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tv   New Day With Alisyn Camerota and John Berman  CNN  October 4, 2019 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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investigating the 2016 election and bidens. one text from a senior ukrainian aide to kurt volker says once we have a date outlining vision fo that hired joe biden for its board. another text from a senior diplomat referenced the hundreds of millions of dollars that was withheld from ukraine. here it is. quote, are we now saying that security assistance and white house meeting are concernditionn investigations, end quote. a source tells cnn the ukrainian government went so far as to draft a public statement about its commitment to carry out these investigations but never released it in part because rudy giuliani did not think it went far enough. >> i give you this, you give me that. that is the essence of a quid
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pro quo and this will be the center of the coverage this morning. but there is more. less and less is hidden in the shadows here including new reporting on the president out loud for the whole world to see, you're damn right i did, call on china to investigate joe biden. >> by the way, likewise, china should start an investigation into the bidens. >> cnn has new reporting on this too. it turns out this is not the first time president trump raised biden's name with china. two sources tell cnn they talked about elizabeth warren at a phone call back in june. this comes as mike pompeo faces a deadline today to turn over documents. the white house could be slapped with a subpoena if it doesn't comply today. and just hours from now, the man who turned the whistle-blower's complaint over to congress briefs lawmakers behind closed doors. let's get to the lead story. these explosive text messages
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released overnight. suzanne malveaux live on capitol hill. >> reporter: really there's no time to sleep. this is what we got late last night. we're talking about pages and pages of text messages. and what do these show? well, the pressuring on ukraine over the bidens. the former u.s. special envoy to ukraine kurt volker met behind closed doors with investigators for more than nine hours. house democrats releasing text messages provided by volker. president trump wanted slath mir zelensky to agree to launch investigations into former vice president joe biden before me meeting with the newly elected leader. volker texting the top diplomat andre mirvak writing, heard from white house. get to the bottom of what
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happened in 2016. we will nail down date for visit to washington. according to president trump last month -- >> there was never any quid pro quo. >> reporter: but senior u.s. diplomat in ukraine bill taylor questioning if that's the case. texting on september 9th, i think it's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with the political campaign. more than four hours later, ambassador gordon sondland responding. i believe you are incorrect about president trump's intentions. the president has been clear, no quid pro quos of any kind. the texts also revealing how close rudy giuliani was in setting up the call between trump and zelensky. the whistle-blower complaint alleging volker held meetings with giuliani where in one according to "the washington post" he warned giuliani against trusting information he was receiving from ukrainian political figures about biden and his son. >> if volker had said to me that
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my sources were incredible or wrong, any of them, i would have immediately said did you do an investigation? because i really wanted them to. >> reporter: republicans insisting volker's deposition showed no wrong doing by the white house. >> not one thing he has said comports with any of the democrats' impeachment narratives. not one thing. >> the administration is in an even stronger place today than they were this morning. >> reporter: earlier president trump making this stunning suggestion. >> china should start an investigation into the bidens. because what happened in china is just about as bad as what happened with ukraine. >> reporter: and doubling down on twitter despite his pending impeachment inquiry. writing he has an absolute right. perhaps even duty to investigate or have investigated corruption. and that would include asking or suggesting other countries to help us out. >> the president has confessed to his violation of his oath of
