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tv   New Day With Alisyn Camerota and John Berman  CNN  October 4, 2019 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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mest frustrating thing is i have to be in a perpetual state of rage. and that is a difficult burden to bear and i'm tired of giving grace and forgiveness that is apparently one way street. >> van, bakari, i really appreciate the discussion. i think it is important and much more complicated than i think people first realized. appreciate you being here, guys. >> thank you. >> that was an important discussion. thanks so much to our international viewers if for watching. for you cnn "newsroom" is next. and u.s. viewers. text messages came out in the ukraine scandal. "new day" continues right now. this is cnn breaking news. >> good morning everyone. welcome to your kn"new day." it is friday. october 4th. 8:00 in the east. while you are sleeping. text messages came out from curt
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volker. they show how u.s. diplomats tried to acquiesce to rudy giuliani's commands. one text from a senior aid to volcker reads once we have a date we will call for a preseason brief, upcoming visit and outline vision for reboot of u.s.-ukraine relationship. another next represents the hundreds of millions of dollars withheld from ukraine. are we now saying the security assistance and white house meeting are conditioned on the investigations? a source tells cnn the ukrainian government went as far as to draft a public statement about commitment to carry out giuliani
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demands but never released it because rudy giuliani felt it deputy the didn't to for a enough. >> so quid pro quo is i give you x, you give me y. and now we see this in these text messages. also we have president's words outloud that he spoke for the whole world to see, calling on china to investigate joe biden. >> and by the way, likewise china should start an investigation into the bidens. >> cnn has new reporting on this too. it turns out this is not the first time president trump raised biden's name with china. sources tell cnn he talked about biden and warren with chinese president xi in a june phone call. today mike pompeo faces a deadline to turn over documents and we just learned details about how the white house plans to respond to a subpoena that
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could be coming today. >> let's bring in republican congressman will herd. congressman thank you for being with us this morning. have you had a chance to read these yet. >> i haven't. the first time i've seen them or heard of them was you just reading them. but this is part of the reason why i think we should be having these hearings in the intelligence committee. i believe the whistle blower. these are allegations and we have to be clear of that. but these are serious enough it warrants some of the hearings we've been having. i'm interesting in hearing from more of the state department officials and listening to the transcript of mr. volker yesterday. and today we have the icig in the intelligence community inspector general to talk further about what he knew about the whistle blower and investigations he already have
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conducted. >> and i want to catch you up and our viewers. because these happened over night. so everyone is waking up to these text mentassages. and what they show over and over is that there was an agreement that these diplomats, u.s. diplomats were trying to arrange between the u.s. government, between president trump and president zielinski. and the it was for if the ukraine would agree to investigate joe biden and hunter biden and ukraine would agree to say they were somehow connected to 2016 election interference then they would get the military aid that congress had approved. the hundreds of millions of dollars of military aid. >> the european ambassador says do we still want the u.s. to --.
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and curt volker says that is the clear message so far. august 17th. here is september 1st. the senior u.s. diplomat in ukraine. are we now saying that security assistance, meaning those millions of dollars, and white house meeting are conditioned on these investigations to which gordon sunland says, "call me." and then september 8th, bill taylor says the nightmare is that ukrainians give this interview, meaning the statement, and don't get the security assistance, meaning the millions of dollars. the russians would love that he suggests. and he would quit he suggests. are you comfortable with seeing that kind of agreement? >> of course not. and i think some of these things are indeed damning. however i want to make sure we get through this entire investigation before coming to some kind of conclusions. i think these are serious
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matters. has long-term implication on our foreign policy. i want to hear from rudy giuliani. i want to hear from the folks within the state department to put all of this stuff in context. and again let's get all the information available before we make a decision. but the things that you have read are indeed concerning. and i think as the confirmation of some of the veracity of the whistle blowers report. so this is our job on the house department select committee on intelligence to review this type of information and try to get to the facts. i know some of my colleagues want to look at it supporting impeachment. some look at it to support exoneration. i'm looking at it to find the truth. while i'm back in conversations today and the hearings continue next week.
