it's wrong, and nobody is asking him, are you for the impeachment inquiry? nobody is asking, they're just saying, look, is this right or wrong, and nobody will answer it. it's a mystery to me. when i went through reelection, i had expanded medicaid. and so i was out there telling people, this is why i did it. i'm not afraid of things. i'm going to tell people what i'm for.
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it is it. . it's of. >> one of the things that's incredible is this phone call with the ukranian president took place the day after robert mueller testified before congress. what is your message for republicans in the house and senate, the ones who r mpl. the president knows using it is with political rivals. many. i have a couple things the democrats should do. there should be a vote on the inquiry in the house. i don't understand why they don't do that. and i'm also looking forward to the testimony of sondland, the
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special envoy. i'm looking forward to all of that conversation about those text messages that we saw, because i think we want to get established in our minds whether there really was a quid pro quo. of course, it's dead wrong for the president to efrl. >> it's just dead wrompld. many republicans, if it's established republicans, who would say, yeah, in western ohio, president trump won your state by 216 points, as you know. polling over the summer shows vice president biden shows in the lead by eight points, kamala
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harris higher but trump is above them. is ohio at play for the democrats in 2020? >> i don't think it should be ignored by the democrats. what's happened, jake, ohio has prospered. we had a successful mpld many. it's hard for people to look around and say. if they're glg, it's about wages, it's about the afford ability of health care, it's about concerns about the environment. sfru sfrurg. whufr a candidate who they say we're going to take your private health insurance, it scares the heck out of them. but don't worry, we're going to
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live aid. you have to appeal to the basic challenges that families have sprchlt people are sitting at the dinner table and talking about their financial future and the security of thieir family ad children. >> the man is john kasich. the book is "ten little ways we can bring about change." congratulations on the book. your fifth. >> yes. >> it's going to outsell all the four others combined. is the democratic debate stage going to get a little r. many we're with you.
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there was a little girl in california who was part of the second class to integrate to public schools. she was bussed every day to school. that little girl was me. >> you're dipping into kool-aid and you don't even know the flavor. >> three attacks on former vice president joe biden in previous debates, some successful, some not so much. let's talk about all this. let me start with you. we're learning this morning that vice president biden's son hunter, who has been attacked
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quite a bit by president trump, and we should note lied about by president trump and his allies, whatever you think about the conflict of interest and how he portrays it, they're full of lies. anyway, hunter was saying he would resign from his position at a chinese company, and he's reported as saying hunter will abide by any conflicts of interest or the appearance of such conflicts, including overseas business interests. he will continue to keep his father uninvolved in his business affairs. let me ask you a question. do you think that it's fair for biden's democratic opponents to bring up these conflicts of interest in the past? regardless of the fact president trump has told lies about it, regardless of the fact that president trump, according to donald trump democrats, are more than more than.
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>> i do think when you're in a race for the top job, you're going to do what you have to do to get the nomination. whether it's fair or unfair, they're going to raise it. but i do think hunter biden is doing this at this point is absolutely appropriate. by the way, maybe they could r, anyone who runs for president ought to make sure their children are not involved, not. pack et cetera being given to ivanka trump, we have the trump boys running around the world, including to india, and taking part in events with president modi, promoting the trump business. so yeah, i think people should make sure that they don't have even the appearance of a conflict of interest. >> congressman? >> during the debate, i actually think it's not fair to bring it
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up. i think hunter biden has been inappropriately thrust into the middle of a presidential campaig campaign,less. they've been debunked, fact check they -- whether it's airmen staying on trump hotels in the united king with foreign government officials spending time talking about things, and there is plenty of things to talk about with what is or is not happening in the trump administration. >> despite what we heard in this
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morning's hornet's nest of issues, was this maybe a mistake to bring up? >> they don't want to run against biden, they want to run against somebody else, probably elizabeth warren. he's sinking, warren is going up right now. the idea, by the way that, this is debunked or non existent, if that were true, hunter biden wouldn't be taking the steps they're taking this morning. the biden people know this is an issue, it was an issue in 2014 for the vice president. i think what's good for the goose is good for the gander. >> these are lies, and i think what u nights nites us in the dc party, like pete buttigieg earlier today and kamala harris. good more hunter biden, he is
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p pug. ly i am not. and that is a sitting president of the united states. when it comes to the debate stage, i actually think dem kralts are united, that these lies against hunter biden are not acceptable, and you'll see that on the debate stage. >> if it is all lies and purely made up, why did hunter biden make the decision he fae md. what i'm saying is it certainly is not a tas i had. he had a rally and used very inappropriate language alts tt son of a presidential candidate. he's gone low and he's dragging this entire thing low. i think hunter biden did the
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right thing by saying, i'm not going to be a distraction. >> if it's inappropriate language and it's all lies. >> what is being said in front of hunter biden has to do with sitting on the board as president. the vice president stopped a corruption investigation? that is not true. thas l that is a lie. it's funny how lawmakers' feelings on oversight seems to chan change.
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the white house sent a letter to nancy pelosi suggesting that the white house is not going to cooperate with the impeachment inquiry, seemingly thumbing his nose that they were designed with three separate branches for checks on each other. there is lots of oversight on the fast and furious, the benghazi scandal. the whistleblowers, we covered them. journalists who covered and citizens who followed the benghazi scandal may have discovered that they were found
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trash talking the overall responsibilities of the house. stunning. after all, during the obama years in the trenches, pushing to conduct oversight were many of these same house republicans such as then-congressman mike pompeo from kansas. >> it's deeply a part of the american tradition and our constitution that congress perform this oversight. >> yes, it is. and congressman pompeo fought the good fight and demanded answers. >> we now know that the president didn't turn over all the documents in response to a congressional subpoena. >> sure. >> and that's just unacceptable. >> it is unacceptable, and one wonders what that congressman would make of the secretary of state who has the same name, whose department is ordering state department officials to ignore congressional subpoenas. likewise, earlier this year senate judiciary committee chairman lindsey graham told
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donald trump jr. to noirg a successf successful, ignoring the impeachment of president trump. >> the day richard nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment. >> similarly, during the clinton impeachment, rudy giuliani made clear where he stood on the matter of avoiding subpoenas. >> the watergate litigation resolved the fact that the president is not above the law, is not able to avoid subpoenas. >> now that giuliani is enmeshed in the ukraine scandal, however, giuliani has eent made it clear whether he will honor the suspect. the fact that the republican
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officials want oversight, that's correct. the fact you set those standards to other political parties and not your own, those aren't principles, they're tactics. fareed zakaria starts next. behr presents: tough as walls. that's some great paint. ♪ that's some great paint. behr, ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with interior paints. right now get incredible savings on behr marquee interior. exclusively at the home depot. the one thing you learn pretty quickly,
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10:00 am
this is "gps," the global public square. welcome to you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria. we'll start today's show with president trump's decision on syria. i talk about how it's been received around the world with pr


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