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office. and right then and there, not too much inquiry. >> reporter: today is deadline day for the white house to turn over its documents related to the president's phone call with the ukrainian president or face a house subpoena. democrats drafting that memo earlier this week. we're also looking for the inspector general michael atkinson who is going to reappear here on the hill behind closed doors to talk about -- give details about why he felt the whistle-blower's complaint was not only urgent but credible. >> suzanne, thank you very much for all of that. we will read more of those just-released text messages and explore what they mean to investigators next. you wouldn't do only half of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently? listerine® completes the job by preventing plaque, early gum disease, and killing up to 99.9% of germs. try listerine® and for on-the-go, try listerine® ready! tabs™
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help stop the clock on further irreversible joint damage. talk to your rheumatologist. right here. right now. humira. all right. breaking news and get used to it all morning. things are coming out every minute. there are new text messages that have come out while you were sleeping that show u.s. diplomats coordinating between ukraine's president and rudy giuliani to leverage a white house meeting in exchange for investigations into the bidens and an investigation into the 2016 election. let's bring in elie honig and bianna golodryga. let's read some of these text messages. this is to gordon sondland and kurt volker. this is from kurt volker's cache. here's what gordon sondland says. do we still want zelensky to
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give us an unequivocal draft meaning a statement that he will investigate 2016 and baresma? two weeks later, this is to bill taylor. are we saying security assistance and white house meeting are conditioned on these investigations? that's when the ambassador gordon sondland says call me. >> i love that. you see why prosecutors love this kind of evidence. it's a gold mine. because you see the actual words of the actual players at the time it's all happening. you can't spin it after the fact. it's in text. it's preserved. so talk about a quid pro quo. i mean, conditioned on the investigation? that's english for quid pro quo. you get this, conditioned on me getting that. and the best part is, call me. which is translating to, of course it is but don't put it in a text, genius. so these texts are really incredibly valuable, i think, to giving a sense of what's going on here.
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they understood it was this for that. >> preet bharara wrote overnight, all week i've been saying you never see direct written evidence of a quid pro quo. i stand corrected. >> it's all out there in the open. >> it is. and there are two separate quid pro quos if that's the plural in latin here. there's number one which might be the military aid which you read bill taylor saying, are we really saying the investigations are hinging on this aid? and the other thing that really developed overnight, bianna, which is the idea that zelensky is not going to get a meeting with president trump which is so important to the ukrainians unless he plays ball. and this is p-203. this is a text from kurt volker. heard from the white house. assuming president z. he will investigate, we will nail down date for visit to washington. good luck. see you tomorrow. kurt. assuming president d. convinces
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trump. i think elie will tell you that is the language you use in a quid pro quo. >> exactly. and it wasn't enough for zelensky and those around him to tell trump and giuliani, yes, we will do this. we will investigate over phone conversations and meetings, privately, right? they needed this in a statement because they wanted to hold this as publicly, the ukrainians saying we will be investigating baresma and the bidens. why? as you mentioned, zelensky desperately wanted to get a meeting with donald trump in the white house. that sends such a clear message to vladimir putin. let me tell you, vladimir putin is the winner in all of this. he's the one who invaded cry mia, annexed cry mia. you need the public support and backing which any u.s. president would do in a situation like this.
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to show we are on his side. he didn't get that which is why he's saying privately, look. we're investigating. this wasn't enough for this administration. they needed proof. >> so bill taylor, this u.s. senior diplomat says on september 8th, the nightmare is that the ukrainians give this statement, make this statement that they'll be investigating what happened in 2016. in other words, it'll be on them, not the russians. and don't get the military aid. don't get the security assistance. the russians love it and i quit. again, you hear people feeling very compromised about this position they've been put in. >> you can see them starting to sort of circle the wagons. how are we going to spin this? how are we going to put this in the public sector? because they're aware that this is not okay. that's why they're coming up with public statements. how do we put this out there?