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i'm interested to see how the white house is going respond to the request for subpoenas because there are a lot of people that should be coming in front of our committee. >> what if they stoenl? what if they don't respond to the subpoenas? >> i think the next step is what tools does the legislative branch have to force compliance? whether that is a lawsuit. but we're co-equal branch of government. and this is something that you can't always claim executive privilege to prevent giving information to congress. >> i know you said you are waiting if are the facts to come out but some things are happening in broad daylight. such as yesterday on the white house lawn the president called upon china to investigate his political opponent joe biden. >> china should start an investigation into the bidens.
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because what happened to china is just about as bad as what happened with ukraine. >> what do you think about that request? >> i think it is terrible. i think it is something that i wouldn't have done and i can go two days -- i think two days before that, wishing china congratulations on 70 years of communism via a tweet is not something i would do either. china is an adversary. china right now has a million ethnic minority, the uygurs in basically in prison camps. also we are in a tight and complex trade negotiation with china now. so you are potentially giving them something to hold over your head. and i would expect that prior to our upcoming elections. to see the chinese do something so manipulate tear currency or impact global markets in order to have an impact on the u.s. economy going into an election.
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>> what are you going to ask today? >> i want to know what knew what, when. when this information was given. i want to know what did the icig do to confirm some of the veracity to make the decision that it was urgent or not. i also want to get to the bottom of i believe under all circumstances whistle blower information should be transmitted to congress so we know that the dni missed that seven day deadline. and what was the ambiguity in the law because i want to fix that. even if the icig makes a determination that the information is not urgent or even if it is not credible, i still think that information should be transmitted to the oversight committees and i'm looking forward to how do we tighten that up. these are areas on some of the questions we'll give.
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and if icig has further information about details within the report on obviously follow up. >> congressman will hurd. appreciate you taking the time to come on "new day." >> always a pleasure. we do have some breaking news for you. details as to who is now leading the white house response to impeachment and how the west wing plans to respond to this subpoena threat today. we'll give you that news stick around.
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all right the breaking news out of the white house. we're getting word about who exactly will be leading the impeachment response inside the west wing. joining us now --. katlynn, i want to start with you on this. what are you learning about who and how the white house will respond? >> well they are very much still in the beginning process of this. something that's been pretty
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frustrating to people in the white house that its taken this long to get of the healem of this. but we're been told mulvaney and kushner are really playing essentially the leading roles in trying to draft some kind of impeachment defense strategy inside the white house. and right now lot of what that looks like are officials trying to figure the exact time line how all of this unfolded after the president's july call with the president of ukraine. they want to make sure they have a good handle and grasp on what went down, what was said and who was communicating what because they want to be prepared as they are watching these fast-moving investigations happen on capitol hill where they are calling several officials and scheduled to speak to several more. and by text messages we're seeing the interviews are revealing pretty damaging information. >> there is now a mountain of information for the white house to sift through. for congress to sift through. for us to sift through. overnight all the text message,
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dozens of pages about this very thing. quite clear. in black and white. there was an arrangement where the white house wanted ukraine to investigate joe biden and investigate the 2016 election interference and ukraine wanted millions of dollars. i you see diplomats trying to figure out how to make this happen what do you see? >> with contacts with ukrainian, the administration was seeking a quid pro quo. that they were going make a trade in exchange for getting the investigations that would help trump people and dig up dirt against biden, for example, that they would get this meeting and the foreign aid given over. that was the disagreement. republicans claiming there is no quid pro quo. that disagreement is now over. the messages make it clear that
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there was indeed a quid pro quo and it was very serious and this is exactly what, you know -- it will be very interesting to see what the republicans now say having denied there was a quid pro quo. if there were more hurds there things would be a lot better. he seems a fair minded man and open to facts. that is what we're asking for other, including democrats. bring an open mind and let's sort through but now it dispels the question whether there was quid pro quo or not. there was. it's serious and it comes just on the day after the president of the united states has now enlisted china and russia and trying to get -- and trying to build up a case to help him politically. he did that with the russians during the campaign. got together with the russian
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diplomats in the oval office and said we don't care if interfere our election. he's tried to snare the chinese, the australians, the italians. the british. the ukrainians. this is wild. it is unprecedented and it is extraordinarily dangerous. >> it was global. that run of countries you were just listing, david. i didn't know when it was going to stop. very quickly, yes or no do you agree with gergen it puts to rest the notion of if there was quid pro quo. >> absolutely. done. over. that debate is concluded. >> all right. katlynn is reporting what the white house is trying to do is now unwind what happened. these revelations seem to be coming so fast they can't keep track of them. they are trying to get their stories straight. >> of course. and the one constant of the trump white house is the enduring faith in nepotism. that, you know, the only people who can be trusted with the president's future are his
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relatives either by blood or marriage. so jared kushner is going to be apparently in charge of this. maybe it will work. he got him elected in 2016. who am i to say he won't get in 2020. >> they need to unwind this and figure out the chain of events speaks to something else. >> it speaks to the fact they don't know the underlying facts. remember the initial line of defense was that well all i was concerned about was other countries weren't paying enough. that is gone. then the defense was well there was no quid pro quo. now that's gone. presumably the defense going forward will be well there was a quid pro quo but there is nothing wrong with that. and that presumably is what you are going to hear from republicans. you know, i think, you know, my brother david gergen, is always -- you know he's so hopeful. isn't will hurd a good guy and straight guy.
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what do we know about will hurd? he'll johnny jeff flake and bob corker leaving, the only republicans who ever criticize the president is people who are leaving congress. as flake did. as corker did. will hurd is leaving after this term. let's see a republican running for reelection criticize the president. that's what will be interesting. >> we see it happen every day. katlynn, i want to sakt biact b taylor. there is one text message really telling ab how compromised bill taylor was beginning to feel. or at least how dicey the road ahead was. this is september 8th. he writes the nightmare is they give the interview, meaning the ukrainians come out with this statement and say what rudy giuliani want and don't get the security assistance, meaning all the millions of dollars. he suggests the russians love
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it. and i quit. what's your reporting. >> that is pretty explosive to come from bill taylor. a guy who's been in ukraine many times but back again after they recalled the u.s. ambassador to ukraine. and this is an even keel guy. a career diplomat. a vietnam veteran. and he's essentially threatened to resign if they don't give that aid to ukraine. that is at the center of whether or not there was this implied agreement whether or not they were going to open the investigation into the bidens and he's making clear he thinks that is exactly is going to benefit the russians. of course that military aide to ukraine is to help protect them from the russians. if you read through the messages between volker, the other officials here and bill taylor you really see how increasingly exasperated he becomes by all of. this not only there didty they say he would resign if he deidnt get the military aid.
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a question he posed to other officials, he said i think it is crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign. he really had a very different view of this than what you are hearing the administration push right now. i think that is something that lawmakers are going to be watching today. >> and very quickly, the sunland says that is not what's happening here. there is no quid pro quo. he wrote that down september 9th. >> as the whistle blower -- >> it is it was being submitted shall we say. very quickly, the white house might actively do something say which is push back and say unless the house votes on impeachment we're not playing ball. >> the white house has drafted this letter that could go to capitol hill. as soon as today. and it would daring house
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speaker nancy pelosi to bring an impeachment vote to the floor. something the white house and republicans have criticized democrats for not doing so far. and essentially the argument would be we don't have to turn over documents or make officials available for interviews unless there is a formal impeachment vote done. they are daring her essentially because they think behind the scenes she doesn't have the votes for this. democrats say they don't need that vote. and of course there are deadlines starting today for documents to be turned over. so keep an eye on that letter coming from the white house. >> david gergen. what do you think the democrat response is. >> i think is democratic response is going to be we don't have to do it. we're not doing it. it is true there was such a vote before the nixon impeachment. there was such a vote before the clinton impeachment but there is no requirement. there is no rule. and after all, at the end of the day there will be no impeachment
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unless there is a vote. that is what nancy pelosi and is saying. you have a chance to vote and everybody will have a chance to weigh in on this. i think they are using this argument from the white house as an excuse to shut down. to stonewall and to end this. end as much as they can of the transfer of information. because they just paid the price last night for transferring these e-mails and the white house is going to want to shut that down. >> all that is going to happen is that adam schiff or nancy pelosi are going add the refusal to cooperate as another ground for impeachment. >> i agree. >> jeffrey, katlynn, david. going to be another pivotal day in washington. thank you all very much. >> a what is the next move from democrats after these text messages were released overnight.