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how do we explain it? who's going to win and lose. what jumps out to me is the singular focus that all these people understand the president has. there's no talk of he wants to clean up ukraine. he is a corruption buster. he wants to make sure other european countries are paying their share. all these cover stories we've heard are blown apart by this, they all know donald trump wants one thing. >> it's not just the bidens they want investigated. they want the ukrainians to implicate themselves. this conspiracy theory it wasn't the russians who infiltrated and attacked our election system. it was all out of ukraine. so that's what the president in that debunked theory that we had tom bossert say there was no truth to that. others around him constantly telling the president, there's no truth to this. the one person that was promoting it obviously our emissary to ukraine unbeknownst to us, rudy giuliani. >> those may be two different things though. investigating ukraine's role in the russian investigation may be
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conspirator i can't tell and tinfoil hat, but having them investigate your political opponent is a different level. there is evidence in these text messages that that part was a requirement to meet donald trump -- >> to get military aid. >> to get military aid or a meeting. to get anything. to get something. and rudy giuliani according to volker's testimony, we understand, yesterday wasn't satisfied until the ukrainians wrote down or spoke out loud were investigating baresma which is biden. >> it makes a difference legally as well. everyone's been saying it. i will say it here. you do not need a crime in order to impeach. you can impeach based on an abuse of power. getting the information on the bidens is arguably election aid. this is the upcoming 2020 potential opponent of donald trump. if he's digging for dirt on joe biden, he's trying to influence the 2020 election. the hillary clinton stuff is
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conspiracy theory, it's looking backwards. it's probably not a crime. but the biden stuff absolutely could be. >> we keep saying if. it happened. and we've seen it. >> all right. elie, bianna, thank you very much for helping us go through these texts. >> we were just talking about what the text messages also show which is rudy giuliani's central role in all of this. he hangs over the text messages and we're getting new details about what he did in the testimony yesterday. we'll explain next. hi, i'm dave. i supply 100% farm-fresh milk for lactaid. it's real milk, just without the lactose, so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive. delicious. now, i've heard people say lactaid isn't real milk.
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text messages linking a ukrainian investigation into the bidens and the 2016 election to a white house visit. quid pro quo. the president's personal attorney rudy giuliani appears to be at the heart of shaping all of this in these text messages that were released overnight. joining us now is joe lockhart. he was president clinton's press secretary and in the war room during the clinton impeachment and trial then. we've seen the text messages released overnight, joe. and we've also got reporting out from cnn and "new york times" and others about what kurt volker testified to yesterday behind closed doors. among other things, volker reportedly said that giuliani was behind the whole idea of the ukrainians making a definitive message and when giuliani read or was told about the message they were initially going to deliver, giuliani said huh-uh. not enough. not enough. he indicated to mr. volker that
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it was not sufficient and ukraine should be asked for public commitments to investigate burisma in 2016. burisma means biden. >> you said in the intro, it is the smoking gun on quid pro quo. but i think the important part here is you had various parts of the state department sitting in one place. when you say rudy, you mean trump. because trump is exercising his wishes through giuliani through a separate, you know -- >> a shadow secretary of state. isn't that what we see happening here? >> so, you know, i think rudy will have to explaining to do and will be grilled at some point up on capitol hill. but we shouldn't lose the point that he was exercising the will of the president. what the president really wanted here. >> i think it is -- i recommend that everybody go to, read through these texts yourselves. it is a page turner. it is fascinating to watch how a
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country that desperately needs money can be manipulated by rudy giuliani who was not in the government. he has no official title. he was operating as a shadow secretary of state where he's telling them here's what you have to do in order to get this $400,000 in military assistance. surely, joe, when that happens, that -- you know, there's all this legal debate about is this wrong, is this illegal? this can't be how it really works. >> well, it is how it really works. and if you're sitting in ukraine and you see -- you'll see reading these text messages, there's a number of players here. the ambassador to the eu, ambassador taylor. they don't represent the real power. what rudy was able to do given his very public relationship with the president was he was able to go into ukraine and say, i speak for the president. these other people, they speak for the american government.