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watch shows like south park and the walking dead october 7th through 13th. and breaking news this morning. we are waking up to text messages that were released between u.s. diplomats and an aid to the ukrainian president showing how a potential investigation into the 2016 election and the bidens was linked to a white house meeting with ukraine's new leader. maybe also military as well. joining us now democratic congressman joachim castro. he service on the committee now leading the investigation. congressman thank you for being with us. these text message, what do you see in them? >> yeah, john, they are very damning. i think they confirm that there
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was military aid that was being held up. a meeting that was being held up. with the president of the ukraine. unless he agreed to investigate joe biden at the request of donald trump. and you see diplomats going back and forth in the text messages talking about that. also add that on the white house lawn the president asked china to investigate joe biden. so every day it seems like there are two or three major things that develop in the story. and the president is really digging himself into a deeper hole at this point. >> you talked about one of the text message exchanges between bill taylor, the senior diplomat in ukraine and gordon sunland ambassador to the eu. bill says i think it is crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign. and sunland responded i believe
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you are inkrebt about the intentions. >> response, it is wrong but not impeachable. what do you see to that? >> i think that is a joke. i think that answer is a joke. think about what that means in a president can ask a foreign nation to at will investigate a political opponent of the united states. means that president could ask to investigate not only joe biden but any other politician in this country. and we would be saying that that's okay. that answer is a joke. the president deserves impeachment at this point. >> nine hours of an interview with curt volker. former special envoy to ukraine
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yesterday. we've seen the text messages turned over. republicans are calling on a full transcript of this interview to be released. do you support that? >> i suspect at some point we will release it. when you deal with transcripts, you have to send it to the intelligence committee for any classified information that may have come out in the interview. but adam schiff and other committee chairs and nancy pelosi as speaker have determined to be as transparent as possible in this investigation. >> one other things we're hearing from the republican side. we heard the idea that there was no official ready --. we understand interest cnn's reporting you might see a similar argument from the white house today. they may not be responsive to requests because they say there is no official impeachment inquiry, no vote. do you think the full house should hold a vote on washington inquiry? >> i think ultimately if articles of impeachment are
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brought forward each member of congress will have to take a vote on that. >> there is nothing in the constitution about an official vote launching an inquiry. >> not at all. >> would you be pose opposed to doing that in a week and a half when you come back? >> i'm not. but given what we've seen from the president who's basically confirmed abuse of power, betrayal of the oath of his office, i also don't think it is necessary at this point. and like i said, when we bring forward specific articles of impeachment, then every member of congress will have to vote yes or no on those. >> michael atkinson, the intelligence community inspector general is meeting with your committee today. i've almost lost track of how many twists and turns there have been in the story since the whistle blower complaint was first released and atkinson deemed it of urgent concern but this is your first chance i think to delve into the substance with him. what questions do you want answered? >> we'd met with him for about
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three and a half hours previously. but at that time there was less he could say. that was before the transcript of the phone call. before the whistle blower's complaint was released. so now we want a better understanding of the range of evidence that he received from the whistle blower. and basically what it says about the president's action, what the president may have asked for and how much it conforms the information we have now. >> overall big picture when we saw the pet on the white house lawn yesterday call on china, call on ukraine to investigate joe biden, it seems the approach he's taking is sort of the jack nicholson approach. you are damn right i did. it is out there in the open for everyone to see. deal wit. what are you con certaincerns a fact this may be effective, he may be normalizing what you see as an abuse of power. >> that is definitely what he's trying to do. but just because you walk into a