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i speak for the president. and there's a big difference. and it had an impact. look at what ukraine is doing. they're doing what is asked. >> they're starting to investigate the bidens. >> it's the quo here. >> let me just say it's not some freelance giuliani operation here. kurt volker was involved. his motivations, we don't know. but he was involved. the ambassador to the european union also involved. so the apparatus, the structure, the system is supporting the president's political goals here if you follow these text messages. and the release of these text messages significant, also, as they happened overnight. in response to how the republicans handled this yesterday. they said nothing to see here. nothing he said bolsters the idea that the president did anything wrong or this investigation is in any way valid. how do you sort of reconcile
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these text messages with the claims? >> well, you can't. and jim jordan is going to his political career so closely tied to donald trump that he's either going to sail into victory or go down with the ship. i think the interesting thing yesterday and you have to go back to early in the day which now feels like weeks ago when trump doubled down. and he said, you know, not only should ukraine do this, china should also. and that was a strategic shift. we've been talking this week about -- and i've been saying their response -- trump's response is unsustainable. because these text messages were going to come out. things like this were going to come out. couldn't have predicted it this clearly. now he's in a position where i think he feels much more comfortable, which is i did it. i'd do it again. and -- >> i am doing it again. >> i am doing it again. and my whole essence as president is i break the rules. i break the rules to get results. and that gives cover to guys like jim jordan and mark
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meadows. the problem is it gives -- it exposes these republican senators to a really hard situation. particularly the ones who are up. you saw joni ernst yesterday criticize the president in iowa. she's up. cory gardner, the head of the campaign committee is going to have to say something or he's going to lose to john hickenlooper. so i think trump is in, you know, legally he's in unchartered territory. but politically he's back in the place he loves which is i'm different. i'm different for a reason. and the rules don't apply to me because i'm donald trump. >> you're so right. that pattern we spelled out before which is i didn't do it, yi i didn't do it. then evidence comes out. all right, i did do it and i'd do it again. >> the whistle-blower complaint is somehow flawed, we almost don't even need the complaint any further because it's not. >> that is the nonsensical defense of the republicans in the first week. not only did the
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whistle-blower -- everything the whistle-blower say was corroborated by what limited evidence we had, it was corroborated by the president on the very first day of this. so they -- you know, again, i think what you'll see now is the hard core trump supporters in congress and trump are going to get very aggressive on this. nothing wrong here. this is how you get results for america. it's nonsense. but it's nonsense that at least their base can consume and be comfortable with. and that's, you know, this is the terrain we're going to fight on. >> and here we are. joe, thank you very much. overnight the new text messages have been released. they reveal a quid pro quo. these are not, perhaps, all of the text messages that exist. but these that we will read to you are fascinating. more of our breaking news ahead. so why treat your mouth any differently? listerine® completes the job by preventing plaque, early gum disease, and killing up to 99.9% of germs. try listerine® and for on-the-go, try listerine® ready! tabs™
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dozens of people have been killed in baghdad as violent protests there spread. iraq's prime minister now calls protesters' demands righteous and the government needs to do more to battle corruption. arwa damon is live for us in baghdad with more. what's happening, arwa? >> reporter: good morning. yeah, that death toll up to 38. among them, 35 demonstrators in these protests that we've been seeing over the last few days. so far relatively speaking, at least in the capital, the situation appears to be calm. that is because the government has imposed a curfew. people are not allowed to go out into the streets. despite this in some neighborhoods this is what
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demonstrators have had to resort to. they are attempting to go out in smaller groups. earlier in the day today, there was some brief sporadic gunfire that was heard, but we do expect potentially people to attempt to take to the streets once again given that they have just about ended right now. and it seems at least from the people that we have been talking to that the prime minister's promise to address the protesters' concerns is not necessarily going to be enough. the iraqi population has heard these promises from various different governments before. and they are simply put, fed up with this status quo. this is what they have been asking for for years. an end to corruption. this country is sitting on one of the world's highest oil reserves, largest oil reserves. and yet the population itself has very little trickle down of iraq's oil revenue.