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bank and announce you are going to rob it doesn't mean it is okay and make it legal. that is basically what donald trump did on the white house lawn yesterday. and most of all the united states congress can't let that be okay. and you see the american people. the support for impeachment has grown dramatically over the last week and a half or so because the american people know that the president has abused his power. it is clear yesterday that he's going continue to abuse his power. and i believe that this impeachment proceeding should move expeditiously and ultimately i you will see articles of impeachment brought forward against donald trump. >> thank you for being with us joaquin castro. >> thank you. our 18-year-old
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breaking news, the labor department just released its september jobs report. cnn chief business correspondent christine romans here with interesting numbers. >> fascinating guys. jobs growth is slowing a bit but it is enough to bring the unemployment rate to new 50 year low. the pace of job creation looks
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like. 136,000 in september. a little light of what economists forecast but you saw upward revisions in the summer. still the unemployment rate the lowest since december 1969. so more people are working. people are coming off the side lines and looking for jobs. where are they finding those jobs? business, healthcare. again and again we're seeing job creation month after month in these areas. but manufacturing stumbling here. and this is important. when you look at the president's trade war as it is really beginning to take hold these tariffs and higher costs for businesses, you can see what's happened to hiring in manufacturing. a real reversal of trends we've seen earlier. the pace of job creation is slowing down. on average about 160,000. that makes this the weakest job creation since the great recession in 2010. futures barely moving. world markets barely moving. we'll see what investors think about this. but for now what we know is wage
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growth, 2.9% the lightest in about a year. you are not seeing a good job market in the paycheck necessarily but people are still getting hired. >> low unemployment is a headline. very low up employment. something else going to be this week and plays into what you are talk about manufacturing. people are looking at the manufacturing growth numbers and seeing it near recession. >> a contraction in manufacturing two months in a row and that is really worrisome. manufacturing is about a 10th or 15% of the size of the overall economy. but is that starting to spread in the overall economy what we're seeing in manufacturing? we got a -- it might be. the services sector is growing but not as strongly as we would like. starting to look to see if there are cracks in the overall economy after ten years of economic expansion. >> thank you for explaining all of those different numbers to us. houston playing tribute to a
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pioneering sheriffs deputy with a heart of gold. thousands of all faiths came out to honor san deep daliwal. >> reporter: on the day of a funeral with the sadness come memories. >> this shall be forever, forever his day. >> reporter: memories are those of an ie icon reflected in the thousands that came to pay their respects. the first officer of sikh faith in the sheriffs office in houston. >> i told him. san deep, the policy is ready. but i want you to know that this does not mean you have to do this. >> but he did. becoming the first officer in harris county to wear his turban
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on the job and grow his beard out as is custom within the sikh religion. >> it will give me a chance to open up the conversation. >> reporter: he became an inspiration. >> the way he donned a turban on the job with his uniform he looked royal. >> going make sure first responders and the citizens of the county are taken care of. >> reporter: to the people he served. he was a friend. so his friends he is family. >> reporter: late 2019 everything would change. now commissioner garcia gat got a call from the sheriff. >> he said it is san deep. >> during a traffic stop in
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northwest houston. >> i lost hi hear. i miss him. but he's here with me all the time. >> he's up there with the angels because now he's an angel. >> now there are other sikh officers in harris county. all of them carry on the extraordinary legacy daliwall now leaves behind. omar jimenez, cnn houston. >> that smile there. that did change lives. what a legacy that is. we're learning the white house is drafting a response to the threat of a subpoena as these text messages seem to reveal a quid pro quo. what does this mean for the impeachment investigation? carl bernstein joins us next with the bottom line.