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they want an end to corruption. they want an end to unemployment. university graduates here can barely find work. and they want their basic services to be improved. there's still widespread electricity cuts and it is sweltering hot. the concern is if this unrest continues to further develop, that could potentially destabilize iraq. as we know very well having reported for years in this region when iraq is destabilized, the region is as well. >> no question about that. i'll take it. we're talking about decades now of destabilization and decades of frustration as well. thank you very much for that reporting. a huge night in sports with baseball playoffs and a thriller in the nfl that went back and forth to the final seconds. carolyn manno has more in the breacher report. good morning. >> good morning. it was an electrifying thursday night. if you went to bed early like john did, shame on you. don't worry. i've got you covered. the seahawks and rams in a big game. russell wilson is off to the
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best start of his career. this right here, his first of the night. perfectly placed pass to tyler lockett in the back of the end zone. look at that. what concentration to keep both feet inbounds. ridiculous. fourth and goal here late in the game and wilson bookends his night with a juggling near drop from chris carson to give seattle the lead with less than two and a half minutes left in the game. rams offense, though, showing some signs of improvement on thursday night. jared goff led his team into field goal range. but greg zuerlein. he made his previous three kicks and he misses the 44 yarder. the seahawks hold on to win a thriller by one. the victory and the agony. meantime, game one of the national league series. cardinals rally. carpenter sliced a fly ball down the left field line.
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brings in the tying run here. this is not the flashiest at bat, but the most important. st. louis would go on to add four more in the ninth. marcel, two-run double breaking a 3-3 tie. the cardinals stun the braves in the game lasting over four hours. if you're a braves fan, might have felt a little bit longer than that. playoff baseball just getting started. quadruple header today including two games on tbs as well. so plan accordingly. everything underway after 2:00 eastern. still time to call in sick, i think. >> don't give john any ideas. thank you. okay. up next, a 2020 candidate is here to give his read on these new text messages that have just been released. we'll be right back. (groans) hmph... (food grunting menacingly) when the food you love doesn't love you back,
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breaking news pl while you were sleeping, text messages were released between u.s. diplomats and the ukrainian top aid. this is about president trump's demand. let's bring in steve bullock. he is also -- he was the state's, well, former attorney general. good to see you. >> great to be with you this morning. >> put on your attorney general hat for a moment. you've read through just some of these texts that had been released overnight from kurt volker who is the special envoy. what do you see here? >> and the attorney general, it's not the president's
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lawyers, the people's lawyer. and what i see here, really, is that you have the notion that we've asked the president with one thing. this is more than sort of faithful execution laws. we put all the power on the president to speak on our behalf with foreign countries. and you can't use that for personal gain. and, you know, even what he was saying yesterday. when he's asking a foreign leader to take actions to benefit himself, not the nation, this is crossing that line. >> and dig in if we can. this is from july 19th. good, had breakfast with rudy this morning. teeing up call with yermak monday. must have helped. most important is for zelensky to say he will help investigation and address specific personnel issues if there are any. most important is for zelensky
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to say -- again, as a former attorney general, someone steeped in the law, this seems like a quid pro quo. >> even take a step back, john. when he spoke to -- when trump spoke to the president of ukraine, he said i want you for my personal lawyer and the attorney general. i mean, the idea that you would direct more or less another president to speak to your personal lawyer and attorney general to do your bidding, it is becoming clear that this aid was conditioned. all these discussions, the meeting was conditioned on actually taking actions to benefit the president. not to benefit our nation. >> it goes on and you can hear in this one the discomfort of some of the diplomats. this is 209. bill taylor says, are we now saying that security assistance meaning all of the millions of aid and white house meeting are conditioned on ukraine doing these investigations? and the u.s. ambassador to the eu says call me. as the attorney general, if you got a transcript of a phone call