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bernstein. great to have you. >> good to be with you. >> what changes with these texts? >> i think we now see suggestion and maybe more of a suggestion of a real conspiracy, led by the president of the united states and his lawyer. to undermine our electoral process through involving and intimidating a foreign power into extorting a meeting with the president of this foreign power whose country is trying to hold off the russians, our enemy. so what he's done is he has mortgaged our foreign policy to his own political interest. this is a grave grave moment. we've never had a president of the united states who mortgaged our foreign policy interest to what is going on against an enemy in a foreign country. and then our other great adversary, china. the president of the united states yesterday openly got up and called on china to
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investigate his political enemy and likely opponent or possible opponent running for president of the united states. we are in a new place. where we've never been in which we see the conduct of the president of the united states willingnder mine the very forei policy interests of our country. >> and the question is who is "we" in that scenario? because those of us sitting here reading the texts certainly see it in black and white. democrats see it. are you convinced republicans see it? >> no, no, i'm not convinced that many republicans on the hill see it, am i convinced that they see it, yes, am i convinced that many republicans on the hill are willing to say they see it, no. and that of course, is a great difference between watergate and what we're witnessing now, because in watergate a lot of the heroes were republicans, who called on nixon to leave office, who thought he had committed high crimes and misdemeanors, and voted in the house judiciary
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committee for articles of impeachment. we now have, we are also witnessing something we did not see before, which is a meltdown by a president that was demonstrably unhinged and certainly i thought the republicans who do use that word, and they're concerned about this, more than concerned about it, almost to the extent that they're concerned about the underlying conduct of the president of the united states, because we are watching in realtime. we've never seen a president go off the way trump has in the last few days. you know, when the mueller investigation was revealed, trump said, and it's in the mueller report, my presidency is over, and then he same i'm f 'ed, this is a terrible thing, and then he became unhinged for a while in public. nothing like this. this is even more extreme. >> and watergate, president
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nixon refused to hand over the tapes. >> correct. >> and today, the white house, the subpoena for the white house to hand over documents that it sounds like from our reporting that they are not going to do that. that they're preparing a letter, kaitlan collins said, that they will make the argument, that first nancy pelosi has to vote on the impeachment inquiry before they hand it over because they don't recognize that the impeachment inquiry is happening. parallels? >> the real parallel is that the nixon tapes are somewhat the equivalent of those conversations summaries that are now in that highly-classified locked digital lockbox. they are somewhat equivalent because what we've seen of one summary suggests this conspiracy. suggests this high crime perhaps by the president of the united states. and nixon was ordered to turn over his tapes because of those kinds of suggestions. so there's some real comparisons
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of evidence that is being withheld now, that the watergate investigators were able to obtain. >> and which they were not, became article three, which is to say you're not giving us what we want. >> that's exactly right. and that became another part of the conspiracy and the coverup. let's be clear here, we are watching a coverup. we are watching a coverup by the president of the united states, and those closest to him. >> and there are other things they're not covering up and saying we did it which is another interesting aspect of it, so this is a duality to their response which we will talk more about in the coming weeks. carl, great to have you on. >> thank you very much. and here is what else to watch today. >> so i can buy from enterprise car sales and you will take any trade-in? >> great. >> there you go. >> well, it does need to be a vehicle. >> the good stuff is next. >> we need it.
5:54 am
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5:56 am
[upbeat♪action music] (pilot) we're going to be on the tarmac for another 45 minutes or so.
5:57 am
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ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. okay, time now for the good stuff, we spotted a rare unicorn in centerville, ohio, let's take a look. there, that is a rare unicorn. it's a multi-colored unicorn. this unicorn is trying to stop speeders near her kid's school bus. she has been suiting up as a dancing unicorn and asking people to slow down for two years and kids and bus drivers love it as do other moms. >> i didn't know what else to do. a lot of people slow down and crack up laughing because there
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is a seven-foot tall unicorn waving at them and laughing. and a lot of moms who deal with the same thing on their streets honk and wave and they stop and say we support you. >> i didn't know what else to do, she said. the obvious thing to do is dress up as a unicorn. i find that is the answer to just about everything. >> why aren't we doing that? >> police are less excited because they worry her dancing and costume might distract other drivers. >> i didn't know law enforcement has an issue with unicorns. today is world smile day. and as you know, many kids are born without the ability to smile. they have a cleft palate or facial deformities. operation smile has been working around the globe to help them. so today is the day that we celebrate them. you can go to operation smile's web site, and find out how you can help get a kid a smile. >> you've done a lot of work with that organization and it's wonderful. so listen, there is breaking news all over the place this morning. we've had these text messages released overnight. which seem to suggest in black and white a quid pro quo. we also have the inspector
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general for the intelligence community set to speak to congress in the next hour. a very special edition of cnn newsroom, with jim sciutto picks up right now. a good and busy and cons convention morning to you. i'm imsciutto in washington. poppy harlow has the day off. the breaking news this morning. an explosive set of text messages underscoring what this impeachment inquiry is all about. u.s. diplomats appear to have offered a white house visit to the president of ukraine, in exchange for an investigation into the 2016 election, and into joe biden and his son hunter. the messages were revealed by krurt voker who until recently was in the state department, a special envoy to the ukraine, a senior ukrainian aide even told volker they had plans to announce the investigation and a visit. we're quoting here. once we have a date, we'll call for a


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