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or text from people that said something like this, w what wou you think? >> even when the president was on the lawn yesterday saying, sure, china. sure, russia. his expectation is all of these foreign heads of state and think about the negotiations right now. farmers across the country are counting on that. but the investigations to do his bitding, not our nations, i was slow to impeach. right? it wasn't until ukraine came out from the perspective. i didn't want to make the next year and a half about donald trump. but skip politics. put politics aside. >> as you said, you were slow to impeachment. you were the governor of a red state. is this still a hard sell? >> well, i think -- and that's
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one of those things. it is bigger than politics now. it is the future of sort of this notion to represent democracy. i think we have to recognize walking out of this, still a third of the country that believes this is a scam to go after donald trump. so we need to do this in a way that's very thoughtful and judicious. not every day on television, but get the information and move forward with the information. because at some point, somebody's going to have to heal these divides in this country. >> but are you hearing from your constituents in montana from montana voters, are they comfortable from where we are now? >> i think as you've noted, every single day there's something new that evolves and is coming out. i'm not sure even not just -- i'm not sure the entire country is comfortable with the idea of this time with impeachment. but i think it's one where this is one congress can't follow. they actually have to lead and do that work. >> so cory booker before the end of the third quarter now famo
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famously said i have to raise "x" amount of dollars or i'm getting out. you, you're not going to be in the debates coming up. do you have some kind of bar you feel like you need to cross? some threshold you need to meet to stay in this race? >> my bar is really about four months from now. as the early states come in. we've seen time and time again, you know, that it really is -- it's iowa and new hampshire and south carolina where i'll be this weekend. to take a big field and narrow it down. while there's so much attention on the, you know, on the presidential campaign, most folks and most voters really haven't even tuned in yet. >> that's incredible. so you're basing your decision on whatever happens in iowa. >> yeah. i look back to 2004. john kerry was at four points 45 days out. al sharpton was beating him. he won iowa, it changed the whole thing. time and time again, and iowans have said it. only 20% have committed so far.
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>> always great to see you here in studio or anywhere or in montana. great to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> next time i'm in montana. all right. president trump saying it out loud calling on china to investigate the bidens. and now cnn has learned this is not the first time the president has mentioned biden to china's leader. we have details next. ( ♪ ) only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. tylenol®.
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all right. the breaking news is this. these new text messages released overnight that show u.s. diplomats coordinating with ukraine and rudy giuliani to leverage a white house meet iin for investigations into the 2016 election with the bidens. this for that. quid pro quo. >> don't leave out the text messages. >> there was also a new reporting on trump's public call in the open for china to get involved. >> china should start on investigation into the bidens. because what happened in china is just about as what happened with ukraine. >> okay. i know learned this is not the
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first time that president trump raised biden's name with china. joining us now, jim sciutto who was part of the team that broke this story. jim, why don't you tell us what you learned? >> so along with my colleagues, we already knew that president trump mixed domestic politics with ukraine. we know the president mixed politics as well in u.s. interactions with china of course in the midst of consequential trade negotiations. bringing up both joe biden and elizabeth warren with the phone call in june of this year. and in addition at the same time, also bringing up those pro-democracy protests in hong kong. that he president trump would not mention those protests. a remarkable pledge to make for a u.s. government that normally is on the side of human rights in this kind of situation. you have him again bringing up
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with a world leader with u.s. national security. in addition to that, we know that the records, the transcript of this phone call with president tru president xi in june, was moved to this classified code word protected system. an effort within the white house to restrict access even among administration officials to the content of that call. and you and i have talked about this at great length. beyond the content of the call, why the enormous effort to conceal the consent of that call even from members of the administration. >> jim, the very idea of asking china to investigate anything, why should that ring major alarm bells? >> it's amazing this has to be said. china is an aauthoritarian state. it has no rule of law.
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it prosecutes political enemies in the country. the u.s. knows this. i spent two years in the country. i spent decades covering it. i've spoken to the victims of china's legal system. it is not a legal system. so to have -- has pointed out china as a bad actor but to have a sitting u.s. president, to call on an authoritarian country with no credible rule of law, to investigate a political opponent is just remarkable. and i think the fact that we have not heard and we've made an effort. i know your show has made an effort as has the network cnn to ask republican lawmakers if they have any objection to that to hear not a peep is a remarkable stay to play. china is not a country anyone trusts to investigate anything credib credibly. and we have the president asking china to do exactly that to a political opponent. this is where we are. it's 2019. >> jim, about that other
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computer network, that code word protected network. are we certain that there was nothing of national security import in these transcripts that have been moved to that other network? is there any reason that now we know that these calls would be in that network other than just political sensitivity? >> listen. no. at least the administration hasn't credibly given that explanation. we know this system has previously been used solely for conversations that have highly sensitive intelligence included in those -- during the iran nuclear talks. makes sense you want to keep that to a tight group. but for politically sensitive information, this isn't been
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used for that before. it was not just to keep that information from coming out in the public so you and i are talking about it. it appears it was to be kept from members of president trump's own administration as the whistle-blower complaint shows folks in the administration saw that these comments particularly in relation to the ukraine call were ones that were embarrassing, damaging. that is an unprecedented use of the system. >> and in the midst of a trade negotiation, will the chinese now see this as a shift in those talks? jim sciutto, terrific reporting. >> thanks, jim. the impeachment fight is heating up in d.c. but how does the prospect of impeaching president trump play to voters? well, miguel marquez went to michigan, a state president trump flipped to his way in 2016. watch this. >> reporter: all-important mccomb county, michigan, has impeachment dented the president's support here? did you vote for the president or clinton in 2016?
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>> the president. >> reporter: the president. are you still just as happy with him? >> no comment. >> reporter: some of the president's supporters are on the fence. but most we speak to see impeachment as little more than politics. >> i think it's a lot of just people don't like him and they want him out of office. the left and the media. >> reporter: john scance voted for trump in 2016 and had concerns early on. six months ago he thought biden might be an option. now he says the push for impeachment has him supporting the president more than ever. >> they are there for one thing now and one thing only. and that is to impeach the president. >> reporter: but democrats here say moving forward with the impeachment process could sway voters to their way. >> i think so. i think so. because i think people in mccomb county want to see what's being done, see the right thing being
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done. >> reporter: obama won mccomb and michigan twice. trump easily one mccomb and flipped the state by a razor thin margin. >> and who won the state of michigan after decades? >> reporter: the county critical to both parties. republican strategist jamie roe says the drive for impeachment will only help re-elect the president and republicans. >> if they're going to try to impeach him on this ukraine business, they are driving themselves straight back to the minority in the house. >> reporter: paul kanan with the michigan democratic party says while impeachment is important, democrats also need to keep their focus on the issues. >> we need to be talking about what affects people on a day-to-day basis. and that's those blue collar pocketbook issues. >> reporter: miguel marquez, cnn, mccomb county, michigan. >> it is so helpful to get outside of our new york city bubble and go out and talk to real voters and see how they're feeling. >> i'm glad there are real
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voters in new york city. and i think it was a mistake to say that voters here and other -- >> that's a good point. >> but i think it's interesting to hear people on this. i think you can't keep up with it because there's new developments every day. we received the text messages after that story. >> miguel, get out there and report back. there are so many breaking details on the ukraine controversy. "new day" continues right now. >> all right. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "new day." quid pro quo. it's a latin term that means something for something, or this for that. you do "x" for me and i do "y" for you. preet bharara writes, all week i've been saying you never see direct evidence of a quid pro quo. i stand corrected. corrected because of text messages released overnight. and that is the breaking news. these explosive text messages
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revealed by former special envoy to ukraine kurt volker shows how they tangled a white house visit in exchange for ukraine investigating the 2016 election and investigating the bidens. one text from a senior ukrainian aid reads, once we have a date we'll call for press briefing, announce upcoming visit for the reboot of u.s./ukraine relationship including among other things burisma, that's si mon mou -- synonymous with joe biden. another text from a senior u.s. diplomat references the hundreds of millions of dollars in u.s. aid that was withheld from ukraine. this -- are we


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